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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1895, p. 7

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Bounsall's flar.bie Wor ks, 1NERVOUS WOMEN. THE TRIUMPH 0P LOVE - _ IS HAPPY FRUITFUL MARRIAGE. BOWMPANVILWE, ONT A large stock of Finished Monuments' in Swedish, Scotch and Anerican Granites and -Marbies constantly on hand,- imported direct froîn the diff erent Quarries and Manufact- urers. Cali and see what you are buying. Pric-es low and good work guaranteed. 7 -1 «otTrITL1 cjA T' T T Their lot is not a1 Happy one. At Hlomfe And Abroad Tliey are Ivlserable. EvERT MAN WHO WOULD KNOW TIIFE GRAND TRu'rn; THE PLAIN FAcrs; THE NEw DiscovEalEs or MEODICAL SCIENCE AxS APPLIIID TO MAIIRIED LiFE; WHO WoUiLD ATOçE von PAST EnuoRS AND Avoîn FUTURE PITEALLS. SHOULD SE,- CURE THlE WONDERPUL LITTLE BOOK BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 26, 1895. Card of Thanks. 1 wish to express rny sincere grati- tude to the Sons of Enkgl-aud at Hamup- ton for their inanv acts of-kîndness and consideration to iean îd minte during myv very seý,ere trial. Durin.- my hus- bauds sickniess and death their kind- ness w ilot soon be forgotton, but will li-e iu n y ieory as a battu to soothe xny bitter sorrow. 1 feel especially grateful to Mr. John Cornish of TaunÏ- ton -%ho was ail tlîat a brotherIcould be. 1 also thank, the public for their kind- liess anîd synipathy in turuing ont so well to pay a last 'tribute of respect to Iny dear hnsband. MRS. S. C. litNKING. The Late William Dempster. Sundav June 19 there were carried to their last resting place at Gananoque the remnaîns of WVî. I)empster, who for mnauy cars did a large business as a dealer ini livo stock, being of the firîîî of Dernpster Iros., weil aud favorably known lu West Durhaîn am-ong' farni- ers, with whoiu bis word was as good as his bond. Deceased was soute years ago afficted wth a partial paralysis of the brain, -which bas proved fatal. The very large funerai bore testimonv to theesteeîn iu whichi lie ivas held bý bis fellow townsmien. He was an adherent of the Presbyterian churcli, ln politics a Conservativ c. Be Iaves a wldo-%N and three elîdreii. He was 49 vears old. Another West D)urhtam Boy. West IDurhamî bovs are found exerv- wbere alinost. The Miton Reforiner ýof whiclh Mr. R. White is editor and pro- prietor, says: "We are peased to meet, after a lapseof about 28 vears, our old frieud, Rev. J. H1. Colliins, -of Water- down. lie aind thie writer m-ere born and brouglit up) ln the same localitv (Solina) bu old Darlingtoiî toMwnship, Iin -West DuLrbaii. Althoughi28 lonigyears h aveviroughit a change lu his personal appearance, particnlarly iu bis snový locs,.wc ediV reconied the oA featires. It -was w ith peculiar plea sure that weolîstened to is fine rcttosat the parsonge social od e ening. Tbe Eitr f Tuar STATESMANý£, distinct- 13ri nbrshaigBy Mr. Collin,; preacli bis tirst' sermon in Cardephonia BOWMANVILLE. TYRONE. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tyermau, Toronto, visited friemîds here. Mrs. Thos. Harris is visting- Mr.' and Mrs. J. i.liicks, Toronte Junction. Mr. W. J. Boy ivili coîduct the bible class during the& sunîmer nîonths. Mr. F. W. Werry spent 'a verypleas- ant iveek with bis friend Mr. A. WNilson at Wlitby. \Ve ungraînlate liîîî îost heartily on bis success at the recelît exanîs, A i-el-y iuteresting and profitable meeting etf the Junior League ivas lîeld on1 Sundav. Au excellent paper on the fepic "What eau xve do for Missions" -",as iven bv Miss Jenule MeLaughlin, aîîd . pathetlic readin- by Master Willie Stock, atter whlîlch liss Welch gave some practical poinîts ou Missenary work. The officers for eusuiug îquar- ter are: Superintendent-Miss E. M. Werry; Ast. Snp.