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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1895, p. 2

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THEI IOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain lu il aects sund neyer bustes,. Redproofs balow. KENDALLS SPA VIN CURE. 13ax 5 arman 5tenderson Co., Il., Fa. 24,1'9L. Der Ss is- es and mdjeoa fen-5re naak.r.sud bli. 1 hav esd e^ret deaioSya adal's Spaven Cure wttlgad access l< wendefai m eia. I anaseled a mare t at hlid I su Ssvl aandfive batles eured lier. 1 keep a bttenis a ind ai,ithe ime. CANTONM., Apr 3,92W jDr B. J KEaNALLC. Dear îs--f nae e sedseverailin îtles of yaur a "iinda5's Seav4n OCure"'witl ach success, 1 ABOUITI11E BOUSE. Comfort ln tIse Kitelien. "The firet tbsng 1 amn geing te do is te have a large dlosai put iu tbe kitchen te held stores, se yen wîll nt bava, te go np aud dovu stissase mach," KaRyteid base moiber a fevi deys ahar bar retaîn home frein scool. The kitchen was e long ron with ibrea windows on eacb aide, auJ a deor opened En tIse yard ai tIse sud. Like too many kitchetus, itlied f ev couveniences. For 65 the capenter hut a large closatin s cor uer, takinz lu a wiludovi for liglt and air. Then the alals aud ciiing ware paiuied a hEgIsu browuish yeltev. When soiied Or smeked. they couid ha viashad witb soap aud viater. All the woodwomk, excepi the dloai and disI shsblves, vas painted ver milieu. Two sbelves viere put up with bitekets ever the steve for the clcck, irons, stove-lifier aud othar susaîl kitchen be- lougiugs that are alvisys getiing ont et sugar. This sbould ha doue before making the cake. Aftar the cake is, aked thorougbly, about tweuty minutes, take it, frein the fire, and with a kuife strlp the edges aud pull apart. Paû ene portion tui a large platter asnd butter it thickly. Then cover up with stra-vberries. Put on the crust, cever it wth strawberries, aud serve at oncewith a goad sized pitchar of cold rnvlk or creaam. This will ha quita enougb te f orm a vihola lunch. A 8fIGHJ FIROII/THE FJ9FIN, HOW -TH WIDOW PESSAT WAS SAVED PROM BURIAL ALIVE. SoeaOther Cases of Lling feath- EIvdentiy Oaly a Mmali Propertiais ef Rtevivals ef Ytality Maftr Uaral Are Iteeerded. The latest case of ««living deatb," or huril while alive, s reportad frein the commune of Douseard, in the canton of Favarges, France. It ïs ihat of a widow, Mme. Pessat, an humble villages, aged YOUNG FO L -KS. A lonctay Mornlng Surprise. "And. help mamma aIl yen eau." Gracie was raadsng her Sunday-school paper, an d looked tep thonghtfully as she came ýte thesae words in a stosy shat a far-off auntie had vritten te her niece. It was Monday morusng, and eut of the bet, close kitchen Gracie onuld hear the rab, mub of the clothas on the washbbard, and the' splash aud ding of the water-pails, as the hired max in huis heedless way filled boiter and tubs for Graci', îired mothar. « Aud belp mamma aIl yoeanu" Gracie had turuad the leaf, and the words ware net'on the leaf she was now reading, but ibey saemed te haelou every page. IlThat was vibat Auni Clare wrote ltte Elsie, and it dos net mean me at att," sha thought, with a gnilty flush creeping over ber face, for Gracie knew that ber ovin dear mamma naeded belp thai very me IDEATH 0F MISS EM-I LY FA ITI-HF LL Aus ]Esgish Wemass Whe Ibevots is Miss emily Faithf ail, the celebrat,,d econrnis andphilanrthropifýt, is daad la Engat(. Se was 60 years cif e. Sha wsteyonngast daughter of the Ras' Ferdinand Faithfutl, and was -borna Headley Rectery in Surrey iu 1835. Sbe was educated at a school in Kensington, and was presented at court vihen sha came of age. But she ad little tast fer fashion- able