THE MDOST SUCCESSFUL REMD FOR MAN OR BEA8T. Certain ine ie affecte and never blIstera. Read proofs beiow : K ENÈ,1MiL L'S GSPA ïVINMGU R E Box bk Carrean Heuderoen Co .11., Feb. 2,'514. Dr Ri J. ItNDÀLL è0. mèeo .r1o a~~~ ~ )Iel iePes adue _on e j.. at~u os Boiand.obige Ihae sd a reai e.i ofyýo:n ou budail he ime Beoete. . . . o'sda KENDALL'S SPA VIN CURE. Dr. B J. K"AlýLCO. SiTON, M., Apr. 3, '92. Deur Sire I bave ueed several bttie1et fyour "Kendala spainCare" Ithluul enree.I think i il ierbet Liniment I nrr se. Hv e Spailua.oe ""ave"r%"ouended to IWO l'on. enfewlsaretmcipeae II aCk.ep i. RPtfi , O ie 58 For Sale by all Droggista. or addree9 Dr. B. J. KENDAILL COM1PANY, ENOSBURGII FALLS. VT. i AGENTS WANTED who deaire to A earn trous $15 tu $25 weekly. I ean bes donceselliiug our haruy, guaranteed, Canadian «rown Nusery Stock. Salary or commssioni paîd weekly. Exclusive terrîtory. Handeousa ntfit free,, Write us at once for tera. E O0. (RAHAm, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont 14-14w. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Three god brick dwellings of 8 and 9STrooms earil with gond gardons situate irn good 9at of the town of Bowmanville. God cellars, weh18 and other convenienceo. Fesîmers or alliers wanting tu buy homes in town shorld see these iroperties, They will bc Eold choap on ea8y ,erlns. Apply for further particulars le Miss ID. WHIiTE, Welngtone Sb. .- Bowmo anville. 4. t FOR MAN AND WOMAN. LILLY'S NERVE PILIS TUEII <.IEAT Ail RICV< lIEMhfD»Y Rill cure a] forme of n ervous weaknese FO R toius s andd euptency, reauting frinbues or excess. Thear pille are M A pos iely tebestnsedicineyou tan use. ,xbox e w iliake a new man of yen. Sec puices belnw For the reproductive organe FOR, o! the feneahe LILLYSNE PILLS are speeilly vanable. WOMAINTey iupart tone and uvegor te the w ca and run-down wenan, rearrieet"r singe. LILLYS 1',ERVE PILLS wiil eîake yeon stroeeg. Secd $1 fr trial Box or $5 for six boxes, aned they viii ba forwarded by reurn miail. Addres, W. RUTHEFORVu, Druggist, NORWOn. ONT., Agent for Canada. - PREI MER RAMBER CRESOSNW, T. W. B3.&S.SPECIAI., r,,wda 'i secon b ni e eue ver; her. 9mait n r pr cri ai i ansoneýy tR T. YI. BOYD & NtreDam Literary 'Notes. William Martine Johneson, who llUStrated the "Garfield" edjîlore of "Boe Hur" for the Harpers. ared also their editiores of "Fiee Cloister and the Hearth"ýand "Hypa- lia," becams the art editor of The Ladies' Home Journal on JUne the Ist, leaving Ne w York te reside p6rmarently in Phil- adeiphia. Mr. Barton Cheyneey, a claver rewpaper mane who huis been attacleed ta the presof Delaware aned Pennreylvarela, is also added to the Jorral's editoria's staff as one oaf Mr. Bok's principal aseociates. A Great Collection of Napoleon Pictures. -The 250 pictures ir e MClare's Complete Life of Iýapoeon are drawn frrom the pri. vate collections of lthe Hon. Gardinçr G. Hubbard, af Washington, D.C. ; of Mgr. Duc d'Aumale ; H. 1. H., Prince Victor Napolon ; Prince Rolaned Boraparte; Baron Larrey, th6 son of the chief surgon of the aruies of Napoleon ; the Duke of Bassano, son of lthe mirieitor ared confidant of the Emperor ; M. Edmoned Taigny, lise friand and hisîcriare of Isabey ; M. Albert Christophle, Governor-General of tha Credit Foncier of France ; M. Paui le Roux, wlîo has, perisaps, the richet of tise Napoleorïic collections ; M. le Marquis de Girardine, sonin-iaw nf the Duc do Osete, tise faithfisl Miniter cf Finance of Napo. leon I., and frous the great galleriea cf Franco. Tho Jurer Arana cornes as Usual fl of piquant discussion of alive and up-to-date questionsof irterest. John Clark Ridpath, the-wol.known hietoriare, 'evlopUnieîd States Hislory lias been sncob a popnlar success, appoars as the froutîpicce cf the number, and hoe contribretesaua interestîreg article called "An Epoch and a Book," recalling the condition in tise Souths and tise Soutiswest tefore lthe War. Tise book whlch is tise siartieg- point of bis aumemary cf heepoisisHelen H. Gardener's " An Ureotficial Patriot." The Editor of tise magazin)e, B. . Flnwer, dlescribes a sojourn ire Florida, a paper whiob is copionly ilima- trated. Tise author of tise "Preston Papers" contributes au irteresting article on " Boston Scheels sud Tea-hers."