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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1895, p. 8

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- I3e MA VIt EAP RIL 3, 89.~ MýLro W/m Jones le ilIl U. r. Davld Hil cf the North Amoerican, je il with pleurisy .. . .Mr. Jas. McGilI, owing to Mi heaith, will retire from business... .The bail at Mr. J. E. Richsrd's was a decided ouccese. . .. Mr. T. A. Beet bas imported a tboroughbred tramned f ox hound .... Mr. W ni. Long, j ur., hss purchasedà some fancy Plymouth Rock fowl irom Messrs. Allun Bros5., 'Newcastle. . .. Mr. ]Robt. Rowe f rom near Bowmauviile. ha moved to the Gtimsby hnpaestead 110w owued by Mr. J. G. Hlenry ... . The Council will build a new bridge at Clark's dam, North Wad .... Menesr&. William, Fred and Frank Kerr sud Joshua Mc. Cormack have gone to Scarboro, where tbey exp oct big wages with farmers... Mr. IR. Foster is building for Underwoodi Bron., Kendall, a powerful waggon for gathering eLogs .... Band Concert in the towni hall, Wednesday evening, April 3rd ..Mr. Ch-as. Keat bas engaged to work for Mr.,-4. R. Gamsby. . .. Big surprise party ai Mr. fa. A. Gxarwood's Friday ov. ening week .. .. Mr. Matthew Miller, cattie dealer aI Raven Lake, Man., talks of coming to Toronto to reside .... Mr. Robt. llooey bas purchased Mr. T. W. Jackson'a teaming outfit, heavy horses, waggoci, &c .... Rey. J. R. Real'e ravivai services have resulted iu fifty couverts at Leskard sud twenty-five at Kirby.... Orono Lgague visited Clar ke churcla Loague o a Thuraday evening week sud gave an interesting program. . .. NIr. R. Cooper was in Toranto recently .... The Misses Odeli eutertained s number of their friends Wednesday evening. . .. The baud delighted our citizans with music on SaturdV evening. ,For ail druggists' sundries patronize J. J. Gilfillan, Orono. Visitors to sud fro.-Mrs. T.-Vipsou in Toronto; Mr. H. Gray sud Miss Mabel Gray, Perrytowu, at Mr. J. G. Honey's; Messrs. Dean aud Boas Pickell at Mr. J. W. Giffird's; Mrs J. E. Varcoe ai Sou- ya; Mr. Robt Cooper aI Toronto; Mr. Thos. Batten ai Hampton; Mins Emima Wilson, Perrytowu; Mr. Thos. LinIon sud niother ai Mr Geo H. Linton's; Mrs. Juo. Miller, j r., at Kirby; Miss Joseph- lue Kiliey, Baltimore, ab Mr. J. G. Giff- ord's; Messrs. Mortimer sud Cîsyton ,Andrus of Lindsay ai Mr. F. L. Audrus Messra, Eru. Downey, Malcolm G-al- braith, Howard McMurtry-, Dr. L. N. Hogarth of Bowmauville sud fHorace Wrigbt of Newcastle. A YOUJNG LAD. AND luS FLUFLFRJEND. Ernest MeGregor, Whitby, Ont.,, Gives an Accoîrnt of His Experi ence-Oured of Persistent Dyspep- sia by B. B. B.- WORST KKDI OF DYSPEPS IA. GENTLEMý,EN,-I write to iuform you that for years 1 had been troubled with Dyspepsia, sud having tried other medi- cmoes which entireiy failed, I at lasI found relief and cure in Burdock Blood Bitters, of wbicb 1 took two bottIes, the rosjult be- ing a perfect cure. Altbough ouly a yonng lad 1 had been troubled with Dy. :spepsa for four or five years, but I eau say nov that B. B. B. doos ita work faîth- fully ln the worst kind of Dyspopsia, sud has provod itsolf the ouly cure for me, EitNEST MCGREGOR, Whitby, Ont. GISRtA WA. Miss Allie Welsh, Bowminville, 18 guest of Mrs. Bugb Park .. .. Mr. L. T, Courtice, Bowmauvsllis, su Mr. W. R. sud Miss Courtice of Courtice were re- cent guest cf Mrs. Squires. ... The Med- calf St auuiversary services were held Suuday week sud proved very success- fui-Sunday School gave $41, ontI of which the Bible Aasembly gave $26. The financial returus of the day oxceeded the amount asked for by the Trugtoe Board -$150. The full returus will reacb near- ly $185 .... Pedlar MoIsi Roofing Co. have aocured the resideuce of the late Thos. W. Dingle, corner Medeaif sud Simcoe Sts., sud Mrs. Dingle basn pur- cbarsed the Pedlar