li fin tt s TERMS --$1.50 PERt ANŽNum. OURji TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WOIILD AFTERWA1tDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, -WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1895. VOLUME XLI. No. 23. EBENEZER. BETHESDA. SThe anniversar will bc hold as fol- ~iii A Garden Party la connection with ~ RA ~lows: Sundav June 9th sermions will be Bethesda E. L. of C. E. is to be held at -~- reached by 11ev. H. T. Ferguson, B. the residence of Johin Hoskin, Esq. B.D,6 ou bs t1.0 .i. M nesRao rdv ul-4h .~ e ~2.30 and 7 p. in. Collection at ecd ser j A good supper will l)e pros ided 1wv the -~ ~vice. Mondav Julie lt the, exercises ladies, Tea to begin at 6 o'clock;.. Ad- dom- will beo'in at 2 o'clock when the scholars mission 15c. Ice creant and lemnouade 40----"0progant f reitatonssinging, etc EXCURSION TO GUELPH. etdeonadeioi. V Y II, St.t-IPav eB o reatnd e.S.a chie-Best Tihne toVisit Model Farm, Dcrto Av tB.d cmtr R-1e.H e rg'uson. Tea served at___ 0- - L 4 o'clock,. Tickets 25 ets; chldreîî 15c. Vîsit the Model Farmn and Ontario A- -d L - Ant old tinte gathering this vear. At- ricultural College, Guelph, by the Roy OSHAW.A. - - tend and sec the old friends. al Temiplars' excursion next Wediles- Mr IJ 'd ~~ use ~ ~ ~~~~ We hav e thc e %,ervatest frutoo n cd~ day. The Mana erssrs h Cmit- onanssnsîis ~-sty.les in HatsBoinets,Velvets T i s CONCENTATIO.-One pl tee that this is tue very best season to lier phy siciai n ayfinsb u ___ Flo er \c 1ngsan infac d oe uebox 25 cents. Onîe pilllie v sitteFr n a gedt up rernaï'kable vitality and tcnacity fo lîfe eve t i ' th he o ~ constipation. Onie box cures ant ordin- ~ reîuîî tteC1e' o xu hwown w hîle snpposed to be SO vcry 411»ase.Oneplîltakn wekly imeut- . t Don't fa 1to 'oin this coin- M-. de~- Our entire stock consists of anv uiyteattre ek.1c ie Mý , erbtst ldNeo__ asead peD fia i L- Bight's dnvdis- tWTednesday, Junemel 12,ig o do-__e»-th ood s t a nd almst. ew aerady - o,ýi.Truc onlv of Dr.ecrindy the l-M 1> ,a lbest. er -:S Chase's Kidniý; <Liven PuIs. a special train willl leave G. T. R. sta- Brooilih" n, a i ir72nd -car, anido da.-______ tions as below at the foflowino' rates: r onMyir adwfe iie ]Rav yo for weaincran av.thein sick, friend 011 Sundav and was SIf you necd a Hat, Bonnet, POIECE orgAD)uLT. CHILv'N. Special train snrpniscd to flnd hier se extrenîelv weak. or ainythini,, lu oui' line, we are Coborg 175 .9j 7.00 a.m1.* For one dollar vou can bum a bottIe of ma00e sure we eau please you and at lReport of S. S. No. 5 Darlington, for Hope i 65 .85 7.15 ",li'takn i 40-4-the sam je youwil sae Newtonville 1 5') .75 7.32 4 Ae4 asaailwicitknl -4a10-d a h lws Bakbr;Newcastle 13() .65 7.43 Imel n ccnigtedrcios a M_ nioney a esl tteloet B .