-~ '- ~ Fans are a necccssity. They are lu stock from 5c.,, Fine Feather froin 50c.,Guage 35 cents. Keep y our bouse cool, wvith roller' window shades. Thev are in stock at 50 cents complete. Jloom Paper stili to the front. I knoný and study eff ets. Ail pretty and aw ay down ini price. This season everyone has been more than pleased. No trouble to show y ou what I have. Nice gilts from 10c. Kitchens from 5 cents. Then there is note paper and cuvelopes always ueeded. Good at loc. per quire. Envelopes at 5e. per bunicl. A good usiness No. 7, 50c. per box of 500. flon't forget the lunch and pic-nie 1ýakets. Here they are, and right. A large stock of every thing to select from. Special drives in Purses, and Fancy Goods. P. TR"EBILCfOCK, Tow n Hall Block. Bow'MAVILLE. ,B0WMANV1LLE, JULY 24, 1895. To the patrons <of THE STATESiINIWo hav e so promptl3 responded to the re- quest to settie their accounts this month, -%ve are extreînely thanliful and assure them that eonld t'hey feel the positive pleasuare their prompt respense afforded t'iev would teed double pleasure ox er tdeir part of the transaction. There are times w heu every business inan truly appreciates a quick response to a cail, oing to the uecessity teniï the circuinstances. Sncb au experieuce was ours and w e are -lad to know that several of our cuastomers bave show n sQ mueli cousideratiou for us- at a tinie whiea we needed it. Those who wvere unable or w ho neglected to coîuply w ith our request of receut date, max- stili cou- tribute lu a neasure to similar pleasure by settting at their earliest possible con- i enience. We regret ta manifest s0 inïuh urgeuciy over the settlement of our accounts, but the demnands of our btusiness and persoîîai reqaireineuits resistance of one merchant in town.* However cegent his reasons rna3 have been, it is a pity that a needed reforrm should be frustrated by the obsthîacY of a single individual. The majerity should bave its way. Then iookîng broadlv at the question, there is no reai need for the bulik of our people te delay their shopping uutil the proverbilal eleventh hour of the lest day of the week. Most of themn could coîne ont lu the carlier hours of Saturday or at a coux-cient time ou one et the flrst five business days of the w eek. To do so wouid serve their ewu coînforts and lu- terests lu more ways than eue. Have keen observers neyer notîced that wern eut clerks at the fag end et a laborious day are net capable et seri ing customers with their usual sweetness and atten- tien. The reasen is very simple. The exertien required for the proper serviug ef custoîners during a long day is very tryiug especially te lady cierks, there- fore assistants w ho are fatigued lu body and mmid cannot hanpart te others what thev de net tedl theinselves. Viewed lu tluîs li ght it w ouid 1be better for the geod peeople of Bow maux ille te inake theur puircliases in the eariy heurs et anv day, but more particulorly oui Saturdees. lu ex er vw dl cen-ducted store the number et clerkTs i-s proportion- ecl te the average volume et business, if the regular staff is everpowered by a cr-w d of shoppers who w ait tili the last moment soieeoee is sure te "g'et ieft, " and those, who dent are euhy served lui a hurried wa * ynet hait se satistactory as the mana-emcent could wish. T his is eue et the penalties that unthinking and careless people pay for want of froc theught. The -worst feature lu the whole busi- ness is the mistakeîu notion tiîat trafilc should 'be prelonged ou Saturday iec cause it precedes a day of rest. \Vili the over straiued and exhausted people of Saturday uigbht be in a fit state of coin posure te attend the Snday meorning services et the v ariens churchies? Xiii they net ratiier be inciined te thiiuk:,each recurriug Sundav, tîxat the shopping public bave becdlessly inflicted upon thein an injustice and a îvrong. Either voluntary or foeed ever-,wýorh on Saturday, in erder that its 111 eff ects may be cured by inactions on Suuday, is neither right ner just. Thie sacred day ef rest was designcd for a hiigber and houier purpose, and it, precieus heurs should be botter cmployed. 