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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1895, p. 7

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j. f r-- r- rr -~b c - - - NoOther Medicine 80 THOROIJCH AS- ~TTi ~Sarsa- êyparilla ftatement et a WelI Knewn Doctor "No then bleofi modicine tlisaII have avec ued, aud i ihave tried tisotu anilese tiscreughin u ie action, sud offets ce mauy p»omîet cures as Âyercs Sarsapaila.- lr. H. . MEsRsssL, Augusta, Me. aAyeîs #SaîSaparilla .&dmttod at the Wrld's Fair. Dit Ti,Àcr's ASTIIMALENE 0OU Re'%ES A Sl;TjjNIA Qves a Nighisee leep e htyeuncecd nt sit rip ail NIgie gespîng for breatis fer tear et suffocaticu. Or receiptot came sud P.O. addrossFRE wli mailTi al ottie F E DRTAFT BRUS. MEDICINE Co., ROCHESTER, N. ¶orente Praucis, - 186 Adelside St, W. Uise Dr. Taft's Wite Pin' Syrup for 5 Paeks of Cards, FuEL One Pack, May I. C. Ui.'Home; One Packt Eseent *Que Peck, Flirtaticu; Que Peck. HePd te thse Ligist;Que Pack, Our Sos juet heidf twc, Une sampie bock fuit et Noeetiefi, ai) PUER, If yo ened 5. eirer, fer postage, A. W. KINNEY, B. C. S., Yarmnenth, N. S Caeada by CPj7. CUTH E WITH Nb INOONVENIENCE WIITNOUTAT1RUSS CMEAP DY MAIL Tour name te usemceases cemfet te Yeu- A Pest Card wiii deoi, F ~reccr CHAS. LUTHE 1~~mseniaL 134 KINO ST. WEST TMO NTO ---- CANSADAs ROOTSiC.,16 W-tdeed StresS Trit, Ont. A STORY 0F OLIVER CROMVWELL How tihe Protecter fit Evan Wth a Snlhi> for fIlis lbatsgiter'e Rand. Oneofettise Most witly sud faccetu preaciesocitisePuitenical party wssJcre cuiis Whitie, Oliver Cnemwell'e chaplain Being pessessod cf tise adrantages cf yeuîi sud saiandeome person, be wss ambitiet eneugis te aspire te tise baud et Cromwei yeungest daugiter. Tise yeung lady i ,aid te isavo enouereged bhis eddressee, and lb was nt long ietore tis interchengeo gaJila rnie wee ucriced by tise Cou rt. Th, Lord Proector wae speediiy infensucdo tise ciroum tane, and, haviu g ne inclusti;i for sis alliance, was derermîuned te bavs s strict lock-out isept, witis s view, ui saateiy, cf iaving Wite eerely punasisis ln s tet time I"Jerry White," as Se wa! gosxraiy caled, was dieceverod lil h lady's cisamiser, sud )1îver nusiing loto nh -rcouiluasrage, ftand Jerry en bis isuco ambonr kissiag hie daugistcr'e baud or bai Jing just kissed it.. Croinwell, lan a fury, aseied wbam wasetise meauing eft tiis pestuît botorehisedaugiter Frances? NYite, wîl a greet desi cf proseucecf mid, sais "lMay lb plesse ycnr Higisuese, I baveE long rIme ccurred tiser young geutlewcmsr tisera, my lady's wema,endi canet prevail I wss, tiserotore, isumbly preying ber lad: siip te intercede for mne." Oliver, ternirý te tise yeuug wemau, cried, IlWisat's tig meaniug cf tbide, iussy? Wliy de ycý refuse tise heucur Mr. White weul i yen? HlisMy fîiecd, sud I expeer yt wil treat hlm as sncb," *My lady'e womau, wbe deired notit btter, witis s very lcw currsey, replied "If Mn. White intoude me tise isenn, shah no e o tginihim.", "lSayost tho s, y ises ?" criod Cnet weii. I"Ccli Qcodwy-tbie business sisi be doue pnsontly, befere I go eut cf th roeu.5' Witîeissd gone tee fan te nocede tren hie prepesal. Hie brericer parecun came, ai Jerry sud uy lady'e wemau wceennited i tise sosence efthtie Protoctenwiso gave c] bride five isuudrod pouade as he o peili te tise secret dieappoitmsut sud intdigna tien ofthtie euragcd dupe et bis cwn maiing bar antime grarificaricu sud satistactionu tise tain Abigeil, tise moment thoy wer made eue