ta e TERMS :-$1.50 P'ER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor-and Proprietor. NEW SERIES. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, WEý,DNESDAY, JUNIE 26, 1895. VOLUME XLI. No. 26. W '11 PLromn T o=mday SsII off a lot of Dress Goods at greatly reducsd prices. Some of thern at half price. Also a lot of Dress Patterns at about half~ price. These goods are not old and shop-worn, but new goods imported this season. The balance of our Anld Coats, selling off at exactly haif price. Just received a fresh supply of Ladies' Blouses and Shirt Waists, made up in the latest styles, perfect ftting and low in price. BONVMÂNVILLE. Latest.. spring Styles. The place to buy cheap for cash is at M. Mayer's Ilat an.d Gent's Furnishing Store, where are alI the laetstyles in Fedoras, Christy Stiff and Straw Hlats, and also>a new Uine in Gent's Furnishings I ail sold cheap for cash. Corne and ses us. No trouble to show goods.. Highest price paid for raw Furs. M. M A'YER'M The Practical Hatter.1 Bo-vm - VILLEI. SOLO EY CHEMISTS A~ND DRUGGISTS. We hiave a large supply of the stroingest and best Inisecticides in ,Zt mnarket BLUE STONE, PP~ISGRF-N, HELE3ORE, INSECT POWDE, WILSON'S 'LY PP'miDS, ETC.ý A full ', lne of Bath and Buggy Spo'iges. J. I'IGGINBOTIIAM & SON. BOWVMAN\ ILLE. GOLIGH, JOHNSTON & GRYDERMAN Alpa rcels of five cdoiLiars an oVer, ten l)er'cent off 0o1 cash sales. Thanking you for- pat- rouage in the past I solicit a share for the pî'esent and future. Mrs. A. Am. Ives, Oipposite S. A. BaiTecks. 'MILINERY. Thc la test novehiîes in Suinier lilliiîierv at Miss Sliaw's. Ail thc lea dinig styles in Ladies' and Misses' strtiwv -and jet Bonnets and i iii ail tic lcading colors. Lovely Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Aigrett . s, Orîîaments, etc. Veilings, Chiffons, etc., evcrv requisits te the mîlliniery trade. Cali and view oui' 'ods a uîd von wvili certain iy be suited ivith goods aud prices. fIISS1SHAW, Fisl dcci cast cf Fait Offiec ToWNimîh- 0FHOPE, COINTYi v[DU an i., Uinier instructions froni fdis trnstees of th~e Estats of tbt laie mrs. Mary raiotdcast thers, will 1w offeied for sale by Publie Aieiot atie £iEN'S HOTEL, PORT1' HOPE, on sAtDAY, JUN E îatii 1, ai 2 o'c-lock, 1)11 vho foilowing farm propeities: Paîh.No I.- The Noî-tlirn f'îrse-qi-rrs of lot No.' ±5. tin-h second eoîîesssio i of suid T1own- shiip, ei-otinilJi acres iiire Or I-e. ils, propsrtv wl -kowii as the"BroaiI'oot Fari"i18ouIdred onîe of flic- est îwopriîes ii di liýýiie Couîiiis. 1v is nosît1israblvs-istu- atmd, beiog- oiiY six miles fron Port HJiwe, oî, the Kitigstou fioad and Ch lîa-i-otî- Post Office is onil.yas (wtnaiuitei3waik. Tus buildigs consist ot afins brick bouse anS briek dweiliîîg kfiteheii. ",o iargs barns, one with Cotire atouts iourîîda tioui aud vtuother partially, (ran1e- borse stable wa2on isid, driving houas Cii. vTîeî-e are lia e acres of sî,enviid beiriî,g oreb.srd, a nsier fail- bîg st-,-an uofucood %Ttrrins aerùss the lot. There 1are iwo wellg andt is(ltev . Ali)- erpotideetvluît a ii"', siarsfarin sbouid C îisanS ilusixe-v this jîrnpQrty bi-fore loc.uvin, aRCb6 Èwnt. ylir inhothird f ýiitiv'0! said 'ownêîlp of HI)u- toi!.ant1 itae,. nmior rlias. "IIre alo -xept o a(.v- b,-to- forts~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~i 01d1t ov cc.A(it- tnî ao thiz p.trcsl. Theý, 3ri i ves ofotvsiW ood. F"ull posifsatonofl botb pareds ll- f11 e n 01oi Finis of April i1K)6, but il'etosu 1114r ui venlant (tan 'iae es, eV ol IO csr lt bag aud (ail worf. alter visiii: s1 ot hte eau-. Bfiprc:riî av ililis soiS withou, i-,s% e. Tîcittil.