w. w. Wa'c A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING vàgni CHERRY AGRICULTURMAL Coolng Milk ln the Weli. The sketch herewith shows e imple and successful creemery that any fanmer cen with e ittle expense construet, writes a practical fermer. The firaft hing required is a well of good size in diameter and of cool water. I made the experiment early last spring by hanging the cens iu the well and was s0 weli satisfied with the resuifs 1 made the needed arrangement for hoisting and lowering the cans hy use of a cranit which cen be attached tu each roller. Three cens are ail that are needed lu niy reamery, each une holding a milking, which allows when we must rebniid let if be upon the macadam plan of good, eolîdl foundation. How Much Butter Cati be Made From Milk. Time dûes nof permit nme to go into de- fails to show the reason, but much investi-- gation lias demonstrated the fact that for each pound of fat in mik one shouid make about one and oie-eighths pounds or one pound two ounces of butter. To find out how much butter should be made frorn 100 pounds of mlk,multiply the per cent.of fat in milk 'Dy one and one.eighth. For exemple Froni 100 pounds of milk conteîning 8 per cent. of fat, we should make about threa pounds six ounnces of butter; fromn 100 pounds of nit ontaining 4 per cent. of fat, four and une-hait pounds of butter; trorn 000 pounds 5 per cent. milk,five pounde ten ounces of butter, etc. Suppose, in making butter, we get more or lese than the calcu- lated yield. How shall we explain this ? Household, Laundry Bag. This is'an indispensable article. One le needed in every sleeping room. Sometimes cluthes hampers area sed instead, but the 'aundry beg iletsf111 argely calied-for. Must housewives eiideavor to have one match the room in which it is to be kepf. If the bcd is dressed in cretonne a hag le made of the sanie meteriai. If ln bine and white, a bine denirn with vine fracinge worked lu white cotton i; serviceable, Should e deintier une be desired, white butch er's lilen embroidered in bine sîlit will fllii t bilil. If a red ruum, red denim worked with hlackt sik, or white linen with red silk would be desirable. The fies of these bags are uf sfrong cotton, many using ordinary curfain fies for the purpuse. low to flean Lace us utains. Many housekeepers objeuf to putfing The undersigned desire to thank the tarmers of West Oturharn awey theirilace curteins lu e.soiied condition, ~~î~~ ~.i+~n iimo+h itteanl J F h14 m" ~'Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset of Canada. iSatisfaction guaranteed or nioney r«fundyc Col?4 ASK YOIJR DRY GOQOS DEALER FORTEM Eatnd (Graine pout 1.