fiesis, wbe, by bhie unexpecte, gond fo)rtune, ebtaiued saisusad mue abers hon accer sanguine expectatione. tise Resteratien depnived White et i] hope et profenuen t, sud h, tiserefoE çbese te romain quesceut, for ise was te ýlesant eauaite tsisoup hie abede lu prison fer presehing lu a ceuvoutiole. H died 1707, and lire, White, wios urvive hlm, lweys simpenod bon aseout tetr ruts &bout iser rcmnantlc meriage wise. çernthc, subjeet le moufioncd. O0 j flghtîug.ST ho toeher wascdisicoti te wisoie vceahulsry et tise Buglisis ing- sîgive histu p, but tise supornteutiett nage hait ws,,ay hetweon tiseir bralu sud le esti,"Lo ustryhlmugau,'uni~tougue, sud etisers mi11 do beef wlth octr - third suit et clethes n'as previdot ihlm. mauuecipt apreati eut hefere fhem. ho Theroatter ho came until ho wass s'n- toms 's-i serve Qed hy tise plew, raie- ýn erteti, anti jiad tise chrh' anti star- ing wiseat audcor n and, ghviag liber- n-1 r fer tise gop.el mlnieb"y, sud becamo ans cr f wicat tis ciite cisurches anti -!-'en Cry foir1 TS 1U APQa torelgu misslontie'j1, preacntltg ncaO ns SIUA31TARIS OXGOAID ranslatng the seriptus se. Who was o ITS USE AS A WEAPON AGAINSI THE Dr. Robent Merricen, great on enntis, la and greater luniseaven. Whoe bis teacher usj PHILISTINES. wac I knew net, but shle usef tiseop- oci pcrtualty openod, sud groat bas bleunn Re.Dr. Teiniage Enforcos the Necesity bier rewsrd. Yen msy net ho ablo te hiý Be.lead an Armstrong gun. Yen mnay net tho et lJiug tise Woapen We Haevee at Baud h ahie.te huni a Hotchisicd hou. You Q, For Al Great Emlergoccies- But We 1may net ho able te siseuider a giitterng et musisot, but use auytiig yeu con lsy os Muet Ileve Qed With lUe. your bauds on. Try a hlacksm.itis's et New Yens, June 2.-la his sermon te- bamimer, or a mercssts yardstick, or El- day ]Rer. Dr. Telmnage dîscussos cneecf a masens trewel, or a carpetrs plane, wc tise most heroic sud picturesque char- or s housewîfe'c breom, or a farmero ggo actons lu suciont Jewiis istcry. s mac cxgcad. Que cf tise surprises of iseaven of Who, liko rnsny disons whe aciieved wili ho whst grand recuits came frem ne high distinction, came Item tiese curdy hew simple mneans. Matthias Joyce, tisen rural classes-tise agncultuists. Tise v le man, became aL great apectie et ef subject efthtie sermon wss "Sisamgar's r1ghteousuoss, net from isesrbag John ln ('xgead," tise teat heing, "Aftt1er hlm Wesley proocis, but trem seeciug hirl mss 1vi wss Sisamgan, wiich slow cf tise Phil- a littie cbiid ou tise puipit cairs. da isties 60 me wit an xgoà" (Jdges Again, my subjeet cprntgc upon uc r iiue 60mo it3n1xga.)Jdgstise tbongbt bist lu caîcuîatiug tise ga Oneii, il.) ainarprospects et religions attempt wo muet mn Que ay isîe Ssamar the farmner, rince ormanonoco and mïcrc was plowing witb s yeke cf oen ics ecaaiprosence, sud ail tise othor attnib- ccnmand et wisea-isaW-gee was changea utes cf Qed labo tbbcaclculatien. Whom w te tise scut et battie. Philiistines, ai- de yen see on iseit plowed fleld of my - ways ready to, mako trouble, marcis 'p_ toat ? Que beaner sayc, "I Bee Sham- th with ewcrd sud spear. Shamngar, tise gar." Anotiser hearer sys, "I sc 600 ni plewman, baid ne swend, sud wculd uct philistines." My hearer, yen have Sr »rohabiy have known isew te wield lit n-rsced tise chiot poreenago on that bat- ar If hoebaid possessed eune. But fight ho tiefleld cf plewed- grc uud. I aise cee OU miuet, or go dlown uider tise strokeofetSisomgsr sud the 600 Pitlistine, but 'l' bise