t 1 t i s t t] t' ti a1 ti- th fo th a] ,a mn eh ci sde ooe nvu l poliialMeMulien upen tic Couservative Snp- senîntuen ofet itnourgh Ciu;thon dectors affrfie epernfi5his faied, and at 45e. are nexcelled, 0 bfo 4.5 ion is dcc reofel in yeur antîso part sacre toje nontLhm-wa ne- if as previdenfiai fiat I1 ar fB.B ursesaeargeel1io10telb d for w 4.2dsir nrtv, vien i te ouservtivcs liane cranunfien systeus. it mas upen tichembe uia ciuiey I oaî BB.A.rti s e i oftc BIep. uhoeel se longanul fitltully te fin nsecndrcndîng cf lis Bihfor tic aboli- Quebec. As mc IreveQ'a] ieng Mauvors ienceelse greaf roliet and se grent nable o-oodsatcoe as iinglaiel yenru iould havLieror o -hesystoun anullie maIle n stneng Rcad and gnzed acness fe mlesland- change ton fie boiter thnt 1 etithfe gee E E BE ehvel tckeeyhigw dv er- fu aîce invon u t quihaefimao resette ttcmyu eeuetscapc tiatstnetclies for manmilsee fets meulbelasting, as lulel tieytieado'pres re hes eEERY D Y l te ,eut tc'a chage ihnf you teuow tf0 hO li ane nsed tint part etffthe civil machine thc seting Sun slinintîreugitfe ly curel mc, and I ar n ne strono-er nul prouet na ah tise ns hliifself eauusalie it. Wlint te sutnul puvile for pnrty culs. He ealen ceicrel cieuls g-ave te Ic n ,1lce ietter tisan I ever mas befone. "Peeple week, ouetkna ah hali me flftingly miallaman mie moul sioevethaf lu 1894 fie rce(ipts cf tfeso untry silesras urneurauy wlîo sawmue befere I foli B. B. B. ýnul%8 ssay te crawv inte peiner hy hiacien- funîs mou-e ouy 639 -muaisenetit ve gndenl nuha-en sepe om' ansynciyhoese g tic ives nul traîupiing istte i tt ,4mu i miing, eyes lu tus ceunt jry. We sehubd tîsafI arn tic saune perseus. N& fpeifies hus lito-time tiens anul co- nsent te annuitants amounfel te $260, like te icar if any ef"ir peui-soit neticol FABioLA REINH-ARDT, ' u IJ enlions? Oh, fie siame et if, 302. Tic nef bess te fie countr-y tireugi tuis enankuibie scenic dispqlIay Qucbec, Que.' BOWMANVILLEO Cash Groecers. I A the s~ t te siîîcenitsneetibsshestat nehBientn r n t r --------------------h--- ---------------------f-------------------------,. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cordino' to his figures lias aniounted toeaa.aa.aa.aaa.i,, O2,531,961 Perlîaps the strongest feat- o ~ eat vaijet aiïd a exceediqol10w rices.ure of Iiis speech was that part of it inE~AR, ULI, 11fllU f1 1 We inîvite y ou to inspeet our ehoice line.--Just amples hie pros ed hio-% the sy steini adTesaJn ri1! i1J ' the hîn fo tlis wi ii ~cater.beeriiperverteci so that vacanceies n ere Darlington Sons of England v il rnJiKi made for the purpose of snpplying office aFresuecrnntote M el 5ý :iiiii Farmi, Guelphi, on 1'uesday, Jue2o:: to terltvso portrsof Î litThe Agieul1~tural Collegýe ground(stand :,BD W MvA N vIL LE. à eb ~~~~ers. Notn ithstanding that ]lis Billn as Fan arei excellent ncondition nion lii %eel0e ni e rlàt afteru ards ruled ont of order by Mr. and this is tha) best season cf Il the:: I SF. thlt~ ~t ear to visit tiiere. This is likely to be Keep out the Efiles by using Screeî Wire-~a11 sizes *e~iuo ciax i e h atadbs