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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1895, p. 2

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ClRATEFUJL-Ç-ýOMLlFORTINO .rr Re H rigtly dtermined nt to cout p.11c luada sa, sh hdenn- By throxih kowlege r th nauralCONLUSIN.lng sensation that. lu spite of al ie2 "By throngi kowloro f tIe nture COCLUSON.chîcanery, lie lid beueflted nothing aaswi~igvurn thse operations of digestion Kitty's companlons liad been ab- by the.race, The general verdict was and nutrition, and by a careful application et obdl h aeta he idpdtabtfr h olso ttols tIse fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. obdl h aeta hyhdpi ht u o h olso ttels Epps bas provided for our breakfast and Buppor littho attention ta lier, and thorefore burdie, It would. have beon a papital 9 Ïelicsitely fiavored beveraizee'hich may save liad net noticed how gbastly pale thb race betwveeu old Todhunter and the, us msny beavy doctors' bills. Il le by the gilhd been over sinco il commenîŽed.,!wnewleterdr0 elue 5adicious useo0f Aucliarticles f dit tIsaI a wngirl haherie o Dfan constitution may ho graduaiiy built up until lier scream, however, made tliem turu ta the day of bis death, aiwaye lament- strong enongli te rosiet every tondency to toward lier. She lied failea back lu ed that lie threw away the chance of 4iftase. Iiundreds of subîlo maladies are lier seat and was white to the very vlctory. floati ag arounuf us ready te attack wherover thore les weak point. We may escape many lips. "Teetotuma wins Teetotum "Mine was faly doue wltb, but If 1 a fatal eliafî by keeping ourselves well fortified wins 1 Tetotum lias wun , burst front ,uldlhavefrse httetrel ,wltb pure blond and a prnperly nourlehefihndei 0 nute udI nohrirn f oree aIltgoiug 10 ble fram."-."Civil Service Gazette." hnrd fmnhadI nte rn fm eealgigt lne Made imply witli boiling water or milk. minute the mares number was satis- at the lest Isurdie, I couid bave been Soldi on]ln Plaacte by Groc"rs. labnIetusin: factoriîy lioisted with that of Deflance a bit nearer ta take afivantageo0f JAmrErs E aS &C., JlomSooathlc Chem- udri. JeButn ewe h hi ruladI a en 19s, Loidon. England, udrI o orobtente'en _________________________-giory of havlug won the Liverpool, sbonld have just won." À. and dîsmay at his danghter's prostra- Eut for thcso ifs the materiai vet tion, tias for the minute fairiy daze lo f this world would mauy a Lime have but Mr. Waters was laquai tu the occe- heen mucli altered. 510fl, -Messrs. Moore andi Houbens l il WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 18S95. "G et down as f e.t as you can, man, their racing career had nover expei'i- - - ~~and ieed your mare lu; neyer mind e1, sc adsse s hs lo DU. J. C. MIWHELI, Miss Bourton, leave me to tako cere 0f! had played for a great stake, and liaad hIEMBER 0F COLLEGE OF PHYS 1IOTAN lier. She bas oniy faiuted, andi will seon il appareutly withln their reacli. Wl nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, ec, ho as joly as a sandboy as soon as:Bae buhCtmutudntd 0~e ad esieneEnueklln. 74. she eomnes ta0 and I'vo made lier under, ly was, lied ho only safely gel over the » BURE I SIPS<>N stand that lier sweetbeart lias won othrlSa Gegn'deeae the Liverpool and net broken bis neck.! iBRISTER, SOLICITOR, &o. MOPRISl'lgtleltoacrgeatiebc expedierit wuuld have givon hlm the SOliitOfOrtheOntri ankof he Sran asseln a I anandrace. As il was, eltbough recogulzlng 0f to Srandas oon s Icansudtliat their emissary liad doue, bis best, FI vate NOReVs loanesi at tIse owa3t ratas we'Ill watt there tli you and ColaCon tiywr nn isoiint ogn BIORT YOUNG, V. S. corne 10 us." eoc byWr 0 ir i hm d-FFJCE IN THE WEST DURHAM