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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1895, p. 4

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__________________________________ i. 3 GREAT ATTRACTIONS" lst. Base Bail match at 3 p. ni, in Drill Shed Grounds Toronto vs Bowmanville. Admission 15 cents Ladies free 2înd Granîd Concert in the Nlsie Hall, at 8 p. m., by the Mvethodist Church Choir, a good progran-, a grand treat. Admission 25 cents. 3rd Last but not least 'Young & Co's, China Hall will celebrate the Queen's Birthday ALL THIS WEEK, by offering SPECIAL BARGAIINS in oui large and comjuodious stores, if will pay yon to come. Admission free WE /0 AS8 WE ABDVER TISE. NOTE TES FOLLOWING Matches (good) 10c per box, 3 boxes for 25 ets. Morton's Fresh Herring 1 lb tins 10 ets. Forest City Baking Powder 4 lb tins 25 ets, (with 2 jeily cake tins.) Forest City Baking Powdcr 1Ilb'tins .iO ets. (with a handsonîe crystal berry set.) Christie Brown & Co. Sodas 3 lb box :20 ets. Gillards New Pickles, large bottle 35 ets. Ivory Bar Soap 3 bars 15 ets. Special value in Teas at 25â and 45 ets. Snaps ini Tea Pots from 10 cts up. Dinner Sets ail this week at special prices. iHighest market price for produe. Clotiog& Ost'sFaurnisbing Our stock is Large, New, Nobby and CHEI P, having beeri bouglit in the best markets for SPOT CASH. We quote a few of oui- prces : AUl Wool Tweed Suifs - - $8.00. to order. Ail Wool Serge Suits - - 8.00. i See our $:2.50 Pants to order. We have in stock fulli unes of Imported Goods, consisting of Worsted Suitings, English and Irish Serges, Scotch and English T weeds, black and Faney Shades in Trouserings and Spring vercoatings. An early Caîl is invited and a surprise in store for ail who wish 10 save money and those who do not. Weare making a present to ail cash purchasers of $ 35.00 of a Beautiful Parlor Clock. FRANK A. COLE. To De Or Not te Dye that is the question- «hether il is hetter to wear that fnded, sabby dIress and endure the scoruful looks' of al your well-dressed neighhors, or lu purchase a package of Diamond Dyes and cestoxe ils frehness in P.nother color - mak ing a new d ress for ies-, cents. Diamorid Dyes are made for home use. Absolutely reliable. Any color. Sold everywbere. 10 cents apackage. tlVDirec lion Book and 40 saurpies of colored cotb, fret. WILLOS & MRrCLIDSON CO , Montreal, P.Q. W$100 Reward We are informed that unscrupulous deaers are in thec habit of seling plugsansd parts of plugs of inferior Tobacco, cepresenting them to be the genuine j 'T B'MYRTIE NAVYS The gemie pug las samped with tise lIters « 1T. & B." in bronze. Purchasers will coufer a lavor by looking for tise trade mark wheo purchasing. OR NEW PLUG "Ti. & B."COMBINATION 14s., 60.1 100. ce 200. PIIECES. le stamnped with "T & B." Tin Tag and isethse .,ame stock as thse larger 25c. piug bearing "1T. & B." luinbronze. A reward of One lIundred Dollars wil1 ha given Io anyone for information leading to the conviction of any person or yersons guiity of the above fraudulent practices, or infrirrging on our trade mark in any manner whatsoever. The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co. Lld. HAMILTON, ONT» WEDNEISDAY,,MAY 22, 1895. The Late Thomas Kiiby. We regret la annouce the dealh of one of our respected and honored townemen, Mr. Thomas Kirby, wbxclh took place at the residence os bis daughter, Mrs. S. F. ilooper, Georgetown, where he and Mrs, Kîrby had spent the winter. Deceased hart been ailing for some lime and lhonght ihal the change of air might do bum good but ha bas boeen sladily failing autil Saturday aset when deah snded bis sufferinge. He was for n.any years a consistent member of the Mebodist cbureh and since coming lu Bowmanville bas heen a very active worker in Church, League and Sunday scbool work, Ho was superintefldent lof the Souh Ward Snnday School sixtes ils organization, unlil a short lime before hoe wenl away, wben ho resigned ou accOuuxt Of iii heallh. He was very higbly resPeeled by ail as was shown by the large number who attended the funeral on Tues;lay aller- noon. The body was taken to the MelhOd- it Church, wich was appropriately draped for the occasion, and the service condncted by Res,. Caleb Parker, the psor. The A. O. U. W. and 1. . O. F. Lodges atteuded ln a body sud the bearers Swete.-MeBsr&. T ( Jewell, James Saunders, W, H. Banbury, P.C. Trebilcock, H. Bennett and John Joblin. The floral offeringa were very beauliful and eonsisted of :-A large cross from ishi Wednesday evening class; A wreath froni the South Ward Sunday School; A pillow from the Meihodist Sninday Sehool; A bouquet froni the Epwortb League, and a wreath froni M. aud Mrs. Eld. Higginbotbam. !Anniversaries. Eoui~ù'en-5 9,4 ,and 26. T.