~~ RA ~~One of my neighbors,with a crop unthin- L rayiN ts itresit"TelwroJn"-h- f ~~ I~~ÇI ned and double in quantity what the trees tiey »ttfll.icne should have carried, had this question toeril yNnyMn ade oe Device for, RemoVing Racksan metafwyasin.le lodth4 One day during Napoleou's terrible Who love daisnty leedlem'ork will he de- WaonBes.the ground, and while be t'eceived donsl RuSsian casepaigil a woman employed in lighted with designs for "lItaian Renais. Theccmp.nsnilstatonreree:price it waFat afearfulexpense. Asevere the Imperial lauindry addressed herseif by sauce finbroidlery," "Sorne. (4raoeful on te cop, nd he wrdrbe, nd skod for soins oid btstandtig""TeFsinbe0ht EDL wagn bds sn e tke of an onwit- ree-mày o thm wredesd tse ollw-serve as irou.holders such as laundress O-n" Ss pictured and described and PVNCR weagnoorn rmemds canli hos etaemktohae odffe nstnct ocaioll i sth dn; linse1erhywe:pcke ohnc tothekepercf heEmtrosei fterece" sd DeVgnslsCrehe iln eerigahlu te o erf lish. oev rUS,dforhen.sav aed erand oebcfts hamnoUhilgt ations eforts teo 4x8tm ber, ha rutfhoud a creuly pckd i dfgueslnga famotse Napoe le ction o nxtrsanW e thun s a r h e i l vrT basesslctdfr-a proe atell Paris. It bas beau reproduced for McClures thenFionniittxty. gOrne c lc abrSe s o rosapieces, b) b, are teta ac nghueadiftawa er a Complete Life cf Napoleon, whlch is about ph 'petygrS adorus the cvr h 1 3 U C S F L R M O onainh eads ht, tha palcwed te steand ifnthleoolesthat bte appear. Journal coste only oua dollar a year FMNO R taBEh~~ AS~dnyrblt. . 'The crank, Ce is when packecl f rF!i pmïentn heat can h bC an y, os pub l d eby hn C ri u sing R ad proofsbeo w , I~1.5 b ~ from an old s~.fouudi su t ; ýhe ifit carelully sortad, The Juna Atlantic contains instalîmentsaonasy fPiadîha'àNALSSA I U b ;j, fropau ksnSt* an -ktircg &lI tiat is inferior cf tira twe leading Serlais by Mrs. Ward Box r52s Ca.0n an, Henderson 0o., F5 eb. 2, ..,1 Paul e -b sNo.and Gilbert Parker, alise a short story cf M'cCure'$ Magazine for June.-A new Dr«. l-sJ. C mcneof.urMG b ~the broductloiL o~ Paul Thîain-ar atao. 2.by ars ia~E k'story by Rudyard Kspling, relating tha ad- Dea aP5seedmeeeoar rs Wmst-attained frontier gren hi, bylan Macuu, 0oka ,d$.b5 g.Ivee The timbers et the Te. aueSae ,oôff nA ercnl Esld;afn- ecsr. rsi àe Ingedadsgret i o jtà SHORTaHN Iet of toptsaracesecurad b ntigIe -ing avarietyher ot ofruitionofnceture oounldmentitlned "Kod ;iafan" Another bit cfc fiction of eu jveuttiraq saif praçticable, me ceunecticu with unissual character aud îutarest je, "Throngh1 tastie "Tale of Revenge le by Robert Barr; a da marean le ot e uali 12-inch bIteplume ahinch sebars a mil grew charries and more or less of tha Windows. Two Glitepsas cf a