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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1895, p. 5

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t. at PC th 2c ti s 2i RAYE IrPEES. And get your Suphat of Copper. Car- b ouate of Copperetc , from us as we make a pecialty of these lines and seli the best ,uality at lowest possible pricef,. IWe canV ýurmsalal particuliers regarding the aux- ;res. proper dime for spraying, etc. Save [me and trouble hy [etting the best quality' tt Stott & Jury, the cheits. c 100 Furnîturo Oream t hose who have been nsing unr furniture fi oish for the past few yeara dlaim that Ji ,ers is nothng in the market eqnai to it. Price 10 ets a hottle or 25 cis for very large ottle. It mak-s nid furniture look like new, tott & Jury. Chemiet and Optician. ie secured the soie azency for the ýst paint on the market and have ail the [atest ehadea in smiall and large tins. Our pepuîal !ne Compete vWth guod brnh f,)r 2[ ets is the house cleu.ners faverite. See Ammonia is suc~h a commun article lu many homes that people imagine tbey know ail about it. Do ot come to this conclnsion i ness you have purcbased an original bot- le from Stott & Jury beariug their label and giving full directions for nsing it witb a ljbt of purposes for which it is most useful. Do not begin house cleaning until yon sec t Stott & Jury, Druggits and Opticiens.1 NE 'IPILIJ For the Blood and Nerves. People sometimes ask oua wbxy we con- ider the pille we are selling at 25 ets. per box snpericr to the patented pille vhich do uot contain as many pilla and sel! at twice the prioe. Our reply is simply this. Our reputationula at stake in any gonds wa sel under our own name aud we do not place an article on the market unless we can seli it under a positive guarantee. Try these pilla and if you do not say they are better then auv other remredy for restorinp, health and trength to those-who are sufferiug f romn im- poveriehed blond, baes of ambition, etc then we wll gladly return the monev. Sttt & Jury the druggista wbo test eye Free. Do INot Urie Oamphj;oi To put away with f ors bianketa,rnbea etc. We have somethîug very mucb superior and notbing like as expensive. Ail the leading dealers ia fura use it. stntt:& Jury. (the chemisaswbo carry a larger line of spec- tacles thau aloCher dealers lu ton.) Doz't Pain.t Tour F1oor Uýnlesa you use the bet paint. It --otR ynun more and îa a pleasure wheu t ih floue, instend of beiug sticky aud unsatigfac tory. We bave secnred the agency for the bet pants in the market and guar&ntee satiaf action every time-See thein. Stott & Jury (the ch,,mista who mell the best Balung powdIer at 20 ets a Pound.) STOTT & 3'YS Druggists & Opticians. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 ,1895. Mir. Fred Roblin opeu% Sundsy ai home Mr. A. J. Lackhhertle oui agin aile ---rappiang iith irhuoeiamw, --- Fou Maugold. an sd Turnil seedi cahl iet Mur e l'. Bey. R. A. Bilhey speut s few'days i Torontol at wes. Mm. S. Noble, Rochester, N. Y, levisii iug friands biers. When wauing a Churu site Cawher Mia.John Peain la vi..iing bler dangbte Mm. . W. Hiche, Grand Rapide, Micb. Mi. John Osborne je bsvng an Idel Power Wiud Miii erscled ou bis praruisei Mr. Chas. Basherville bas gone la Moni reel where ha bas îeeunred a situation. Mi John Rigginbothem ni Milton le guel of bis son, M. T. E. Rigginbotbsm. Moudey. Sept. 2 bas beau fixed by tl Dominion Paniament as Lahor Day. If ynu anjny a salI on the leka, taes il Garden City sud apand the 24 et Niagani Exiglard badl s eold spaîl lest week, t10 ierupertura