society,,and, witbdrawing herself frous the gayeties of court lufe, she began te interest hersaîf lu the condition of wouîen, parîicularly witb a view te axtanding tai sphere of profitable employment. L ates she put tbe iheory itt very practicai ap. plication by cllecting a number cf femnale compesitors and epeniug a typegraphicat establishmentconducted exclnsively by bar owu sex. She triad this experimnet in 1860, aud tbrea years latar she commanced the publication of the Victoria Magazine, whidh advanced ber views aud theories on the question of weusan'a employnient. This magazine was puhlished for aigbteen years. lu 1863 Mise Faithfull publisbed a CUBES OHOLEM,9 OIARRHOEAP CHOLERA MORIBU.Sy CHOLERA INFANTU an~d al Saum=er Complats and Flumescf tIse Bowels. It is safe and reliable for Children or Adults. For Sale by all Dealers. It is related of a certain French genterai, who diad racently, that ha had a -very davoted servant te whom, tbough really kind, hoe was somewhat rough in is speech. In the Crimean War the genarai was wounded se badly that ene of his legs had te be amptatad; and-during the oeratien which had te be perfermed without ether, the man,, Jean Bap tiste, stoofi by and hewled vihile the genierat submitted quiet. ly. IWhat are Yen blowling fer?" the genaral presently ealled out. -Ohmy mastei, I canet endure that yen sbould lose your leeg " " . Who wants yen te endure it ? Cant yen see that yen viii' banefit hy it V, "What dees monieur mean ?" -Why, yen bieckbaad, yon'l1 ou!y have te ene boot aftar this V' Hep Klncness of, Heart. Mvadame, ha said wearity. l'inî a dis. cenrage-d man,' I amn. I'va been trying fer ivie days te get arrcsted s's 1 ceuld get somethi' te eat a n' a place te slaep. Aud haven't yen secceadad yet ? she asked sympathetically. N'm ; Im hnngry and sleapy yet. J'va get ter ask fur assistance. A' 1 ain't gemn' away titi 1 get ih. Well, sha answared- thoughtfully, l'il hetp yen. Yen will? Yes. My brother-io-law's a policeman, and ha'll ha home in 15 or 20 minutes. Yen just bang around hers fer that limeanad l'Il uSe my influence with himi to have yen arrested. Solemn Truth. Oua bnsinasaý man umat another on thea street. The second man seemed downcast,, and bad a look as if ha were ashamed ofi himseif.1 Whatis the matter ? asked the firsi mani Well te put il briefly, said the ther, 1I have beau, speculating in stocks. indead ? Were yen a bull or a bearI tieiiher-I was an ass.j Dry thetu hafora starcbiug. Then procura the starcb made especially for sncb work, and dissolve a tablespeenlul in eue plut cf water for each shirt ; it will net ueed ccoking. The qnantity of starch varias somewhai witb the kiud of shirts, aud s little expariauce wiEl Ite uacassary to gai it jusi rigbî. More siarch witl be required' -for an cEd shirt tIssu for a uaw eue._ Dip the wrisihauds aud beoin ivie or- ibsea tErnes, rublng ibem betweeu the bauds until yen are sure that every thread is saturated witIste siarch. Wring thain, aud roil the shirt np tigbtly. h viil ha ready te ion lu hali an heur. Ytour ironing board or table shoutd ha covered vtb ibrea or four thiokueésses of old blanket, aud a sbeat that is parfecily dlean. Iu addition te tiis, here sheuld ha e besoin hoard about a foot vide aud a ltuile longer than a shirt besoin.' Covar wuîb two tiikuasses cfftt or flaunel, and oe thiekuess cf cEd lunen or niuslin. Thse muet ha stratched îe tigbiiy that ibere are ne vrinkies, --aud fastened frrnly on the undereide of tIse board. Any pieces cou- taiuing seains muet ha discardad. Iron the stleaveanau body of the shirt firet.. Place the besoin board insida the shirt under the bosom, whioh ite dravin smnooîhly oves it. Presand