MSan'saud a brave $tory of advq4ture by Stanley gYeurs trtîiy, c1,,s. Pw 'y "à which ~~~~~als er m fruits, but in any avent plant more Life." Lafeadie Hearu centributes a de- j. Wayman, akin te uts tlma and etii 'Ç O L EI~1~ b 'V~puiey. Ab the than a single variety of whatever yen may fightful papar entîtlad %-ln the Twilight cfteMr8Wynans eple nva, ASPA IN URE fe ne Sie-rt,,, t{av re,'n"Aeued At t h~II- ~ nyh f n o-ipratmasrst acnîaad edbeppr po asbicsigl cne o ryac.pihnd howtve v h eyarevCANTyriud~ONeuepr.asewis pateardugh ant rae va etis es uh- thîssu td, hichWstPobee.Mar riy-tme lwnt pes utha du P Dre. . J. Co. ~~,Bei~ ~ eln ie, ud ja eetcfsnreboimpossrtance atonesraerions portnt eser," as ae emiScancasoc n ti how thr' agazintued _____ flSrs1hveuesvea nýJs have au oaneng1cfeet couidatin ffre lo.îurghsirau-tiyC hisissueaiti"yil lamavrpf the gditictnBts and ws oderethfmodar it the beUD Liniments.rdr luche. Drie an ld bot inTehe rp hriprt-dyug i soeofthely lu tyridfoPr Torrey, sud "ocantiuecarteitt ioebIr~~jtagoncepeinfA knadns is cîsgeîplant ad ter hatfielniatdymrak rodoe cu lo, l, vIn n krc antiat cfrsteb oniee sud e apr uo ardscsig n cinr ccmlse a cars a ibtare ein.________wit eahrigt e htth r awl gashoro aalieve weetiats ehoiltiasus Relationsuete Literr Clte," by lieim-tasbet ftOslsrtt aesh FIG.stndsa . N w e our pes e, and 2) erto ustta i mpteor tn e ala ensercf serionsy porsont Peue e, lok Remie ntis tha C-iavai and M oet ha confee ncaus a-.S .P P .B.ss &ofÊ~r sr b i t ati beu se wisly ng su lea y ha- tîsl daparstets o mp W liama tharpissu e. twaen oen a nd olk e sthimp derniorSay Car W gne, Aotadr catia 12hfetokp rtd vac n ey ntsri of 2r12 oedupn"o ocDrr.utplaaBo.e louhtn.Mffi &Cc BsonNaoeo JL -udBimrc, firtia antrMaidaBrwee dNl' epode ~'~1.e~wywA sMisseIton lee, on eah sida ai t a top, te"Aep iha onhaîle cf Sedadte seels th terme tsoncf manyinstningfianti setches a îe "inT O unî rivatitsaracdrtiva or act h i oe Puan wîic ai oftbyinb rdor oradIVcalClerî nd y reit ote, cas aLodnar setthapuley ra e tety hnihe a e anti perdonhika tieefruits, hou' p it eaticntfeu teraraCultuniverselHpras e. sel bjw e i f oilrthe e e whc a tasuc. TaAr fa cn -ant- placeof etha rck, sd th tecak earfaaroiu raanimyhasros-BaCnlacvrsrvewc fily eladma vary Telnferu pctus sh-iec nstol ia eleyt i stagns,e.N wstfu te l cross Plyijuedt hydaapaureelempi ofh iina Tsa on Peu s krve s,ant heb wretnstas, nthrcate 12feeo k as a th a bok a intif boarst hv en ewslyadlbealie tl epate as cmtt e ser. taccompany th arlticeandWiipfe wiandh terattion. IîisbyAleaandrarameay kl ïCte sou owe vapo or, oulhakapi u itiiae d n e eiveht wa hava 'yCo.,iBseao n tiiscf je pulishetII an l att r ckre teC ri ats rfnsi llsrteib JluBrt lu b8sihee nsplace. thatstha