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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1895, p. 5

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A Square Deal Is what we gi e tc every I nsumr for we belev e w~r I the best adi ertiseirent We -I lîcsbe is a wnait w el pleased u-ithi ler pur- are thle îest valeai e vîxery lalie sue carry buit just a Stlis seaao,î of te yeair we H ere make a specialty cf Fille Si.orted perfuilnes. If ycu 10__hav e ict iried iils hue -tO ,yc.ueau ]liavi e ucidea of 1 ieir rieliness anîd per- Please. ianenie. Brig ycîr bot- - ticand get îîîîall'quantity toty hiir. -~STOTT &JURY.' nitt & Jury the dru ggiStS îvlo carry ï..'irger stock ef spectacles than al itlier deniers in town coîubined. Eycs eseifree by tlie ouly eptician iin the ý-ceunty n li has madie a speial study etCptics, anti heltis tipleuaas frinithe hee leading Opticai Clleges lu Amjeric(a, Wýednestiays andt Saturtinys, Ie uanSeoda cniy 5c at Stett& Jurys. Ta ike vour Ice Creaîîî witii Soda ivater 5n c 'eat Stett & Jurys, Weduestiays -tud Saturtinys. 10 pouis et Petato Bug Destroyer 271. es,-t iin the mîarket at tett & Jury s. B est Paris Greeni at Stett & Jurys. Try he uewperfîîme at Stett & Jurys. Lemioiiadîe that eau lie carriedtinlutue ~i,ck!et at Sfott & Jurys. (Very flne Tble vest peekef ivili carry eiicugii te iiike - lasses chiceLemouade. Stott &J iirys I)rug Store, 5gallons-cf the great Temperance Drinlk can be matie with a 10ec bottie of r, \ ract at Stott & Jurys. THERIE 15 ONLY ONF- 'OPTICIAN IN THIS COUNTY. -Who lbas Imade a speciai sfuîdy cfthie subjeef atînd liehoiis diffloriîas frein the threc leading clleges of Aiterîca. CONSULTATIO-N FREE. If youu ev es troubîle yeii ceîsîulf iuîî at Sýtotf &. Jurys. STOIT & JURY. Bon MANVILLE, GRAND TRUNKý RAILWAY. Bon iANVItLLE STATION. GOeuxu EASr. &ctsNG sr L press .... 8 i5 a. u. ExrN -'1, 3 s. iii. Yaîsuige t i(xi J'a-seîîceV. . '2 25 c lI. Loal7,,1 piin. Lxluîes.. .. 7 46-11 STOTT &JRURY, 'icw o TieketAgeoý BOWIMANVILLE, JULY 24, 1895. Local and Otherwise. If yen n'ant a gooti violin sec ad. Blousesets at Rick;aîti's-quality got. Seiiug niacintes af iRiekard's-sec Big- haîuess sale at Quick's next Sat- urtiay. Goti gootis for littie nîeney at Rick- aids. Machines neetiles, il, etc., at Riek- Mîiss MNandie Warder is huoue tîcutu Woodtsfck. Miss M. Kinver, Oubhaa-a, is guest of heuanuf, Mis. J. R-feli. Mr. Geo. Allauî cf Cobeurg lias beeuî gnuest of Mi. Claie Williamus. We have subie genuine liaigains for von, cahl anti exainine oui stock. May- na,,rd flue Jen cher. Mr. P. Trebilceck lias lat fluiiterior 4f lis shep tlîereugliy reneovateti, pau!pereti, paiuteti, etc. We wenld adi ise al lîc n ant to buy flrst class geetis at a sîîîail profit te eaul on Maynaut the Je-eller. TEEý STATES.HAN staff desire te thuauk Mi. D. Hayuie for a veil geiieîons tieat We liýai e been lu business fourfeu years ý-anti u fail <o flin any tosaytflaf we uisijrersenteti anythingn'c seli, sue arbsill geinug f0 stay -n'itlu' yon, sue are niot lure ,fcr a littie wlile . Mayuuaud the ý-,Jewelier. 