Fiistinee. Ho bad su exgoad-5 more tissu ail, sud migitier tissu ail, ai wespon used ho urge on tise lozy team; sud more overwbelmiug tissu ail, I sec0st s weapcn about eigit foot long, witb a Qed. Shamgsr, witb bis unsided arm, à, sharp ren ah eue end te puncture the isewever muscuier, and with tisat hum- ar beast, sud s wide Iron chisel or choyai hie instrument made ton agrieutunal nc eit tise ether endi witis wilciste scarpe purposes aud nover centructed for -r tise clumps cf solO from tise plewchsre. combat, -ceuld net bave wncbght sucis oj Yet, with tise ton prong aht oeensd cf victory. lb was omnipotence abat o sud cc tise cxgcad and tise iron scraper at tise beneatis, sud bacis cf and ahttise peint hc ethor, lbtias net sncb a wespon ascf tise cxgesd. Betore tisat battie wassnr eue wculd doire te use lu baffle wîth ever tise pîewmnan realizedth iis, and alilEt Ianmed Philistinee. But Qed holped tise tise 600 Philistines reslizod if, sud al b tfarmer, sud lesving tise exen ho look wbo vstdts atollistrad fi natter tisemolves ho cisorged ujion tise sppreciated lb. I wantin isearen te hear T; haviadore et hie isomestead. ties tery, fer lb can nover ho fuliy helti a Someocf tise commientarios, te mako lb on oartis-perhaps somo day lb msy ho B - asier for Sisamgsr, euggect tisat per- Set spart fer reheareal, wisile ail heavnOtBc baps lhe led a regimont cf tarmors bte listons-tise stcry etfisow Qed blesseeta, tise combat, ies oxgosd enly oeeoe awkwsrd sud humble instruments-litOtt. fl maay orgoade. But tise Lord dees net Mauy an evangellet h. s ceme labo a a, need ay cf yen te belp lu mskiug te tzewn giron up te weldliaess. Tise ç SSeipturos, sud Sisamgsr, witb tise Lordpatrsyteieevuli:"W aejt ou hie eldo, wss migistien tissu 600 Pbii glati yen have comle, but lb le a isard t] Iticos, witi tise Lord againet tbom. field, sud wo feel sorry fer you. Tise fe ci Tuie battis cpened. Siamgsr, 'sUis mue- suombers et cur churcises play pregros- lu 18 cie strengtboccd hy opon air sud plow- sire ouchre, and go toe thieatro, and r ilman'esud reaper'csud threshcr's bell, bot a hetise berce races, sud gayety sud co uses tise enly weapoa aht baud, sud lho fasiin have taSsa possession cf tise r3 1swings tise cxgosd np sud down, sud town. We bave sdtiiied yeur moot- tb this wsy sud that, ucw stsbbing witb îags, but are acuz very hopeful. Qed ti -tise Irn proug ah eueecutif et l, sud blocs yen." This evangeiict bakos hic I nets thrusting wlth tise mon scrapen aht place on tise piabfcnm or pulpit. Ho SI tise other, sud aow hrngiag dowu tise nover graduatet iat ceilego, sud bisere tý Wvisle welghb et tise instrument upon are heoeohlmi 20 graduats efttiheet a, tise heatis et tise nemy. Tise Philis- ucisrersities. Ho neyer tcok oeeson ti ines are lu a pauic,and tise superuatur- lu elocuticu, and bisore are hofore hlm sn ai forces come lu, sud s hlew tisat would 20 raineti erabers. Mauy cf tise ladies g net unider other circumstances bave pissent arc graduates efthtie higiset a prcstrsheoren ci, lft its vlctima lite- foscala semiunie, anti eue slip lu grain-W bass, nutil, wiseaSisamgsr -irsîkeocrr mer or eue mspronuucistiets will recuit the field ho ceuuted 100 desd, 200 desd, lu supprossedl glgglee. Amld fisc gouerai 800 desd, 400 dosti, 500 dosd, 600 dead- chili tisat pervades tise houses bieunapre- albise werir dons by an exgesd wbisto fnding evangeliet opeus bis Bible sud o irnapnong aithnenud sud an irna akos for bis text, "Lord, tisat my eyec t sisovol at