i-& eatare dl% 'heY ar IRQE from qRER5E amet are ea.sQy di- 5hor~flor Tri El"1CDLEi4E is better ~ ~u.rer' lard., Madeeniiyby ' The N. K. Fairbanh Companly, wqsl5eagtOfl ana AnaStef.' BIONTREAL. w' i p: i Pi 9 t t 1 UURELY CANABIAN N'EWS. 1NTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OUR OWN COUNTRY. gatherif.l trom Varieusï PolitSe frem th, SAfiautie to the l'actco Wyoming has a gun club. The Ottawa river je rieing rapidly. Wild geese are numerous thîs soason. Maple village is troubled withbhurgiare Kingston's rate of taxation je 171, mille Watford is tired of uts early clesing by iuw. Bradford doge mnst hereafter be regie. tered. Cookstown fa looking towards incorpor- ttion. The Masenic Hall at (ilinton fiae heen renovated.,1 Blenheim wiil have vertical writing in its echeois, Brockville'e Athietia Club bouse will cost St. Theo , as' church, Seaferth, has a new pipe2 organl, The-, Lady Thompeon memorial fund fe , ie McClary huildingseat London are to he eniarged. Last mnoth 370 seetlers entered the Alberta district, The G. T.R. wiil ereot a new passenger station at Gloncoe. A n0w Coneervatory of Music hae been huit in St. Thomas. Amnerican buyera have exhausted -the Manitoba heef market. There are two more desertions frein "A" hattery, Kingston. A white rat witb pink eyee je the lateet curiosity in Sarnia. Ingersoll is ieokîug towards the forma- tion of a Humane Society. Beriin's streot railway syetem je being changod te an electric fino. Mise Maggie Keefer, ef Stratbroy, bas gene to Japan as a miesienary. The united choirs ef Western Ontario will meot at, London this surnmer. Hamilton livery mon want the hicycles taaced, ais they injure the livery trade. Chatham will do berseif prend .July 1 in henour et ber incorporation as a city. Every townehip in Muekoka and Parry Sound will bave a cheese factory thie epring. During 1894 102 prisonere were commit- ted te the Walk.erton jail. The total cnet ef maintenance of the institution wee $2,- 034. Mies Landau, who paseed rocently at Bisbop'e Coliege, Lennoxville, je the firet Jewess whohlas received a medicai degree in Canada. Watford and Zion Congregational churcb- s bave extended a unanimous cail te Rev. A. Margett, et Fergus, wbîcb bas heen acceptod. -Miss Core Coleman, a 17.yearold orphan girl, claiming te belong te Houlton, Me., and boarding in St. John, N.B., attempted suicide. Ninie thousand penes of goid quartz frem tbe mammetb miro in Sudbury dis- trict bave heen shipped te the mining echool at Kingston for examination. A man in Lindsay received damages againea the Bell Teleplione Company for $600 for inînrios received. by coming in contact wltb a live wiro careleeely strnng )n the mtreet. The other day a son ef Mr. H. Petbick ef Orillia, was playffng witb a dog when the animal turned on him and bit the lad on the oye, hnrsting it and totally deetroy- ng the sight. A sampleofe ginger wïno bought in a e'onstore where niy tomperanco 1<ër ages were suppoed te ho seld, we iound te con tain ton per cent. ef proof spirite. The foiiowing new post offices wore estahlislied in Ontarie tnis month : And- eY, Ontario County ; Canlyon, Simcoe; Hardwood Lako, Renfrew ; Longhauk, B3othwell ; Mandeville, %Iuskoka' and Prry Sound ; Whitney, Nipieeing. A Law Lyrie Delay me net, l'mn off te conrt, 'iîe bnetling lawyer said; Thon (:J , ho went te court the girl That ho wae geing to wed, Genius je groat encugh te meke ail thing" gre-t that it touches, NOTES AND G'OMMIENTS. Those people who haver, and those 'ho oppose, the sale et alcobolie beverages, wi11 ho alike interosted in the provisions et tue bill lateiy introducod in the Honse et Comnions by Sir William Harcount, a bill whicb givos te the votons