If you want a good violin see ad. iRickard's stock is carefully bought. SEE Rihard tells vou what you are buy- ing. THENEWA novelty in sewing machines at Rick- T HE-ý NEWards. 'e Miss Olive Morrison ils home fronm To- POTAT BUGronto. Rickard's goods are tlice best the mai- OESTROYERket affords. Chcapest and best article in the in Hailt . on ci svstn red market Stott & Jury,, sole agentsl' Heal Bros. have just cpenod out a -ice line of igars andl cigarettes. Mr. T. M. and Miss Maud Fairbairu Paris Green lias doubled lu price but have gone to Maplehurst, Muskoka. we hiad secured a large stock and' are Coffees,roasted on the premises, always stili selling at old figures. Stott & Jury. fresh and best in town, at Murdoch's. Strawberries and cream and access- Best Englisli Paris Green at'Stutt & orics 15e atOctagoiî Parsonlage Juie 21. J ury's. Mr. Re-. Brock and Miss Gertie Brock ari uests at Mr. J. B. Fair- They ail admit that Weathor and baira's. ý û rpofPaint is the best for floors Miss Anniie McConochie hias îoturned and outside. work Stott & Jury, sole from a pleasasît visit with friends ini agents. -Montreal. Keep cool by buyîng one of those light P. B. K. Thîis is an article that lic coats and vests at (ioucli, Johnstosi & farmer can afford to do without. Cal Crydernian's. and see it at Stott & Jury's, the sole Oranges, lemons, bananas, pine agents. apples and ailother fruit lu season at Paris Green of best quality is a very Mrs. (liev.) E. B. Darnes of Lexing- scarce article tlîis year aîîd it lias near- ton, Ky., ils home at lier father's Mr. S. ly- douLbled lu price but Stott & Jury are J. Hall for the suinmer. selling the best Englisli grade at îow- The D. O. and P. Co. Band have been est prie whil presen stocklasts.enoad to play on Mr. )Panstonie's ,ýqt ricewhil preent tock lasts. lami"aturday evenin-r No wif e slîould wvear lier if e out scruLb- Richard has a snost leganit stock of binig roughi floors. Stott & Jury are watches-all very best makes and every selling best floor paiîît cheap. watchi fully guaranteefi. Mr. Robt. Rcwe, tenant ou the Jones The currant woim soon vanislhes vhen GainsbY faim, lias purchased Mr. Jas. -dosed with our pure Hellebore. Stott & McGill's bntchering'outfit, Orono. -Jury. Progressive faîmners, ca il at Worth's hardware emporium and sec the Ameni- Special. We arc offering a liinited can Scythe. It w iii dclight you. .uumber of choice atunîizers filled w itlî Liquid Paris Greenuis thme latest artiele best German Colognme 20e conipîcte. No for extermiaating pcsts. Murdoch personi's bargain day can equal this of- has a car load. it ils a splendid thing. Ler Sc tcmquîk.Fresh white flsh and trout weekly ati Uýr. ee tem qick.Cawker & Tait's. Leave orders noti iRazors cf the very finest quality and later tlîan Tuesdays for Friday's dcliv- 1 ositively gnaaranteed lu every way ey at tot &Jur's.cfMrs. Henry Wade (iiec Minnie Cootes)1 very chieiat tt J .o Kino(stosî asîd son are guests cf Mr. J. K. iýalbraýith, Victoria Cottage, King Street. Mr. S. J. Hall cf Williams & Hall,i R E M E MB ER cattle exporters,' has been electect a di- rector cf the Cauadian Live Stock As- WEATHER &sociation.'1 W EA H ER &Miss Mabel