crosepnce.ing Philîî G.bHuberl Ma-ji bWa a u uplc. D ha em o a nt tha yas s 50W anusannar y the deepwohava ani have hertaneencaratlGain areîan dOrgtito l h gea ntdorspa Lh N .Farak fon nn ynwl ac veyorack hf rces i ain sGs e ro de saaisonte frune drame W.A. aysafaSdaJir.,ughe bsra- hcvibe t elumrsore, naetia unoeeds a te pouhnti ai lu andoresi g vail ea le ar oeo e bs an blartie on the N toaltmeh ntithhe f~cf t a fesialstetc. Bringi Ilît ase aton e s ni Wstlllngtoe thepsta.nlocÂthehin w*elsanti werathe lue troe hiaewfase lsrasinsitsTed a Dtcet" ce-spden, er an tie rodanghie p, jutigmant the the AmOuican armies hand tateti îrcm ttesketch-bockscf J. FranIl Se tepuly rmedrety eirdth i srac-ooig e n smb c nuris f f hafaosPriil'l- sefhan heFrus ate German armwis wea vrtc. Th r faSe -ane __,0__.______wagon,_________the aorvkste theihhatdconser.aBeaumint ltrsrvew f hTighiyCiaa S.llaaru ;eni b Poly Kngiî A G E N T Sof t eN Tack-,ha ddesirhatte c a k h i t he pin t re w de a ar . T e p a y s g, o e bo th es n d ils c oes an ti s w n. " a oî o ' ltons wil ib i a el e t es a i l e n-andi n k ehi teiaary e Q rt t ef 1ellweekly, soul bccen cuha ted I etecive tatipoit.h a sdetse a s of there U nittiS te," by ie Tarble wh ih PSih h rwsg yCr up do' sgarladgaatai aa ien ra nouhss ort atonesiae, , ,a.sseye, a lellustrataera an i particlellutrtedbyLohnsonig gros ~ \flt~er Stca~, Saîaryor cemm.esicuA GlEwamNneasRRossied-RAOL e inookret ohtvi h av aews,'shshowwthteectrtnyanacnpayngia"Gmpsos pai cki. xmuaveerriucr y ilantiutsome acehesutiuthePosts, aie,,thhewhoeia te aeu verlGatt itete e th Driate-L f terea île anory anti uti e Wien T h once K.frate rme nt enda-- yoiilstrlthdveGodsy'sac' wheou andîtetiin trendNapoleonadiagenely playsd daiihîsthSeean, cfdavay lovas-scfbskrMer Ontmpany, ho anmot ein wt nfeutcegini nietiialc-no f GathSan ubraeyBretPilplum O. eSAAMnursaryanna rotaqadwh, hetu ra hie w eivelsrtios rHo ed the wome atia" rs valsnWaad eodigbs atful thesty-sermof J.atiFtanJuis tha anobervn-eofthepriciles e a enlsry annt etilutie laseitahge pcf wdgeary s aur her m ia a m es a t ussailment Macf Th e arserillstra "ean DI[ N T t U A - d v o a t w ll e s c o s e v e t h e i n e r e t f g e w d n . A f to g h e m r i a , i s gle i n ts e o w n tr s k f th e w a r o n e canti b isl a r S .Vaije n , w t ; ta d b n e l y K in e, w th TOWN ROPERY FORSALE.theopught eatraer.Gd f hrigwth a terenhnd-cersi;mFenhatsesu cdagavrlie GENTrSCe WliNse IsaSet d[anyOtisr Tosagreing lu wîthlnth ranhso i. TheaGd , ng ltiarie wrdtaaveskehsaw in eeand-hin vHenr dacnwihlgo rd ardens suais lu eed a rt allEaîy Tie e pas l ae e s-or t msesaaaking d rices ho s hie scri juray te Waho atts om an ltn te tie G inres cf grf -he -yw cf o aslaryo omiso