residence, Bond street, sud the stores on Simcoe S t .. .. Mr. P. HE. Pansbon returned to Oshawa Wed- nesday. W/ile in Muskoka ho stopped aI a uoigbbor's bouse, whicb was destroy- ed by fire, sud ho Iost about $65 lu mouey besides somns clotbiug sud other incredible ara flot loud in their expressions cf astoniishinent thal what bas been con- sidered au incurable disease sbould suc- cumb so quickly to s remedy, sud iu Ibeir praise of the rexnecy itsielf. flore ara some big inducomnents we of- fer uow sub.rî geWsl , rder M peg of mhagezmes Ibis moutb: STATESSION and Weekly Globe, 8 mon' ha...i 25 STATEsuiAN snd Weekly Mail and Empire 3 nies.. 26 SASMNadDaily Star, te sud of 1895. i oo DAINE' S'rATsoIAN and Toronto World, O6imenthes....1 0 MNdGuardian t10end of 1895., ... 00U DE STAIESmAiS and Ladies Journal 10 end cf 85..5 Ail papers sud magazines at reduced prices for balance cf 1895. Al orders Bowmanville. TOWN COUNC[L. fiegular monthly meeting held April Ist, Mayor Loscombe presiding. Mem- bers ail presenit. Minutes of asat meet- ing read sud confirmed. A petition was presanted froin a number cf Ratepayere in the South Ward, for s tank to be placed in the Ward, southeosaI of the ScItool flouse. Laid on table. Froin s nuîuber of Ratepayers ou King street, asking that the usual ar- rangements be made for street water- iug. Laid on table. From Mr. Younie sskireg leave to move a trea. Reforred lu Roadesud Streets Coin., wiih power to act. Mr. Worth also asked for rsame privilego. The Collector's Bond was laid on the table. Referred to Finance Coin. 10 approve of. Mr, McKay, Chairman of Finance Coin, presented report of expenditure for past moutb amounting 10 $201.50, sud recommending paymeut of saine. Receîved sud adopted. Mr. Vanstone presented Report cf Pub. Prop. Coin. Counicil went int Cern. of the whnleono the report, wban the Drili2 Shed grounds vers reutad 10 Mr. Jarvis for $16.00 Mr. Jury's rant vas reducod to $200. without taxes sud ho vad sllowed the use of eue of the empty stalle lu the Msrket Square 10 store goods. Mr. Trebilcock's rent was made $100 without taxes sud the store 10 be fitted up. The Committea also reported that thay consîderod the Market scalos aIl right for the preseut. Mr. Worth presanted report of Poor Relief Coi., giving amount of expan- diture amounting tu $65.00. Received sud adlopted. Mr. Corulsb presentad report of Cernetery Corin, recoinmeuding that al parties owing arrearages ho asked 10 aettie saine. Adopted. Mr. Lyla proentad report of Fire Coin. recommendiug the purcbasiug of some more rubber coats sud other articles. Adopted, andi Committea given power to purchasea the things suggested. The special Committee appointed to prapare a scheina for botter Fîre Pro. tection reportei. as follows: Iu reply te requesî of Conucillor Gai- braith for a Tank paced in the hMarket zquare capable ot holding eugh for a five hour's service with our preseul engins, would say ltaIlthe estimatefi cost would he say $20000. sud your commite wouid not rocommeefi any ouîlay ou such. Your committee have s proposition for a system cf Waler Works as follows. To put id pump aI Vansiont'is Mille, capscity say 80Ô gallons per minut e, a main pipe laid tu Balmoral Corner, to extend to Organ Fao. tory corner, distance say 2012 fot. by measurement. To place Hydrants, say foui, with sufficieul force te tlarov 314 ln, sîreains over lte bighest building, total cost not 10 exceed $4,500. By puttîng in Ihis sys. lorin we thiuk il will ha cousidorable saving lu lte business portio of the town by way of Iueurance sud curtailîug other expensos lu connootion with our presoul fire depart- ment. The Council thon proceeded t0 dis- cnes the report, sud- Councîllor Gal. braith scored lte Committee lu good style for not bringing in whItlhe con- sidered a proper report, snd