Rickard's stock is carefully bougit. Real Bros. pay top prices for produce. A ENTS WANTED-Farmers want- Riekrd ell youwha yo ar buy Spctales moprlyfited u Rikar's ing hardy, native stock to plantitiîs coin- Rickrd ell Yo wht yu ae hy- pecacls popel3ýh ted t Rekad' Salinia y pay for it in work. We want mien ELingn wth or witlmout experiente on full or part tume. È» ~ ~ ~ Oveî~ lu scwig machine ut Rick- Musical dlock ut Ricard's-a bargain.CqîÂ,orit t ad'.him. CMA Continenîtal Nurseries, Toronto, Onît- hw-ave struck us Thursday-<)arîo. 23-lui. POTATO BUG Rickard's goode are tic best tic mur- (uew.) t7e eescf al knîs t B Y work on !arm. ket uffords. Rcads 0, 1il.2-f .D S R Y RDm. E. C. McDowell je pactsiug ut Nicars or. l1 n-evei-t intoPoisJ NWElt2,cn Br DEST OYERNorwuy, Mici ochrrefrt rtngc, egtutB TSADnHE Cicpet ndbet article lu the Mise E. Butchart attendcd the Con- _i"ad'.A.KE.NEI-, boot amdslîoemaker, Bumnîers muret tot & ury soe aent. vntils t Cboug.Read tisis paper, tison mail it to a dis- 01<1 Stamnd, thaîîks tIhe ultizetîs for their liheral Mme. R. Watson, London, le guet o! an fiesd 0business and good workînanshil), liUS opes oli Mise Veal, Liberty St. Real Bros. cash gmccery, loe s ew- menit a share of ibeir work. Ail kimîds of boots cheese tue week. anîd sioas rîcatly aînd promphly meuîded, Give M. J. L. Alezander recentiy visited hlm a trial arnd iha will coîîviîîca you tisai what Parte Grecn hus doubled in price but Mr. L. PaYnc, Coîborne. Real Broc. have a fine lot cf Banaîsas he says istroc. Kiîîg St,Bowînamîville. 20 hf. -we had secnred a large stock and are Visit Guelph Model Farm by next asdPnape. C oe .tfATTLE STRAYED.-From lot 7, still seling et ld figures. Stott & Jury. Weduesday'e excursion, Indiaus Ceyion and Csinau asgrat C cou . 2, Darlin-tonr about ýMay 22nid, two valu atMurdch'. vamliig sfIars andlieifèr, mostly red. Iuîfonî- 'est Englisi Paris Green ut Stott & Mies Eliza Yellowlees' Toronto, lias vAucehe u 1roch's. darcfreshing lcadimmg 10 thair rtcovery ivili be rewarded. dr'.booms visiting lhem motier.te Arnced hrfecMndyAtE.WCT oninil. 2- ~~i urys. ~~~~~Mm. Geo. H. Huxton is pushiug busi-tiprcdout.X.wjrBiiavle. 23. Thcy ail admit that Weather and ness for tic Canada Life Ce. Mm. F. A. Huddlv sculded lis riglit lAIID 0F THANKS.-To tic Officers errofPit sth et o forbrs aud budly Fridayý. 'c.amnd Memibe s ot Bowîsîanville Couincil, No. Waterro an stcbe o los Mme. T. Long lias moved te ticrs- Hvhe re Ha rc esud98 Royal Areamun, GmN'rE.IaN.-Allow nieto .adotsd.w- tot&Juy oe doce over Bouusall's block. Hv ogoid elo s.ta . iîile yoo for the vary promipt mamner in whiclî an usd.wokSot&Jry oeotaceffeos?'They îare go.te Benettciary of sIOcO, on tîhe life of iny laie ,aetsHeal Bros, have juet epened On baband was paid. The Arcanunn Ias tlie first agns.iice lineocf cigare and cigarettes. Several correspoisdeuts have flot ro lîuanre cdaim 10 hbcvsid. Sincerely yours, P. B. K. Thie is an article tint ne Coffees,roasted on tic premisee,ulw-uye ported lateiy. W ake up! ELîZÂBETII Pîon'îim. furmer canu fford .1to do witlsout. Culi fresi and best in towu, at Mndoch's. Mr. R. R. Lawrie cf the Scieci cf an scitu Sot urs tcsoe Mr. and Mme. AI!. Bennett have1 now Scene Toronto, le homie. fRESSMAKINGdoue