I~to cooking therè ýwoul& be fewler drunit- countries Soine of whom might probably U1arde. (Laughter.) be on the most amicable ternms with Canal". J flfl~ININ EÀ LIA~IEai iem as ilowd t stnd. he tem Tb: poh:vy of the Gov::rnment on these , Ftft Seslon-evenh Pirijaent.I'IEMIER'S FTTNERAL. matters; was thatilabour empioyed on works Lt+ R ii SrRichard Cartwright, on thei~ the___item____________e q f$25,000 to cover the expeuses ot the jeots. lie thought the hou. ge nte n GOVERNMENT TWINL uea fteltePeir.se o om mght safely leave the myatter with the Govermeut Toer theh bet tremier whend fo soin -o veivig A ght, pliable, elastic-bone made ~~~~îr ~ ~ ~ ~ r Chre 1 upr nase oM.ep aart cf te eendirure eso it was necessary that the Crowt should be ~ tA~~ from quilis. It is soit and yieling, con- Martin, said 331,266 pounds of binding Mr lgatpeetdsaeet fenabied te make contracta with foreign. -At ND forming readily to folds, yet giving proper twnewee aufatuedîat eaon~tthe expenditure, which were under charge STYLE SHAP shape to Skirt or Dress. thiereKgsan penitei a a n et1 of the Minister of Publie Wcrks lie contractors, and if the preseut useasure t h nySîtBu htmyb e the Kigso peieti.an 4.060d became law such contracta wouid hoepot h nySitBn htmyb e poudswee ol. wohudrd oudscould vouc.h oniy for the raiiway experdi1- facto nuil and void. R SS S without injury. I he trai- Mr. Davie said that painful as the CONTRACTORS' RIGHT TO VOTE. L D E ' R S ESThe Celebrated Featherbone Corsets were o adathclsen as tahe samu s matter waa, hie muet insist on a fu ni list of Mr. Edgar moved the second reading of coddwthttsmaell mg n audattheclse f he eaon aathe details. The figures presented by the a bill in ameudment of the Crimînial Code For Sais by ieadîng Dry Goods Des e 90,050 pounda. The amount realize d froin. Minister of Raiiways totalled oniy $15,000, of 1882l which prohibits any officer or the sale of the twiste waa, $15,515. The ileaving $10,000, atili uuaccounted for. cnrco fayGvrnetsbiie collection was nlot made ini full for ail th The item was allowed te stand, as was railway cnntributiug mouey towards the aioMn.also the item of $25,000 contribution ta the electin of auy parliamentary candidate. twin sod. R Roersor Lad Thmpso fud. e wihed to put railway contractors in toa wd$662. The suppiementary estimates were exactly the same position as were contract-fu CLS IIIGSAOi.passel with the exception of a few items ors on ail other public works.-a r 'D ï,. o CLS stand.. Mr. Amyot pi)inted ant thar the clause a s ASED IUNGS Mr. Costigan, in answer ta Mr. McGregar, bla tn.DOMINION LANDS. as drafted applied oniy ta contractors CU~D Y T .KNG aîd the present regulatiaus as ta the close Mr. Daly introdnced a bill further ta holding Federal contracta, and woîîdered- ýCUF> 1 D Y'TAIIIIqG seasan in the Detroit and St. Clair rivera amend the Dominion Lands Act, and ex- whether tbis was because muaI of the The undersiged desire to th ank the farmers of West Ourham Scherry aud Lakea St. Clair and Erie were :-For plaiued that it had refereuce ta certain Provinciel Goveruments were Liheral. lunS1 f IUW~~~U... s asadmaiogfo pi Sht chool lands occupied by squatters piriar ta Ontario il was weii known that a Conserva- for the liberal patronage extended to us durin2 the past season, A V E W.4.