M rWtne i thanhee asceusin selves ta 01spense money wîîli a free %J NeWB lock, wliere imBeof or assistant Mnatr' dicand acrigylaf, and there wero sinister rumore will be found froua îa.m. 1009 p.m. Niglit celle bunniefi off ta lead lu tlie winner of tIse Ibat -tley wonid nover meet thein lia- t resdence.direcily opposite Drill Shied. Cells Grand National. Dick looked vonybiies Takho vr 1Ilecu bY telegrapli or teleplione ii receive prompt pale when Bounton at lest got hold of siditea tinan 10 somoetet the asn- às1 leution 17-yr Teetotumn's bridie. ,Hie monîli twitcb- sisertauon0fndhein brelliren tedsd A. A. POSToautlnfhiniltamsîlbn manage ta weatlior the blackest Mou- powerless by bis side.da tby afevrnoueedbt A RCIIITECT, Plans and Specifica- 'It's al riglit," ho exclimed, as lie dthespcuati.ons wenecnippled aud tL ions Preparod for every lase of huîlding. jumped off, and witli hie left baud and terseuain eecipe n ,pecini attention givon te beating by seam teeth proceedefi ta nemove Teetotuî's conducted on a mucli more limited suYid bot water. and 10 eanitary arrangements. saddle. "I just guI home, and uow,; scale for many a long day. Offce: Gorre fBlock, Whitby 41 ly SISa rgovnihdntteob as soon as I've weigbed in, lIli ho off 1 a rgo aibdm h h 1-%t ! sourît y and povonty Ihat nualy e wrnbut 1 elaif ou't iowfeus aajockey wbo turne an ern R. P .A.TETaior wong bu I 001as i evrytingwasibsoif; lu mucli disrepute before, hie Genitlemenl's Clothes Made to Order. smasied lu thîs anm. It's luck, et al __________________________events, thet 1 don'I went lause Jebehmeful foul ridiug in the Grand Na- T1U~Q 1U Aa 1 FŽ ny more to-day, for I'vo lost ailuse tionai put a precticel finish te bis ooco ado, caneer, and lie lapsed into a more hang- Js>sflIYL I1IJJV13 WtiuDcIoitoIb eor-on of the racecourso, picking up a DENTIST. scaIes, and, as selon as the l"ail riglil" precarioneIlIving as ho best could. *-was pronouncefi, lie Irew bis great Dicli Coiaton's -erm pnoved a- mucli coat aven bis sboulders, and, accom- more serious thing Ilian was et firet OFFICE -iRear -of Messrs. pautiod by Bourton, made bis way tu antlcipetefi. No boues wore broken,t the hîek I th Strnîl.but in the desperate effort lie had il igginbotham & Son's i.rug M' aeswsasgoia i wr;md akoep Teetotum ounlier legs, Store (don stars), but, no sooner was tbe race over and'[the. muscles nad been most fearfully bis neiglibors on the stand became wronclied. He nstffred great pain lu awane of wliat lied happened, than he il for weeks, and It was monîlis ho.. BOWMANVILLE -eceived iney amnount of assistance; fore the ductors eilowed hlm ta use the CoId water and a tumbier, and more iujurod iimb again; but Kilty made a Gefis' llnhinn Ilen ne rieuiy las wee prffeed cclunwearied nurse, andi Bob Waters Qe tl clo..iALAL him, and lu a vory few minutes Kitty! declared that ho never saw a man on- Cleaned, Dyed. Presseod and -Repaireà by recovered berseif cufficientiy 10 sit up, Jus' a state of crippledom more. ell rn -rr 'f-% ý4 -r-gulp corne> coiS weter, wonder how arm was sh1lu a sling wben ho 51005 p' 'l A 'T she could bave been su foollsb, and, before the aller of Abliotsford chuncli Switli e sickiy smillo, essayeS to spealt. witli Kitty Bo-urbon ,and tlioy vowed Dyer and (alliesCleaner. "Sit quiet for a fewv minutes more," tai ove anS clierlsli oaci othor tili boodeo warrauted ta ho as no one will kuow 1 saiS Waters, autlioritatively, "Dick le deatb slionld theom part. theni fromn ew wlien done, al ight, and bas wcn. tie Liverpool. "Ah ! my derling," whispered Kîtty, anS utalo trets, Now mest drink Ibis glass of sherry as tliey drove away, "yon won the LI- ConewKng *eul ýad thon you anS I will go off and! erpool, anS I amn proud