tise etisr. Tise fame et thie may heoepenod7 Opera glascos lunbisej achiovomeat by biis fariner witb an gallery cnloueiy serutinize tise speaker, swkwsrd wcspcn cf wsr epreati ahrcad Le telle lu a plain way tiese tory et sudlilouized hlm until hoe wao hoistodth ie hllud man, belle twe or bhroe toucis- T intotiseisigist place cf power sud Ing anecdotes, sud tise goueral chili il hecame the third efthbie migbty judges gives way beo re a strange wsrmath. e cf Icraei. Se yoecetisat Cincinnatus A ciasslcai issarer wbe tookirtise firet a vias net tise only man lit ted frccnplcw houer at Yale sud wise Is a prince cf p te tisroea. -prepriebieS fafde hie spectacles bhoem- Fer what reaouwase tisis unprece- îng film with a meicturo suggestive of fz dentoti sud unparslleied viictry cf a heure. A weldly metiser wisc bac been -l tarmere cxgoad Put labo thîs Bihie, binglug up ber secs and daugistons i viviere thoro was ne sîsare romr for lu utter godluose put bier isantikorchief a lite ucimprtant sud tise trivial ? te bier eyos sud begins te weep. Higlily-) lb was, firet"et ail, te each yeu, sud educatzod mou Who came te citicse suda ho bosch me, sud tote boch ail pact 5g05 find fanit. hew ou thsir geld headotia - cîlice thon, sud te beach al eges te cernte canes. What le biat ceunti trom undor p m that lunbise wsr'fer Qed sud against slu tisegallery ? lbt le- a sois,ad cohe are c *wce ugist ho Put te ueobse hest woapen cstciig, sud ail aloug tise Wall sud al we happen te bave ou baud. VWisy titiU u iw ieauine hn sde ciet Shiacgar wait uctil ho ceulti got enetion, ce- that whisn at bise close cf i G. a war charger, witis noci arcised, sud tise service auxicue coula are iuvlted te h acir capriseued, sud acetnils suifing ospecial soats, or tise inqniry rcom, tiseya bise habIle star off, or until hoe cenld got ceme Up by scores sud kusel sud repent _- war equipmeut, or ccuiddrtilil s regi- sud rise, up pardeued ; tise whele tewn L mont, sud wisceliug tbisoulao lice comn- le siaken anti places et cvii amusementt us.t bisofrwsnd ho tise charge ? To are. spasely atheatied sud rum bobes : wait for biset wcu]d have hoon defoat loce thein patrons, sud the cisurcises aret pr sud sunihilishion. Se hoehaires tise best tisreaged, sud tise wise communlty le j vioeanho culti lay belti et, sud that cleased sud elevateti sud rcjeiced.a is an exgosd. We are calleti into bise Whst power did tise evangeliet bhng us batie fer 'tise igbt, sud sgsinst wýreng, ho heur bu captesre tisat te wtttor ight- Il sud may et us bave net juct tise ii eousnecc f Net eue billiant epligramn l. cf wespea wc weulti proton. If may dit iehouter. Net eue gracotul gechure thnef ho a ewerd et argument. lbt may not tit ieh mako. Net eue risoeical climax ho tise spear et Sharp, thrutiug wtti iih ieap u ieo s eebn _t . - i ieup u hr assmtig1 It may net ho bise battercug ramni, ,de- ahout hlm tisat people issU nef bakea -' e uncistion. But tisero e scmotiig we lu tise estirnato wben tisey prepisied is eau do, sud seme terces weceau wield. tise tailure eft biat wonk. Tisey hod net dDo net wait fer whsh yen have net, but bakon luto tise calcuistien tise omnipe- use wisst yen have. Perbape yen have hesc fbise Hely Qiset. lbt was net net elequencco but yen bave a emhle. tise flash et a Damaseus hiado. If wss t'Weili,asemileocf encouragement bas Qed, beoere sud bhind, sud ail arouudc Of changed tise hehavioro eo t biou- bise exgcati. WiseaPeople ssy bisatr 91, saudc et wsndorcrs, sud hrought bisou crime