rab it wiusb tIsa ion utEl it-is dry ; than rab h igbrly wiib a sofi let.h wrnug eut ef coid viatar, aud wtb ycur susootheet ion, ieon it egain, rubiing bard. This yull put the poliali on. Ircu the wrisîbands in tise sae vay, and baud thesu in the shape yen wlsb theus te retain. Haug the shirt up oui of tIsa wiud until thoroughly dry, ihen fotd il wib the besoin uppermosi. Cllars aud cuffTs are starched aud irened ln the same way. Afier turn over collais are ioned elmeet dry, turniheus n the proper shape aud press llghtly, te nsuratheir reasaiing sfer thi by are dry. The irons muet ha kepi perfectty dean aud fiee lieus rusi te masure good resuits. IRnbhing theus viileviarin wth a place cf b eaiviax tied lu a lotb, or passiug thaus oves e papar viet wiîh ceal i ohwill do a greet del teviard keepiug thrn ameoili. Strawberry Shortoal<e. Put oeaquart cf fleur laie e bowl, add twe teaspoonfuls et haking powder, oe teaspoonutl eft and Mitt tice. Rub into ihis oua tablaspoonful cf butter, and than add suficiani usitk to malta a @oftt dough, about oensd a haIt cuptuls. Take Ibis out ou the hoard spd rollt h outIn a shasi about eue incb thiok. With a kulfe maeait perfectly square, aud putinlua square, gîeaassd pan and haire, having_the centre asIlîtMe thinuer ihan the adges. H ave raady ibrea boxes et barries, aiemmed sud mashed. Taxte a petate mnasher sud mash lu the bevl, sud thon suir lu a cupful of nigbt baera, ha had become cenvînced that abe was alive iu bar coffin. Ha lusisted ihat the grave sbonld ha epenied. Tbe necessary permit was procured andi the body exhumed. It was readily sean thai the woman was act.ually dead and bad been befere she was placad in thea coffi.,The evideuce eftihe grave was conclusive. In an bospital lu the City of Maexico lasi Jauuary a medical stndeni hied just stariad operatiens lu the dissecting roin upen the body of a paon,or laborar,Antonio Vangeos. A few cuis had been made iu the abdomen wban tbe man sprang up and criad Il don't kilt me 1" the squrgeon resiored ibae flash tbat had beau cnt ont and, sawed up the wound, but the iman lived euly forty-eight heurs. In London, at almosi the 2sarue ima, the body et a woman- bad beau laid oui for burial, but net yai placed linbahceeket. Membars of ber fasily were siiiing by ber sida weeping vihen suddanly tbe covering was lown away and the suppoesed corpae sat boit uprlght. Her revival availed ltte, however, for she died witbin the week, shock baing thea immadiaLta cause, Sha had stated that sbe was fully aware ot the praparations tIsai vere heing mnade for ber hurili. Elam Muscot was buriad lu a Michigan towu. Whou bis body was exhnmed, a yaar latair, for remnoval, it was found ibat ha hadevidently ravived. Ha bad iurned ever Aud bis bauds had, clutcbed biseIead. Hie face was tacerated fiearfuity. As to Snak<e Bites. Thai ne les, than 23,000 people shonld have parisbed lest year lu the'Indian pro vincae o Bengal frem suake bites shows bow litile p rogress bas beau made by science toward tha'e discovery of some antidote for the oion of thesa reptiles. TIse trouble isý. thie pOison of naarty every species semà 'te affect a difféent organ of the body. 