TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUTM. NEW SEIRIES, OUR TOWN AND COTJNTY FIRST; THI,, WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES Ern'rOR AND PROPRIETOIR. BOWMATNVILLE, OiNTARIIO, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3, 1895. VOLUME XLI. Nu~iEiER 14. SPRI 1eNG For some time past COUCH, JOIINSTON AND CIýYDEIRMAN have been opening out and marking off the importations of iNewi Spring Goods, and they are no-w show~- ing Ne-w Prints, Zephyrs, Girsghams, Ducks, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Cloblis and Worsteds; Parasols, iDress Goods, Lace Oirt-ains, Curtain Muslijs. Cai pets ot ail kinds direct froni the makers, both in English and Canadian. LADIES ATNIN We bave a very large stock in the very latest styles of Ladies' Spring Jacketsand Capes Imported direct fîrom Berlin, Europe. VA IEY ANO VALUE We have neyer before shown such a large and choice lot of strictly Dew goods, and feel sure there is no stock in West Durham that will begin to com- pare with it either for extent, variety or value. THEilO GBH ÉCOUNT1 There is a great deal said these days -about seli- ing cheap, but it. is evident that only those can sell eheap who can buy chea.p. That is ou r position, wve are cash buyers and are always w'illing to compare values with any buse, no matter wvhat their preten- rtions may be. Grocers' due bis taken as cash. COURHIuJHNSPl'&,CyD E RMN BOWMANVILLE. DIPENýSING aCHEMïISTS, ManufacturerS of the following 1 1seasonable -goods: Binge's Compound Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Col'ds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, etc. Cream of Witch Hazel, for the' H-ands ,Fac e,Skin and Complexion, Soothing, Healing and Softening. Agents for the Germicide Inhaler for Catarrh and Cold in head. Ten days trial free., ÎYine Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Çhà-mois, etc., always in stock. Are You Aware' 0f Thîs Fact? YOUNC & GO., BOWMANVI LLEe Are selling Groceries, Provisions, Fruits, Teas, Flour, Feed, Crockery and Glasswrare, for OÂSHE and at SPOT CASH PRICES. They will save you money. Produce taken as i3Cash. g3Murdoch's Old Stand. MA PLE GROVE. Mr. Philip Tyler, Hampton, has moyeà to his farta hure. Wulcom . . .. The S. of T. have begun work on their now hall ...Successful wood bee and quiiting et Mr. W. Foley's and wood bues at Mr. W. Beckel's and Mr. Robert Moore's lest week .... Mr. John Crumnb bas engaged near Scarboro for the surnrer .. .. Mr. C. Cox has hired Mr. G. K. Macshane, Salem .... Surorise party et Mr. William Jeffery's laýt week. .,. A littie guust et Mr. Ed. Power'-a daughter.. .. Sick list: Mrs. S. Cole and Mise M. J. McClel- Ian; Mr. John Mitchell isnÎrnproving. PimpLEs.-There is no more annoying trouble of a chronme nature nor a more stubborn one to dueal with than pimples, the remote cause of which is known to bu nutritive debility. While *rapid grow-ch improper food, errors of bygiene and mental exbaustigrn, may tend to favor the development of these disfiguremunts, the cause must bu dealc with to effeot a radical cure. Tbough tîme may bu necessary for the curing of this trouble, it has been proved conclusively that the continued use of Eseljay's Liver IozenRes wili accomplisb thu dusired resuit. Those af- ficted with this coniplaint should buy thern by the dollar's wortb. They are sold et ail drug stores et 25 cents a box or 5 boxes for a dollar. .a A YJJOIV. Four wood bues this wuek ...Miss Maud Ashton and Annkie Brimacombe have returned from Oshawa .... Mr. Alex. Soper gave a good report of County S. S. Convention Sunday week..Several in this section are joining the Sons of Eng- land et Tyrone .. . .Mr. T. Mountjoy hied a suice taken off bis finger in a turnip cut- ter lately. Mr. George Cowling will be his foruman this season.>, TUîE TitJTH OUGURT TO BE KNOWN.