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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1895, p. 7

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3RT~ULÎ_FOT kWell, you see, mri anay,"ý salid me îey on a pure mnatter of sentimen, Ï rfloJe 1 ourton, "theyr l t arr yet a, o many of that cr0) - - , lie 10 àsbýapes, and thougli ni d back from the pad- ýtînue 1eradh il Miatter of looks, I'd baek an3 juiet ci osmly because they itd cure As thieytreio ecu- ~S UPP E R _'ie -tttie ayit ~ ~ p girl standing at Tete- try again, Defac ~i~'ic __________they we may flnd flue nd m haci heard a romant lc clo,,ef considerably upon Gamecock. BREAFAgl "bUP. CATRXI very tough cuetomer to tackle.__I story connected vrith lier. a CHPTRekd thl hi mrin.There's Dick cornes back having "welgh l i en; omistake abut it;ý - ,-i mi the mare grec S Dick Celato)n was lylng second. Game- ~~ li ie propertios of we.l-salected Cocoa-M Grand National. Seasonable wea- da< (seryuu 140 oo nitie hàffi à1 ta Epps bas provided fr bu bek fa,,,t i «M 11 " 1s, da anetlMg ý ~ht~iaay of recognii eor s h' B ~ deleafey fivore. bavra ewhîc ~ r," Fine bracing mernîng.jil~~ eesro smay eay ooir~ bis R t'ier th geeine eehngcibyand Jackson, whomf they etn erv mii.dand Je Bouirton h sI, n e thi x~~ dicons use of such articles of diet ththte crowdathyumecetfrn ride, je a steady, gee ih ri nu int the caddie anud Te,-ecdee fSm 4eenaf h rat ï riitop ntl a thy umle. ut roknwslai wy ve4,"hiuj"Dtify,.oslwlytoat i fthrti- oi t «10rn' tsndsMcs Engla ýe rpoeîo s bis wayOver f wit Kit ri~5 kDfiacetht disae.s mlaie t . ieb s cmen "IOaol s y*' Birton, 1_t a si1~i 'apdok it i fioti a k he laferst con I rn frifi0f eth& n i if ~ 'll ~ ' br ide. Ari 'd hink It was higli time di e s I a m w e aai p o i n W ef ifa e sc a p e fatal abaft by keepinz olirsslveýs --elifortifleà tinlgent from Lincelnshire lad flock- conmfa h e I.k ' l ~ ~ ttr' 5k omein la wtheu motret adoleto-k cihpr lof e rierlW nourishe d e hbni fteMre.She-h'sare gof ruiq%r yc'ur mou .Liýffl aad Goci speefi yo ilînadwihu oead eto trameY-"Civil Service et-teI'-poas fotIn unrdl the be~tting rn -tan*hile, enýel§lw" a well as she cï il d ie? er Made simply with boum.. f Bimnhr acl culation grew fast andi furious. Fve tat shew e geod.g edend y u Atl*g .bet M st Sold onlyla paeketsby Grocsrs.lab.lled thas:- and the specuale from Bimnhma to oas about Cata;Î ,Wg#ag- c naaL1feXbW* W my darling." 