by Mise Martisa andsecit t Sott& Jry', te slea bandsomely furished home it Quick's Tan STATES.MAN business office je up- 11 Peate, Cor. Kinsg and lOmîarlo street. agents.block. stairs in tise Statesînan Block. o ee ARM FOR SALE OR RENT-Good Paris Green cf beet quulity is a very Oranges, lomons, b ananas, pine Dreesmakers asîd millilere havebe 100 acre farim for sale or ho reint, juil ouhide scarce article thil year and t hue near- appies and aill otber fruit lu seasen ut very buey su Bowmanvîllc lutoly. tbe towiof Bowmnaiviila, sud 200 acres li the ly ouiedinprce utSttt Jry areCwkem & Tait's. An eigit day dlock fuliy guanteed Towniiip ioS Cartwright. Applly to TBÇOMAS scling tic best Englisi grade ut iow-- Sevemul uew bicycles corne te town for vemylttesîsyutikr's .5Abx7,BwavIc.3tf est ricew-hle pecen stck lste tueaoo. Tic Coîiet soid by Carl Mm. Sainel Brown o! Forest bas beenF ARM TO RENT For a hermu o!fyas, Ks rc wiepeent sok lts ent a favorite. viiiug bis cousin Mr. W. H. Williams. F Glau)dlss"-300 acres 2 miles from Wýhthy, No wif e siouid w-ar hiemlil!e eut scrub- Miss Sara Wilson and Master Gordon Counties Council ansd County Court gooduiiry hngs foid so;diabîetr stock or bing rougi ýfloors. Stott & Jury arc Beiti s8 nt the 2th witi Mme. H., W. moots lis Cobourg tuis week. rouite nilk busimness or stock raisiîg toir Ameni- Waddel ,eCoîbomue. Miss Aluins o! Toronto has been o.uest tanunmarket. Mlen with capital onily nced apply. selling be.et floor paint cieup. Riekurd bas a most elegunt stock o! ut Mm. Fairbaimnes. J.____._____________________ -Tic currant wormi soon vanisies w-bem watcies ah vomy beet mak-es and Overy Mr. Jobn Hambly is streOt cmi-UARM FOR SALE-A firet laues farm dosed wih our pure Hellebome. Stott & wutch fully guara îteed. clouer, salary $3Wo.' cmmi- cf 125 acres om 145 acres situaheu li the Jury. Mm. and Mme. Joshua Arnold, Toron- TiseSire, iRichardson Curpet Co. are To16 imo S as il W botmilsco Osh15amwa te, weme ouests o! Mm. and Mrs. Thos. ne-otiating to tart a carpet fuctery stationî, 2 mitlesfonshtby nd 6la s fro aw Speciai. We are offeriug a limited Creeperon Qucens birthduy. homo. the sehool bouse. Large roomy buildings, maimn xiumber o! ehoice -atemizers flled witî Progressive fammiers,1 eall ut Werti'h uaioehbto î .Jfe's barn 95x36ft, plcmty oh fruit, soi] day loai al- bet eranCoeone20 cmiteNo arwae mpmîm me- ctrd, n ehitowm n.e FiytusJ w0. eek 'together ont of the best graini farnîs ot theLake bs emnhadaempru and sec tic2 elSreadýÉwanilFiàyhswe hore;,iio hills and stones. About lu acres of eoon 0 omlt.N au Scythe. It w-i delight you. ah 9 a. m. wood, 75 acres i'asînire ai) rehsed epro' agi au equal tuis of-- L i'ai re s h aetril uTerins easy; firsh p owisg donîc. For furthier lerse' aran a LqidPri renistc ee ricle Our itizeus will as usual w-lochtheir panticulars apply 10 A. ANNî,s Oshawa. 37-tf. 1er Sc tciquik.for exterminating peste. Murdoch apptites for 'Ebenezer. tea next, Mon- Razors o! tic very fluest quaiity and huaa rloud. 1is t peni hing. day. IF 011E WANTED.-Youno' Hors e, Mueomî & Dale bave had ticir NwcbcrbrsahneoIE TTs sounfi, for dclivery wagon, gooýl driver-- ,poitielyguaanted n eershoyp kwsbcieseu e H TS n exehauîge for a sniali horse and cash. TRos. poihvey uaauee l eem wyreuovated and reflthed iutemnaily and 1h MAN and thie WEEKLT tiLoBE ho end o! Ton,tB'aker, Bowmanvillc. 