-BOWMANNVILLE, APRIL 17, 1895. THEB SPRAYING OF FRUIT TREES. Ou Tuesday morning asta sMr. A. H. Pettit,ot Grimsby, sdciressed a meeting iu the Council Chamber, ou tie above subjeet. A large number of the Fruit Growers of Ibis section were present, aud al seensad pieased witb tie speak - r's reinarks, wblci contaiued a lot et valuabie information on Ibis suljeet. W. F. Alun, Eeq., was voted te bbc clair, whu aller à tew remarks minro- ducad Mr. Peltit, who l3 a praclicai Fruit Grower of-large experieuce, aud a great deal cf the information given îs frein personal experienca. The apple cop cf lie country, lia ciaimed was net what it ouvht to lie, as wbie thora were over 7,000,000 applo trea in Oui- tarie lha export trade was very ssil. Tu is on acceunt of the fruit being se nilxed sud ils lieing se scabby. The latter caoulie remedied by the spraying proc-esa. As an experimeutlih sprsyed eue row of tracs in bis own orcbard sud lof t anoîher row nnsprayed. The spray- cd row bad liriglit touage sud was load- cd wibli e choiceet tuit,while the un- sprayed ow iad poor touiage sud yield- ed but Ibrea baskets et poor appies. Anelier' axpriment 'was where lie sprayed eue ide et somne Irces which bsd net borna fruit for iglit years. The sprayed idaeoftheiatrea yieided good iruit sud good touiage, whie the other ide et bbc saine trees were quita tie reverse, What applies te lhe apple trea lib is respect wiil aise apply te pear, :plum, cherry aud peacci rees; raspberry, currentt and goosaberry bushes; grape vinas,as weii as to tomnate, strawberry, poîsto sud calbege plants. Wbsî inlores ail these Ibinge le the fengi sud inscret. Iu spraying, a pow- artel purnp, s good nozzie sud a gond agibator is preferabl,as il requires con- siderabie force be mako a very fine spray, which sticks tote bebaves baller than in cearse sprsyiog. 0cr rcliards are net sufficiently cutivated. Apple- loyers will ell yen good fruit is te ha fouud aviere Ibere lias beau cltivalion. 0cr systein cf liuying sund sippiug is aise lad. A loyer perdisses large trseks et orciards sud thon dees not gel lhe fruit pr. perly packed. Il is loftù lu the open air atter being piuked. Then wieu bthe fruit is placed upon the market it is touud t10 linl a poor con- dition, sud thus pricas are lower. We iu Ontario are living lunbthe home cf fruit, sud by raisiog the standard we eau gat $2 s barrai for apples wiereas we gel but $1 uow. Ha wouid net ad- vise farmers te drop tiseir ordinsry ines for fruit, but tieuglit il would psy thein te setloenta five acre field, No eue varieby et apples ean le reons- mneded foi- gmuwth aIl over the pro- vince; oaci iocalily ougbt te chooise sncb a1 hardy sudn îprofitable variaîy asewill lie best adapted toeoaci particular clmmate., Ha elîaýveýd muci et oui- snilfruit i,-en, is-nos wasted Could le xpote by cldstoragýeý When 3preparing biC mitrsfor spray ing nover trust toos spocons, as tboy vary in sise. GO Lby weigil-ouncee or pounde. Mr. Peltil sunounced bial bthe Min- ister of Agriculture liad arranged for a delegatien te visil certain pointa in tie province witli a view of giving lessons in lhe spraying ot fruit trees. The delegation bafi divided bthe province in- te blrea districts, aud thase districts were se laid eut that eue point in oaci couty wlil ho viited six limes, sud oaci tino a day 'sililiec speul in lie oua place. The exact date et tic viil et the delegation bore will lia givon laber on. A cemmitteaet Messrs. W. J. Bragg, B. Werry, J. Stanley, Ridi. Osborne sud Jos. Jeffemy, 'sera appointai te select an omhard for the deegation to eperate on lu Ibis ocality. At lhe conclusion et bis remamks, a vote of lianks was tendered te Mr. Petbit, sud lie meeting adjoumned. Below wo publiali an exact copy et thie spraying caiendar whilci Mr. Peblit recemupended for use. Il gives the solutions reconsmended for sprayiog purposes, iew ho mix biens, sud wheu the y are te ho spplied.- SOIJT ONS RECOMMENDED. 