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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1895, p. 4

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fi SEE, THE NEW POTATO BU-G-- DESTROYER Chieapest and best article lu the makt Stott & Jury, sole agents! P'aris Green has donbled in price but we laad socurod a large stock and are Mtl oling at old figures. -Stott & Jury. Best English Paris Green at Stott & rhey ail admit that Weather and Waterproof Paint is the best for Qoors and outsido. work Stott & Jury, sole agents. P'. B. K. This is an article that no farmier can afford do without. Cali anid see it at Stott & Jnry's, the sole Paris Green of bost quality is a very scIarco article this year and it bas noar- Iy doubled in price but Stott & Jury are selling the best English grade at low- etprice while preseut stock lasts. No wif e should wear ber'lif e out scrub- binig rongh floors. Stott & Jury are selýling b est floor paint cheap. The currn worm soon vanishes wbeu dosed with our pure ilelleboro. Stott & jury. Spocial. We are offering a limited number of choice atomizors filled with bes-t German Cologne 20e complete. No pe)(rson's bargain day cau equal this of- f er. Sec them quickz. Razors cf the very finest quality and N »oitively guaranteed lu every way vo-ry cheap at Stott &,Jury's. REMEMBER W[ATHER & WATERPROOF PAINTS No painter however skillful can produce a botter paint and Stott & Jury are sole agents. Small ti n with brush 20c. $1.40 a gallon. STOT &JURY. NI AD T RU NK RAILWAY. BOWMiAX\V ILLE STATIOFN. Goîxe ýE eSr. GOING WEST. Exp ..... 8 M a, m. Express.t 23 a. sis. xpes 10 19 a. ]Y. Local ...85 Il Pase3e .06-"I Passesîger 2 25 p. m. Lo ...l. 7,04 Express. .7 46 Epes. 10 25 STOTT & JURY, Toavis Tieki t Agensts. (Ëaadin fftttoimn BOWAIANVILLE, JUNE 26, 1895. Local and Otherwise. Blousesets at llickard's-quality good. Sewing machines at Rickard's-see them. Good goods for littho money at Rick- rPd's. Machines needies, oil, etc.,' at Rlick- No botter choice of Prints auywhere, thian at Mason's lic. yard. N-1ote the cvery day-barg'ains beîng ferdby Cawker & ai in thoîr now Seeu Mason's Heavy Cottonade Pants aýt 5Oc, a pair,' also stnnning value in Cottonades. We havýe some genuine bargains for yen, cali andcexamine our stock. May- nard the Jeweller. % We would advise ail who wxant te buy first class goods at a small profit te cal on Maynard the Jewellor. Mrs. T. Brodie, wýýife cf the popular naieBank accountant, and famnily, 1eft for Bowmanville on Saturday te sjeda week, with frienids-Liidsaty Poest.>' A Gaýrdeon Party will be held at Mls WV. V. Aliell's, Beecli Ave , on Fri- day June 28, under the auspices cf the Lad!ies' Aid cf St. Paul's churcli. Tea froin G o'c]ock. Strawberries and creami 25c. Ice-creams extra. Hearty i nv ita tion te ail. If yen wanit a good violin sec ad. Rich-ard's stock is½carefuiiy bonglit. Rickard tells yen what yen arc bny- ing. A neveity in sowing machines aht Rick- ard's. Rickardgudare hm busth tImar-- ket affords.1 Miss Miinie Spny is homo frein Otta- wa Nornmal School. Heal Bros. have just openeti ont a nice