of 1, but nu- congratulete hîm." ody knows wbat I suffered during Ihe, iEIISTI S3TIY' By Ibis time the people lu ber 'ricin- thi eo Seys previons ta thet race. I lty lied become aware Ibat thse lady was haunted wltli the idea, Dick, Ie wbo lied feinteS wes the Miss Bour- l wes predestined ta prove fatal ta you. ton wbose fatlier lied jmt won tbe big But you'ne my*owu now, anuS!Il neoer r ace, and Iliat site baS swooued1 upon, consent ta your iding another steepiý soeiug lier lover, as elie thouigit, get as. a terribly lied fal et tihe lest hurdie. (THE END.) She found berseif, mucli lu ber cou- i__________ fueion, au object of t'bc greateet interest i as sbe made lier way out of thse sterd. Bodice for Siender Figure. ieaiugou ates' rmTo el oiS A party bodico for a tim girl who eu- 0f Ieirown annge pove impac-not wear a decolete dreds,is pale bachelor. C. Il ARND0EMý, L. D. S~. ticabie; but Waters bad no difflcuity lu bublon bine chiffon, made extravagantl Gradeteolte Roal ollgo u Dotai cebchissg a fiy, lubo wbicb lie anS Kitty full. The fulluese of the eleeves is secured etuoneegos, wOnt111riik.-u Bou- not alone by makin g them very large round SureosOuano.ton shouid juin Ibem. A very fw about the armn, but by allowîng lu the OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OIFFICE. minutes, sud lliey were seen makiîsg iength for the'rows of puckering that give. VITALIZED AIR. their way lbrougb the tbnong, anS the perpeudicular pulls wben the gatheriug ___ Waters egerly halleS tliom; but e îhreads are drawn up ln place. This sleeve ~~ew Taîlor Sh 0pgane showed Kîitythat there was lied bis coal ou insteàd of ouly tbgown Thie uuderRigned wlia las been carrying o e i hudnI br a o thse taiioring, business lunconnection 1 wth bo eomething lbs fter a e Maeo's Dry Gaeds Store for a inumberof years bensmt gte malter; eilil, as ho tas commenceS business for hltmeoif at bis wes eble btaelk, thie ginl comfontod- rosdeceRig t.,es. lieo iele prePar9d lierseîf wiIb the rodlection Ihat, wliel- te maire gots' and boys' suite iu ail the laelt styles, and et lowest ircos, For thosc wliolever bis injuries, tlicy could not bho f wish 10 arder suite. howlcaratnlli o an alenming description,., amples in altho neetpatterne. Give hlm "Al iglit?" exclalmed Wetêrs. x -'-' ~ "Ys,'~reJoined Bourbon, l'ail rigit' Fashionable Tailor as fer as the race Is concerneS, but 1 MONEY TO LOAN , fraid Dick lias hurt bis anm had- 1 "Do't look frlglitened, i, Cty," ex- *$ 00,000. lie oaon "ewnteLîver- Peel an hav prmisd yô 'nverta A largeaofsrno monoy lias been placed in rny do so no more.,' I bave hurt thie arua, bauds by e-Private p rson for inveetrnont, ou anS ar n l consîderablo pain mest uow, approved baâns aU farm ee(ýcuritY for a terra Of but I am pretty sure it's notliing cor- 1 E Ior TEN YeeeFIV - A 1ND OSFIHA L V PF, CIETiniterest "il; ho a-ked payable y 'rî.lou$ and thel ea.Snctor will very soon Satisfactory cond1itions fer repayment will libuA ttorgb. arraugofi. 1"Oh1 lk ydaexaid D. 11, -SIMPSON IDci y er,1xceme h asa-asecond elîken liuing ta the eibow Solicitr, BlumwrnanvijeI!girl, "I thouglit you wene kiiled etmucis larger than the whoie lining, the Dated Oct, lsl, 18041. 40-tf. 1Ibatlalst bundle. 