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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1895, p. 7

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CRDBY TAKING C1b gV herry AY~ 'SPectoral. "1 contra eted a severe cold, which settled an nsug , nd 1 did wisat la often done Ilsc as n ice î I tbesiion,,ited a doctor, who fOsinsi, on exaniisdng m5e. that tie ,:pps.eirt of dui lef t lung ws5 badiy af"fected Tie 'diies lie gave me did "ot seens to do assy good, and 1 deterndned te tryv Ayer's Che rry Pectoral. After ta]dssg a fe5w doses mnv trouible %vas relies ed, and e- 1oe had flnished the bottle 1 was cured." -A. LEFLAR, watclauaker, Oraligevilie, On1t. A>yer sý Cherry Pectoral HgetA.wa-'ds at Worid's Fair. DIS. TÂs"T',s ASTIIMALE#oE CURES AbIIIV A Gives aNignt,,Swe Sleep sa that you need net sit up alt NlglÏt ga -ping for breixtis for fear of ssuffocaion. On receiptof name ansd P.O. addreq FRE will mail Tri~al Boitte I1~ D5, TAFT BRO8. MEDICINE CO., ROCHESTER, N.Y. roronto Branols, - 186 Adelaide Str W. Use Dr. Taft5'R White Pine Syrnp for CO ZscrTmFrIOJ C MT 5 Packs of Cards, FREE One Pack, May I. C. U. Home; One Pack LEscorî;; One Pack, Flirtation; One Pack. 11015 ra thse JLight, One Pack, Our Sofa junet holds twQ Onse sample book flli of No-velilei4, ail FHKE, if you send 5c. silver, for postage. A. W. KINNEY, B. 0. Sý, Yarmouth, N. S. 13Y A gsw clevice recentiy patented in U. S. and Canada by c HASU CLUrH E P. CHN INOIONVENIENCE CHE7AP BV MAIL Your isane ta us mneans confort to you. A Post Card wjll do it. of eronor CHAS5 CLUTHE Âgeseimmaerîss. 13 fia5 S'r. WEqT TOR DNrO---- cANS'ss The "Standard" Dèl ineator. A MONTI-L Y JOURNAL OF FR1- TilE KRAKATOA ERIffTIOIN. VIVID DESCRIPTION 0F A MOST TERRIFIC DISASTER. The SîmapeitîslssCaiantlty te the 1Ieissess tcsseStcs tie Iseisge-Tave militîredl Thouansd LIies Sipapsad te 151Ve Iteen I Cei-An interestlinc As- coeust by an Eye-Witeiess. Tise vicissitudes aofnMy 111e bave beau sculi htissnais nutil now have I bah tise leizure or tîte disposition ta descnibe tise Mots terrifie disaster knawu un tise iistory of civilizeh man,oi wislcb lavas ais unisvlling avitneee. h leit Paris, avhere h stuhied mny profession ai civil. enginser aiter tise Franco Prussien ae, and going ta Java fan tise Dutais government, I sumveyed Bonnet (exceps Sarawak), Lontbok, avieme tisere Sa s o lesely iseen fighsting, euh New Guinatbt lud a eimatvrgin mys 5ery. Ta tisose familier aviististe remote corners oi tise vorih, there sla fofr thougist,'in tise atatemen t isat h rau a lhue, lu11874, iront Fiy River, ebtlIie aoiisis sud of Papua, ta Gelvink bny,on tise isrtis,tiss irat whiite man ta traverse much ai tise interior of ishat great uisknoavu liand. Tise spring ai '1883 fouud me. pursuing my profession in Batavia, thse chiei city of Java. Since Ihbah firat seen tise isiend in 1871, 1h isd been back ta Europe sevenal tintes, sud isah tre'cersed a good portion of Sontis Afnica. I iront tinte ta tinte famil« iarizcd myseif avîitiste Java archipelego. As a studens ai bistory, 1 bah made mysell acquninteh avith those terrible casueltisi aviicisaesmerked by funerel monument& elong tise progresof ainklud. Ils haE came lu my aylu tise peet severel yeamE ta leemu muaistisas as inteneating eisou tise greet starnt aviicishmaavusid isundrede alang tise coasta ai Great Bnitain is Novent ber, un 1893, euh about tise tremendone explosion ai dynamite lisbhebarbon oi Santander, by whi.