lineocf cigars and cigarettes. Coffees,roasted on the prenîises,ahways fresh and best in tewn, at Mnrdoch's. Miss Neilie Walker, Toronto, is visit- ing frionds in town. Mr. A. L. McMurhrv is home frens Montreai, haviîg comipleteti lis flrst vear at McGili University. Mr. Frank Lyle, cf Chatham, is visit- iîgat home, accoînpanied by Messrs, Baland Scott. The Sunday Schcol of St. Paul's churcli avili hold thoir anmnai picnic ah Winher- green Point Juiy lst. Oranges, linons, bananas, pino appies and ail other fruit in seson at Cawker & Tait's. Mn. W. R. Corris anti sons, Arthur and George, cf Rochester, N. Y., arc visitiugat Mr. J . B. Marhyîe's. Mrs. Geo. Hooper anti Mrs. Wne. Martvn have returned frons visiting with friends ah Hamapton aned Solina. Keep cool by bnyin - oeeof those lig-ht coats anti vosts ah Coucuî, Johnstoîe & Crydernnan's. Richard bas a mest elegant stock cf watches ail venylest enahes anti every watdh fuliy guaanmeod. Progressive fanasers, eau ah Worth's hardware emporiums anti see tihe Ameni- can Scythe. 1h wil 'deliglit yen. LiquitiPri re'n is c latest articec for etruatt.- pjests. Murdoch lias a car loat.i. is a splendid thing. Miss Carnie Marhyn went ho Rochsester, N. Y., last week on tbe ,Nortb King aud wiii spoîst a feav weeks with friends in thue Fl oaaor citv. Fresb white fish anti trout weekly ah Cawkvlen & Tait's. Leave endors net Inter thami Tuesdays for Fidav's dcliv- ',ey. Concis, Johuston & Cnydenmaîm say they have nover ladt as -ocd a soason for sellin- Car pets anti éurtains; anti tsey stili7 show a fise stock of ticese gootis. -, Persons who thiuh cf croising the At- lantic tbis year shouid sec or write te M. A. JAMýES, Steatmship Agent, Bow- manvilie. Represeasus bost Canadian andt Ansenicaîs Linos. We show% a fine range cf Parasols avbicie wve have imported direct frein the neakers anti wc guanantce thons te be the best value i the trade. Coudh, Jobimston & Cryderman. 1b. ilankin of Pont Hope, captain cf the schoonier Fleet Wingý, white on- cao-ed hiaeibmg a buchet of waten froîn tise lahe ah Kingstonm Saturday fell over board anti maas drowaed. At Colhîcrîm Junie 19,' Dr. 'W. A. Wiloughby's,,isorse shateti suddcislv wliiic hoen as getting in the ig. He waas tiaroas î cmesr thme 'heel, dislocatîng Iis w rist asd brcakitg- a ssiali boue inm thc trsi Mr. J. B. Marty n ansd frit-ad, WMii. Cornis, Esq., omie cfthse successful pro- visioni mendiants of Rlochester, N. Y., have eemi enjcying a fishing excursion oasng- Tise record la awaihet ini lreatlsless suspense. We hav e been lu business fourteen years and ase hall toE fnd any ho say that ave îaisnprcscutcd any~timig as e sdi, we are stili g-eieg te stay with yen, ave anc net liee for a lithie avilie. Maynard tise Jeu chier. Mr. W. R. Caliaavay\,cfthue C. P. R., Toronsto,lisas accepteti the gencrai pas- ,eamUer ag-eecy oh the So line, asitis headqnanters ah Minneapolis, Ho Is a veny.peoanhar railn-ay masi anti Canati iaams very aînceh negretlhis departure. Tise frientis cf 1ev. R. B. Rowe of Trafalgar (andt leY are legicîl) regret hîs approachimg depanture frons the cir- cuit, but ieartily