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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1895, p. 5

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VIHEN THE IBLOOM IFALLS îs the most important time to Spray Trees, If you would have perfect fruit get your trees sprayed three times after the blorn lbas fallen as directed by Stone & Welling- ton's Special Spraying Guide which may be -obtaired FREE -by calling at Our store, We. have juet oh. tained another supply of Saiphur of Copper .and eau q-aote lojwest rates tj thoqe wantirjg Àt in quantity. 1BTOTT & JUT The Druggists who seils Baking Powder at 20 cents a pound and guarantee it the lest in the market. Custorners who have, used our -Veather ,and Waterproof paintb" say they cover more ispace andare nicer to use than any paint 'they have ever used. STOTT & JURY. WATZER and 4re acknowlecged to be superior iu wear- ing and covering properties te any paint on the' market. No painter no matter how akiliful can mix a better paint and the rolors are beautiful. Call and see a sample 'STOTT & JURY, SOLE AGENTS. 7â6lNT 7!Q!YRDPLOOPu With thre lasting and solid drying Weath -er an.d Waterproof Paints, STOTT & JVPLY, Sole Agents. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 ,1895. Mre, Wrndatt, Kineunt. le vipiriug her dangier, Mrs Tires. Ted, No botter choicesnf Pinta anywhere tran aIù Maso's lic yrd. We wculd advise aIl wio wanb te boy lire, cas goode at a emalprofil le eali on Maynftrdïthe Jewelier. P you wenit on tira Guelphr Modal Fart excurision ilest yaar, you wvill re glaS 10 kuow you May have a chance to go again Iris yaar on Jane 11ir, l2tir and l3sr. Ses Mason 's Heavy Cottouade Fpaut3alet .5oc a pain, aisso uiulg valuas lu Cotton- ades. Tire Jane Pirnenological Journal cont aine aflutin article on tire Hou Cirels Ander. ,son bans, ,c idstngurirhed editor 0f tire New York Sun. Riekard iras a musicl cock. A bar, gain. Mise aMel NonrtAe lef t on Saturday for Brantford wire asire aill assume irer duty as erganiet lunlire Mthodiat cirurcir. Attend lire, mesinge of tirs Woman's MiFsionany Society runrire Methiodiet cirurcir to-day. We have Borne genoine irargains for you, catI sud examine our stock. Mayuard tira Jeweller. Qiresu Victoria ceebrated lirer seveuly. sixth ir imnday on Frrday sud nax Jue sire entera opon tire fifty-ninih yesr o! har reigu, -Coffées, ro4.ta4,,uutire premises, et. ways fresir aq cal iun1crwn, at Mur. doch'a. V Tire Sons of Englaud ailI attend lire Merirodite iurcir naxt Sundsy eveniug et 7 p m. Members will teset tlhiritodge1 roont et 6.80 sharp. Have yon seen tirat Ladies' Tan Ox- fondsires, "Tire Pnincesfi" made by J. & T. Bell, at Babcock's, the Shoest, Tceleve's old stand.t Hon Sir Oliver Mowat laIt cru Seburday1 on S-S Vancouver for Englaud. Hie waa accompanied iry Miss Moavat. Il Indîsu, Ceyop gad Chine Tees, grsai d valuas, at Muropirs Mn. G. E. Sttâey o! Toronto iras teken e lira place of Mr. 3. F. Mansfield as repres. entative for lire York Couuty Loan sud Savinge Co., Toroto, aud le ln town u worling lu tire intere8t o! tira Company. Silver Blouse Sotte very low lu prices ai Rickards.e Tirs Bay cf Quinte Cenfereane ol tire Melirodiet ehurcir wilibe held iu PictonV commsucing Jue 3. I Baboock tire Siroeist lise souns of tirs1 lovelieat Ladies' sud Misses' Oxford t Sroos we-avec saw. They ara madcorou new Grecian leste by Bell r j- Heal Bros. have a fine lot of ba-nnas sud pineapples. W8clip tirs following fronthtie A merican Tyler, pnirlisirsd et Detroit, Michir aer. suce te si. old Bowmnville boy: 'We note wilh pIsseurs lire reappointeul o! Bro F W Cryderme as Jury Commissioner for Wayne couuty for tira ensuing six years The wontiry citizen is a resident 0f tire twelfth wand, sud iras served l irethsente important fonction for tire paet six yeans Gov Ricir eould not have improvcd opon ------ 1 --«s te ocuicebourur, s taon men sadai e; A novelty in tire way of s Sewiug -Mach. very entrsues of tire halls of' justice, sud ou ina ai Riekarde. Caîl sud sese for younself, tiren resta onorous obligations to tire BICYCLE FOR SÂ&L.