et each parish the power et abolishiug aitogoîher, or of limait- ig lu respect cfl number, the public bouses in which liquen con ho bonghi. The bill je put forward frankly, on the gnound, not ot nrincipie, but et expedieiccy alone. That nîinciplo pla'-ye ne part in the measuno, je heain trom the tact ihat it dose net apply te relend, tbongb the inhabitants oh ihat country prefer te drink, net heer, but whiekey, whicb, oh course, je alcobel in e îighly conceutrated ierm. Meneovor, the projected iaw will net intenforo in the least e'ith dninking among the well-te.do, who wil ho perniîted te get what they want in their clubs and pnivato bouses. Ail that Sir William Harcourt aime te de is te allow oen per cent, efthie rogistered votons et & given parish te demand a poll on the ques- ton, whether theno shah ble within the parjsb confines total prohibition , or a ne- duotion in the nîsmhen of alcebol seos te the extont oh one-feurth, Thse demand fer a polI may he, as we have eaid, ne enfonce eiber a prohbitory nesolution or e limitation et puhie bouses, and the poîl wilho taken by the Town Council, Parieh Council, or whatever may be the local autbority in the panticular district, It is important te note, however, that te pase a prohihitery reselutien a majonity et two-thirde et the pensons voting je essntiel; and oven iflsuch a majority je obtained, the nesolution dees not como joie force tihi the general annuel licensing niî,eeting which cocurs next alter the ~ ~ o eprto etthroe yeare fnom the commencement et the operatien oh the aci.- In considoration et what je practically a four yearei' nostice te wind up their affaire, the presont licensees are deprived et any compensatin for the lose ef their business. We should add that, if a peiî je demanded on a nesolution merely liîniiing the number et liquor sellera in a given parîeh, it may ho carriod by a simple majority; and limitation is defined te ujean a reduction in the numbor et liconees grentod hy one- tonrth et leasi, on hy more if the Iicensing megiexinetos se decîde. The principal objection urged againet ibis hbi je that it will do ne good ftrom the tomr- porance point et view, sufficient te j uetify the interferenco with ordinery human lih- erty. For let us suppo.e that in a giTon parieb a prohibitory nesohution je carnied by a two-thirds vote. The dninkens, wbo, on ibis hypotiiesis, constituto one-third et thse olectore, will eiher bîsy thein liquor in the nexi parisb, or will arrange te consume t in clubs' or in their own bouses. Tbey will ho suhjeotod te soins nomporary incon- venienco ; that je aIl. Lot ne assume, on the other baud, thet a morely limiting ne solution je carried, wbenehy the number et public bouses in a given parieh wilho lessenied hy 25 per cent. Ohviousiy the notion that mon whe want drink will hesitate te get it hecauso the shop wheno it s sold je a tew yards en a tew roda funther off, je purely imaginary. The sole offoci ef ibis provision will ho tonruin one-quanter of the publicene in the parish, and the viciim will ho those who do net happen 'te ho pelitical favorites et the authorities. Wben, some seventy yeare age, thse Englieh people came te recognîze slavehold- iug as immoral, tbey awarded a tain cern- pensation te the slaveownere in tise British West Indies for the slaves that were omancipatsd by &ut et Parliament. Recaîl- ing that precedont, the opponoents et Sir. W. Harcourt's bill point out thet hithento the British Government bas termalhy ne- cognized liquor deaimng as an bontesi trade. Why, thon, tlcey ask, ehould it now ailow ibemajoriiy in eny panish tenuin the hiquor sellers therein ? Migisi it not as weil firet hicense pawnbrokers, and thon permit a majority et the local electors'te sack tisein shope? YOUNG FOLKS. Thore's lots of things 1 cannot understand, It roally inakos no înatter how 1 sry. Ones why the brown cornes on rny littie hand Because the sun is hot up in the sky. 1 neyer nnderstood why birds eat worms Instead of? pie and puddings fucll of plaims, 1 can't sec why a baby always squirms, Or why big boys are 'fraid of littie sures. 