-S, et tise bsginising a: Ltise seine monsi, iundreds ai Spanierdi averestsiniken deed and many tisouaandi avers avouuded. I 1have iseard front oye viueasee reparte ai tise suhdeu flood lu th( Yang-e-Kaag, et Hian.Yang, lu May 1894,by whiuiis a tisousenh meis, wamn,anc cbildren averes aep toah onat ai tissi liats. Tise burating aifithe hem et Chaik kupre, iliidia,in tiesame montis,diameysî tise avorlh avisstise tidings aI bundrehý drowneh or wavibed beneeti e lands lîheý Tise plague aviicis cemnîed off scors ca thousande ai Cisinese tîte sente spring ave reekoued an insterisational peril. But nou- ai ihose thinga maved me, fan 1I bahoeri an sys-avituese ai the moat stupoudoa calamity ta tise humais race aince tIhe delugE tise catealyem ai Krakatoa., 1 lived ta tel tise tae, euh if tîtere aea ay othis cia'ilizeh epentetar on tise spot, of tiss dneahfulscoes, h have noS yet iseard co rend hie etary. Captais Bentlett, aIfsis- sisip Ie King, aviicis saiîed sismougis bis Straits ai Sunda sisortly aiter 'ie upiseavel, reponteh ntany iuteressîng observatioaa,ani a commiisree appoîuted by tise Britiish Raya Society inveetigeted and made au elaborate report. I eew w ast I shahl deacribe. About cleveis o'clock eu Suisday nsoruîog, tise 13th aifYMay, 1893, tise trouble began in tise isiand ai Java. AIl Java, Sumaetra, and Bomnea avers conu lsed. lis aas aE sisougis aenlied been hsclered underground, Tis urface ai tiseertis racked, 110USES TUMBLED DOWN, euhdibig trees feli out ai tiseertis, as ifil lied ejecteh tîteir roats. I sew a braes fully fbye lest in dineter crashs up ista tise nsr euh faisuplise. Ibis aesnuear tiseovemuý suent buildirîge. on W'saterloo plain, avisnr tise bar.acks, near thse parade-gnound,wemu severely ehaken. Tise sui sahaneshniaist,tsu morning avasetili uicuded, euhdavisen we tel egrep lied o-van tatieotier ieiande eud learned tisastisir inisahitantswaens safes ave ist rossumeh et Batavia, Tise sasa. phtenon navwers in prog-es tirougiaut tise gnoup afi3isied, but 'nathing avare, tisan an eamtltqueke ae expecteh, and an earthqnakeas ne remit-v in those haya in A~~~~~ JA v .A i l ~ iat part ofthieworld, Der iait yes. f But tiseperticuier eensisqueke sisoaed no signofa cessation. Day euh uigisstith EACH liSSUE CONTAINS A MOST j sbterranean convulsionse continueh. Tis ç !eartis quivered cantantly, fraisa ita deptis j-'- isiere seemnd ta ise st ange cries and FaShln pjýt is hllow explosions, witis thet all.pervasive Fashion Plate~ gusvisicis now began ta sisake my nerves. Thiursdey tiseme came e telegmapis Irom An euaiy beutilil OLOE» 1IILI.tise cîsy ofai Ajer, uinety miles awey, on NEStY Plate, and 90 pagea at ilustr,.ted -tlie nartisaesiscoest ai Java, thet e voicano deseriptiosis cf the Letesis Fasistons, isad broken ont -on tise islauh ai Krakatoa, etc., esssisariusg 5oy subject af about isiirty miles Weas ai Anjer, in Sunda Passible interes-t ta Womeu. strail, Tise tvo aonesehepe pd eak$ of 'The " SveANDAn"I DELSESATOR teck a position Krakatoea were familier lanhmarks teaail en'119 he bigieS-t Oeof periodicals immediatlly voyagera in tisose waters. Tiey avere ilnifs first epaac.Tise greas favor iris clotesehwitis luxurloîsa vegeiation, and avîichi i bas been ceixd as spsrrd ils puîb- caulh he seen for miles in eny direction, 1 1iaisers intu an efoïrt ta make it etu mase wortlsy of wa eusd by tise Dutch govemument, Mprvild!tssbressre assurcd of constant asrqute i mpmaveît. iSncis itauisln Plates ne are oiercd shrough tise vice-adimel tissu ai Batavia, ir'essitLïlIiche" STANDARDja" DîriNýArova cousiS taele oiff ta tiese cene ai ectioli. At foui 1.bcetofo'-c not bc obtsiiscd et any cmasS. o'clock tisais atemnoon, 1 sterted wivis s Wo Cents a Cepy, $1.00 per Vear. PartY an a apecial steamem fi-on Betevia,tc tae scientitie observations. Abaut nîid. Ordens for elugie copies or