1. Coppor Saiphate Solution,. Copper Sulpiate--------. ..1 lb. Waler-------------......20 gai, To lie used only before the huda lieraI, sud nover b lie spplied ou the touiage. Wlîcn applied lu peadia trees use 25 'galions et walar iusbead et 20 gallons., 2. Bordeaux Mixture, Copper Sel piste------..5 Ibli Lima (freali)---------...4ils. Water-----------....40 gsi. appie rees, 250 for pluns treos, anti 300 for peaci I-ea. Wien used upon nos cih rees adId 1 Pennd et lima le lie mixture.- Wben paris gieeu le added le lic, boîdeaux mixture te torm a coin- bine0 insécticido sud fongicide add 4 ounces te every 50 Lyallons oethfe bor- deaux mixture. 5. Ilellebore. White Hellebore (freeli). . 1 oz. Water................ 3 gai. 6. Kerosene Emuision. Hard Soap ........ .....1 lb Boiling Water. ........1i gai Goal Oil............... 2gal. Af ter dissolving the soap in the water sdd the coal oi! and stir well for 5 te 10 minutes. A syringe or pump will as. sist mucli in this work. Dilute with frein 9 te 15 parts of wataer. 7. Pyrethrum. Pyrethruma powder (fres).. .1 oz. Water................. 4 gai. NOTES. 1. When there is danger of dis. figuring fruit with IbhA bordeaux mix- ture use bhe ajumounal copper carbon- aIe solution. 2. Paris green and bordeaux mix- ture may lie applied together as well as separateiy. sud thus save tino. 3. Paris green la te lie used for in- seces that chew, and kerosene emulsion for these that suck tbe j uices of plants. 4. Prepare the mixtures well, apply ehem at the proper lime, and lie as bherough as possible in the work. WIIEN APILIED. ArrLE-For scali, codling molli, bud moth-First application, copper suipli- ate about the time lieds are swelling; second application, bordeaux just lie. fora biossoins open; paris green for bud mebli, when buds open; third appli- cation, bordeaux and paris green, when blessoins have falleo; fourth ap- plication, 9 to 12 days sfter, bordeaux and paris green; fifth application, ber. deaux, 10 te 15 days later. PEAR-For leaf bliglit, scali, codling rntb first application, copper sulph. ste ithen lieds are swelling; second ap. plication, bordeaux and paris green, atter blossoins have fallen; tourîli appli- cation, 9-12 days atter, bordeaux sud paris green, fifîli application, -bordeaux 10 15 days later. Pium-Fer rot, etc_, sud curculi- Firsî application, copper sulpliate lie- f ore buds open, second application, ber. deaux snd paris green as soon as bloss- omse fali; third application, 9.12 days after, bordeaux sud paris green; fourtli application bordeaux 10 20 days later; if tih application, amnmonical copper car- bonate 10-20 days later,. CHERRY- Fer rot, aphis, slug-First application, bordeaux as the lieds are bresking, If aphîs appears kerosene emulsion; second application, bordeaux wli fruit bas set; forslugs dustîceaves with air slaked lime. Hfellebore als.o gond against slug; third application, bordeaux, 10 15 days after, if rot ap- pears; fourth applicatioù, ammonical copper carbonate 10 15 days later. POTATO -For bliglit and beetes- First application, paris green as soon as beeties appear; second application, bordjeaux, wbien P1411t9 aboUt six luches higli; third application, bordeaux 10,15 days later; fourîli application, repeat if neceýssary in 10 1.5 days. CUREAINT-F'Or wormys sud nmildew- Fir-st application, paris gr ean or bellie- boýre for worms;ý seconda appliý.catio beliebore 10 datys later for wormsjj, bor- deaux for ildaw; third applicationýï, liellebbre if necessary for werms. OABBÂE-Pyianthruni may lie isp- plied in solution or dusted on, 1 part byretbruin te 6 8 partis fleur.- PEAcui-For rot, mldew-First ap- plication, copper sol phate betore buds swell; second, applica tiona, bordeaux lie. fora fie wers open; thîrd, applicationbor- deaux, when frui his set; fourîli appli- cation, ammonical carbonate, when fruit is nearly igrewn; fifîli application,. cepeat fourîli 5 10 days later. 