- Solomnon Sciindler writeS* about the " The First Stops ire Natiorealism." Au, riter sien- ing bimself an ex-Demnocrat discusse3 " Mr. Bland and a New Party." E. W. Smth ensiders the ",Laws Governeng tise Age cf Consent.- Marcus J. Wright descrîbes "T~he British Houseof Commuse." Avery forcible and striking paper, raisiog a sorte- HEALTJi. Chlldren's_ Coughs.. Coughs may be frein cold on the lungs; frorn irritation of stornacis or bowels, or baoth ; lrom. worms ; irritation aiflise nase; impropar food, especially candies sud sweeîs, and frein deposits of tubardles on tise lungs or larynx. Some dlaim tht wisaopiug cou ghis l a dieease ai tise kid neya, buthisisaualsetied. Some braire troubles aiea give coogis, Even decayed teals are occasionally tise cause oi couglis. Mrs. H. lest one cbild with croup and anotiser eigist yaars old had a cougis for tisree years. Wiile ail cougis sisuld be lreated by homne remedies or a physiciae, we vvould aay tisaI ana Ibrea years aid has beau long standing ereongh ta have 11gsired resiidence." Ire bis Iamîly lisera sacems ta ha an ireherited tendency toward diseases ai tise respiratory tract-ise tbroat orîanga- but tise motiser bas neot given us enougis about tise general isealtis te say wisalier or net il is a clear case af lung trouble or wiselier il may or may nal bo oaused by irritation ai tise stomnacis. Tise child bas taken aiglit bailles of cod liver ail and is no boîter. This was on tise thory, nu doubl, tisailise chid was cansumaptive. This is liltely uretrue, as it ta se uncammon for any one se youreg la have this disease. Furtiser- more, tise child would probably have dîed are Ileis, or heere mucli warse with cousump- tion. We caunot say worms caused ht, for nothing la said about the appetite, as great buger, grireding tisa teetis, pale aroured tise moutis, or ailier wormn symptoms. Correspondants should stateeýevery symptom ai iii healtis when- seekîreg advîce. They generally stata wisat alarme tisern masI. Tisese symptoma are not alwsys the most important oce. Saine oftise worsb couglis to manage ara found witlî cidraen; tise cause is 0varlooked, viz., irritable slomacli. Probably a large majority of 4caugis witis chuîdrere are from over.feedîreg, or eatiîsg imieroper food, sud lise mast commore article of food tisai is responaible is csredy or some other fermai o swaet. W hile sud f ood is coreîinned no medicîna will cura. One the moat irequent remedies uried ared prescribed by pîcysicians ia opium ire some af its forma. Infante gel soothireg ssyrups, aider children andi sdultq, lDroçers >powder or opium or morphine. Tisebe are giver ire pill forai or powder, or ir esyrup- isîl hurilul and dolosive as a truly curative vremedy. Tisese thiugs will allay tise tick- ling ir e ehroat or luogs, but do it by weakereing tise seresiiity of the tisane revoived, and ait te saine lime layîng' fouredation for ane increased congestion of tise part. WViile wa consider cainip tea, about as good as nothing, it is fai botter tisan any of tise morphine preparalions. Mrs. H. muet look well ta the diet of lier cisild,- omitting coffee and tea aned aweeta, sud use a large amnount aifisread aned mille.