excursion to Guelph P the agitation v. Mcli Mr. McMilleir lias this y car from this districi. in stock. No waste in cuttingý and solid confort aroused lu the Country niu-t ulthntelY Tuesday-,Juuie 25, excursion da. u etBîo'i a ilb ~ hrdv brin-, about theo bject hoe lias iii viewv. special train -wiii beave G. T. R. statis ig in us1flg. The Finance Mînister's Billi maendiug ns beloiv at tlic follon ing rates: E thle systein is an admission of its un-CboroADULT. (HliILD'N. Special train Jue2,adeaegontonket iodoe popularity anu 81 7the9) 7.00 ap.. loo. Look at next week'sSTATESMAN fo; liýe lEstEii unes ficLierl as~ Port Hlope. 1 65 .85 7.15 AMeric nyines inte-atîecucit och e touilîle 1 50 .75 7.32 '44 a read it over caref Llly, ikea en.of ht iîust follow up bis prescrit 1Bill by anr-Nonwcastle 1 30 .65 7.43 " Do you -want a good Scythe "Little G-ait" Scythes ofiser. Bon îîîans ie 1 25 .65 7.51 " !i! you need anîd eal on us Thursday inorning the Daniiagton 1 20 .60 7.57 " .* are made of the best English crueible steel, char- A suinsarv of thc prcceedtnigs ofic aa i1t0 .8~ ,' Ol Jn.Dntmk n nsaeaot i l '. coal teîupered and fully -warrantbecl.See tiieni.!, meo oiosniib fi nM11 5 .5" a side0 page. ce lg 1.05 .55 3.27 4yo4il av onyby dealîug' at the West E P .Union 1.0() .5) 9.01 Il a a ,a GUARANTEE ~iIUL AND THE LÂ'fE MES. STEYENS. Trains arriventl Gueîpliat 11.25 a. nm. , Edus.;: Tickets at the saine rates will bo good Galvanized Eve Trougli put up for oîîly lie. per foot. Af-o'01îg11n1 bo" nih his on oualafîcînoon trains oit Mon-aa laii fortitiIde, thore passe t quietiy to tUfs, Junse 2lfth;ail trainsonTes iii:___ ~ lier efefisal rest, ou Tuesdavi Ma3 28th ida,, Jurie 25tis, ansd good returnilio oun a à1895, Flora Grey , reliet cf flic late Elijahs l'risYiiW dîsd Pus 6ts ', R u W O R T H ~ ~~~~~~~~Stevens, af flic ripe c f 82 years. Fo uc 'i ofniîeIt i . I.J R, T xcursionîsts at tac College. Es-ery- Mrs. Stev ens, wliose isaittenisiame n as bodi go. Hendqunîters for ait kinls cf lHardwvare, Gney, is the last cf lier faih , wlîich Bow MN1LE Opposite Oufarlo Bnik. coîîsisfod cf ses cii sisters andi one bioths A NICE PAPER. ________________________er. She was 13 onu luAr yeiie et We 'ire s e' y miscl eacouraged by fIe 1h ect wit.s lier lin baiid cin thichoule-ecd upoti lis frossiah sides oncuirn îw T u es of arlinient as ~stead at th-- Base Lisse, Dariiugton, dress and tIheoî5hpe dapa ea- hw n ieasrîe~ fSrwbt Fans ~ ~ ~ ~ h arbusesiy he ncl tc we.Fiins otI rspcnibity fia cr i en.Swsads outao-ee a teaosonacee tat i isa- W r Chnisîlana aunenaasoatsîeetbef et the t trous Se, Fine enthen f-oui SO. ,Gunge3est ut on ttteGoexrepeui.nEorx abouo mahe rachn.Lre r trieci tehîai e th paCucsfrou itv vars.eon f ix eelT n sIMArrA e llic tti ti IIi [8 vI~e îs i.itîw.Sie wa-îiîa nf nbut n h lattwIi(ýer cf car ti ormethe nwe styles anci Vy cest:. Js -ire n stck Fr ths tie reponaveliy Oist foeer Fasae lcest cents. soe s ra h ennce lî t tho 1-ius lit Ba isi auîtes i ueltigetr Troîbter, ficteîof ure-,tiî- fo a î eale, tu rc l 2 from 5a.,tFilledauathsrersoweiecailuproebelsugatoocI ioli foi'efIenWhltefVesir.