\ Juntoa. ae anth; for pickereloand lmary, from Jauuary ist, 1880. It bad besu fo und that tive cauld flot even get a license ta keep a also to remind thera that we are, still in the market and June15t -,forpicere an doy, romthere were certain ether squatters npra. hotel. rp edt pa th "Icotacedaseee ol,'wih etid pill5htaMy St 'amon, trout,and vided for ~uthe bill of last session, who had Sir Charles H. Tupper aaid the lion.prp edt pa h n usn canged st i wht isten once whiteflsh, fram November lot ta SOthý occupied these lande prier ta the date named gentleman's bill waa apparentiy haaed on lc'r1 1,A T7f r1 1I T'1T inSc ass eletdi. tecriutdand the bill waa ta give them, npou pro- an ameudmeut moved by tbe leader of the HJICTLVLiLI.-?J .E .'jl a doctor, wlîo found, on examîiting me, that Seine net flshing is permitted in the abave dueiug proaf that they had performed their Opposition ta the raiiway resalutiana last th Opn er r watrs and there lan os reuato 1da~ frh etadties priort ta hat date, the session. The Criminal code bord te do only F I osea ta do any good, and 1 determined ta the mesb taeine net. Fishiug waa probibited 'right of homestead entry. wiîh Federal juriadiction, and the clauses tyAyer's Cherry Pectoral. Aller taktug a R' few doses in trobl wa eveadbe uIese waters during 1894. The date Of Tebhwara ia ie nIeAtrt t ie ' icn L ID roeo hd uletebtI was curle ed . ear îu F O l I SE Z DB foeA .d IEFLÂR, d w tche oraele,1a Onr.1 the suspension af the order prohibiîing COVERNMENT BANK DEPOSITS. tractors ta cantribute ta electiona were -A. EFLR, atebake, oangeill, Ot.Iherefore caufined ta the Federal Parlia- Pet~ 1 seine net flsbiug in these waters waa May Mr. Faster, in anawer ta Sir Richard meut. Hie rase merely ta mave rthe delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streets%, or at Port Ayers CherrY r io@a1 22-d, 1895. There bad been Do ange Cartwright, aaid the total number ai ac- adjourument af the debate ln order that Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, requested in regard ta pound nets. caunts lu the Goverument savings banka hie might consuit with bis colleagues as te Higheat Awards at -World's Fair- lIÂT BXF)RJT5. 289e 00 The 44,420, amountiug ta 6, whetber the bill in an amnded f orm N ANt 289093 Te ttalnuberbewee $50 e aceped NE A D FRE H IyerPs Fi Cure Iu4i gestiOnt Mr. Wallace, in answer ta Mr. Girouard ad,0 ttlnmerbteu$00 wae accepted amutigt$V1 ES (Two Mountains), said the quauîity of bay ad$00wa665,moungt416-POLLUTION OF RIVERS. of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. Rock Sait fw. cattle DMs TANT's ASTI4MALENE dl B xredfn Canada in 1891 was, ta Great 096. The total nsumber over $1,000 was ý AV1EI- IVIAte from 4,741, aînauuting ta$7,32,7,580. Tbe grand Mr. Costigan moved the second readsng and horses, and Freshi Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels 1-ee Ho Mba A %I' iiî w Brîtain, 11,852 tons valued aI $150,291 ; t total ai acconta was 55,815,,amDnating ta of a bill furîber to amend the Fisheries Ac, wihw r rprc osi Seps htyuneed ut st up ail Night the United States, 50,070 tous, vaiued at $17c 77,79 arec probibss tue poluin iwae gaspilng for breath for fleur aof suffocation. On $a7 81,76,69 Tuec quantiîl txpree loluio of892 recelto nante antd PO.address FRE 375a,813 Threat Britain 14,969tua ian e ISc.R9E2OY frequented by fiait meutioned iu the Act willinaiHagarî 'Tua answer FRa Mrt ra rti,1,6 tnvle .0 .EPOE. Forea nder penalty, but provides for exemption .JLJj.kX J7 DR. AFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., ROCHIESTER, N.Y. at $167,604 ; ta the United States, 67,067 Mtr. Hgat nase oM.Fre yteMiitro aieoaeti tem TOronte Braucit, - 186 Adele.sde St., W. tans, valued at $598,567. The qnantity 'saidi a rpadt ieîawes yteMnaea aiea eti tem 001ýSTIM:EWI(MT l Hich t pemitel the u iereot i the- Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SCREENEI) GOAL 50,89 tons, vaiued aI $515,461 Il t lte ers, telegrapit