AGGGeRYMAL.bok ricathare, wththeeht iingi n,be sud otharly.cnvaniets ermeor a o cc.ubant tvwel, vn oi ,atiu ote pui urtecrapic, bn eth rcftsaiCon-flw ir ie fe ryrteavii h ptheliyc asasnasona srng uatie, eaaandklyt Utit(,,-Wrteuss ocefo trrs.bA Woman's Seluser MGoeg' aioneBanioe< crs be oeldMSt maelihthescryvs othvrloverofanti Mysar. prepenties Thay wshl ha thed cheap ou easy Tha poste muetaha o, aufficlent heigGrtnte tere.Aply orfu~br prtcuarsteMis ermt f l s wgo wîh is rck n eig othngluthi wrl i moe iitresig ala c te reaes1iflenclaonhie11e hihs a al' Lncluofi, raaI noabe asr;.HaryC. otsEetorani nb 14.1 w. JsehnînS.E Bwavle rvnînianahtecoascs The sudooruey sf is ocumnonile Whiomas ary ntrstoîs upn te atl esdaln tf ha apear n ifuoramtt ar Poynt8ardn ler,9,9nti9te sFil Avenue an tek hsuii a ei nterabtiorselar Cnaa Iogr eth xtam e cf limat artil hethe rev.oent i aColiyn fth'ecribe bieointhe way cfndiy 1e, ing ajYork. ailutrtos yemnn TO RN MANP ANDYVFOR MAE. d wl isuh u srvc o eeal -t lot rsi itesat o m r Dn t i tst e h Ju ise fTh wie wh m e , anti tala khw handgolaouet rnhatst n odegrvri sasonsneeuliess Ay oa hndywit tiysCfndteisn hsat-rthany te esaynssg Ldis' Hm e ra.h ola lu Thatga teukeoac bi una lyseseful AM,(,,ERAN IN THE LATE WAch. ant bad wrk o py or tasf. tiS whn s bla y to an Feblecma s a nt ar cegesi conaftrb tn telac e, e ClHrrib,",, n. 8630 L elsys issa Ra bcNa eher P rs atap rmiebsD.se s ew'e lcae Ts AThre bikde ïcui n itof8nd i nslvbl g wt vayhYgt lv o, or noelitnsu e nentigt ms f ok('t.Io ia le-îîAwysIel.s eaVhwi i cu greonsaiture nrvoe pa'e s see sallytuuog ily I redvin a in cf bie&-mkn iscrtjuness s, s aecvsrhitnntlunntr arrn'Thif romance itte ansi Tisses o f of-h o naissionsand impoteoq cyllaesotitslsg eara strutckhnctissniarticlen descriptrcveinfgt"A.demasow IllCourte WaI nahey.lieruetrrager Iodian, in awav litetys- FndOtR c atteisnes. an ext se. rTh t~e~î ~ ~ - ri.n u f Y~l e. a ecii he bme f5 f iba ingadt t e posshsihltaityo ase ope io en t iIiv . waix bx wtt iy oeswiseau cf ould s te ge oMnson th agni lynndg awi6.Fomee Cornal re epîy ai fi A ea o enan k, the me frotie.-wbee lme r le (f o u repres ui sba ol oMe. i r. heH. ossetlme n d mber cf isG ForprttiseTey i epbraod ceixogn eTepsa utb-f ufcet egttharecm or smines saoti p anas thanessur im Canettoaran mion as.theWst sent noi eIaecuad OR S ppyofthclssatesicas SteREpermnintiothoraouuwt the rckingoffri ar &loyeis iis ti cis wrdl oe dir.Frsinell fthe r Eatro nflcuei. n. Warrisle wiggîle, J.