_______________________________________________ I ______________________________ Hood's Cured After Others Failed Slenofula lne the Neck-Bunches Ai Cane Now. Sangerville. Mane. c' C1. Hood & Co., Lowell1, Mas.:- "'Gentlemen :-l feel thaï; I canneot Say enough lu favor of Heed'sSarsapanilla. Fer fne years I have bsen tnoubled with scrofula in my neclt and throat. Several kinds of medicines whicli T tried did net de me any good, and when I cer. mericed te take Hocd's Sarsapantîla there wers large bunches on my neck se sons that 1 could not bean the ligtest teucl. Whcn Ihad taken -one bot ý of this medicine, the sorenesa liad gene, LAd before T hafi fiishsd the second the bunches hcd entinely disappeared.'1 BLANCHE ATW OOD, Saugerville, Maine. N. B. If vcu decide te, take Heed's Sarsapa.. rilla Jo not ae iuduced te buy auy other. Mood'IS pilla cure constipation hy restor. IDg the peristcltic action of the alimeutarycanaL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th, 1895. T'he Statesman Of- Fuz<Dishin.gs com.plet- eiy Destroyed. ZcossPartially Oov.z'o&.byý Inuane Bome cf thein can be replaced but many things eau neyer be reproduced or supplied. Mr. James Gale, publisher cf the West Durhamn News, vsry kindly sud geuerously placed bis office, staff, sud news in type at oui' service te enable us te gsi. eut THE STATESMAN On tîme, fer whichi faver we cant find words te auitsbly thank hlm. The local pages ef thus issue are almost eutincly the produet of hie office. MESSAGES 0F SYMPATHY, It s very gnatifyi ng te bave the aym- pathy of one's friendesud thoee wth whom we have had long business rela- tions on occasions suci as this sud be- ides the persoual expressions of citiz- eus ws have rereived the following by wire sud etter. Bowmauville, Apnil 23, 1895. My DEAR MR. JAmEs-Accept my hearty sympathy lu the bs that has overtaken yeu. I trust yen may seen, get thinga goiug e gain sud tint you wilh sufer ne perpaaneut incouvenience. Yours sincerely, R. D. FRAsR. Toronte, April 23, 1895. Serry te hear cf your lses. Osu ws help you? MILLER & RICHARDS. Toronto, April 23, 1895. Very aorry te know yeur misfortunes. (Jan publiai for you till yen gsi. in shape. TORONTO FOTJNDRY CO. Teronto, April 23, 1895. I sympathize wth yen lu your bs Cse we be cf any help te you? S. FRNKx WILSON, Toroute, April 23, 1895. 'Muci regret te hear cf yeur 10as, la there aeaytiing ws can do for yen. Ç. W. TAYLOR. The fine brigade-boti companies,re specded promptly te the alsrm,but ow- ing te the infismable nature of the con- tente ef the office which wass11usd frein sud toensd with papers looesasd tonsd on the shelves, sud the ceiling bsinLg of varnished pins, the faines got cotrcl se quickly that the contents wers pasi. eaving sund the efforts of tie brigade were directed tesasving the STATESXIAN Block sud the adjoiuiug buildings. Tie fine got into the roof which caused the comparies much effort before it could be subdued. The Masonie Lodge noom in the thiTd flat wae thoroughiy drench cd with water but net much darnage was doue hy fine. The contenta of Mr. Joye ccokiug achool lu the second fiat wers mostly savsd, but the damage te the building throu2heut' by water sud sinoke le very considerable. The build- ing belonga te the estate cf the laie Hon. John Simpson sud is ineured for $2000 lu the London Liverpool & Globe. By the strenueus efforts of the firemen the faines wsre kept pretty weli conflued te tha STATESMAN block, thougi at the turne the wind was bbew- ing s stiff breeze froin the west sud the adjeiuing block owued sud occupied by -1 MrLU. IJVW. ICJCUtVa inc osar,., TiiE STATESMNAN for the firet ture nel danger. The plate glacs front of the its cancer cf 41 yesrs bas been burned harness hop wasas comploe wreck sud oui., Mouday nîght a few minutes after ligit damage was doue te stock near tie workmeu 1f.tiheoffice tire brokie the windows. Fubly ineured lu tic outi.nl the compesing roimn sd the Hartford. roor awse s mass of flaie froin end te TiaANYS TO ALL. end before auy pereon could gsti jte To Il tiose wio belped te proteet the building te remove anythiîg. The our property andto fight the firey ae-e Editor sud the Assistant Editres, the meute, we desirs publi.