1 cannot understand why doggies bark Instead of talking sense iike yen and nie; And why the son dont shine wlhenit is dark, Instead of when it's liiht. 1 cannot Seo. 1 wondor wbat it is makes chilctren grow. And why they have no wings like littie files, tut puzzlingest of ail the things 1 know le whygrandrna wears windows on bier eye Evening Games. ALPHABETICAL LUNCH. This is instructive and even the bright- estjare somoetimes soreiy puzzled. Each persen je given a letter of the alphabet and toid that he can eat nothing but that which begins with it. Take E. "lWhat did you have for lunoh ?" aske the questioner. "lEggs, eels4" hriskly begina E, but stops suddenly. A fine ie imposed if you give less than five. "IP, what did yen have?" "Potatoes, prunes, peahe,pckles- pampas grass!1 "A fine. Pampas grass je net a food." "lNext. K." "Krng-birds,", K hegins, "kine," and cornes to an abrupt pause. Then ornes an animatod discussion whether king-hirdo are articles ef food or neot. If a very ioaîned person happens te ho present give him Y or T and sec if hie gets furtber than yam, or anything in T. OBASSHOPPIR AND ANTS. One of the players je chosen grasehopper by drawing lots ; the others are ants. The grasshopper writos the namo of some edie grain on a bit of paper, heids it in the hand and says te one ant: "My gond friend, 1 amn hangry. What wili you givo me te eat ?" The ant naines a grain. If it je net the sanie as that on the paper the grass- hopper aeks the next ant, then the next. If any ant gives the name on the paper the grasehepper shows the pape-, bande it te the one thus caught, and joins the eante, whiie the ant becomes grasehopper. When ail have been asked this question, the one that should thon be grasehopper writes down a dance, and says - l"I have had eomething te eat, and now wisb te dance. What shall I dance V" The ants gnose varions dances, the one guessing that on the paper hocoming grasehopper. The next question le:. "To wbat musical instrumont shall I dance V' Then, I1arn tired a.nd want te go te sieep. What leaf shah i 1Sleep under V" Tiheso questions cau he contioued as long as the fun keeps up, THE TRAVELLED ALPHABET. The gamne called IlThe Traveiled Alpha- bet" je piayed as follows: Deciding on the person witb whom the alphahet sbould hegin oach one muet take a letter in turn and apply it to the country te wblch ho or she is going, and the objec. of the journey, thus No, i. 1 ans going te Africa te get ants and anacondas. No. 2. I jonrney te Britain te get bread and beete. Ne. 3. 1 travel te Canada te got a church and choir. No. 4. 1 arn going te Daudas te obtain dandohions snd dainties. No. 5. 1 journey te Egypt to eat eggs at ease. Thsis should ho continued until the al- phabet je exhausted. Any player failing te compiy muet pay the forfeît of introduc. ing a new gaine, siuging a Song or telling a laughahle etery. Say These Right Quick. The popularity of Peter'e Piper's clebra- ted peck of pickled peppere wili probahly nover wano as a enare te catch the tongue that would fain ho agile , but the test bas formidable rivals. The following short sentences, as their authors maintain, do wonders in haffing the ordinary powors of speech, eaye the London Weeki'y Telegraph. "Gaze on tho gay gray brigade." "The sea coaseth, and it sufficoth us." "Say, shoulfi snob a ebapely sash ehahby etitches show? " "lStrango strategie statisties."