1GRAVE-For mil dews,et c,flea beetle - First application coorper shîphate wben budas swell, paris green for fias beetîs; second application, bordeaux, when leaves 11 incies in diameter, paris green for beetie thîrd application, bordeaux, wbenflowers bave fallen,psris green for- beetle; fourtb application, bordeaux 10- 15 days later; fifth application bor- deaux, 10-15 days later if disease ap- pears If f urtlier applications are necessary ose ammoniacal copper car- bonata. RAsPER-Fer authra.lnose, rust- Firat application, Copper soîphate lie. fore bodis break; second application, bordeaux if mast appears during som- mer; third application, bordeaux, if the trouble appears te continue; fourtli ap. plication, the only remedy as yat, for orange mast is te cut out diseased plants. GoosznxRxx-For mildew sud worms -First application, bordeaux as seon as leaves expand for mildew, ballebore *for worms; second application, bor. deaux 10 15 days later. Worms as bie- ore; Ibird applicarion. ammoniacal copper carbonate 10-15 days later. if turîlier treatmont requirad for mildew repeat third 10 15 days ister. TOMAT-Fer rot, bligbt---First ap- plication, bordeaux, as soon as rot or bliglit appears; second application, ber- deaux. if trouble continues; third ap, plication, bordeaux if necessary. STRA wERnR-For rust-Firist appli- *cation, bordeaux when first fruits are setting; second application, ammoniacal coppar carbonate wlieu first fruits are ripeuing; third application, bordeaux, wben fruit is taken off; fourtb appli- cation, bordeaux if trouble continues. A HapyOhoce AFTER 25 YEARS. A Wise Mother Chooses the Riglit Medicine, and Her Son Tells of Its Wonderful Effects. GENTLEM-EN, lu the spriug et 1891 1 gel s bottie et B. B. 13 fer my motfber, who bad been troubled for 25 vears with Sick Hleadache. I gel il frein Mr. H. Paxton Baird, of Woodstock, N B , 'Who gave me two otber medicines te taka bome sud lot my mother lake ber choice. For- tunately she chose the B, B, B., sud .i returned the other bottle,9. $ho used ; for îhree moîths aud liars hb ac ïbeadaclie since. We ara sure il was B. B. B. cured lier as s3he tcok neollier niedcie. J ONATIIAN A. GRE E-, Hartford,N.B Cou cli, Johusion &ý_ Crydermian are showiÀng s big aso omnfetal k1inda ýof calrpets sund at prices wblcb cannot li" e boston anywliere in Canada. JESUS AO MARY A Ploasîng and lYarvllous Record froff a Cîty Educatiollal Institution. Testimony of the Highest Possible Oharacter. LICENSE DISTRICT. -OF-- W/est Du rham.1 Thl BgBagan IN'SU GARIS at Mason's Business Change Sale wil conltinuie District Notes. Mr. Thos. Bye of Hope is descd aged 80-brother of Mr. GJhas. Bye, Port Brit- ain. SW. T. Bray, son of Mr. Solomon Bray, Township of Hamilton, feu fromn a sicigli loaded wth wood and broko bis neck. Death was airnoat instantaneous. My friend, look here ! you know how weak and nervous your wife ls, and you know that Carter's Iron Pis will relieve bier, now wby noti be fair about it sud buy hier a box. Go bourg Poultry and Pet Stock Associa- tion lied a surpl us of $3500 after paying ail exeenses. Twonty-one tramps roosted in the Port Hope loek-up Fridsy niglit. If you are nervous or dyspeptie try Carter's Little Nerva Pis. Dyspepsia, maltes you nervous, and nervousces makes you dyspepticl; either one rendors' you mîsorable, and thesie littie pis cure botb. The wjdow of the laie Rev. Dr. Brediin Methodist Minister, bias ramoved te Go. bourg. The "North King" will commence bier regular season trips on April 29bh. The great favor in which Ayer's Pis are held ail over the world lias been well earned. They are easy and even pleasant te take, and for ail complainte of the stomacli, liver, and bowels, are the safeat and moat tboroueb medicine in! pharmacy. Every dose effective. At a Toronto laboring gathering tbe statement was made that thora ara now 20,000 idie men in that city. Has the N. P. made yon rich? ' It is said that Elliott Bros, Kingston wfili on account of the raise in cattie, make between $20,000 and $30,000 out of the stcck tbey bave on baud. NERVOUS PEOPF-And those who are tired out sud bave that tired feeling or sick headache can bce relieved of ail these symptoins by taking Hoods Sirsaparilla, which gives nerve, ment il and bodily strength and lboroughly purifies the blood. It also croates a good sppetite, cures indigestion, -heartburn sand dyspep- a. llood's Pis are easy to take, easy in action and sure in effeet. 