Tait, the new crganist cf WATER ROOFthe Methodist ciurch, cntered onuiber cx euing Suniday w itti gencrai aceept-i PAINTSCouneb, Johuston & Crydermusi say No tainteî lionever skiliful eau thev have nover hiad as o.ood a scason produce a btter paiîst and Stott for'selling Carpets and éurtaiîîs; andi & Jury arc sole agents. Smaii they still7 show' a fine stock cf these tin with brush 201e. $1.40o a gallon~ goods. _________________________________ ersous wýho think cf erossing the At- laîstie tiis year should see or n rite te M. A. JAMES,_, Steamishîp) Agent, Bow- inanville. Represenîs best Canadian1 STOTT & JURY@, We show a fine range cf Parasols which ivwhveiciportoctidirect from the BONV-[-\7ÀVILLEa imakois andti n o guaraiitee tisei'l te fie ____________________________________ he c Lest xaclie il î;so trade. Couchi, GRAD TUNKRMLAY, Johist,ýon & Cry dorm-an. GRAD TUN RALWAy. Mr. Jaunes (hatle cof the NnMr. BOWssAŽNVILLE STATION. Han-ry Gale cf tie Coiboniie Enterprise1 - aind Mr.. J esse A. James ot TH.ný STATES- oioEAST. GoING WYST. ut took a trip out te Colingw%ýood vos Upi 10 17 a. ni.1 Expressi.5 5)t. c.terd vte be rsn at the initial crp f Loca .70 p.m Psseugr - 295 m the sîow steamler Majetc Mal 10 25 Mail ...7 46" Mi. W. Werivy, the well known stock; breeder, icc11n11nG very higiily tise IOCake Mccl sold by Can1ker & Tait, i Bon iîaîviile. Hoehad heen uii large quanitities in Toronto, but finds lie BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 19, 1895. can do as well is towni. Triaitv vouug pceople have beon verv buvputtino- in eider the Otagon Pat- Local and Otherwis I.sonagvte grouands for tise social Fîidavt eveiiiîg Stran bernes bigscarce thev hav e cidered -a suppîx- fron Nia- Blousesots at Richard's-quality good. ara iistrict. Don't miss this chansce ~to Sewiug machines at Richard's-see spoîd a pleasaut tinie, Admission 15c. them. THE LIDIEs. Tle pleasant effccts Good gcods for littie money at Bli n efc aeywihwil aisna uise the Califoriia liquid laxative,, yruipt Machines sîcedies, cil, etc., at Rickl- cf Figs, under ail condiiss mahes it ard's.their favorite riemedy. To fl tetruc No btter choice cf Prints anyw liere anîd -nîine article, look for the ramec thun at Masoît's lic. yard. cf tihe California Fig Syrup Co., printed Miss Hinksonj Oshawa, was guest cf near the bottons cf the'package. theMisesDimuan ever Suuday. Suniday eeîn r W. -H. Tonkin, Yec nd vour boit frieîîd are invited Public Sehool toucher, Leshard, formier- Junie 21 te tFinity Y. P. S. C. E. social. ]y cf Solina, tecký charge cf the Method-t Note the eveiv-day-bargains bein* ist pulpit, 0Oicio, anti preicched anin-lu offecd y Caker& T it u te 11terestiig sermonî from ftie foilown hg advt. text: Jeremiiais 8th chap. verse 22, "Is there sic balîîî in Giecd; is thiere ne Mis. J. G. Witton anîd children have ,-reatplivsiciiinthere?" The cong-îcga- returned froîn Toronto mucl i iprovcd U1tý was 1vcry attentive.