subacripÉloise may lis tight, we cleareh St Nicisoles Point,avhich 1(eýi itis auy agent for tise Standard Patte-.rna, or isetise extreme nortise:ly extension of tise 3îisewdeeo ayb îIectatsepubi- islend ai Java, nexis ta tise etreits. As ave lia crs, roundeh t,weaveewascending lrom Krakatoa Standard oFashion + Co., about ii ty miles awey ta tise soutisaeet, an immense columu ai ire and hasisappeered 342 West Fourteenth St, New York, taelbe amoke. Tise sky avas yet dlean, for tise masis part, but ws could ses is aepex ta tisucoltîmo, avisse composition sîisngeh as ave watcised it, steeming ail tise wiie î owaadtise isiand. Firet it looked lîke flame,and tissafi would eppear ta be steam and again taesthe semisiance ai A PILLAR O0F FIEE ~T fliflrinsihe oiea columu ai white, fdeecy avoal, lu Ur,î & uar~L AK nother instant these ismniing, ahirîiag mas- Z.YR> h S ses aifavool would bang froni tise very empy. ÙCV' yOt', AIN A PATENT? For a mrenu itseli. Altise wilie ave ieard tis ullen ram se nSn sostoinowit 0 iiundenous roas- aviicis isd iseen a feerful 1YUiisrCO., wis avaylid nearlvtIft yetars' faueo h iuto vrsneSna exper.ieuxielutise Ùommuntea,- iatr ils iuto vrsneSn tloias ssictiy eonfIdçentiei. A Hau boek of In. maning, and avas now iecomîng lander. Îormation coiscening Patentis and bow ta aoh. tain tliem sent froc., Aieoa ecatague of meeian- Tise terrilying cisaracter ai tiese aene ai i cal ainci acieniific bookus sent free. wiich we aere noav in vrieav car. be imagined Patents teluen tissaugliMuun & C. recel-vs seeai noticeeln theienet! fie A ieri esanS a itshdifficulty. Tissocean waeas emootis ýýU8care brauigt wîdoiy befons tise publie Mth. as amiroraeuh ur tenîner moved aesee t 50ft tiste inventor. This sffledid paper, O$vàyoleeatyilsrtdhsbfrh wiîsi ese, et slow speuh. Buis ever gmowimîg lrt cicltoofaysinfi rkn tise in inteasitywa e isellunination epeah world.-S3 ae ear. Sanmple Copies sent fres,. Buiild'inig Editian montbiy, Il.50 a rear. Single iron tShis nid columa, ollîng ironthtie cois 1cents. UEverv number conteins beau- nortiserîy peek, straigisis ta tiese ky tilpltes. lin salons, nnd photographe of new u hose ltis plana, esaalling builders to show tise heyosîd tise limite ai human vision, fiscksd Address now and heavwYaa dtk3msses, cADWtY.t- Igus - an,, secuYre copt61 BRADWAY. 0 uhtsnaiisdr asscntnl wmerpped in euh now sniswining tise Inriaus commiingling torrent ai volcaasic dusis and amoke aviicis 1 have hescrIbe'tneslooking W-M!lke wreatiss af aool. Tise hiemeter ai Im ta column 1 sisoulh puis howabvoetand u -'isi rsiesd bsileicinema ens t F 1, aahall miles. 1- e,, ui Epress anS F0,5 Office sd,î.it . We bah msmaiised on dock ail 1 ý 'd Jd usc ..noOtuelluntisaiscountry, and,witbauis a word, aveater aaught my eyes, euh ail tise way banized bodies, and dIoatiug masses ai acrose tise lay and tiese treit , and luneapumice-stane hah been observeh. At tiset 1sismeigisi lins ai dlame ta tise vemy iliendoai ime, the nomtiswest caast ai Java avas 1Krakata itseli, tise bottom ai tise sea buried under six or seven feet ai asises. seemed ta have crecked open sa that tise A yeem leter, an immense lump ai pumice. suisterraneen lires aveme ielcising forth. Zn stone, unoubtedly cnet up by tisa expIas- eltiser Bide ai tisis well af dames, down into - son, was fonnd floetiîsg in -tise 'Mehiterran- ChIU'en Cry fo, Pitcher's Castoria. watched, fasolnated. Thse dirp was gradually this subaqueous ohaasm, thse waters of the increasing, until we could witis diffioulty strait were pouring wisis a tremendous hear eecis others' voices. From time ta issing saund whicis seemed et every time, immense fragments of incandescent moment as if 1edames would be sein. atone would be hurled up froin the crater, gulshed; but they were not. Tisere were three or four huudred feot into thse air, twin cataraot,, and between thse swo cet- when they would burst with a loud expia. aracts rose a great crackling wall af fire sion. The heurs passed quickly and dawn hemmed in by clouds af steamû of the seme approacised.