ýroneMay 24 and 26. ZLon-June 2 and 3. Enfield-Jlfl 2 and 3. Maple Grove-Jufle 16 and 17. Ex-Governor Chase, Dead. Our citizens will bc pained to hear of the compatatively audden death of Ex- GovenorIra'J.ChasIe 01 Indiana, the clever Ameriean Who eliffled twQ lectat- jes in the Musie Hiall, 'Bownualivilie, lagt ŽNovember. He was holding evnaelistie servicEs at Lubec, Mains, and 25 bad been adaed ti the savea, vhen deceased was stricken with erpsxpelas li his face which extended over bis body, and be pas. sed to bis reward while far from i hs earth. ,y home, wbiLe pursuing bis 111e work, ireaching the gospel. THANKS, THE A..O U. W. Bowrnvifle, May 15th. 1895. To the M. W., Officers and members of Bowmanville Lodge No, 99. A. O. U W. GENTLEMEN,- On behaîf of myself and familv, 1 thank you for the niany marks of kinduess sboivn my lais husband before bis deatb, and for the respect shown hy the iodge at the last sad rites. 1 bave aise to thauk yon for the Prompt payment of the beneficgry of $20N0, through your Rezor'ler Mr. Chas. Keith. Wishing your Lodge and Order every succes, 1 amn, your sincerely, JANET J. LAING. The Darlington Harbor 00. Notice je hereby given that the An nual (leneral Meeting of the Sharehold- ors of this Ci)mpany will be held at their office at Port Darlington on Mlon- day the 3rd day of June next at the hour of 3 o'clcck p. mi. for the purpose of olecting D.rectors for the ensuing yoar, and other purposes. By order, D. BUJRKE SIMPSON, Sec. Bowmanville, May 2, 1895. 18 4w T1-'PRESSMA KING done by Miss Martha V Peate Cor. King and Ontario street, L OST.-Grey, wool Carrnage Rug, finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving at STAT!SNAN Office. 21 tf. O RGANIST WANTED. -Applications for the position as Organiet in the Myethodisi Church, Bowmanville, wilI be recFivod by the choir committee up te Fri- day, Mav 31et. Those applying wi.l please siate salary expscted. m W. s. BRAGG, Socretary Music Committee, 21-2w. Bowmanvilte. FARM TO RENT -For a tern of years F-'Glendbu" -300 acres 2 miles froni Whitby--good buildxnzs and soul. Admir- able for stock or dairy. Chance for zoiug extensively into Toronto miuik business -or sto-k raising for Anierican miarket. Men wiih rapital only need apply. J. H. Dow, Whiiby. WANTED HELP-MEN OR WOMEN ivin every locahity <local or travelling), to introduce a new âiscovsry, and keep our show caris tacked up on trees, fenesf and bridges throtighout town and country. Steady employment. Commission or Salary 85prnoth and expenses, aud money dsoxs auay bank ishen etarted. For patiulrs rite THiE WoRtu MEDICÂL ELECTRIO Co, P. 0. Box 221, Loudon, Ont.. Canada. 20 --- 13W FARNI FOR SALE-A firsi class fan Fof 125 acres or 145 acres situated in the tonsuhip of East Whitby ist con lots 15 and 16 on the Base Lins, about 1,' miles from Oshawa station, 2 miles froni Whiuby and 60 rode fronithe echool bou@e, Large rnomy buildings, main barn 95x36ft pleuiy of fruit, poil day loani. altogether one of th-, besi grain farme on the L'qke Shore No bills or stones About 10 acres of woëd, 75 acres iu Pasture and fresh seeded Ternis easy Firsi plowing done For furiher particolarR apply to A ANNIS, Oaa 37-tf a1oaniig an.d Dyoinz. B[as stepped np abreast of other science, s0 mucli so Ihatitilis possible 10 produce a snrpnising effeol on f abrice withont much expen-e by sending your work lu Parker's, Dye Works, Toronto, where it will be dons' right. Remember the represenlives wl be bers next week., Mrs. Keys, Agent. -- wAl 1ay the bighest price for any quantity of WOOL delivored at my stores, King St., E., Bowmanville, 214tf. J. B. MARTYS. The uuderaigned ie now prepared t10 COTCourrca-lu Oshawa, ou May 16th, Iliekard bias a musical clock. A bar- 1 Fanny, youngest daughter of the laie ]Bob- gain. eri Courtice, aged 41 years. uovety u te wy o a ewig Mch. BtITTAIN.-Iu Strathroy, on May lSib, A noelt inthe ay f aSewig Mch.Evelyxi Gertrude, infant daughter, of Mr, lue ai Riekards. Calsud ses for yourself. HarryCau Gertrude Brittain, aged 10 meCnt. Silver Blouse Sette very lowin pricesat I Kixtu -lu Georgetown, ou May 18th, ]Rickrds. Thomas Kirby, aged 58 yoars, 11 imouths. 9 EST ENF The Third of the Series of BARGIAI N u DAVS Inaugurated at the WEST, BND flOUSE, takes place on Thu da May 23rd, the day before the Queen's Birthday. 