've been veny stupidridelnigjditddwthheci- TJ¶ORSALE R REN,-lo1e an anadsree"l droop wh te le willthocrig a NVe are making a aset ironPgtogb conrl ouiîuedfrIem- Easy Enough. ànd feed Box.Oel and See lhem. men.baS corne ont of Ibis melee of hie The idea ! saiS lise luly girl. Here le onmeking very liblie the worse for corne ridiculous person going t0 give a lec. Sewlng Machines cleaned anS repaireS. the feul. Ho e s purposely rathen slow bure on how to ho beautiful. As if every coming round, anS gathered from tie one diS nul know the secret. POIRTER'S OLD STAND. commenîs about hua Iial tise ide ofI Indeed ! ssid thse sisarp.nosed girl. AnS BOW ANILE.populan feeling lied sot somewb,ýat jwbat is the secret, pray? BO MNIL.ageinsl hlm. Why, dres iim correct style. of course. SPRING SMILES. Noahi Count-" Wall, Hledison, auy now cnceit on hanS 1" Inventer-" lai; my son's home frorn echool,"ý NMrs. Gadzley-« Do you suifer muci ,rcimntoothacbol'. frs. Biazer--." No- bat îe, nett uniese rny huisheud lies il." -"De man dat cornesrun makin' the me' noise," saiS Uncle Ebeu, I"doan' gin- eraiiy hb' nui' lime lof' foh ter mako anyt'ink aise." Tise wife- 1 One hlithble world doesn't know how tho othor hall lives." The hue. baud-" Wall, il lent the fanit of your eewiug eocîety, anyway." "lSu the insolent feilow refneed to pay hie ront." "11Ho diS not say sa in words, hut he iuti mated it. " -IHow sol"'"Ho kioked me Sownetairs." Bryce-"« Algernon Fitx Sappy le one of those fellowe whu bas more money than brames, ien'î lie ?" Kuows-" Yes, aud lie le pour, bu." . lMrs. Trout, wisv do you look go Sown ia tise, gis "V' I Trut, my dear, I cau't help worryîng when I remember that's it's muet fly tinie again.". Witb joy I greets yen, geulle epring; You bide us Emile ag'in-ý No wood ter saw, nu snow ter eweep, No coal. ter carry lu.-> Il Our fire t imnprees'ïo4s muet readily slip our mremories,"' saiS the teaciser." Oh, I kt'ow why !t" shouteS Johnny. "Wall, why V'"Il Our firet imîpressions, are slip. "What leabise malter with that man V" ssked the inquisitive Ernaîl girl lu tise thse ater. IlThe man siîbiug lu the front row 7" Yos'm. The one wbose.bair le bo emal for hlm." Impatient touriste (lue maîl boy flising in tbe laeo) - Yeun bld us tisat the boat al ways lof t bore aI 4, aud we bave waited now tîli peet 5. " Boy - I"Oh, it doesu'I begin tb umn tliiMay." IExpérience iii the beet teacher," re- rnarkod Pledcling Pets. Il Yes," repuieS Moanderiug Mike ; Il but rny pereunel oh- serwation ie that it's a mighty pour way ter etudy law." Tise air is feeling haxy,. The eap jelu is e breos Yuu are feeliîîg lazy- Ail you went lu do is seoze. Wîfe (te unhappy husland)-"I would. n't wurry, John ; it does't do auy good lu horrow trouble." Hushend-"l Borrow trouble?7 Great Caesar, my dear, I ain't horrowiug trouble; I bave iltot lenS." Siîîg a soug uf springtrne;i W lnber'e corne sud gone; But wbile you hum bise merry rhyme Keep your dlanuels tu. Oid, Bsche-'" That's a bandeorne pair af ielippors yuu're wearing, Hîarry." Harry- "Tey ouglit te ho ; I'm sure thsey coit onougli. My wife made thern, anS thon coaxeS out 'of me tise price of a seaiekîn jacket." Clara-" How under bis un diS Edilli happen luernsrry Mr. Awkward ?7" Dora, -11 Ho was the liane of ber lite et every ball ebe atteudod, anS I«presume she mar- rieS hlm tu keep hirn frorn weuting ta Sauce wîtb ber." Judgo (te prisener) - Have yeu auy. tbîug more lu sey 7" Prisoer-"I No, my lord ; only I wouid aek you te hu quick, please, as il le near the dinner hour, aud if I arnta go te prison 1 ebould liko la get tisere lu lime for tise soup." The Idaisy's drearning lu tise dow, 'LIse golden becs are seeîng honey; Tise skies abuve are juet as biua As isan feilow ont of mouey. She-"1Every one in towu eaye w. are going telie married.