-News. Sec Muson's R-1eavy Cottonade Pants at 50e. a pair, aise stunniîsg value lu Cottouades. Mr. anti Mus. Ed: McMurts-y, cf Gaît, are spemîdiîîg-thjeir lîoneoion ih friends un tendl. About 60) îîeîscuss nut on the R. T. cf Tr excursion lest sveel, and those wiun n-eîst through te Guielphi neue delighted with thie Model Faîni anud Agnricultunal Colege. A frec lunli n-as supp)iiOd and great attention paid le excursion- its te nui h leirisil isuasant ciel We have some gonuino burgains for Profitable. It is a splnidt place te you, ccli anti examinie Oui stock. Masy- vis,ît aut tus scasoîuandîsoine s sheîîlt nard thc Jen-eller. faîl te sec tise Model Farini once. Wc n-ouid udvise nlsvho want te buy Oîhan-a 18 likeiy te have a public park 1.irs elass goods aI a simall piofit te ccli ut a veux caris- date, n-hich nill equal lu ou Maymaud the Jen-eller. bcanty i f uot extent auîy inýthseProx'inee,. Mu. E. S. Edaseudson h isncg-otiaîing-, Nice Crpet Slippers at Mson's foru with Box-. T. H. Cuthbeiî for'tise pu r- 80c. n pair, ahie a tfle oe f Meu's chasecf Pr-ospect Place. Wheîîîe bar- Poiished Caîf Bals, beissg eieaned eut et gaih e onchutled lu is Mr. Edmoudîcîs s $1.50-, woiîhî $250,. intentions te openi the pm-pertv te the La dies if yen are n-anting Lace Cur- mse cf the public. Ho proposes -puttimg tains vou should sec the great valuesi a large eoe ideotr me operatc beingi offered et Mson's change cf busi nînir-go-ricunds, swiligs, puînp naten, 1iîess s ale. Caupets lihen-ise. etc. lu wouhd Dasahe a unost deligOlful Spot for rcst cati iecreatimm, and wn hope We have been, in business fourteen it max' fi remlizeti as sueh te the ilizeus yen-,,rs anud we fail le find anyte say tOut c sawa. Itnollasfialx-y wx- iisi-epiosented anyuhing n'n soil, ne plae cf rescut for xisito-s, for piessies nieý 'tIli oiu esen i e, ieanti publie onuertalusments.1 n1et h u'- or itl vîeeaurd Dv tbe final draft cf stations Bai cf Quinte Couference, Meticaîf St. ehitreh, Mi. Luike Martin, a hig-hly nespeeteti Osian-a ,gcls Rex'. G.W. McColh. M. A., oeiei f Peut Rope, Pied ThîîrsdeY lies. J. . Clarkhe feitiz superaîîmuated. x-uuuagoîl 6u5 y ars. Mi. MaîuiîîIRex'. H.B. Knsvis statiomîc t au Gaf- was a ge,(ntinun bld lu the highest) tous, ocit cof Cobouro-lies-. Jas;. Andelr- eseusby al n ýho kmïexv his; a sicene ]seul ah Columbius; i-lev. D. S. Rouch li Chïistiamu, and a trustee cf île Methodist IMaiii St., Pictouî; Rex'. dare, Litdi ai Qhui'eii. Ris emdwsspeaci'. Keene; lies-. H. 1. Allen ut Emiii 1enu; is-. Ge. Shurticif, sster cf Mr. Jesse amntiles-. E. E. lentaid a lciptn Tri , Darlington, ied suddcnly ai lier Thie cmiii- eficienex' rep)ortetdiiuicîue hionsc nieirWlitby. Sie n-asapparent- soi lfuntis nus the Missionaix-, n hiiehi 1v iii1 heu usuel healtlu-ihen lieuriusbaud lias felu the pincbimîg cf thc hard limes antd )i o -et nnay for a foss- heurs fish usmore than otheus, yet the Poficieie.- lu înamd oIhîcî ietrnfensi'ir: n-thse Genoral Fumïd xsas alsct mauPe up deatdi o)i t1licï(ou near tihe hou shichi so7. by surplus lu îhe Wcmeîi's Missiouary fiad evideuti Y triedt te eaeh. Rleart fail- depart-ment. The asenbeiship report s iire or aupqohcxy 18saiti te lias-cbeen tise n considerafile increase lu toce car's (*usc.Mu. Shýurtlcff ni omie tinse taught labor. The Confercuce will nscal s-ar thie Kiiby sehool. mnieet au Trcînton. Children Cr- for Heal Bics. pay top prices for produce. Spectacles properly titted at