- Rev. T. Dunlop, Alliston, Ont.: "Your K. D. C. bas done eh it cdaims f0 do. Two members of my family have been wonderfully belped, though, so fer, tbey bave used but onu package. This ie the first testimonial I have given to eny remedy, but the truth oupbt to bu know n." Old men and wornen, young men and maiduns sbouldtest our wonderful remud- les. Thuy prevent indigestion and cure dyspepsie. Samplus fre to any address. K. D. C. Co., Ld., New Glasgow, N. S., and 127 State street, Boston, Mass. Savedl Her Life ~ur~~I OernHr~sand - -.~ Eu ulusCure ï 19;î,'2, 1 wasrcery sick SIl,,-y 1 gof Lc'ter ,Lfut ws - ~ ~ ~ ~ h PAYcI.Ai'G.i saida 1dîd, T tneoturprove, thes ab- . t rdi-cil-I a-cc vilmore frceey * - -i tr cmonitas. tiare three opera- - r-i i - . i tub'es L.sertcci te carry -b-t ai l n-'in.riiîalny if -' r- -, ire cipendod uponanotlîer r ci cti -Irrust Le remoruci te tihs - A-ctt Vr c veeks prunelle te fibis j--ed ancw lcerti r ment in tire Daiy "ccc iloo(Ils Sarsaparilla bcd i , ltsimi1anly affiirfed in -, Jrld rr-:eto give it a triai. q,,_,uà up' a for me te go te the r , -. Ie l i',eeii takýing 1ilood's Sar- i bt.t a , reks. i Wan E3tting p etn and thc- a'uscess bail aireaciy bugan te discicargu ies3 freely. 1 feit stroager andi had a terrible appetite. 1'rrviousftîlieIslhaS gieu p tedii,. Vllen 1Ih'adl taken tiie second bottie 1 wae able te sit uic anti a'corduîrgly I was nef falcen te fixe inospitliri Stic" fiai operation vas dfrred. NewlI iave takeii six liotles anti the abecese bis eîtircly Iealeti. I aini wll andi go every u hrs My fi,îcîrris tiniîrki ea miracle te bave nle res, It-e t ti' agaix se healtj.iy and eveli ccr--ina lookcs thabefere My ricknesse. 9 Feel Botter Thnn Ever 1 511 lana.y life anti ceigb orer 130 pounds, the LxasirMy Ilt. I do a btg dy'e work sud ',m gairrng ta strengtli urery day. My mother corried anS wonitet lierseit almeet sick la car- iig form'e. Sire lias since taken Ilood's Sarsa- c- nu-a. andi if bas done ber rach gecti. Wu -- o od's Sarsapanilla. te erurybody, for I1tioi it S aved My Life. i-n 7yeam iii andt a straîrger te look t MIaS c; nivoudrot thin'k 1 e-rer bad a day's sick- ira,3. Loettis doctors are surpriseS at the of Roet 10015Sa-rsaparila irmy case. ?ccclre1-r a"d myseif coatinue to faku the medi- regnlary anS cure e cinergualyad eearnestly tecommunS oosSarsaparilla." MES. MOLLIE Wa' uT, 568 West Eiglituenf h Street, Chicago, -Illinois. Cornobonates the AluoVe. . Cb lood & Ce. Loweil, Mass.: "liar Sire: - I Sm a drng cierir sud have soidl mrs. Molie Wendt many 'cottles et Hooc's Set- sapr-rilld. andi eau rertitythat sire cas cure-S by irE lse- offi." F. C. BILLE11BEiJU, 530 WuSt Eiglrte-eufh Street, Chricago. I-ood's plille cure liver !tls, isundice, 'bil.- 2Éu;uess, sick huadache and conStipation. 250, On "tesdt7ay eVeninsy Marcb 26th, while Mir. asud MIV . J L. Parsýons a d fanuly were -rjoy ng ea family re-union at the es id- , 1eù Jhn Irekin, E-q ,(fafber of Mrs, Ps -, 1 conienquAut (nleaving bhis r ec jon M,-'1 Parsons havir g r-nfnd a large f>-,,,ai ser Pickering village, a cerm- notion ýs isdby ipers ,ne ca-h ring session. ,f tice b use". Af, e or u ions Mir, sud re T. R. bar led forwerd Mir. îpd.ir. Parsons aud placed tbern in hie R -,. A C. W3 e n os hýd ord- or and addreseud 11r. sud Mra. Parsons on the tour great - notable -,r c s of thuir life--birtb, bapfism, nierriege aud bue preýeut. He called upon Mr. H C. Boar o in a few wo-cds reviewud the meyaD y yuars aasooated as scbolars and ieachur in Bstb-ýàa Sabbath School, n sang rebhersal, eî.d service as members of the cor Epworýh a d o urcb nemblubp, ssertiug 'and comrnending thoir ea,>rne-st and consistent christian charactrs and thon requested Mise E M. F'i9Idiug lui behaif of Salem Lgague snd Mies Georgîe Cole for Bethesda, to un- veil arn easy chair for Mr. ParAons sud to