0of thel race lie dared net let sncb a liste aofmiw l-l wsffl fleitexfwigAibe tlfculty, and la ser, s ,ole , oly was to benif lÂl thbaker pu upwi'th a h -s e- ývard and Ries the haad extendei o blrn, and yet at the saine t me e as ~~~ ~~~~~ kingdern like that touglit S oextl oua sihrO'~ ond i epnoSleaasta u tha baf-ralhaf-~rtiictl eseowaimmdias f4j pja~~F pacing past the stand, nr so,-ccessfully wifbthi -tbat -re l bal- p ac by a con eîderable se tion of e1 public , n, a i'a n e. 30e Bo ro nd W at es wouîci ver y likeiyilbe et cli t ivepoo The w rs paclg teirmoay uon i- kposesson f Kt ,tackie the favorite ______4W fort ~"Isadhm" ad' te gain their sea s reckened the wbele thing ap quickly 4 'Ilstand__________a d.fer l its beai ,and carne f0 tbe conclu-9 ra 5~eleIfellower of the stah S1hVLt~~~m ~~ been ringing the changes o .yls ed 0D opsappex e , ourefi ort BUBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN decrpls~ two herses. Tofihunter an'd Cia dlced how the ra ,eoneanreo reean andi Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. mrtefu-rebk t lisneand the chances are they'hi tiss the sb-ould lie rua, as far as lie wae co 1- Iag ahI ,ff t%,e terward. The e7de1e mar nofu-os ras oth cn 1terbt t Office and ReiecEnniskillen. race away. 1 bel e w craed, ever and over agala ? Nota- tactics g9terbt t~ùDcQ of the toaraey. Long liefoe the houe'ihteodhre llf nwbtt e h phti 1f,,ftnald s n DBFItIIE siuesN ppeinted for raciag to hegîn the course Withr they camd 1e~, t gi îglf e u t e h phtfilf in TEW )l Mo MORT sc t oto n te try and wia wit g o oraasy'u r hycre verrse au aeluaefiltss e tt was an te Vleat~id!,'12 @ became con- tlîorough Ilifl 9 u vsc tand wlll se put T h ' l'Ti e!T!1, cante s8ce,.,! 4 gald ete -usa _ ~ - h i a t ob t ut " v r, and duriag It rn any a race-gi o g s l u arn- q ad s t ir H .M E ý y fa M ldly. oua Bedher' roe aiea But for ail that, the public st1 11 n waes leveileti at the geod-leokiflg'yngh.1O ~S'Jv RODE.~Ily YIt4,. .tn'BRooknad Beee'spit Br f an te thi ifvrt,-oag akt andi ha kU Gregeon lad lissa too mach occupied g FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM age, the country folk crowded like bes la a cosierbl u fehrefflsom not of what wdIdk passin 'ieXI1 t hil Admîtted at the World's F'air. w e f a. . , . ~~~~~~ ns. Somewhat to Mr. Waters, srn- story. Teefotum was perfsctlyoeI oe0 ltwspsigbhaihm ehvddrn hs rolog l _________________ aireidncircuyepota r11 hei Clî mato bsa acice se, an pa prie, le found that Teetofum liaci andi weii behvc duin tin Pe - -- - làh -ieerortleophoe rill reeie erm Inig hospltably amn hmsie i dkj - ea waer eecrp or etiion sil recv rmtaon hmesfa h& oaa r l e was astealsîsci te fiad Teefotnm at bldlÉpi o , ott vates. *deeàraylag elo'hs leels. Whie Gregeon lad been ce t riag of n~iefarvotflss. By this ti eirga gai p ag do~ ea,~IQN- TSA andi, secendly,"e 4K j oeI'm u ECO1IEOT. Plans and Speciflea-'on lier lirax est andi sanaleet face. Sh ýuuu- n i~ h a ~ ~ a ~ y, amouat, and la a feW, strid(ýUti*c0x s i sîrîLd bas e~~~ivay.cascfsIl u~e t ue -14 a d depnlved hlm of the leati, but coavlac- tu1 e~uii g vn annnm li acvace ütherwlse $I,5Q. sud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a botuà waàe