ý IlGivo Grimos, Jim's gilt gig wbîp." IlSarah in a sbawl ehovelied sof t snew eofîly." "A cup of coffee in a cepper cofféescop.' THE BRITISH CROWN., LARGE FAMILLES. th ly de( chi chi har hi Ca Qu ft me ai thi il tr th til gi do be ff no du i - - -Ove,- Three fIltousaisi Preelotis Stones hIn Suchi are tise viowe et local prohibition, Fltorta's Hiead i'îece, by or limitationi, oxpreesed bVin of thtie The crown wbich wae used in the cers.-w meut soben minded and influentiil uewe moules attending tise cenonetion oh Queen th papoe in Great Bitain. Tîsere is but Victoria wee maie by Runn el & 'Bridge, tei litîle donb h ta they wl ho reflectod in a and is said te ropresoni a monoy value et rejocimn oethtie Local Veo bill hy tise about £300,000. i weighe a traction boss Si House et Lords. tisen twe pounud, and je aimeet covered e sitiste 3,000 procione stones wbich adorau c it. Tise iead baud of this gorgeons ineignia ni "D'or Over Fîfty Years." oh royalty je madeofe gold, covened wiîh a rew et 1291 pearîs along its lower edge and For ovor fifîy years Mots, WiNsLow's 112 on the uppen. Boîween tise peanis in a, SOOTHING SYStRuF has been used by mil. trou is a large sappisire, and beind a liens et meihere for thein chldren whîhe enialheon ee. Near eeclu sappisiro je a chus. teeîising. If dieiurbed et night ani îered orneiment made up ot 286 diemonds. broken et your rosi hy a sick cbild sut- Imnîediaeoly abeve tbe head baud je a now hoing and crying wth pain et Cutiing t sigits sppisires, eacis sunmouuted hy a Teots seni et once and get a boule et mnaguificeis disusund, andl sigisi estoons, "Mme, Winelow'e Soothing Synup " for electivohy couîeiniug 160 diamonde. The ChilrenTeeting lu iilnelive isefront efthtie cnowu je a Maiteso cross, hav- phleo lTte fereimmediaî11 el epte n, ingjute centre tise meet faniouns by,tbat poorlitle uffrerimmdiaely Deendgîven te tise Black Prince by Peine, King upon it, mothers,thone is ne mieteke about ef Castile. Besîdes tise ebove tisere are il. ht cures Diarrhoee,reguhatee the Stom- aisroo oison crosses couiaiuiug 386 diamonde ach and Bowels, cures Win i Cohie, softene Boîtweon tise tour crosses are tour orna- the (;unis, educes Iniflammation, and moents, conîeining respectivoîy, 84, $5, 86, gives toue and energy te the whole sysit6m. and 87 diemonde. Tise arched top'et tise IlMrs, Winslow'sî Soething Syrup " for crewn, whichis j in imitation eek beaves, chiidnon teetbing le pleasani to the teste entaine 728 diamonde. Iesiiee tise above andi he m prescriptien et eue of theo ouest tisero are 32 acerne, oucis cempoeod oh a and besi feunele physiciens and nurses in single peal,sot un cape maie oh 54 diamonds tiseUnitiStaes.Prictweny.fi'e ent acci. Tise wiohe e snnmounmed byea mouni boheU iedSuyaIl dmgicet et i vrougs ofet54 8 diemonde and a cross et sapphie a bote odb l rgit hogotwiîh arme et 108 semali diantends. the worîd. Be sure and ask for "Mite WINSI;ow'S SOOvTHIN SYstUP." Fault Fi-nding. Tise gumbler siseuld have a cerner te Gallantry. hinssoîf, and net bunden oisons with bis Sie-A guet ias getie my oye. lie- complainte. Ho spoils tise cempanionehip Wbai a heavenîy, deaîb. of lite and desenves ne public recognition. Tisere i e tee mueh toeonjey and tee mnch teodo te waste lime upon tise que ruIons Dauber-" I beand a fiue compliment I and the tanit finding. Sunshine le what paid to my painting oh 'Metsistopheiee' I ecieiy needs, and tise mono we put it jute te-day." (rit jee-" Wîît wes tisai?"pechanner and deed, tise swoeten and Daube-"A telow looked ai it ton a w hile moe inspirng becomes 0cr association aud and seil: 'Well, tisai ooke like tise devil. ufluence, Children Cry for Pitcherls Castoriaa rwelve Cithâldren ande Upwaicl QuiSe Cern Bnon i quebee., Canada jes perbape the only country in he world where a siate premniuma is regniar- 5givent for large famihis. The practico egani when the country wae estill a French Olory. "fInder thle roign eto Louis XI,-V. a cer00, nwýspaeed, wrîgt vr th tUkr f aîily in Can-ada Iwbo0 had ton hildren early pension equai te about ity dollars, and te every father it twelve bldren a.