for which they bsd beau asked. Messrs. Worth, Vanstone sud othors took part in the discussion sud fiually te matter vas laid ounlte table. Dr. flulliior, Reeve, preseuled the following Report lu rofereuce to the Curfew Bell, signod by tbree meuibere of the Coin., sud whiclh was adopted:- Your Commit tee appointed te consider te advisability of passîng a By-law le pro- vide a Carfew Reil for Ibis Iown conider il due te the influertial petitionors bo your Conucil in f avor cf such By-law to make a lhorough investigation cf lte mattrr With tItis objeet in viow your conmittes put itseif in communication w ith Kingston, Peterboro, Port Hlope, Lindsay, Oshawa aud Cobourg, sud find that in Iheso difforent munîcipalitios. with the exception cf Co- bourg, ne action bas Oera lakon by te Counoil sud ne By-laws have been passefi. Iu Pelerboro, au incorporated Society, org&ied under the set, fias charge of the Cusisw Bell. Iu Cobourg te lown bell is used sud ruug by the j aniter al an incroased salary The Clark reports that the Ly-law bas net worked satisfactorly. Your Committea also iulerviswAd lte chairnian et tae Fîre Deparîment sud bas reas sorit 1 taI Ite use cf lte Fire Bell wili cause confusion sud Ihertfere houst. i8faotory, lu vhich case the ceaI cf a new bell wiul be necessary. iu view cf lte 9bove sud other fadeg your committea beg Isave le report Ihat il canuot recommend lte passiug of a Bv law le pro- vide for a CnrfewBsil at prosant. Mr. McMurtry introduced s By. law for te appointinont cf Nîght Watch- in. Counicil veut luto Coin. of the whole on the By.iaw, when after a lot of discussion, pro sud con, John Allen vas appointeS to the position, aI a salary of $3750 par veek. lu the mnalter cf a tank for the South WYard, on motion cf Mr. McKay, sec, by Mr. Corniah, the Fire Coin. vere rcquested to bring iu a Report at next K.D. C. Imparts strenglb te the wbola K, D. C. the bousebold remedy for stomach Bytem. 1troubles.1 Tliankflll Peop1a Everywber6 Gladly Elldorso The Great lYldicillo. It is a Blessing to the Whole Canadi*an Domi*nion. Physîciails Acknowledge ,its Great Cllrinlg Virtuoe It Makes Strong Nerves and Pure Blood. lb Cures Disease and Long-stand- ing Troubles. An Ontario Man Strongly Testifies. .1 amu a living witness 10 the worth of Paiue's Ceiery Compouud." This is the stalomout of Mr. G. J. Smy e of Sheffield, Ont. It makes people val! This fact la so widely kuowu sud so fully borue onI by thous3arde of magraîti- cent cures, that lise simple stutemant is lu itseof sufficiant. Tho wboie Dominion bas beau blessaed by thé marvollous work of the great mad- icine, sud au arSay of rescued. sud saved mon sud women blasse t noble discoi'er- er, Prof, Edward E. Phelps, M. D , L L_ D. Master minds amongst tise meffi cal mon of the presont day readily aclknowledIgt lte poleul and curiug 'irtuas cfPiea Celery Compouud. They find that il. makes strong nervas sud pure blood, two esseatials necessary for perf ect healtb sud, strer'gth. Long-standing troubles sud diseases are cured by Paine's Celery Compound wheni ail other niedical agencios fait in their work. For kiduey sud lil-er troublas, it is the infallible renmedy. Narvous daebility exhaustion,sleaplassue ss3 andheadaches are quickly svept away by the curing powers of Paina's Ceiory Compound. This is the.season wben thq sick muet cf 8OLINA. Division No. 40 S. of. T. officers for carrent quarter:-W. P. -M. W. Pascoc, WV. A.-Miss M. Hooper, R. S -Sias Werry, A. R. S.-Mtiss Rose Ashton, Treas. -James A. Werry, F. S. Edwi>u Reynolds, Chap. W. VauNest., Con.-H. Tink, A. Con.-Miss Addie Paspoe, 1. Sent. Miss Lizzie Argue, O. Sent. -Jno. H., Williams, P. W. P.-L. T. Pascoe... Mrs. A. J. iReynolds, of Scarboro Junc- tion is visiting ber mother Mrs. Hogarth. 