wJIl triumph sud tise wenld wil TO bacS te Qed, sud othreued bhom lunover ho cocvertcd hesausetftiseBcoom- heisaven. Yen canet maSs a percus- ing inuffiieacy efthtie means empîcyi, sire appeal, but yen eau cset au exam- count tise 600 armod Philistines ou t as pie, and s geed example bas savelodeeBite and Sisamgsn, tise tarmin,c limore couic tisa yen coulti ceunt lu s awkwardiy equippod, on tise ether sido;r h0 yeux, if yeu ceunted ail tise timo. Yeunont roaiizing ahat tise cisariotà, et Qed s, esnet gis-a $10,000, but yeu eau give as are 20,000, sud that aliseavea, chenuble, V. nuci as tise widew cf tise gospel, wisese ecrapii, ancbaugeuic, floifie, le en whab est guilt and eaul the fartisest wanderer home. I eay te yeuas the watcbmnan et Londen uced te cay at ulght te the bouceisolders, befere the time cf street lumps camne c "Haug eut yeur light 1" "Hlang eut ycur light 1" Eivery steamner geiug nortit frcm Port' T end is loaded with minets and advolnturers fer-tise Yukon zleitfrelds,. Plýtcherts Castoria, ropaie dud frteot suew. Ibis ened inrnyai mediciWANo OuaNMI ." rpi pttetnw tiNo roquired. tn an italian newepsper as a marvaiet tfetter eczmieiiale ru~iens onf simple elegauce. tteezma t l rto n Letton carnnLondon semebues be face, haude, nose, etc., klë*ug the coee razy beesuse efthtie vsst nucuher eft dean, white sud hcalthy. Its e t streets wjclch bave tise sanie namne. Tsr gsd uaiepwesaepee8sod *p are 264 Victoria streets 241 Cross streets 'ne ether remetiy. Asis youg druggis3t f!ý 191 Aluert streets, 22uhurciustneets, sud' SwYNoe'S OnrrMÉNrr. LymiaisSons M 191 Qeen treeo. -Co., Moutreal Wheleselce Agente. 7/ issions;, nome as mechataf n ,ftheir profits will dedicate a teath to li Lord ;scmg as physicians, prescrlb- ng for, the werld's alments, and soime jattorneys, defending Innocence and taining rights that otherwise weuld io, bo recoguized, and some as sailers, :cping bridge the seas, and seme as eachers and pastors. The kingdoni cf of is dreadrully retardefi by se many ) us attempting to do that whichv we tricot do-reachiflg up for breadswerd )r faichion or bayenet or ceimiter or 1nfield rifle or Paixhan's gun-while o ee ught te be content with an ox- >ad.I thank Qed that there are tons ) theusands cf Chrisians whem yeu ovyer heard of and neyer will heur of eirtil you see them la the high places ) heavn, whe are now in a quiet way ýhomes and sehoothouses, aud in pray- ig circles, and by sick beds, and up lark alleys, saying the saving wordJ nd doing the savlng deed, the aggre- atien of their werk overpeweriiig the mest ambittous statistics. -1ears ugo I was to summer ln the Ad- e1-ndacks, aud imy wealthy rriend, whe Tas a great bunter and fisherman saifi, I1 am net geing te the Adirendacks vils seasen, and yeu can take my equip- nient and I wili senfi it up te Paul Smith's." Well. lb was there when I arrlved in the Adirendacks. a sclendmd uft, that ceet many hundrefis ef dol- ls, a gorgecus tent, andi such elaber- ate flshing apparatus ; sncb guns of al tyles of maire and reels andi pouehesb nUi bait and torches and lunch baskets and mnany more thlngs tint I ceuifidd net even guess the use cf. Ând my frend cf the big seul had even written nu and engaged mon whe sheuld ari- eômpany mie Inte the ferest andi carry eome the deer and the treut. If the neuntains ceuld have seen and under- stoed lb at the time, there weuid have en panice ameng the- antilers and the fias threugh ail the 'John Brewn's Tract." Weli, I am ne hunter, and neot