____________________ I At t~e ~ rad prices of our -W A LL ]p -JLEEpMIlaSi They are so pretty and very cheap. GOD pArMit T 'l ATD 6 OCISTO MZL IOLL. Cali and see themn. Rcon-, Moudings, Picture Frames and Window Shades, very cheap. W. . ALLEN, "Big 20." SPJUNG TIRE. Ilouse Cleaning'Season. is here and we are ready with a full lino of Pure Prepared Paints, Carpet Whips, Diamond Wall Finish, Brushes of ail kinds, Step Ladders, Carpet Feit,- Carpet Tacks Carpet Stretchers, la fact everything, required in preparing the House for Summe.r. A ew Faets Worth Remembering!1 CAWKER & TAIT 'HaAe never sold goods lis cheap as they are to-day. Bo lbs. Gran. Sugar $x.oo usually 24 i IL eau B. Powder 15 c 25C Dried Apricots 15e. lb. z0C Dried Peaches x5c. lb. " 20e 6 lbs. CurrantS 25C. " 3 lbs Corne early and secure sorne of these Bargains.,' Bring us your Buttter and Eggs and get the Cash for them. CAWKER & AI Mie Popul.airGz'occre. The Big Bargains at Mason's Business, Change Sale wiIL continue FOR TIHIS WEEKe Just thiink, a good Canadian Tweed Suit for $7.50 to order. A good Black Worsted Suit to order, sack coat $14.00. Cutaway- $15.00. Boy's and Men's Suits-ready made-at and below Cost. Spring Overcoats-buy now. We are willing to lose on them. Men who have bought in Bowman ville for 50 years say they ijever saw sucli bargains before. Boo0ts&She andoatswiU not be put in dIA~u -fl-ÇU1 Ti <1 ~ _______________________ p ~--- p - -- -- - ~ I praying rer a warm sprmg ram w mua~su Cream of Witch Hazel. Fine Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Etc., S p Ruà I N G. 0011KG AGAIN. Wall Paper ini beautiful de- TO THE PEOPLE -OF- signs, at about hait for- mer prite. $pring IRoller -Window Shadles ail complot e at 50'C. JJon't be deceiyved by- city peddlars, cail and see stock and get prlc<es. J411 the rage-the game of Crokinole. -,A new lot at reduced prices in a day or two. PTR'EBILCOK JFUAEU ýýTO lIENT 1 lie Senth tai! of *ot cou. 9, .Darlngton, kucwn as Ben- thamiferai centaining one huudred acres, Mnore or 1ais; will lie leased Le a desirable tenant ou -ay terme. For particulare ap. yto D - - > MBGiLLivÂv. Solicitors, etc, v itby. UX 1' ARM TO BENT.-For a terma cf years J2"'( Gendhu"-W(i acres 2 miles from 'Wiitby-good buidiioc and soil. Admir. aslla for stock or dory. Chance for going extensively icto Toronto rilk business or stockr raiing fer Amerlewi market. Men iith of cly need app. H. . DOii, WestDuhm Pleast accept my best thanks for your patronage during the last six- teen years. 1 inteud te continue the business and te conduct it as orn former years, taking farma produce, etc, in exchange for Goods. 1 have bought tuy goods in .krge quantities di-et frora the nanufactuirers for cash, and seiU them as -ha as any one in the business. [ have the best goods ma&e in Canada and 1 buy them f rotu Caaadian Maixufacturers and bring thean right to your own doors where you can seee what goods are worth, better than anyiwiere else. Please don't buuy yotir IUSNWARE, TEAS anxd CoTt-ourÂnEs, etr., until my men and wagons corne round. They will have genuine, new goods, net haIt burned, nor shelfiwoii. 1 will ailow ý-c per lb. for good mzixed rags during April, and May. Wishing you ail a very prosper«is season, I remain, yours truly, JOHN LIGRIGG, Tra.velling Merchant, No. 32 Ont- ,aKi St, Bowmanville. Miss M. osBoLtiE, is prepared to do dress- making t ber resil3ence, (Mr. -NeadF) Divis- ion Street, or wil go buL by Lieday. Prices Merate, CUstoni soLcited. . j the grain grow with more rapidity, but as yet their prayeru have remained unu- anawered. No ramn however je absoluto- iy necesaary, as down two feet ln the earth the front ln stili te be fouud, and on warm days this arises and moistens1 the ground.1( Aithougli we have bail suoh a fine wlter and spring, the weathor at ail timnb as not been perfect, far froux it.ý On Good Friday snd Easter Monday1 we hail the only blizzard of the year. but lnstead of a vint quantlty of surrw blinding the eyez of the travellNr ho le met by a cloud of duqt through wbich he éau herdly see hia hormes beada. Such a storni canuot ho remenibered even by the oldeet luhabi tant. Noth ing lua cure froan this dont, The air of the meut looi@ly baet bohuses ie per. meated with ir; it penettates througb 'closely guarded windows sud makea 'Itrâ way luto thé articles of food no that Inow If nover lhefore we..wl urelyconiunçi 15our peck of dust." The poplars lu the' bluffis ereak and %wey butDore the touch of n unseen haud, snd at hie commxand bow thoir ghnggy tops low to mother earth. The lakes la the Cyprees î1111e aSethe and foeam and the beat ot the white caps upon the rocks bound shores may be heard in the luil of the sierm. The inhabîtante of this part arc most- iy freux Bruce and luron. 