*Frincolnofarp Il John R ettghOrt anti havaobase Eutirycto alu. E.WHTO elitntit. E.Bow aidlle ati.si t-cflhigo ed5 cep.T~aa he nd eh: ravnaes cf isbaon , wh n thi s nvr ti the a n n eiba sin adinwthe liai f rs.A llrtrs ieî o ar d~anonsoufte hetat M-tAdtieen ineewehlh tGeorgesspiteie92,i94 an9 ing vnu,'e te~~rc tise eak dots-nndwashedior marlied basn eta gfonrswttoc fe r eaes ciy a aa f antice c a thulaiy iRt etug pieu D 2res f sih Cierancte wCc o f EtistifeKin, Ysork. n pli. ii se bits c LFLO SRVMAE AN i'ALSainkest urN , ad inc llatEble ine s e vth eftr s cf rlibitsmskti wsbont ,itercsnano ues, anti ol ie famile Th s e ofaThantisHullary oBe, fa rtel o ele Erasiaoputl uil ahi eyw eta wtlh be ferai-ded by ein suait o can ese cneg ith eso d e a th t fefaicumetanclie a we ed nbl s nti cf the B opnf"Te mil, aitWioMo st gi l ugerohn P rnepsG. Roanut, r hates a em.I entuukibvascfsa NeaveaOav, Aent e Canadase ha hooeioverwl socars av nusli atii a tioti tat s ae ieifllof o i euie nt Bofuapaiad , alniiet n ct ant inti, st eyaeet d a lhyAiratoei. ru S.l e . CiisbaOsuch te>' n dtoth a leal a and bardwork tepay for tsetisusmoeftully antig mie e tsu h eefla and tilrnes a hopptradtion t ornent 61Caoe aNo.3 aetich P lenMe, ee naw thi."«Seisb r ansCr UE GIRET AMB IFCAN C E S rveuDY,' rwt u ltatoig of ea wphite y ths p osas ia, Naor peloniinteret e. r. scnkhur t sî, o f 1a YobasCity forturneti te tha Unissetive l wil ue l frasj-f tn:sw-knssfonosqssreios al faeg th e oH a n eiy liigesibsiesw oafreaayass ussses rous a ongsud boinnonhuri resit!ence y liesat hs. tae hu4 F0 oisos nd bci simpe cr"~er, ormug ompctatt, hyGl's engasrin co>,wn riledepro iptiesî frthA sua t o dsset, biThcf M n .ty Ilratl fore-is a aworfktv« Cn oeoften in mlterhhma otressani slebie y y hewa, beret te atrntiglb BO1 yD & 163 oIse ama retevlpeahn cgFuhfruitsoena isqstaelnesaiy mogihu e dathehome itas cf it h Posa asd ,ntetr antili ratetoisi""TSamletotr-Ih e' asa>ugW 0 positively zheny ha camieti wstesstetyagaîust.volent n ttiier 2ie ar sy he as anch a er ha asyoD as ne thu e wmeniat, "haeI.H 1 uslamme fte w, DUE, OTHEAL. jmenrepnls oru.îIc efpras by t esiman se ven Sxbl wkelnt e a n o u.&ec Baysbeof s . t S, .Wlar ath iabii c r i e tiand fasoyrs geant i wif t houd t si-k- cLu rscf h morneui nd,"b>'Elizabesth W. Joas a onvsonEdHenryin e a rsu eauton Ar.Yae as eredt a., îti esidanthae utie oc-sa oftan>'oninti. Thsnof a sutidersnsiteaBalise>',uihetSenubar ofovruit, argînswlu- isanhsasthe; case, GeergarPansonsnLtr optmenti se.t lia of tD et, frote uhiureefgrhthe Quinte St areboeca Uo, ir lie hiporan atisîi rut growci. bateadscenicae aias isba re me e tOuterIls tngy atiissr ometeof a rngd sconnason ue ane nyombar,ond iTsHe oa d stavUgetbte e t esysofah>' ýO A Tei.ilatNnc n i o n n' ake an.ta enypn C hi ecprate ra age fild ha w-sa oin li epla thewor. Ahîa arbîser Smtau s t noll ieroo ilu e u as eorePrsnsietia iort200 fubrrno te usons>'. LILL I sE E LS ilrAkM E y usr on. inacual ftre oetr t is n ti fas r uhed, si u r l nti e tnd rya CH e a mil. TeSeia n asp r(l u tfie nay wy t $ed8ov ralBxo 5frsi oeadtercsaeHillaaryyns wss Bellue bt tielpfreds. lotos ar cnsitti E8 HAErnestN' IE will o fovardd by eýur mai. orhad btttei ferisba kh eif ecni effrt te ho t aiket shunt reow ot letand ti e BonaDr.e as's d eltior i rlle rel Pii .H brt rCals iv e d o h hevlec h maagotoet potd îis.