-IO fs-r sent dorvu ai tvins 1 s le o1 (ir tbe ei( c ensail e il wvdaililibe utaa ~o-u a iuneaisale. 1 r i 7 esu-pari tiicipltO .T.'fPnu' s, Daisds-Oifu ay,1&.')5 iVendoî! -iAt to port i- e, Ont. Tbsie vI l aso lie offered 'or sali itj, 5 ares 0of the Rope Consolidatuýd Eoad Comipany.. M\ ViIi Veale scra-ed ounflic Juri- ut Coin î thticrecciafassizcs. B ui, badfly needed, the lIuîîd secîns tapsevaeryg utile moisture. AhcwMiiitxis drawaing-largcquan îî-,efnîlIkdal a Biaclktock clîcese Flin i LakeSu-g is repertcdl goL. ý,ýSente fine Maskuiouge laive been -erlfrein bere atteaîvid tui, ciiireli re o u Ng ILu Horeci, ami report a ir.(11ev.) Geo)r- MeKaxof Berî-ie, Bru3e .,levisici.. her'father Mr. Mi.S. Jeffrex-, accciipanied hi lDr. McU ilbbou',s ittie girl, i', away visitinI"- Lfrieuls iii Toronto. Bar. R L. Ed-wards fareavellcd bore On S"udav Iast. We 'vish i iisuccese in bi, noix spicre-West Cainpbellford. 5fr. lRobert Jaeksen ii iitcdMiiaî on J nîie 8th and lias returaici witl Miss Alicu Jobi)! of uiat place, as lus bridie District Division Sens cf Teiiperance mciijilaesiei Fida-.Bro.BrookQ, G.,. P. w-as presciti, but atuandaîie cf wleac xas incagre. S airmeut w-u's dispensed ini the Euniijkilcnad Cadiaus Presix tenait ehîîîrcàlî ast Suadax'-,te exeepticanhi 1 lare cugeguion -Fixe neav mei berai-cru aon-îiitc-l on professioni cf f i 't .1 Seps c- f England excur-sion te Fenelon , Fals w-a a decided suecess. TIie Pre,-l bveiunSuiidax' scîaool cxcrsieui te Suurioiir Foit'Tnsday w-as also a siucess. Nearir ' tirce liiîdred particl- prîted. Mfr. Ca;inpbell andciMu. Walsh helcl a îeinluNo. 9, Sehool HouseirecitIN, Conueraaives arc quire coiifidleîi cf electia iefîir mnuanda~ îakîgfi ocf t'ic(.Patronus puttiîg a iianiiitcl Pield tid hcip clect 5r. Walsia. A ul; ninotlî P.,cf 1 i. îic ~is ta I-n helc i ii McLaugiiii's avcods cii Fridax- CaiiaeTlornion andt Mr. LcekIcJ Wils'ouî , oeeof flac rafers cf the ordler, arc cxýpeceted. WIiy net give Messr-s. Beii hmrl Waisi a ciance te bavecXre recaxenien cii flacplaîforiai to nicet iliose utn iequal footing? S Mr.Jclîîsîen, th ce'vuer,' is lui-" aloîin fi tlic Commaercial Hotel. Sente, ý blaekg'nnýrdsocccasioaaiy amunse tfieitu$ si'es bl Itbroxviug sicues ut the house.c Poor Ms Johuston bas ber liands ful li op)pciug fuis ottrazeous and unman-î1 Iv code.These gentlemn (?) wlî sciadtem neIte give B'lacýkstcck a7 bad uaýie, o.siculd bG puuishsie cverci a iorr ti,;ciraf isetI Cinu-i S S Vw;asa suceCss . ('n SUn- da,- lune>- Ii seratiins wrpreacici b 'Reý Kenncr of Priincc-Aibert indN Movdaflc eýravi ces w ci-e resume geod pegraniwwts givenbihte ;ihifrelui spech bý5fr.Bruce, tace Sup[. ami 11e. WI. Ketuaer. SInsie for, cuci scia ic anished hi- tue Black- TavIred,aii-ud fccliîig and dulli feaacie s en7disan-reecahîn Takee -ai fCarterýs ittle Lii er PilllE before c reiii ,. Aflcl u xxiii find relief. Theyt nex er t [;te4o g-ccd.b BLACKSTOCK. The bouse of Richard Suggitt caught tire Monday week frein some unkuown cause and the wind being, hig-h the flumes were Wafted te the outb)uilings, destroving a flue franie barn, also a 1leô- barn, drîx inîr shed and stable. Most cf the farna implements wcre saved. Mr. Suggitt -,as secretary