wish Iiasii Goti speeti in his asewv appointîsment at Lyuiocb- Milto ema oreser. The straavberv socimal nder -the aspsofthie Y. P. S. C. E. cf Trinity chucIe ose Fniday evcning was very successful. Alundaîsce cf Srawbernies, crois ni anti cake was sera cd anti a gocti prognains nas emjoyeti by ail present. rocectis $27. Mrs. Roblime cf Belleville, usother cf Mr. D. 0. Roblin, traveiler for Mn. H. Cerby, has hîsheiteti consîderabie pro- penty in New York anti Jersey City. Thec Bellev il Sun says it is thouglit it miii be wcrth mnore thian haîf a msillionî dollars. Tin, LADIES.-The ploasant effects anti perfect safetv withwshîch ladies inay use the Califernia iquiti laxative, Synup cf Figs, under ail conditions, makes it their favorite noniody. To get the truc andtigonuino artice, look for tiselisame .f the Cahiîfornia Fig SnP C.,piti se sovmd. Drigtheevening, Dr. Briiaacouîmbe cleite Comspany te erden aiiini his own jovial inanor p ne- posedti îat those p rosent giv- h-Ce ciseens for Mr. S. Wshingtou,-wvimo that day iat celebeateti his 82ndt birhhday, andt was preseut andt was cnjeyiaggoot hcalth. Aften thè sainte mas givon ahl joineti in sifngiîsg "Hle's a joily goti fcliow." Proeetis cf the social over $26. Rleal Bres. pay top pnicos fer preduce. Spectacles properly fitteti ah Richand's. Musical dlock ah Ricards-a bargain. Richanti nnderstantis the eye-Call on lins, Beantiful silver plate ah Richarti's Reliabie hune piocos of al i hntis ah. Richzard 's. No charg- for testing eyosight ah P.ickarlçFs. Heai Bres. cashs grocery, lias nowN cheesethuis n'eeh, Heal Bros. have a fiue lot cf Bananas anti Pineapplos. Indian Ccyion biina Tons, gneat value ah Mrdo Have yen trioà Heal Bros. hoas anti coffees ? Tlsev anceurooti. MnCihai-les Joness cf Srathroy, is visiting athome. Tua STATESMAN business office is up- shairs in the Statosmace Block. An eight day dlock fully guananheeti for veny lîttie mnmey ah Rich-ard's. Providence social te day ahhlicme si- douce cf S. Allia, Esq. Citizeus, don't ferget Hampton and Haytiom teas Domnion Day. E-Mayor Ycunie has paintet i ls nesidemîce aîmd feonces. - Miss Etina Rusîdie cf Detroit, Miel., is visihiîmg frientsisnlutewn. Many people wet on the S. O. E. cx- cursioni te Guelphi anti the Gardon City te Toronto yestenday. Leave a our entiers for pune Manilia Binden 'i5wine ah 64'-l. per lb ah Dustan & Hoar's. 1Mason's anc paying the highcst price for eggs. Their gootis are as gooti as cashe, in some cases btter. An excursion ho Tbousanti Islandis bl G. T. R. te Kingston, tiacîce by boat s aunouneti. Mns. Alex. MeCiClan andt chilti are o.ucsts cf lier fatimer, Major' Guernsay, ilorh Hope. The pupiis cf the High Schc.l lad a senry huniele ast Wednesday eveiing at thoir annual losing,,.c Ahi Ladies' Spring Jackewts andt Capes selling off ah anti under cost price ah Couch, Johuishon & Crydernîan's. Ladies' looking for choice Dress Gotis wvil tinti just n-hat thoy want ah Couch, Joînston anti Cmrdernan's Dcn't fail te note thc important ques- tione asheti by Ccuch, Johuston anti Cryuierman on tise finst page cf this paper. The G. T. R. auhorities