23-2w* -vry chcap ut Stott & Jury's. pre-soute a vashiy improved appearance. 1895 for 5Oc. Fresi w-utc fish and trout w-.ekly ut Mr. Georget Pierce o! Toronito w-as jERSEY COW WANTED. A god -Cawker & Tait's. Leave orders net guet ut Mmc. Andrews', Churci St., !>nilch cow, Jersey preferred. M. A.JÂýmEs. inter thau Tuecduys for Friday' e dliv- over Sunday. 23-tf. TimeEmut b lokin upif he an- Ail Ladies' Spring Jackets amnd Capes TGrv Wooi, Carniage Rug, iims mst e lokig u iftheco, -sliing off ut and under ceet price at ILfinder wili lic'suitably rewardcd on leavi< W EAT H E R& tte o !dom e uriture ieav- Couch, Johneton & Crydernan's. . a: STÂTESMAN Office. 1i'tÈ igion. & esers-.aT.yBmaga undtUSIC-MiseKNoT.,eGWiiiiamanleHpre- WATERPROO0F FoieS'Àhavi( eirnned !rom Toronto Uni- r USIdeC-MQoei ssNi, W i a msnvie Rev. W. Ketticwell o! Paris, w-eh and vceity for tic hiolidavs. paned ho teah Harnmoîy and Music athber favraby now t Roal emlan i Mmr and Mme. H. Christie o! Moemal ________________St., ________________t PAINTSthe uew president o! Hamilton Confer- r ussa . J. Sbu-w's o hï euce. bia hu.ARRIAGE LICENSES-Maynard No painter however ekillful can Miss Emma MeClellan ie!t on Monday Mmrida MmeuW. Bth, lu teIse arie ens hie.Even iîî reie produise a better paint and Stott for Rock!ord, Ont., te attend tise funemal e trvaercorngfmvrys-Disont.nx Ms Hl- & Jury are soie agents. Smail o! hiem uncle, Mm.o. Pre, h semeilîluese o! pîeumenla. TTI Parhobfoid tun with busi 20e. $1.40 a gallon, dead, aged Colers Ladies' leoking fer choice Dress Goods IN de t IC-shliBons Pon hebCaodus Mr. W. Syer o! Trinihy -Medical yo- Ndnt ihi rw' eda ams loge Toont, who e mstîatig a uswill flud juet w-bat thhy wunt at Couci, the exclusive iglît 10 tish is said waters having hoee rnwvoile, uled ong !r is - Johnshon uand Crydermîamt'îîbeen 1urchased 'y tme. A reward of e5.00 will homenea Jaetvileealed o frend' ý eepcoo by uviLr ne o tfoseliLha bpaid for information leadiîîg ho the eovition n r % r w 17 ivvv%,Eo ir. r.ar.l,.+aal c.nco vluii oeftsoeinis ,...eo..*. EVERY WEEF< DAYê-- ~A BARQAIN QAY& 'The Crowds' That Visit Our Store 's Every Day Are Not Drawn Here By Idie Curiosity. Our aim lias been, is now, and ever wili be to buy the best goods (flot trash), and to offer them at prices that wvill satisfy the puirchaser when the articles get tol home. By fair dealing and selling only reliable articles our trade lias steadily inereased. s Here are a few of the many bargains we are giving six days every weck: 5 Ibs Prunes 25 cents. È 6 lbs Raisins 25 cents. 3 Boxes Matches 25 cents. 1 Box Christie's Sodas 20 cents,. 3 ]Lb Bar Soap 15 cents. 5 lbs Tapioca 25 cents. 2 Boties Mîxed Pickles 25 cents. 1 lb Coffee 25 cents. 