ie. Parsons (they haviug eutered the 1Slb yesqr of their wedded life) s parlor lampsd (prospectively), a dozon silver platud kivs as 8ligbt tokeus cf the'rus- pect and sincere esteinir whýcb bhey are held amoug the numurous fritrde lu this viciuity. TIn the absence of IMr, W.J. R y, Mr. W. G. Ruudle rtad t~ addreesa Short speeches were msa y NMessrs. T. R. Hoar, G. A. Stepi-ic,R. H. Collecuttsud others, et- t-sting to Air. and Mrs. Paersons' moral wortb výnd regrets that tbhiy were remov- :nga fro»i our midef. Mr. Parsono rus- ponided for bis partuer sud himself wîth nucb hig stating thet it was au un- tire stlrprise; sud siucerely tbauked the friundF, for the rnany kind words sud beauti ' l_ sud, useful . preseute, wbich would ev-er bu rernembered in conuction wîtb fle ýýmany joyous yeara speut bera. 11ev. Mir. Wilson followiug re-afflrrned thuir (consistent membersbip during bis paFtor;te suadail joiued in siagiug a verse of tbat prayerful bynin, "God bu with yen, i î 'w-e met egain. " The company rladspr.e-1 theisxelves through the comrnodious sud conifor'able resideuce. Refermetsw oe servedi from well-iill- ed barJýets brougbt by the friends supp!e meutetl from the ovfrtloWing larder of the licane. About 100 persouna vere fed until fully sptified. The tirne passed uleix ansd happdyîîu social sud friondly infr-c, ntil afier imidni4ht. A&il havip ~ecd -d mchà enj ymet rpturn- 01 f0 AXx'ir bonie cs - asdwitb the uveii sputtogether. JNotaý -The Edif or regrets thet spacu this vî-ek wîI1 not admit publication of the ad-iress whb bas ben sent us, suad joins týhe ,nerous frjxuds cf Mr. sud Mrý:. ga-rsors i0 best wisbes for prosper- ity in :hir uew homp. Tb' y will fiud ne butter people soya-hure than those fbey leave lu Deliugtou, but Pickering people are -(,a ly as good. CO URT1UZ. Miïs Mary Courtice, Brockliu, is viait- iug ber brother Mr. A. J. Courtice... Mr. Diaucan Blair, Taunton, was aueat cf Mr. EhïM Osborne rccently .. . .Talk cf forminig a lawu tennis club bure this suni- mer. , The stable cf the Met hodist Par. souege wes deetroyed by fine et 6 o'clock Fridy i-,ý oruiug. The fire started in the baylof t, sud it is thouRbt f0 have been %eut bY trsmps, Lose $400; no insurance - nlot 28, cou. 3, Darlingteu, the bous5e occupied by Mr. Frank A ldsworth wes oiscovered te bu ou fire et 6.30 Sat- urdsy rtOrinig. By the beroic Efforts of the u.eigbrs rnost of the furuiture wes saved eand oee alf cf tbe hotise, The fire ceýught on the roc f frorn sperkm. The herse,-as owned by Mr. S. Trea-in of Oshawa sud was f ully insured in the Liu- cashire. Losei $300. -... At S o'clock Set urdey nioruiüg thu store bouseoccuplud by Mr. David McGee near Foley was burued(. The fine was caused by adefecf- ivecbtmuey. Thue'wholu of the contents were deutroyed, sud wcre net covered by insugauce. Petatous,, eppies sud provis- icrs stored in large quantifies are a total lose. Tbe building was owued by thbu On 1, rio Loan & Sevings Cowpauy of Osb- awa, sud was iusured ftr $1,500. Tutîs as CONCENRATaON.-Orie pili e doseý, one box 25 cents. Onu pili relieves constipation. One box cures au ordinerv case. Ore pili teken cveekly neutralizes formation cf uric ecid in the blood sud pruveuts Brigbf'e Kidrey diseese sud Diab.etes. True culy of Dr. CbaBe's Ktd- uey Liver Pille. TYRONE. M-r. Ji..llicks, Toronto Juniction, c- cupied bise old place lu Tyrone choir Sab- bath le jst.... Mrs. W. R. Clemcns bas te. turnefi frûni visiftng ber mother who bas a THE'ADVENT 0F THE Is causing great interest and comment. The idea of a iiantic General Mercantile Establishment iýi beino' very favorably geèvd In anticipation of a rise in values, the New Company have already placed in stock a Car-Load of Sugar, which they state without fèar of successfui contradiction is the best value 'x'or brought to B-Ë-7- manvilie. We are authorized