-Edi h 1Skriuner : Sec. 'Norman Doidge; Treas.-Frank MeLauglîlin; Organîsts-Misses Lillie Sauîîders and Florence Fraser. 31APLE GROVE. Mr. Geo. Tyler, Nexw York, is visitiîîg liere. Miss M. J. McClellan bas purchased a bicycle. Mr. WVll. Jefferv is making extensiv-e improveilients te lus outbuildiugs. Miss Eva Saunders, Pickering, aîîd Mr. L. Truscott, Port Hope, are visit- iîîg friends here. Rcv. L. Pheips preached bis tarew-cl sermon Suuday atteruooî. lie cees te bis îîew station-Millbrook witiî the best wishes et ail. Our anniversary this vear ivas a g-ra-iîd success, receipts being $81.50. (lun Siiidav atterixoon the largest crow d we ever hàd assemîbled utîder our cool aîîd 'pacieus tent Bey. J. S. Clarke, Oshasv, 'preached an excellent sermn aîîd the sciiolars furnislîed a shtort lpre- g rani. Mr. Clarke preached again inî the eî'eîing te a large coîtgregation. iMeudav atternoon the scliolars --ave a ïî-erv interestiîîg prograiniet singiîg, 1recitaîieîîs and dialo-gucs and Rev. R. Bruce Kenny, Osihawiagave a practical 1address on"TueMaîîloed" which ivas mnuceli ijo-ed 1w-ail. Au excellent tea xy-%as served and( everyvtliiug w mcnit off te the entire satisfactioofetail. Evenit ofIthe Week. Paine's Cejery Compound Gives Them a new Life. MAKESTHEM HAPPYAND STRONG BRIGHS AND VIVACIOUS 1 Every Woman Should Try 1t. The lite of the nervous woman is a most unhappy omie. Slîe is cotinually miserable, and is frequeîîtly a burden to herseif and familv. Nervousness is produced by a gr eat variety of causes. Headaches, bilions- uess, constipation, dyýspepsia, vertigo or giddiness, insomnia, despoudeucy. and a host et other aliments. As n rnle, the use of drngs and inedi- cines contaiuiug strong na rcoties, Ouly cause afficted ones to sink deeper lu suffering and agony. Nature's truc and permanent cuire for all diseases î.s Paine's Celery Compound, a medicine now freely aud wisely pre- scribed by the best phiysician. The pro- trietors of Paine's Celery Compound have more testimonials from the women of Canada thani have ever been given lu tavor of any other medicine lu the world. Thousands have been saved who were once declared to be hopeless and incur- able l)y the doctors. Mrs. Joseph Vallant, of Cache Bay, Nipîssing District. Onît., who was recent- ly cured of nervous prostration and nenralgia of the heurt, writes as fol- luws: " For a leîtgth of titue I suffered very much front nervous prostration and neuralgia of the lieart, and was unable to get regular sleep and rest. 1 used vour great inedicine, Paine's Clery L'otîpound with most benieficial results. I ainthappy to say that my condition of health is xoîdertully finîproi-ed; niy sleep is swcet and( natural, aiid the pains and iiervous fears tlîat troubled nue are ail banislîed. 1 cannot speak too highly of Paine's Celerv Compound." The Metliodist Magazine opens its 1fort\,-second volume wiîh à '1V01igos nunîiber. The editor leads off with a "'raphie iliustrated skretce'iutitled "lu th Lvnt," desceribing -,ýthe îrange pli- giaelife Of the tilousands 1(i f (,e aud other ,'pilgrm to the Ili)o\ Iplaces of Palstiïe. 