aperaîars,aud atatiaumrasters so rmi uedu mpiNo ngb aie ien tub. y i tok United States, 94,282 loua, valued at on lthe Intercolonial railwav, as Ibeir haurs htsi o adî. asnbemPtoa asintck Packsn ofLr s 8498 Tite quautity exparîed lu 1894 aud duties were ver'y long, .but nat ta clerka however, shaho be ranted bll June 30th, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. Pa k ~ ~waa, ta Great Britain, 175,559 toua valued as there did net ,appear ta be lthe ae ahaîl Tho exemptinse uti liete da One Pack, May I. C. Xi Home; One Pack at $1,700,409 ; ta the United States, 87,847 reason lu titeir case. foamed ohIt waa acetaued utthe matei &G tEscort, One Peck, F'hrtatiou, Oue Pack. HoId Ions, valued at $753,57.CND UTRTAE lthe milla could uat camphy witb lthe law _____________________________(10____________ 0 ____ ta the isaht; Oue Pack, Our Sofa just holda PEMANNTCRPSMr.______________ter.________________ th dichareo______rfus two Oue sample book f ull af Novelties, allPRAETCRS r otgei el aM.MMhapeeîn iedahrea iatrfs JFIEE, if yau aend 5e. silver, for postage, Mr. Dickey, lu answer te Mr, Gibsan, said 915 packages ai huIter sbipped front inoa atreama witbout au entire recaustruc- A. W. KINNEY, B. 0. S., aaid lte total strenglth ai eacb ai lte Mantreal weighed 48,937 Iba. net, being an lion ai lthe mille, and lthe bill would pravide 0 Yarmulh N.S. filoiugcorp wa~-"A" Bttey Kng.average ai 53.48 Its. of butter pet package. for sucit cases. fIe praposed that the boia n Yarmouth, stan 130 melw n p wa-" B " Battery, K icg.6 No accaunt ai lthe sales ai thent had beau aitouid have affect for twa years only, - - - - - - - m-sNo, 1me; Iud 2" Comanes, Quebe, 261 rcivcd aince lthe atatement made by bîm bacause hae thaught that -after taI pariod y E ea n ~~ARI ~ men; "lA" Dragaons, Torontao 58 main; ta the iluse ou lthe 161b ai May. Two a mare praclîcai way migitt be fouud af i bep aed o e l Q nty, wce a uIty meB". Dragaous, Winnipeg, 91 men ; No. 1h'tndred and for ly.sxpcse ibte ihteqeto.Dfiuî AIuiautry, Landau, 116 men; No. 2lInfautry, were sold in Mentreal, whicb were paid fo axperienced in lthe case ai internationalan h e ûM si PrC W oisp tte T Toronto, 110 men , No. 3 Inîantry, sf by an advauce ai 20 cents, per poud fby the rivera, sncb as the River St. John, lu Newan treti e l Pîe wh inpc te I ~~~John'a, 96 men ; No. 4 Iufantry, Frederic- Government, Paym e have beau made Brunswick, wbere the United States per. u q alda-ot e to S T O PUSa tan, 105 me.Tta,103mr-. ntr:: lot:of zî::::rlt:20 :ents pu dei ittdhe dumsping of rbbish:on z:i u q ald sot e to AÏTALA TAE witici were nal included in lthe former re- aide ai lthe slream. By a new device recently' pateuted iu V. S. ansd Mr. Wallsce, lu auawer ta Mt. Mulocli, lots. Thte teson wity lthe butter, whicit in Ottawa river sbowed ta lthe centre ai C.aasby 0$4^S. 0CL.UTfrE said ltat from June 30tit, 1894, ta Match waa inspecîed, aud for wbicb paymenîs af lthe ctiauneh had neot been injuriously affect. Ros adS:f e 9 3lat hast, there were imported iram Anls- 20 cents pet pound were made, waa nol ed by lthe eawdnsî depoaita. Thte mille ou Iralasia under lthe free liat iowla te lthe value sent ta England, was because Il was ual lu the Citaudiete, Gatineau, sud Ottawa cauld ai $10 ; bananas sud pineapples, $1,346;, packages which appeared la ha suitathe fer nlot change ltheir metbod ai dispasîng aiofp r u h~ s r n s V ls s & bides and aluns, $1,458 .wool, 249,183 expert ta Great Britain, ta enitauce lthe lthe refuse unheas at greal experts or lthe S'lp"rs 'R b e s 'SnsV lse ,& i~P pounda, -vaiued et $32,460. Of dutiaiie, reputatian ai tbe packages