(br;Sr. 4th ýWallace Souch, Bw avie 12 6 I ~ sv Ta nn olars iii doctors' - ,iýl CAHprcs Chiaronce Smale; Jr. 4th-Lillic Sinale, Bwinil 2 6 .1 bills, and thu xnpiyte rtho suto ltew e o h 1-Couic in and DaniOgor 1the60 757 ., ns xemlfyte rtho sut f lohswhn orte pssbl AS or _Ernest Blackburn and Charhie Wight Drintn.10.60tho7d.x57 "Prevâetion is botter stock and sec for =oref. (plMloreAluin;Sr dAli >- - - îht Laura Brao'o'Loule Osborne; ____p_.05_.5__.2 same money you can secure ...rÈ Unîîia~ MiîieHar in n~1.05 .55 89.2701ACSOK .uilgflll ~Lonie Jordan; Sr. Pt.' 1Ileso Mrs 110 ma Prou-t, Normnan Yeliowlces, Ada Wioht; Trains arrive at Guelph at 11.25 a. ni. - 4J.Pt l Mu RieNrm lod Tickets at the saîie rates wili be ',ood Th exrsoinSard ,udrte perfec é tigwellmade ~BWAVLE arta Rur;Jr. Pt. 1LmmrPiS o n4d-laiternlooli traiu nsusaig~sfteh~ K"WifIie John Y elboures h, IinBaee dy Jumme l2tlî, anîd good retnrning' on Falls was a deciced succcss, soi-e 250 Jackson, onYloleIwnBa Russel Colu iii, Carnie Francis, Mýý ail ytrains till Thursday, June lgth. pesn participating. 43- si by laig y u ore FaisPenJoanA raefN prsoniiintenested in any way Mns.Anson 'l aylor was necciitly calied mdnjth 41. D. D"MD 1 ""ce. arig' tc aiigo avoie to the bediside a a dviing' brofiier lii Dak- ~IfY oti. It ~Yeans gone b tîat tehnei î'ncso ariultu re auaerd o ms taher elefiinrda liv lucre latino Deffeets frorn the useoftTh new buoMr.'o'v and ds Sr Li UU UU ' s yi)iveasgn v htte to- heint e lnse he a f hea0s wee la apein eth spe bo er ef ane d v h eae . H .Flyo oot uvr ie h mau nigasadya NMB--1 RoIY hII'91v25cnsabo r5bxs o olr.s shoefr.aaîoi ihR. .Edwaparaiîce We ea hea ey -43b-__Wh___Miss M J. McCeHan ai issM. G OV . cnop nl lsi( e ih. Ton h ivnda to st , 't'yst phyies wer eff cflfls infrontsie et"en ont ls t ck of lu-n t anu.. ~ se± dJeJiUUII br. Anthndw as shcmtatdt oiant aîl8ei od, b-is ial s;Ae â6:nni T'onj h Mru nd etwee S t le an etleen mis i els the h e munen c a i a edi ida under prîce ~ G-o to JCKARD'S fr there Smday. C. o. eias oing ler zPiae Cled piiit. c frOhn Y'E es lie ntin s.eÏuU. abaEoie t nicofthacicui w av.d an.u. CMr. Marcan get barg'ansgenuine bu- aueThothan nsal. If xou ouîce tnv Carter' .~~~ Y0 Ann~~~~i x pensiiarv s tervis ttrîî aned iu ers edcebloseso t ~ brg'ans eery ay ani ceningvenvpopuln w th on youg costiption youw lîlnst r li w ihont eceu vistonseMissLe RoM. read <lffl(~J flUQTIM PDfl~L4IM peple thit. Tey re url~ e1e11), simplette Brten;Mrs 11 Mtt n, obore UUUJII UlIIIOIU~ UIIULUlllI~ eeî' hor o th dy. ~ ev L.Phepspreclîd a~er tMe-.Hd easy oe Don Toretoi5. iss E. borneamî M. . a keyan b2 hebstgod iioh o Coxsfr ola.tyi omeimaodrent. aMtiol. Dwoit Fet pearbore . J. am h ay stck10taloi-f luter a--«&wa fEîglnroîmeen u il et. S te he o tSA.h gene 4B.