1Tro.ntfo and btis \iiiy lias nuinrous admirable phioto )jtttres,, Dr. l3urwasb, Cliancellor of Victoria tTniversity, contributes tlîe ciaracter stady of Yrs. Jane Clewt"nt Joues, one of the itiost notable wotnen of Cantadian Methodismn. The Rex-. Dr. Wilson's suri ey o'the Domninion of Canada iN a loýal audà patriotic paper of remnarkable interest. 'l'lie nmagazine shouldbe in al the homnes and sehools of Catiadian Metlîodisuî. f LLqUID PA1RIS GRIEEN. FARMimUS AND GARIGNEIIS sow GET A On accounit of the large conunînption et poison iin Canada for the destruction of Potato Bugs anîd insects tîtat injure fruit trees aud otier plantsý, and as there bias beeîî a loîîg-felt ivant forsouxe arti- cle 'that would cox-er thl Ianýt or the leat witlî a perfect solubleý solution, a clîemtist lias succeeded i pertecting a pure soluble liquid Paris Green l.0d 1w- Murdoch, Bowiînaiville. Wlhen used accordinîg te the directions it will leax e a liglit traânsparent eoveriiug, which will be more uniforialy distributed ox-er the leaf, ani is guaranteed te reinain long-~ er than anvtihing iteretofore on the mnarkiet. One ba rrel et 400 lbs or U4 Inîperial g-allons etof Or Lîquid Paris Gren costs the consuitier $6.(0. Wlien 1reduced -ith water according te direct- i ous it -will îiîalc 41 barrels, or 16,400 lbs, or 1,8)4 gý,allonis. 2cts per glo or 4 afliois for- 75ts. ,The ntioi -wlîeiî rednced rea(lv for use w 111 be 14t 1per harrel et 14 gailles or kc a oa1,o1t. whii eipkut)y barrels are returned it still furtlîer rodiîces the cest atbout 10%. Thougýh nmauy othier mtixtures, or se- Ycalled bug,-pe)iseu, for tite destruction ef bngs and insects have proved lunutany t M'as injuirions te the lite et planîts, thi xxilnet injure er tieter the plants trout groîxiîtg lu an w ay, as the substance -or coatiiîg111s porous and is imore like Ssmîall crvstals. The Ontario Agr-iicul- fin-a I 'll,ý,,ea t Guelph hax-e for serti tiniie been testing Liquid Paris Green and reported May 18 fax-,oraly. Mur- -doecls Seed Store, Bownviani-nille. SOFALA POLISH. LADIES, use lieok's Sofala SiLoe Pol - ilb for Ladies aud Cliiltlretu's fluxe Boots anud Suces; flic finest te presci-e thie leatiier anîd keep it relialîle. It w-i leave a îîoiishlu ike sutiit. Fer sale by ~Boot anid Shoeedealers. Guardian's Notice. L, THE MATTEIî OP THE GtîARmîASsuîl'0Y TIaIE INFANT CHIu.uxO-F JAMES 1P. RJDLEY,IEE S . Aîtî,iicutions x-rili i,e ini tie tie Stirrogafe ('ortoS ueU'iîitedConult-es ofNortliuîtubeiandiC anti DLir-Lama:,eforethie Jifdge !la Clanîbersi te Cour t Hotse !i ihe toxiitoet ; îhur, atîer timýe exiiîlîi eft dx siet u ust itpu lic attoutlie-cf ut loite t folWilliani F. Allît eot thet tex, i etfhiewital-tilie tainthse (Somnty et Duu-lant Gnîlnna cofettii,'siltiti-eoas- ed, tor a idraiu thte sai Willijam iF. Allen, tttardiaun ef Lillie Loufs is-leY inf ,antr clO tiiolte satd Jantes IP. Edi, ce o the Cîty oew ,-svOleanus iili te State e L san tit ou the Uîti Sîsî's ut Aîuîeriea, Gentleanu, WILLIA-M F. ALLEN lin D. B. SIMPSON, bMs S'icl Datyd a, Bceýiiiixilie, JaniitOu71A. D., 5. The asoCou Ji . I lu. L2u uS IN K-llýii ..op i * ir i. 1~ CAME -COM ..T .ýA IOD1M SVIIII M 111II I lt Eexvmaavilte, Julie ?,18 "lWell, I tell that first day is eue l'Il neyer forget. 1 just bubbled mvitîx jey. I waiîted te hug, every body and tel theitîx' ld self hadl died vesterdav and inv nexv self ivas borii to-dav. 'Why didn't yen tell me wheîî I first wrote that 1 would finît f fis way. And aîîother tlîus: "If yen dumped a carload et gold at my teet it w'onld îlot bring sucli-glad- ness inte mry lite as your îîîetled lias as doue. " Write te the ERizE MEDICAL Co.