- Brown bread is gaod, also carre bread occasîorealiy. Eat at reguirr meals only, aned not uncooli- cd appies. Fremnlise few poinets givon we would snggest tise phosphate ai lime, the fourîli trituration, once or îwice a day-s twa.grain powdar. Tise importance af tisis case appears ire tise requeney ai socle cases ire tise amilieè ai tise land. Thern are few familles of three or four chiîdren where îhey hava not.isad ample experience ine sncb cougiss as tis. r Sore Mouth ln Babies. f Young ohiîdrets are very hiable ta affec- tions of tise monts ýWh1ohc, thongli net daugerous, invariably produce discomfort aned frelluleesB. r One of tise commanest causes ai sors moulin r babies is t0 ho foured ire iIrri- 1tation oIf eetiig, thougis any local irritant will cause tise saine trouble. Anoeher ire- quant cause is gastriedisturba6uce, a lact wisicl is sisown by tise acidity aoflise stomacli and by tisa character ai intestinal discisarges. Tise firet indication whieis usîsally appears rire cases ai inflammation of tise lining ;membranes ai tise moutis la reatlesess on fthe part ai thse infant, and an indisposition ta tnurse. On looleing mb tiste moutisvie observe t saitishe gnr48 sud otiser parts are reddened and inflamed ire certain places, and isere and tisera are white speeks lile pimplea. .If tise inflammation is uat properly cared .for aud promptly subdned, these pimples 1sacre break dowu sud become open soros. .Tise principal point iretise trealmeut of fsore monts is te correct any gereeral or epecial cause tipol. which tise local trouble seema toisedependeut. Tisebiowels siould liberegulated and the acidiiy of tise stomacis coreîrolled. If tise disturbancesaiftise siomacli and [bowels are rot very marleed, a uitile mag. uesia or himcwater added laetise mille, or givere separately, wili prove aIl that la ce- ,quired. ;As a local remedy we may wasli ouitishe [moulli witis auy mild preparatiore like borax 1aned waterorsa solution of alurnisud carisolie acid. Tisera is no special mile ta Se mapid grawtli sud developmant, ha iug warmth sud plenty ai moistura. Ire aduvlîts, fur forma rapidiy, durîng tise nigisl, <especi- ally if they aleep *itl thse moulis hall opae), suad iretise morniug almoat everyhady lias a thin film ai for on tisa longue. Duriug lise day lise greater part af ibis layer is .Children Cry-f'or cleaned off, in consaquerea of the friction of the tongue against solld food or tise roof of tise moutis and teetis, or by atual dlean- sîng of tisa niutis. Tise iacle part of tise longue cannai lbe as effecually cleansed as tise front aud ides, snd se fer is inost ire. querelly soon over thal ares. It will be obvions that free movement is essential for thorouahi- clearing. Ire colar, fur varies1 from white Ilirougis varying shades ai yellow aud browu, aven ta black. Tise color dependa partly repon accidentai causes, psrtly upon tise color-producing1 praporties of tlie organiasa If tise tangue ha very smooih, orgareisma will net collect upon it; if it ha not frealy movable, tshe fur will tend ta become very thick. TIIIRTY YEARS 0F TORTURE. HANDS AND FINGERS TWISTED OTT0F SHAPE WITH RHEU- MATIS M. Thea Stery ai' anu 1<1 Mant Now fearing the Foot of MIif's ii-11ow Rtellef Came te flim After itepeated Fallures and Dis apjs4intments. From Kemptville Advanee. 11 arn now almDsi at the foot of the hlui ai life, liaviug attaireed the 76tls year af my sge,and nevr dnrinpgîisalîimeihave I made a slatemnent more willingly and corsientiores- ly thare rew. My body lias been torturad by paire for upwards of thirty years,causad by rhoumnatism, and thora are tisousands erednring a like affliction that need not if tisey would but haed my experienca and avail themeelves ai the proper means of relief. The disease firat affacted my hip and, %pread ta my legs and arme. Lika mauy sutterers I spared neitiser trouble reor ex- pense ire seeking someîhîng tealaleviate tise pain. Tfîe diseaso had made me so haîplese that I was unable te put on my coat aned my ,bsnds and fingers were beîreg twisted oui of shape. There seemed ualtlise shsdow ai a hope of relief and very uatnrally I becamo discouraged and dis- hesrteued, aned lime aller urne have I given up ire despasr. W bile ire Arizoa tisree years agg I hesrd of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I sent for six boxes