-Ipension et eigbty dollars. The costcn bas heon revjved in the >ovince et Quebec ; though the prizo for nrgo familiee is new awarded net in meney, St lin~ud Any native un natîînaiaed 'anadiani, demiciled in the Province et uohec, wbe je able te prove that ho je the athon et twelve living children, the issue da lawful marniago, je given a hundred nors et land hy the provincial geveru. oent. Within four yeers the governmont bas e'anded nearly one hndred and eigtity iouEand acres et land in ibis way ; hon eventeen hundned an! terry-two mon had smo forwend and preved that tbey had ýwolve or more chidren. To do ibis, the applicant muet send to îe provincial eocretary bis marniage cen- ficate and the baptismal certificate et each1 )fhie chiidren, and a paper trom a justice ) the poace atteeting the tact that he is Ie tether et et leasi twelve chihdren, and eiving the nameofe each cbild. The nember et applicauts for the pnize 008s net hy any moans ropresont the num- or et families of twehve chiidren and up- ward in th'e province. Sncb families are et uncommen among the French.Cana- jiane; but neot overy head et sncb a famihy iinclined te accept a public gratuiîy. No such unwillinignoee was foît, however, by Mr. Paul Belauger, of Riviere du Loup, 'ho denaanded (ihree hundred acres et land. [e sent documente te show thet hoe was be fther of thirty-eix chihdren, and asked or a bundred acres for eacb dozen. Among the tamihies which ha;ve been ne- warded with thie premnium je that to which Mr. Ouimet, the provincial secretany et 3ucatien. behonge. Mn. Ouimet je the e'enty-eixth child et eue faiher and oe ,other. The Buctouche and Moncton railway bai %gain h osu opened for traffie, from week te woek wonds oh praise spoken in fevor oh pnoprietary medicines, it j eo oten that tise oditer hirneit teele it hie dniýy te say a goofi word on bebaît oh any eft tiese preparatiens. And yet if a uowspepen man has actueliy founfi henofit trem tise use et e propio tary medicine, wby ehould ho netmake it known te his readers, and tisue per hape point ettle some etoftbem tise noed te renewed hoýalh. The ediior ohftthe B3reeze believes ih bis diuty te sa Ïy a fewi- wdsoh praise luinhaver oh a noedy , ta bas proved an anesti-mahle boon toe bi, and te sey t1iem withoui any selicitation ou tise part oe htie propruetore et tise medicinea, wbe, as a matier et tact, bed ne neason te kuow tisai ho was ailiug on wae ueiug theirmedicioe. For ssvenal yoers tise editor efthtie Breezo isad benu sbjeci te tissA distressing c<omplaint, dyspepsie, and only those who have beau siîeilarhy irouhl- ed enu know bow mnch miery ibis trouble eniaile. Ho had but very litie appotite, and what ho did eat caneed an unploaeant feeling oh tulîness, and made bis tool ian- guid and beavy, of ion cansiug intense pain in tise siomacs ouly relieved by vorniting up tise toodi wiich ho bed taken. Hoesvas aise tnonbled with palpitation efthie beant, brougisi ouneno ouhi hy tise dyspepsie. Nîsmerous remedies alheged te cnre dyspep- sie wene înied, but without success,aud tise trouble was eppnoachirg a chron le state. At the suggestion eh a tniend Dr. Williamns' Pinke Pille were tniod and relief so0on follow- ed thisor use,and ah ton