%I'ANY, Buffalo, N.Y. and askerl for the littie book ecailed ','éOMPLET1E MANIIOO." Be- fer te thbs palier, aînd the ceinpany pro- mises te send tîme book, in sea led eux-el- ope, iitxo-ut aiy mairkrs,! aiîd entirely free, uiîtil it is veIl iutroduced. Towitslui, Cierk. 81)5. 23 4w ciiepel (rein the ivorcîs: noxxshall w t' The bioe est event lui businecss circles escapé% f w-e ineg.leet se g-reat sali ution ? last îveeiIvas the opcîing et TheMasoîî Ce's Maiîneth Departmeîital Store Mr. Býwtes' Death. Eacli de1artnîent was iiven a special da-,wbile the îîexv grocery departîîeîît Wiiliaiî Fluxlle Bowes (ied recently w'îtîkept i full tswing a i hro .Tlîe at lis resideuice, 198i Brock aivciue,' Tl libcral patronage ant i îhsaticcrexx c rente. Dec tlî xas dîme te complieatioits et last week gives proiîîse et a very brouglit ont by ai acite jttacjl: et la successtîml career for this estaiîlishnieîut grippe- Deeeased xxag boi ilit Roberfs- lu looking tlîrouglî the esîalîlishnît toîxu,eoulity Kilcbtie, Irelaîîd. Hel e w- iere struck witlî the cembleteore canue to this couitr w mlien quite >ounmîgand s, stein w-licli pre-Lffiled. Ex-ri de- and aftt r leariîîg the dry goodis busi,7- partinent is a comiplete store ini itsebf ness, aceîited tn .sti1 eCasitatUnder the charg-e et au expert manager bu the Toronto Post Office.lie w-as whîe naturalli' is auxions te inake bis. -qil-ixappçeinted ta-thcc oceai nitsar- departmneît as attractive as hossilile amid vice, amni occupied that resîîoîsihie pesi- w1i'tlitliîs iin yiew N enstantly on flne tien for oxcr tuit tre ars. Sex-ei lookout te 2et special vajilu lite Unes veors 'tgIl-o lie retir 1ed, on ait anîntal ai- under lus coutrel. low-aîîee, anîd tp te tlîetime et bis dcatb The Grocery Departiteuf bein-g the rosided lu Toreonto.A a seri at et Inest impoirtant nexv addition is receîv- tlîe Goe rumeut lie gai-e cx-ry satistac- îng a large share et attention. Ah tisu, was meer kruoxx-nte be late, anid kinds et farn produce is taken iii ex- alw-ays~lad perfect coutrol ex er lîls muul- chanîge foi- wlich thie highest prices art titartous and arduienus diiiies. lie paid anti by a î-erY comiplefe sxstem of leaves a w idowxbut ne taiily. IMrs. W. prdîececks tÏe- custoliner takes ir Shîaw o, Pomt Hou îiîixille, is a sister the v aluitluaîîy efthte different depart- et thîe deceased. iiints without any confusioni or deiay. __________Tle finm say they are goiig te m iake lEleerie Lglit.thiiigs lixely, tiat higlier prices are ootng te be paiti for farîi preduce tlîail Duriîo' ie sssio et he Dmh las been paid lui the past, tijat goeds ln D C i- h esono h oiinahi departioents ivilli o sld at vyen Parliamnent et 189 an Acf çvsas ilmîch smnaller prices, ex ideuce etfxvlicl? for the inspection et electrie light, ifswias showmî toe lî iiter ii ahl[ t proisoui-ebugsomewlîat sintiliar te tiftereit departmeîîfs.Aohrmrt the gas inspection Act. It recures at . Atoftisn uieser înpoîa. elecîr -ilt cenpamics te proxiie edcc îtfauee hsne'-bsns sta trical eîîerf>w et a certain voltage; te ail sales iii be toi- cash or proditce onlv flîr ad oee1price te ail. M e iiglt Say mailîtain li lrUnes, fitfing"s aîd îtppan-mnîcx F atus ln a condition fit te snîp~tt fee oeiipeeîigteaxaîa"e 'r"-x--prohibits tu Iýtl f tiî lviitri but w 111 comîlude lxx needed ceun, h usiîg adiisimg il u edr-t ieti any mieter umtil if lias beemi tuB)ctd ganil oturareast te agfive lt ar,,- stannmed:roores t,,-' e i-ha'a rsM