0f centrse business mcei are masters et the situation,being perfectl3 comnpetent te deal w itil the question, they cen at frein iuiny mnore duriuig the e lxt ,tiieuh -bv tlue force et habit, and w hici is forcc Jd'upon dieiiu by anii tinukiîîg Public. IEARLY CLOSINOG. A fair, c eo teIit alii rca-,onablc- lueur-,sai 9 oocekou Seturdexa x-u Perh,-.- the quLestioi oecaier losiiig ings anîd 0.3J p.iu. oui ethiet day s-ter et the stoe. silu B-tu aux ie could îîot ciosing the >st'ore, sroId lafixed upoui be ciscussed et a 1,etter tiine than tic eni the rudie 1 oee ima de it oughit present. In the cities anti lar,,ex- tom-uls to bPc firinly r amifîuil3 carrne ont. et the Domnioin the agitation for e re-A feu n ceks etfit mi aiid cenistent accloî terininii this tîletter luesiý,rcad,\ prodicle ike titat w ouid ccniluce tlie ptublic fiat cd good rcsnits. Leadiuîg firins lulke t[îe uîercliauts ix-re li eariuct iin their eff orts T. Eatoti & Ce. w'ho close at 1 p.mi. oi toteiitke the tien mie e success. A feuw Saturda.ys, aunditow et 5i e esdisappointrints rutiht eccur et firbt, otiier day iii the xveelT, have practicalli uiteople arex cri quick tlen it îîroed that the tiingcciiulbc doue w ith- 1 their ou miintetrests are concernted, and eut luurte btusinuess or iiîconvei-cectley -would sootulu in ilii tlte tien te the shoppinig public. Net teomntionî regulatiots,ttid etungive tîteit apprev- the immetnese býenefit te tue store i eep ers ci te a desiielîle chang e -n hili w ould theitîselves aiîd their staff et clerks. beuîcfit tiîciuw hile givîuîg relief te Tue practice et Leepiuug slsps opent tili hait past ton or dcxcieut Saturday evetîiîgs is ami abuse et busness punre andasiple. Te dea radiuig and ujar- bous si stemu lias nothing lu its fax-or sae and exccpt titat it is a lonig establislied tuile anion-g merchatîts te kecp tlîeir deors open ou S'turday nights as louîg as there is a prospect et gettîîg a cus toiter. Experiencc anid the cnlightuîcut et this age show s piaimiy tîtat the real g-oed et business denands ne sncb sacrifice freux businîess mcin and their assistanuts. The ouly plausible reasomi ton proiouîg- ing the weary lueurs otn Saturdax- niglîts is fluet Suuîday afferds ample tinte fer rest. If thtere is any justificationi i titis laine excuuse whv is ift that bauks, large maiufacturng couccu ms,vw Imlesale firmts, etc., close eau lier otn Saturda3 s thamu otu ether -dax-s et the weck? AnJ why 15 ift that Sehools, etc.. domît open1 their doors on that dayut ,ili? It may be urged oui behalf of the I 'c heurs et the last day etfflic week. ft., there is a class et citizemus, namîely mîmthers anJ lieuse Leepers, ixho arc tied f0 ficte use uuîtil relieveti by tfliir iuuubamîds affer the daces work is doue. Evemu for themu flic uniraseiabl late heurs et shopping 18 uit a uecessity. Iu Ourn wuxfeithe Ougaît Facfom-y closes ifs deers et noon every Safurday, and mcmi ix-luedeouîîan ual labor rarely work Pc3 end six o'clock. This cless et relievers getterelly liaive tea et thet heur. Weuld the lut cricn- iug finie up f0 8 Oecick sufflcc f0 egulate bouselîold affains se as te allow-lut cuti iîîg- puxcliecrs te reech the stores bv the heurs abeve namucd? Expert buyers couid do ail their busi- ness lu the follownmg heur or lueur and1 e haîf. 9.30 p.m. was the timue fixeti upoîx fer closimtg tue stores -wliemi certainu ladies agitated fer the rcformi somne tinie Cge, eaîd tue 1ev. Mr. Bunniss stroîugh advocatcd if, and whleu thte Rex'. Mr. Fraser anud Mr. A. Youuuie soîiited tue business communiry te adopt the change. If is gencrelly undensfood thaf flic re- formcd rmie woulti then bave faeî f eet lied i it of been for fthe stuhbomn wearied