ai Canadian loas ai macht power. The dumping ai CA CO* ooateaweeipre in âit sane butter ltera. Tit'c cteamieryv butter receîved sawdusî into lthe rivera had evidenrly flot A u tra" E V L Ci,'aB wn a il àü fàk. -tm perlod eggs,24 dozen,vahued et $4 ; oranges, at Moutreal inîestdad by rte consignees la heen detrimeutaila ta h fiait, or complainte WITHr NO INCONS/ENIENCE lamons, sud limes, $2,874 wortit ; butter, ha shipped ta Great Britain by thte Dairy wouiý ha itoard, and fiaberman titangit "' .36.907 pounds, vahued at $5,925; lard 2,146 Commission, aud sold lu Montreal ou ltaI rie fisbing below lta Otrawa was as B I GS S OE W ITflOU A IK U ~ pounds valued et $187 ; alted beef, 3,712 accorint of being in packages unsuitabla for go,,das, abova. Hebhoped titat'the mes.B IG G ES AIE CPEAP BY MAIL '350 pounda vaoue at $7,143 ; mutton and 23 centsB a pound. Thte Dairy Commiasionai- an effort, migitt be made for the permranent Your naise tacus ieaus comfart te yau. lamit, 16,052 paunida, vaiued et $576 ; bras receîved information irom soine ai bis reliaf i ni miownera. E ' ~ A Post Card will do it. paullry, $96 ; sausaga casings, $366 ; tal low correspondants lu Eugland stating Ihar 11r. Lavargua, lu cammittea, moved, lu B IG G E VA..I..~L J gAge cf persan or 1CHAM MCUE $43 ; houey, 1,492 pourida, valued at $93 ; ltera would ha' fiadiffsculty in doing a ameudauet ta lthe clause proiitiing poilu. cae matrlt 134 Kime ST. WEST total value, $63,012. steady trade lu bulteË4similer la ltaI cou. lion, tal sawdust ha excapted. TOOTO---CNLI ENRLBOOTH'S OOY taiuad iu lthe best iots sbipped hast winter, Mr. Onimet said lthe affect ai sawdust EVerybody invited to cail andl se otur new tootweaP Mr. Daly, lu answer ta Mr. Martin, said especialhy naw ltaI buyesaagtigl deposils ou ltae Gatineau river iead beaun ta ltera was fia uuderslandiug beîwaan lthe know il. foru a shoal ai conaiderahie magnitude, ~~IGovaenet and Ganerai Bootht as ta giving RAILWAY PASSES. whicb itad citauged tite currant andJD. AT8 or ehliug hlm land for lthe purposes of a The deitate on lthe motion for lthe second Iraea inelm aoeîult O U R E~ ~en Tm t. reooy iaGvruatia i ading oi Mr. Muhack'a bill proiiiting vilae TUE and thebil au ~ ~ rI IIffi- fd is'asnformation as la lthe hind ni 'immigrants rîtembers îrom travelling au. passes; was al Trit di mie amndmu wa ast su litbîr___ ____________________General Baotit.proposes tesand teCanada, lixtte ordiet paper. Witen titis la ime. torchile2y haasmkab ____________ ____and, could not Iherafora say witeîter lthey raacliad lit re ansd usys wege demandad. n A*r iH sorbe poisonous germa from a hucket, il Were in faveur ai eucnuragiug Sunit it-ý Tite louse dividad, and lthe- motion waa PROIIIBITION COMMISSION. ~~I à~ NEGRO'S GRATITUDE. mtigration. hast by 100 ta 46. Mr. Foster, au tae item ai $800 furtitar ---'inigt aise ha usad la abaorit poisanous --LARE VESSELS. QUEBEC FREEMASONS. expeusaes lu connactiau witt the Royal Treatment of Consumption. 1 germa and gases from ltae body. Hie put An 014 Slave's 4Genersity ta Mis 01t4 Mr. lutgai auswer ta Mr t, r Mr. Witite (Cardwehll moved lthe second Caomission on lthe liquar îrafflc, said tal Thea succaseful treat.meul ai cousumptiou bis idea ta ltae test, sud uow dlaimts te Colsrs. adteattino h Listere lidthe amounits recaivad hy lthe individuel -ud by titis is meant usaking lthe suffarar have cured people ai amahîlpox, favera, in- Aweslthy slava.owuar entai-ad lthe beilite aldtelioe fa ltat h G oveng tres a dn nbilita bewih thmeiu certin bds mambers abl tit comiSio wbis~i baIly . u n if maniy, aliter alais simly wreapnd be cnied lats ad litaI