1 lb Tin Baking Powder 15 cents. CPFý'WATKÇR &TAIT, BoN-AVIIE The Popular Grucers. -The. White House 'JEWELLERY STOARE, NN Stili leads in ba-rgains having sold FÀT -R ail or ncarly ail goods that were slightly damaged by lire, we are 110w showing a Une of! dean flrst We have recéiv ed to-day class goods. No soft or blistered a very choice lot of large goods. No trash pieked up at cheap Fans. Just the thing for this auction rooms in the city and palmi- warm weather, only 5c. eacb, cd off on the public as good goods sold cheap. We buy our goods fromOtesylsro cu ar . rgood reliable houses and seli them Croquet Sets, 10 per cent above cost. Ai we ask Tennis IRacquets, is a eaul to convince yourself of real Ilubber and Base Balis, genuile bargains in first class goods. E-rs aosadCrs Our work always gives the best of xrs aosadCrs satisfaction and we do it ourseif, we Bb angs don't have to send it out of town. ~ r~ The cemetery be s to assume sur coats -and vests at Couch, Johnstonï & otce. T0M ASETBowmanýville. L§m1 ~SFU t~ me asect ~rj~' as Ian~i ryderman's. 1May 15, 1895. 21-3w. IiV ~ f BOMAVILE is flOwer beds and now wants genial Members of Bowmanville Horticultur- PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING M AYNARI DLJ Big 20. Bowý,IANVILLEshowers to freshen up things a bit. ai Society are. well pleased with the, MIrpiN &,LEARMoNmÇT haViog entercd loito BoWMANVILLE, THlE JEWELLER BoWýmANviLLE. paraded to the Methodist Church Sun- The syinpath of the commun!t ' and cheap pa ils and a-t f i hdes lit ve GRAND TRIJNK RAILWAY, diay evenîng and lîstened to a capital with Mr. John 4ryadfmlinterowpcs.r.elt d'Bokpoie ;4 inmet tr ery lw prcs or ud' l, oppositelle 21- ea sermon delivered bv Rev. C. Parker. affliction and bereae nt Er apyjaroaBwaîil.29 BOMAVILESATON M.Lewis Quick bas puit in new plate seînistobe improving. "OFSLATING.-C., L. Munson GoIxG EAST. GOING 1WEST . as flrnt to lis shoj that as badly -Messrs. Durward Wells ýipd Eddie JLt, owF nilSaeFetadGa of P3assenger .., 31 106 la Local ,...., le 40ck l T'orodnto, Local .._. 704 p.m Passen*gr.. 2 25 p. ni Mees .Gay and Sons o! Courtice did Misses Osborne, Wýheatlaîil Farm, re- Mai...... 10 25 -1Mail ..... 7 46 ý the job weil. cently. OaFe Pric Mr. F. J. Je l, a well-known news- Don't fail to note the important ques- n Cas~Hhesn qti paf 0f'l TH ewdsageresetngGati paper.*K OppliATC Benntt Boswmanvlle n .n P a ir paper man, died suddeniy at Guelph tion asked by Coucli, Jolnston and 21_t 101 ~~~Friday ilit. I-le was lu Bowmanville Cryderman on flhe first page of this21f OppieBne Rufowavlc a n u r c ry BO0WM1ANVILLE, JUNE 5, 1895. Son Toronto, The 3 day's excursion announced in wyMay 2 ay sleth with goldaerneystldnbsis.To alad isetor ______________________________ Persons who think of crossingthe At- another .column affords a chance to visit fo, eard for retUu to SrÂTiiSMÀs office. -lantic this ycar shouid sec or write to in Toronto or Guelph from Tuesday to 22-tf, rs od.Atniesrv tc fMlieybfr Local and therwise.m. A. JAMEs, Steamshit Agent, Bow- Thtirsday. es God.Atnieer-tck fMfi eybfr, Local and therwise. manville Re rescrits best Canadian Note correction in tni-trincement of W4 TE 1-EP-e or woamCosencswilb ur sn.Haigm d Blousesets at Rickard's--quality good. The "'Lizzie" o! Ilamilton, a hnnd- Wcdnesday, June 12. Tickets are good cards tacked up on1 trees, feimes and bridges liict or inchsi then mrdeaAchic Sewing machines ut Rickard's-see some stea pl)easure yacht, lay' lu Dar- on ail regular trains, ion oritsaouary. $6potea atndeixtepensesAhic them 1f~go arbo misero orda andar wa on. Edward Blake L L D., Q. C., and