1 i n ni Ilg-s. A t fi c cl1ose eti t hue-g a ime thle paityreicioed toe le îach cuids-ere mînes usitablv etertaituet by the BEast Enid ladies, fou' whîeiaî l cuat speech Capt.Mitchell turoposedt huree cheers, n hiI it is uîeetiless te say, n'eie hearfihi- gýis oui. ho-morion' afteuuuoouîthe B asf nLuiti uueintend ti adintinsfer c like umedicine f0 flic Lake Shore Guon-hets. 1 Children Cry for Pitoher's Casotoriais Rickarti's stock is carefully bonght. Mr. Cha s. Burtieu, Rocitester, is homue. Ilcal Bues. pay top prices fou puotince. Riekart ells yeu wiuat yenL arc 'buy- iuîg. A îîouelfy lu sewing nmachines aI Rick- cutis. Miss Mabel Baruett is visiting fiientis un Toronto. Rickzarti's geotis are the best flic nai- ket affortis. Mr. A. B. Wuightuan us îisifing re- lativeos iii Miss Lainig lias beetu visitiug flic Misses Stephenson,. Orcuue. Parasols selling off af cost puice, at Conclu, Jeluusteuî & Crydcrmuaui's. Mu. W. Cherry assisteti 1eî-. C. Park- cri luifle cveniuiîg service Sunduix. Coffees,uoasteti ou thepreniii'-es,alwayTs frc5h atît best lu tewn, at Mutioch's. Miss May Binughanu lias retuuieti frein a leig-thy visit f0 Mtrshtalltowîi, Ie-wa. Ladies' Jackets cuti Capes sclliuîg cff at exat ly hudf price at Conclu, Jounstcuî & Ciydeýr1uaî's. Miss Jessie Duuisferti cut Miss Ethel Archer,' Toronto, havc ecut î isiiug frietîts iiitetu. Mis. F. 1H. Masaiu, Miss Nilicandit Mu. Fred cf Das-enport. lenti, are visit- ing relativ-es hcîc. Riekard lias a mest eleg-auit steck et n-atchcs cli veiy best unakes anti os oy -%vatch fully guarautteeti. Etiltor Shaw cf the Tilbury humtes has gouic toe uglanti ivith a slipuuîeut of cattie fourfile sak;e et the expericutees. Liquiti Paris Green is the latcsf article fou oxtcrnuihating pcsts. Murdech lias a car bcad. if 15 a splendid thing. Mus. Wnî. Duatn, of Canasercga, N. Y., anti tang-htei, ai-e guests et lîi sister, Mis. R. Chîeruy, Cherry Cottage. Rcuîîcumber flic gucat sale et hartîcs., st oves anti fiunaie at Mir. Len vis Quick's stor-e, Kin- St., oui Safuu-tay tiext at i e dlock. Balrgaiius fer ll. TinîtfrSuntiaî- Selucl piitieketi at Sydenin ciFriday atternocît. Thue shucwer spoileti the picasuie semen-haf but flue uiajritylui a agooti ie. A lot et Dress Geetis sellîutg off belen' cesf anti ehoîce Dress Patterns at about hli puice cf the ciearing- sale -go11-g on cf Ceuech, Jolutusten & Crydcinî's. The Meto itf Sunday Schoel pictîhe at flue lake on WVcumcsticy lait passeti off veiy uiieeIy nithteut an accidticut f0 ai fhelliea'-i. Betweeu 30cuid70e tock f ca. Bu ,Dtura Tsi ixî Blue Bilbotimuns 6,P ft ta flic lb, Paie Mcatlla 56) ft, anti Ilcl Cap S55')fi. A fullinuu froîn 6 te 7 ets pur1lii c Rd. Woith's, opposite thue Ontario Baiuuk. We showu a fine raitî'go cf Parasols suhicli iveliasve iuîîîorteti direct front tfle mnakeis anti uicguarauutee tiein to lie tue lucit vi de ini the trade. Conch, Jelînstout & Cuu-tnaioîcî. If veu las-e lit Iet --s uitfcl tiuat ah- readv itti dejîatîiuent li tlîe Mason C'.. store --tue g"ucer ,v"' i-en uo <lcubt liasealdb ,vdc- i Cii ie ueiuatisui ite mun ciiv -wi uiti-i îuî lieut lit erest iuauiallv. hle niensteauuuer "Citi- et Peterlier- ong'is tueus ioakiuig cgulau- trips oui lice Lake, cadlii-'- t ftue prinucipal poîttý ui suîîîîîer teserts. As îaî lie see inhanauxadi ertisent lin titis papet tuîe Citi etf eteilûioue îav bliebai fereti for cxcuisiouus te aiy îpoint ociitte lake. Cîxi citîzeuus ontfle Atclntiee kinitly reîneîîiuereti bifthe cdius cf the Methetilît cuti Feshi-teriait elîurcuie5 Sutav utlu fn tlue s ogit f file bueiutiful hurmin "Etc;uîch Fafhuer. Streuiu te Sav e.""