areebucir or a game flsh did I injure. But there were hunters there that ses- non whe had nething but a plain gun and a rug te sleep on and a ccii etf isehing line and a box cf ammunitiefi and hait, whe came in ever and anen eUth as mnany cf the captives of the et est andi stream as they and twe or hree attendants ceuld carry. New, I fear that many Christian werkers who have meet elaborate educatienol equip- nent andi theelegical aud prefessienai equipmont and meet wenderfui wespen-I ry, suffIcient, yen weuld thinir, te cap-J ture a whcle ccmmunlty or a whole na- tion for Qed, wll, ln the iast day, have bu t lîttie except thelr fine tackiing---te show, whle seme whe had ne adan- tziges except what they get in prayer and censecratien, wll, by the seuls bhey have brought te the shore cf aber- se i safeby, prove that they have been gloricusiy succesefl as fishers cf men and In taking many whe, lire the hart, acre panting after the water broeks. What madle the Amalekîbos run before 3idecn's army ? Each one cf the army aîiew hew mucb racket the breaking of eue pitcher wQuld maire. Se 800 men chat nighbtecok 300 pitchers, and a lamp Inside the pltdher, and at a given sig- nal the lamps were lifbed and the pibchers were vicýlenbly dashed dewn. TEhe flash of the ligbt andi the racket of tbe 300 demciished- pitchers sent the enemy inte wiid fligbt. Net much of a weapcti, yeu wculd say, le a breken pibeber, but tihe Lerd made that swf ni crash of crcckery the means et triumph fer hic people, sud there is yet te be a battie with thse pitchers. The nigb t of the worid's dissipation may get darirer- 1and darker, but atter awhiie, lu wbat match cf the night I knew net, ail the aie pitchors, andi the wine pitchers and bbc boa'- pitchors, and tise wbiskey pitchers cf the earbh will bo buried Into cwernoiition by cernvertod inebriates sud M Christlan reormors, and at that awfn] crash cf infernal croekery the Amaleir- itish hot et pauper'sm and leaferdem andi demestic quarrel and cruolty and asoassinatien wili fly the earbbh. Take the first weapen you au lay yeur baud on. Why difi David ehes the sling whon ho weub at Goiiath asu d Goliath went at hlm ? Brougbt up la bhe country, like every ether bey, hie lxnew how te manage a sling. Saui's armer was flrst put on hlm, but thse giaut's armer was tee heavy. 'The bel- met was ciapped on hlm as an extin- guisher, andi David said, "I canne go with these, fer I have net preved them."1 And tho first wiso tblnig Davidi dd putting en Saul's armer was teS put lb off. Thon the hrook Ellah, the bcd cf which was dry whon I saw it and oee vost roach et pehisies, f urnlshed thse fixe smoeth stenes cf bise brook oii which Goliath was prootratod. Whe-,ther tt was a hoy's sling or a bruiten piticher. cr an exgoad, take -bar wi-b, you tan mî,nage and ask Go 1 fcr lblp, and nu power on earth or il ell eau stand bo- foe' Yeu. "'G-o ut, thon, 1 chirge ye, againet thcPhilistines. W miusb admt bihe edds are againot us-600 te I. ahn the miattor cf dollars, thes e deveted te wçlorldiiness snd sln sud dissipation, whlen compared xvlth tise dellars devoted te bolinesc and virtue-QO te 1. Thse Peathèrbone Ski*rtý Bone For Ciuing A iight, pliable, clsstic boue made k frem quilîs. It la seit sud yieldlng, con- SSTYLE AN,)SIIAPE frmiug resdily te feids, yet giving poe F shape te Skirt or Dres, t« "The euly Skirt Boue tisat rnay be wet LADIES' DRESSES wTheeeutjr. FeteroeCorsets erSlbycorded with this aeil FrS lea eding Dry Geodsel. Eastnd