-Sacoud baud, people good asu new ail tatest imprevements, Meuiberp of Wellington Lodga Sons of pueumatîl tires, wood rime, etc. Eu.' Eugland rejoeed Tueedsy Ligirt over tire luire of C. B. KENT, et Post Office. haugîng of a iraudeome group pictora of tira aupreme Lodge of 1895 tiret 'net et Mr. Win. Wenry, Roselatudvale StockI Woodstock sud wiricir was a gif t front Pra Fart, Slua, sys every farter should Wortiry Presideut David Davis wiro was use more or tescf 011 Cake Meal and senior represeutetive fron thIis lodge by s ha will ha surpriesed to, learu thre îow ýnanimons standing vole sud hear6y sing- prices aIwiicir they cen gel it et Càw- ing of -For He's e jolly good fllow" tire .ker & Tsit'a, Bewrnanville. i retirnen mauifested thiri joy sud appreci- ation of brother Davis' munificent prescrit 1ev. B. A. Bornas sund 1ev. L. Phelps It wss given a promineut position iunlias Veccpied tire pulpit or tira Metirodist new hall A vota of thanks wes alo cirurcir Snnday sud preachsd excellent accordeS lui, lIo W Trewiu, chairman, sud sermons to large cougregations. Tire members of tire roont committea for lur- anosisal programme lu tira evening by nisbruga, etc Tirs S O E Hall lu Bleak Mi ,Sngleton was ver y mci enj)yed ase1 ley's Block is naow certaillvtire prellies- was tire lio iry Mise Glover sud Mesrs, 1 lodgeroom ever opened inlu ii town J .Keseie sud H. J. Kuiglirt 2.ATTLE gtùuAbout rMalot7, nd.w 2. DaTTLE T(ýi bAYDFout ay72, cto yearii3' steers and heifer. mùstly red. In. formation lea'ýing to recovery Will be re- Iwarded. ALEX WrIHT, Bowmanville. 22-3w. TrITDER FOR THE PURCHASE 0F The North East 1-4 of lot 13 in the âth concession ot the Towni- ship of Darlingtoni. Tenders willire received by tire under- signed for thre purchaEe of above lands- until the first day of July next. Plirciraser to have right to plongir tiat part of said lands, as je now under crop, at any time after crope are taken front thereof full posession of premises to be given on tire let day of December next. Terms-10 pdr cent of purchese money toi be paid on acceptance of tender-balance1 thereof to be paid on tir s lt of December1 next, when deed and foul possession of prem-1 ises will be ziven. Not bound to accept1 lowest or any tender.E Andrew MeFettevs. ŽExecutors for M. A. William E. Pollard. 1 Caun, deceased. Dsted 20tir May, 1895. 22- 2w. 3.w Bowruauville, CAWKR &TAIT ABE AT TUE TOP Heal Bros. have just openeI a nie lins of cigare sud cigarettes. Special train, Free luncir, Spaciel acontm- modation and everyotir convanieuce iu. sured lu tire Model Farm excursion, Jue iltir, 121h aud l3th.' Ladies if you are wauting Lace Curtains Younsabould, sec tire great values beiug of- fe-red ait MaeoD'a change of business sale. Carnets lilrewiste. A Niciroll'a firet bargain day attre Cheap cash store. by tire Express Office, trwas en undoubted aucceas, (Jrowds of n enstomens tirronged iris sirop tirat day. Ha is Oelliug very cireap for cash every day now. We have be lu business fourteen years sud we flat fiud auy to aay tirai we mis- repreaented auytiig we MeIl we are etili golng te stay witir you, we are net bers, for a litile wirile, Mayuard tire Jewetler. r Parasols with new sud stylisir handles ru anIl qualities sud especially good value at Coneir, Joiruston & Cryderman's. Tire Daily Colombien of New Westmin- jeter, B. C., lu referring to an opera giveu ru tirai town speaks in irigir terme of one rOf tire actons. Miss Clute, darigirer of Mrs. Cluta, use Jennie (Jlarksou, sud grand. daugiter of tire laie Williamu Clarksou, a former well-kuowu resident of tris town. Nie Carpet Slippers et Mason's for 30o s pair, also e fine lins of Men's Polisirsd Caîf Bals. bcbng, cleared et $1.50 Worth It