droppiug 30 dogrees. The Womnra' number o! the Bellevili Sonwili ha isîused Juns loi undar tl sufpices of the W. . T. U. The.Orillia Times deuounees very ilionl ly the uing ni acbcole for adverlising pu posas. Parasols wilb new sud stylieb bandli lu al quaities sud spacially gond valueE Coueb, Johnston & Crydarmeu's. Ciizens Who tnjoy a drive lu the cou] lry sbould go oui bo Enuasahillen Sabbat Sebool Aunversry, May 24th. Miss MaRgie Climie la delegate finn Tiinity Y. P. . C. E. 10 the County con vation lu Cobourg Ibis weeh. The 341h Battalinu go Juie Camp at Ni gara on-Iba-Lake Juna 181h for a twal' days' dril.1 The Richelieu sud Ontario Navigto Comapany wîlh et Ibir boats onu l roule hetweeu Monîreal sud Toronto c Juna 4tb. No lady should buy s usw diess ehei se£eUg the lovely asoniment oi choicesru tarbais now abowing ai Coucb, Jobuston Crydermau's. Rav. R. A. Bornies wilh precb in tl Methodial cbureb nsxt Suuday mornts and Bey. L. Phelpe, Couiles, 1n the avei ing. Rev. J. A. McKean, Orono, occupied il puipi of St Pau's cbureh lest Sunda. 4ey. Il. D. Fraser, M. A., being et Nem ocsalle. Rev. B. D. Frasen, ,M. A., sttlended tl annuel meeting ni the Syuod ni the Pieab3 lerian ehureb et Orangevla lest weeh, Miss Aunie Louise Singleton of Port Richard testa the eye Freulof charge. lope le visitiug fricoda iu town, and pre- Those whn desire a grand days pleasure ided at the organ ln the Methodist Church sbnnid go te Niagara on May 24. 3auday. Richards la the place tu buy Gold Spec- Mr. W. Chartran has purchaaed the tacles, 'rago prnperty, corner Chnrch and On- ~~lnnins u rin ec r ýarin Sta , for $500. This la a greet hir-out aud sharupooaet Pethick the Bar. bargain. ber's. It la wnnderfully cooling sud re- Mr. a. Knox, Orono, License Inspector, fresbing. ma iun tonu Friday ttîeudiug a meeting of Rickard ia an optician. U.DnMmîaînnerS. Mr. A. R. Petit will give au exhibi- Cojffees, roasted onu tfe Pr1-4s, ai- tion of spraying in Mr. Joaeeph Jeflery'a vays freah aud bet i #, at Mur- orchard Monday, May 27, at 9 a. mu. dnch's. enSewing Machine 011 et Richards. Mr. Chas- Langmaid. Slina, delivered Next Snnday Rey. J. Liddv, Ph. B., of o Messrs. Hall & Williams lest weeh th,,e Hampton will preach in St paui's -lu the fiue cattie tbree vears old weigiug 4.530 morning and Rev. C. Parker in the even- ha,. This la the ind of cattie te raies. iulg. John Babocch l selliug boots aud abusa White Sswing Machine le King and n ladies' and men's fluie gonds t les&han mB1esrd keepa it for sale. ehoiesele prionWe eyn ewn ahnda Mr. Howard Trull, eldeat sou cf Mr. Jas. Wiheu lmuyîuandewing a chinedea Truil, Pickering, went lu swimmiug oun ihRcadsdfo ibecmay Satnrday week, took inflammation aud Mr. snd Mrs. Eckhart sud the Misses died the fcIlo;wing Mod. Philpa of Toronto have beau guesta 01 the1 a Misses Rundie, Wellington St. Indian,F.Ceyjt China Teas, greai Au Organ Reital will ha given bY Misa vaines, et MnITch's. Annie Louise Singleton in the Mehodiet Mr. W. R. Rowse, Whitby, bias sold bis church next Suuday eveuiug from 6.30 te drug business te Mr. John MoCulloeh, 7 o'clock before tbe usuel service, RverCy- formerly nf Columbus, aud Vall remove te body invited, Hlamilton. McieNelsn ikrs Wnrh commenced last week on the belt McieNeise ihrs hiue raiiway at Oshawa sud it la expect ed Machine Botet i Richards. it will ho completed by July lot. Bev. J. A. Moees, B. A,. occupied the Ontario Ladies' Collage, Whitby, la ad. pulpit nf St Paul'sJ chorcb lRat Sabbath vartisiug for tenders for tbe arectionuOf au morniug aud aveuiug. Iu the evenlua