ire order te give tiseni a fair trial. I foliowed the di- rections closely sud by tise lime the fourîli box was fiuislsed tise pain isad greatly les- sEreed and 1 was much improveel My 1 WAS UNABLE TO PUT ONXaMY COAT. friands baviug witeessad the wonderful affect upon my body could ual iselp admiinrg tisa Pinkl Pilla, sud beiug about ho lbave forlise eassi, I gave lthe ne- mainiug Iwo boxes ta them. Ureioniunately I negiecîed geuîiug anolisar aupply for nearly a yean sitar retorreirg ta tiss part sud 1 fel tisai to me PinkPille wema ana ai tise necessanies of lii e. Lat sprng I procuned a faw boxes sud hava -beau Iakiug them sino witis a vemysaalisfadtory affect arn giad la say. Ncw 1I bel like a uew mar e etimly ires lrar pir o iffreasa ai joint. I lave a slight rnmisesaaifooet aud hall way ta lise krees,bui arn confident tisaitisese pilla will relteve tis feeling. Allisangi well advanced ire years,l aalhe sud da walle msuy miles a day. For rheumnaîisrn Dr. Wiliîams' Pinke Puil stand pre.erneuhiy ahove ail oIson modicines se- condîug ta my exepanieuce and I urge s trial au alilsuffernrg irom Ibis paireful Tise aboya is lise unvaruisised sîsterneni ai facts as bold tise Advauce neceuîly by Mr. Ueorge Salleche, au esteemed residet aI .YJiler's Corners, and nre naieaing tise esrreest maunen of its radItal cculd bail ta ho couvinced of Mn, Selleck's sincoiy. Bol if thia ware uDt anaugi isudreuls of wituesses cauld ha surmnaeod, if need hae, ta proveolise ruts ai every word stated. Mn. Augus Bnchsanan, tise weil knowu duggisî sund popular reeve aifsCompville, epeales af Dr. VWilliareîs' Pinle Pilla- ssone cf tise most popular rousedies kuown, teasing a gresu sale amangisis customersar d gîviug general satiafaction. Rhescmatiosm, aciatica, naunalgis, partial paralysie, locomotor ataxia, uer vans iead- achee, nenvons prostration sud dibeasea dapereding on isumor ire tise biaod, snoi as scrofula, cisouic erysIpelas, etc., ail dia- appear beicre a faim treattusaut witli Dr. Williams' Pik Pilla. They give a healîisy giow to pale and ssliow complexions sud isild up sud reaew thse enire system. Sold isy ail dealers or sent, postpsiul ai 50c. a box or six boxes ion $9.50, isy addressing tise Dr. Williamss Medicine C., Brocleville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Don't ho persuaded to take sorne aubstitute. Climate and Tongues. Gutturals predorinato in Norway sud Russa, wiseresa, fan ta tise sonthwsrd, ire aunuy Italy, tisere is a profusion ai sudb euphoreioua namnes as Palermo, Venons, Campobello sud so lantb. Even ire lise Britishi isies, covering sa iew degreesai latitude, tisera 12 a manleed differenca lie- tween the "hum". ai ulthe Highlander sud the soit speech af tise native ai sonîherre Engl'uud. A thieory whicis may parîly account for these liînatic effectsis 15bassd upon tise cautrast nI the stilireesa whicl uaually pervados soulisemu lands wfIthtise stommv irquietude ai nortsere conuntîies. Cloudleas skies bar monthe ab às lime cher atorise tisa climaes of Itsly, wiileaa firmament ertimely f ree fram clouds la rarq ire Narway. It eqoimes, of course, greaten effort ta Se leard lu egiores wbich are swepf by wireds sud storms tIare lu. sIill soutisesrn latitudes,and to haeiseard disfinctly smid lise noiseesud confusiare ai the alements wonda muaitho used which contairn auy consoreants. Amaug lise irebitants ai mare lapidal chines tise landeucy la towsnd sali ssud musical cadence aud revelers relatea tinluregians ie h'AuisAnisLa, sucS as Paru aud Venezuela, -wheme almosi- plae dîsturbaucea are rama, tha natives almoat chant tle phirase ai salutation. The Governent af Monocco declines ta Rnsranteo lise saieiy af h avell ' rs, sud ba 1nal g naging ituthiserior ana wanu- .d ai this state ai affaire. Pi1tcher's Castoriaé MHE HOtIE. To Cheat thje Moth. It vvo ud seem as if an inseot so long a househoId past as the clothes maoth would be well known by Ibis lime, yet it doos ual seem ta ha so, iretise aduli or perfect state, Il is not uncommon la see careful bouse- keepers clasing every maoth that chances ta fly about the avaniug lamp wibout re- gard la size or appearance, while the, Egg Sand*icies,-Boil 12 freal eggs .ff7~f~~ff1ITATVV~PT lard,,plonge irto cald water, paol sud .Nx0.