'J'lus thse bite of a cobora saems te paralyze thea luge, whita the daboia pro. ducas terrible convulsions. Frem in re immamorial physiciens of as'amy clime aud race bave de.voted thair enecrgies te the dsscevery of cures for thesa bites ; but judging from tIsa beavy liai of casualtias froibis source atone lu Bangal, the mosi higbly cîvitizad. province and possassed of the hast systeru cf madicat supervision of ail English colonial depeudiencias, it would seain that alll ggorts lu ibis -direction have beau abortive. Copu Remàed1es. Most sel t ceinshave Ei he nsiddle a cote wbicb raemrbles a stif, coasse brair. Soak the foot halW'an heur in water: as hot as yen eau bear t, adding hot water frem in re te turne&as il cools. Then with a peukuifa baving a long slin point, but nýot tee sharp, work around ihat ceoter, hair-like cors, loosening it dowu as deep as yen cen, altar which, witb, a p air ef fine tweezers, pull the isir eut. Do net eut the corn off, bu L appty semas soit Oic Imaut or salve acl as simple cerate, vaseline or mutton iallow, reuewing thesaea a'ery day for four or five days, beiag casefultot relieve ahl pressure from the cern. Wear a place cf ctten battiug beiween the tees and weer thse boots a hait siza larger. "Coma, grandpa 1es mv. waut te sweep wbera Yen.araoitîi.g"sent hlm and bis bNg chair truudling across the floot upon a paîcb ef suashine by the wiludovi, wbere tIsa light was botter, aud the cerpet brusbed free f rom evesy speck of dusi. 1Scratch. wl'lek ! went Gracie s streng tursey-wing ie every cerner and cranny of casing aud turusture. Net a bit of use for a ravaling or fuzz ef dust te think of hiding lu ibai roem with Gracie's brous aud duster whisking afier tbern. She bad watched ber mother put it lu the nicasi eider se many tErnes she knew juai whaî was neaded te be doue, orly neyer haera bad she.set bersaîf se thoroughty te do it. Wheu it was finisbed, the rugs aired and spread eut wuthont a wriukla or askew, the chairs rubbed tillthtby shone, put in thaîr places, tabla cever straigbtanad, the brittie cedar beughs in the open grate replacef wiib fragrani, fresb enes,and two maniaI vasas filled witb swei.sceaued foyers trousibe gardon, headed witb dew and brigbt witb cler, tIse rous Eooked,and smelted, audJtitt estitul. Graudpa must have îhougbt s, for ha weni soundly te sleop iu bis arn-chair hy the window, witb his nawspaper acrs bis face, aud the sun- shina fiooding hlmi with a warma bath. Gracie softly clicked tIse latcb af ter ber when sha weui Ont te bang brooin auJ dusian lu thair places. Soe way ahe fait isappir and btter satisfied with ber. self than if she bad raad blai a dozen inter- estiug stories that ferenoon, and inagined as was tbe good girl in eaach. 'Heip mamma ail yen can." The words of Aunt Clare'a latter popped rigbt te the top again, jusi as seon as Gracia stappad sie otisa kiioban, for thara vas the wringge ise cotstd tara for bar weary, heased moilser, aud starcb te stir, sud oue, two, three baskets te heip carry out aud spread on the green grass in the bectt garden, and a hundrad stepa te taka for mother ln heipiug clear up the steamny, sipPËY kîtchan. But tha hast ef alE came alterward, anl that waz wbeu tubs -and wringer had beau put away sntit anethar Mouday, and tbe last floor board had beau înhbed bîighte Gracie's usoiber gave ber rolleJ-up slaaves an extra litte Iiteh and twist te tighîeu theus, coiled the looseued, gray.streakad hair a litile coser, sud with such tired armas aud face, raacbed fer the broorn and dustes. Thon sha opaned the sitiîug.reom deor, and, oh, I wlsh yen betpf ut aud nuhetpfuteliittia girls conH bhave seau hem face thon'!ItI paid Gracie tweuty turnes over- fer al bar work. Why, the vary eoîlnesa and sweet resîfuinesefthtIe ira- granti erderly rom seerned te orne right ie ber lace, I do ibink, if 1 were a ten.year-old girl, I would plan jusi sncb surprises for my usother avery waek I lived witb ber. Try it, uitile girls, aud ses if a sweat shara of the resi aud Isappinese yen give yens tired moîher dosnet fIll vour own beari An Old Mine. siaid tIsai a certain Swadlah capper mine bas been worked wiihoîst Eterruption for 800 years, and la estirnated te