a few boxes hed been tabou tise editor wae eble to asen posii vohy tisai ho had beon cnned et bis dyspepsie by ibis remedy tisai bas preved se groat a blessiug te maekiud. To any one tnonbled wiîis ibis complaint ho woehd strongly recommend Dr. Wihliams' Pink Pille. To uewspapor mon penticnlarly tisey wiii ho fouud juet tise tising te impant iseaih and vigor te tise whohe systom and euables theni te pursue thein work fiee item tisai tirod,doeponeou feeling se pervaleut amoug tise craft. lise editer efthtie Breeze firmîy behievos tisai wiat ihey have done ton hirn îbey wîll do ton tetsrs9, and ho gives ilîem hie beatty andl nnsoliciîed endonsation - Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are an nailing cure ton ail troubles neeuling trom peverty oh the hlood or eaitered nerves, and where given e fair trial tboy nover tail in cases like thet eheve nelated. Sohd hy ail dealers or sent posipaid ai 50 cents a box on 6 boxes ton $2.50, hy addrossing tise Dr. Williamns Medicine C'o., Btockvilie, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Sec tisai tbe rogîstered trade mark je on ail packages. TRACTS FOR1 THE INDIANS. Literary Notes. Type foi r rinsg Tîiem hies iteceeithy Beon - - Made at Winîipep. Anchbald Forbes, the well-ienown Eng- Durng the pasi winter there bas been in~ lish.I war correspondent, will descnihe tromn course et preplietion hy a type foundry an persoual obsetvats s, in the Juns numben oh McClure'e Magazine, tise meetings et odd looking face et type, having the appear Napoleon III. witb King William et Pruszia ance et a lot et Gneek and Roman capital and Prince Bismrack, the day afier the holding a conversation arnong tben'selves. hatile et Seden,wben Napoleen put himselt Tho ree deta ccue hnqne'al, a doai thein mercy Su onder te selicit for hie The ree deta ccus fequntlt ' "'armny botter termes oh surnonden than ithe aise the Roman V, L and P, ahI tunnef Prusseans wero proposing. Pictunes et those about in a meet extraondinary tashion, sys metings, and ofsceu esconnecîed withbthem, the Winnipeg Tribune. The type jea e svoral tnom fanions paintinge, will eccom- varioty et the syllabie alphabet edaptod te peny the article. suit the henguagos et theo (me, Roaver and Th rnipe oHae'sMgzefr Chipwya Indansdwelingin AhabscaJune is a etriksng portrait et Nicholas Il. aloug tho Poace River. Tise inventer e tRuse egaedh . 'oie.To thesytemasappie teneiheo nngso folow : "Hloue-boating in China," hy wae Rev. J. Evans, a Metbod jet missiouany Julien Ralph, wiih thintoon illustratijoue by et Nonway House, It bas since been adapt- C. D. Weiden ; "What the Madre Wonld ed te fit noarly every Indien language in Net Have,"ea story,by Robent C.V. Meyene, the nenib. with illustration by A. B. Prost, "The -The alphabet ie a syllehie one-thet is te Grand Prix and Oison Pnizes," hy Richard eay, it bas a aigu for each syllable. The Herdirg Davis, with four illustrations hy Indien anguages, wbile thoy ceniain long C. -D. Giheon; "A Miracle," a stery hy M. words, have compenatively but few sylla. E. M. Davis; "A Frontier Figisi' hy hies, and tisese are constanîîy repdaiod. Iu General G. A. Foreyth, U.S.A., witjc five the syllabarium in use among the Crees illustrations hy R. F. Zogbeum -, "Finet there are tbînty-eix principal cheractens. Impressions ot Liierery New York," hy Iu adaptîng t for useo among the Chupew- Williami Dean Hfowelhs, wîth eighi illustra- yens and Beevens it bas boon nocessany te in yW .SelyadT .Cp ienteornsTesaoutrpreen adItonreetminski, and ongravinge by E. Schladiîz; chaactm Teserepese . al th "ot ýrisons,," by Louise Imogen Guinoy, syllables, with illustration hy H. Siddons Mow- The moîbod bas provod wonderfully hnay ; "A Familier Gu.t" hy William adepted to Indien tengues and Indien Hamilton (iheon, with seven illustrations; idoas. The Roman lettons drive an Indien IlPensonal Recollections of Joan ot Ar," ahmost te distraction,and ho rapidlytergete witb three illustrations by F. V. Du what hie lanne wiîh se much treuble. The Moud ; "One Brief Year,"' hy Mennion eylleanium hoeerne fnequeutiy in eue Wihcox ; "WbyShould WeCane?" hy John day, and once learned hoe nover torgete it. Vance Cheney ; "RHome in Atnuca," hy Sihe use et thie eysem cen ho neadily seen William Sharp, with sixteon illustrations, among nations oh huniers sncb as we have trom drewings hy Vicier Perard andi W. in the nonsh. Tise incumetancofethtie Themson, ani tromn photographe by M. P. chese provent mono than two tamiliet Famun (Algiere), Gervais, Courtehemont et living together for auy engîh et time, and Cie. (AIor) u let(ui) nrv tise misisionary gees trons camp te cemnp igebyA.Los),ant A ett uis);F. e vn spending a tewdays et eech, and utilizihg iL. FyAhe. E. chadt, F enfit. C. en soemons when the Indiens gather ai tise "en Isugn,2yThmsHry Hudson Bey Company forts ab trading urne. Hus iuront, by HThoas HarTise To teecis îhem more than tise rudiments o ite lsrtion znadVWat W e xec;Il Theom Chistianity et sunob visite je impossibleNw H ,adWa W a.Exetfo and tise fiance wocld go eut if it were flot im," hy E. Berges, PLî.D. ; "lGolf, Old hor tise tact that tise miesionary teacises and New," by Andrew Lang; IlSoine tise Indien hew te read in tise syllabie and Qusin, hieDy, yHn esLw beaves iim a portion eh tiese cripinros and "Ediîon's Study," by Charles Dusdley War- ethuer books in hie ewn longue. Besides non ; LVonthiy Record oh Current Events," the book et common prayon and bymnal, and "Editor's Dnawer," witb iutroductory work snb a Buyeu'" Plgnm'efarce by John Kendrick Bangs, illuetnated oisr on hy EdwbrdaPnfield, W. TlSmedley, au Progrees " have heen trensiated ie osylle.Ee . b Emmad et.ed .T Sely n bic. Tise hoon thaui ibis alphabet bas heauEn _____.________ is incahculable. Tise type in ibis presont cese je being made for Dr. Yoenug, tise weîî THE EBITOI, ,S EeXPERlv!6NOE kuown Church et England Bishop ot Athahasca, wbe had bean living in Winni- A Sufférer Foi, Several Years Fn'om peg tise pasi wiuîer, engaged in cenrospen- Acute Dyspepsia. douce, tranehationel, and ether wenk ton tise honefit oehbis veet diecese on tise banke et tise Peace River. Bishep Young will Food ïesstressed lem and! 15 Sean ,te Have1 take ibis type and a suitable printiug a- WeakenIng Effect on thie Heart- prose with him when hoe goos nons ibhis Miey iteredies Fatied BIefore a Cure epring, andf ronci bis prose will go tontb a 'STucFeuns!. steady atrean i e Christian iteneinre te Frorn the Cansoo, N. S., Breeze. ligisten np the dank places ot the rortheru While nowspaper men are called- upen wilds. i. u ir esa-',r,, as ,ohlishers+,o nrin5 ÎPBEMIER itaAHtotxa cazEScEJ T. W. e. atS.SPECILL .eW n secend-tond. We ..el et Yergier & 1l683 Note Dame stret e, MONTREAL. WHTASKýS OUR FATIIER? Wbat ïaslts oritilor oh bisohIdreri, JU iCe a mercy anihmlt? A resnalervice- eh good ideeds, Pure living, tendernese te humnan needs, Revorence and trust, and prayor for light te sec The Masters footsteps in our dally ways9 No knotted scourago or sacrificiai bulle, But the calm beauty ef an orderefi 111e, Whose very breatbing le unworded praise- A life that stands as all true livos bave stood, Fast rooted in the falth that Ged !S good. -Whittler. A Survivor of' Waterloo to Tell HIs Story. James R. Green, reeiding twelve mileS northeaet et Alliance, Ohio, je irhape tho enhy sorviver ot the nattie et Waîorloo in Ohio. Ho will relate the