îuFOND iOF.U±ULI±r' i. ff sud choap tisa wlilea vemy fine, masis the - yolea amoctis witis a littie vireegan, sali sud FRENCH AND GERMANS DO NOT inusàtard, mes witb tise wiites sud spread FOLLOW THE ENGLISH CUSTOM,- beîween buttered slices ai Sead.eýyý( Batietîmben4eaohe l-PThets- oarHumeron liiled for cbildrer's parties. Spread thin suices oi bnttered iread wctis orange mar- melade, pium butter, mcd msapbery, slraw- benry ar currant jally sud cut ire aIl sort ofiarecy sisapes, triangles, sqo1aras, learîs, etc. delicate litho maotIs ara found an woiiens ueer aa N t"ýantwcns-us -ua lIaI have beau long infestafi. Cloîlias partsa ni ciopped celery sud Englîis wa auntosud mix withi i salad dressing. Spmead maths praier daedruess ta hlit, snd insects ibis between slie ai Boston bnowre bnaad. ai Ibis kind are not sttmacled by lights. No hread shon d be osd for sandwichs The welilereown matis i ligît hmowu ire tisa is nat aI least 24 hours aid, or it wili colon on tisa front wiugsansuilver gray on ulclwl.lra w asadi tl tisebird wugs Tia lave s asrnil sie btter. Be caneful Ibat il doeasDot gel toc worm wiîis s light hrawnisesd ; it malees lîgit sa t iti is crumhly, if yeu dasire no case, but burrowa ire whateven iii feeda your sandwiches taelie perfect. Ahl sand- repais, lIs mresliug chareneis. wiches oxcept laîtuce cen ho mada Remeies If lotingandthelikae au in lise umriug or et acon for auy aveuireg Remeias f cltbirg su thagsîîerîng if Iisey ara weîî cavered witli a ho inclosed lu periactly lighl paper haga îawal wrong ont of cold watem sud tIen hafoma maths begin te fiy and iay their eggs, witisD, plate, so tîey will keep moisi. LeI- Iisey wiil ho campleîely protected. Out ai Ioda sandwiches sisould ual stand long, as doora tise maths appear fhe latter part of tîey wilt essily. May or Jue, sud dunrg lise moreilioa June the campaigu must ho vigaransiy prosecut- ENGLAND'S CHEAP TELEGRAMS, ed. Articles iouud iufesled,on if îspected, may ho sprinleled, or heltam,apmayad witis For 12 Cents Twelve Wo rsaWi Go ta Any benzine, sud this wilildeabmoy aevere tise Part oft Sua Country. eggs. If iueestad clasets, drawers, etc., are îisarougisly lreaaed wilis benzine ire Jue The total cash ofal lishe telegaph lines lisera wîll ha littie trouble dorng -tisene--m h ntdKado n17,teya maireder of tisa season. Aiter sprsying f ieUetdKndo r 80 ieya sud siring, articles may ha safely wrapped tisa tisey wcre acquired, wass 153,121,010 lu papens or if passible put ire hags. A faw Tise gavemumeut set about immedîatoiy le cents' wortis of papor hags is worih fan extend tise wines te, evemy village of auy more thian coally cadar'cheats or clasets. Furnitone, carniages on oIson large arti- importance, aud ta connect the cities sud oies ire constant use are ualt likely ta ha tawus slmeady aqnipped. Bafone govérre attacked. If slomod lisey sisould ho covemed meut pondisse tise tolegmaph linos were wiîis papen if tis can ha doue so complet- owreed by numsieouacampanies, which ely as tla bava no opering for the inres af mollis. If Ibis caunat ha doue thon a stmreng tiseir wines ouly ire sud hetween the sprayireg withbSerine on bisuipiside'aI car- cities fnom which tisey were practically Sou early ire J une, and again ire a monts an une of redeivireg profitable nelurns. To six weelea, sleould prevent damage. Wlien rmredy Ibis daiecl oven 15,(00 miles ai mono cauvenient coutore clatis may lie suis- wire weme laid'tise firet year lisat tIhe gov. stituted for paper ine coveiug carniages or errement owned tisa linos. oIson abjects. Since 1870 tisa telegrapis bas becoma dam mon