îsew wistto shdes Tles'arelu toc afcthe fieeM .user eicîs. F nhsg fosktes o sa ndseB urnsa iiý iecitery l i emr estsne 35 cents.coofpbe O rnilfiaf theL slsoeidbeeupoîsfis pparicf:bthod thiogdfaordwacuahicaucs. officeis itotrends$fo25ee"spaci iiisX Roon Paer tilite isefreut. liornec ppsitina tteaatiteHdon ate vr,,ath ausc EYr s PRUi D. nlp- eek anrt inclî-l sii betdupirs , ae ien hepr eCaÉdT. ahasobttr1 : nudp sf u bousetets.oAlrof îy and astatcila n aponlu anOppee(oition -seWn~t a eneal. The5A AnOtercui ondiftinaîtsof thsekbics pf i: a nes$.40ec.OrLde'VssW hr touinp c. Tsi sa s toîs i r to elsds te forse fbth s -isss. fa ln okpae teBait le cine rsfisgl i o. * a *, tllliA Our LadiesaGlî-iîîTneiî drefin blaek fin lia becu usore fisatsrgl lpicased.e CNo troublex eetailns duchionseiveoîs f121el, an 15c.rre Iflhdid alue.la fl ic isîfsîfiunforme atitte tlroatn- bTîsdo Beivs aatiuiai F Ws - oie NTROLDE'C EE 50s-centTs SrTsnsi tiis îe ffiAcseti o tse ord of Dan is-otr tros 1e. itiess fei 5 esal5 it o tsetsî e sl c anitdth atoGi rnfdd tefes ssae espa -a nid w ifstse o -c f Gorge A. C,sgrhaethv le . c ep r5 . n i .e ch lob te Theitîsaer i u topaefrnt.ei1 clo e posi i na ufs n aii o 0 op ouse 0 ostii-ss i O w sc cOn Laeîî ' s. iiTaoioJîe f. ines i - À a, at t.Alpetad wy tue uioly le o en îîa n t ppsîtîcer i ses ci tcfLeaoet-i e c i tîososGflic i.Cx P-u'cîf 1 na~ cdd oda 0.prîie li dlnnrrfchiivl tatppo. ocîrgAiv'e sf. .tasoDr aro, tr. potslies.te ns Eow nvel psitc. pTh îis es. A ev e ct tseba u s ofo cf e e esf ibsi ii i Tse onisassane nr'ntriicass f0 B - l leo.Cia, u,H BTa'o Î F 0 ;.Ui briiu'ssNo 7 ~'. pr ox f 00 noit heciot lusion th l atedeisd haîsîtOtsrsuLcadliieis"îti-ol< îes tlOmadeT. îfatst D.bGlacakasfine C ail nnin fteCaie t hf- h oseieia criale ppori-lsce a bON.TA ic cAijefeS'Ctie isEetse oia u'a v.l îx eksp pr a-an o sow forgt ithe.seiNu pic suc tisiatil tls ixt-Islan iait imilion dollaors o hîteutir s w sva tOiopaîs tac feu tors-f-s25ciseeri-acriore Aro tango odcenscf romic nts. f nOod te ises of' -s ' i t on Cabihe t01-ri is l nno a1'otîîtifs nls pe iatM fficcll n eto fftice I' ofho sesg ! 5 eoeelse xviii; so conte,\ li t555~jto Àtilîl -~~-~~ . ~î . ~ e sîs ta is,îs tl~ u + sî ti s' li s q le pi Tro t -o, s-J uli î8t i. T ie een.at-î fîom ii t ecî 5ntsposiela nes 'os, sitio Tise itop 1595lte ttIoppose soi- is r.V Bttciff~a' s\t.fe~isctSr flic tais 1t. T tii Iv eiiii c- lut r -0 bss acou I ii titapis i ceofBn x-prcdfrtisCeioge A To e s aln t 'Es l Flaci Gco ods i-anlOcn--n iiper rs itsosli îssi' iu',îtss'Asc.ie XoIspo t se acsours- oui ire re. Ifsi aRe I IlL ~h std tise and îas , k-,n-il,,wO jx n sci le Ctui-y Sin lid ai )e0 ti -av i'" ltIs -'Li. a I '-ni. ~ ~ ~ ~ )..Ma e, nu" l ir'G. .aI o sqBWAN'L Toooesa c.prbnH.A Bocl.otdi Th".5t osse i 1 as e SA Sn tv-iCamre t, teBarcc' n. «tttON-POeetisu O a ,o.t7----'ef5per box of 500.iy ne - d is e G T S'it, r.5' s, foieR'.C. :1 Boo sands a 3 itt tti .' aii i S Iondoltr usVnu.s -t o t tss-,'îrs -*i'- Du. o-t'leld i 2 sscra 50 ok qiecstpucs ised.oipil oiopenstheItnderus ai pthue. creion bakt. eethe aean r,,ýh. OIleti'ni hs I, t :l. - , Tise Bf.viisauii' ho SATSiîA ppa-sjLîs arf t hsiexý -,i -coi1bein vato ycuur w lîsIîts d n t g t he A_ larestock_ of______________ Ais h ipostas cule, i t o i îc 1 th' it i I'- atle fuir - tse i iiltl i t he ix lb cu oneon(327, e n-e BrowTMsecANv diLLes JUnE -71,2 ný, 19. sîî3nfîg t aia stilnsstîiiais 3Po t] r5 c It; - te.