oxviixil',ags ticafli be re imsbeeted eveîrv ti-e vcars;:bpre- vides the intietion et lieux -v penalties upea aîuvoîue"w ýho înaliciotîslx or fratîdtileîîty abstracts, causes te be wasted 'or dix erted, consuities or tises anv dem-trîitvii'" efermnîiuu e l ind et iel-,tes lt 'uay x be uset aud thte kinîts of nul) ratus tîtat are te Lie supplied te mxake ftue tests. At etîcl ehief Office'for the divisionîs elaorate festing- appxarat- us will lue pnoxided, ai-d portablie ini- sfrumueîu ts for inspection ai efiler ioilnts. Mr. Vîx.Joluuston, Bellexille, hais beeuî apîxinîel the Dixisiouîal Inispecter for flîls distîcît. BOIW MANTILLE R111BSCIIOOL. Theteti xxx ing is flie sfa'idiru- et the PnpiL.s et Bo-mlýanlvîle Righ l îeoî at Toronto Ilîix ersit. 3um) ix .T.G în~,forîf lass lionors iin Clsse J .Moitîjoyv, seco11d Class in ii Mtlîeatics. 2am) Yimzt.-R. O. Jolliffc' sfaîding- first lu tii sf-elass Homors on b takuung thue Scbîolarstîp lu Classez, ; F. W. O. Werx secon i-ciasýý Jleîuers i MNaIieniafies; F. Gil. Janies irst-class !Flnorslin Mathie ux-iatic,3;Miss MN. 0. Eastwood, tfIrst-class1 Rouie s iii Italian andimi iaxisuseconic- class fi-.raleEuiglisl, mteuai-d Fi-eunc'. 1ST I liAt.-,MSSV. Gihî"llan lfirsf casý5 Rooets fil u-iN anîd Genvuui, anid secouîd i-,, ;l Fi- eîban-d It-lliail. -Tho,. xi v1tuox-l li Juuîe ' Lniu- CeUT'--" - -Tt'bttIe et Salina1mna. tronutu' -filSA tBenito Pcv-z Gai' dos, Thoe'"Standtar-d Deliiieator" for Jiti' is uniusualîx icl in iîîtercstiîug int ter Iu addition te colored plates oet grea' beaiutv aîîdrnaîiypages o et tt,,-a terius te pîcase thel ladies, flicre are sci- erai short articles upoit the Art et De- cormtien,' BieN-cliigý-,Tlîe Parasol etft Period, Costîtînies for Scaside aîud Meu tainu and for Matrens et Mddle Ageý 342 W. l4tlî St., New' York City. The Jîtîx-nunîber et Thm, Art Juter- changé is acenpamîied by tu-o delighl- fui cler-pin tes, '4A Patiuut Lake Worth," by Lanra Woodw-ard, and m "Tea Ros:"a-,o a sýc-ecîl panel lu char- ceai, beside flue usuuai --iippleierit et de- siguns for- caru eriremîwýin-iores uand and chxîa pantors. 'T-l u ii!i)ber is ,hrtlici eîkhubbx' repredtiu tM îîi Adans "'borinamidy v es frein flhe Paris Salon; ot Miýss McdîIesiiex'" 'lit Blinmd Fiddher," anîd Miss Maria Brooks "Disappoiîted" besides numnerons ihhis îratîoofi he t let * .Altogý)ethcm- read crs -iii fiuîd if a ii iitercsting- aud at tractiv e nutnIier et xx b-at is aiw-ax si: inferc5ting and attraefîx-c magazine 85 celits ut ali îî"wsdealerýs. The Art 1îuercliaîugc c., Ne-w XerIbý.City. TRE NEW WAY. 'I'lerc xxas a ti'ne -len baitîaniilis Wor e ougiît by qnackcr nIdiilis Aud tarubies tttffley cotul '.ciuetr-é Morfals ielieved tbey' must enidure! 'EllueReralJ etfaaliciter dayr 4-îv c'ued li Dr. Eseljay; AuJ xxwitit ilis lixzonges, are curemi TI-e iii., t1laI bail tebe cîîdîîred. Dx spepties once o Led doxu -n bv grief MiýfîIvneîvobtalix ion,,ed toi relief. NoCui Cl ieciel)v gîx on t'îxta lixLaxnw iiilibe iî,trodeuiît-t t tu r .t înéteiîig-tf tise Townshiip ('nCItO tDalîgtn be tueld oni SATURDAY tht'-11ýil telu tJNuaS iru lîgteor te Sale of ie ot Alicîvanc e',lxî'(41 3los4hand 35 in lhe icli, 8iiiî a'aitii Ceoiets eof tigtn t!ippertaîicv ii li e afforded to iyp-Itsd siriîig to e ito dc i in peosit toIi te lte assiua of dai ny-Law.