'Wlin a im 111115 irl was oeamentIt old, ab had a asItfono er face. Il k-ept spreading until asewas cempieteiy coe-reS frein head 10 foot. Thon asbaS boils. Shohad fortycu ber boaa toua limaanS more ocuber body. When six meonthe olS s e dia not aveieb savon pounds, a pound anS s haif lbas Ibai at irtb. Thon ber skin staîtod le dry up aud got sa, baS sIte conîd net ah-at ber eyese oleeop, but lay witb ltoens balf open. About Ibis lime, I starteS ueing lte CoUTCViILEMct and in oue months e/e mae coînpletely eored. The doctor anSdeug bills score ovroe u nîdreJ dollars, thebUCoxîoiA bil was net more thianftce do11arsq. Miy chilS is now strong, bcaltby, snd lar;e ase auy chuSd cf lier oga (se photo.), nid ilte sal owing 10 CuTIOUItA-. Lours with a Moth's Bieasiug, liEs. GEO. H. TUCKER, JR., 0â32 Walker St., Diavixaukee, Wis. soia tbroughout lte world. POTTR DRrlAne so Curai. CouP., Soie Prop., iBoston. «'Ail about ths Blice, skn, Scalp, auS flair," maiedfrIes. iRaby Biemishaa, filiug Itair, sud red, rougb bonuds prevented and cureS by lsscrîeaa Sosp. WMEN FUL OF PAINS FinS in Cutienra Anti-Pain Illas- t er instant sud gratefui relief, Il la ltetiret sud only pai-kllnZ, etreustsnllinz piasiter. uecassity, recuperata leat strength, sud gain rha hoaltbfuluess se uaceesary 10 maka life pleasurable for the sommer, Ail sbould bear lu mind the faut that Paine'e Calery Compound "makes people vol The foilowinz latter froin Mr. G. J. Smye, of Sheffield, Ont., speake of a wouderous cure after ahl ordinaey means ba I failed to do lte work:- "lu la witb greal pleasure Ihat I testify te the value of your greal medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. For nearly 2 yesrs 1 suffered froin indigestion, kiduey sud lil-er troubles. After tryiug soverai medicines Ihal did net Effect a cure, 1 decided 10 try your Compound. Before usiiing il 1 wass o low in health Ihal 1 could net est or sleop. I could not lie lu bad owiug te pain lu uiy hack; it vas only by rosting on albowesud kneas 1 vas an- abled lu obtaîn a slight degree of ense. Bafora 1 hsd f ully taken one bottle cf your mediclue I beean te improve. I bava lu ail takou fourleen bottles vith grand reuat. I ain s fermer sud amu nov working every day. Auyone may refer te me in regard te those statoînts, or te any cf my neizbbors arouud Sheffield, where I amu veil kuovu. 1 amn a living, witnass te the vorth cf Piue's Celery Compound." I ilÎ HIouce Cleaning 'Season jý here'and we are ready with af ull lime of Pure Prepared Paints, Diamond Wall Finish, Brushes of ail kind,, Step Ladders, Carpet Feit, Carpet Whips, Carpet Stretchers, Tack Hammers, Carpet Tacks, lIn fact everything rcquired in prepaiing the Homes, for Sumîner. We aimi to give the very best goods in the market at the lowest possible prices. Orders for Store Piping, Tinsmithing, and GeneraI Repairing, will have our prompt and best attention. TH, Telephone No. 46. Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowmnan-ville, YOUNG'&< Go,, CHINA HALL Sugars, cheap for cash. 3 0 lbs. o CRANULATED SUCAR o Other Sugars in proportion. 1VURDOCH'S OLD STAND. FOR aster V1sitS to HOIYE or I M riT C Darlington (Jounc-li. um bMI -- TRAVEL TOWN HALL, HAMPTON, March 30. BY THE Council met pursut tb adjourumeut.AN Menabers aIl prasent; minutes read sud N D II, ccufirmed. A numbar cf accounis vare proeoted sud laid on the table, Coin- C munications were presant ed froîaaMA. PA I FIU [lia(ff -lsmes sud James Gale, tenders for tha WH WILL SELL ROUND TRIP TICKETS AT, fownship prinîing. Laidou lte tabla, C'erk instructed te ask for othar tenders. SN L I'F R Froin R. R. Losenibe ou behaîf of Mes. 0Ii'ULE A RE Hancock, calling attention te the injury Goinz April 11, 12, 13, 14, le. Eeturnîng itoti she has suiffea by valer from thae ruad April 16, 185e Tickets muai be purchased ou or ha sud askiug to be proîecîed froin s recur- oeApi 3 