- d-w i ssM .M C e na d M s .G o heia e b ro stei . C iiTo t. m kîi Ma ecr. C atiir ) 'e L e n c C 410E , d Ca Ilng off ttcMeiArhrgeinnitvndnettingonMe- On Tesde avndtheetileesid-'th tnlesse c'tls, atithe eis ftil aleo -w-w' If St o I KA DS o tee 1 D .C. hud i, s doa, rnpttoier lectroiMne Ra i)%iin~uea uete2t frteciîrn iigalta ani adopted pree. swîmus u-ual. f vi ne vCar' itle Lhum>i mv'.c'e'tYIens ie. - I Iea NJtbagang n n etimg eut tîmesecivicsat is. re bc uPisetfo r s ii anîs. iier nis a artitCbu',am ecmodsp jvïelL.uw or:vso1 poula tousedveconst~lkipaktic vuwhl ice be dvoad <Reotsios: isLg. .Bo hag is e ev d y a d c ttangest aîca Mns. J. Helîvariisoboisi ama nduv t.5 ak . 1Cash prcbset isc eMs. . Prea Mr' E. aobeur , DXTÉ orofth ay re. .Glelp peRaL d er.EctioN-nt eetfen Cns uuilig1 pece ndymgt 450-- Iv 1,ýr~~i ilin Thbisqti orn i itn bing îath e st styles. D boi, a-,,od Ms 43 P w.-o 'eev. S.and Ms. PntJ. am wer Wa-e oSiec teate-,th ommanofpoitm. H iwc h Wl efudATN.cletrmeycle eHansoiciFia nt The p I IL E. -lhepfrcshi tM Myrstoneofuthe adest of Wst oiyc hcutxxhc oi i u o ikiedce atrsLti ie I agrn ln fle ae' n Ir.bli . PMe asetu aing tie3t con f .TemSuso lnd nlie s Len t e in of the . A.h 4 ol anisaledy odsirn hg iopnc ry for a nem nedy and a the Messns. Wilbur MolC.lomi and Josephleer in eoas iy'JffanrSrw ovnn.eGybv e ed p sfo the deuuî--ith fanm.L eN. ighet heaile meo ester wmene n Looh eiýne ii don t itin-oegl otehv scîe-iutos Hat, ndals ane lie n en's roier sckar ocegeks.ea om s f en pn oalneofMr. Eanbsilcoklias n teen guetoMn.hJ. L. Alexmdr ýistendmna ti forcah. Conean se s. No rpesiks ec.Drsswch nemo., e tu Ostpla, ncnd f s Lua ithelJon uîetnglc Im Cngeata obtitecTooni to da s. .Pals 11ev. D. S. Houck ils an d n F.Rogers ciulb ir Ham ilîtoum. l H~gestprîe plu awlinngs coton, rins, ick sue ati~ emrucur. PtnMrs Pain- re theudsCue igamice. wedduug ongato CA s g oxea-Wd er lS.T trouble to show goods. ' for ~~~~lss haonum Etrator duayandoxnkd loeieslctut exnese u te apd.rothc ings and e of co 1rs tisest IAVE. r. M Williacms.tniuere a p r t l eîet cf timr gand uces 1ol a .Nd.ho iery a ls R ice tutOnatheMeica Asecitioi wichtuefu tht te'C do netreneilt d ant Hf Ria V n. atn k ia en 1.lsit simsirneeTorontootWdms ed ik te fpulls ad atil aivs lvi . IVI Mi L Fl, All acels of five ollars pieand On. E. d Poer is visilating uthu-dae mdThndy ftts(ek tresiv en intis er a w-o 'atpreo BO3,ANVIFý ea' ceavsdf t ui t ocsedbate on T e meuonath e rvles oY for G rd i ilueam te ieiii oveî', tn per ce t off on ca M ttiss fa eOk eccmly viýsedt tainton ls u thfex oistet edrci Asui stoînal umier tobe. Te r BOWM-Mr.LJ.. TIc Prctîeau Hatter.le. I a y o.eve ing estqoane live. Tese- od ut.2James Gt flaio on5 e xes for a rona'e i ~ lnoketIc argeboueof bs le. 1e. . Sand wa s ist e d ut e t ic Mason's elar aing' stir ig'lres pni '~' sar fr lueprset ndti1 hne 24ut