(rhad uhaeuson lacsnimpesethtoqiredifn.mBnarte, ofaluahhetten fadii lesacuac Wote AfedTu o heshacheu i nspeakconeitortores1fren N o rt w o o re O N T ., A e n t f o r C n ad a . b cn iare d e a k neit hc ra usnn udlb >'a nimt ea ire tian e s-ma n . thea ae wersthî pnnciie as ees et sedioes, noy nsdo i h, hewavar, taefntes asppyardi 'theiona nt h>' - ntidpoorbicotiUnie Kide>'eacyt poison prev-isd y t ea de as syssmeutnical anti ofppesei e p li cf a>'poser . atbnft. ,a en icnti Au thorDr. Pa. . hrs,fovthse w ora ae - tuie o te U ie abattent en avtertn aw. h o s h onitih aHneycfairesmigobaacorsa eaphihIn ars i e> atHLve rube hs asatn ts BICYCLES P acaau'> etoe e> la fe ts ba aian cut uinttlt>inwrtonsach and punfrage Biodata sittates>' punîfa'tine anocti, îî couses pro mec 37tS SEà, W hec-fosmnasse omnt, comtseact sean anti s C teios N. ,, whremsahforiMr.mDanie-l a tid e thoen eacboal.thesBlptenimch in Fae . 5Mrrtroverion, ec. Blothia5 cen LIQMTED of EircsWalter, liznnge n t'TaaM iÀrougha tise winter, whse taietwrmdosednetesiveslanti angagati as a nursedEvan ubis cathasetpille la establiahthe reyondequgstio r. . B YDe SNý611 N- oreUae rese ihletbdyoi te wihr theIrturt, sîdagt erMayt, hcW aot1ever p ofeti toc by an dof theiaNeswheusethem.....o. tons n nAr "a lldrtd bb iceulgt give lagel ati STand rwei n m~LIT SOT- Aaybeci et a imperanasftvileneteUnais fr er taai le isa epu ais rtrePiasesnote bxs25 Aentseriab"ooei le fnae frote thft poisonoosEastmanasmen C ME'tG Anl 9tL vs Por t involv nd thesbelnthenti ean iit>' ol o theic-re~n, fair prfgect and with ntbc- 2. Whof thee e Pin or AcheElizab tht ono,"' e dadKngasbetfr easwre h l eidnal L ake O nt rio & Ba n6s o any kin . T en o a udd n sh Belam , te Sothen.. elit egiscfn atesse ; hitiGerge ParantiathLp terO. the>'re frnt tiis caveror tisatb ae cîf, i ibr na nd proerihtîine cts. a n to d his dia, as athe og t s etbon Beictise Kad iduc s ar ise ofgacftrouble 'ssi tesie u b rup nI he h o ls g\ "ewen t odas h HoehQu a ri a st ai Carltte0,P or ruit. Thaaer a e aau ar>'lla oiodhela ent s xp ea aid Sre ba.Mn Hintoees ofsa wihiyelceiarbreaseunless sod nPinig, s xmliid bu $,00o ourcoedtistane.feat cf ?Robasten 4 15 .m , ecepi hntiay an to ovar everag e stni c e da e ine eau reaig cheur a rs aeltooshe ase e evi. W sveten- S Tee St a E e v s a sAM R riva vai ani e iall e elo eiap we hess a uh sg t e i > r Wiian l s e aa' Pick Pillanfor Jaie h be aae e t c . B -c n et p uee c p Chlti . . 