and trcasurer of the school board and lost ail the papers and bocks. Miss Switzer, school teach- er, lest ail her clething, amd $25 cash. Mr. Thos. Ricbardson, the h-red man, losth is trunk and contents. Therew-as a small insurance. Mr. andMs.S- gitt have the synîpathy of ail their nei-hl)ors lu their rnisfortune.. PORT GRANBY. NEWCASTLE. The many friends of Mr. Havelock Beachain, cf St. John's Coilege, Winni- peg, Manitoba, son of Mr. DJ. S. Beach- ami forxnerly of Newcastle new of Lind- say, and nephew cf Jas. Ëi1beck,' Esq., Ncwcastle, w iii be pleased to learn that he bas passed' successfully bis final ex- amnmation in Art,,, Honor Mental and Moral Science course ln thc University of Manitoba. Ayer's Pis proînote the natural motion of the bowels, witbout which there can be no regular. healthv oper-, ations. For the cure of b)iiousnëss, lu- digestion, sick headacbe, constipation, judcand liver conîplaint, these puis have no equal. Every dose effect- ive. HAYDON.. If Y o u The Sabbath Scheol .unniversary ser- June 80 Rev. J. Kines of Oshaw'a miii ach t 2 30and 7 p. ni. Music bv tesehlool. Collection ut ecai service. tatons dilogÜesand sing'ing will be -ive bytheschool and addresses by hi GUOI 1ev. Jas. Kiines, Dr. W. E. Tilley of Bownianville and'circuit minîsters. lun KýýW ÏW B the evening at 7.810 p. in. Mr. Jamies L. Hughes. Public Scéhool liispector of To- ronto, gives one of Lis poiular lectures. Tickets to tea and pregram 25e; to tea, Il prorain and lecture 30c- lecture' 10c. 85u moAIl aire cordially invited. HEEU) TUF, WAîitN.-The emnion G-o to IRICKAIRD'S for there and ever-present warning of kindey trouble, back-ache and weakness in you Ceau get bargainsgenuine back, are quickly relieved by Dr. Cbase's Pills. Tic orig-inal and only 25 cent bargains every daty and idniev-Liver Pis. When ahl other every hour of the day. reniiedies fail, they cure. None but the best goods SOLINA. Rcv. Jas. Liddy, Ph. D., farcwelled kept in stock. Sunday lust ut Eldad. Grandnia Pascoe has been under Eyesig-ht tested without nie4zdical attendance of late.l MIr. M. W. Pascoe attended the clos- charge. mo exercises at Pickering coll, Mr. R. Scott and fanîilv and Mr. W. T. N. I C K RD, -have nioved inito their new W,,tehioa1çr, Jewelirr and OîAiemil, We congratulate Mr. A. H. Christian. BOWNMAN VILLE. Neads Blosck. fcrnierly cf this place, on receix ing- thc deg1ree cf B. S. A. Viitors: Mr. T. Franklin Wrig-ht, of B-l<ckstock,, and Messrs. Artbur aîffl tvlI ~ A; lx.IVES. H9ert COsbone of ourti[e. u --~anid Mr J. A. Werry and iîiss Minniîe hax e been visitiug friends lu tic vicini- ty o)f Blackstcck. Wishies to direct the atten- FOOXTBALL CHAMPION-sUW loi 1895.- Tic kn-iowiug- cnes4 are speculatinz on tion of t1he ladies of West the football 'possibilîties of tie scasoni. ('0ttlý\a is niot ikelv to retain tihonor.s Durhaifn to lier s o f fancy of h chai fflii sliip, as Quecits wilîl PU, ttffnin sure to smnash ail records. andi staple dlry goods, eni- !ftisýofien the case that very slig-hî cau- se ill losenavictory. If isstatctd tiiat brodier-y silks, crochet silks, aL pinfuCl cornnmadecuseless oie of thie Ac ï)Alneric.ani playvers. It follows that spools, rope silks, etc,. Drss e ni eaui hope'to w'in this -,-car tint ;eAlet)tosuIppl.y its mnieswith linings, cottons, prh ts, tiek- lnpî s amesCerl-il ra the i ings andi fulil Unes of corsets n- ae n ancs ei x o oîs 'and 11ýi p t-IfBAKSOK cuit c. E-SEL.IAY 'S Livuit i Eo~.