ýlrostndr boul'sg sivi'I estpii-.e olecw ýFI tete litcGis poaej t ai nl ,S e ssr ciy es<are-,!thsjveterîr t il. . -a ise 3 yPEs .îit. .iLt. 0, a roi ec(1ci1ieatlos lismsslss-, ric e ,tc cl- Tow Hulîlok.- - !llear Thesu aplictions an veag c 3 gusîasa îtce Tiistiaiti a ves iion ut he io S ircs, ch S lfoateTre tiso iTx5u I toens er roosss iii .iI)tLon letiilce>'ie i toîsAmniaî lotss roigifony D8osndS f0 bmousd btis e r inavs oasî o. WciLte rau i ni r. ainei tft rpess fld ic salents. ton......ird,. as if th moneý-was tnafen af tise inuis-orsifect arelitalionrotiîrou- Crp rprt aebenrcio t %a iverThes su-ns slsosx'n te be flIat fliosecl fro ilonsgoiîg îîe te pclits f tc iMciliiamsc,, a is io ndryctrouscourse"e es n t. . fo P ret n i desIrt the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Cannlas Paifianînn ad bauc f0qualf tifntemdauistes fr sclipo Ilut tr'n ied t-e fnfbenkymuus- seculfor), ic ottins îo01ti uneIndi, un1o asonyinte est - idreis fin s1 iiifasfldi,ý ieyîyh lel ot1 talus.~~~~~~~~ T_;fr le e iiih nf r bule o uiirailwîay raters aeTirsday1 ýFi ls t t i aes e roltse lis-os T h e ,u lesn ofbyteniug i ion iee fvine t ai, Tc vrdit i nîaus oususlld igpi by fu ls e essif opaed biîaglof tho iaiionseait e Ii,c diviliîsg'. Oustanod iise Cie, aiiigty. Aflrs ;earan prospets for n carbcMn. 511ilI I f -W*l Y llllg & Go1, Ch na Hall tit iccopsivrenoersefa ud ueinersionti bnd Bîilels flieus tpito trcia se iÏs otic Oric castcbî flrfssr e der Asîldsie nul flic Londonepresodfafivesocfrgraluates iii Elc g varos eptents unse lcfenbeci f llusruag;RvID .M l)on'eblsScuiel by Rcol- _ a È We~t Terntenis ixlieo ceeals anc evenu~int rpresnfe 13 ie Mtuis Or r w o sar ige ecr TAem l a e t d r P ftts. Resovd itI'ne br g-ow. is tess t as mnt,v fibvppselfi Opoifen tsefiitusulî flengpiNi vîenfe i fie ordDinep riein.couieeai dv~IV~LI~I cordig es ie dtheeiuon y f a s, onetott ic yevil o île pasti r s oc littieiiir. l u e w iree tis oi, nk us-dspeIgaie tig canot ,allovfli opor N 'o'I" Vp \l anaeaffer0guna apec.Tistittetîniieili4etemoîy ic iTypas mu a grtuxressiohnes oblia Tiooeso Mthe or2scns havte bea teft îng eugîlNies- nulh Ma n. ulei iaI f liae r satsfacto t-wdynd pras rtissa e md Il cd rit l ie n uruof îre r icH. iAnMthey hem foo eu befertîa iffline iaItIcdaytoiowig tue iscssin, isa his attiu dovser the ftlien s eoy osuldolrste assisrovincreacsiugAI'I ~ tK gliii as ________nd____ e t ou d os . he ae p ie. -Wle s s s ear v c e'rk f i bits, istituio a. esr ie ai- I i ,e fi q; I a d n inorenin ieeatr.naiv cinstns omsnu uge uîyateawic universt aet prosprul inu Crprprshv enrcie T IesutMftis sto fFnatc itfaliin- mcuniLETUiRfE caINte arrythe iiiis busiuoîvs, aof thiel fins