Richurd's. Musical clock at Ricards-a barguin. Richard understauds the eye-Cail oui him. Beautiful silver plate at Richard's (new.) Reliable tiune pieces cf ail kinds ut Richard's. No charge for testîng eyesight ut Rickaîd 's. lIed Bics, cash groeery, has sicw cheese this ivek lIed Bics. have a fine lot cf Baucuas anîd Pineapples. Indiais, Ccylon and China Teas, groat value ut-Murdoch's. Have i ou tîied Heed Bics. tous anîd coffees? They arc good. TuE STATESMýAN business officé is up- stairs in the Statesman Block. An ciglit day dlock fnlly guurunteed for very littie money at Richaîd's. Dont miss the Excursion te Guelph Tucsday. Tuýesduy's -%viii likely be the last ex- cursionî te Guelphi this season.1 Muson's are pcying the highest price for eggs.' Their g-cods are as g-ccd as cash, lu sonie icýsesbetter. Ail Ladies' Sprnîg Jackets asnd Capes selling off ut caîd usîder cst price ut Coueli, Johustoîi & Crydermian's. Ladies' icoking for elsoieDress Goods xiii find just n hat tlcy n-cnt ut Couch, Johuston aîsd Crydernuian's Visit frieusds lu Western Oîtaric,.going Moiiduy afterîsoon aîsd retursîing Ved- nesduy. Ouiy $1.25 te Guelph ausd re- turn. DRESSMAKJNG donc by Miss Maithu P',tat, Cor. Kinug snd Oîidario stet. Rl 00F SLATING.-C. L. Muu1iscu,' ,t Bois ianvilît-, sialer, Ft-lt andî Gravel Roof- et-. 8 lyr. JERSEY COW WANTED.-A g-ccd îîîll] tow, Jet-sey prelt-rred. M. A.J Aîîî.<s. 2-lf. TOT-Grey, 5Vool, Cairrage Rug, .Lqddtr willi lit- înitably iewarded ou leaviuîg at SuaîasTEMs.N Office.21. B _OY WANTED-To work on faim. -"Apply to R. SsaîewuEs, lot 21, cou. 2, D-ar- lingîoîi. Boî 101),Bouaiile21f X/FUSIC-Miss Nellie Williums is pie- .).aitd to teacli Harmoîîy anîd IMusit- at lier resideimet-, Quecît St., west, llowmaîusillt-. IIOOL Highest Market Price îaid hlYii Cashi for, aîy quaultity of Wool. L. Q-ciOpppIsite Bt-enett floust-, Bon maîîvilie. V{ ATCH LOST-lu Bon munvi île on May if, a lady's sllvcr watt-ltwîth gold fob). R-w aid for retun î 10SiATSaMAN tOffie. 22-tf. MARRJAGE LICENxSES-Muvrsard .t oeJe-wt-llt-1 xWhite flouse, Bo n iýIauv ile, issues Mat-riag e Lit-t-ses. Evt-iiiîig residlenet-, DisisiconSt., ut-at Music Hall. JJOliSE WANTED).-Ycung He Irse, luA-souid, for delisoerys wagon, gond dri'vt--- T on Bakt-, Bossimivuillt-. eau 232wý 1 OffloPOUNDS WOOL wait- 10000Pd aI oncre. I willi psy the- higce8 !cîl ritefot- iiy quntuîit.vofnV OOL delluN-et- Id aIt un'-stoes. Kiig St., East, Bowiuianiusl1e. J. B. MARTIS-t. 21 rf. A man tic csed Willhin Morrcvwas _X IOLIN FOR SALE.-A fine violin arrested Monduy at Newtouvillee cr3-- B for saile, forit-ny limhe proîîerty of tht- late Dr. Baxler, Et-lueipal of Baxter iniis rsity of ed with a theft cf $26 fions Mis. Stepîs- MuIt-,r»ay et-ci ltAxa Y. J.w a omis, Toronto. S-aBwinil.24-tf. Dont faite note the important ques- tion asheid by Coucli, Johnssîcu asîd TAWN MOWERS siîurpenod caîd re- Ciyderusiaui ou thc first page cf this pairedl. Bic*ycles -iid ruigt-rs repairedi paper. and hit rite bt-st of order. Ouders lt-ft uit tht- Mis. D. MePherson and daughters, H. J. \VEEKI:,, Libety tree ttemlo Minulie und--Rutît, cf Columnbus, Ohio, aie xisiting relatives lu tcwui and vi- #_IATTLE STRAX ED.