Mr. Ed. snd Miss Philp, of Whitby, have been guests of Mr. R. A. Philp... .Tyrone Mill pond was frosen over on Mi)nday morning presenting a pleasing spectacle ... .Mr. A. Younfe, Bowrnan- ville, called on old friends here lest week. . ...Rev, Jas. Batstone, our juni- or pastor, has we understaWpl corne off very succe8rsfully at bis recent exarna ..Mr. J. J. Virtue at the Old Corner Store took in 300 dgzan eggs Thursday laet, ...Mise Cors M. Gardiner leaves this week for a visit to Lindsay frieuds. ORONO. Mr. Thos, Smiith is clerking for, C. G Armnstrong. Mr. Bruce Bell is ernpioyed at the cheese S f actory. Mr. Thos. McQuade, Cartwright visited Mr. W. W. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Plâain Port Hope, vis- ited E. Pinder. The ochool teachers snd scholars were photograplied recently. - Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Barrett are visiting D o oü Want re1 live e , y e ý solid luth anid long i auhtertMn you ea e joy ent ~e a ,Mn Chas. V'arcoe is travelling slesman life? Then get a. COMET. Are you weak and sickly? Are you for H. A. Nelson, wooden-v:Mw, Torno i. i ,-~ Misea i *i * MissKellev. beenha HAPPY MEN- ANO WOMENU Who Gan Belish and Enjoy their Mgeals. INDIGESTION AND- ITS TERRORS. PAINE'SGCELERY '1) DIGESTIVE VIGOR. Nature's Great Medicine WiI1 Give You a Realthy and Natural Ap- petite, Pure Blood, a Clear Hlead anid Sound Sleep.r 45 V .O V tO.' 0".t. aYýo . la a itty a L IU 501;woru i.43 LI) JU 75cts.> alSI) Ji îtk S, , -s, Biaiiz Creponis, Coids, &c., at î2qaally gteat n ductioii:-, "e chance cf a iifctime to gel a good black dres t snal' s ioii c nt cf n oncy. S.ill a nuncber cf piezes cf that speciai seqc nt20t a yd. Vty pgy double this price for the sarne goods. XX e are saeliîug xactly the tarre quality lienDrietta for Neîich >ou are acCU3t'Mtd TO [)av 5:i ,s. a yd., for 35ts Ladies Blo1uses in white, bhi ,ck and cO&.red fioui 5oJts. each. STAFLES. Heavy yd, wid.e faclory codton regular 7cts for 5cts. a spt:ctal white cotton, extra value at 7cts., best bhirtiïog warranted fast c À irs -Ii l aes. a yd, very heavy cottonade fcr 2o cts. a yd. LZ1"TF1'T PArTMvEIqT. Good table lUnen damask 222 cts. a yd.; txtra wide heavy table linen worth 65 cts. for 45 cts. a yd.; beautiful 1-eached fine linen, regular $s.oo, quality for 75 cts.; Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, Underwear, ail at special prices this week. LAQC CUTAIXS. We bave mnade a remarkable purchase in this lisse, Co ds are (xpecied to arrive on Thursday. We think you will agree with us thiat they are the best value ever shown in Bowmanville. COOBSETQ We have purclased froni the Crompton Corset Co. a clear- ing out lot at z vcry Ilow prîce. These are new, nice and the best fit;ig andi wearhng cîhIKts you can boy. It is very seidom you can get a reduction in shie prce of Crorupton Corsets. We are selling thesc 25 Cts. iess th1inthie regular prices. JEW EY .aAI'TM'EI'.T. Eight day dlocks for $2.oo each. Geîiuine Watharn Screw Bizzle Watcii 87.5o, Ladies Blouse Setts, Pins, links, Buttons, &c., Spoons, Knives, Forks, ail at reduced prices. Repairing as usual properiy doue. GLOTES .AND CLOTIIZXG. We neyer had a better choice of tweeds and worsteds, never gave such value and satisfaction in order- ed clothing, neyer such value in ready muade clothing Rernernber aithough ve seli eheap we are keeping Up the high quality Of Our goods. Inferior stuf will never be sold in our es- tablishment; you can depend on the quality. T. G. MASON, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. J. J. VSON, Dry Goodsansd Jewelry. noveor fails to