yfe MronsScth eriosy0~ lu li Oeso eii' eprtofn atonsheiertcnn- ciai s(llh.ofthce nt or g osplf iehainnft eue urvie sprisitecentsuthlare dua cnslgna inieg f a ubieîsoeinai ficsaneplce cfseiestationn ferbyflc011 pore atn indacfemai n.d . irunfou y ea iseeing id tefic kl sd ofetea spcia igavelauey cftere na r tvrei ion in f iins, ina bcdcanl, stoeialn ;nes sfatcncRedf is moe R af mr.J. .iissgreuse sleaiog ii uncng cx fine t lIl iSt.i popa-e bein hiudsnlrlgosapcs uln eoty11U iUo failli. Thestory hev tll wil bc gati- wre budennul BuddilhisfratTicade Tunlus fchiotheatscripa theilsesservantd iuuany yennsingt feu corneh fvng tcou a Ties eitt ic i fuer nill ie tct întforic ecpaîtymoustaiflic is tehenaep tos eingofcds cid n t ariifi ptciflite, tit l e W it.A it aCaeo S m- oean Din rSt t2 unIt teu-y orsca n!' as p olit a crrup- re'ee i ieeas tenoanbyhait asuillion lny up g e mensfo ise l fi a oothe le tie henefits r oes s rind fis es ,fr g hrpie. Y n g ttea v na e ion~~~~~~~~~~r ma eproe nhunlfi rtcu-eceup sltaid one orcpîing nsay aertefih bor int o a hi fgradions, wii he irasryilsons patnso-nsettshu. eqoeasmpe vîuFie na i isdte fie ceuutr coihoufie 19.aislniefieeenecast e ineerrnie iealofais tncly encourda g nulte t ed 9 pics 100, ouge i fr8 muargeandfroasptforauifairtin d tte don mnt pi t l fscald ye a esic Thema spf erlilc ilmuI tlias been _______b_____ * abunant arvet prvailthru-hot liaite at eastto he anotit sail, he nulsomol i n ieoure ronlteTely -ýig eslto asaoti AV E AYN N S thepoest of ibancte ul tbil- fibi nearly tire ui l taiîbfusslishetcsesn'inod vhse iidiete tteaoeBad etn.Nvd No riresof the trrible vil 3flbilBoxaClîristie. DBrowncD&wCo's.eeSodas 25e.v Wytpest eties wat Ottairanl ae isin fi 1e re oseve nute Min 194 il Si cisedivii a-ean is ne tnngy rgluputeicon inepe-nu îavn u apaen urlu <~ l tsi riae diligis ae ened D. BotH FAIesLUR--eSe.erb gren cf e pantytsot t cnil aecoîofiidwaed unl csby the 04,05siinstr rs sulyakgpacwiethofheBrdfDrcosovledi todn [n Tioru[ohe" Cai oossible rsCouspetiotvil of he071 ,289 olu ien e gerolie but a fewheauifl aorld, e Acae idngy Caoplintthat ould Nu 1 l oetCt aigPwe ihan plaily kown o bcignoed aiv In rsonftioie b ove sbad i(,nesseî utîso o as itotrcodn adtMn, Tinon miii aheir es Re- s ït uc le-etef01 entntou t sky ns flc uesuet cîcul fomations No grt eI eurgei fry o liaion, rt e e o 0cns ou-m ~ ~ ý p t tsyîc iela ee n af u n Mt u h a tesirens tirll rssre onîlfy, isD mcclBoxesfasftMat.cB.sB.for t5idceyas. nav monlastbith oniy iesteemster io stouhsehdI,,i, le Gu nisnx,-ffrinsungH.dA.o-ôse IIYc-i ' u n ,inr lFnu sieren ct tePaniamen nuser Pf- ii-theilîfle. zarmneuo u seemel to tîyer uan c!shnuîeli- f n'eepfornfius na fer idelltiIUL11110(il J.f1liJ1J thSri r.Toufn ir suee Iaed te linsrtfeîdtsnusinresting amiebudfise innîs breet Scfîts.h B. B.B.dllars, setiolbieiî I 1id- hud enerand iensfy n yor uake-ptseel souas mInce dlie liilMn us intynas fra lune fri ta r p e clt n f rsgivnu vfemtha 0. 0l o 20.OrT th e m so lo th bt te r t h n if t h r e h d i m o at o n an-e te dig-h e-9 H o o "l 1 c n t , -o P.. .2 0 c e t s