warn the public agaiîsst crossimg, the track rinder cars attacisedt tean is sine, as there is g-ncat danlger doing se. We direct yonr attention tetlice fact that Dustan & Hoar anc selling pure Manilia Bustier Twine ah the low hîice of 6ac. Theref ore beave yeur entiers ah once te socure tîsis price ai-id sas e ah heast 25 te 5ic a hunmtred. Ausong the imviteti gueshs ah the wed- tiiîg cf Mn. W. C. Žsexon cf Toroînto andt Miss G. Fnrbyý whiclt tecok place in Port Hope con Satundav lastnwene ftise foi- hoing-Boaswîsanavilliais: Mr. ansd Mrs. Duncans Bcith, Mns. G. Masnimsg, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Wilsonm, Mn. ant iMrs. A. 'McCleliana. Many a msari, nsobas becu sent sent ho ais eariy ansti eoî suicidaI grave lix tlic tortures of dyspepsia, would le aive anmd n-cil hoday, lad lie heshet icsevin hues ofAver's Sarsaj)anilla. This ismno heîîspenary aplactizen, but a radical, scîemitic remsed.1h inakes life avertis livinag. Mn. Mois-ose G. V. Geniti, cf Oshawa, lias coîîîpleted, ah Toroîsto University,, hi-, tliird.\ isn Arts asnd secosmd veaîs iii lias, obhaiaing first-classlioiors is His;ter3-, Econoanies, 1-istor voh Esîglisls Laav, R-omaniLaaw, anti Es, iilsi'-nds Colai Coisstitestioisal-Laaw,n-iiiuiiio the fist Mackenzie Scbolarslsip in Polit- ical Sciensce, tians obtaieting~ the iighesh boisons g-ia'ess bý tise University. Ho avas aise tlis e cipent hast year cf tise B3a- Sclorhip. $2.OO Will secune yo on ee dozen Cabinet Photo.grarns of the kiîmd TAIT & CO. turnneut truc to life for a short-hune for cashinleatvaisce, sec samnples. Picture frarnes on iîandt o le solti ah a siglît advaîice on cesh. Crayon Portraits nmade ho order frein any picteene. Sanspies ah our studio, Market square Bownianville. BORN. Mz.aIONr .-Iiu EastWbtlyJonc lis, tise aif e of Mn. Johnsîs Motltjoy, of a solis. TORîES-a-Iss Osave, Jusse Sth, the aif e cf Mn. S. Torres. of a sons. - -----A----aaos is lke use Ots Cxssîs-Oiuesiin.On Jsîne 19, at St. Assies Clîrîrcis, Tosronto, lsy tise Ras - Lessox -, tl Slilth, sssistect liv thie Ris.'.A.Irl'eas ilid Larrat Godfrcv Casîs, oh -tis1w uisinBank, Oshawa, ansd lli-esilet1isM sy Cliiistie, youisgest daugliter of the Latniscs" . Chîlîtie. DIED. FÀËnsEse -lu Dariingtou, Juta ith. Eliza Farel], daugliter cfMn P. Farrell, alten a long and 1sssinul illisess. TA£siE-At Peterbono, June 20, 1K.5, Serais svldosv of the lite Dr. Tassle of Gait -and Peter- boro, lunlber 79th yeer. Children Cry for' Pltoher's Castoria. flRESSMAKING donc by Miss Martha J.'Peate, Cor. Kiug amd Ontario strect. ]RO OF SLATING.-C. L. Munson, 2hBowmanville, Siater, Feltaufi Gravel Roof- er. l-lyr. cof. w, Jersey preferred. M. A.JAMES. T OST-Grey, Wool, Carniage Rug- .L~finder wjll be suitably reward.ed ýon leavin8i- at STATESMAN Office. 21-t. MIUSIC -Miss Nellie Williams is pro- WLparefi 10 teacli Harmouy anmi Musie at ler residesice, Queen St., west, Bolvmlauvilie. II OUSE TO RENT-That fine brick _F ýresidencee ou Centre st., oceupied by Mr. Wittoni. Apply t0eR. H. TuRxEa, Bowmainviile. GIEO. STOTT, Bowmafrville, Honse, l agae, Sign and ornemnental paissier. Corner King and Ontario streets. 