givwe--atîsfre- tion 1 Mrs . A. A. Ives Wishes to direct the at- tention of the ladies of West Durham to her stock of fancy and staple dry goods, em- brodiery silks, crochet silks, spools, rope siiks, etc. Dress linings, cottons, prints, tick- ings and full lines of corsets and hosiery at close prices. on paî'cels of five dollars and over, ten per cent off on cash sales. Thanking yoù for pat- ronage in thse past 1 sohit a share for the present and future. Opposite S. A. Barracks Bowmanville. SOFA LA POLISH1. LADIES, use Rook.'s -44a3Sh.ap Poliph for Ladies and Cde'fit),B .tg anid Shoeq ihi' finest t,, or-,,-ve îh,. ,-ahi-r aîd keep it r. Iahl- Lt wîdleave a polih lhke satin, For sa'e by #,mot and t'h e dealers F ARLN FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- J. Good 100 acre farrn for sale or te rent, just outsido the towni of Bowrnan%,ille, and 2W0 acres in thel TownshiP of Clartwright- Apply to THos jBINRAf. box 72 Bowrnan. Vile 36-tf, BG(ON TO BEE KEEPERS.-J arn pre. 3pared to furnjsh you with the latest irn- proved Be ives, and ail kind cifBase sup- pli a at redswed prices for the next 30 days. Ca and eî.JAS. BURNS IHaipton. Honest Trotting Stallin - Rifieman -h; W di stand this -eir oi A Xl,'C. W, -ce"ns soo'h easmt fErfie.NlMoii iay ni;.ý Tuesday w1Or', aM-r Wr lbsH UColts T5 roue; thence tû lBeccett Boive, Bow man- ville, from 3 to 8 P. rn . 'thence te bis oa'o stable; Frid" y proceed to JTohn GornAey's I Pickeiin. nizht; Sattorday. XVod>tff', Hlotel, Whitby, nen,î; thence te ('entrai juIteJl. O hawa, frum 3hto 8 p. m.,, hencL te) bis ovin stable. RIFLE Ni A. bas proved hiseif te be as good a steck horse as bis siie-Oid Rýflemaîî. Every ene cf bis colts are good 8trong bobSt road hersesý, seme of them f ast. What Rifle- man did aS the stallîon race at Whitby, wiu- ning 2nd in a field of 7 stallione,, beatin- the Doted herse Diver. Canadian Star and Z ,c3 2 26iï two heats lu the race, shows hlm te he a herse of superier merit Term, t$9 00. S. G. PICKELL, Conrticp, 20-5w. pîopriter. Muncipality of Bownîanvilie. The Court cf lievîioin of the Town of P owmanville, will take place at the CeUîtcIL CHA.mB1cR. on MezNDA, JuNE 3rd, 1895, aS 10 o'clock a. mr, for adjndicating upen al complaints againrat asseasments and fdnally passing the assessment roll. IR. WINDATT, 2 L-1w. Town Clek AH! WHY î»NoTrP TRAVEL ON THlE 3IPùTflD5Y BY TUIE WHO WILL SELL ROUND TRIP' TICKETS FOR Single Fare Going May 28r6 and 24, retnrning May 25, or returninig untit May 27,à for Singie First Class Fare and Olie-Third. T. B. IIGÇINBOTIIAM, Agent, Bowmanville. Mte ae selling alil kîniils cf Wire at exceedingly iow puiCes. A full stock cf Hffatha ïy r iel iBaî'b Wire, Oiled and Annealed Wire, lPo ultry WVire, Fence Plyers, Garden TrooIs. The finest Iinoe of Cheesce Factory MiJk Cauis over olTiccdl itis markct. ' a mîý-ke andi excellent, vahio. Orders for Sbovo iPiping an I Goneral TinsniithingZ prornptly attendcd ti) Telephorne No. 36 Opposite Ontario 11I NIl l SPRJNG STLES The place to buy cheap goods for cash is at M. Mayer's. Hlat and Gent's Furnishing store, where ail the latest styles, ini Fedora's and Christy Stiff ilats, and also a new lino i Gent's Furnishings ail sold cheap for cash. Corne and- see us; No trouble to show good8. Ilighest price paid for raw Fur. me MAYEMR, The Practicat flatter. A lirht, pliable, elastie boue ma de ___ Fer gilring _____ frornqils- l isita y ieg CoofolmiDg readllY tb folde, yet giving S T YLE and L[SfIA E ProPer Sb::e bu Skirt or Dee ta wet withouî injury. Ladies Dresses. Toorselbtdï-fèaÈrýù material. For saLe by lead-Ing Dry G oods Dealems