-At thueMethotiist ehxu-clh in thue ev.euiig,) serice ir. H. H. Saniics sang"Galie' s erI îeaîutifufflh.. At the Opuent Air Concert uuext Fritiay os euiiîg liv the Band a treat is utu steu-e for citizens. he bantuti s11retuth te crut halnîofeth<u ie p-ri iit. the cciii line i ehuiru efthile Metbodisi cuti Cou- trreg-ctiouial chîucles wvil sinîg a uuu- ber of cîuthîeîns acdti hihuis te lic sunîg cf the Peterboionghu Festival, Augn),ut 1st, iîî rhieh thue cteirs et Easter-îOtntario take îpart. MuNIs. Jolin Hopper, cf Whuitliy tarien- ly escaîuetl tiath t O shan c stationju eu Mouîdcy hast. lIncu-cssiuîg fle tiacu slu luati te pass hotu cciiturc freig,-ht eau-s, cut i u ni to tee-rondihier stuhits andlu ctiile suas thio utoui lîirface. ý1he cuigluicJner luatjusf givu0 eiders te g-e alîcati, suheu lue utticeci ber li fhuis peuhl eus counditionî, anud cthîghuolti cf hier fued heu, uîet a muinute tee sect. AMis. Heluper n-as pu-otty n cl luakoti up but heonti that escapeti unuiîjureti. heSous ofet Bigauutiexcîursioni tethe Tluoîîstuîî Islandts last uu clt sia G. T.R. te Kinugstonu ati Steamer Hero te Alex- cuitria Buir andtieurîuu-%vas tfiughhy cujoeei&ly earhy 5JOpple, neau-ly 200 et wuhueuu suere front this district. The arrangemîents fourflue ceuinf thn lîleasuite cf exeuirsienistusucere petteef andt aplîreciafedti e tue fîullest exti. Musical dlock at Rickard's-a bargain. IRickard uiiderstands the eye-Cali on hirn. Beautiful silver plate at Rickard's (lien'.) Reliable tirne pieces of ail kinds at Rickard's. No charge for testing eyesight at Rickard's.c Iludian, Ceylon and China Teas ,great value at Murdoch's. Miss Joliniston, of Steuffville, is guest at Mr. L. Cornishl's. Mr. David Stott, janetvîlle, lias been visiting Mr. John Reid. Have yen tried Hleal Bros. teas aiid coffees:? They are good. Mr. 1ecy Feilds of Listun cli is i sit ing old friends lu ton n. Miss Winnio Fieldin?, is visiting Miss Malorie, Gardeni lîlaniu. Mr. S. E. Bragg of Wiinîîipeg, Mjýaîî., is vistîng at lus îather's. Miss Lizzie Keith, Toronto, lias beeîî liemeniber that the Masoni Co. sei ceai oil awav dlown n upce. 11ev. W. *S. and Mis. Pritchard are visitiiig relatives at Harîistoiî. THE STATUSMýA2Ç business office is up- stairs iniftie Statesmnaii Bloc'-. Ileal Bros. have jnst opeuied out a nice huie cf igars andi cigarettes. Aru eight day dlock fnlly guaranteeti for very littie inounev at Mhikard's. Mis. Win. and Miss Helen Kniglbt are i isiting relativ es at Uwern Souii and Meaford. Print,, for 5c uWorthlù c anîd prints for 8c n orth 12)c at Coucli, Johnistouî & Cryderinian's. Mus. XVn. McCobnell aind twe clîild- ren of Chicago,' 111.,' are i isiting Mi,. Win. ce îl. Misses M. andt A. Kiiiver. Oshanwa, andi Mis. '1-lus. Bîidgiaiî, Ottawa, are guests cf M.s. J. Reid. ; Just te baud at the Masoîi Ce's -roc- eiy English Breakfast Bacon, Pîied relis andi Sioketi Hauts, fine goods. Mr. W. Lockhart andi nife anîd Mr. D. M. Lockhart cf Columibus, Ohio, aie guests at tlîeir fatiier 's, Mr. M. L ock- hart's. Progressive farmers,' cali at Weith's hardnware emiporiuiîi andi see the Anueri- cati Scythîe. It n-lu deligbt vyen. Ail kiîîds of caît gootis for pienic aiid camaping- parties; choice staff at lew puices at tue, Mason Ces grocery. 