en or eeroise- ~ ~ia~d * h~ glibenubo 8 c l ad Um a nsi.& foodprepr ttofarto aryIý Veh.Ê*D4 54I tioe it adTe~4a ~ fY 18~~~~~FYIIN toREmnd oSt OUN Dtra»Uqk Tf&i- Aïc>~ î~a eadeicteaid Evn u.O*y ~ .oulofii,2r7ÎA m.~cirdE~~k ~t h j i. Reg r a enlng, Coddachyscamuatin fu he c ruato adexcre-3 0ia ~ o, .5,4 Whena i so i l, e amui fotorairan st onac'the à ri à stck j>rte, " Olset"ms ~ hiJ i n iebt othr eoleio o con nomwoa PMuMr e ilbïhrjýngg tofIpiewg :neîa' . pThe sc a P4,i aso Lno ae itkn.T à instead of lardfyourcan eat and irritebiàity. '-cen ihLneaw14l5Noi But while the tendency of the hysld b a tt RbInae-eO aâ â 4rate t se i, astry and eli ther con in tly "on theo mute soetmeles o e tu eg t bl h ft ubig of heem , i ofd itie p-. f- 1 1 ý- c e l t s yiie h ifr ed m ha adD.BJ Tr or a l uohrîk*&~I~ Meaaibta e oftitrem Ishouldp neturlofeteedisase avsetmeA togf-"v- 4b 1Wo.nýr.3'4g -, {,' b sorupprp wîeve nthi e t t hede ni -1 ig ig ,î di e vié e a , y/ fbeRm egve utmy ork i 0C i ': -. 4? %i%"" e Buyaores tema aandl ty i i nrs isflt oo uc tke own een, a te co chu hree r, o fiv prepred fr 13.yans Of Londonrnnnius or m conuitedbut That siintts ipel i al] i ot COD 4110 ati e[,i:eîis 3 tha t eig 10ete ew En lind stock. tThere tcsi tth eb e i'ye yo n d 0 s 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __l '4 cel o yb , e~ F Y c tîz i t orto, e, a lred on, by this timre"li,ýien ylopof holeod-indfeetT g Madoniby raci i eailyoariedto xces. he e , dehj, ojista' of U ntëlsin -fiîir ik*asenl Th N K FIubakecl usooforsaswliste asefwî -k ~clony~~wb~~ cutelle no e the re a fte c nu beliof 6t bos gleweapons. 04.;1. sest-,nded haty a d te ote oaatou n e g q uit og aims j JDJiâaa ed h &flWhncd fI1 e arv isres a ',oiny i ,q~' W epertor e o t-odos hinormes Qr> B8t3U E g8 fyi kJ arfai rt erfonsue y r yt4pIr ea ait lid g rdee -tune iogo d p rt Se HI G Sat tr de ark a_1wr é t t e mm hu h e r in e>E r .:.n A bic ) il ns cfu t a iilr w a n i l nt e o npe ht sear ehe l a u e a u T e i e s s e~ term. ApIifoffurh*4 aZtcuies 10Missbeoibfulfimtivul acivit p on I , -e nt as Thge hehldrnoveena. ly éuthe rleâ flenèosta entq____lel Thre o pidue so ls za eh ist lthei& M-02wG cuse tno eemueditnupwih hkl le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ie thfatter th ehe qf Geoge rd ho y it.looktT t(8UaX Whttake H.ar e > i I m b gj ~ ~ ~ lo ti i ieo a h i t oýýr l c el lorhegeraj~ It ~ '9~ Om5 iri 80pr 7 ,ls do pi s tre orL n oO t adbg shortofatig e, aprpo nmorcihore 9i m % kriSatirdaî f W' Nocel hrbygve pruattoOepe l bdrn ogir e i ofn good, simple vgs >dll à 'gîe 1eett !GOG D DThuerin a ntep lcmut w heer-20 J0i r j1 b4eîlsn menmy dÊter, aos LwiJ a ome pJaers ý dece'eod,~~~~71' wh ido ra11 tas dptdedted t 1ri ~hsI.~~~si1 S lp W2 9Xtre . et leteConyofDramHrwae e cha t . ilaî2Tex.,Tw'a Dec. er, iOl, ae reqest t livliedf-conet et'loa-eràtill 1 Il d4 ire*don,.'.by the et 0 me deeîee t o9nr ,.PJi1h tse sa ieeeýKJkfêe Mi cfrat @, fnxtete nesind oiitrfo n d. Gerg Mnilg Muado!e own of ortit a eglut beriepeted xedssThed es cmsfomyta >eata îe e seesese ýj~~v~pQ4h. If~rlf ,steteinentIro l 0In in'tionoiiig uiprtc- ~ ~ jas f 1.1 dim ndo!th atreo!texfr clunof éthers, as Wall s inhed lgum a n p- WÉr 'e otrnto ra seorlies<ilant ed by he egl wam nd ei voti te rom;an ibs .w ~ atèl~je h M n' 4i sw i~~ U IJ a n aadctf xltkâ a io- 11I 111es 11 ym ~ iiw4uÎ ,ý "à JO3ým *niff f sIe Wir elligto di u t6, hteerel ét r s efct r i chi ri 1u . ilb's u r- H r ei thrfMO preN t Wii t Coie temisAuxoh ME H ha~ ~~~~ fischciaro.ilvW ,iyesCà a as ,dse i eaoi n sej.'u î Yj ai£ sedsliio sa he ae !asaee netu 1r bo aer di44h jie eee -4ija UMl XZNtIe t_.L7 I sess o e'ueen u asài . 