- cottony, appeerance wisich I have spaken of Tise sun rises iu tisose latitudes et six before. It was iir this abysa that thse fisising (ao'ciock. As its rays fell on the shsores of boats were disappearing even as I looked, Krakatoa, we eaw them reflected from tise wirling down thse hissing precipice, tise surface of what we tisonght was a river,end roar of wich was alread y aling ont we resoived ta steamin te its moutis if excited crowds in tise city a Anjer et my possible, witis a view ta disembarking. feet. nWisen we isad approacised ta witiiîn three- The sigist was sucis an extraardinary one kequarters af a mile ai that sisorewe sudden- that it tools away tise power of reason,and ly discovered that wiset we supposed was without attemrpting in any way ta explain a river, was a. torrent ai molten suiphur. ta myseif w.hat it was, 1 turnsd& and beck- 'yTise meil aîmast averpowered us; we oned ta some one, any human being, to a steamed away aud made for tise otiser side servant we will aay, .ta came and See it. aio the island, turnisaz aur baw tatise Then in a moment, wisile my eyes were windwerd. Tise lower of tise two peaks on tarned, came Krakatoa, lïad a crater, or cavity,for tisere AN MMESBDEFF 1NING EXtPOSIO5< ýewere no real creters tisere, which as longh eO ga as a Century since lsad heSui reported in whicis was greater tisan an7y we had heard active erupsiaon by a, German vessel passin« as yet proceeding fromn Krakatoa. Lt thiough tise straits.-Lt wiâs tise iigherpeak etanned me, aud it was a minute or two Wwlsicis was naw emitting tise' . b ef are 1 realized tisat wiseu once more I VAST OLUM OF LAMEturned, my lyetaward tise bay,I could see VAST OL55SSN r rtAstEnothing. Darkneessad instently sirouded 'aand pulverized pumice and steam which tise orld. Througi tisis darkniess, whicis i- seemed 'likeiy tae buri aWay tise heà-vens> wes7punctuitedI by dista'nt cries and greens, tisemselves. Tise lires ised--already eatep tise f alliînà af hee,-vy badies,and tise oreaking inta tise eliges af tisis peak se that it wasJ disruption af masses of brick and timber, now tise iower ai tise two. Iu 1880, tisere otal ie roaring aud crashincr af ýehad been earthqnakes ail along tiese hores breakers an tise acean, weire audible. the Dî ai tise straits, but Krakatoa showed no city of Anjer, wits ail i'-s sixty tisousand sigusof awekensng. peaple ia and aboutit, isad. beau biotted A Il tise crate5s in tisat part of tise warld aut, and if any living being save myseli 'were, it is my beli ef, openings juta a remained, I did net lind it ouitiseon. One 14 commun suismarine storeisouse o! saicenic af tisose deafening explosions folaowed [energy. Krakatoa 1-ad beau quiet until Fnather, as Somns new submerged area was ainaw f or a isundred years, as fer as I couid suddenly iseeved up by tise volcenio lire 5flearn. belaw, and tise sea, admitted ta tise hollow This island, wisich will live in istary, depths lwisera'tisat fire isad raged in vain - 'witi asseciations as lasting as.those af St.