73 Pt. h bg pbutta airdte agetlM tt-Pole ati ne. Inect win hitse ba à JousoS, HolaniLndRg W E -aNiSr wr nîrai oe Le as 'b oit. (ao ofRocc~-n) .se oer-utnlsd bfortithe nnir pow e fortopent> d aug hl e. aont isa nx tonvisit er.atnd t. r.BackAces>'ak anti natvssh actin cfare i wriisa ceibi sojac intis peu, ant u ilh isses>' hlacesaynaagsined ubt iss r courambi ainsf -lube scsdinget i tnen- eo îny-u nPil Pui op 63 aun, xep Sstniawie o fw estumc-rcf rtu rwr h aie eurt tiepiusc t r ieu c4tmstrngns enteCen . Wmencilreae hsa w(iîhpeirecofdne e Ste us r ea es 4 5 . u , ai ri es ai Pu i b va tI e er e r nci oe si n e hi t c-l m ah ta ke i f anflo'ran iint f raer m nc ti bs iu e e K ti eb Ll arPth e da , ,, b ' is se of aPcah oibl ot en - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hr Anetatpiareieislt nr Ce-fut The eecise' bins lebasoreen~wstha ebii se.irle wiac orec Bc-ce tpei u4 eus peite e lote (or cfRohe.is1t) dician annsaledu sbaupteohutesDre.usAte W.k Chasten iprvemni. B'2tseand, ntiabe t ano> a ooi malant s uaKitna' Lva PiI tkpoisek onii For IonIser panîscutare apph>' te CÂpi. pieus, ri r she a tate ng ati ho in a bl bo e go oti nlt sla n tise>' curet me iii ets loi fopivn a> eee JÂîu~- nStamr S ~eris ,sari'o udaen>'hepast enuicf ture isb effortse raiaitsaAh a xpuinig53 osiaioy xsewt Kds> ta7o BliieD.Beaaeex Diabeas, sdno Lon ee Pr oe H ID R etnoution so tasa vTal forceshas te hnbgeofairi as he hat i seyer klwne r oublde, indsuis acaseubieserua soterre tefoel uiytebod le onspo SLEII E, Geserl Maa4ar Kieeto bcJ o aeal weakoeni n proas e adinnonsthe branti e riseti b noegent te nFork ht S utlffchandperimantheBlorac c t hatîFrprfigbs loiat eca gts H U Y ikeegic ourInis di rmtehi mo re m a iîcsî t and h o a n t ongrN.oh .,e ber on tueha ngso e run combtinth ide -LiveroPl , oTea 25 cen rt o bx s qei e iewo5i c a>'S rtapan t. LiGHED B E LCTRCITY HEAED B STA isbath pinhte wie, wiie e thsîetodisnnet a tier ap ear ae s alI nprse.vin nthea wîî o r he e gola isetaisu d ollr ndqeti o ollarsmnnednt ctldh w nç Appleti nstuctin. isîle ycar' oerrodctont.t nyeiiseettepllen, as ond ersaîf wdtonbee utheb eof >' uber praphruoIbsentea-ncai on racc ii cf pnie EDanSONA TeS I I notic that sba insrganîîusee Ao racov e fro o i sba mp' onlrtance,. him a o au u fbe r an cf the tif i boxilu e r eet tilb>'a . otoesbox,2Huclnt, ni.,Oa.