i~ epor of tenc andu fapeat à hh eiflce r vr orta ni 9ope~ n UB~* bo~. !port. f t etx in rc i oa i oothe14i r Sa uWher' e ptîiofor nfant ~ a,~~rt~exeI~à11l ~ rn- h osti nt6Pr il avo5 hap ten y WJ~*~Ife pasc kjt t etaaJ&jon t en.'n ~~bet ~~1OOI~~~h O4~~M~~~*~~ *ùle nstittion itee i accouri f the obeio staf 'T vbsHueiseY I¶ ins-fvrglnsC strapeens vmtng Su ud in of bis important ie rai way i 1 OUIra ppand'e i ilg ri n a d lt in y ,pd ai ' s lioe o s1aidCatotaeasim laes he ood PeSItetthestoaa aausp or i e an -nba a moer e vroi n n sttto n Fronthnoswok sh arinf i n t h e P r vi n ci al ap piop r g l te e e j f3 a s!r r tt k 0 iIn2eK o t. t h r fi x ed t h Ç~ l>~u~ 1~U 1J6~ ~ 'X~U*62 e paorf Iln ?* a. Mrwage uoth ie pany;an~ ~4 4 ~ ~ ~ a l w r ub e i c ' i-. nt, w el.bint th e avlmiea t bjdr n h a Whie he or odete eer tri.iiL u na te lne fn (unan ydfetpnhi hlrn"ko om. ~I~2mIWJ ~L~î~ ~I ~ i wiCh ed~ t hresriCt tre poto h iecfle .g4qj fpnlyof 440a sh alifcd o naiCsoiai h etrmeirn0 Orphscass h cide' ast aiC iJîsuiw~~i> eCaoto )f xD l fte alae SCniatiobe hc rnaqane. oi o mn aesoknhgl f hi xsf , Geaig-f bsb1 eMI M is eýÈ, h m1oth ardsan hnmteswleosdrteel neinter uaiepaCiewihCstra ~ *-eq q j i ii and 'hi, e a sLouoynssoiaio .in g*tv i t8 iiuIMorpta te S. L ri éV S e Ki .w i g c i i lt r < c c< M i p t e e o Ma ir e S S s its qoÏ eo e u t 0 .d 1 S 1 t î t e iu tenu n s ai u 1e , e î a i l u 1l d RLr e d iFer-gos i Tnri Mo r. OI*iýrMsihi adds*UI1Udtb i mber qh ~e"é a~~l~h . tab intiuton owh hveIrimst ts *ibfo .Tu-H Lke 4»it%%Mt wasg passodàvt il. 11- aiiwlisio$ Du w M 9 1118 ylo 'Drt thi CâS ta ai. ina hosphmnayos Te ea ru o ~eado and funtue secy. dos ag~5vefl rotao gt ~lî eatlO-- aseaueqiaintt ek Sa an diprecribd wlî b " angeousta io o men rat atheHgthehoofoodct 106 Qula t QOtahlberl bagaîs u is l'd lla iedw ît- e saiUcmeun r he Ho.aM.tssreli Teler00i ý ae ofof proi kR ansaid boweis, go n larnesae ad ag Maefo ageO slt oms naai pe id ei iw bers % re he velpb9qa*e dI n k0 hX a Oo ri n F r o n t e n a c .t y li1 % a ~ mi~g Fi iý 4401n #giaiý»i U!4nUe pusa -rOR@io~ !Rai!Îo te e i9~hs Soais Pt~hM~ ~-datw *ig&,»m ie hki4 a5 sarà MEeeglààWv M%* yl Wll& atho e- tanofra elerî'nt drn.Mn es av rpabr tldmeofet re.med.itasuproroa, recrpto ffl *dve P -à OSVMWsW MaiLOeiglQr 'diM, nî.of $ 8 itifor sifisi~mye, th try dotedth bul. *eSO t h ldron of lt be Provi5 uiv ail Ashum; $,fi0O or fireown tet me." il. thrangni n ctbessîlo -hu 4 n Cs be O Î* t- i O nb a , n- g oD .G. . S ,El A.M D , Wl -fl't-iSiJU yosnaofcthe The sousethee rq lD- of<k -&W U,,Pbhi h Io- o ca u wid. i ur % wt- hhKeohl Io ge« sh ad ue *Bleiie edrfK i ow avi wihl ~a I no- cultra opuatian e asedoi,- o a rt I __Id7___of__Our________________in__the_________________ ,,pari- (CI s d ed s d r w ih e r s t e r1 ît ri t he u fl [o d gê o _ qU IP14dor tise el Cast rlals theI etR ::L1AS.net en t a soo ngpro hl y of :she depef vs recofathe ParlisettieaI Other whaleh Isam.acqusinteil. I ?iZ & p u dTw h epeh r 1 o te ferdistat ieemothfrowiA'othe smoke eal ence n ther outide patohourt btp A pI. i isP, an d C& nt o ikw f ".r h e qwcs4bdàs4 iZin itr Fadlh / Gads Irs ai~ a. 4O~5Q tC -. 9 ohre t ofre esngofutin bitltod t e»hqysdSwdn iec nea ib M. ihi5T&EtQ. 11 e >iiO il in S.w1inh, d she (f 'If, f ewLsam0i ~tiof tisaa Loudolis whet skoas r whihe ts a~n eraop ~ ~ ~ lia~d ~ihtmentionp rmeru ; thr othe camp otqacnosetrns-hCon a injsrle nSutwsenShra ni, V9W .t ' ,îrh a'l Mr0 ie, ad dsrayn irlo ediones fr t.Peors. travrodcs e distr af rg ce s ra tE, a ~C ~ s v Nhiieu 7. 