-Fiom lot 7, qimity. %-,Jcou. 2 alitn about May 22iid, two d'ling i4stt-t-rs ýaidliseifer. îiostly rt-d. iforii Inv'itationîs are eut for the asînual pic-it-adiiiig 10 tlleiu riýeos et-y n'Ill be r.ewàu-dled. miiecof tue Eford Faiiv wliiehi will fibtc x WjuiiBownarnvulle. 2-3m'. held îscxt Saturduy ut Cedar Cliff, the iîaîsoscuîcesidense of Counielilor J. C. FARSI FOR SALE OR RENT-Gocd Vanstone. tt 100at-i-t fat-n foir sale or teOrt-ut, just outsîde tetoitn oS Bossiranvilit-, andî-9(,)o acres i tht- Many citizesîs drove up te Maple Towshsuip of Cartwrighit. Apîily 10 Tîoiýs Grove toc Mouîday. Thieme nas a spiei -BiNGIIAI, box 72, Bon niamvlle. i f did tariteut aîîd tise exes-cises g-avie excellenît satisfactioun. The finuncial F~ARM TO liENT Fer a terni cf vouss t-Ou di scs cnalî $fl0i A. 1 GIt-uiciliuu ' 5 a-rt--'rules lu-uiiWlu'ithb5 ,nod buildings and soil; admirable fonisiot-k or Mr. Haix e Eddy, wlîo se uîysteriouslv ai--Chancte for' gobîg exleiisiseiy ito To- disappeaied frinsCarke, lias beesi i- o ntouilk business cr stoeck raising lot- Auîtri- ise iu arkeî. Men-ii itîcapitai cnly iiettl îy. atoti neur Slitl' samsisco, Cal., mn'i ie "'Il.Do, Wdlbjy. is ongae--eiihi fruit culture anîd is eîîjoy ing excellenît hsciîth. XTOTICE-Peistuns are hereby forisid- A strcn'berîy social xvifie iîeld ci dîeu n fsIi l' Browu's Pouiti at Cactiuus, Mis. W>. F. Alleîî's, Beeeh Ave., on Fni- tht- exclusisve riOUit to fdsh iii suid wters has uuo- tl-sv mue 98 unrierthe crrspiees cf I e bcuîîtlased Us nie.i>' trt-st-st-i nI >11>0wil da, Jn -2, udr h asiet- teb paid for iufnt-u{ustinuu ieaîliuîg tothtnis oictiouî Latiies' Aiti cf St. Paul's chimrels. Par- of parties trespassiuîg- or actîig- cout-,at-y lu thîls tieulars iext week. întice. TuboîýiAs Jîisai, us>uîaus ilt. Eusign iMcAiimnd lias gene te tai5 Mao 5) 1-w chage f ie ou Brgaue.C PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING A. Wfisessiasï cf Torcîontoisicaîsasi c int -m uN& Lixi IOs t-c1) hav ituI-t-d iuutn liere taînpci anis Theise wc votliceî îarîcrîupto (-art-y nu t-e W Li aIl .uîu-u-su cnng hf eaie Capt. Taylor atid fn bsues are ut- ow i gbeillLu f il Lict.Lot o Feieon als. s prit-e. nSto e ji It-iS Bioek, npposice tu O lecmi WTetbîsax , May 29, the i-esitleice Blnul as-uiiil- 19 cf Ifit-hard('i, Esq., Cainficine, brotehisof Mis. Jas. jolirston, Bowisais A GE>STS VANTED-Fanusm-s wait- svile, n'îs the scesse cf ai iaîeisting & f i hardi1, lîuuntivstU top0liant titis ùCousu xx~~~~~~~~~~~ î-lis- c,/ Brlt fCbuu u ali s fa oi il li is-ork. W e s'auît uuucu C b Lro, suIhunu w îou e(u)ti it-- 'fullo i nu -ut tuuue. joiiied iiin itia-eM-.dlini Hull, cf Sait-ty auldt-xpituu'-t-s o îuissiouu. xirite au LhuiLamsd Eluýisa R. Cullis, daug-lîtem- uit-e la fi itl>r idioriuua1tioli. BP,îuxsBus cf Richard Cullis. Cuu'asCulueîa u- reTritci Rer mijsis,'frientis hn Bonianui11e coîit, tutlate Mis-, M1iiiiie E. Hiiset, ] OOTS AND 81-IOES REPAIED.