money deposited Ili any atkweu started. Good goods for little money at Rick- much admie by Our citizens Who M. P., and Mr. John lfloskinLLD orBtcuasrieTwMî ECId lot of Pine Apples, Strawher-avey xtnieprhs ard's. sought coolness there. Q* C have been re-electe President Co0 box 221, London, Ont., Cati 37-tf. Machines needies, oil, etc., at Rick- Mr. W. Werry, the well known stock and vice Presideut respectively o! the ries and Bananas and other this spring we can fill aUl ar sbreeder, recommends vey ihly the Tto Generai Trusts Company ~ 1OOL! WOOL!! The undersigued ver igW rnP ~ - is nwrepared,to pay the HMîhest Cash Miss A. Souch visîted frieuds at Orono 011 Cake Meal soldb~ Cawkr & Tait, Coucli, Johuston & Cryderman sav Price for goo fiece 0OO delivéi'ed at lus fruits in season. Pnices will wants in the Millinery this week. Bowmaiiville. Hie ad been bur*ng they have neyer had as good a seaison mîl ilaxopton. Brizig your wool iii sooinas larg quatitis T hee wuio sh yo ichange frontr kgse. on ~ 'i Mr. C. B. Simpson, Brookiu, was iu carg doanes w inl Toronto, but find lie for selling Carpets and (2urtains; and shearede and wsav 1yourse ves fr oo Ilrx surprise you. Co eand see. Une Th latest noete town Friday.eud swl in town. tbey still show a fine stock o! these il ternis wvill ha gîven. Thankîng thie pîtilicl Mr. ~~~Mr, D. B. Simpson bas been made a goods. for tbeir liberal pîatronîage iti the ýast anîd solicit- Hhs o l id DUg a continnance of the saine, rnan u nc dw a hrdClGeea wsl member o! the iExecutive, o! the Grand Regniar meeting' o! Home, Circie No. oidietit servant, D. TAYLOR.21liarv gah std ly tonThrda.Counicil o! Ontarlo , Royal Arcanumn, 8 will be ield in tle S. 0. E. Hall, over 1 Better ventilation is being devîsed for and is on the Comm'ittee on Laws. Mr. Heilyar's store, next Tilesday cveulug -WANTED-A good. man in your dis- of produce. i iub oyuritrs the Methodiet churcli. M. A. James bas also receîved lis corn- atý 1() oclock. Full attendauce of mcmn- Y f antrit to ereentth "Fnhl iRemembe 8h stand thirdintre No better choice o! Prints anywhcre mission as District Deputy Grand bers requcsted. oCnoloi Poiioerae. Titelary ori conie -ee brte tn hr thn t asn' lc yrd Rget.We show a fine range o! Parasols mission tu righit muan. Witi thec iîucreasing 4~ doonial ast ofv Be the front of Heal Bros'. ncw, cash gro- St. Paui's Presbyterian churcli bas which we have imported direct from the niand for fruit a position with lis as saiesman dor es ofBnnett flouse, fnnily t ieu cery has been nicely painted. been niccly painted from the top o! the makersa aud wete gurttethmtob eîîgaginglit farni work. cal On Aprili1there were 26,527 members steeple to the base. One can't belp but the best value in the trade. Couch, how to earn good nioney Schlool teacliers, its King te . o! the AI. OU. W. lu Ontario. admire the loveiy harmony o! colors on1 Jobuston & Cryderman. just the tlming for you durinîg sumniîer. ivrite TrESAEMNadte-tewnrsfo netra bev for particolars to STONE & WILN ' . j TESTEMNadteworld fam- tindowsefron wasncb xtrna h o Se Ou Friday evening the Ladies' Aid o! Toronto, Ontario. 