ire ueariy sîl parts ai tisa world ; ire no Sandwiches frt SuMmer Days. country le il used .1 rebusiness and At omeai iseretsîfasiarsise gtisr-social intercourse thanonQEn slud. aGovern-~ At snieof he éatfasionblegater.mental ownemsiip tisaelias meaul reduced îngs tise nefrestements ara extreîuely simu- tells ; foieseS cheap tisaI wo open ouree pie, cauitiug only ai sanedwichses sud wiseu we learu tisat s lelegram cof twelve cotise, are ici' and cake. Herewith are givevn womds may ho sent to auy part aifishe king. a numiser af excehet varieties of and . dam for 12 cents. For thîs 12 cents su wicis, sevenal ai whicis are uow England tise message is deli-vered witlir Euglsh aluu.-Csop enyfine orone mile ai a isead office or within the ptala Englsh alnu.-Cop ery ine orlîînis. Bttyond tise limils an ailditional whab is boiter poured, ý lb ai Englisis Xal cisarge of 12 cents is made. rentoansd mix wîth anougli melted butter Iu Englaud the taiegrapl isia pensied ire or swe cream so that lise paste dan cas- cannecton witis the mail service ; that is ily ha apread betweere thilisces oi butter- one great reaBan wliy tise service is made sa ed hread, ciseap. Tise Feglisis gavernmeul does not cousîder the lelegmapis service as a means of Peanut Saudwîcise.-Be aune biset yaur revenue for tisa leasury, however, but as a peanuts ana iresisiy roassIed, thon shah sund meana ai inf ormation for t1e wisale counry, rasb off tise ed skins. Pound teae paste on giving faciliîies ofai ai linde for ils useansd o1ieaon ire all classes, knowereg tisaitisae echop fine sud add ennugih oiled salad îreasury wiîî isenefi t indirectly from tise dressineg so tisatitileaue Se spreýad eassily. angmentation ai the general wealtis. Ire Dressing Ion Sarne: Oua lablespor butter, 1870 lise total messages ransmitled did neat 2 tablespoores sugar, 1 daseni spooreflour, neach 7,000,000. lu 1893 tise annuai total yollea oi 3 eggs, j cnp vinegar, a pincis of was aven 70,000,01':0. Ire 1869 tise Ereglisis salt. Cook ire e double letîle util il uowspapers sont 22,000,000 by talegrapis. tiikeus sud la creamy. The total la-day is over 600,000,000. Mn. Letînce Sandwices.-Let yoor lethuce Merlin ssys tsaitisae service is peniormed lie lu cold wator au the ice box Ion et least With perfect pondtuality. Seven to rine mirntes are reqnired for lisetransmission au Saur bafana usîng, than dry tisoraugisly of a message betwoou Iwo commercial cities, witisas dean towel. Spread tisirlices ai wbila ire 1870 twa or limea heora were huttenofi head with salad dressing made uiecassany. irm is aove-mule -sud place betwee tliem tender, criap lettuce leavea. Celery Sandwiches. -Chop criap, witie stalles cf celemy very fiue sud mix with il some ai tise saiad dreasiug mentioned ire tise iaegiug sud spread hetween youn sandwiches, Ticese are particuiarly appe- tizinq fur Ireveiing lunches as they keep molat so long. M acaroni Sand wicle. -Tissis au Italisu disis wiich is new ire Ibis country. Maka deliciaus 11111e cream biscuits sud wiser wamm, botter sud spreed with nice maca- roni whîicis las been coleed util very tender and mixed withi a mayonnaise dressing. Chicler Sandwiches.-Cisop tise igist moat of chicken vemy fine sud warm ine s lihle sweel creaus or meted butter. Spread Ibis beîweere sandwiches. Veal Saîîdwices.-Cisap well-cookad veal very fine, sud reix wiîh slad dressing made as ioiiows : One teblespoon huiler, I dessert spoon sait, 1 dessert spoan mua-. tard, tise yolles of 3 eggs, ý cup vinogar. Coaleire a double isiler utiiiilt ticleens. Cool helome usina for sandwiches. Lambi saudwicîes. -lt sue prnug lamb' very fine, sdd ta it a littie ciscpped persley and somne ealad dressingsud spread 5e- tweeu as you would any oises filliug. Tangue Sandwiches. -Uisop cold boiled tangue vemy fine aud add la if any goal soor aalad dressng. Hlam Sandwiches. -Mince yonn hem fine aud add plenly of mustard, 3 eggs, 1 table- spoonful flour, 1 bablespoareful buther sud as mucis clopped encumbar pickles as you have bhim. eat tisa hoogsy tageuisen and ponr i naon pinit of hoiling vinegar but do ual lot the mixture boil. Wiseu it coula spread hntweeu your sandwiches. . Clearing Himself. Biuks-Ssy, Jinks, peoffle ana sayiug bîsu you iived ont West unden au essumeel neme. Jiuiks-It's a lia, an inlamoos lie, ir. You ware knowu tisane as Mr. Jlussou, were'l you ?