ý for centuries, 0.Helena or Elisa,was eigist or ton miles long Tise awful surge ai tise maddenesi ocecîn , and four miles wide, A few fieisermena as ils ruehed- iandward, terrified me, I lived on it, and an its mountain siopes teared 1 would be engulfed. Mecisanically, erernarkaisly fine rosewood and mnisagany I ran iseck up tise mountain aide. My se trees were faund iu abundance. SOme Oi suissequent observations convinced me tisat sLte were eight or ten flet in diameter,toOaet tise firet explosion tise acean lied burst a ri big toceut. When we landed on tise coast new crater under Krakatoa. At tise second atopposite ta tisit along wisich tise river of explosion, tise big island,Dwers-in-de.Weg, suiphur was discisarging, w saw no signe isad been split ln two, 5 tisat a great strait sa ai those inhabitants. Tise waves were separated wliat were tise two alvas. Tise n.wasising tise sandy sisores. Four or five isiansi ai Legundi, nortiswest ai Krakatoa, feet from tise water.itie rose a straigist disappeared at tise samie time, and ail tise nebank ofipowdered pumice-stane wisici s was oatfiaa orffenrtet of rinedow costatlyroi th cludsmiles, ýwes wrencised loase. Many new of tisat surroundel tise column ai fire. Every - islande were formed in tisat tiroe, whics la tisinghiumnan, everything naturel, every. aiterwards dieappeared. A map wisicis'l tising suggestive afi iIe or'growtis had beau made net long afterward sisows tise change aeaniiislated from wiat isad beeai a beauti.ful ai tise configuration ai tisat part of tIhe ,-landeape. A isideons maek ai burning9 world. ýe store and steamingallsesisadbeendeposited 1 waded on inland in a dezed co 1ndition, Yover ail. Trees tiree fees tiiick,,end wisics wiicis seenied toa st for heurs. Tise iigis id uet have been dfty faet isigli, were alreedy raad f raisa Ajer ta tise city ai Sereug wee r neariy buried, tiseir branches twelve inoises white, and smooth, and easy ta foilow,end k-tiick, stick ing out isere and tisere. Seve rai Ifeus my way along ils in thse darkness. 3d ai us landed, and I began welking iniand. Soon after I began tisis singular journey, 1 se We. eunk kiree-deep in ,tise, base pumnice; il met tise native possman caming down tise S.wes tise consistenci orsnmow and liat. Our imaountea towerd Anjer with hie two- f feet begenta blister.wieeled mail.cart. Tisis carrier's vice as 1 climised paiafuily tep, wal eing iniand wes an iran box an an axIe, runni goiwo; ein tise direction ai tise crate,7wisici I wiseele,, puiled. by four pontes. in t9ld th5 desired ta measure witis my- sextant. At mass wha-t isd isappened aud tricd. te' g«dt S tise third observation I mode, 1 saw saine- hîm ta turn back, but lie wis not, -1 eo ting trickiing acrase tise mîrror of tise reechsed tiecity ai Serang abouit four or, ,1 sextant and discovered tiset tise quicksivrfiveocoktstatron ie svn r' iad melted and mun ewey. medeý one stop et e house on tise wey. se I was mare tisen' hall a mile naw from Tisi res.ýidece laooned itp on tise sid e ai r tise elige ai tise crater. My akin wal tise road, oËffering me, apparently, qe roasting and cracking, Tise roar df tise ie dames wes se louid as ta drown any other A WELCOME EFIUOE. I imsaginable noise, save tise detonetiansË, 1 rnsled ln tisinking tc, find a relief from id now and tisen, ai tise buretingstes whicitise intense iseat under tise siselter a1 its al wouid fiy inta fragments fer up over aur roaf ,, but tisrouis th tiles ai tise fiooring, te hends, ik eeemed, and su t tiseir bumning littie Nue daines were fIickering as I enter- ,duet upon us. For tise first sisree isundred ed, and tise house iteeli aeemned like a gfeet froin tise edge af tise crater,tise ascend. furinace. Tise subîserreneen lires were et su ing colu munwe work even tisere, an tise aide ai tise moun. ONE UNIFO5SM WHITE-IIOT MASS tain. LTUnder tise mass aif fooring or ai masonry, I could not dietinguis wiicis, I