store-kcepers and titeir asist- anîts. Time early losini-n îîeuîît bas al- rcady muade dccidcd pregress hs Caniada, and is s-re te go torxvard. The tîuost elililteucd aitdI prgressiv e comun-îu ities n 111 Pc tlîc first te adent it, Bon'- m-aux-ic shoaltl, therefore, give if cativ acceptance. A ME RdANT. Wlitby Presbytcry. The Presbx-feny et Wlitby mt ate PickernîîgTu .esday, Juiy 16, 'the Mod- eator, DexvidOritouEq. B. A., li the chair. Rev. R. D. Fraser, iîteriîuu nuederator et session, pneseutcd a cail froîn iNcn'- castie anîd Ncwtonuil11e cenorenatieus lu fax-or et 1ev. Gco. B. Mceeo', B. A foriacrIs-ofethte Maritimte Prov inces. The eal, xvhich -wvas vere licarty aîîd accoinauid n tit a pnoîuise of' $1000 per aîut fer sfipeutd, w as suLstahte-l aud prex isieutal errait gciuiemts were uttade for the induction iii case et ac- ceptaluce; Mr. Fraser te preside and in- duef; Mr. McAulc 'y te prea ch; Mr. East- îan te address the utîlisters, andci.11r. Orntistim, flceeple. Mr. Abrahtamn prescnted e caretîîily prepared report of a comîîittee euti staniding orders, w'hich w'as adeptcd. Stanîding cenîntittees w-re appointed fer 1895-6. Mr. Eastmn, as treestîner, prescîîted hisiannual report wlich inludcd a state- mîenît of the conttributions et the Youug' Peoplo's Socicties efthtie Presbvterv forI gýhc support (ini part) ef c Home Missieux. arv iin Giciora, llautiteba-tue utet ac- ceumut hein-g $150, considerabîx-umore than lied hectu couditioiîally piedg-ed. The next reo.ular mecduoin iii bc held iii Bowunamîtile thue third"Tuaelty ln Octeber-anJ is te he preceded 1w the third ammuai conention oif tîme Youmig Peoôple's Socicties et the Prcsbytcry. AUCTION SALE. SATtRnAx-, Juiy 927.-Mr. Lewis Quick, w iii sei bis large stock etofharness, stoxes,, etc., at his store, Kin- st. Mn. Quick lias sold lus harmîess businuess te Mn. Wm. Huuplmrcy, se eveything nînst be sold. Sale et 1 p. i. L. A. W. TOLE; auctioneer. Twine. Blue llibbon first quality nianilla and Red Cap. A f ulli une at prices from 6c to 7c per lb. Caîl and see our samples and yon will find we are off ering t1he best value in town. Is the best remedy for Horn Flies. Opposite Ontario Bank. BOWMUANVILLE. CÂLIFORNIA LETTER. There is wbat is cailed East aiid West Portuand divided by a large navigable river 'but beth places are under oee municipal goverument. There are frein eight 'y te uinety thensand inhiabitants and imauy of the buildingsaemgnifi- cent in their structure and a credit te au *y city ou the continent, rang-ing froni fixe te ten stories high. Te day is what tlîey eall the giorieus fonrth et Jul3 ,and as the raiti begins te tal causing many a rhrebbing heart, but at 10 a.m. the clouds break l snerterhicae the heart beats more trcely, -the ceunt- enance brightens ,tlîe parade commences headed by the police force; îîext militar * veterans, merchants, malnutacturers., nearly ci cr3 business i the cite takes part ini the proecessieli. I tell yen, Mr. Editor, thos e yankees are liard te beat ou that point. Now a few -words about tlie big trees that 1 and liuadreds more have turîied a deat car te as unbelievers, but 1 bave seeîî sufficient te ceux mcc me that there is more truth ini it than fiction. Aithougli, îot geing directle through the red w eod ferest I have scee a tree tlîat the iiniier part was taken eut stifficintiy larg-e te mnake reetu for four herses te be housed ini; Lumtnher ef aux- kind troîti 10 te 100 feet lon I aise h-ave secu piaiiik 16 feet, G(I icie w ie; the trees grow' froni tw o te t1re huiîdred feet iigi and soiue place~ s thicl tthat team- ceuid iet go chrongh uiîtil roacl n'a; ts n erc cut. Leaviuîg l'ortiaiîd I taïLe the train for Tacemia-, Washington, 140 miles. This cite con- tainîs freiforts te Iits' thonsand înlîabh italil, andid h uilt un'the duipluxtileatre st' ,,ev- -rv street ox-rioolkiig the Sound and a liard citt- for n caL kneed people. There is large bousiness clone lu luîuber- ing and raiiway trallie. I taLe tdue boa Sounîd, 110 nmiles, calliîîg et Seattle. This cite is simîilar to Taumira. Oriwadt w-ýe go calliiig t Port Ton-nsend; the sceîierv al deug the Sonmîd n as beauti- fui. For thue past four îîoîtis Iliaive beeuî living uuîder the flag duat carnies the Stars and Stripcc. andJ ow I bi'l Uncie Sain adieu aud sali inte thelier- heur of Victorila, B. C. n here the fleg et the red, wlîito and bine tioats. Voie), -Inofl. Yeurs Pespectfuli y, Tu-oi xS HOAI.' Victoria, B. C., July 10.