-ly te express Isatte lave he uildn.,h mdne scoui' sincerest thanks;especially te Capte. eut of tic office but a few mntsDu)wney sud Efiger of the two ire wheu the alarin of fie was given. brigades sud thcir men for valuable Tiers was net a sineli of ainoke wisn service reudcred. tha Editor paeeed eut ai the aide dcci' Tirongi the kinduesa of Mi'. Uale,of jute the hall. way isading to the Bti'eet the News,we hope te Issue TuEp STATES- iu the centre eftths Statesman Block. mANrsgulariy frein hie office until wc lu passing ont lis walked within ten or precure a new plant sud get seti.ied lu twelve Lest cf the steve lu which wari oui' own office again. AIl branches cf the anly fine tint lied beeu lu the office oui' business wil be csrried on as usuai. thst day. No lampa mad bec lighted A uew supply of steamship tickets bave either and so far as we eau learu cet a issu ondered. match iad bee lighted ine vhs ffice For aey icaccuraciee or defeci.inthis after tic( fffi-e boy lighted the fins in issue, we crave the Indulgence of oui' tic morning Se that tic oigin cf the advertîsing patrons sud r8adens, fire is a complete myaery te everybcdy. Ticre wssanu inaurauce cf ouly $3,-th 000 ou tic pritiug plant, aduitional" The heathy glow disappearnne freinth insuaucecf $,00 iaveg ben dop-check sud imoaicg sud restlessucss ai. niglit îneuanceof $,00 havng ben dop.are sure symptoma cof worns in uchilîdren. ped aset Faîl contrsry te the advice cf Docci. tail te get a bottîs cf Mother (rave's a promineut business in who was con- Worm Exterminiator; ut je un effectuai mcd- eulted on tic matter. There were twc icine. complets newspaper sud job prnuiing plants in the building, the Suu plant PONTYPOOL. which cot the ate publisier cf The Sun over $3,500 having bsecn dded te Agricultural operations have c5rn- ths STATESMAN plant ist August and meuced lu this vicinity sud sins ef the was the uewest and inosi. modemn plant farmers are lookiug for a bountiful lu the district. Excepting tic big harvet ...., We cirouù-le wth regret Wbiarfdale power preds on whic i TuE the deati of Andrew Holmes, wie died STATESMAN la prinîed, this plant wsut suddenly ou Saturday, after s vsry tht.ough the tine sud is destroyed, or e short ilîneas. The bereaved widew sud badly damsged as te be ef ittîs value family have the sympatiy of the suture Ail tie paper sud other stock ou baud, community lu their sad bereavemeut... the Editors library, sud evenything lu Mr. Robent Gillies, oui' popular seheol the business office, outside cf ticestae, teachor, speut a fsw days lu Toronto, was burned. Ail the inveices, contracta, ast week,.... .Mr. Robent Benson, jr., correspondence, sud huadrede cf other ats cf Manvers station, bas severed val nable sud necesssny documents, ns- hie cenneoticu with the firme foruisrly ports, bocks of refereuce, sud office kuown as the Devis & Benson firue sud equipuiente wei'Q burued. Part cf the Mr. Davis is now sole manager. We mailing liai, as uearly ase wse a judge uuderstaud Rober. la golug te -Ilve re- about one- third cf our subscriptien lt tired,as hie sa sufficient maintenance was aise destroyed. Ths other portions te keep hlm for tic remainder or his of tic mailing liai. went through tic fire day ..,.Mr. Robert Benson, cf Bally- lu a weodeu drawer, but the wter be- duff, bas moved te hie cwn farra, ceai' icg pouned firet on tint part of the of- tic village, sud lbas commecced to burn fice, tic fins mad net got luto the draw- soins cf the odd stumps tint are befi. on ci'. Tic mailing liati latic meat valu- seins cf tic fields... ,-Wisi. ws wculd aile tiniugluauy uswspaper office, but like te kuow.-Wist bas become ef the we muet coufeas te grtat carebescesa lu once famous vocaliet, humoniet, cari- securing TuE STATESMAN sies. The caturer,stc. Ras hiestavr began te wan, subecription bock, advertiaiug bock, or le t more remtnenative te pîow job book, ledger, deedsansd other Ina- amocg pins stumpe, tian te hold epel portant papene, wene iu the saetansd bouad, immense audiences bshiud the are not dsmaged ini tiealigiteat thougi foot ligits. -..