anfeînteyarneet îe oso btd aM et c t j'ritosaways payable ai the o 11a c Officedlnclt inr eccaln Blec terr 1b ll 5 MJ 1 a e aS Usl ag ation. Advertieing rate& uniass by, - dfllult leceaealng aow terihi 'lti .q ---eev~ ebu tu 'i b or ..agt u cents par lina, nonparie i ,first nln8 , ~~~rieplees night, and, enly t to §uer s.a r 1na densprieeadubeuuuI Gt1nOLthsMaAt~~~~OrAer lever wae pre-occapet 1z. ç~* ~ ,~ . a . c"li&M Wfdi&nd dis "lM [a-, bar accidents Teetotam wonld. probi-_________________ a veagaiti with Jo, yooma t119 rae o, u ' 3r A eftrri theo uif ôfl ' t - -~ -j r Ihu 4O ey lie lad determineti t ak p 'y eut 01v k flidq l *&éÏM u ls'bG Wh~~q4 bMJé -"à eag of this race some . n lersif fogeter l f e maveilas w g-,sed te have mest "a pouatn a lkj cRen1admufs ipagrit hu wee o ninsncb pressure, a rç rtfao lInrc oai n n a OFFICE__________ --ea &W or4 ec was aow very o licn OFFIC --Ra looisss nug eks very pale ý,.','+~ rn-en feçe On*ere, ore ruo er r lOt liigginibotham & Son's Drug Iling Rwsewse fu undyctl nic -,.e~hS~O a h t c nto ifc lm fIl yoagr ac1tesitebaishe' t lit 85ilee Sels now as .h clnt *iem , bw _____________________ eU" eertdsieif e~i~ ot~ aloaigside e h m, lie said. "Weil, Mn. ~jIL$ I~MJLIIIIà lMni Tf _________ «3unJgrî~uugd e Cohafea, strikes me tlens's Oniy yen fo Teetounr' suUtss andi -r"MX anti 1 left la It. l'lhave a cross bat ens ltiq q«te fhunk that an accident to Du 'itf*u 0 yen, If yoa like. Yours beats tm fs ho thoaglit of. eva- f ie o huadI a i, bYSo o c e i o uie'çtl.y no né 0 ou: ' ý g , h4USoWr~ ~ul a ~dkde Il evaere- was anxIOIox lino ho,,rei theitn If tiawneti upon hlm fIat the irre- rmtrelief." bles res uit Dyer anci Clethas Cle ne*. ~ eeegg In fea rUno uad 'le Gccude warranted te ha as ne oe witl know Je oro huh csol î efahîlehe fi la fheu se", , nU laft ail c e umIg h oigb e ardIs aj e a Dia eteao dand 1~~C,3TrY befere tI proumna ae, business of saddliag. etc. took plac" bend ,id bcityý Dropsy." dcThen wl ai gét man peg 1 " --oThere,s oaîy tliree la it 1". t sawe;: %lxo,,clete h -W et Waters exciteily, "'andi our mare Y5 e, ood tdiseaises cannet cn jusw oictc hn nbe aeei~ ~ h R ¶' Oas of 'em, Corne -on, Tesfotum ! oaîy, heailt whe the e'xist where lat faïtci iI e- ecuqalu b'P, -i hia ys O'RiL 1 ~5 e ln Dedd'a Kidneji te show fhey, are apronaft wesjejnr "ell Mn. Bourtea,' sau cii Wt k, "w e t' on 'ier fi jheet of hie wa. .aI te the stand fa 0~ le s-eocfs u efbrld ln leb le aclgsah fe ooio W eo i e 5 eD~iMê,t~f sW1~Mpp * Oê*<bfU*Wt~ thfe favorite, whomn Jackson was ca p-e the rails andi succeeded. ain 'am carne9 Catanioutbl»«M"l C. H ARNDEN L. D. S. lif wuh ha sîmphy lecause wo 'e neý wi iati «rhca" Caf aoçfèudli fully nursing for a final effort, thougl" un sfîg1rgugaan of Graduatenfth4e y t uÀop 0 "aii feeling thaf un fhaunex msfhia 1 l y la hie- arm as lie