-- u iie- ntivauabe e1~eti-w hidi is f ýtîs becoîaing 50 Pp ular, tics iot lpurge ani rp ik iIs, bunt is îuowerftil to proînoteý a hcaiiv, naturel actioti of ttc bow ils luv siiIiî)î a sslstinî , natur~e tai (1e its ew-îî 'vork itiin tiosiicaltal1and benieîial 'vax-. rhey are soldb'- aill dril "' i-ts ut 25 cenîts a box cr 5 boxes for a dollar. Mis-s Ward's licalthis ,iimnproî-ing. Lix cly football eonlte,ýts arc expeeîed lie-rc On' JuII' 1s. 5fr. Heiri- Fursier andi famil iox cd te Csîaw a on Thursae. Mrs. C. 0Oke lefi Monidavy cuiàa visit to lier birother ut 0w-en Seoindi. Gltd te sec 5fr. Henrx- Wiîeox arouind aai ii affer lis reccuat illncss. Mr. WVin. Beer lias puireiasc;d a flua .Jerse.,- cow froîn Rex-. Jas. Lldciy. Miss Enicc Roeli lias roturtii froîîî a pleasattxisit 'viii frieuds lu Oshawa. A yon-.daugiter arrix cd ai Mr. Win. Martils Satiirdav iiioriiug,)-. pretti' June rose. Mrs. (Rex-.) Lidd v's Sunda-v Scicol class presented lier xviii a liapdscinc, nr cf a ses coi lier departure for Grand preparations are mçn~iade fer flacantiiiersar.v te be ici here on lu5- let. Tiiese m-islîiui -te have an cuio «vable tiîîîe slacultici ouiC t-)Wiliow peint ounfluai day. Ileceit a-isitors: Mr. anîd Mrs. Aslile-, Osiawa, ut Mr. Jas. Cr-ýderniaii's; Mr'. S-tanlev Goyvne, Toroite, ut 5fr. Chus. Pasees; Miss Williîic Goodmîani, ( sît- axa iMr. J: H. Burrows'; Miss Aninie Crumbblat 11ev. Jas. Liddyls. ('n Monda' ea-ning tic eliir cf whd Mrs. LiddIv lias beeiýn iitbet' for flic pasi ilîree'-cars, met ai flicparsonae andi presenÏted b'er witii a sili-er piekhe cruet and unarnialade jar. Th(e pre- seutatîoî w-as ait enlîre surparise. If knock'i tie'viole bcdv cf Hard Timesa out cf existence te read F. A. Cole's Iatest quetatioiîs: Ail woi Tn cci suits 1$8 te order; Ai w ol Serge'suiits $ý8 te order;, and paîts fer fie iarocst mten ouly $2A-) to order. Cash purciasers of $35 'vorfi recela e a beautifi-l parler clock. Splendid as,rti-aent cf cloths te selec t froni. Gents' furnisbingiin latest st les.- cuilSunldav Julie 13) ut 10.3) au. and 7 p. in. Rex. E. E. Hoîward iXu n -]Iw pester avili preach anix iersaQ'y serinon,; in conuection -luisc SabateaSehooL Sinoiu hlcehoas. (olIcelleai at each sera-ic.Doinin Lu ay, Mud JIuly 1, lunX\illoxx Park anlu lt-d0cr sci- Nice wîi e hl, m4 wiis îcrt speeche ý bv Pevs. H. 1. Alliu andi W. S. Pritchaerdi B.A. MNusie by Eufield Baud. A in- her cf boats bav-e been tseturel, for bout- lu - on Hamîptoni Lake, aiid other pas- finif-six 111 be provided for old auJ youniz. A splendid dav's sport a-tsured. Trickets er tea anitail aft orioon end-a,,gciîeufs 25 cents, elilidren 15e. At nigif a coiu- '-ert xviii be gia-en iuthoe urci, el f8 odekeesiïùfig cf reacirgs,' recita- tien-', and vocal andJ lu trumenitil music bai home and foreign faleiît expe edluticadresand for thIe gI-encrous gii 1)calf of bîmisclf and wife. Sotspe-chcIwc Vre q eby Me'ss,1. m ve-oJos.I1anilmiaid, Jas. Courtice, C. M7. Lent, Levi Aýnnis,' WiI ye, and others. M.Napolean Garant. GURED 0F DYSPE-PSIA. A SEVRE CE ASE CURFD J'y BLRDOCK BLOOD DITTEIISAFrER OTIIER TREATIVIENTS HA) AILED. GENrmEN-After beinog treated by tlîreedcotors for Dvspcýpsia. I decided to tr-y Burdock Bioo&l Bitters. By the tinie 1 bad takee tw o botties of the B. B. B. 1 was completely cured and hav e siîice been strong and well. When I w.as sufferin'g fromýi dyspepsia 1 w-as so week; and tifiî 1 could fiardi. walk, but 1 nofw weighi over 10î) pounds and feel as wcfIl as ever 1 did lin nv life, NAPoLEoN GARANT, Mlerchant, Chaplin River, Que. KNOWLEDGE Bringi coanfort and iniprovemeni' and jeîida to peismaul eiijoymeut whten -ightly us-ad. The anay, -who livL- bet- Ner tin otlters ait-i enjey life mou rit les-s exjueuiditre, by ne- ci prourptly atd-uptiuig tha arrld's bhitaproducts ta the Iiedz of pi'sodbe.