- M. A. Pli. 1)., citi sceiis- tisedegce B A.isf.f.lnoaî>slot-uauak-r, lluutr s cf Doctor cf Philosepiv frontîCrlucl 010l Stainud1, îaus t-e 'tuuiu--us lort- uiî- ies-bal Cuiscuit -lThis1 tu lsi-s tem-euatronîac-e iii Ltue !,ust, suid, ly îpromput attentinu t , luiit-, Thisi us then Oufuieudeiruîiu,,Ioi,> 5l10 stiq coisferreîV 0v cisc cof tisefor.ei st i mî- menit a s bai e o tl-t- îsvoik. Aî iiso o x ersities cf Amel-ica aund n ethisk lMiss andtishiusîu an sd 1î>rnuaitâ mcided(. G se Hlighmoit is tise fisst Caisadiasi lsdx te hiuua trisu iuil luest-lui cous it-t- vouu tiat îs'lat WVleu Mr. D. Ravise rXune fomNTED HELP musouî or xx omoîs tise eouitix te lus doses lhonteso i coch )- iievers li dt-al ocnal or t totiuig Av.,SaÜra eeiiig i fun hscards taelçed al)oui tri t-s, l-it-t-s aî ti:c xsife celd ini dclii tlttIe couch. -Dr. losan sd t-ouiry. Stad iulont-uîî. Cou Bciili sas siuiiiiti îe îjmîsîotiet-ci nîiisiouî or islury jt- i cuaoitik sud xutuu s hecît diseuse as tise cause. Siehad isd îouc Il - os-ituiiii;u ukiiuiîa-~i lîeut ailiîsg for oses- twc vears, -but 1 Co., nP.oxi iu 2,Loîdous iii.n. Ciii. 1 death cammue unexpectedx-.Sue w.,s do-îî tossus FriPas- aîd it is probable (ý_ OOL! OL! The uîîdeî-si-ned tlîat she Pied that ~niglît. lMiss Rai-îe W % i 11,uîoss',I-t-put-tO npay t-i> -tgustCsh ss-a aI olie-c. liebes-cvedomsPrit-e lfr ot onîl Il-utc 5'OL delus cred at lits wasat ollge.Theberiie oitcs Hamptonlui. Brui> sntooi iii sopîî as have thé svnpatiy cf ailI. sheareth and isavst- soirrs-'is s frouuin -}cu- M-Yr. J. T. Mot-risomi cheeseussaker cf Oîemîo cheese factcry, lasI scmîscu placed a sîiahllhottle iin h e ntre cf a ceecse anîd withimi ute fottle a nocte rcqucsliî-- n licever uuight fie he fimnal prtrcîîaser et the cheese te svîiue Ihislcti Mhîin hîsc is wshat conition thsey foîsîsciil and ut -nhit puice it was selliîig. Tise cthe- nveek nse ieeeived a letter frim Dowvbarn & Sous,' Wisbeck, Gersuamîs , iiiforiîiiis- lîlîsi tisaI tiscy iadaPilcthe cheese, iîavissg puichascd lu frontî a fit- n uLiv- er-pool, Ensg., amdîth lat h ss-as lu a g-cc state cf prescix-aticîs ant selliusg- ut 15 cenîts a îsouiid-Ncn-s. Strawberries ! Srawberries!1 Thc Ladies' Aiti cf the Methoîhist dhurch il 11 ld their aiîmuai stras- bcrm-v social îtN'Gieemî Court, " tise resi- doecof J. M. Buinacomobe, Argyle St., oms Mondas- cxeuius"-, Jumue 21uh, cei mcnieîng uit (io'dot-k. Strcss-bcii-iles, cieîm aand cakie xviii fie soîs-ed and.lMr' D. Merrisen's Orchestra xviil tirusi a choies musical pîegrcmt. k eic extra. Admuissionu 15 cenîts. Ail are cortîllx imusite oullutome anud cujoy a Will sac-tie yeu nescdozoîs Cabinet Photog-rarns cf the kimid TAIT & CO. turn eut truc to life for a shoit-tinse for cash isnutivuuce, sec saîsiples. Pichirire framies on hand te fie sold a' a slight advuuîce ocmioei. Crayon Portraits made le ordei- from any pieture. Samples ut oui studio, Market squari-ie Bownumvi le. BORN. COaxuZslu-Iu Hauuîpuoi Juuuus i7th,the ssif e oft Mr. Gent-gue Coriîîsh, nf a dalighîter. HA", -çu "i aiisIllc.on Ssttur-day, Juuît- 1.5th. 189.5, Eliza Hsyue, sgt-S 60 years. M ta-li-At Port Huopt, oncii ume 131h, Lok- Matin, sgt-il65 ytarg. ElauzaR-Iiu Toronuto, Juuse 14. 18 5, Franceis Boy,ifanI son ofS William sud Elizabeth Etiger, Bon mamuvilie, sgt-S 9 mcuhs, 5 days. Pitcherle Castoria. iai te-r-is xvi be givu. 'auiu-tluîîihi for lueir liberal g lîtnu"iituiathe îîuîh -omit-u iuug a.outîuîua'uce oSt!t- saiît, 1t iiuuîaii, s îuî obeclieît tttSevant, D. T ri.