20-15 r. C 0W F011 SALE-A good yeung Mleh cow-Owner no furiher use for lier. Apply to T. PEtsR.Y Bowinanville. 2-llw. WIOOL -Hig-hest Market Price paid Slu Cash for any quantity of Wooi. L. QuicK,, Oî,ppsite Bennett House, Bownianvilie. 21 If, iMjA1RIAGE LICENSES-Maynard flice Jeweller1 White House, Boaa'matnviile, issues Marriage Lceuses. Eveuing residence, Division St., next Music Hall. 109000POUNDS WOOLwant- 10,000d at once. I avili pay tlice higeest price for any quantitv of WOOL deliver cd at ImY Stores. Kfisg St., East, Bowinauvilie. J. B. MAurTY. 2ltt. V TIOLIN FOR SALE.-A finle violin Vf or sale, formerly the propert f tbe tlt Dr. Baxter, Principal of, Baxter Upýniversity of Musie, may be seen at MAx lARDs .LzaxiY STREa, BowmanlViiie. 24-tf. 'LAW. MU WERS sharypened and ne- anmi put lu tlie best of order. Orders left at tlise OFFICE aili receia e prompt attention. H. J. sEr, Liberty street. F ARM FOR-SALE OR RENT-Geod 10acre fr for saiecor torent, juil outside the tows of Boavianville, and 2W0 acres lutlise Toavnship of Cartwrighmt. Alyply to THOMAS BsNGAesx, box 72,41owmianvilie. 50 cf. FARM TO IRENT For a term c f ycans, GlCendlhu' -300l acres 2 smiles from Wýhitby, ;good buildings ansd soif; admirable for stock or daIrY' Chanîce for goîug extessively into To- ronto milk business or stock raising for Amni eau market_ Mens aith capital osiiy ueed apply. J. H. Dowr, Wlitby. pAINTING AND PAPERIIANGING P. SIIERIX & LxxAMOTH ha lavissg entered ilOto partncrslslp to carry on tlise Wall Paler ansd Jtssltissg business, are noav ssoain'g beautiful and cheap papers ami saints ofali sîades at very 10w prices. Store lui eid's Bloc k, Opposite tlÎe Balmuoral, Bowmanviile. 21-9sw A GENT$SWANTED-Frnr at issg fai ssay îîay foi- itlss work. We waat mess avitis or a il în xreseo uilr îpart rime. Saiary ansd expeesses or comssion. Write at once for ftisber isformatiosn. BitoaxN BRos. Comis'ANy, Cosntinental Nurseries, Torosnto, Ost- ario. 23-3m. saon-etise paî,,ýt, astlY rmltatCentioss o bîssinis ai, goo(i wrksasssîî;hp s tîli usent a hae f iseýir iworký. Ail kýiss i f oots Ili, says irs11-. KRing St. Bovssasss il. a t W AN,,T'ED ýI-ILP taon or womeni w inieverylclity (local or traavellinsg)to letroduce a ss"sr'lse' -rassdtke ep ouîr îilow cents taeked n 1 111trees, fessera aslutibrid ' es is toas is and couitr. Steady t isofloynaest. t.Coin- msission Or salas- y 0 per solontîs ansd exlesss, andi mnsey (teposited is asiy lank aviesi stnatedl. For particulars wvrite Tnî iui xc. EanCT ic, Co., P.O. box'221, Loiutosi. Ont., Cals. a. te. W OOL!1 WOOL!! Tise nadrsizncid is ssoav prepari-d 30 iav Élise His4îesUi Cs Price for goo flecec WOOL delia er-d et lits siili at l-lanslitoss. E vi-aoiss- aool ii soos s sisearcd asmi save a osnrvýýes froîss slrIiiîîka ýe. To tisosû sah vliisto exclisasge for gocd psîýî iliternas ivili be ia-ess, 'Iiasskissgtise oubie for tiseis liiterai ipatronagre l ii ieiitLasil souie Is' alcosstissssssîe of ftisesasîse, 1 renaiss, 3our obesiiesît servant, _D. TxAORs. 