22-3in iuW MANVILLE. eus Detroit Free Press balance o! 1895 ato.Tcwr vsdu yS.Pals Churci held one o! their_ _ _ _ _ _ MR .D N A T R fo 0e eke n safpi iltw all t socials at Mr. J.K. G41lbraith's. d-à POUNDS WOOL want- y8.D N nS ER NoeThe Patron meeting intetw alTepormewas excellent, the fol- 109 cd t oce i iîîayti A offered by Cawker & Tait in their uew on Frliday night was attcnded by about iowing takiug part: Misses. Williams, lugeest îtrie for any quantity of WOOL fictiver advt. 100 persons. Mr. C. J. Thornton, Pat- Brimaconmbe and McD 'well; the High ed lit my stores, -Kinig St., Êast, Bowmanville.________________ ron candidate, an r .L aëc colGe lb isArmnour, leader __-_B- _______AL__ANL1_NE Rnaie ets To uey ro aud- Wedesa cute speakers. Mr. C. Osborne, and Messrs. Kuigbt and McKerihan.BW AN LL MA ET 81.25.l netTedyadWdedycutpresident,w~as chairman, Those 1Mr. Wilner Dunu, o! Syracuse, N. Y., OMNIL MAKT.CAD N $1isit f1ed uWstr ai presenit were chiefly Patrons. came berle on hie wheelinl four days C,,rected byJ.Mecýlurtry every Tuesday [IVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND MONTREAI .L'.IF~ Vii red nWsenOtroby TuE LADIES-The pleasant effects uîaking Rochester. Buffalo, Oakviile and ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. PACIFJC D{Y tic excursion to Guelph, June il1, 1ý2 and perfect satety wmth which ladies mav Bowmanville respectiveiy, distance FLouiz, P~ 100 ibs ........ $2 00 to $2 40 Front Froni Fro 1%,A and 18. use the Californifa liquid laxative, Syru,pf about 350 miles, Il e has becen -Uest of WHIEAT, Faîl, VI bush ...O 0< 00 I 00 Liverpool. STEAMIPS. Montreal Quebec Sec Mason's Heavy Cottonade Pants o! Fige, under all conditions, makes ît is mother, Mrs. J. 0. Dunu at Ir. W. il Russian, il 0.. 00 il 1 00 Dayliglît 9a.m. j at 50c. a pair, also stunning value in tlîeir favorite remedy. To get the truc Morrison's. lie is one o! "our boys" n Goe .,O0)"O9 6My NMDA ue 2Jn Cottonades. and genuine article, oo for the nam anGired ae i ecm olorado...... 00 0 90 16 -ay SIDIIAN 8 Jui 29n rea tra etra l ek arte io wave nea th botto o!d the pakgernuens Birthaye iiica the tre I' Re.do ... 0 00) i1 00 23 SA'MONIAN 29l ý)I SA a' %.ad . 5.0 Ti rn eta i usiing ice o! the California Fig Syrup Co., printed houle. n White Fife 0 00 fi 1 00 30 -LAUIIENTIAN 1.5I 1.5 I ~tuktwThe Belleville Sun bas isstied oue o! vear old dangiter of Rcv. W.R. Barker BAELICY,1IP bush, Nýo. 1 0 00) " 0 65 20 44 NIMIDIAN 6 July 7 JulyRN T Wrd have soute gennine bargains for tise fineet and most interesting trade bf Orîllia, forînerly cf Hlampton, w-as tgt 2x .. 0 00 if 0 48 27 1. SARDINIAN 13 14 yo, l ad xmie u soc.May- numbers that bas reached us foalngpyugutiyrdtvetedooer ,2. 00 O5 4 Juy LAURENTIAN 20 20 -' you ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i -.1aiexmn ursok lvnintevr tvnue oliu ilf t12...001104ilPARISIAN 27 14 8 naro.ILNt Jeweller. timie. It lias 32 pages contained in a fine a little fire wi-c tic older cildren bad Ilr Two rowed 0 01) il 0 65 18 '-MONGOLIAN 8 Au-. 3 Ain, We would advlse ail wlio w-ant to buv ihgale cover in red ansd gold, and Inade for thc pnrpose o! ligihtiug fire- OATS, White ............ 0 35 fi 0 40 25 'NUMIDIAN 10 . il firet dlase goods at a eraill profit to cati is printed on ieavy paper. Sketches crackers and its clothes becanie ignited. Il îixed 0......... 