îuu 1Sti F ARM FOR SALE-A first class farii of 125acatres cr 1i.5 acres situated fil iri Tow-îship) of East Wlîilh,byit t-ou, lots 15 and 16 onuthilefBase LUne. abouti iïmiiles froin s saw a station, 2 miles frcnî W n d ai6t) ro<ls froin the school lionse.Largerc-my btidtiigs, main barii 95x361t, pleut of lt-uit, soif clay loami. al- togetler mofO tte bt-st graifarnms on tht-etkt- Short-; no bis aud stoiie5. About 10 at-rt-s ol wod, 7Qert-s inupasture ami frt-sh set-ded. TeIsseasl ; 1rsI1)îowiig u. For lut-ti-r partit-ulars apply to A Aý.Nis, Ohlawa. 37 If. XtVANTED-A good suanin voni dis- v ri t-pt-tsent tfli c tilNue-s of Ciaada." O> tr 700 at-rt-s. Tit- largest fhi lut- Doinion, Positioniie-niiat-uit. Salary or t-oui- miss-ioni to riglit man. Witte tht- iit-rt-shî- de- ii-ahîdc for lfrnit a position witlî us as saItsnian josî~~ ~~ 'i- tîn o- o u - iu s i , a",,, rite for. 1)riulr 0 îî X4.îi,TOcN T-J.Io 22-1l WA NTE D Seven Brîght Men. for iwo or tht-t-t- îîoîthîs, lot- a personai envs ous a semni-political issue. From s lt-Gi l a pt-t mondte, ace-ctdiiîg 1to t-ievolumet salo i lue nf reports. Adîlress, lot- fullinfolrnmationî. POLITICAL BIOGRAPIIER, DE twail 29, ficAN-rîcan, ONT. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected byJ.McMeýurti-y eiery Tuesday FLou, V 1)0ibs------...$2 60 te $3 00 WHAFaîl, e bushi...O 060 Il 1 00) Ir Russicîs, e .. . . -O 0 0it 10 te Goose, ...0 00'i0 9') I Colra o, ...0Of)0 1 00O le White Fiie ..O.0 0ite100) liRed I ..000iil.iOu0 BA-'RLEY, PV bush, No. 1 .. O0O00n0O65 te leili2x.. t0 0 0 048 et fiil H2.... 0 00 n0145 te leTwo iowetl 0 0 0 65 OATS, witi--------------0 Oil 0 40 il ixecl i............O 35 Fi O88 lITE e.............O 0J)il 0 00 BUCKWtEAT Il.............O 0OU (n O)10 PEAs, Blacheye, P bush.. O01)0 O 65 ilMunmey t 0 00i0 o70 Susal, î 1 0il 0 O6) nBlue, il O0O00net 0 65 BU-T-ER, best table, P lb.. O0 10 '0 O12 V ,,,Pdoz ....... .....c tic00 0u10 POTATOES , bush .........O 00île 25 E\JERY WEEF< DAY-- .-4IA BARGA!N DAY, The Crowds That Visit Our Store Every Day Are Not Drawn H-ere By IdIe Curiosity. Ou aii fias been, is new, and ever will fie tb by the best goods, (net Irush), and te offer lhtimuat puices lIaI wii satisfy tbc puhase-, when bhe articles ge lu'. homne. 1By fuir Pealing and seihing only reliabie articles oubrade lias steadiiy inereased. Houe are a few cf lime mauy bargains we nre giving six day s esîery iveek,: 5 lbs Prunes 25 cents, 6 lbs Raisins 25 cents, 3 Boxes Matcbes 25 cents. 1 Box, Christie's Sodas 20 cents, 3 lb Bar Soap 15 cents. 5 Ibs Tapioca 25 cents. 2 Botties IVtxed Pickles 25 cents. 1 lb Ccffee ý,5 cents. 1 lb TUn Baking Powder 15 cents. CPýWKE~R a TFUT, BOWMÂNVILLE. Tbe Popular Grocers, The. White House JEWELLERY STORE, Silîl ieads lu baiguins baving sold ail or îîearly ail goods that sxtere slighîtly damageti by tire, we are tiow shcsving a liîe ofcf ean first cluss goods. No soft or blistered goods. No trash picked up ut ciseap auiction rut-uneinu lie city anid pa-issi- cd off on the publie as good- goods sold clîeap. We buy our goods fioni gcod reliabie isouses and seli tsein 10 peu cent above cest. Ail xwte ask is a