to seli this Sugar by the b0arrel. Get our quotations before buying.. We have carefully re-marked ail our Stock and as we are under agreement to reduce the stock several thou- aud dollars and will positively los-- on what we do not seli when we transfer to the -New Company, the public can rely on extraordinary inducements in prices during our 90 Day's Sale. A partial iist of prices wil appear next week. As grocer's due bis are subject to 10%' discout ecno take them during this sale. ut ecno We will take any quantity of Ne.w Laid Eggs for whiich we will pay top prices-cas-h or trade. T . G. M A SO4%Nq J, Jila , ASON Clothing and Boots & Shoes. Dry Goods & J1ewelry. IN E WCA STLE. Mis Auna Baker, Newcsle,îis pre- parud to do suwiug et the rueýJideunceof0 Mr. J. Uglow or wiil go eut by the day. Division Court bure Tueeday 26... Th6 roads f0 Orono are ire a very badl state .. . .Mr. T. Ellhsou le butter cf hie fal. .... Mies Adams, Oehaiva, is guest cf Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck. . .. Mr. sud Mrs. Neil cf Port Hope visiied is sîster, Mis. Jno. Uglow. . .. Mr. W. H. Peaice bas nioved back fo hie fanm which bu purp ises work-I iog .... The baud practices weekiy sud are getting ire gooci shape... M]Vrs. C. Gluudiuuiug 'will open au ice creani par- 1er sud coff ectroury...* Mr. J. W. Tuif is bure egain from Port Hope- sud bast opened a jewulry store.... .Mr. R. Mom- eut, Ocono, praecbed iu the Methodist cburch Suuday wuk... Mr. Win. Mc Chesnoy is circoiatiug a petition t,) licensu a hotel et the G. T. R. station.... Mn. Martin Tixbb ie moviug f0 Clarksou, Peel Co., wbere bis bas iuased a -fruit farm ..- Mr. John R. Biîfetf's store sud dwe3lhiug bave been paimJüd recnty . . . .ees and~N'tail iu.yeîe Qllcleaes uuited, -are tnyiug ro chOsios1eminiter * .Two lrgeparties Lui u FnîFrdiy week -onue t Mnr. Tios, D uglas' sud the <ther et Dr. Olver. . ..Mro, John B3ell snd daugbtur bave returutd frorn Chicago baving had e very plsisant visif . - Mr. t Robit. Atkîuson cf the Arnotti fam, bas gons f0 Cafluton ro woi-k e farmon shars... Mc. BAl agh sud daughfers cff Hope have rnoved itt the bouse by thbu1 Sfeîxdard Bank, vacattd by Mit. Pearce.. .JouaSeoc t who bas been committed f0 the courty j iil as e vagreuf was arr one finie e large property cwuer, holding in bis owu ixame about 400 acres cf land, sud wae cmrsidered te bu worth cIcse te $40,000. -News. Backache i l anict immediatuly relievud by wuaring onu of Carter's Smaît W'eed sud Belladonua Backachu Plasteirs. Try eue sud bo f ree f rorn pain. Pries 25 ets. Another West Durbamni boy honored. Mr. G, C. Wilrnot, accountaut in -the Standard Peck, Picton, for the peet five years, was banqtietted eit the Rnyal Hotel Weduesday nigbf prier f0 bis departuru f0 Torouto f0 fill an sdvaecd poition iu the be-ad office. The affair was a grand succeBsssud etteuded by the leadiug cifi- znSberiff Gillespie presidiug. A Grand Concert was given iu the Methodiet Cburcb on Fniday nigbe lest by tbe choir cf the Methodiet Cburch. Bow nienville, Wss, by ail odds, thie best tbing that bas struck New-castle for a long finie. The choruses were all well choses, and efficieîîtly reudurel. We were part icu- iarly deiighted witb "Gloria ln Excelsie" sud "Herk, Hark, My Seul." The solos of Miss Gloven, sud Messrs. H. J. Knigbt suad J.Goard; sud ftbu duet cf Mise Glover and Mn. H. J. Kuigbt wuru received witb eufbusiasrn. The recitations cf MisMc- Dowull were very higbly eppreciated. The firat appearance iu Newcastle of thie eccornpliled young lady won sucb fevor that ber re-appeeraîxce) will bu bail. ed wifb delighf. Miss Northoofe's play- jgwes greatly adrnired, sud ftbu organ, solo by Mr. A. B. Coruish waswllid XVe con gratulate the choir cf 1eMehd let Cburcb of New-castle ire providing for our citizece sncbI a rare trust as tbey ru- ceived ou Fridey