1o. FMi FOR SALE-A first class fans of15acres or 145î acres situats-d in tise Townshsip of ]East -Whitliy, Iît cois, lots 15 ausd 16 oni tiseBase Lise, about 1i ssiles froi osistasa stations, 2 smiles frosu Whitisy anîd 3 rotîs fr0,1 tlise selaool bouse. Lent*Le roomy ltiliis, mains piarsui.XS3t plent 'v oÈf ruit, soif day, loassa, ai- togetîser osse 0f tis est grai farusi o-stise Lake bioe oIill sfidStonses. About 10 acres of avood, 75 cs lis iasture ands fresh s s ered. Ternas easy; firît Iplbavissg cloue. For frie particulars apjaly to A_ Assîs, OSIsaava. 37-tf. IIANTED A good inan in your dis- Y'Ytnite f0represesst tise 'Fosstbili Frseries of Canatia." Over 703 s(res. 'T'ise lirscst Ii tise Dossillsiosi, Piîsitioss ersnlet. Salssry oscons- msissiosi b rigisaasi. With tsefl raic gdi- ssassd for fruit a poliosaves 1i a aes'usan avilI îsay you bitteýr tisais essg-ag-i1ssfars îrork. Scssd us yossr aliica1tios ansd we aili sowvyou lsow' 30 earss goofi sosey. Scisool teacîsersits just the tbss for 3'ou îturIssg ssssssaer. WrV11ite for îparticulars b STONsE & Ws.,<E a iNTN, WANTEDý Seven Br'ight Men. for tavo or Éiré-e îsostbs, for a persossal cana-as ou a sîiipolitic al issue. Froua sO I 30 S1.50 lpen EXTERY WEEF< DAY4k-- >-*A BARCAIN DAY6, The Crowds 1'That Visit Our Store Every Day Are Not Drawn Here By IdIe\Curîosity. Our ain anube on, is nrsw, andi over Wil l b te buy the best goods (net trash), anti to offer them at pricos that whhl satisfy the purchagec when the articles g-et tol home. By fair doalîng and selling only reliable articles our trade hae steadilv increased. flore are a few of the many bargains wo- are giving six da3 s e-snry' week: 5 lbs Prunes 25 cents. 6 lbs Raisins 25 cents. ~si 3 Boxes Matchîes 25 cents. 1 Box Christie's Sodlas 20 cents. < 3 lb Bar Soap 15 cents. 5 lbs Tapioca 25 cents. 2 Botties Mixeti Pickles 25 cents. 1 lb Coftee 25 cents. 1 lb Tin Baking Powder 15 eeats, CAWFWR &TAIT, BowmANxVIL1,E. Tihe Popular Grocers. The.. White House JEWELLERY STORE. Stili bonds lu bargains having solti ail or noarly ahi -goods thnt asere slightly tiamageti by lire, we are now shoaing a hune cf dean finsh class gootis. No sofh or blîshereti gootis. No trash picketi np ah cheap auchion roonis iluthe city anti palse- eti off on thc public as gooti gootis solti chsenp. We buy oiÎr goeds froni gooti reliable houses anti sou theni 10 per cent abo-ve cost. Ahi1ave ask is a cali ho cenvince yonrseif oh real genuine bargains lu first ciass gootis. Our avork alavays givos thc besh oh satisfaction anti ae do it ourseif, we dont have te send ti hont'oh toavu. Issuer ohf Marninge Licenses. MAYNARD, BOMAVILT I!lE 'JEWýELL ýER OF THE Cash Grocery% ANS WEATHER. We -have received to-day a very choice lot of large Fans, Just the thing for this warrn weather, only 5c. each. Other styles frorn 5c.upxv ards. Croquet Sets, Tennis Racquets, Rubber and Base Baîls, Express Walgons and Carts, Ba-by Carrnages. ill atre nicely settled in business. l To cail and inspeet our Fresh Goods. Attentive serv- ice, and Close Pnices M7ill be factors in the trade. A choice lot of Pine Apples, Strawtber- ries and Bananas and other fruits in season. Pnices will surprise you. Corne and sec.' Hig-lest price for ail kind s of produce. stock of Millinery before purchasing. Having made a very extensive purchase this spring wve can f111 ail wants in the Millinery line. The latest novelties arriving almost daily. It will beto your intereat iRernember the stand tlîircl financially to give us a door east of Beninett Ilouse, cal. King street. BOWMA.