l Cogras a bhtasudrwictlt asnobd Josepit Rideauo, chairman, $3,220; ir. E. etstamhs i ev udni any, dipitmaleriesb sp l disaa nd SouItemn army, fougitt bravely sud hi-il. certai the euatn aiato ult juriadictin ai ltae Grand Lodge F. Clatke, $2,468; Mr. Gîgalt, 82,374; nal actualiy liftiug îî iront bis shouldera- lt ain umhrstas liantby, sud died lu ane ai lita cloating gi-est hlas différent front toae iu force in iQubapasnlbor Thiîfesthe Rev. Dr. McLeod, $6,918 ; Judge s largely s question ai nursing. If ltae He laya bis-patients on a maltreas cov- batheaai itacivl wt i lia Ulld Cnad, I wa un lie itenionni titis body front a prohibition cantained lu a MacDonald, $3,918. Mi-. Monaglian, sec- disease bas alraady gaiuad a foothoid, ai-ad wiîit blaniket, lakes e siteel ju8t larg battes o thecivi warin te Unted ain l wl aaath i-ntnion lthe atatute ai lthe old Province ai Lower Canada rtaiy, $10,068. g agaes Hig aido meeing hyf oalhlas Mi-rnint taea seids litas peoplam loaka upanns thiee lulin ofa instances la ai aai enaugi ta auvelop lthe body, warms il, tts lua pldotati s lainu lesa, tithtosa ni lthe United States, as il was ual bound associations, iniringementaf wbicit lita commisio s a fare. eita Cooverpu einent inxisacep, lu pofann lit av a l ud a wate t mith anst w intý wrang al, wiliten larg plataton onestcfnmisintheered nshb ititee enltesahecomratnass frc.ileGoermiîit aboutotpnigth eilda ;aplutwrmmikandnsitwabot rig ag t morîgagea, sud a hunçi-ed or mai-e antan- oepdn a bvee a ioe semI es o lte wapnsal.y eeapnlis ware afraid te face the country on tae mat- aven if il were otiterwise, a iew general sud padcks bis patint in il for an itour, eipsled negroas who lied ceasad taeh b t c u uti eta liteT i-Ast haas lite miw ai-lad, tn ieHn eri, and appoiuled a commission as e buffet, tubes wouid ha as essential 1e esune tiesa ubsequenîiy spongiug hlm over witt warm TIEN CNL.waî rcaurtta Parliement did net want ta kuaw lthe comiart ai lthe patient witile tacovery 1*8 watet ut puttiug bimito a Watm bath. pprt.Mr. flaggai-î asîed Mi- Somai-ville ta Mi-. McKay (flamiltan) rnoved le edd a oionf iegtlmnou ah atr on n. fier btusineas affaira ware mismaneged ity albow s motion for, copies af ahitndr clause under wici ail saciaties, asaactinina iegnlmn lt atr-on Ha decleres ltert in ane had case ai amahi. agents~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at ayrsdst a n eevdb ieGvrmn o eindana atsonssnd lodges witosemnembars si-ebound bt ai lthe counry. In lthe tiret place, thon, we muaI undar- pox, wtere lthe eruption was weIl oul, the agents andI?àwyers, nd she les one receied SurtJameserCi-sutordanotionodelite OppsoGranstandunexacthiyptite-conditionctaithlitancon-n oflthecon-emidreweeliteepoisonoison eeurii-aby plantation sitar enoîber. fier heaîtit ai lte Peterborought sud Lakefleld division bost)i sud witoseobetneoeitracey lion for tryiug teodiscradil lthe Goveruman t sumplive, ut so mucit by asieirainiug the from rthe sIo thaI the nex, day ltae ai-up. fsiled5 ~ ~ ~~ o su nbradaest aa th ie Tr'ent canal, la stand, s lthe coul-act oatibcershei-uvincrceinl ltait efforts la obtaîts a solution af location sud exîenl cf bis disease, as hy lion diaappesred aud the tan waa couvaI- faied, ad i ler ld gesheboamehadnoye ben.wared Teel Ciairmen ruaidd lita te mion w the prohibition question sud for îrying ta famlhiariziug oui-salves with bis lampeai-a escesl. witolly dp n pon ana afie ormeml TeeE - hira ,ue .hat th*oin maire ont lthe coal was gi-ester titan il ment, bis lilas and dishilea, and aboya ail, slaves. depeden Mi-.ETS Foueaan o-l t o f ai e ai-dat mafia with lthe consent reaîîy was1 . with bis power oi endurance and i-eaiat1 eoasaRge Thsnegra was graleful ta ber for tav- papera rebeting la lthe sitiptanta ai sieép lThe bill wss titan tapai-ted, sud read Tae item passed. once. ing given hlm asatart aller lthe war. Learu- front Canada la Great Brilsin Sirice Octoiter a ltird lime. LADY THOMPSON FUND. If wa will hea thle linga su mid, we Iu lthe Rognes' Gallery ai lthe Secte f mng fi-at expersence ltat site could uel 31a1 184 su leeit aeba la OTAT OAIN.M.Tito iehma 2,0 o-mey ha able la do al lthaI le possible for Service Bureau. af lthe Treasury Depatment mfanlage bei- plantations anccessiuihy, site ease, Indi a ol atwektatetibution ta rthe Lady îThoîpson fun siltae aid ana ; uameby, te anable hlm ta tWsigo stecr htgaho hsd rewarded ltae fideiity ai a saai gronp Canadien inspectai-a aI Montreal noticef M.iLna oe h eon edn ihtn h nsagto h ies ni ofean-ýba.p,1slve b dedngovr e ha seime of lte Atetican aiteep .raingo bis bil tepravautbte letting ofcontracte ta hava providafi for i-i famihy after hie nature shah gain lthe couttolling baud. Sa once fanions contai-feitet wbo was ai-iest- them outrigitt amaîl farts. Titis uegro troogit that port were' disesd. H sied la aiana, The bill, hae salid, pi-opoaed t0 eai.Ilewarghy nomdain succesaful is titis metaod ai îtreeîman lthaI a by the Ti'eaan-y agents and made lu received in titis wva e&r ofbsdv-i délai wirb ontractar mnafa by lte Gavai-n.h. a igty nore afn af ter the wai have bea'n eithe improvdet un -L'in"'e ci'- Lviiiiui nac pro ie e but, as s malter ai justice,- lte dlaims ai extort axlraordiusry profits bfor services lu meala, aone suitable prepanalion ai pepain '110W OCR L KEDESS or ngrlebl, ut na I bsaIhtai lteenquire binta dh caims ai saoula and lthe people of titis contry aitaulfi receiva connadtian witt lthe luneral. lu some sitoulfi ha usei ta basten lthe digestion, and Wuîupî apply "SAvNe OINISENT."1 e,: na u tit-lt neia fa una bt otiters. tiret cousidertion. cases il waa assai-ted titet 50 or 75 par cent an boum or lwa's i-est shonîfi ha talen irantpyapl ýSAYZBSONMN. a wahh la-do fermer, and lthe iteerl ta tale te1mln a dpei Mi-. Hsggarî selid lte blill appiiefi la bu exceas ai ari-dnai-yratashiafi beenchargefi, medialely sitar lthe rusai. Noiter cea meiel rquireofi Curta itanwh af once beau kiud la hlm. Sur Richard Cartîwright, ou ltae item ai mient miglul ual bave thea power la enedi large pricas bad in aone cses beau charged, Cue yCwsMl.face, bauds, nase, etc., leviug the sliu Titis is a t-na aloi-y, wiic illusîrates the $8,000, fut-ior expeoditure lu cooneclion snob lagialaîlon. lTae bou. genlemen's yet in uta casa ted îtcey beau paifi, sud abter Cue yCws111.clear, wite and healthy. Ils gi-est beal- tender butehïng aomnetsmes exiatiog hetween wlit ltae Rayai Commeissianon liste biquor renai-la itaf been directefi aImait sobely te rthe exlorliousta citar-ges ted beau reducafi A dactor ont iu lie Transaal proponnd sug and, curative poweri ai-e posaeiaed by lit nacýroand ie former master, andla ea trafflo, failia to se ltae ni lit coui- aaena ai rthe United, States, and hae doublefi ta aur-eut marIal piies, il yet worsid i-e- ae othe remedy of AsIn disaue duggis for gi-ltod wtiitgofitrealmeol may in- mission, excapt ta recoraem ite i e witetiter sncb a measure was afivisabia iu qui-e about $23,000 la psy lthe bill. a e ebda uig(sse iii aSWAYNE'S OINTMENT. Lyman Sonso spire aven lu a despiei race, m amen ai lthe country paifi niaie attention rthe public li-si-est. Il was di -rectedi use1 The resobulion uvas coucutred in. tarims" lsateapalty.» Co., Mont-eal Wboleale Agents. r ýM1 Aen Cr for UIUI Pichra toria. -%