was lika a fair day in town again lest 'ibiursday. Tire West Endi House bargain day brougirt iundrede of customere front fer snuserarnsd oeds of big percale lait towo as a resuit. Watcir for data of next, Masou's are paying tire iigireet prie for Eggs. Tireir geods are as gond as cash, in soinse cases baller. John Babcock le eelling boots sud airoes iu ladies' sud meu's fine gonds et lase than wholesale prie Tire new grocery store iu Horsey's3 Block, juet opeued out by Heal Bros., liras doue a splendid trade since tirey 3tarted, Tiroir Stock is aIl bran uew sud well bougirî -for cash. Mr. Fred. Hat is manager sud kuows very wehI irow te pIsse tire publie. They invite s callsud Sirare of patronag e. Tire Oddtellows are aetively et work completing arrangements for tireir vieil of Grand Master Hoyle on June l9th Tirey inteud ireving a big lime MisMcWilhiame, Whroiras lied several yeare succeseful experiene as e missiouery iu Central India, will address a meeting lu St Paul's seirool n>om ou Thorsday aven. iug et 8 o'clock. A collection will ire made, sud tire ganeral pubrlie will ire ieart. ily welcomed, Miss MeWillîams will aiso spesk 1tirte ladies iu tire saine Place et 4 o'clock, Tirursday. All ladies are iuviîed. N.o lady siroold buy a new drees before seelug tire lovsly assortinet of choieme- teniaIs uow Sirowîng at Coucr, Joirneton & Crydermn's. Allen Lina Royal Mail ista meiipe are ruow eailirg front Moutreal svery Ssluasy as follows: Parisian, May 18; Mongolien, May 25; Nomidiso, Jue 1; Sardinier, Jue 8; Laurentien), June 15. Firet Cabmn $150 sud npwards; second Cabin $30; steel- age ai very low rates. M. A. JAMErS Agent, Bowmanville. 1-- Couc,'Johuston & Cry4erman are show- ing a large sud choie stock of carpets sud lace curtains. No baller velue auywhere. Lawu mowers sirerpeued sud repaired. Bicycles of aIl kinde nepaired. Machines celled for sud rotoutea lu towu. Drop a card in tire Post Office. B. J. WEEES, 57 Liberty St. ll'or languidnee~suiad sPrng lever try s bair-cut sud sirsmpoo et Pethick tire Bar- ber's. It le wouderfully cooling sud ce- fresiring. Have yon tried Heal BroE,. tees and cof- fees? Tirey arc good. Owing t0etire Minietenial ciranges on Sunday May 26tir, tire members of Lodge Wellington No 19, S O E, will meet ln tireir L,)dge Bloomt, over Hellyas store, et 6 p m Suoday :June 2ad, fortire purpose of attendtng tireir annuel, rurcir service, in thre Metirodist Cirurcir. Heal lires, psy tire top prrce for pro- duce. Tire InEpector for tire Underwritens Association visiled onr tou'n on Moudav o inspeci tireFins Ces oulttAualarn wf s rung aud tire firanten called eut, In 712 minutas fro t tilma tire toreir ws ligirted shey irad a gond Streamt of water plsyiug sud lu 9 minutes frointhtirlie tire aient was final given We learietaire was well plessed wilh tirs condition of tirings r Sonte new hose will havae1teira puncirased but avenylhing aIse is lu good repair Mc G. L. Sciraffen of tire Bell Tale piron Co was iu town on Friday aud purcirased ii nina teant of irtses for conâstruction work, h sura they, Winl ir useS en tire new long dis. e tance telepirone lins, betwsan Toronto sud e. Moutreal, work ou whichir le tbie cont meuced et once Tiers will be four gangs h of men between Toronto sud Newcastlea 1 complets work te Port Hope; sud will divide fron ttireato Kingston, wiricir will complets tha Ontario Dept Tireline willc ire equippad wîrh 40ft poles a] Fermers' excursion to Model Faim com- bines a greet deal of pleasure and pro- fitable instrucotion Jue 111h, 12th sud 13. Major Lawrence, Capt, Jas Pellow, and several otirer membersof Corintien Ludge of Oddfellows attendeG tire f uuieral of tiieir late brother Kirby ou Tuesday Heal Bros. cash grocery, will have new cheese here this week. Disease is curedunot by magical incrsnta- trous, but by medroal science, Hence it àe tirat Ayer's Sarsparilla cures, aup that it proves so eminently successful. It is a skill- fnlly prepared sud strictly scientiflo plood- purifier and tonie, thre ouly oue admitted at tire World'e Fair. Note tire ceep rates ùientioued lower dowri, for tire Guelphr Modal Farm excur- suon Jue ltir, 12eh aud istir. 