rance of the saine. Referred 10 Mr. PARE AND ONE-THIRD Courtica vith instructions te osealtaI lIta TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS mattar le attenideS to. An account from Going March 9-8to Aprul 12, inclusive. ileturning Dr. Potter for attendance ou late James until Aprii 22, 1894, on surreuder o! standard form o! Brauton was referred te Mr. Clamons for Certificatesisgned by Principal. report. OrderEd that road boat No. 21 ýT. E. HIC GIINBOTIIAM, ha dii-ided at the sida lineata Maple Geova sud that William Foloy ha pathinaster for Agent, Bowx-nanville. the western division. Orderef ltahasta No. 41 Gao. Golem su-be addadtbohast No. '40-John .Balsom'z- sund ltaI Ite S a t i the Southa haîf of lots 30 anS 31 ba taken tart1îinije:% froin John Balomr's boastsud ha attached S « te Geo. Shor t'a boat. Mr. A. M. (ochran --1t appeared te0 swer to s charge of ha-ring cul sorte troos on lte road allowauce, say- ing that leha'hd beau authonized hy lthee pathinester. The malter vas neferred te T rue eMc. Pscoe. The clerk vas inatructed 10 crd-r ix road soi-spore. Ordacad that the That Rickard's is the plate to deal members of lte counicil endeavor to ascer- and save mnoney. tain th,, portions of road allovances oc- ' rt Upied by priva.ta parties in zhair respect- rositively his goods are firt ivaiiinsud report aI next meeting. class.J The by-law for appoinîmoul cf tovnship His prices are sueli that if you officers vas raad a Ibird lime sud passad. -bs acCocRDCan The Reeve vas inslrucled te grant ordors ws Vth lCRn hi on the Treasure for the foliovîng aume: Spectacles (gold or ar1y other kind) Hait & Rl1dde)l, M. blanks $3.32; M. A. or anytbing in the way ofJewellery James, prîntîng, 22.50; Trustees-Scbool you should buy fromi Section No. 6, cleîruing bouse afler alec- 5 lion 1.0O; Richard Benthamn, ranI ef land rsed ase rond, 5.00; indigents: B.Wiison, Jauet Wilson, Mes. Curtis $5 eich; Mes. K Maliel $4; Mrs. Lanîe, Mes. S'ples, Mca fyuwsht cnrizas ed Steacy, T. Ward, J. Kerr, Mro,. Lavis $31i o iht cnmzas ed eacb; T. Wilcox, Mest. Camipbell, Joseph quarters for Sewing Alachines. Soiway, W. Adams $2 each; W/m. Hooey Three kinds to ehoose from. for keeping W. Adams $6.50. Onnmotion Agns omiin avdb lte Council adjourued te Satuirdsy, April Ag t] omssnssvd b 27 at 10 s ui. R. WINI)ATT, T. C. purchasing2 froin Tbore are marîy forme cf uer-roueT, N. ]RICKARD, debilityinmnta yield te lte use of Carter'e Iron Pillo. Thoee wbo are Watchm.aker, Jeweler and Optician, troubled viib uer-roue veakness, nigbt Neads Block, Bowmanviile. seaes, etc., should try thon,. positivelv no better Optician Miuard'si Liniment Cures Burns, etc. than T. N. lRi6kard, - Testing free. MRS. DONCASTER wishes to announice to the public her Spring, Opening on APRIz at lier Show-roomns, 0110 door west of IMr. Cornish's Jewellry store, Bowmanville, A fine display of Sprin,,,and Suniiner IMlllinery. Everybody invited to caTi and inspeet new goods. iPol ish. LA&DIES, use Hook's Sofala Shoe Polish for Ladies and Children's fine Booté and Shoea lte finesito preser<7e the leath er P-nd ]eeep if fiable. IL will leave a polish likeoqsatin, For ,3aàk by Boot aud Bhoe dealerA. FOR MAN AND WOMAN. LILLY'8 NERVE PILLS TUE GJtEAT AM I ICAN IiENLEUn Wll cure ail forms of nerous weakness omRerissiotis anîd împotency, resulting ANfrom.abuses or excess. These pis are M A G: e meudneyou canuse. ,,lx boxes will make a 11Lew manof et u. See pr ices beiow For the reprodueti- rganàs FO -' ià of the fem2ale LILL .ý,1RVE to ~ ~ ~ Te thtoa adrodonwm n, rrLdorge LILLY'S hEÏVE FILLS w iii malço ou stroug. Send $1 for trial Box or ý5 for six box\e,, sud they' willi be foraraded by return mail. Address, W. RUTHETIFORO, Diuggist, NORWOOD, O01M, Agent for Canada. j

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