- HO ! FOR RICE LAKE The Peterbou'o Navigation Cempuinys large New Palatial Sîde Wiîeeu lixeursiom Steamer. FARM FOR SALE. "CIY OF PE7TERBORO" ien ieSouth partot- bé Soih halfofLt Jîuli ii Pela'z antiIc1w tii Sinii rso-t ;liotetead ofth tue al ii-at lo S oas, colstli, Hairo ood, ke -e ,-.nsllIuîit-s op-n for of 5) -eres, more or iMss. tOn tte tarasare a charte r. çoniaecomîa Dwe1!!iag, ecar!age ieuse, barii The Conmpxnylitus eow-ied arrangenteo.its î-l- naite, nd a vory btuge ouînuir et xvLil. jji, -atiT-în miC aiaj] paetui e frut tn-es iii tit 1>-arfig, a-Id a liv ig t-exÉ,i et Raiux it , e - -acutenu nax ho el'arkze(t a wattr tîeer goiîg- dry - pelecb61- ore 3 -~r el r î~igfroîti al Paraser tan îî1oagh i belancs us fust as tlit- itiI , mt Mtunr Diie le ite GraiLtd cr01,1 areiaretd and full posessOionttt -. it .Triniuh iailwav ut ax ory iIlîuc. at. IStaîî.. iaClacIlai iSeifi.s xiIf îot sold bx y .2m'tl next. rili Du tsoid by unri os iotf!, icui- r xtri ui.g publtic uictueo li ia date. t- nîtec r rtsI a- niitea 0wi TFiius.-IO îper aa't. btii af the fIm -etf xie, fi e tn iy. t. . 11 i t, hibi Sl O't ) and ibalanceo0 ,o. i.Lni t ient. ei'iaisail; oer b-x-Os ci.Adres THOMAS CtSNA NT, R. 1'. -uLA IDO,, ý Set -iat-,, Pîlrboreglu. xetuaste Elijati steye1ts -' in, Oshawa, Juue 4t1à, 1895. 24-2m. t. i AND IIow TO ATTAIN IT." libre at last is information froin a high medical source that nust work wouders with this ge neration of men." The book full y.describes a method by which to attaîn full vîgor and manlyx power. A method by which to end ail unnat- ural drains on the sxsteni. To cure nervousness, lack of self-cou- trol, despoîîdency, etc. To exchange'a jaded andworn nature for one of brigohtness, buoyaucy and pow er. To cure forever effect of excesses, ox'erw ork, worry, etc. To give full streng-tl, developmnent and toue to every portion and organ of the body. Age no barrier. Failure impossible. '2,000 refereuces. The book is pnrely niedical and scien- tille, useless to curiosity seekers, lux-alu- fable to mieu7onlyv whe nieed it. N FULL BLAST' COIE WITH THE CROWD Bring all the produce you have to sell and come. where you cau get nearly every want supplied under on(,, roof. Sonie people told us ou Saturday they did not know% stock and at prices without even the grangers' profit. We are here to do business in groceries and - are bound to do it and this means at your prices for ito duction. Specialties Teas, eo-ffees, Sugars. Town people take notice when you want to- buy but- ter our gro cery man is a butter specialist. Don't Fail to Visit Us. BoxxmiAN\riLLE. No Potato Bugs - - - - In the garden if you use ouir PURE PARIS GREE N. We are selling llay iFork Rope (Sisal and Manilla'), Harvest Tools, -Machine Oils, etc. at very low prices. We always lead in Binder Twine and this season we offer greate r inducements than ever. Do flot place your order uantil you have our prices. They will be interesting. Rd* BOW MAN-VILLE. A Worth# Opposite Ontarioe Bank. Con e Mî Positively no bicycle that hias been pla ed before a critical1 wheeling public hias miet vvwith îuore favor or given better ail-round(- satisfaction than THE COMET. f t las orown s0 rapidly in favor ýî tis ? w couceded to be the leader for real menit. C. B. KENT at the Post Office, iBo'mruv i 'N-Ille, is the agent for this district and hie isdig a fine business. Caîl or write to hini beforee placing yor-r order for A despairiîîg man, who had applied we sold groceries, but we do an ' ma rnnwcei te us, soofi aÊter wrete; n1.fomabannwda ii! -P :Pt i i i im sz a i - i - Prninri Qtnr 1 1 ý -- - ýrp-ji, m à 1 illillintiviii VIVIIIJO Whëel.

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