IEISLEpTOIN Clohin &Ben'sFurnisbing -IE 0 E-UOS:E - - Our stock is Large, New, Nobby and CHIE .P, having 'been bought in the best markets for SPOT CASH. We quote a few of our prices:- Ail Wool Tweed Suits- - $8.00. to order. Ail Wool1 Serge Suits - 8.00." c See our $2. 50 Pants to order. We have in stock fulli unes of In'ported Goods, consisting of Worsted Suitings, English and Irish Serges, Scotch and Englislî Tweeds, Black and Fancy 5hades in Trouserings and Spring Overcoatings. An early Caîl is invited and a surprise in store for ail who wish to save money and those who do flot. We are making a present to ail cash purchasors of $35,00 of a Beautiful iParior Clock. R~ANK A. COLE.6 OSHAWA. Mrs. (Rev.> S. H. Eastman and Misti J2ssie Panton nepresented Oshawo Aux- iliary at the aunual meeting (f the -Presbyterian Woman's Foreign mission ary society in Toronto test w(ek. Mr. W. H. Kirhy itas secured o sit- uation in Woodstock. Mr R. J. Mockie and Mn. A. R. Mc- Lean, nepeente d Oshawa Camp ot the Grand Camp cf the Sons cf Scotland ai eiagara. Mn. Mervin Aneis, loteocf Toronto, hias ona te New York City. Mn. John Squlnes, emptoyed b>' Mn. Richard Gilbent, .Barmony, f cli from a load cf hay snd broke hie log juet above the ankie. Mesr.. P, H. Panehon and A. J. Sykes, cf Ostnawa curling rnk who won the Governor-Genenal'a trophy, ln Tor- onto recently, have recelved a haudsome se uvenîr, preieonted hy the Ontario Association. The club were &acs pre- sented with a medal as the champions of this district. The Oddfellowa atteaded service ai Simco. et. Methodist church, Sunda>', Bey, Jas. Kinos, Past Grand Mastoc for Quebec, cceducted the service. Owing ta affliction of!Bey. Jas Kines, paster cf Simco e at. Methodiat churci, Lunday week, Mn. John Joblin itied the p)uîpit in the mcnning and Rey. Mnr. Shire in the ovoning. The romains of Samuel Tare, a for- iaon empleyee of the Mallooble Wonks, wene hnought hene from Bneckvilie for Intermont Monda>' week.- Mr S E Craudeli, Port Penny, wites: *'I coutracted a severe cold l wieter. wbich resuited lu my becoming total>' deaf un oue ear and portiail>' so lu the cther. Aster trying various remedies. ond consultieg aoverat doctors, without obtaining any roelie I wos advised to try Dr Thomas Electnic Oil. 1 warmed the OuI and poured a uttle of it in my eor, and bel ore one-haîf the bottie woe csed my heantng was completety rEtored. 1 baye beard of otber cases of deofuese beiug cured by the use o! this DISTRICT NOTES. The Belleville Sun le prepaning te issue o twenty-four page special- trado odition profusely illuatnated. The Hope Township Agriculturai Socioty's sprng show wilt ho held la Pont Hope May>'4'. Rev. Thes. Cleworth died at Napanee aged 63 yoare. Ho wati weil knowu ie this district. A uew Presbytonian church ie hing buit at Fonelon Folle, coting $4,000. Bev. Marcea Scott, pastor cf the Preshytenian church, Campboiiford, bas resign nod secepted a call te a ch unch la Dtroit, Mich. Roy, E. S. Rowe, cf Bracebridge, ham accepted tho cou cof Bonean Mth. odist chunch, Crawford street, Toonto. Ontanio Sahbath Scheol Asseciathon will hold a two-doy'Intitute in Oshawa on May' 9 aud 10. Bey. John McEwon will ccnduct the meetings. W. congratulate car patrianch al frieud Mn. Geo. Wilson, edîtor, Port Hope Guide, the. fthor of jeurnallum In tht. district, on the, presoutation cf a besutifuli>' engnaved gcid.headed cane b>' his chuch clansa on April lth-his 70th birhhday. The. romains cf Caaey Burton, Pont Penn>', who was drowned in Saugog Lake, lest Januan>' »hie skating, wero recovered at week. As it is a w-41 etablished fatthat cal- awrrb le abiood-disease .medical mou are quite genenali>' perscibng Ayer's Sansapa. joii)a for this most loathsome and dangenous .ieMPIoiu4s Where tht. treotmeat is.per- 4everingl>' folowed, a thorougb cure e i.. wonribiy the resuit. ZION's POSTMÂSTECR Uuffers Everything but Death from DyspeI la, but in now in Perfect Heathhrough Using B. B. B. GENTLEX1V -I euffered everytbing but deoîh frem indigestion for feur yeons, sud ted aIl sorts of medicine tc nu effect. At last I tried B, B. B., sud beforo the eecond bettie was finished wos as sound aï'd wll as effll4 be, and J elié ben se even siace, BMJ.STEWART, PostmeSgten, ZiDnvibte, N. B. SOLINA, ai Eldad S. S. wiIl net have an suni- -versary tbis yean. - . Mosans. T. Baker a and A. Hogarth atteuded the Hors. Show at Toronto.. ..-The Loyal Ctus- adore et the close of their litonary con- test enjoyed a taffy pull ccnsuming 40 lb. cf sugar..Mre. John Fletcher sud two cblîdren bave returned te Thamnes- af ond. .. Mns. Wmn. Baker is very il.. , tMn. C. Jouas Thrnaton bas been la the neighborhood... Mosans. Murra>' aud Taylor, cf Pickering Ceilege, were ne- cent guosta hons....W. were indeed aonny to hear of Tiis STATESMÂN office s being burned lest we...... .Mis Mary aHogarth has beon visiting nt Whltby. 1 DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton, AýpîIl 27. 3- Reguae meeting. Members ail pro- *sont; Minutes rond snd ccnfirmed. Thé followlng communications 'Weno preaented :-Frojn J. C. ,Thorntqn ttrnaeupttiag eccoant for lamben, laid 1on the. table. Tondons te funaeh si x rrond scrapors were preaented freim Cockshutt Picw Co., Brantford; from , 3. H. Morrew, Brighton; from H. A. ,Browneîl, London; Wilkinson PIow Ca., 1 Toronto; Copp Bros., Hamilton. On motion the. tender cf Cockshutt piow Ca, was acceptod thnough thein agents, Mosans MoLean and Mthson. .From F. 0. Austin, ncommendiag their rond machine, and fnom the Ircu Bridge Ce., Ramitton, caiing attention ho their works. Received and fiied, A communication wae proeuted frntm R. R. Leecombo, Eq. ,calling attention again te the overflow cf wator ou the fpromises of Mn.. Hancock. The Reeve presented e report from the. commttee cf council appointed te examine sud report apon the advis- Fabiiity cf opening thie rend betwoen lots 34 snd 35 iu the ifth cou. necommend- ing the opening cf the rnd te wthin 160 rode of the north end the presset season sud the nemeludernenxt esison, the part>' occuping the north 160 acres te pay rent for the.scame ientth. men- * ime. The report wae adopted. The clerk wae iestructed to cern- municate with Mr. Yarnold, P. L. S., 1respocing o sunve>' cf the line between lots 10 and il lu tbe 7 cou. Ou motion the Reeve sud Mr. Paecoe weno appointed to value the land form- àing thie road allcwance betweeu lots 34 and 35 la the 7h, 5th and 9th cons. Ordened that tho Court cf Revision meot et the Town Hall on Ma>' 25that 1 p.m. Clenk ta give the necessary notice, 1 Tii. Rçeve was inetructed le grant endors on thé. treesuror for the fllow- tdg aums:-C. J. Thoraton, lumber contract $141. 38; J. C. Cornui,damnage to field hy travelling tirough sarne, $5; W.Kapp, shoop damages $5. indiXents. -Bon Wilson and Mns. Curtis, $5 oaci; Mnv. Mllet $4; Mis. Lane, Mn.. Staptes, Aira. Stacey, Mn.. Lewis, T, Werd and Jas. Kerr $3 oach; T, Wilcexï Mrs. Camnpbell, Wm. Adamesanus..