35 0 o38 1 Aug. SARDINIAN 17 18 on Maynard thejeweller. w-ith portraits o!tebsns o !M.Barker rushed te thc rescue and RvE 'r...........0 0O '0 00 RATES OF PASSAGE. NieCre ipesa ao~frBelleville, with tic special facîlities o! sncceeded iu extingnishing the flames, BUCKWEAT 'I............O0 00 0 5 0 CNABINN Y H Ni0e apr al s at luel n cfoen that thivîng cîty inake up the contents, but flot before tic chiid w as badly humn- PEAs, Blacke'e, P~ bush.. 0 0<) 0 6o -.A sItiSitîle f50, $70,5 and r-90. Rcturn N EUNB JI 2o0e Cal Barals, bie liene oMn1 uTh u i slrning great enterprise for cd. Ticihe s wluich ut first did not IlMuinine ' 0 0 0< 0) -' dSECND C6IN Tisehe SafBlbig lae u t un s an70tebs ae rit ERDCBN 1V 1-11ITEF n150 orti $2.50.,onse n sti etpprpit porterid seriously. caused its deati. it Sinill, t' O0< O 60 . 81.50, cd~e in Beleville. ____________________ nBine, O 00) O 6â To or fromn Liverpool, Lonidoniderry,. Belfast or 'Via Owen Sound Ladies if you are wanting Lace Cur- Two strangers were around tow-u last DID UTTER, best table, l' f.. 0 10 0 12 R aow ikes av ....o.............. ...... o 00N 1 n 27 11v.D C .IDw-l wl pealliM.on, Veks POTTr-mm. i)iiiskillier on SsudyJoue ict UWRPEAI. E F CKo tic . MhD C. chrcowl il nnda h r Sm iti Buffalo painter, William iSs, Maý,.ry Jane, b)etcved wifa oS Mr. John Potter ]RECIP]E-For Maldng a Delicious HeOlth Froin i omîtreai STEERAGE. and 1ev, W.' Jollîffe at nîgit. The rai for 3 montis, and Chas. Deisce cf .STeVeîS.- Riael1 p)eaeefllY itoo nuat blida, otBerEta..Oe oteGREIAT BRITAIN AND IRat.AND.ToQee- i wnSud SE MR f atri attending conference at Pictoîs. Gloversvlle, N. Y., wus hanided over te residence, Hùrsey st.. Bowiînville, on Tousday Fleischrnann's Ycast...HaIt a Cake JUNlolLicoiGagoBel,1 ET. n 1 Port Hope uthorities churged wit p1.0 lora Stev ens, rliet of t late Sua,.... ...... .......Two Pounds Lnodryor Queeiistown. }ici)SET.î and 2o085 We~~~~~Elabtvîs Ehave ofe inbsnesfuterlioigacontwhe u s ngton,. ageul 82 yrs. Lukewarm xvater ....Two Gallons. 17.00 Dorirlin by Steamer fromn Liverjsool. 16.00 Ful particulars fromù nîy agent of yasand w-e -fail to fiîid asy te say tn taluacrt J w-ihwa ods <HNC FIN.-At StOUiffs ilie o11 Somîrlay Joue 2lad, Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add he 18.0t) Bristol or Cardiulbv rail to or 'romnteCmay w-iNoewcastle. Hlave sîothirn te do w ithis195. Hetsrv Joimstou aged 74 years. Il inontlis, extract, and bottde; put in a warmi place for twenty- Liv erpool ...................... _17.00 i oaay e mirepres.eniterl asîvtling w-e sil, -eIl.t striangoers w-lic are veîsdors cf lsasdv ftite- of _i5rs. L. Cor-tisii, fil-n înaîîvilte. four bours util il fermients, then place on ice whe.rî --rie atelasapyt .E.HCGN3T A are stili goussg te stay ivith you w arti cles. Keep tîses ont cf your homes. RÏl tItL.-Iti Darltngton, onat S51<ýý rune it will open sparkling and delicious. For uit atctr Jl)ltiY 7 no eefor a itèwil, Maiir C ,ýyVJoue)n Theoo.t beer canhecohiained in aIl drug aud gro-lA et ow avle Muny t maer0nsRîulaar 3~cr,6mnis ~ cery stores lu io and e5 ççint bgttlîî to inakç twe and anîi Liioe A-.yntý fB-n 5anviile Aoî,B xv avle f tise Jareerogres. titi?1de gd , ers otls gallonsAll ChldenCry for Pitcher's -Castoria-t