cail te convince youLrseif cf real genuine baugains lu irst ciass goods. Ou xvok alxvuys gives tise best cf satisfaction and we do il onîself, we doms'î ihave 10 send itl out of town. Issuer cf Marriage Licenses. MAYNARD, Bow vmANVILLF. THE JEWELLER. HEAL BROUÎSE 0F THE Cash 'Grocery are nicely settled in businîess., Freslî Ooods. Attenîtive serv- ice, and Close Pi-ices wvill be factor-s ini the trade. A ehoice lot of Piiîe Apples, Strawber- ries and Bananas and other -fruits in season. Pi-ices will surprise you. Coi-ne and sec. Highest price for ail kinds of produce. ,ANS We have received to-day a veî-y choice lot of large Fans. Just the thing foi- this warnî weather, onily 5c. each. Otiier styles fî-om 5c.up w.aîds. Croquet Sets, Tennis ilacquets, Rubber and Base Balis, Expr-ess Wagons and Cart, Baby Carniages. W.T, ALLEN, BowvstýutvILLr1. Big 20. To eall and inspe et our stock of Millinery before purchasing. Having made a very extensive purchase this spring- we can f2111 al wants in the Miliinery line. Thne latest novelties arriving almost daily. It wilbe to your interest iRernember the stand third financially to give us a door east of Bennett House, cail. Kinîg street. BOWMAN,'VILLE: ALLA N LINE.' [IVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND MON1BEAI ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. FiroînFinio Lis-ctpool. STEAMSLHIPS. Munt-t-ai Usyhiglut 20) -17 4 Juhy 258I i Ang. 'LAURENTIAN 15 Il PARISIAN 22 Il 1MONus-ILIAN 2!) I StIMIDIAN G Juuhy SARDINIAN 13 - L-URENTIAN 2o PARJISIAN 27 'M')NGOLIAN i Ang. NUSIIDIAN 10 - SîRDIIAN 17 RATESOP PASSAE CABN S sge t5),-mO, 75 and 5.lItlon .110, t-lt-Sanîd t-1Ge. SECOND CABInl. Tu nr froua Livetrpiool, Londonder-ry, Bel,>ast or1 Glasgow--------------------------1..... 0.00, Retru Tut-kets-, s îvt- houts------------x.iM To or frouas L,)ioî l ................... ---.00 Chîiidrem betssteeuu 1 snd 12 yet-ss- al. Fitt- Infants, fiteuothi ssays. OuTWsAul auuDmu Froua Moult-eaiSTEERAGE. PEAD anud Quebet-. To Quebet-. . GREATBRIuuTATN ANDIRELAND. ~ 0~Lis-t-oolLouidlouGuas sgusBî'ifast - .Louuduuulerriy or Qnieiusios--i. j~s 17.00 Dublinî by Steausser friou Lis-erpool.. 16.00 18.00 Bristol or Cardiffb y iaiu touor fîcm Lisvt-rpool--------------------.....17.09 For fututr partianiars apphy lu SM. A. JAMES, Âlian Line Agent, Bnssmanx-ilic. lMRS. DON6ASTER6 Be W.MANILILE. Z 60 DAYS CANADIAN NO RTH-WE[ST' 13EXCURSIONS Fions FROM AU STATI-ONS 9 a. m. CANADJAN PACJFJC kV. TILt itti liûUIND TRIP '-1lKETS ON JUNE 2,5 latiJ t~,: LG24 JULY 9 oncaTo lui SEP. 8 JULY23 ~uNi 15,SEP. 22 - TO 18911 Meorainue........ Restonmu........... Estes'an ...... ... $ 80 Binscarth . ....28 ...O O.ý. .1 Regsin .......... ......) = ................... ý-$ 0.00 Yorktow ---*---"" "«*'- *-'- *-------*.. -J Prince Albert ....-.......------0 Calgary------...ý- - .1-- . Red Deer---------.. 1.....ýf400 Edmonton ....0......... Ilkers ni July 931h ane 2 3 Excursiona Tickets wihh ut- iii gond tinue 11> attenud the~ Wuiiiheg lIffusiaial Faim,,.JLly 151h 10 2otil, auuul Gransd Territ-orial EîMoiiioli, Ëegila, Juliy 23dm1 to August lot-l. T. E. HIGGINBOTH-AMI, Agent, BowmanyiiIel, ri I 23 7 Johy 14 Il 20 28 3 Atog. 18 11 1 '