$a1way $2 eohc. Ou motion the council adjcunned ho Sotarda>' May, 25th, ah 10ea. m. R. WiND&Tr, T. C. NOTE-In thi.lest publisied pro. ceodinge ef the T. P. Oouncil,the types made tho amount payable te Mn. Adams, au Indigent, $6.50. Il shoald have nead $6. AGENTs FOR THE FOLLowiNG vig cLÂss CourÀNxxS. New Yortc Life Innsacs Cc. Surplus af $20,000,00 This accumulation Poucy con- haines moreoguarante. aia an>' policyiessed b>' an>' otii omparu>'.wbule atte sanie lime thon. ta a complete absence of condition The Sun fine Insarance Cco!ofLoadeon. te eldesh punol>' Fine Co. in the wcrld The. Agricultural Insurance Co of Waton- tawn2, N Y A ebare cf your ingurance sobliited Office, VARIETY HALL, 14-tfBowmanville B> ER KEEPERS-Ieàm prepared ta fui- ini2k Yon witb ailthie ateet improvo. mente le Bee Hive sections, Foundations sud other ou pplies of the very lateet man- facture Cailltsud inspeot Pnices neasoneble T J COLA, l»pLo Groye, Bowmaayibbo 18 -3w Assisting Nature- The o1id method of modicai treatmeut aim- ed te excite the organe ou wbich the medi- cine acteci to a condition whtch muet Recossarity bo folioN~ed by neaction. The method cf oeisting nature je the cuee fcllow- ed in the uew medicine, Eseljay's Liver Lezeuges, ar d there ie ne reaction or bad effecte frcm tbeir use. The>' eau ho bougbt at ahl drug stores at 25 cents a box or 5 boxes for a dollar. Mr. Yhomas Peate Dyen sud Cleanen of clothes bas estab- lished hie Dye Works et he Eastern House whone wilt bave more room for conducting bis business. Garmente clesned and dyed by hlm are warranted la look tike new, and hie charges are only hall whsl cther dyers charge. Ho will givo botter satisfaction thannochers give, toc. Take your worn and faded garmontastaIone la lb.e East Endl Dye Wonks. Will bc fouad an excellent nemed yfo sick headache. Carte'. Little Lîver'Pille. Thoumsao f lettons from people who have nsed them prove thi. fact. Try tiem. Mono>' saved aud pain retioved by the loadtag houseold nomt4dy. Dr. Thomas' Ecloctnic O01-a craIt quntity of which usual>' sufficos 60 cure a cough ,heal a ore, cut. brise or spraun. relieve lumbago. nrhtumatism, neur.elaRa, excoriated aipples, or inflamed bresat, MISS NELLIE WILLIAMS te pnopared te teach Harmony and Piano, at ber resideuce, Queon St., west., B OON TO BEE KEEPERS.-I amn pro. pared to furnish you witb the bteet im- proved Bee Rives, and aIt kinde cfftise sup- plies at reduced pnices for the next 30ý daye. Caîl and inspeci. JAS, BURNS. Hampton. 18-tf fi OUSE-Mrs. Hayne, Beecb Avenu, ULwtll lot part of ber b juse, furuiebed if requirod; no chîldren, desirable locatit>'. For further particulars appl>' te thie Office, or ta ber residence, Besch Anenue, 18-2« FARM FOR SALE-A finet close farma cof 125 acres or 145 ocres situated lu the township cf Eust Wbitby lot con lots 15 and 16 ou the Base Lino. about 121 mites from Oshawa station, 2 miles from aed 60 rods from the scbool houtae. Lange rouwy buildings, main barn 95x36ft pleni>' of fruit. oei Ciay' loam, aitogether eue of the best grain fora on the Lake Shore No bille or etanes About 10 acres cf wcad, 75 acres lu pasture sud fneeb seeded Termseesy Firot plcwing donc For furtiien paticulans appt>' te A AyNis, Oshawa 37-_tf 8OFALA POLIS. LADIES, usa Hock'. Sofaisa bo. Pcliph for Ladies sud Children'o fine Boots and Shoos th ii. saota preborve the leather sud keep it reliabîs It wili beave a poliah hike satin, For sale b>' Biot and Sboe dealers It 18 Said That A New 3room Sweeps c1eail.1 But experience proves that af- ter h9,viDg been used for a. time it sweeps eleaner, and so T. N. Riekard, Watchmaker, Jeweller & Optician, after having been in business for some time in Bow- manvihle sweeps the paîh 'of first class goods for a small amount of money eleaner and eleaner every day. New gouds arrive every day. New watehesjust in which neyer saw daylight since they left the factory, tili opened up in his store. Only a small profit ask- ed