- TORONTO INBUSTRIiL F AIR. Anunmbrokemi record et successes iii flic past h flic bcst possible -giiarrnutee tiat the Toronto Iîdustial Exhîibitionî of19,0 lhd opens onnSepteitber 0utd, w1ili b,1e a display etfuunivalled attraet- ivemîess. Mamîy îtîproe entis ii the luildings and grounids liai-cbeenmi tade te furthen the ceux enicuce et cxhiibiters anîd fluepublic, auJvd ihflic etunti et ami era et prosperit flue emtrprise et the mianiagemtenmt 111 douesbes c e- wanded luy a tuioreugît apI)reciatien et the iîducemeits ottened. The volinte et exhibits this seasemm xiiiibe iamger and more dixersified than ex-en hefoee, and speehal attractionîs et a brilliamt auJ aîud excitiig cliaracten wiîiliebfîreseut- cd, imcludimn- the noe cimilitany spec- tacle "Thue elictefo ticknoiv.-" with gergeous Oriental accessonies and îvro- teeîti effeets eut a scale et grandeur anîd varief s'hitherte uuît.eq-alled. 'Tle systeun et chcap raiixxay tares and spec- l excursionts freinfatandu uear cmi- ables cli te visit the tair et triffiug cesf, anîd evcryeuîe shouid talze ativattge et tîe epportuixity, as if embedies ail tîtat ts best w'orth seeiuig and kmîow ing it itechanicai pnegress and sicîttidec in- iventioni. AUl entnues close eux the lOt lu et Atmg-ust. CHILD SAVI-scu7 Weamc. An 'yv îîrson dcsiing te adept a Cemiadiatu ciiiId wull heer of somne verev suitabie cases by -wrifiutg ev. C. W. Wefch, Brigýltoný, Ont., w-ho has severei childremu piaccd lu bis came for adeptionî into geed Clritian i hioîîs. He lies soute bright littie box-s eftfhrce aundumder. Tlîey are Canad!- ian cblidren and arc deserving e ofedoý homes. Penromms a)Ppl3 imîg'ihl please seuîd naine and addnress eft fheu pester-. Ministets aud ethers Luowing et orphaui on destitufe eblîdren inlumîetetasist ance Mr. W'atch w111 be picased toe c- respond with aud edvise in the uttter. Fiuiancial aid eand lethiliig lu behit etf orphaii aud destifutfe clîlîdren -giii be appmeciatcd cmni applied as the doueor desires. $2.00 Wili secure 3 ou ome dozeix Cabinet Photograrns oethfle Limî TAIT & CO. turn omt true to life for a shorf-tiîîîe for cash ixi adecuice, see sanîpies. Picture frankes eut bauxti te Pc sold etia slight ativance ou cost. Crayon Portraits nmade te orden fmem auy picfure. Wes t End flouse Cash and = =une Price We have got the early closing craze and we cl-ose Onur store uptiglit at 6:30 every eveniug except Saturdays. Slîop early and give our clerks the eveuiug to thernselves. We our going to have our inidsuinnier ilargain Day on1 Thursday,A-ugust lst. The weather is too oppressive to hîave bargain days in both July and August so sve aie haviug a big one on T"HURSDJ"A'Y, A UGUSTl",ISt IRenienmber we close at 6:30 p. nm. on Bargain Day as Samples at our studio, Market squae well as other clays. O uir list of bargains will be on a Bowinanvilie. FIRSI and FOREMOST CANADA'S GREAT FAIR SEPT. 2ND TO 1I4TH -1895-, Tlie Fi,îest and Fttilest DIsii'v of LIVE STOCK AGIICtLTiTR AL PROfIL TS and -MANU- FACTURlES t o b sectu un the Continuent. IjuîrrueeI Pries, Illlprûx e(d FaeilitieS, andiSiiec-ai Attraction s, etc. ATuip toTouonto at PAIR TIME is an IDEAI. HOLID)AY. TItere is MORE to SEE, 3OREto LEARN mindiMOBE toE .NJOYauthlie GREAT TORONTO FAIR THAN AT ALL OTHERS PUT TOGETHER. EXCURSIONS ON AIL LINES Entries Ciose Amgnst l0tm. For Prize LOs ,Progrsrnnie,, '-a.. AXdress