ofclear fdame of dazzlirsg hrightnese,of sucbisswtiseiodyo a woman in native garmente. d.scorcising energy as ta hies tus into e cider 1 rueied out isorrilied from tisbuniug did ave dame neerer aisproaeis. This tamis tws iersiech ere columu i odfame wae,es I isave aaid, about aitewada Coterer enkel anier one and a hall miles in dhamster, ai terar, f otroleranng aimmeditey it 1 urnedta retrace my footsteps andoftegvrmn akn meit !y kefsyo ieavtr sh tre aftrtise governor hlm self., ree ps mfeeyo h tr.A tdte 1sisggered blinhly an my way. When irpritstheyetmecisnicaliy baek into tise 1 reached Sereng, h 1wes teken ino thie Tie thy a ade aspin uwe1e re agîaw gerrisan and nured for two days. I was wiTe tireiraof ieea oti 'He sre a tseresupposeh taeise a lunatic. h started up in on wth ie surace new tis etra nd i a ig'my sleepe heli.dozen isimes in tise first le o, tieseuraeevIdswtety acstf cken nigist, uttering cries ai terror. I was 7 lu iette ra fr le. veîly uan sriknsootised by druge and eneisled on tise tiird kd i it rae fr lfe.Evey hmanbesng, day- tago ta Batavia. Even tisen tise every animal, evemy bird an tise îslend ai extent oai tie caîemity was naes known in SKrakatoa muet have persiled by tisat timeSrg.AtBava1okthsemrfr t and if we isad not increesed car speed ,ithe erng. A aai okts tae o 2samne fate migist have been ours. AtJ l Sîneoe a~On myreturn, same time afterward, ta we gat aboard again,and from tisesteamer' tise sceneoai issis Iigistini experience, I Lnhesk I pisntngrapissd tisat awiul scone, tise learneh furtiser parisiculare of tise farce lire pump pieying ail araund me tl% wiie, ai tise explosion. On Merak Paint wise Iwetting dawn tise rigging, keeping tise tise govemnment isad iseen blaasing rock, ho du Ie ewnings maies, and satnrating tise were an engins and several bailers used sle aioftise ship; it was tise anly way ta for copesdar lofts cniig :8keepiser fram saking lire. Tiset hlid beeaourse ar I itseecnenu A necessary since deylight. compressing air, lied beenuisurleh againss Tieatmrrtmndt aiue tise walls ai tise querry, and absalutesy rarherostemgrretundma sadiacothn- daitened ont like sisees of paper. lu oaiy iiithaur atse lae rom dit loies Lambok,an tis outiseest coastsoi Sumatra, m gualy diornmingsntis ae fdis taneTirsta waohen mass ai war belonging ta a Datais lu radall dimin inthedieanc. TotGovemsament, and two barke ai two or roar and that glere lasted steedily day and thmee lsundmed tans eacis, one of tisem nigii, until tise l2thi day ai' Auizuss. By Ioaded with Salt, isad been thrown one ltiat tinte everybody heu gotten used taeisundred and fiity feet up tise mountain lis endypakeita l n more. Weutside into tise trees sy tise tidal wave which I suposd Kakaoa aui hu itelioutimmediasely followeh tise sxplosi"u. For eaiter awisile aud resa gain, penhs frdy'hratrter a hc to d enother hundred years. * P o astsratrtsr a hc oSa n tise meantime, 1 isah taken up mywitesssaloerieilehiJva tresidence in tise city ai Anjer, on tise VIE GlÎOtINt WAS HOT' 1,Streil ai Sunda, west ai Batavia, It had;an umldttieous.Eryef Lr îtis its surroundings from Merak Paint teaend bit ai eg tenIsad Encned, la aBodjenegaoro, about, sixyvtliuand iisb a ndbtofv gting and livingcrea- O.A8 ZEI~ Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLE AN SCREENED OQÂL &7ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. WiU be pfleased once ini Quantiy, twîce in Qaljity, and three tinïes in Price W110inspeet thke - - unequalled assortinent of Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our store,. s"BE-&VIR BLOCK,<Ya Bowiasikville BIGGÎEST STORE, BIGOEST VARJETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody invited to cal iand see our new Co olwear I D- JDA TV'I Sy TRE SHOE _4AN Manufatured.osuy at Tos~H.LOWAf s ESrABL16UMESST, eau, covered avis bernacles. Pulverîzc punîlce and asises are knoavn ta bave been carried many thosasnd miles, ansd ta have been iseid ini suspension in tise ntisospisere for yers. Tise sîmospisere aven the Amemri, enu continent ,avas flild aitîs minute L articles, aviicli fonraeekm fioated in tise air. t wculd lie iolIy taeay tisaisiumen intelli- gence aili ever arrive et tise eccurate solution ai tise ceuses oi Ihis dread evenîs,ar even frti a faim idea oaits tremenhous circumetences.--Jesu Tiseodore van Geetel, iu tise Cesmopoliten. <Coulsln't Aff6rd t. Hsenty, 'seid Miss, Faddington' ta lier busiserd, I1avonder if it avouidn' be e goah ides. fer us ta raisesaur oavn vegetebles anS segavisaistisey anstinb market. No, neplied Hen ,ry. Tintes are too isard. W e've gaita ecanomîize. Suited Hep. Sise sid : I like tisat lemp go muais. Seîd lSe :Whis tisaisgo ? Ansd se replied; Because, Yeu sses, Itaili turn doavueo loav. Simpiy appiy "SWAXNE'S OINTMENT," No internaI medicine required. Cures tetter, sazema, itb, ail eruptiosîs on the face, heoda, nase, etc., leaviug the ekin cisar, whitseand healthy. Its great heai- ing eud curative poavers are poasessed by noa otiser rentedy. Agit your drngRist ior SWAYISE'S OINTMENT. Lyman Sons & Co,, Montreai Wholesâ,e Agents, A Wonderl'ul Mlemory. Tise neavest saciesy 'l sensation" lu S3t. Petersburg la an aid pensant avran avtis a aondrul msmory. Hem itîesis Imine Andrejewna Fedosova ; ahist 70 yenrs ai ege, cen neitiser rend nom avie, but kuoivs by hennis aven 10,000 legeiids, folk-aongs and posma 1 Wiseu sie gives a public me- citaI tise scene la a strikîng oue. A itîse bent figure appeara, isobiilg on tise plat. ferrm, site down an a chair, aitis lancle laId- eh and aith'ireh face quise expressile8s Amid a-bush ai expectetions se iegips te speak ; tissu hem face brigliteisa. hem cye' open widely euh spnrkle, whîsle han voies groave clear and penetraising. Sise locks 10 years youngem insasr sastisueinen, as sise hall epeakat, Sali ainga tise legen le ai hem youtis, tales ai great avare, aId fniry. tales, long-bast tregehies or tender love stories, aviile tise audience, cnrrled aavay by hem etreage megnetisi, lis tene speil- bound, leuglis and aeeC et lien avr ili. î85e is tise'l rage" in tise Russai caital, euh ave hear tisaStavo emînenis litemary men have vriiteu doavn a number aoflier msmamy. sored treesures, whlichLh ley sntend ta publisis in isook iarm,aveisct sbouih prove a nicis bnd ion lavera aifalk-lome. Seeing In the Dark. Tommy. Yee, cars cen ses un tisa, dark, euhs aue Ethel; 'ceuse aisen Mm. Wrights walked ista tise parler avien 6e w aas s:;ttin' aIl nions in tise derk, 1 iseard hiem sny ta hlm, "Why, Artisr, you didn't get eha, eh to-day." r IN CORSETS Can ouly be obtained by wearîng No.391 "Improveci A1-Feather- \ bone Corsets." No side steels ta I ~\ break, hurt or rust. TRY A PAIR. AiU Fîrst-èlass Dry Goods Houses Seil Them. East End Grain ,Depot The undersigned desire to th ank the fariners of West Durham for the -liberal patronage extended to us durinc the past season aiso te remind thon, that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay t.he HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR ALL KI1N DS%0 F COARE9R AIN&1E delivered at our storehouse cor, King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. Rock Sait for cat tie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrais which we are prepared te seli OcI-EMA--p FORu

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