addition te the building. espaciaily bis discourese was o1 marha îd sbility sud power. Mr. Fraser was ent Bey. Mr. Curtis, Methodist Missiouary Oronu n d Kendal. et Stanhope, narrowly eacaped dronung lu Little Boehung Lahe. His horse sud Miss Mary Ruter la the delegate fronm carlwerebatlu te waer.St PaUl's Y, P. S. C. E. tu thEo Counties cartwer lot inthewatr. onuveution lu Cobcurg ou7 Thuraday sud Boots wortb $150 for 75 cis at Mascu'e Friday fti ek e.R .Fae we sy 8, i jeso.andpeole avebadandMisa Fisser alan go froru ibis society, tbem sud eau euhl get thom Mr. Fraser bing ou the programme on Mr. J. L. Hughes, School inspector for Thuraday aftarnon. Toronto, who bY the wav leas West Durham Theb jeta h pot ei boy who bas ruade bis mark lu the world, esujtethepwrbLau eompleted 21 years' service as Inspacior meeting Monday eveuing bn the Meth- lest week. odist Church was "Systematie Giviug' CoubJhusou Crdeman ara show- sud was ably deait wth lu apsper by iu a largesdcoies&sck n crpaaudMiessE. Wordeu, sud au addreas by igala curand.Noibetsterkofvaluesandwer.Miesa E. Coucb wbo gave sanme exeeed- ae yu a ccu N btterLadies' anwOx- .ingly practical suggestions lu regard te seentha Laies'TanOx-theduiy nf al lunthis ruatter. The foýa.v,.,,,O'Th Pincss"mad byT.Misaes Morris gave a piano duat in s & T. Bell, et Babcock's, tbe Shociat, pîeasing rueuner. Treieveu's nild stand. At s meeting beld ou Weduesday lest, a Mi. J. W. Bengougb, the cartooniat, re - Bicycle Club waa organized sud the follow- ceived the tmnuimous nomination of the -n fieseetd;Pe- aisn Norh BuceProibiionststo ontst heVice Pre-T E Rigginbotbam; Sec Troas- ridiug in the enming elecion forltha Coin' Fred Kydd; Capt-Cari B Kani, laI Lieut- mous, but daclined. E . F. Croshar; 2nd Liet-M Galbraith; Mr. F. F. Cola, Toronto, Tbursday eold Bugler-Johu H McMurtry; Whipper lu- s car load of whoat si Nortb Bay te the Art Hoar; Musical Diretor-Fred Coucb; Pembroke Milling Company of Pembroke Com. nf maniagement-A Rfosi, E F Crosher for $1.01 a buebel. This la eiaimed 10 be C B Keut. Club roua oery Tuesdsy and the firat sale oi wbeaa that bas reacbed 1118 Fîiday ait 7 o'eloek p. ru. Sunday ru dollar mark lu Iis province for more than are ni eanetiouedl by the Club. two yesrs. The unseesonably bot watbar the second Lawn mowars sbarpened sud rapaired. weah lu May was eue3.eeded by a cold wave Bicycles of al indi repaired. Machinas aceompsuiad by high wiuds sud frost aud calied for and rturr ed lu towu. Drop a light auow. The fruit treas, gardons asu card iu the Post Office. H. J. WEEKSsB, grain in sud around Bowmsuviile bae 57 Liberty S&. beau dauiaged by the frite, sud il iE Ne.wastle Sous of England are prapar- tbougbt will prove a serions Ios t owuerî iug s grand day's sport for Friday sud aIl thereof. thosa wbo attend are promised a thorougb- Durability should tell every lima ir kly enjoyable lime. making choiceofni s ewing machine for yoi r Babook the Shoet bas some of the eertainly deaire a machina 10 lesti mer lovelieat Ladie'-sud MiSss' Oxford ruany years. Rickard bas foi sala Ibri Shoes we ever aaw. They are made on rushes wbicb are positlvely noted for halai new Grecian lesta by Bell. the mosl durable ni any machines mausu BICYLE FR SLE.