111e1turne o! e, sriu ion e Cased on-f'Worinkies r eirreulates anair ocres o ceielnotceet . . 4MP(f. akness. that hai b iood, anin d Dr. or adîc e)e" 'i 1.. Tllitbin gond brick dwellings of 8 and.ereeh.euadeCentdrhechshe freenhemiCg.out, Ga-es f »Malafh *u4 Odq"al b"m g - gardopncsil>'seri ciohiugaregosîî liejesnoii' sÂ$tLaa y mar> gýaj~ ~ n r l hie 50 of treeinîth cf, uddWellsîtî « -ohensdi B t;M, hfteTwno om eaigb'dmlgtovrx ogte W îïk he e e n ,tu s e de esed veiegbiiln tb wrnkl--Deuci-Woilliam&r O r a çél 110~~~ R.wS O. 887,thetaIlpersus hviegose egas net mee estateo NANCY JANE BÂ lee0 11 ono!Bw avlle , $ orauiii re e ircbxîg-f or 1494, oms-îhe gross earnin Conuty o urthe priecastedMiss L ar reustd1 eivnSEr o nd b e, po rule hncmhcaeeuonetn S5 1 4 sstm 'rH aTheetemntueuza.titgMWe fnl eil voes py f t bad. ' PM estat ni Ite sadtdecaseti assis o! 11e sit oieo mon 11epati s eer ver i estat et Wdeeîb, ner 8r M bs e itt te#nt t entili o, h îng r on, - dv i t s Georg o!I it will hoetoeked itb nml g ~ euinc e ' woecae1e halnl a e l elreoceîvedp4aeM4blc ti i sevsridpwn rwn olai are rî tocnaun-ab ee lin bas Iitr iiooii&'5rnud s e rwa wse as icigalu; 1 etors0el8p 1, Dr'd tc ij i ýr jfor. i -to eire cetety aspect cf0% n on n are, pben is oe ar ex g -i eoeri erhewnee a e il F r ecat eeae.ec as -cf eT la sotofaiglu, napr a fr e pcerpopcnwjn taeefrraspeprdb> ineien o)fc4ee a ti~e pçiàe Lt is no omteibonstiep.iioe Noie sh r b i use sor u t C te r imn >'be an uîifh lc e o f- being simple bt hoe wouid e p i P r e et o na ha d p n> l" JI 110,oR.S 0.187, aa l e ayou r is aiRc lrso d arethism Iisa ontihe 1n iload fi ed eat c- berm1in- LILOâ, eRhoe PILLS 1of mEOuEtE Wrong araeefa ntoh aisiesmantifre lea sves -l aV l i OPS-i s ero e t ienmyd aad -1Nii a1sm es eu îorG te of th er ex oxes wan they ro ybmhalnesado atahoc e stri cs. ~, 5 ~ ¶3~v - . v ou Inl the fCrwaredy reure aa ilE W c led onwithb th 0 liste expo>'ri te p J *u*u*,jduWhue op ,W - ':i q ~ I N Ib iows w, e , j ýAcêiej pjee4isàýi ~'a maerceaue nkets -takdstine ~et nsloahsôo1ikago, elau le ',l'hU1tl e4e lth e bt"anwrelMry ' , uý ud Count Sehouveloif, tenwvicereo! of . i 1 Poland, bas issuei auorter allowing Pales VI, ~ ~ I~Ri phi_,Jiepatches in theirown k 'I suy m 96 11g, M, riz6 r,-4 ao in~ tho rgime of Gn. brothe, ~ 4I~Wthat Wileffecta prmanent cui8Um3»fuitr.il .IhS~ Iî Gourko the vernaculdar was fcrbidden as a I gue8se" " ut îhat's your ne." "Thet combineci Kidney-Liver PiIJ, one 25 cent hox 17 esere-so owosrtb-of an>'Saïsaparl-Ir tlgah mediumand the rnajority o! the doeen'trmaÏe env differenice.Lt wae papa's wiul do more gooci Iben dollars and dollars or Bitters knowu. Soici b>' al dealers, or b>' TH C~K' B S'FR ~ P ole5s 4ere ignorant o! Ruesian as a written before 1 haci it. Pa and meI have a way of Worthbcf eny other preparation, Ibis isendors maih onteceipt: of price, EDMAItSON, SA TES LVGÎ7ýALE I CNAA. languatge. mk- sboys iueup o i hings." *1b>' P.Tbornpson, Holland LUnding, OCnt. obadSre! orne chilldren Cry lfor PItoher's Casetoria.