-NVILLE. ALLAN LIN E lIVRPOOL, LONDONDERY AND MONTR[AL ROYAL MAIL ËERVICE. MRS. DONGAMTER. BoWSIANYILLE. Z 60 DAYS CANADlA N NORTH-WEST '3 EXCURSIONS WH.EAT,-Ftell, P bus O00 ' 100-FR0 t ALL STATIONS I' Russian, il . O 10 0oo rom rFrons1- Fions Gos, .... 0 0 Lia erîsol. STEAMSHIPS. Moutreai Quebe ~ A~~ Il Colorado,.......O 60 1 i 0-" Dayigt 9-11-CwÂiii. A 's Wiitp, Fife .. .. O 0 ii 1 0) r) LAURENTIAN 15 15, BARLEY, P bush, No. 1.. 0O0 66 s '35 1os .. MONGGJuly29 29 PACI FIG RY% 's~~ ReNsU-* O6 i6 Ouse PîîIAN 622 273ul 1, 2x.. 660 0il048 27 SARDINLAN 13 147 ul WILL Sît ROUND TRIP TMIEiTI1ON -- s' i 2....0O 0 15ilS4 JssY LAURENýTIAN 20 20:-ooroa-seu5 G2 Tao eaot O6 s 665~ - PARISIAN a27 28 JUNE 25 AUG.2 wlt 018 * -MONGOLIAN> 3 Anig. ï3 Assg. -ý0'DT 1M1NS P OATS, wW10 4 > 1 NUMIDIAN 10o il1 JULY Njý fnixeti ............O35Sf' O 38 1 Aug. SARDINIAN 17 18 easi;tS P RYE 's............60 itI R ES0F P SS GE JULY23GODT RTUÎt S P22 BUCKWEAT ....... 0 060 650, R T SO ASA E T N PEAs, Blaceye, hP bush.. 0O060 CO,5 CABIN Sisagle ,"O,50, $5 and fOO. Retunis T1895 iMunjey Il o 60 0 70 aSc1 adtC.Deloraisie----------...... .. il Sicaii, 'i O 0 s'l 60 tSECOND CABIN. Restovn ... .. ....I$ 80 ilBiueIl " ()O f0 5 To ornfroîn Liverpool, Lonsdonderry, Belast or BEscteva..-------------------.... 8.0 BUTTER, 1 est tab5e, 11, b.. O 10 612 Glasgoaw .'----- **..*- - 10.0Moosoii....-----------------. EGS o' ~ 6 0Retunîi Ticketsab6e hports..------------I.55.00jReginua-------------.......----- 30.00 EGGS, doz ............ 00 10 To or frosas Losndonîs--------------------..1.:3.00 looselaw .. ....... POTATOES, bush..........O 0 0fiO 25 Ciilfiren bctwcess i aloi 12 years-i...Rlf Fane. Vorkton------...: Isnfants, free hotu avays. jRPJ.PineAbr OUTARD vxstAIo.Calgary .. ..... $35.00 Il For Scu;og 1 Froîn Montreai STEERAGE - asloi Quebec., To Quebe. Red Deer. -............$ 0 0 GREAT ECITAIN ANI aELAlnD.Ed otn...........f Tînt ugh clonvevance f romn ovt a ~0 Ltven-IsooiLondousGlasgoavBieif$sht Holdens ohf.Jueiy Uhhand 2 3 Exeursion. ville te Ciosa rilais affondeti lv tue Gifford - 1.Londonderry orQucsstoau. 'iniie s ial Fr lu oi flacto 2as feasdc -Shovus Tansprtatin ani Geeral17.00 Dubliluby Steamier fromt Liver moo.. o AVisg s otnit FiJi a 02ts c PasseneLnlloRtats ndGnea 18,00 Bristol on Cardiff by rail to on rom - Granad Territorial E\poithiis,Regussa, July 29tli Ptsigiii.Rtsvers'roasoinabie. Lis erpool-------------------..... 17»0 oAntlts Footiantipîrovisions supplied ti hStevens For fusîsier pastieulars cppîy to T. E.IIGGINBOTHAM, GrandtiCentral bvthbeLake. FnIllparti- M. A. JAMES, culans fi-ens Mn. Gifford, 21-tf. Allen Lisse Agent, Bowmninailic, Agent, Bowmanville,

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