on thes-1 goods for nikard caleulates-to work for his living, does his own repairs and does them thoroughly, as for optical work no one understands this part of the business better than he and no0 one ean possibly give you satisfaction in spectacles who does not understand the eye. Satisfaction guaranteed. Testing free. T. X. RICt.ID. Watchmnaker, Jeweller & Opticïau, Neads Block, Bowmanville. W HY Do without Hats when you can buy themi at MRS, DONCASTER'S for 25 ets ? Our stock of Spring and Summer Millinery is now complote, We have just received a large stsock of Hats, Ribbons, Flowors, Feathers, etc., which we intend to selI away down to suit the times. Y ou will see for yourself by caîl- ing and inspecting our stock. We also take orders for the ]4obinson Corsets which nover fails to give satisfac- tion. Mrs. :Don.caster. DOWMÂLNVILLEý. BEE KEEPERS.-I arn prepared to furnish you with alt the latest improve- mentfi iu Bee Hives ;5ection, Foundations and other supplies of the lateet manufacture Cati and inspeet. Prices reasouabte. T. J. COLE. Maple Grove, Bowmanville. 15-4w. FA RM TO RENT -For a terni of years ."Glendbu" -300 acres 2 mites fromn Whitby--good buitdinRs abd soit. Admir- able for stock or dairy. Chance for zoiflg extensjvely jato Toronto mlik business or stoc~k raising for American market. Men wîth rapital onty need aprly. J. H. Dow, Whitby. Ri ED GRAIN -Seed Barley, Buck- t.Jwheat. Ot-three kinds. Cail and ex. amine at Caledonaua Mitls. Bowmaville., J. McKAY, Proprietor l 6tf. B ULL FOR SERVIOE.-A Holateirî .bull is kept for service on lot 20, con. 9. Darlington (Kngston Road >Terma 75 cta. S. SNOWDEN Jr,- w 0115E FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- 16 rooaxs. brick house on Church et.,Eàat Bowmanville. Rentai $3 per mouth Ap- ply ta Mr@. E. J. CÂRE.' near the. promises. D. TAiLoR, owner. 16 4w DRESSMA KING don@ by Mi.. Martha DPeate Cor. King and Ontario street. ARM FR SALE Olt TO RENT.- F Good 100 acre farta for sale or te rent just ontaide rch. cn f Bwmn.l n 200 acres ini the Township of Cartwright- Apply tu Thoti. BiNuam, box 72 Bowman. ville. 36-tf. BOAR FOR SERPVICE.-A thor-bred Bred Tamworth boar ie kept for service on lot 19 Con.- 2, Darlington. Terms$ 1.00 T. J. CorLx, Maple Grove. 15-2« Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat go. STEAMER NOETH f KING LIOHTRD BY ELIcTBICITY, HZÂDED BY STEAN SAILZING SOVTI ComMInicIsoApril 29th. Leaves Port Hope 11.15 a m., arrives at Charlotte ( Port of Riochester) 4.15 p.m., exoept Metuday, wbstu Steamer baves at 2 PM., arrives at Charlotte N. Y., 7.30 p.M. Lea7es' Chayrlcte (Port of Rocbheur) week days at 10 p.m., arrive n t Cobourg 5.15. Port Hope 6.30 &.m., except Saturday,wheu Steamer teaves 4 25 p. m., arrives nt Pcrt Hope 1 P. M. Au extra trip ta made Moêday f rom Char- lotte (Port of Rochester) at 8.30 a M. For furtben particulars apply to CAPT. J'AI1ELL, on Steamer. S. PATEIWOn and T, 1,01G, Agt*, Pont Hope. H. B. GILDER- SLEEVE, General ManaWer, Kingston. J. H. JURY, Ticket Agt. JUDIGI0AL SALE, -0F- IN DARLINGTON. Pursuant ta the Judgernent in the Action Re, Trelevein, Allen vs. Treleven in the Chancery Diviei-n of the High Court of Justice dated the 6ih day of March, A. D. 1845, there will be cfiered for sale with the approbation of J. H. Dumable, Esquire. Master of the Supreme Court at Cobourg by Levi A. W. Tole, auctioneer, at THE BENNETT HOUSE IN THE Towm. of Bowm.anville. at the hour of two o'clock * P. m on SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1895, the followiug lande and premises. Being lott n'umber sixteen le the fuurth concession of the township of