îm iuig, -lu 'ttast fhe value te heati cf fhe pure li1xtîd hxi.eprîuîc(iplsî embracud ini the rPmin d-y, Syrup off Figs. Its- erceiieîtce ïhduc te liýs puemeu'4ng in tfeamnint - ceptab' t- aunias bciie"ficial prope - s f et - Ps . i, x if as gc'vcn tft-<~ :nd a nety,,Lus.-. a.J- -oswti(--- l t-- ce, 0 y, w .îl c s pîk--'v so --l '- u -'--.1 - it t 55 t l ï,.-a Ticeniany friends orf Miss Minnie COURTICE. - Eliiott, cf Port Granby, will be pleased te heur cf that voung- ladv's succcss Mr. S. Rundle and family, off Detroit, -Wlile engag-cd 'iith'thîîiiperial Trio", are home 0on a visit. eue cf tic Royal Temiplar Revival Miss Eva Osborne, Town, 'vus guest Bauds. She has been deliobtino- Iarg-e cf Miss Littlejobns, Iast week. audienccs iiti bher reaâingls nauy Rev. L. Phelps preacbed bis lust re- heurts,,beino. toucbed by hîea4ring her gular serinons te af nil cburch Sunday. recite "Deatîi-doenied," "No Saloons ln Heaven," "The Face upon the Floor, The D. U. C. Co. have sold their May etc. We ccîigratulaîe Miss FEllicît cicese fer seven and five sixteenths bier success as an elocutionist. 01 cents. Thev mnake one feel as tlaough lire. Mr. John Sharsel, Mitchell, and Mr. w'as wvorth living. Take oeeof (iarter's John Rundie, Brock, are visîting ut Mr. Little Liver Pis afier catin-g; it 'vili James Rundle's.M reliai-c dyspepsia, aid digesti, give Miss Florenîcc Courtice atteîîded thc tone aud x-Igba te the.systcm. weddingo- f ber cousin, Miss Phena, ENNISKILLE-N. The gentlemen cf tie Leao.ue ut Ebenezer entertained the niernuers ut Mrs. Jus. I-e bas been visiiîtg- lutic honme cf thec president, Mr. R. E. Os- Witbxy. - borne, last 'veek. A programme 'vas Miss J. Knox, Toronto, is visiting her 0-vn and liglît refreshnients served. mother. qie ladies showýed their appreciation by Mrs. J. Clemeuce, ,Kirby, is ,uest cf a Chautauqua salute. Mr. Jas. Stainton. ' ANSWEE THLs. s ycur tongue ccated? Mrs. N. B vers bus l)een visiîiningn s yeur appetite imnpaircd.? Have you Toronto aiid'Marklîam. a seuse cf 'veigit or fulness lu tic Misses Marie and Mag'z,)ie Ro-ers a- ictecdthe iae in ie umboeti fenderi Qonvocation at NWh! I)Y lauie icsi a e sonc? r0er ovl Colltive? If veibave an, cf tiec s vnp- L olege.teins get a box of Escljayý's Liver Lown- Miss Ethel and Master Merrit Tcsicev ,-cs for 25 cents. If v-our troubte is have gone te Toronto and Welland fO'r cfironic e oe o olr I aacation. dugssseli thcîn. MIr. Jamies Stainton au I avife matie A nuniber cf tic niemnbers cf South an extended visit te Uxiridg,,e, Einivale Darlingion circuit asseînbled ut tic pur- ami Tnî. sona ge Mondai' ynîobt to bld farewell te Mrs. John Mitchell, sr., is visitiico in Rex - L. and rsPiclps amiii faniuli. An <),siaw a and Miss Lanra Mitebei lunaddres ,Sw ,4'cAd hi fMr. W. R. Courtice Peterboro. onbehi itichoorgtinan r. On Sunday eenmglst 11ev\. D. S. !Ira F. 1ioc. ite undMrs. Eh O sho1rruýp Houck prea ied a fiiupa~cI1sn&pxm-ra pu< - Ii W P -1, /ait* 1