Gradate ftha1101 ~ ~ ed te inpef ien11sg gc J hon second hie nîglit SuWgtons. otari, JubO> _^I Iim rtj l Waes"Don't tahk of sncb a thia e en n4 !l it g an i -se by hie side, Hati Pc att Il rny heanrt ai l ut anethr feaner go thn oaayug ihnrahe esJ a- A - î have been beatea, andi Dik ke yu yso ta eggaý "WTelI, that fitwscfidnc tiâ# pb IM " n- ittoa carne frern fthe stand, ttahr 50ife Ittet moa Ç"'j oined Bearte@ uM. mû dt U6I "Wby q t3 sc wias affer ai " The 7,e ,r~n5 lie ipouade ? Now 1 shaîl have te iso- jockey of thaft herse, whea1r ha saw the wTho butriçne who behev fen t îef o he ed tmd ce t' s n minutehw. ov-er les tiuatc TI aeri-at b lsbancryugeucapable of any enormity." ~jt~~t~e~fMU'~ftl~h.u asewsl n an c veryý, naura1ý hy o-glit gtt 1 e tailorin egt ass ri c la - re..,n hig we~ wer e s onpaa the cus.The, olear Mardi a'r anti eveffeti iQ. 'te %1Xil f I~UIG ~u~Ie 'Y els, nig hes tu nake gants' anf beys' suit@ ia ail the latast n cus " i ,~ they camae fg.Wiat, Dick sutideal3 bc- utsperafeîy, ut became a vee'y fine ses, and at lewest pnices, For t.hose whc' wae resonant 'itht V,,e fle'ce war orr wilt ra ut.l ilcrr alla f0 iefedesn~' sr u ~~~gins lcame conseolns thaf Gregeon was bon- point, wha± b. couldn't evean noms amiplesinailliha nawest pattarne. Give lieu hecIxae :'îh ~- a!! l~~~efxq'MrOTofl ikleeeh olinal î caR. r ~againat Jfavnlfte" eidi Sq. franÇeinet nu daetheo~v~' ~ J~se, ~ e~ 5 eaoi aaanîugt~ as -fî*«a r rang sharp anti s'x;ih u eu'i cans as as "I ca' ht" shenfeci a esonýa â t t -ýtfaîrly lto they weaf rip te theur places on tbbe> -shgp*~ ut r eeg- d II MONE Tg 4Jý1 rse CaIlo a- rscrambie pasf the winning pesf, b are ONE T # ~~5 ~ ~- . # rsessiontt o. collision Ia the air was îengtî -6011[q gR&1fl their stalîs, Waters noucid lits il- I ek u u us n teI cequeLr£,anc frem fthe stanti anncae ' ait th 1~ arese a shout ef "They're bof h do an!" (TO BE O.NItE. tenfi -golng clown lafo the lieffi «Cjq Mid !d M~qj~ 3d". s niek ing Dlck anti Kift f ton . e1 -:xMn r hande~ bdapiaeesnt netua.o rsaofesleetog tw ~~e, ba no~. II Ff lIe o cer O r f th f e ..'4ltl e a f l T~ ThIî.1 e cOi osi t fî~s i i, fI t thare are -b~ 2 1V uas f e , 1 o, m,,k(g, h i e , aý .' id" Tohh.,e lat fix stale f ei aay1 tae prvcu rnorniSg ta n«e Xif~~q~~ ~ ~~~ti ,at Lay expesct opioo alf 'Jee sorf Plea Ai l ~ ~ 4 ant wln, as easçsr "tL'"e ý'Vr nus P.~ol'èf~->fls large sto k J '.JJa'L- onL3LNI h d stlli aie tat fime su afile, utheeiIn cnsatharial' kn what '4 wontie teW many"t test ye c e- SnfraýneoSaEusr.ýmnasi nitnîyL e am P as etha BUW ANVLL.raeasalysow ixfth ao"if ae-obkhfne oa cult acus en ?" .ear 1e;ecie Ai Dgiss Oý ofEgls ia etta els e T odmhav e r s f hehiy cr"t hlm ety IelngýVI sud a f,0 astrae Ir a at liec e- & ue o Chfldren~~~ch Cr cïmur~rs atra

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