-i Jimson is my rosi usma. My presere Mains isasumefi, Lkeiy to RemeM b el'. Proud Molie-You hsven't kissed lhe baby. ]Iacbeioî- Urcle-Urn-c-I'il tny ta remember next urne. l'il kiesliser wbeu I -or-- came bacl f rom Europe. Wiseu wîil tisatiSe? -i Leî-me-aee, -About sixteen yeans. "l'or Over Flfty -Years." For oven fity yeams Mies WINsLOW's SOOTrnNG Syvauv las beanusned by mil- lions cf motIons for thbir cîjîdren while tehing. If distumbed et nigît sud braken of Voarrneat by s sick child suf- ferng sud crying witl paire of Cntting 'reetis senel aI oneansd gel s botîle cf ', Mrs, Winslow's Socihing Syrup " for -dhildmen Teethireg. Il will elievo tise poor 11111e suffer imimediately. Depend upon lt,mothers,tloeeis rea mistako shoot Il. Il cures Diemhea,regulates tise SIom- sol aud Buwels, cures Wiud Colic, soi tous bise G.umB, reduces Inflammation, sud gives toueansd auergy ta tle wisoia systemn. "IMra. wiualow's Soothing Syup", for children telbing hs pleasaut ta the taate sud is the prescription of oue ai tise oldest aud hastý fernale pisysicians sud nurses ine tle United States. Prîce twauty-five cents a baIlle. Sold by all droggists tbrougiscut tise worid. Be anme sud asIe bon " MIs WINSLOW'sS OOTHING SYtTuP." lu ilerttn,1111t Use, Ofily Occasionally -Te Gerniari, Taises te Wuar fer Boeuge Cteaniasg and Street Cleaning. Tise Enigili seous ta hastise auiy people ire Europe wha balise avery day. Tise char- acterislic Englishman hb asways s well- scruhbed sud shinîng -appearance. Tisa ciaiciarrn of tise Englisis girl, is lier indescribable pink sund whsite freshnoe. Sise inssa îmamaculately olesu sud sweet sud fragrant. Her ciseal las tise delicale trsresparency ai -an egg shahl or lise glaw ona secs ire s inside of a-ses shah tisaI tise, waves lava wased day sitar day. That rnay Sa due parbly ta lise fact tisat tisa roiat climate af sagirî Euglaud la eirtraardinar- ly good for s delicate epidermis, bu doatiasa part oai tI ranapareucy sud glow ila bbaascribed t the f ac tisaI lir morang bath bringa every day aiflier life lise wsrmn color ta liersaln d tise glad rush ai biood bliraugli lier system, And 1er maotier halons lie r, sud lhemgraudmoller before lier motisar bale a daily bath just as sise daca. Al 11sf soap aud wsîer sud brushes, tisaI rubbiug and polisising eau do las heen doua for bier. This affect can- ual Se sttained lu s fariniglit. '1 Every aali-respecting Engliaisman Iltakes bis tub," as tise phrase is, every mornireg. A persan who i in the habit of omittiug tbis daily ceremory wouild ual ho cansid- sredi wonîiiy aiof e rance ia m espectable English socioîy. Au Ereglisismaýs's bath- fuis voucisas coly for bis respectshilily, bot also for fcimseli as s mare ai praperty. Wlien actais dore'î psy tsein blillshôeol keepera have a way of confiscating blair brureks. If travelling Englishmen dîdret psy tiseir bills liseir creditora wouid hava ta be satisfled witis lieir bathtuba, which serve îisem as tmunko. Thay dou't like trouke, I" boxes," as tisay eal tlern. It is s iun.ny aight ta ses an Engliss family arriviug areywhaefs Thair loggaga seema te cousist ai several bailituba, s baby carniage, sud innumerablo bat baxes. The tubsansudtise baby carniage ara filled with emaîl packages, ire wici tise f amily wardrohe appameuily la stowed awayu. Batistus, baby carniage, isaudioxes, and s lew boys sud girls ara- ail stowed away in tise dog carl, whicl goos bowling sway frarn the station isehiud tisa big carniage ire whicl lise parents