H. JHILL, -Manager, Toronto. Tue r meers etftthe D. 0. &P. (o's Band, etfiBow iai 111e, enneunce au Excursion te Idli IWild, oit lic Lakeonou WEDNESDAY,l AUGUST 7TIL This w iii be oe eoe the bcst excursieuts et thec sumcer as the beautitul greunds et MliWvld w bich is fast becomnîg a peptîlar snmîîer resert lias beemi fittcd up anîd every facilitY is affordcd fer the coux-eîieîîce et plenie parties. Thc foul- ewing cheap rates hav e been securcd fer tue tn )w'hic-h n ii bc by special trahis te H arw-oed anîd tlieice bvsteamn- cr. Citv et Peterbore. te Idyl Wild. The pne iel udes botît rail anîd boat far tie round trip. Port Uniont, Dunbartoeu, Pickernmg wbitbx' Oshan ýa Darimigon, New castle Newtvfliile Port Hope Cobourg Fano $1.10 1.10 1.05 1.05 1.00 1.0) 9) 85 7j 60 Tinîe 7.15 7.25 7.31 7.15 7-5- 8.07 8.14 8.25 8.40) 8. 50 9.10 Chiidreuu haîf price. Ariviîîg ut Ha ru od, on lice Lake cf 9.40 aým., frein which place excun- siemists w 111 be ceiuve'd 13beebot te Idyl W'yid. TaLe your luncÏih lbasket andJ-oe Araîîgemcnts hav'e been itade for Suot water fuuuished free,' and titese whli n'ish cen haie dimîîer aîd feu cf flic bofe ci t 25e. eaccl. This bciîîgoeeoe the best fishlug groumnds ini flis part et the proevince, tiiese w'cht deligbt in titis sport eciu have a dcyýs fislin-. Specici aerraiu-m]!l lts hae eeni-matie ton beats andi lising tc 1e.TIe and w iiicoin peu3- filice rsieuî, i)unimthe flcater- neoox thtesteaer Cits ofetPterbore w ili muche trips ran tdfle lake takin- iin Jubilie Peint et 10c.e.ce. c E. S. MEATII, Seey. "'The Amaîteur Sper-tsuniami, ýubishî- cd by tue 'M. T. Richardson Ce., 27 Park, Place, New -York,, is this mueuifh richiy ladeuxwith iutcrestiuig readimîg fe mmtrang-lers eaîd dog lanciers. If ceutalus'nemmy epprepriate hait-toue cngreviu-s, instructive a nd practicai articles oui huutimîg, fishiug, cauîpimg, naturel listery, the rifle anduth îe do-g. The publishens arcenîakiîîg this- papen e flnst ciess journal fer sportsmne, anti will seuuti esainple-copy free. o'rander scale than ever: We are going to clear ot al suirnner stock that is lef t at prices that will becahig It will pay you to gîve us a cail on Thursday August Look for the list in next week's Statesmian. It will pay you to deal at the West End House. BoWI IANVILLE. iTic erocery BIISÎIIOSS To inake uuoney; our ai-i is te give our enstomres good vaine for tîteir- moea, pay 100 cents on the dollar anîd make a respectable liinlg for ourselves on tixis basis. We bave mnarked our goods, aînd every article w e sdl ivili bc good lîonest value, we do net mark oeie uefe goods away down and threc or four uines away up, te make np the dcficieîîcy. Otur imotte 15: Quîality the test of cheapuese. 'WC Haye Not BOOII IIIl The Groooryf Busiu.ess In Boxvmatnville for seven years and built up our business te its present dimnsions, on selllng' chcap goeds, but we have found that while gen- nine reliable goods înay cost a truffe more they give satisfaction, andi bring a enstomner back every tinte. Wc are satisfied ive can give,- Qual-, itv consldcred, tue bcst vaine lu Bowunenville te day. Try cand be con- viced. Canneti gootis are lu order tbis seasoux lu tItis 1sf somîetling yen woulti ike te try. Peas, Cern anti Tomafees, 3 for 25c. hiable gootis, evcry fin guaranteed.- Herse Slîoe Saimnon, Tbistle Hatdlie, - Clox er Leaf Salmnon,1 Lebster - - Kippereti Hcrring Fresh HIerring- Sartinues stîali Sartlilues large Pigs Feet - Bonieless Dnck - Beneless Turkey- Luitch T'ngnc - Potteti Buoter - Potteti Auchoey- Pot ted Hum- Catncti Beef 1 lb - Ccnnedt Beef 2 lb - Apples - - Appues gaullon Pine Apple Pecbes - Aprucots - flat, et the year, yon may see No off brand but gooti re- - - 2 tomr 25e. - - 2 for 25e. - - 20c. - - - loc. - - - 20C. - - - 25C. - - 40c. - - - 15e. - - - 30c. - - 25C. - - - 25c. - - 25c. Produce taken as cash. Bo wmAN viLLE. yuNG& C Cash Grocers. 1 1 Il Rde Are Not In