bave bad s total yield in eigbi centuries ef 1,2»,000 tous, worth-at the average valuaeto £128 par ton-more than £32,000,000. A record cf us prôductig9s shows ibai ibte output was 1,336 mairie tions iu 1633 reacb-. ing a maximum of 3,455 tons lu 1650, sud sbowly decreasing slnce 1890, being 271 tons lu 1891. Ohildren Cry for Piteher's Castorla5 LATEREXEES1MAHO MAKE NER VOUS, DISEASED MEN ~II fignorance and fol lu ot. vrxertion of mind and ydue I=~ULI Cv ltst and exps,.e cn. , rki. tho lareand f-ture' ~Lapin~e 0fthouand3cf rom1îu~ onn men Iloe fde ad t ian earlY a9e. et th blo tom of manho, wiotesa force.1. 1to dag out a weary, frnules@ 1auJo lemaacho1v existence. therS reach maitrimony but find nu sul.e Lor cnt there h victims are found iii ail stations ô3flife:-The farm, the office, the vrorkshop, the PtIlpit. Cite tradas and the profesSions. _____- SRESTORED TO NiA NHOOD IBV DRS- K- & K e WX. A. WALKM1. WM. A. WALXEII AILS,5 CHAS. FEliUY, CHAh. IEEHY.., ý-epiV='mIIE=T AFTYu T'wEATMa". D1Vo2rce(tb-ýt nited sfflin te.No NAMES OR TEST1MO!NIALS USED WITilOÇT WHITTEN CONSE.e W',A. lV ,ùker ut 3t~h, ticet e-Iha-fe slere 18YP H1I8S cntold agpnietfor my "gayv!£o." 1Iwae iat ef ESR IO U E month ll thsuat boe eains, lair Icee, »bnIeS on despondRE et.Even doctois treatea . sue wîth ccy U OU R ED F9ta, ç,ît. They heiped mea but could not cure me.f_ CUafREdfiudidu e ntotrq Drs.jtennedr&Kergafl.K- Th ~irNew Mthç,dT Jc e muia f cvi ve,-ka. Iheïr irlastmant Le wonderfql., Yon eel ourslt s~usg evîy dy.1 have zevor heatrd of t1ieir faflircô t.. cure în asingle M-CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Capt Chs. err saa~-I ee ' ilo tDrs. E. a K. it4ieeabd>.t At 14 i112d ail the Sympteiss of Seinal Weakies and faraîhsLintissionsl qWre draining.auJ weakaivng my vitalty. 1 evarrîute1V n~ '",2 undr avire cof me' family ductor, but it via a Sad ightetn. l wlt5ve veodvxa. !!then coneclteâ'D rs. -Wh k, io rtred mne te maniiooî E S IN by their Nw llethod 2raafAI daiiev7vi hattrilithro ghl URE rUY nerves. We vere unlted againe cul arEhapipy 'hMa -vi -.. ,ixyears ugo. Drs, 1, &1.aet5ftfC piis vi .eartieccmmend thon. Wetreat arrd cwr aï-p rrrio, rvs eîdSemn Gleet, &ýricî,te, Syfli, Unatural DIsckaeges, SeYA./1u -0 Kidney and B!adder Viecases- 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CRD oRS y n u v li? ave yenlst e? Ara en contemp1ainq s a$ BObeau iSe PHave yon asvy veakresr Oui P.---ADER 1 a or1.bat i hàà...or ethe as it mvu daforyou TATI8' pp Ree-- e uat'b ias çaý4eo, ; ofeo ho et opun a"' ~ h& Me~I BKFR V 'l Go den Monitor"( utatdo ~N NAMES USDWî U ~rE OSN.PR[ e ~yth ngeotid@n ïîï tue.t niaanioeOTrtS ~~EYKE GN0, 18 SHE-3S. ý 'e Literary Notes. TIse publishers of McClure's Magazine sunounhse, vo hegin witb, the July numbar, a reduction et puice te tan cents a cepy and eue dollar a year. Tbey explain tIsai îbay are elatemakea amagazine cf ibe bighest qnality ab ibis pre, aud ibat îbey propose te give ihe public the benefit cf ibis abiVbty Ouaeofthie uotaworîhy features etflHar- pes's Magazine for June le the etory cf A Frontlar Figbi, by Gen. G. A. Forsytb, U. S. A.,, wiîh illustrations liy R. Y. Zogbauî-a stery te arousa enîhusiasin lu aven-tha uws thlaze et magazine readers. Honse-Boatine in China aud Rorne lu Aîrbca ýarearticles cof uncemmnointereet, anfor thiti uaîser, se are The New Czar an ha Grand Prix sud Othar Pres. AJJ te these tise chapters et two serials, Personal Recolleciions ot Joan cf Arc aud Hlearîs Insurgent, audJ ,eimsaun short atories et tha bigbasî rauk, aud stit ibhe literary treasurasegfthiis Number ef the old "lnevi" Magazine are iuadequately suggested.

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