oeseondnehe ntsf nc n isssen ah :usm ae etr I ,E iýIDMn lawiir laugaidmepsnte dirctour.Bnker$2o50 Bannierandlir ittersouglît- . atltt Oour Spri st rles.Y P. . C. . atCobouo'GVEvi#ied l - Yr gret synmpa bthyi expncssed R.AuBris atudd h Ds futue. M. anI Mr.F. . t id daotenat of tscpeanmliei-a Ldoad J. HI~~IN OTH~M ~ 0N M S. . Bannmiks. MDATErbn Power spEf,,CiNt SnYtolectfprocfteGeteroniinwrs n' oy i ot t tc e Thisqsion ece-n tly n at rday ie is. p eut mheday ni ht ~Whsto et the atten i antiateM i nstheP o mer cinddalyewil bafn ilne letele t arsoto FiiyOig in of the i es of Westv vfammmiiigatlî eg at M n .M. Cour- wcPill to rc ean ofltI er frtie opl Mn. A utS 10 - 'e ul tIc~~~~~ pubtie.L.II4LVI M@nIimd un acinteetîgcoruhinsn., w-lic w-asfvisitmug lus ___thae ofubase cyfailnteev n d .ftue Messrs. rtlbbrotheron MedsJoseph lat LUst-X -sT eoNa, Thes ylatean Sra ad st nehesy goSumen Tues.ViCamp's. l ee t t-édinn, Ma ISILN nkdl;A lcgu'i hat hae gestoRochesail iiterwhere~ Milinev a Mis Saw'. L ooke Ieet ision'ts: M r iss Fo gartv t Ms oto Juo. a vedyw u d ibrtans. f h GEtsN waedeasun aoned McLau iniuent(]sFurwisb ngs brodiery si~~~lu LadiocesdiskS es'Ela Bmmus o nge Ms Mpen uos]ut anvd luMissEamTeboc lienand remn estd î.J .Aeadri ted i sleading sty l k t.Des Jlmw l aýh rk-oe s rSth nonue tiifiau d o MsýLau ai tueyail a n eid ting oha t he i L oa-ea toa 1-1 ~LL~5O~E, trawand jet Bnnets and H~asPur, tn oacure.utMn .Pce's PaMn- wiarer nti atterer dmie. Rr~ Da~n leadis cttn colris Lovely E. VaCouîp, Bnaitond, tNM. TCAUS-EwiOPs tn, rs. ec.RenWonde bas troubléRîbono, shows, LcesAigretasCatmm'sicrs. GlO Fankfoorrtce, u hA liey r unki glen las less. R e ne-rse tte 1rwho Furs.Y N¾ t.Veun'~ hffn n.Js EHiAVE's N. Wù BDetr.hei tcelim outrbe ls fa faietTh lonscret o ter wiess owsaoltu Oan ies, te lise rirex ds onu nthWileiU'; isE le antaito Mdiag Assrs adtionee somw the boscothes ae ma(Ide frhe husand trad. Oil ad ve-wccirgooa~N Fs ter euH ashte en i Or-liod sesion sen w oas ntoighly r escte uisandgwn o' tctle roe di5 A ~ ~ ~ M ful lneofBah a&Bgg Sones a yof wfi edlrsaniiyh td on. ut.Mn. Thower. Yatng am Cour- y aadTuudavf tis pab. r Ieet hoe, e praakae a ond es."a p ~v'itli and p*Ce5 e dnesday i'tw a y 9,'Rv.11 D e e no la eprves fo and it Tc ep e ieue Isny'erdd tod ood forwt ove te pr cntoffon as Mis a ocr d lee m ire ting lsec tre reains nin ee tnrdslu Boc umnnit-e Dîaoind eladIv ýrtroulas. b eauili rea Tlie PactcalHater 1 on. cndayeveingwer ipresiv. T e r o d t 5 cendarebox uaror ailbo te s fo ! Affèn the lecr e w- peofh seu dwoth.i nie ro. . u fnie isi unummterou s os arie pbin-,esic 6 -,test io ha e uor thdoox e fse OffCa.nd adde 2 s h a ud pursu y the S nday fni end Br ehoan . h s dn ý ivis,.ook ae 0s et . obe c1 BQiy.~~~Yx.Y. .Seho. C Ew' oouere ouutt y1e .5 oc. wrm. iàimmv. *ruà.,?Q