1 kuow of but two froux uid Weht Durham, Alpha Coucli, of Bethmeda, and your humble scribe- (Jouch han e good fàrm to the woot of tha village and elreadv hec aIl hi, swhear isown Tho umont of the farm. 'ers are fairly wellte do and, are gener ally happy and contentedl. ffopug Ihat my long letter nxay find apace ln ynur valuable paper and wish- Ing you sud ail WeBt Du-hem peuple a proaprous year, fl'wîll ubacribe myseif, Yours truly, F, MANNING. A Happy Ohoice. AFTBM '25 YEARS A Wîse M*ter Ohooses the Figlit Medieîne and Her Son Tells of its Wonderful Effects. GELEY.,-1u the sprinc, of Ibi) g,4 a buttie of B. B. B. for iny m- te *wh ad, been troub1edifor 2 yearý v..oh Uhhtou- ache. 1 got it Lm n1. xobaird. tf Wod.itock, N 1B., whû gave me two ether medcines te t;xký, hb'ue andl let my mother take ber câ. Fortunattly she chose the B. B. B., and I returned the tlier botties. She nised it for three months amid has had no headache since. We are ,me it was B. B. B. cured ber as ebe took ma other medicine, JoNÀTiîAN, A. GR.EEN, Hlartford, N. B. B Er KEEPERS.-I amn prepared to furnish you witb ail the latest improvg- ments in D&O Hives section, Foundations and other supplies of the latest manufacture Cali and inspect, Prices reasenabie. T. J. CoLic. Maple Grove, Bowmanville, 15-4w. IN DARLINGTON. Pnrsuant te the Judgoment in the Action Re. Treleveu, Allen vs. Treloven in the Chancsry Diviminn of the High Court of Justice dated the 6th day of Mardi, A. D. 1895, there will lie cffered for sale with the approbation of J. Hl. Dumbie, Esquire. Master, cf the Supremo Court at Cobourg 6by Levi A. W. Tole, auctiosaeer, et THE BENNETT HOUBE 1N TRE Town of Bowmanville. st tlheur cf Vtwo o'clock, p,. m. on SATUJ4Y~MAY 26, 1895,ý the fo u~ landrs ad promises. Beiug lot nu, i txtn n luthe f i rth concession of tue l---iship of DarianRton, the homeatead propert c f the late J. 1). Treleven. STie farm contaius eb(Put two hundred acres ali cleared arable land, except &bout 15 acres which les aid te be veil timbered with beecb, maple, hemalock and saluable cedar. The soil les aid to e oa ood' day loam and in a f air state of cultiv ation. The proerty l@ situtâted en the Hampton road, distant three miles freni Bowmanville. where an exe!1ent market ii always lied for produce; and one rmile frem Hampton where are Post Office, Church and School. l'ho f arm es said to ho weil fenced and ie crossed by a nover failing etreani cf epring water; there aroe .lsc good welle cf'liard water. 1On the property are erected the foliowing f arm buildings One and a haif storey f rame bouse 24x3gft.; frame barn and stable 70x 40ft t 20x3Oft and 30x25ft, wltb atone stable under; ïmplement liouse 3WxOft. frame. There ig an excellent erchard of aboat 6 acres well stocked wi.th choice variatien of fruit treec lu gond bearing. The sale wili be subject Le a roser,, bld te, be fixed by the said Master, The preperty will be off ered for sale aubj oct te a nsustinir lease tioreof, 'partienlars cf whicb will lie given at the Lime cf aise. TERMS. The purcliager shall at tho Lime of sale ps'y dewn tte e plaintiff's selciter a deposit equal to te per cent of the purchane money sud shah pay e remainder cf ths money jute Court te the crodit of tLii cause witiu thirty days thereafter without intereet. The plirchaier sBhall searcb the titis at hie ewn ,expense and the vendor shaîll ot ho called upon te furnisi any abztract cf title er pro- ducs any titis deeds other than those iu bis possession either for the purpome cf verify- ing the abstract or otberwse. Iu aIl other respects the terms and conditions cf sale wll be tie standing conditions cf the High Court cf Justice. Furtier particulars can bie hadl froyx Wil- liem iF Allen, Administrator, Bowmanville. I. F. Holland, Esquire, Cobmurg, J. F. Grierson, Esquire, Oshawa, or f rom the un. dersigned solicitor and f romu the Master, Dated LMeis 6à day of .April, A.D. 189.5. J. I LTMBLE, Local Master, S. C. J, Dý 13. SILNIPSON, -?ari'sSolicitor,. 17-7w. MrASON.~JsL~MASO r~ ~IU~iIILU~s AJA3 'JUU~U~. BO WMANYILLE, Are selliiig Groceries, Provisions,. Fruits, Teas, Flour, Feed, Crockery and Glassware¶ ",fo r CASRIlandl at spot- cash pri ces. They -wilI save you monely.i Produce taken as cash. Murdoch's Old Stanid. seeing the splendid new stock of Spring Hats and Gent' s Furnishings at M. MAYRS The Practical Natter.- I 3. F-1 -- r -i-ý- unua uu .11. -.LU. - ý ... %., %J % 5 ztiuln%.W. S -Iwàr-