>" He-"'Weil, it'e true, isu'î il 7' Sie (eobigy)-"Ilt can'I ho, Frederick. You muet ho deceiviug me, If it were true every one lu tuwn would eay we are not goiog bu ho married," "But ho e sas mucli youuger tisan hie ' s if.'" II know that, but thon lie ailibe i mucis oider ton yoars trom nuw." "As for thal matter, wou'l ehe aiso bo mucis aider ?" "-Mýy dear sir, sis a8ewumau. Iluit yeti 1wait ten yearesud séee" Young cilize-"I hear that bthe plice cauglit tise tisief who liroke int your bouse tise tiser nighl." Old citizen-"lYes ; a nice tîrno t0 catch hlm, wasn't it ? Why diidu'îtishey catch birn, hefore ho broke ilu?i If îisey had I'd 'vo givon tbemn sorne credît for it." Choliy Uppers-"I Fwed, can Von epare 1 ie smallbils for a ton V" Freddie Hoeled -Il Suah, deali boy." Chole-"l Thanke, wveally, l'Il banS you lise ten bo-rnorrow2' M\lre. Rashs-,, Hw do yon manage ta gel your cook up su eariy V" Mre, Dash- " Wall, I huntedl up a young anS good- lookiug milkmsn anS bureS hlm te corne at 5 u)'clock." Motlier-"Don't you feel able te sit np î ?" Boy-,'No, mamma, I ami 100 w;eak." Mainrna-"Weil, lot me see. 1 gnose you wili ho able to go bu echool Mou. d'ay. To-morrow je Saturday, and--" Boy (jumping ouI of beS)-"Sat-urday 1 I Ihougist it was Friday." HAIR CUTTING. Thse Experience constItules au Event lu Te priest out tise next piece, ber mother tise next,aud seo n,eacb guesteserving in tpro nutil tise liatle lady was sisor. ,Ali gave coei 'ty gifle intenSeS for lier rnarriege dower, Princes, Ministere uf State and digitaries ut ail sorts, wbd wsited in tise ouler courte, eîsnding lu their contributions by tise attendanîts. Tise day endoS lu feesting sud a dispiay of flieworks. TERRBIBLE PAN II AT A EIRE FRIG*HTFUL SCENES MN A BLAZLNG FACTORY IN MONTREAL.ï Mqenoaald's Tobacco Factosy lestroyed- Es 'ape oir the Enployes tutoff-Somîe Jump for Thelr Lives from thse FMfIR . storey-several Ifeported MîUsslmg-TIe Tota~l Loss'iWlli be About Hait a 11i1- lion Dollars. A despatch from Montreal says:-One oi the biggest tires witnessed iu Montreal for many years hroke out on Thursday evening in W,.tC. MoDoualda mammoth tobacco A. Je-s factory on Ontario street, at the extreme C RD BY TA< G east end of the city, The bilileau immaense flve-storey b)ric;k structure, CoVer -____ ing sevoral acres of ground. Whilo several â parilla hundrefi hands were at work about 5. 30 o'clock tlsere was au explosion front the *11 was affUcted for eigbt year«s with Sait Rlseum. Daîiing thtlimtre, Itrieda tgreat drying-room on the upper storey, followed nauy nmedicines which were highly ree- onmnseuded, but none gave nie relief. 1 by an nuthurat of flame2. The alarm wýas was at last advised to tiy A er's Sarta- souned roma prvat bo onthe roude, aIlla, and before 1 had imslsed the souned fom apriate ox o th gronds, forth bottie, my bauds were as and the flrenaen of the eastern division Pref Ern o s quickly responded. ID thie meantimre theo refom E rpi laines lied made great headway. as evçr tbey were. 31Y business, whicli jeiliaht of a cab-driver, requires me te The outbreak ot the fire was sOe udden bcouet iu colfi and wet iveather, often that a panis took place amongst the bande, ithout gloves, but the trouble bas ineyer returned- THoacAs A. JOHNS, nearly two-thirds of whom were girls, and- Suratford, out. a rush 'was made for the exits. Sînoke was pouring ont in dense clouds irom the u'pper U 1 storey,and ln the confusion that ensued t i15 - believed that a number of the girls who are missing, weroenffocated. Ail kmnds of Admnitted at the Worid'e0'ir alarmist reporte wrre afloat one report *,yer-la Plla Clcan.efeBo la being that-twenty girls hafi lost their liv es, ____________________ but it will be impossible to teil the actual ____________________ ices until the missiugare accurately kuown.T E AN fIJ ATQ U The majorîty of the hande made good their THE CAMADIA suS.T %.ESMAnru escape, but othere,whose escape was ent off by the fire and smoke, jumiped from the ESTABLISH-ED 1851 upper storeys, andi a number were badly o vranmludaceotrws injurd an badto horemoed i theSubsciptionsalw.iys payable a thie o l13s