0 >rrs jiuhdps sd ,Or t r nehasib ustîiyw tis e mld cwhimt ~, Lrd' Da r tou,!saC hebai un associa Fr bruizteebnrnto Vladvasoktise Ruaiantava su cstbhef s Laor n ND isaesspap t h. O n i m c , h en t refiuseGWawul d p a*w " m ê ý re e d u *la n q. gia aia turesa 'O s f ~ £ ~r l~ r rs a Furthe~ iî'*4~leonsou inserted 4cle i1 6à m 04Ie1 %i&tC0iI1445U5b 12 teiM o-*IV!U-t mn ta Claue wioh-appsrs n tse oroup ~ 5sc 8 01 îtS 4 t C sJ1ý ondsry 70 i ousk tdinaOthle-ii is $ 008but400meLo ons gswydu erset tes ssolie o o X 11 r io.-i,ÊO.e anned w wereIto 1auê Msu $o$ R" q y qe ho hoed tisi no Erapeancompni b 4l 0 %logo10 idotdo tiseength ai rai ai esys4:hfn fi5lfg e helnrsarsaoeins, bi- uedy anngtsebdya PeZDno leonts esenog iSieiwsr Se,""CmpnTiteti Btain t il qcI-JI a h wl&bobltntt Wh& i>v, sW-e jVs-t.P svothtcal f.tiLaqWf i-gr F¶ i oiio tORecS bAilEdîroct.y îthSPees ,~îdîI.câsd~qs.u~~alspd~.J4, f 'te the par * te1è'afio f o15a la o 5 r fm " i lydgr assionroogS - ------* er îctÇfa*-ri ta ble istitiono f -1 PAI i h.Cal o ae W1e egreaor ffWjtWivin day Ho eit a Ta it a tseS'et eI~eXisOmix_____U______rote Ilhoethn rono tthtie rgieatiLIha ocason ibl$ne Won.aMr._________0____ potiedflSoileistai liUg the i psthy ta aoÏdtis KERRWM'oN OO.R~P'~~~ ~ ~' '~' ~?~ ju ~ . t ars sof ~ retrne ailrîgt. itermidîgh 5hlI 8#lImï4î'!dz$ I« ond, fraimen n fudts oywscoie unad t-lmomt Ls olgliefIfo44u a dstnea aamle ntiewstr i$'O orifrmto rgri diti't eftoasJ g sl iso 9dwîl inseWer Fotise vof oacgeitopc ets.Tise ody homo nd4a Sud t e~çwhice rteedy a girewa-ether a medi 5O55 gliS ï 5ZL aI "t. rsfr i ~ er ievryws ou~ au-vu0 is0Ihae0soua ot yCMare ejit l *5i, e n sgnd td1rfuritu5, pe, O riigog in ail 0o n 1 Tu pecrbdwllb ldagru t reverY - r i d euivale tet é ,r e t yrl ilbcmesîlgetas IL S PIE ! T I[4 P Cal nthag i nr 5i~l~ow p hdfloe n i~ - ~ ~ &aentH5hnschool as ud$0,2," d d ,4*amW JOt isralbt in oint orperoeîs, ie Itue itesoicr nv, ihm a 't e of addmag t-sts 1101 Lita - - bc yC~. ~ ~r s~iagcom~d-iir & ~ fWrlu ~ ~oal, g 'e - t 'dUthéd ê4tls! ntw hrs rial is beaunvhe a an sm -m it ignt; orheb .ha iàd Sis-e-lnw11 ii enctd o am e' thi ;0ialoe t fouetm ~IEfllCi'i Orb'A' tl - 'Yt y pr 5eiet and' ý' g1'i su ia e li O, a wÀv4 OINT- t, q, Q 0go nci sqB 19gdgsqv teCtajq&C detranr 41m . ip. neelCes55 uîrse vale a iseAoar, îts grestestaliuehi3 te ~Qpt c ROeio. Heoo c~ %Sretf ~ te thonuisî d v n i detroyestalttudeMENT atOouSthe itchiug sud bieedýiC, heal thee wuldhae ieena lrg saingtaRailway ta conneCt Penetauguisissue withî Ladies wbo kiss tissir pet dogs are warned beîng reaci ed immedîatelY east ai Lake ue atinsd iu mostcsses remaves tise tise pul its rvnei optih ie Reiormatroy; a bonus ai 3,000 a mile isy no les an autisority tian Dr. Mognîn, Biskal, wisere t crosses a rîdge 3 60 feet r.A rgit. rb ivd o :5 , IUN benay, wiesudnrofuediil i50 cents. Dr. Swayne& SnPîid - Ta Si rais d si o ts c c i er ro er o m nc i u lc a k . i elieved R ailw ay n f n y s vote ai $50,000 for u tile beasts are ans a f tise great agencies acifi , 100 m iles of tise r ad is na w L m n S ngC 0 1 a eey uif r seiNpcsmd Psi ffr mdperformA anc e o f puho eployedS t wHe atver asuinterprovinsial bridge at Nepean, Point, in spreaing disease, especially cansump- in rnnnng arder, sud tise wlolc lin e cs ta piss y a o s & C . hi%.tra BLOCS "liiWi C LidIsai O wok wold ise ostbotween Ottawa sud Hul tise coditn t ioflSbecacmpletod by 1905, which consideringWbea]Agns Clildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.