'Tnxr STÂTESMÀN presses are running again and we are doing ail kinds of print- inR as usunsl. We expect tb open our new office on June 10. Don't mise tirs excursion ou June iltir 12th sud 131h. Thre Local Union will irold their meet- ing in thre Disciple ciurcir next Mcuday evening wiren reports of tire Couuty Con- vention will ira given. 'ire plants in pots for thre Horticultural Society are expactEd to-day sud wilt be dis- tributed b lire members from the market buildings. 11ev. Jas. Liddy of Hampton, occnpied tire pulpit of 15t. Paul's churcir on Sab bath lasfdn thre forenoon sud 11ev. C. Parker in tire e-vening. Remember tire Musical aud Social aven- iug et John K. Galbrsitir's on Friday aI 8 p. m., under auspices of St. Peul'a Ladies Aid. A collection attre door, At tire Ministerial Association Mouday aI lernoon, 11ev. J. Liddy, Pb. B., read an able paper ou "Inspiration." An intereetiug discussion, opened by Fiev. W. Joliffe, fol. lowed, lu whicir ail tire memirers present teck part. Tire Association adjourued tii tire iret Moudav in September. Tire District Convention of tire W5ul Missiouary Auxiîiary will ire ield lunlire Metirodist Churcir to-day (Wednesday). Sessions at 9.30, 2.30 sud 7.30. Special program in eveniog when Mrs. Stevens, a returned miseionary from Cias, will give an addresb. Singiug by Mrs. Cavalry Nasir aud tire choir. Collection et eveuing ser- vice. Al are cordially invited to ail tire meetings. LOOK AT YOUR FEET Mr. A. Kennedy, booL audsiroemaker, thanks citizaus of Bowmanville for their liberal patronage lu the peet, aud, by prompt attention to business and good workmausehip, iropes to still menit a shere of tireir work. Ail kinds of boots sud shooe neatlj sud promptîy mended, Clive hlma a trial sudire, will convince you tirat what iresays is truc. METHODIST CHOIR CONCERT. Tire second aunual concert of thre Metirodist Choir held lu tire Music Hall ou Friday eveuing gay 24th, was fairly succesaful, being attendad by e large nomber of people froin town sud cont- ry. Tire Hall was very tstefully de. corated in s patriotie ruanner, sud tire platfor.ur was beautifo'tly furnisired. Every number of tire excellent prograt was well executad, sud tire entertain- ment proved oua of tire most enjoyable of tire season. Tire Choir sang eplend- idly tire anthems, "Wa -Praise Hlm" aud "And the Glory of tire Lord." A double quartette cousisting of Misses Wright, James, Saunders sud Trahil. cock, sud Messrs. Goard, Rico, Higgin- irotharn and Knigh',, sang "God le at Spirit" with goocu expression. Miss A.1 Louise Singleton of PortHope le alreadyd a favorite with Bowmanv le audienceso as a conc0ert piaurst, sud her playing on tris occasion was exquisite. Mr. A. Beach of Manchester, Englarud. l san accompl.ished violinist and ie cceated a very favorable impression on tis iris tiret appearanca lu this tow Lihî rs t] musical capacity. Miss Glovar's solo,u "Gorug to Market" was munir eppreci. a atcd sud ireartrly encoced; but tire b musical gemn of tire evouioig was tire 5 duat "I feel thy ange] spirit" by Miss ti Glover snd Mr. H. J. Knight. Mn. Il John D. Keacirie of Toronto receiveaÏ cheery greeting front bis old frieuds w bere, sud tirey were very mucir pleased di witir hie Eingiug of "My Sweatheart si Wiren a Boy" sud "Mof.Gregor's Gather- ti ng." Miss Mabel Tait accomparnied rm. aItirhe piano vacy gracefully. Tire elocutionary part of tire pregrain wasD excellent being provided by Miss Mc- Doweîil. She made a decided hit lu ler tiret eveut "Beiid a Curtatu," whicir caueed mucir menrimeut. Miss Mabel Nontircota accompanried tire Choir. This wss hec fanewell penfDrm- j unce lu Bowmauville, wirere for a few re 'carty sire las been au obliging sud cf- fcient musqician. FIRE BARGAINS AT THE White IHoûse dlewellry Store The goods are selling fast at haîf price and if you have not bought and miss the chance you will be sorry always. Corne and get a nice Watch, Clock or some of those nice Spoons, Forks, Kniv- es, Chains, Cuif Buttons, Links, Studs, Pins, etc., at less than wholesale prices, nice ladies rings away down in price. We are Y eady now to do your work, and do it righit, ail] work warranted to give satisfaction. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THE JEWELLER. ~PRING 0 Wall Paper in beautiful de- signs, at about haif for- mer price Spring iRoller Window Shiades ail complet e at 50c. Don't be deceived by city peddlars, eall and see stock and get prices Afi the rage-the game of Cirokinole A _,iew lot at reduced pries 111a day or twoY P. TREBILCOCK Adinililistrator' s Notice. Pursuant te tire Revised Statutes r,! On- r tari"' Cirap 110, tire crediors of Mary Anu Emmienson, lata o! tire Township of Cart- wright, lu tire county of Dunbain, widow, deceased. am i died ou or about tire l2tir day of October, A. D. , 1891, ara on or belote tire 5 TH DAY 0F JUNE, 1895, to seud bv posr, prerraid, le James B. Ent- J me.ecn, Vaientra P.O., tire adminisînalor of ire Estat e of tire said Mary Anu Emamersen, irait cirnistian and suruiames, addressas sud occupationl, foll ,particulars o! tirair claims] nd tire uature of tire security (if any) ireld ry tirent Tire said administrator shah aller tire said * i day of .June, next. bie et liberty te dis- tribote tire a8sets rf rie said dcceased or auyC nart lirereof ýinong tire parties entild therelo, iaviaL regard only lIo tire daims o! 'nir ire bas tiren notice anud aal not ire aile for tira assets or any part tirereof s0 ristniruted te any person of wirose r.lait sucir admnistrator iras nt notice et tire tme cf tire distribution lirereof. MeS WEYN & AN'DERSON, SoIci tors for Admivistrator. )ated at Lindsay thre 13 day o! May, 1895. 4ISS NELLIE WILLI -1 MS le pnepared tl tteach H armouy sud Piano, at han residence, Queen St., west. We Yet BELIEVE...- There are sorti people who appreciate truthfui advertisemeats We respectfally ask such to note the following: We are not selling goods worth $1.50 for 7.5c. We do not think an intelligent public would be!ieve s,ý if we said we were. But we are selling the most stylish and reliable Boots and Shoes as low as any dealer in the County. No one cati buy better or procure larger cash discounts as we pay prompt cash for ail goods bouglit and will gi've large discaunt to cash'buyers. Eveiy article sold representel just as iti. We aim at keeping, a first-class s bock of foot wear such as our' customers generally are looking for. A good assortmnent of Trunks and Valises kept in stock. Remember the place, King St., Bowmianville. iJO"HN HELLYARE SPRAT T 'OUJI TIIES aiS recomrnende"d by the Otitarj*o Dep%-,artmeut of Ag-riculture be have, just receiue'd a large sup p/y qf BL UE TONAE--Sulphat e of Oopper> Also Moth Camphor, Inseet Powde-r, Strong Amnmoniia, Furiiiture Polish, etc., -te., for use duringo housecleaning. i.HeONOTA & -SON Chernists and Druggists, Bowmnanville. 'v. x Got there by doing one thing well. tend to know any business but our own and in that we pride ourselves in buying the best goods which we supply to oui' patrons at the rnost reasonable prices. We invite in- Spection of our very large stock of groceries, provisionsy fruits, teas, flour, land and dairy salt, crockery andi glass- ware. It wiil pay you to deai with us. Highest price paid for farm produce. CAWKER & TAIT, TIIE PO1eULA&P cFtOORS. Curtain Potes complete for 25 ets ln Cherry and Ebony. Remuants of Wall Paper very clieap. Baby Carnalge $10.00, $12,00 and $ 14.00. Croquet Set $1.00 anid $1.25. W'.T, ALLEN. We do not pre-

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