- We have aIl isard no tic saf s wcut tinough the hotteat cf deubt of the eues famous Columbus of tic fine. Tic cash book sud sins sub- old; welh we have a Columbus, jr., ln seiption books used fer other publica- oui' midat, aiuging as e mrrily as ever, tiens tian forTHEB STATESMAN whîci we jdrivlug hie famous stesd, wio la aufler- take orders, sud all dur tsamfhip iug frein tiecsains ailmeni. s himsesît bocks, tickets. etc., wers bnrned. The'eightby over ou the kueesa; and i.iey boasscf seins cf tisse thinge, wiil cause 'arc boti irylng te sec who caa- atrîke, ns very great icconvenieuce for a tiras. the ground firet. , .. ANTIOCa. Mr. Wrightson'Fesjter ha% engaged Mr'. Wm. Pike fer the aummer.. Mr'. Thomas Vinkers lest hie valuabie canine.... .Mr. John Allin wlll resideasi fereman with Mr. Jas. Hunter .... Mr.- sud Mrs. A.' A. Roif e have recov- ered frorn their recent ilînes.... Mr. R.obt. Rowe ie tenant on the Joues Gamsby bomeatead. ..-.-. *issWinslow speA lher Easter heiidays in the city... Mr' A Il Renter intende leaving for New York City..Mi' S Hamm bas moved te the Moulton fsrm. Visiters :Mr. Jas. Waddel sud Mliss A- Semerville at Mr.'John Waddel's; Mr'. J. L. Rowe aud mother et Mr.G. L. Wàddell's; Miss Annie Foster with friends at Port Hope; Mre. Jas. Renter and Miss Elva Henter,,wîth frieuda lu Newcastle MEOHANIOS' INSTITUTE. The sunual meeting fer the election cf Officers sud Directors, will be held lu the Instituts Roome at eight 'clock on Mouday, May 6th. A fucll attend- suce of members in requested. Persena owing acceunts for Papera and Magazines wiIl pisas baud the ameunt te the Secretary, Miss Gale, befors April 26th. By order of the Board. Since the new hardware store was open- sd by J. B. Vartyn ln Bounssll's Block the eat end lias beeu more livelY. A làrge number cf custeniers bave called te sce aud learu about gaods sud prises sud have hought in'nearly ail cases. Hle isWeill pleased with the trade ha le doing lu the, hardware lins sudà will try te please ail Who ealu. This isne baukrupt stock of eld out-of-date articles but a dlean, new, np te date stock as good as will be fonnd sny. where. Inspection, invited. Seins UeW and second baud coal sud wood stevea-de-ý cided bargaine. Ses theni. The annuel report of the grand secretsîy Indepeudent Order of Oddfellows, for the year euding Dec. 31, 1894, le most sati8f se- tory, showiug that the order, notwith standing the prevsiling depresaien in com- mercial business, le stili enjoYing inceas ing posperit?. The net increase lu mein- bership for the year was 1,104, withiu s tifde cf the beet ines 1879, aud twelve subordînate lodges have besu instituted, with svery prospect cf several lurther additions le the usai' future, the total membership in goofi standing being 21,662. During the year 3,000 brothera, 156 widows sud 27 eilîdren had recsived sick heneits sud relief amouinting te $79,555,44. The total amonut paid for current expenses wss $75,845 55, making total disbursemsivis 3155,400,99, the average cost Per member for ail pu-poes being V.17. The total average receipte per member was $9 3 1' making total receipte $202,515,47. The fende cf the society are s follows: e- erallbeuefit fuud, V764,06445; widows sud orphane fund, $79,036, sud contingent fnnd, $17.866,55; total, $860,967. The Bebekah brandi aIse continues te prosper, having haviug gained 736 members dnriug the year, wtb inorease of aosets of $743.57. THIE PEO PIE SEAK TIEY S PR1DtL&AD T Il 0 L AD aX EQw. Paine's Celery Comn- poùind MaIk'es Them WeI/5 After Suffering For 18 Years The Great Spring, Medicîne Cures Mrs G. Hl Parker. Eighteen years cf intense suffening disappointment and anxiety ! 1 Failing after failiug with doctors WHITBY PRESBYTERY- There was a full attendance of minis. ters at the meeting of the Whitby Pres- bytery in the Presbyterian Chnrch last Tuesday. Amongat the items of busi. ness of public interest were the folbcw- ing: A committee was appointed in re- gard te the re arrangement of the con- greRations of Clare-nont, Ashbern, Utica and Port Perry into two pastoral charges, instead of three, as at present, Rev. J1, Abrahamn, Convener; Rev's. J, B. McLaren and R. Whiteman, B. A. were isppointed commissioners to the General Assembly by rotation sud Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A. by electicu; aiso