25c. Ors tbe information laid by Inspecter Ferguson, J. M. Brooks, keeper of tbe Oriental hotel, Port Perry, was sUMMOn- cd liefore Police Justice Jno. iNott last week. Mr. Brooks admitted having sold iu forbidden heurs, and on Saturday was ordored to psy $40 and cost, Ibis being beld as a second offanca, lho having been previously fined at Oshawa. Henry Ward Beeclier once informed a man iwbo came te bim complaiuiug of gloomy and despondent feelings, thal wbat ho most needed was a good cathartie, meaning, of course, auch a medicine as Ayer's Cathartie Pils, every dose being effactive. kThe offering of oats at Ontario points ,,ave greatiy 'à-creaàed thépast Weel<and prices are 1 te 112 cents lower. Everything la cheap in Manitoba. At Brandon butter elî1s at 10 to 12" cents per lb; eggs, 3 doz. for 25 conte; beef, 4 to (; cents pacr cwt; dressed, .2 to 2ü ents live W eigbt; pork, -3 cents d.reýssed , 21 cents live weight. The biousýe oet George Hendren, at Noar- wood, u as entered on Mondacl;y, and $30 in cash atoien. A note for $60 was sîsýo aken. A womau wbe is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who bas cold bands and feet, cannot feel and set like a well parsen. Carter's Iron pis equalize tho circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength and rost, The News says the McKay farm, east of Pickeriug village, offered for sale by auction a week agi), wbich contained soine 150 acres was bid up te $6,800 before lie- ing witb drawn, while the O'Connor place south ef the village, and containing soe 120 acres, was bïd in at $4,400, The latter place was purehosed by Thomas Willson two years ego for $8,000, wbie R. J. Davidson paid soma $14,000 for the McKay eue when ho purchased it. Both farins are now in the bands cf the Ontarioe ban and Saving Company, Osh- awa. People are surprised at the large pareels they are gettirig for $1.00. Just think, 40 lbs. of fine Yellow Sugar for $1.00 or 10 lbs. for 25ets. While people are surprised at our prices for Sugarls, they are amn- azed et our prices for clothing. Just think, a good Canadian Tweed Suit for $7.50 to order. A good Elack Worsted Suit to order, sack coat $14.00. Cutaway $15,00- Boy'sand Men's Suits-ready made-at and below Cost. Spring Overcoats-buy now. We ai-e willing te lose on thern. Men who have bought in Bowmanville for 50 years say theY Lever saw suei bargains before. Bo0-ots & *Shoesk. Scores of people ]ast week aftei- due inspection prououneed ours the R EA L BAR G A 1N S Ail we ask is a fair field. Sce ours before you buy and We do not Lear the resu It. See our box of Polish Buttoned and Balmoî-als, were $1.50, 110W 75 Cents, Ladies' Don'g Tics for $1,00 worth $1,50. Tan Ties 7c, worth $1.25. Priec-s of Boots have gone up but ours is down to z ro. We shial nor, allow anythiDg- to interfere with the success of. this sale; everythuîîg must go. Prices quoted last w'eek will be continued this week. T5 G. MASON, C1ot1iing~ 1~ Jl J.MASO N, Dry Gjooc,ý. CHINA H-ALL Sugars cheap for cash. o CRANULATED U SrAR o Ér -1 lie% f% Paine 's Celery Compound and Its Tvr îe~~r19-.~for G o od. 'N~Tor. Publi Noti, is herehy iven, as presei-ihOd Ote S. I ~ "ne LguerLice"se Ad.' thatametnii.-NÇ I ______________________________________0 ote errf Licensoii Commissioers for the II~U. I Licenso District of West Durham, wtll be hoid ilIUIRI' in the COIJNCIL CHAMBRE, BowmanvîUO, 1 ' The Sidtr-workÎllgtathe TUESDAY A PRIL 23RD., 1895, ______ iloner-orkig ldiCi6i" anda the heur of Tan clock, a. M., te onsde aplctonsfr such liceuses as have heen s. S. EBSAIL. Villied forw iirhin the said District fer the AET - E FOLIOWING, FIRST OLASS Its Use. ~~~~liceuse yesr 1895-6. RNFO ogAt ~Lrollgy Recomelld Is Use.Mary E. MoChesney. who is net a licensea OIVNE under theAct, lea a plcn e a Beer ad New Vor Li'el Ieurnce ce"uiplus of$ M11000000t Wine License. fopromappie iftuate noar ihte This recunmulatllO Plie c etame mUore 'u atee G. T. R, Station in the village of Newcastle, thanauY r o1îcY eseued byany oter c.Pa.y, whilo sud which la net DOW under license. at the camne tune the e !ic 5 ce 1plete absence Of Onu Ttal number oflicenses issued lu the District ditieus. The Su Fire Inlsurance Co. of London, the meileduring the prekeut year la là, viz: oldest purîly i ne Co. in the WOrld fWtronNY lDued i beinte world bas evor earn-' Canada sud the United States. Bowmnanvlle-3 taverus. Abeshair a ou nîcllurau'e ahee or revaived the high tarndb tiaietPaie'sCeiry Darlington-2tavemus. f-e AIT kL Afte hruhtiafPesCler Boa mani lle Vraise that bas justly accorded te, Paine's, Compound lu tbe bed lbouse, by sisters atrigt-3 tvre Cýelery Compound. Testimonials (many wb uf romreithe troubles that make Neva t bavero sud 1 Beer aud Wine. ----4 t ---i. --- tf ,be Whounesu.i auhetieîy1udClarke-1 taverne. .nV h/(I questionable veracity) appear oaci week, bmnlt iaalsdsen i ml Total nuinher of applications' for licou se y ~ i Sof a advcaiu tb ue t mdiins, orbbssgrand resultg-lieslli, viger, strengtb audi-Wïthn ibis District fer the eusuiug year 16S vis:l avctn husofmdcns otlst rong nervesil avas deemed advisable Bowmanville-3 taverne. e sudet e yluete he icksudsufcrig~in the luteresîs et suffcring bumauity, 10 Darlingtou-2 tavemus. Paine s Celery Compound stands oun k a declaration that would give coin- Cartwright-3 taverne. One ouiy 6 mnonths, sutnmit etfainme, far romioved frein al lie tort, s^,urance sud hope te ail sufferers in Nettcastle-2 taverne sud 2 Beer aud Wine. P li h deceptive medicinesoet lieday. Itl bteralIhe iand. The sisters bave kindly aud Carke-1 taverne. et testimeny cerne freinthebeolet people,gacou i wrîî as follows Il le the riglit aud privilege of so to or sud freminslotitutions wbose naines are more electors of aoy poing Subdivision te synonymeus witb houer sud uprigituess. I"We teel il s duly te add our testimony oject by petitien, or lu any imelar mnner, iu favor of yeur "wonder-working" Paine's to the granting of any license withiu such tub- Amoug the large sud noled institutions Cmpdidvision on grounds set forth lu the "Liguer wbose people bave beeu blessed by lie Cbr .Mn isess ife- cense Act." Any sucb petition muet ha lodg- curig sd belig vrtus e PanesCoiing frein debiiity, dyspepsia, sieepiessness cd with the Licouse Iosvector Dot later than l inan e l g I etule HI ainessuClad indigestion, bava beau completeiy Thursday-April l8th. 1895. ory, i t eonvent fth oy Nms"rloe 0trtkn f whieh al persoos are requested tote akes rDIES, useRocks hefaShoea Poliel for iu the city ot Mon trealreevdaerakgil. notice or d govero theinselves accordingix. dCide, IeBos n hc This tliorough sud magnificently equip- "We shall strengiy recommeud ils setiLRcOBERT NsOXt Lraies attn peev helahrsu ePe i n s t i t u t i o n e tuie a m u isgt hi s s m o gm LR O e R KN O X n s , âL adt e i n e t re d C l r v t s ef lu e a tB o o t sa n d he e s ped institutinnail our bouses asaIbegbesthmedîcinte te Orene, April 2nd, 1895. îîable. -wil îeave apouash likelsS.tin, Fer largest et the kind on Ibis continent, sud restore bealîli, sud give toue sud viger te -8Leb ot n hedaes sud bas over tiirty brancb lieuses lun 1te lie nervott systein." Miusrd'a Liniment Cures Burns, etc. 1 aeh'Bo u hadaes agars in proportion. ,DOCH'S OLD STAND >0 BABYLÂANDi for April has a pretty frontio . piece by McOullough, "An Ester Letter' the "lletter" a cunning bit of verse. Just the thing for littie folks. 50 cents a year, 5 cents a number. ALPHA PUBUISHINC, GO., BOSTON, MASS. Tiais is CONCENTRATION. -Ono r '7 a dose, one box 25 cents. One pili rÉf '-17es constipation. One box cures an omdýnary case. Ove pili taken weekly neutralizes formation of uric acid in the blood anid prevents Bright'a Kidney disease and Diabetes. True only of Dr. Chase's Nid, ney-Liver Pis. F NARM FOR SALE.- A first class 1aroe -Vof 125 acres or 145 acres situated In the township of iEast Whitby lst con, lots 15 and 16 on the Base Lina, about iý miles from Osha. wa station. 2 miles frein Whitby and 60 rode fromnthe ichoolhouse. Lareferoomy buildings% main barn 95x36 f t, plenty of' fruit. sofl cday leam, altogether onoef the bfi, grain farine on theLaka Shora. No huis o-,stoes. Abou,. 10 acres of wood. 75 acres in z,.ësture and freh seeded. Termseasy. First plowing douai, For furiher particulars apply to A. ANNis Oshawa. 37 If, Take K. D. 0. for sour stomnach and ick hoadache. FOR THIS WEEK,