ail. Tiserai are one sees tisaI a batisini may hava various fonctions. Sucis custorna are unknown on tise Con- tinent. A lib a tiseraseldam regarded as a pleasure, and only accssionally as s dnty. Du Mausrier givesas comical, but significant, pidture of Svaugaii's liorror at learnireg -tisai escis aithe tisme Euglish artilta- Taffy, Little'Billee, sud the Laîrd-was ire lise habit ai taheiug a bath every moniug. Ire France people wash tiseir bandsansd faces evary day, tiseir foot once a wcek, sud their bodies once ire three weeka. An Americae girl who wss sent st year utau aristocratic couvent ine Paris, wheme fise daughters aoftise first familles ire France iweme beiug educatad, was very machs barri. fiedîto fred tisaI orey once ire Ibrea i7ecks waa sisa expacted ta disturis tisa routine-ai thes scisool by taking lune for anvything sa nu' reasonable as a bath. Ever e ie est anelf. mosl isiehioeabla liauesaireParia e.- -n lava hatbrooma, alîhougis lhey may à& 1 î aIl tiseailier modemniuspravementssuch as eleutrie helîs sud spaaking tubes. Tisera. o na arders ona'a bath from sa publie bath. hanse, sud tise bot water is brouglil around aI lise appointed limeand is carrieil up ta o nc ire pails. Tise Gerînans ara net mucis botter. A daily bath is reol offee regardad hisem se a uecessily, altisaugis tieir beafisauscs3 are uow provided witli haîbtubo, sa tisat, ire their caae, tiese pirit seoins ta ho wiling aveu if tisaflash is vsk. Il asuma arranege tisat sudb a alrreg, sturdy folle as tisay ara sisouid appear ta lave a feeling-ai autagon. ism ta soma of tise tlisgwlicis olisara proue ta regard as ueceeaary toa ast. Batis ray corne ureder tissiesd, sud also fresis air,whicc is rnost abjectioareata tise German Hausiran. Sue lias lier roomi elint ccp from tise begjinreing ai winter ta tise beginniug ai summer s tigist as s drum, The sleeping roorns are no exception ltisah mile. Tire canrsequence is, at course, tisai they sîl suseil cloae and stuffy.- The texture ai tise German 1irl's oiseek, laches tise finienesseof te EnglislÎ girl's slelu. Sise lias just as mucis color-more, perisapa -but it ce as if some clnmsy baud lîad put as montS, even coat cf vermilion paint ar) tise opaque skia of ane apnpla. Tise ceon f tise face af tisamoen, if anc looksata it criti- cally, appears ta corne from tise avaeu reddeuing ai thosa tîrey facial capillaries, wiic beer driîskîug colora sud enlarges., It seerna Itraege tissu use Germaes sisulil be go adverse ta tise pereonsi applicatian of àwater interually snd externally, when thay use il so freely and auvantageorraly iu 1otiser waya. Tisey are always acrnishing tiseir isouses, liseir doorsîeps, sud tir streets, aned German towne are iseautifully neal sud orderly, The Germsans tlicmsalves like t o ainirtlie sumnier time, 10 vister- ing ptaces, but as George Eliot says in hem sketch called Il Tiree Months ire Weimîar," tiseir Wascisungatrieb aeeîans teaassent itseli anly at a paruicular tîne ni tise yean.- For tise rest, 'ls decanter aned a angsr basin or Pie aisis are an amîple toilai service for tîseu." - -ýâERE - 0Of thse marvelous snccess of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative power over every organ of the bod y, The Liver, thse Biood, the Bowels, th, Stomach, the Kidneys, the Skin, thfie Bladder, in fact, ail parts of the hum an system are regulated, purified, aanJ restored to perfect natural action this medicine. Thus it CURES a! l Ldiseases affecting- these or otheî part j of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa. tion, Bad Biood, Biliousness, Hea. ache, Kidney and Liver Compiahn5 Obstinate Humýors, Old Sores, Scrofu1ýt< .,Sb Rheumatism, Nervous or Genievaï Debility, and ail irregularities cfl th, system, caused by Bad Blood or- di-, ordered action cf the Stomnach, -1w>, Liver or Kidreeys. Thousancis of test, bmonials warrant, the assertion tha' AB. BB. is the BEST S RN MEDICINE FOR YOUNG .Q QLD,