night. Affer th, cou- cerf the cho ir cf the church uuterfslned their gueste witb coffue sud cake; sud a pleas iut bour wee, spent lu a social way. t The Sons cf Euglaud intend holding e fgrand Demousitrstiou, May 24tb, consfit- 3lug cfbase bail match ire the forenoion, 1RuruIug, Jumping, Raciug cf varions 8kinde in the effernoon, sud e firet-cls aconcert in the creuiug, for wbich they are 1ftyiug f soecurs the services cf the cule- 1brated Harry Rich._The many frieuds c f Mr. Mauricru Be-cf are pleseud t e s buhi in towu agein.... Mn. Thos. Allun bas corne te fowu te live again. 1MAŽIy A YouiNe MAN-. When froni 0over-work, pcesibiy assisted by an in- 1buritud weakuees, the bealtb feuls sud test or medical trust ment muet bu resort- ed fe, then ne medicine cen Se employed W itb the sanie bueeficial nesulte as e ctt's Emulaion. K D.C.Pills tenq sud regulate the bowels Mr. A. A. Bowerman, Port Perry, je visitin e t Mr. R. Pacoe's.. . .Mr. and Mrs. J. S Ashton were in Toronto lest week pnrcbasing their upw Spl'iug gonds end visiting friaes. .. A cheese factory will not bu buiît just yut and milk routes wjll commence froni bure f0 Geneva and Hampton .... Farmers, attend e meeting, in, the Sons' Hall Thuraday et 2 p. m. for a Fariners' Alliance Irsurance Comnpany. Ail corne.... Mr. J SK Asbton, P. M.. our successful imercihant, bas ourchesed the mil property of about 40 acres, tEast of the village... Miss A. Gilbert gave a blrthday party t0 ber frierds March 29tb, wben the young folk ha-I a vury pleasant time...- Division ùffiere for current quar- ter: W P-J Forsyth; W A-Miss Ettie Hall; R S-E C mpbel; A R S'-Miss Neilie Alexander; F S-B -Pawell; Trees -Mrs Nichole; C-hep-J Campbell; Con -W Humpa!ze; A C-MiesF K Ormiston; O S-Fred Reyuolis; I S-MNiss E Wot- feu. Mrs. J. McCulloch, sr., jes erious- ly lI..Vsitrste df ro):-Mr. John ML C Ms4iu our fahs, at Kînee R. Pasc-e e8 SoUa; r. J. E. Dior et Tororito ... .Sagar-making has beguin. Dyspepria in ifs worst form% wilI yield to the us3e of Carter's Little Nerva Pisl, aided by Carter's L'ile Liver Pisl. They not ouly relieve pressunt dis'ress but strengtbeu the stomach sud digestive apparatus. CARTWRIG'HT. Scbool report of S. S. No. S. Class Sr. 4th-E Davideon, J Hobbs, t Hooey, J Wrigbt; Jr. 4th----P Hooey, N Wrizht, W Wi'sou, J St'roug; Sr, 3rd-E Wright. E Hlenry, H Mey: Jr 3rd-M Mason, V FJoopy, M Strong, R. Graham, A David- son; Sr. 2nd-C Calladine, G Hobbs, S Masoni, J Wilson; Jr. 2ad-H Hooey, R llobbs, A Wilson, A Mason; Pt. II-M OCidal, L Hooey, P Mason; Pt. 1-L Wilson, W Dividson), H Henry, E Wil- son. E, M. PARr., teacher. 1KEOWLEDNE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to pereonal enjoyment wben rightly used. The rnany, who live but- ter than ethers and enj oy lifoe:more, with lees expenditure, by miore promptly adapting the world's best productis ta the needs of physical being, s'ill attem. the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced ine the r-medy, Syrup of Fige. Ifs excellence je due to ifs presunting in the form ineet acceptab'e and plees- ant to the faste, the refreshing and truly beneficial preperties of a perfect lax-. ative ; efI'ctually cieansing the systum, dispclling colde. bheadaches and feveit and permar>ently curing constipath-.. It bas given satisfaction ,> millions and met with the approval of the mnedicel profession, because it, actseon the Kid.. nel e, Liver aud Bowels -wîthouit weekÈ- ening them and it ie perfectly free front every objectionable Substance. Syrup of Fige je for sale by al drug- gists in 75c. botties, but it is man- factured by tne Californie Fig Syrnp Co. only, whose naine le printed on every package, elso the namne, Syrup of Fige, and being well iuformed, yen will noir sccept any substitute if offered. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruif. - - - - - - -