etery et the boutle as hoe aw it te the students et Mount Unien College o its eigbtieth anniversery, Juneà 18. Green wae hem at Bý)ton, England,on Jnly 25, 1798, and et the advanced age etf 97 je in fu possession ot all hie tacnities witb the exception et eyeeigbt. Mr. Aimes Green, Oxford Centre, hae e inuhILbomry scion set hst spring wbieh rmea. sures 4 foot 9 1-4 inches in hongth aise a plum grafti wich sent eut two branches. The emaileet et these was removed hast week and nîeasured 4 foot 4 3-4 inches. Wheu Baby was stck, -çr gave her Cestenia. When she was a Child, she c ried for castori a., Wheu she became Miss, she clnng te Castoria, Whoen siso Lad Children, she gave thema Castenia, 0f the marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in ats spécifie curative power over every org-an of the body. The Liver, the Blood, the Bowels, the Stomach, the Kidneys, the Sldn, the Bladder, in fact, ail parts of the human systemn are regnlated, purified, and restored to Perfect natural action by this medicine. Thus it CURES ail diseases affecting' these or other parts of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Bad Biood, Biliousness, Head- ache, Kidney and Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors, Oid Sores, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Nervous or General Debility, end ail irregu1jarities Qf thé system, cau§êd by bad glo od or . dis-' ordered action of the Stomach, oe, Lixreror Kidneys. Thousandsof testi. monials warrant the assertion t f14t B.B.B. is the BE&T SpAli Nâ MEDICINE FOR YOlJNG ,1P O LDé,eý THEi i OST SIICCESSFUL REMEUT FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certal on Its effee ctan neyer blieter. Readiproofs beiewt kuaEn 55 C rse Co., ii ieb.S4, 54 Kendaills Sparte (Cure oltis e ed socess' Il 1e ,keep a bottie on haed ail tise urne. Yc rsifruy, CHAS. POWEML Dr. B. T. KrNAL Ce. CATONeM., Apr. 8, '92. eor S1'1,* s I havýe -.1 s beri ntles or y0on .dnall ^lnaviCcre" with mranchsoc essI thinit it tise beet Linimnt 1 ever- csed.Bavs re- vziee o,e Cor ,o,,e ;lie S 3ýa ,moandkle two Be,,e Sl)gvlnte. BaTSre5cmcenCed it te, eceral cf rmy frsonde whis are mode p1eased wlth and keep h, lt.speetfeily Fer Sale by cli Drnggiets, or addrese Q Dr-. B, J. IKFLT'DAILE CQMFA1CI ENO'SBUGH FaLte. VT. A GENTS WANTED wbo desire te earn troua $15 te $25 weekiy. It cen ho done selling eur hardy. guarantead, Canodian grown Nursery Stock. Saiery or eo'omi'sion poid weekiy. Exclusive territor. Handaomne utfit free', Write us at once fer terme. E O. GRtlAAM, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont. 14-14 w. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Thrae gaod brick dweliinge of 8 and G reome each with zoad gardons situate in goed pgrts of the town ef B 9wmn vulle, Gýqd coUlars, welie and other conveniercei. Fai merq or others wauî1ingtebny hormOs in tüwn su sild see these prepeties.Thoy bcll oidoîlihap on easy termes. Apply for turlher parLicelars te MLies E. WBITIC, Wellington St. E. ËoWManville. 4-t FOR MAN AND WOMAN. LUTLY'8 NEBVE PI1LIS'o THE GUEAT nil ICÂN fRE'lE DY. -Wi cure ail-forme of nervousweaknees F%0% R omissions and impcteney, reeulting Afîcin abuses orexcese. These pille are MAI'postively tise besimnedicineyou caoneus. exboxes taili tuake a new otan of yen. Sec prices beiow For tise reproductiv'e organe: F %0% R oftise fenmais LILLY'S NEHVFI F~PILLS are speeiaiiy valuabie, NA(O M AN hey impaittoe sand vigo& te the weak and tue Cewn wouîsn, îoarried or single. LILLY'S N EH VE PILLS wtii teake yen streîîg Send $1 fo- triai Box or $5 fer six boxes, angC ibey wiii be torwarded by re-urn matil. Address, W. RUTHEJIFORD, Druggist, NOaveon, ONT., Agent for Canada. i 0