~ D,4 ontrd Sre, Trne Csh Save ILtieprdutinoftOUTnitlisat.bs e earentu ssia toenge s el i tsa ork .We br saPi rAh ntetei lo sfe rmt-cpioosfret CoMMEmisb aiaurgan, cLn'i. Pot y en' ateitculada thepresr tis.ie te igdabrrtdieisadanexcellen t ppatisackteKdesaeseligo rul fteIdesadLvr hywl e Hoe;1boisaymnarvesolteChaotue (one ut.e Tse>, ea e h a itpî cf tSellarot as npe a ati w s thate fMr. Haites elko -t"ekes"i.Tebod h anping vib eageh c rJoes, h ie pithebailoteFor Coingote ainelo to e$'0f tie mareluhavecctshofTerdoc when 'oam' O eve Fîty2Y11 s. rwrwi it tegetaivnaat esiat liati e penstaelot itsIC e -V777t cat s kpeciipureativep bavrgemoel ve a poriîefciai rssasassîing made iba rhusu, am'Ppy lin it w a l ttm to .B shrlted, _7.0 ashihprs aults ankrdteaies ro le-opeti aidatrwom iaisef hatJver power Overdin he org, nd iaer od Fo vrfi > ess Ms W w s anset, frait>'g a 'imn oet su d in tisa axpuift h sa :1hda co ' o- sa alavcu ed, agarte. Mis ios T e Li rts Boote is Bork erll.Somte. t ea sîng(f P ott r tiof aio c igester) sîti m atsurs .l f r asit h acp. A lack o nf Wlla i e ass ue t aise owss b oxti e s f P n et c l l h i i e a p tt o r t m c a s n 5 c n o f K d e - i e il broken cf0 .ou , r ies >'a eiCobchurti5,15f- itle an hsu coee on ta pat, o ndseau> Pil. Ilhiy ams j ink P ie d ht2 aaru n ehnUie ssu unfail- system a, 1 re tregy uateth p arfeda ondt Porn tie r63 sîg. ., îih p aeoturdy ing j tisu bas hesînoyati o fr uiaîti rwon he Hin es rc u ir r iltrne r asu s n g f tromhe r3estotme drin ih ou ntc m ôe to pef e t atu rl cticonfid nc tet aurt ai es sud gai veaioulecf usoetenspIons ruba i-be wokciintei poeri'ch tse ooti or aiellfratirisenvas this medineine, Thus it CURESa ail Anetati smi M nay rep har SoritTosi' enect aet i n atrostise ureion al th asasc tia te.abyan elcouse oIt a cliseaspedi 8 ors pettT-Oe affe -i 1ther or Žthl we parii Cltteirc-fRehsg. h ai8130eea tise cf tn e s sapplu rtn fpckgt sa itis e b'iî elas et ent mposispas t h 5 et of an aletise system, DyspeeaiandConstipa poor ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tm luiosfae mstlaa>.Dpu w holt aaeieeîgsîîr iae oo box as btot $2,50, b>' a xesieg-i) tien, B t*a td e firaion ofsrie tisa Guma edueaieulam aiio e is, su naigbtsisow s maiseniaisdvanc-'e. packages. - -. a n d e st hf Pe pr o s ici u oa ctI sael e s v e n h rd e n e d tre . P r i c s a re q otea p ~ t t ie d ausai d f r g eg h s o u s' w o rk a i t nL i e o r ia n s. T o u a t s c f e s i anti~ ~ ~~~e boificaephscassiurses lu w advsece as the seac np'oc nsses, utiIua a >'. Ilew ase >'oLi ffort it? mnaswratts seto ia thse Unfted'toi3ý ts.Pricu iwauityfioccnt,% tise tasptscîouu o tbe frait tf sorts Second !Employer-V'on sec, us>',meusil aratte-srtoýta,, botile. Soit b>' ail druggisitstongiout noi îcltidta edae>'te stand overfoi' promiseti te woswhile te'aa iuB.B.B. is ise BEST SPRINQ thea worlt Ba sueaanti ae)ufor "Mp ntsrwsktrceis bard to tassis, ijseiosisWcInec at îauno EDICINE FOR YUGeI WIN, cw's SOvuII itva . his cf t .1e astmitieabout cpta< utlbe.IOLO. Ch~idren Cry for P;tcher's Castoria.