-acod had, actured. Tbree hinde te choose froru BicyiF, oR S&iz-Secnd hndcoîtiily an advautage net teobcbhd lfrn gond as new, ahI latest improvemieuta, any other dealer-linbthewbole ridiuga pueuruatll tires, wood rima, etc. En- West Durhamu. Every machine guarantE quire ni C. B. KENT, St Poat Office. ed. Mr. Wrn. Werry, Rosehavdvale Stock =Farin, Solinssya every frmer shoui'd Lw oe use mure or ni Ol Cake Meal aud Lw oes ha will ha surprisad te, learn the low A fu lina nf the very latest Brocl Spriceset which they caun gat it atI Csw- ville sud Guelph Mowara at axceeding ker & TaIt'a, Bowxnanvilla. tif ly low prices et Rd. Wortba Heardwsr Allen Lina Royal Mail Stearuships are Store. Cal sud seIberu. r now esiliug from Motreal avery Satuîday_____ _____ --as floe PrseMay 18;- Mongollauï, ip May 25; Numidian, Jua 1; Sardinier, LOOK AT YOUB. FEET Jue 8; Leorentian, Juna 15. Firel Cahin - $50 sud npward@; second Cabin $30; stear- Mr. A. Kennedy, bootî sud ahoerue in gag at very 10w rates. M. A. JâmEs, thauka citizeus ot Bowmauvilhe for thei Agont, Bowmanville libaral patronage lu the past, and,b l- Mr. R. Nosworby, onueni the publishars prompt attention te busineiss sud goo ni thaeulaatepîise a newny 1111e paper workmanship, hopsa to still menit & eeetly staried lu Huntsville, leas Bow. ahana of their work. Al hinds of bo<l mauvilîs boy, aud we exteud te hlm .ur sud ahoas neatly sud pnomptly moude( ar at wies lu bis ne W ventura, sud hope C¶ive him a trial sud lha will couvinr thal the Euterprisa oeay prove wortby of Fou that what ha esys is trua. ils Dame. aiWe sympathize witb Mr.,and Mne. H. . a.Brittelu, oi Straibmoy, lu the deatb of their PAINTING AND PÂPER- tinfant sud only cbild from couvulsions. HANGING. The romains were brousaht bore for inter.-- et meut sud the uerai tooh place from thea hrn&Lamtt aigetr re8ldance cf Mr. J. M. Joous, on Toeaday îno arer aanm o ch ar iu en tae hois ron eBwavll eeey Paper sud Painbing business, arto n The Wrld aye: Messre Williams sud showing beautifuli sud cheap papers ai ho Hall, expert dealers lu fat caille, sbîppad posofalsde tvrlwpic ai Cobourg about fity head ni fine faet cal uantl bda-tvr o i tle on Tasday. They bought 18 head Store lu Reid's Block, opposite tl 0f im Mr. Gen. Ilassesud 18 hoad fruru Mr. Balmoral, Bowmanville. 21-9i 'David Carelairs, notad stock leaders in the Il Bomanton District, psyîng thasa gentle- ro le men respcctiveiy $1105 sud $993 for aach N O' %p0 T I C E , lot, ig We congratuiete our former towns3msn r- ou receAiving .nther hnni sund are plaRaed b e H-b-ad -aLbesud-bulggy belongiug .L'wishing to dispose oi thee ruriturea ~.IMr. 'W. G. Ginver, Bowruanville, who cameI.furnshinga ni as malbouse witl find a c ,y down hy the 3.50 train, sud lookhbis zigJ tomer hy apiying et eTATESILAX 011 Ibome.-Pori Hope Guide.i MuaI he iu good order. 20- FIRE BARGAINS AT TE White IHoùse dewuellry Store The goods are selling fast at haif price and if you have not bought and miss the chanûcE you will be sorry always. Corne and get a nice Watch, Clock or sorne of those nice Spoons, Forks, Kniv- es, Chains, Cuf Buttons, Links, cA AltE'T TEE TOP Got there by doing one thing well. We do not pre- tend to know any business but our own and ini that we pride ourselves in buying the best goods which we supply to our patrons at the îuost reasonable prices. We invite in- spection of our very large stock of groceries, provisions, fruits, teas, flour, land and dairy sait, crockery and glass- Studs, Pins, etc., at less than ware. It will pay you to d eal with us. wholesale prices, nice ladies rings away down in price. We are -f eady now to do your work, and do it riglit, all work warranted to give. satisfaction. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. mYNARD, TilE JEWELLER. Wall Paper in beautiful de- signs, at about haif for- mer prîe Spring iRoller Window -Shades alcomplete at 50c. d Don't be deceived by city, cali and see stock aand get prices Alil the rage-the gamne of Crokinole A new lot at reduced prices in a day or two P. TREBILCOOK Paranant le the Reviaed Statutes (i Ou- tarin, Chap. 110, bbc creditonînof Mary Aun Emmeranu, ale ni the Tonship of Carl- wrligh t he bccounuy ni Durham,. widow. deceaed - ho died on or about the 121h day ni October, A. Ù., 1891, are on or belons the- ETH DAY OF JUNE2 1895, te seud by Poit, prepaid, te James B. Eru- merson, Valeutil P.O., tbe adminitrator ni the Estes e ni the said Mary Anu Emmarson, their chitian sud surnamas, addmassea sud occupation, fl paticulars ni thein dlaims sud the nature nifbbhe ecurity (if any) held hy Ihean The said administrator shah i tar tbe said 5Uh day ni June, nexi. he ai liberty 1e dia- tribute the a3setio!fthe eaid déLceased or any nrn thereof erunng the parties etitlad therebo, havine regard nuly to the dlaims ni whicbha bas then notice sud shalnit ha hiable fou the asseats or any part tbereof 80 diatributed te sny person ni whosee daim sncb adrinitrator bas ntnotice et the lima o! the distribution Ibereof. McSWEYN & ANDERSON, Soici bora for Adminiistralor. Datad ai Lindsay the 13I day o! May, 1896. 20--4w MtYSZO. M ISS N1LLIE WILLIAMS le prepared to beach Rermouy sud Piano, at ber essideuce, Qusen St., weeb. S RARPENED sud Repaired. Bicycles sud Wmîngers repained sud put iu the hast of order. Orders laft at the NEWS Orrrc.y will receiva prompt attention. R. J. WEEKES, 57 Liberty stret, MA.YNAIRD THIE JEWELLER.1 "WHITE HOUJSE." Issiaeri X az'zage Licences. Eveuinz resideuce, Division Street nexi old B. 0. cburcb. La1wn oos The West End Sritby wiII guamentes to saapen and put lu perfect workiug order al machines entrusted to bhlm; having had a large experience I amu fully ptepared lu put bhem in 6mrai chass order wili cail for mowers and deliver sase wheu notice is :giveu; alan, sciasora, sud knives iground, keys ruade, lochs fitted, and special attention paid to aIl branches of smithing;pn malter bow difficult the job, bring il along. Please accapi My hearty thanha for past favors sud would solicit a cotinunce oi your patronage.I amu your faithini. servent, W. H, WILLIAMS, King St. Wegb Erd, 19-3-w 1Bowmauville, -nighest price paid for farmn produce. OAWKER & TAIT, THIE PO PLItGrzOERS, Curtain Poles complete for 25.ets ii n Cherry and Ebony. Remuants of Wall Paper very eibeap. Baby Carniage $10.00, $12.00 and $14.00. Croquet Set $1,00 and $1.25. W. T, ALLEN, We Yet There are some people who appreciate truthful advertisements We respectfally ask such to note the following: f are not-selliug goods-worth- $1,50--for 75c. We do not think m intelligent public wouid believe so if we said we wea. But we are selling the most stylish and reliable Boots and Shoes as low as any dealer in the County. No one eau buy better or procure larger cash discounts as we pay prompt cash for ail goods bought and will give large discaunt to cash buyers. Every article sold represented just as it is. We aim at keeping a first-class s tock of footwear sucli as ouf customers generally are Ilooking for, A good assortment of Trunks and Valises kept in st\ock. Itemember the place, King St., Bowmanvihle. J OH NHEL LYAR, S4PRAY YOUR-'TREES as reeonmnuded by the Ontario Department of Agriculture nr~e have just receiued a large supp4f of BL UE 8STONF --- Sulphate of Copper,, Also Moth. Carnphor, Inseet Powder, Strong Ammonia, Furidlture'Polisb, etc., etc., for use durîig housecleaning. JHIOOINBOTBAM & SON Chenýsts and Druggists, Bownmnville.

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