Gainepot ?'he undersigned desire ta thaùk the farmers of West Darham for the libé'ral,,patronage extended ta us during the pastseason, alto, ta remind tbem, that we are StUl in the market antd 1 .preparoti b pay the HIGI{EST MARKET PRICE III KINOS 0F COARS'ýenRIN &P SEUl r-1, 17 àelivereti at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have alto on hanti a largo stock, NEW AND FRESHP of Canadian, andi Liverpool Coarse Sait ini Bags. Rock Sait for cattie and herses, anti Fresh Grounti Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepareti ta seli Ail kintis of Lumber, Wood anti DRY OLEKN SCBEENED OÂL ieways in stock. We invite inspection anti guarantee satisfaction. â1ý11-ýAand E MÏ WlVi be pleased once lai Quantity, twlce ln QuaIity, and three thues la Price Whlispeet ftie unequalled assortmient ot ools and Shloca, Sllppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &e., At our Store, UWBEAVER BLOCK,--sa Bowmaaville BJG&EST STORE, BIGOÈSSIVARJEY, BJG&EST VALUE. Everybody invuted to eaH nid sec our niew îootweaC .D - D-A-TIS TUE SHUE MANr flTflTI ITUnT~ Wf Ln Tise strike cf tise Parie omnibus drivers ROUN TU WHOE W RLDbas olicimed the curiens tact tsar Frenchi -- judgcs aud judiciel officers are forbiddoan by tise etiquette cf their profession te ri de WHAT 15 GOING ON IN THE FOUR iu an omnibus. Tisey muet take s cab or CORNERS 0F THE GLOBE. wsik, if tbey de net ewa a carniage. -- Whst ilesaid te ho tise largeet ice rink. la 014 and New Worl Eveats oft eneerest tise werld bas juet been epencd ln Lendon. Chreslledilnofl-itei455115 lip-Tise hall suessures 2-2,000 square teeù, of penlluge ofr ecenit. Date. wiitis10,000 are cevered wirh ibe. menu- facrurod et tise rate et eight tons a day. Giasgow, whicis ewus its streol cars, moere je a pancrama et Niagara la wiuter prints Senipture texte cn tise ciscsp tickets lunbise backgreund. for werkmsen. M. Lauirenri, tise mayer et Mentene, re- Rccruitiug lu Setlsnd fer tise Britishs cenmly met tise Grand Old Man abthraitaV army bas grestiy îmgreved duning tisa lest Berlin, Hemburg, Triste sud Vienasé year or two. were cccnected by telepisene ever 900 miles lu seeral Enrepean couatries, iucludiug et wire a few wceks ge, and Copeuisagen France and Bcigiem, eleotiens are always wiii ecen be in lte tse circuit. Isle heid on SuInday. Dacisis capital siready telophoues te no>rtis. Tase settlemenit cf tise Pamir question as cru Sweden, 850 miles distant. euueutîeed tu tise Route eft remmees con- resd station, sud greeted Mn. Giadetene firme tiseGrsnvilie.Gortchskeif compact et bat in baud. Tise.larttr cecrteucly un- 1875. ccvered hiseisead, acdiwisec M. Laurenti Dnring 1894 twenty-rre members etfisegged hlm te put en bis hb, Mr. Gladstone tise Heuse cf Lords died, sixteen cf thern selU "Tsais yen, monsieur, but I amnot bcing 70 or ever, sud eniy two members ill." Reiespr bisbat off until M. Launenti cf tise Commens dicd. doed ii. Piaced sud toecnd la a continuons .lb appeans trou a Board cf Trade rotnrn lins tise streete et Lendon weul extend ]ust issenod shcwing tise bec cf lite et ses from tise Meusien leuse acreeis tise entire that eut cf 218,317 pensons employef in coninet o Euopeandbeyndtise lrai Britisis merebant sisint 1893 there wre nontin nt uop sudbee 1,792 wise lest tisein lives by dnowuiug or menuainsjuteAsis erier accident. Thsis gir-es a propertiou cf More tissu401per ent. e? tise- Engliss.082-pen- cent.,- or i in ý122. ý

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