1115 will be an opportunity not often met with to get goods cheap. We do not ~$pretend to make any money on these Bargain Days, we use them siînply to adIvertise ou business, we like to have a crowd and like the erowd to se Our Sstyle of doiug business. Do't make auy nmistake abouit it, we se!]. goods as advertised and we have yet to find any one who fourni the goods we off er on these occasions anything -but the best quality as advertised. It wouild not do us any goo"d to palm off any inferior goods even ou these busy days and everything we do is for the further good of the -business. Do not be afraid to buy because we seil so cheaply. The goods are-right. IRead caref ully over this list and sec if it will not be to your acivant.. age to visit us on Thursday, May 23. We will have lots of extra help so there will -be no danger but that everyone will be well attended to. Corne early, we start business at 8 a. m. T h e P"r o of 0of the Pruddingo Is 1n*1theE-ý L«-ati'ng: You cari buy any of our best English Prints White Quilts nice goods, good -value at $1.,35, that we sel1 for 12 ý/2 on Thursday for i oc. on Thursday $î .oo, XVhite Quilts, You can buy our splendid Canadian Print, Honeycomb large 75c. fast color, and heavy cloth worth ioc ý aeCransvr ag , 2 yds long and for 7c. wide, good value at $1.25, on Thurs- You cari buy the heaviest Cotton Shirting day 85 c. usually sold for 12 '2,C to I14c. per yd, at We have secured i o doz more of those fast our sale on Thursday for ioc. Blackc Cotton Hose, good value al 2 pair Yo criby hav ngis OfrdShr- for 25 c, Thursday the lot goes at 3 pairs ing usually sold for 1'2 / c on Thursday for 25C. for 7c. We have a 5 doz lot of Ribbed Cotton Hose You can buy the best bleached Twill Sheet- good value at i 8c, on Thursday 2 pairs ing 2 yds wide usually sold for 3oc, on . for 25 C. Thursday for 20C. Ladies' fine Cashmere Hose, cheap at oik We have some of that unbleached Sheet ing regular price 40c, on Thursday 3 pijirs left, 2 yds wide worth i Sc, we will sel for $î .oo. on Thursday for 1212 c. Gents' fine Cashmere Socks, good value at We will sel1 a splendid good Shirting nice for iiz 5c on Thursday 3 pairs for $i.oo. apros wrth~con Tursay or c. Gents' Coflars, good style and shape. worth We have a splendid range of very wide Flan- i 5c, Thursday 3 for 25C nelette worth Foc, Thursday for 72 c. Get'Tsw ilhvagrtbgaso- Wehave just received in stock some nice - et&Tewewl aeagra i sot We ment of 'Fies, aIl prices up to 5oc each, Sateens, BlackGrounds, they were a job lot vi- Thursday for 25C. You can support a worth 141/2c whole sale, we are selling at ne i o h 4hcep 4,but on Thursday you can have yourneTifoth2thcap choice per yd for iicl. 'P Men's Cotton Socks, job line very cheap at Select goods for Blouses, Tokio Pongee, new ioc, Thursday we sel 3 pairs for 25C goods, regular price 12 c, Thursday i oc. Tweeds, flrst class value at 25c on Thurs- Bath Towels two sizes one lot wQrth 40c, On daY 2oC. Thursday for 2 5C; the other lot worth Tweeds, your own choice of a lot of Patternis 25C each, 2 for 25c. Cotton Towels 2 . prices rne fo 8tOo, on Tus for 5c. day 35c. This is only a partial list of the numerous snaps we will offer. Our space will not permit of any further enumeration. Come and examine for, yourself. BOOuT S A NOA Sj4O' We will offer some snaps in this department. Space will not permit of a price list but you cari rest assured that genuine bargains awaits you at our Boot and Shoe counter. Groceies --and Cokr Globe W'ash Boards, sold regularly at 25c, Thursday 15e. Foir-,String Brooms, chea-p at 25c, Thursday 20c. Carpet Sweepers, best made, regular $3.75, Thursday $3.00. Bosnea Prunes, good value 4 lbs for 25c, Thursday we sell 6 lbs for 25c. Raisins, newr, eleanied, extra value at 4 lbs for 25c, Thursday 5 lbs for 25c. Fine Rice, regularly 5 lbs for 25c, Thursday 7 Ibs for 25c. Pearl Tapioca, regular 3 Ibs for 25c, Thursday 5 lbs for 25e. Can Salmon, choice red flsh, Thursday 10e per lin. Can Tomatoes, extra fine quality, 2 tins for 15c, or 7 for 50c. Ivory Bar and Wide Awake Soap, 3 bars (not 2"), 15e per bar. Corn Starch, best American, regular 10c, Thursday 4 lbs for 25c. Coffee, Java and Mocha Blended, Thursday 25e per lb. California Apricots, Thursday 2 lbs for 25. pieces, English Chamber Set, good value, at $1.50 Thursday $1. Tea Cups and Saucers, nice, clean, goods, regular $1 doz., Thursday 60C. Tea Plates, regular price 60c, Thursday 35c. 1 nDinner- Plates 8 in.,good value at $1 doz., Thursday 60e doz.

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