z ambulances te the hospitale. publication. Adv,',-tising rates un.Ieî3 by 02fl When the danger of the fire waB appar- ract, 10 cents per, lino, nonparie I.flrsi inîorl eut the whole city fire brigade was called on, and 5 cents par linoe ech subaequoniu i to the scene, and the efforts of the chief re on ocýs 10 cents per line. and his men dîrected towards cbecking the M. A. JAMES, Publishiel conflagration. It was a lierculean task. Aithougli is was nnderstood that the building was fireproof, the dlames -made rapid headway, and the whole of the two upper storeys were acon ia flames. The englues and hose were set te work,,but it was found impossible toesto the headway of the 'flame8, which worlred downwards, thireatening the whole of the immense structure. Thousands of epectators gath-î- ered ou the scene, and tended greatly to obstruct the work of the firemen. JUMPING FOR LIFS. The scene a the girls were cut off from ineans of escape from the buruing building andi jimped for their lives wae a thrillingl "Ba ck ac h e ith~e acaliengera one., 'everal snstainefi broken limbaswan meane. thj« id- of the systens. other fractures, and the3 ambulances were n eya are in "Delay i.fa kept busy carryiog them te the hospita1. trouble, Dodd's dangerous. Nel- At 10.30 the fire was stili burning, andi the Kidney Pillae le Iected kidneyl -h-1- nmmimpduiete) lie uu.Juou ofl.Y .--»+ -re,*. ", uoes re Um Tise urigîn oft ,the fire le a Myclr t *I le supposeS be bave started lu tise rying- room lunbtie upper story. Tise windows wero covered with heavy icteens, sud il was impassible for thse girls ta make their escape lunbiset way,' bul ampîle means for escape wero aI baud if a paeîc aSnet takon place. In the centre ufthtie building a fire-proot tower liaS heen consbucted, whlcis connected wilh ail tise flate anS ued te tise ground fluor. Elptova£S IN  FÂIC, If bbe bauds liaS maSo for the tower inelead of becoming panie-stricken there le no doubt bhey would all have gaI out in satety, but they rusheS poIl mou l u'al Si- reitions,and it is snrprising thaltishere were not more killeS. Tise wisole upper portion of tise building is Sestroyed, aud lise great- or portion of tise valuablo stock. Tise value of the building is placeS at $200,000, aunS the stock is vaiued et ueerly hait a million. Tise totail!ose wilu probably net be less tisan haît a milion, though iti is impossible te givo an accurabe estimate et p rosent. Tise tectory was lthe greabeel ot ite kind lu Canada, uearly nine hunudred bande heiug employed, anS grçal hardehip le bikely te eusue by lise tisrowing out uf wurk of Ibis vast army. It le underatood that Mr. Me- DouaiS carriod hie owu insuracace. AN INSANE WOMAN. 8hie Atîseles a Sister o st. Josepi. willîa Revoiver-ÂrrOetett sud Locked Up- Der Strange Deluseehis, A Sespaîci from Torontosys :-Helen Brown, 20 C aer Howell street, who le evi- Senlly insane, maSe a murderons attack ou Tbureday afterno9on upun Sister Baptiste, one of tise Sieters of St. Josephs, of the House of Providence. Tise latter wae in a newspar er office selliug tickets for a piculo. Mre, Brown eubered te advertîse for work. Sise uoticed Sîster Baptiste, anS pulling a large 44-calibre bulldog revolver frornlber ehoppiugbag, lie deait tise nun several eluuniug blowe over the boaS witb tise weapau. She tison poinlEd tise weapou ta ssoot, wben Mr. J. E. Krafts, an aS ver- ising agent, greepefi ber arr n d wrencised the weapon from lier. Suie tison loftth ie office, and walked as far asetise corner of King aud Yonge street8,wisere P.C. Bell ar. resteS lier anS took lier tet Police boaS. quarlors. Evory ebambor of' tise revolver was loaSeS, and lu ber shopping tag were a number of certridges. Tise priooner is in