Messrs. D. Ormiston, B. A., and Jas. Smith, Eiders by rotation and Mr. Donald Smnith, by election. The As- sernbly meets in London in June. Mr. Fraser was appointed Io represent the Presbytery on the Assenibly's Commit- tee on business. Messrs. Ea.stman and Orieiton were named for the c,,rres. pouding cornittee uf the Synod of Torornto an.d Kingalo, to be held in Orangeville, l4th May. Reports on Temperance and Sabbath observance were given in. A resolutien was adopt.' ed commending the strict guarding of the Lord's Day in the electrie railway act recently passed by thé Ontario Leg- islature. The substance of the reports on State of Religion, Sabbath. Schoois and Statisticesud Systematie Benefic- suce, which were also presented te the Presbytery, are to be printed for dis- tribution. The next regular meeting to be heid on the 3rd Tuesclay of May. FLOWERS, birds.sunshine and the open air are conspicunus hoth in the subject matter and pictures cf FRANx, Lria'Fs POPULA.R MONTHLY for May. The number epens with a beautiful illustrated article enlitled The Business ciBlofseins, by Martba McCul- Jeugh Williams, Nelly Hart Woodworth folowswit sme deliehtful Stray Leaves frein the liook of No'ure. iilustratedhby Tes. Becker. A Modern May Day. hy Mrs. M. E, Leicester Addis, is fulil cf the quaint leg- enidry of this vernal festival. Other pictures. que and interesting contributions to this breezy nu'nber of Frank Leslie's are Altmnan A Golden Evrie. by Mrs. E. Laban Smith; A Esureate's Daugbter, by Maezaret B. Wright; A Nigbt on the Great Pvramnid, by James Rîcalton; A WVesterni Prospectiug Ranch, hy W. P, Rowe; On the Plains, by Edwin Emerson. Jr.; Parsiau ShrinEscf the Bey- Jamess Bassett;Sai' Marco (Fort Mar- ion St Augustine). by Chas. n. Cee; and The Reign cf the OlIive, by Frederick M. Turner. Iu addition there are good shirt atories, poems and nepartments. If yen want to boy or seil a f arm, adv tertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. Th'at pnper reaches 100,000 farmers' homes every weele, and your advertisement should incet the eye cf çsomeone who wauts te purehe'e. Advertisementq of Ibis cas are insert,-d in the Toronto Weekly Mail for five cents a word each insertion. or 20 cents- a word for ive insertions. Address THE MAli. If you want te buy or seil snything,ii yon want a situation, a mrechanie. a business, macbiuery, lodgings, if yen have lest or fouud auything, or if yen want to find ont where anycue ie, advertieiu the Toronto Dsily Mail aud read the advertisments on the Third page cf that paper. The charge le two cents s word each insertion. Ad- drass the Daily Mail, Toronto, Canada A CiBANE-Here is a change in the maîriage law wbich May interesi some of aue youing ladies sud gentlemen. Il re- quires pensons spplying for licence whe are under the age cf eighteen yeais te pro ducs the written certificats cf consent cf the father te the proposed marniage, or if Le is net alive or if thsy de not'live in the province, or any guardian je net eppeinted it le lefite othe:discnstian cf the issuor cf licences te gran ta licence. Ne licenpe can be issued teany person under 14 yeans, ner wii any clergýmftu be allowed to cel- ebrate the e.eremoujy lu sncb a caca. Tbis act came in force on JuIy Ws, 1894 Oshawa, Ont. Pains in_the Joints Caused by Inflammatory SweIIing APerfect Cure by Hood's Sarsa- parilla. "lIt cfords me inuch pleasure te reCOnunend Hcood's Sarsaparilla. My sou was affiicted with great pain lu the Joints, accompaniefi with swelling se bad that lie cculd net get Up stairs te bed witheut crawling ou bauds and knees. I was very auxieus about hlm, and having read HOO'3 O ureasA se mucli about Hood's Sarsaparilla, I deter- mncd te try it, and g0t a half.dezen bottles, four cf which eutirely cured hlm" MMt. G. à- LARE, Oshawa, Otario. N. B. ]Be sure te get Hoed's Sarsaparilla. --îi-cd's Pilla act easlly, yet pramptly and. ,mvvnly o te lyi'aud DQWÇ13 »ÇOç ' West Eud l ouse. JOHN MCMURTHY. OUR ADV. For Th is We&ký *ent Up inSmk We have just time. to say that our neit BARflA1N flAY Wil be on fly ~ Friday, May 3rd JOINNe IRIY. SUJGAR Young & Co., China Hall,, offer 30 poancts 0 f Best Granu.lated Sugar for $10OO9 Other S'agars in pro- portion.,