Darlingtan, the homestead property of the late J, D. Treleven. The farm conitains about twc hundred acres aIl cleared arable land, except about 15 acres which te eaid ta be wetl timbered with beech, maple, hemlock and valuable cedar. The sou le e aid ta be a good clay loam and in a fair tate of cultivation. The property te situated on the Hampton road, distant three miles from Bowman ville, where an excellent market te always had for produce; and one umile fromn Hampton wbere are Post Office, Church snd School, The farm te said ta bie wet fenced and te croseed by a neyer faiing streaut of sping water; thene are aise good i;tllso of bard water. On the pnopenty are enocWtei following farm buildings: One and à half stoney f rame bouxse 24x36ft.; fr;ýme ba,,ad stable 70x 4Oft, 2Ox3Oft and 30x25ft,' witb atone stable under; implement bouse 3Ox2Oft. frame. Bringing T hem In Our great Change of Business sale continues to attract tha- crowds, The great inducements we are offering during this gigantic sale have brought to town and ýo our sto 're many new faces. They have been welcorned by such an array of attractive, money-saving bargains, that we feel sure they will continue to make our store their trading place. We shali continue to offer inducements thet will maintain and increase the interest of ail shoppers who attend this sale to its close. Below we give a few of our special offers for, this wVel. 100 yds heavy 36-in Factory Cotton worth- 8e. for 5c. yd. A special Une ail wool Dreas Serge 36-in, good colors, regular- 30 cents, for 20 cent@. Yery wide all wool Henrietta, good valu e at 50e. now 35e, A nu mber of good dress lengths, only one of a kind, were 75c. $1.00 and $1,25, now- 50c., 75c. and $1.00.1 300 yds good new print, nice patterns, ail this season's goods, 7c. yd. A choies lot of patterns of new Dress Ducks very cheap. 90 yds double fold tweed effeet dress goods, reguý'ar 20e.,, now Shaker Flannel, good patterns, 4ýc. a yd. Ladies Cloth, 54 inch. wide, nice c3lors, $1,00 yd. A lot of Parasols, some worth $1 to $1.25, your ehoice for 25e.- Ladies Su mmer Undervests with sleeves only 5c. each. An assorted lot of Ladies Gloves worth from 25e. to 30e. your choice for 10c. Regular 20c. Black Cotton Rose 2 pairfor 25e, A choice lot of Frillings at 5e. eaeh. Best Table OiIe]oth 20c. yd. Lace Ourtains and Carpets at abou t haif price. Best bleached table linen worth $1.25 for 75c. A good table linen, nice pattern for 22 je. a yd. 20 pieces of fine tweeds made to order at $10,00 a suit. Men's Black Worsted ordered suits $15,00. 100 black and brown Christy Rats at $1.00 Boys' Suits from 99c. up. Men's Mouîssa Waterproof Coats $9.00, were $12.00. Men's Good Tweed Suits $5.00. Iàadies' Tan Oxford Shoes 75c. Dongola Oxford, tipped, 90e Ladies Dongola, buttoned, $1,25. TG. MASON, Clothing, Boots and Sices. J. J. MASON, Dry Geodesud Jewelry, Fence fluilders We are selling al kinds of Wire at exceedingly low prices, A full stock of Hatha.way Wire,' Barb Wire, Ouled and Annealed Wire, Poultry Wire> Fence Plyers, 1Garden Tools. The finest lino of Cheese Factory Milk Cans ever offered in this market. Our own make and excellent value. Orders for Stove Piping and General Tinsmithing promptly attended- to Telephone No. 36 Rd, WORTHffw Opposite Ontario Bank, BowmanvilLe The place to buy cheap goods for cash is at M. Mayer'st Hat and Gent's Furnishing store, where ail the latest styles.. in Fedora's and Christy Stifi' Hats, a'ndalso a new lino ini Gent's Furnishings ail sold cheap for cash, Corne and see us; No trouble to show goods. i-ghest price paid for iRaw Furs. M. MA-YERU, The Practical Ilater.,