a baS way, piyeicaily anS mentally. Sise tolS lise police tiasaie liedheen wltboul auylhing ta est for tismeotlsys, sud wanled lliem luepu',lier ont af rnîeory. Siese alS sise caine tram Monîreai, sud tisat Bie was a printer by Irade, sud isad wurked at type- sottiug lu Chicago, St. Louis, aud- sevoral other places. fier liusbaud wae killeS in Illinois biree yoarse go by s trainanSd ever stocelien asche_haled aisard lime lu gel sioug. she taiked very incolerenîly, aptl sbo-wed litat seeW'ae rentally unhalanced. Makiug Himseif Agreeable. Tise happy fatiser was exhhlîliuz hie ireî.born te a trionS poseessing piscatuorial procliv 11505. How mucis Sues il weigh? inquired bise victirn, etter îlesperately casting about for sornetising more compimenlary tu say. Seven pounds anS two ounces,. replieS the happy father, Dresse-r-I mesu ctripped?aseked bthe trionS anxiously. Of course, tise surpriseS tatiser snswer. ed. W ' e-eil began tise friend, doubtfuily, tiat isn't very mucis for a baby, is t? But-er -or-, birgiteniug np, il would le a good deal for s troîsI, l'75 per cent, in Bad Blood, o f disease ia Dyspepsicà, Liuer ,flrat cauaed by Complaint, and disordered hid- the moist dan- neya. geroua of ail, 9 lMighf as well Brighta Discase, try te have a Diabetes and healthy elty Drapa . " without sewer-, "T e ah ave age, ae good disecases cannot health -when the exiat where kidneya arel Dodd'a Kidney clogged, they are 1 Pilla are uaed,' Sold ty ail dealers or sent by mail un receipt ufpIce 5o cents. per box or sixfo Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Tdronto. Write.r book cailed Kidney Talli. Tise Deacons- Eyes Openeci. Bishop Bard boaS-Tell me exîsctly what you waut, Do yuu want a ministor or a preaclier 7 Deacun Waybak-"Wy-er-we waut both, you knowv. Bishop Hard ba-I csu'b gîvo you bots. Do you want a miniseor wiso will viil your homos, romnp wltis theo blidren, joke wllh tise boys, pay compliments hoetise wumeu folks, admire your pige, praise your cattie, inquiré about crope, sud on Sundsys ut you te sîeep ;.or do you wauii a preacier who wiil sisut himselt un wilb hie booke, buiu the miduiglitcol, sud ou unudays liftt your soule wîth oralorical burteI that would tilîl tise Ibrange aI a cathedral' Take your choice. Deacon Wayback-I guese, Bieliop, a minieter will ho nigiser aur size, sud we'Il promise ta make no more complainte 'boul Suil sermons. . SenS us a riniuiter,Bisop- senS ns ans that eau play tb' fiSSie. The Danger of It. 1 eemi'I give you auylhiug toest ou the promises, saiS the hatcisot-faced wurnan te tise îîemp aI lie kitchon door, lui l'il give you a pie if you will put it under your coat aud carry il away with yeu. I heg your pardon, ma'arn, replieS tl~o tramp, but I can't accept it." Wsiy not? ehoe napped sue harply tiret it frigbtened-hirn. I mean- on bliose conditions, rnan, lie expiained. Wbat's lise malter with the conditions? l'in afraid, m'arn, I'd lie arrested for carryiog couceaied weepuns, sud tise way ho disappeared witisoultishe pie was aston- iehiug ta tise casual observer. A Stanisis, Me., man lias nearly fini8eef a robe maSo whoiiy of easesksns. Conîsu mptioni. The incessant wasting of a con- sumptive can only be overcome by a powerful concenlrated nounish- ment like Scoît's Emulsion. If Ihis wvasling is checked and the system is supplied wilh strength-to combat the-disease there is hope of recuvcry. of Cod-Iiver Oil, wiîh Hypophosý phites, dues more 10 cure Cou.j sumption than auy other knowai remedy. Il is for ail Affections ofi Throat and Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Brona chitis and Westing, Pamjsîie/ret. Scott & Bowne, Belleville AilU"i 6i 0c. $ Io

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