11ev. and lrs. Parker andi Jliss -é Dewell leai e te îaoiiow for a trip te 3fackliiueac cii the înagiifticeut iîew steanîi Mjeti. Au atidreýs -on 'Thibet: Tue Great closeti lau'nd" iii be delivereti at the Clîicli cf Christ, uiext Lord's dc i 7 p. in., by Mr. Chlas. T. Paul, Principal Toto Oit)ScIioci of Lanigua-es. CIi teas ýani coffees aitue Mason Ce's gcevare alreativ holding flîst place iliil ;q aptie or thle peopule cf tlîis dis- trict anit aie induilute 11y the bout val- ieos glu ou i Bom-maauvlle. Counean id get ciui5 WVe direct i oui attentioni te thefact that Dustaîîi & Hoar are selling îpurîe Maiîilla Bîid'a-Tn lue at thic louv prce of G 4c. Theief oie lea e ou eiders it least 25 te 50Jc a liidied. "The Suiibeiiii," a spic5, littie paper pubiislied l'y(Jitario LaIdies' Col [cge, \Vlbcamîe te lîaiid last lveekintjier- estiug a ls cu ei. 1t cetîtalas tiie report to e fl irectors cf thcCee , aindsec- eral appropriate a.rticles. GodeN 's Mgziefor Augustish it issue ocf tueat' aîd iîterest a i ev ere spect. ?lTle (oveî,lýr is luvu tilâîîith b i . W. )uen uuaui. ' i htci eî anidfaslîions ail go te iake up a iver%- attractive iLmnber cf îhis pplmnlaiteîî cent nilauaziine. The GoelUîpiv 59.-51 Lafa '\ette Place,I'New ïork. Inu'4The Bicyclilig Bric," J. Gllirier Speeti give5 seîîîiethiuig cf tue lîistory cnduti ucl cf the etliics cf a mode cf ex- ercise i n iili e tlîereîugllv heicues, a elief slîcue I bu a large ani statil'., iricreasiuiu,*tintler cf Ailaericaiis ef boti sexes and ait- conditions. 'l'le article appearsinltue Augst uHumber ef Lipu piiîctt's Sagýaziiue. Thue excursioni te Niagara Falls billed for Meiuday thie 22uîd n etulti Lave been auimmunese success liadth le hboat calleti but ointethe rigu o-1cff tic lake the, prce aligti, anîd the dense feg îp'e ailimg tineuigluut Moudax pieveat- cil the Gaden U'itv N I'rei îuakdiîîg the trip anud canseti considerale dissa1î- pointnuent, At pieseiitiwe caniiot glive teaeofpcstpoîîuuîcîtt Bowmairville Base-,Bal team i lax etia gaine nil tecack teain cf 'iorcuite th, Crsc osci 'Scturday last cf 1-lau- laîî'sPoit, con Toronto Islatnd.The city papeis icI the gaine was vitilessed1 hi 12JO peolel aiud are naiîmeiiinns lu thieir dcclaratieîi that it nas cite cf tbe let it pan es played i)tfe-cit,- B QAR FOR SERVICE.-OnmiLotcf128,M I NAîi Cou. i3 uiitt, a thoroui--l 9e Yî urilUet hoar. Fine sock i- -T- î oRtN LE iEJWLE1 ru rCurt -- Corîuu is. * -lui ii-u-ci i'-icfi cr1 -"ý, ' . a y~~~~~~le a r' olwc-tî- 1-irsuihîiîl u ii iuilt>reiveti R 11. Eiîî uu it.îi o i1- ' OP THE Y DTE-Geet, cîlil ýe îu a Ouli. i, s1 , e'1 t- ,. -Xddlr . ',l'- ACKA , Cou. Mu - Thuouîai, (Out. Ontario Ladies' College, WHITBY, ONT. Speý,ctacle-s pucperly titteti af Rickard's. MJiss Das-ey, cf Oucuto, is 'ues tMs Aice Souchu. Heai Bics. liaivc a fine lot et Bannis anditPineapples. Miss Miily Glover is visiting Mis. A. Jacelil, Oshauva. Miss Loriimaui cf Torouito is visifing at Mu. J. D. Heai's. Miss Kate Wehch, Oshanwa, -as guest cf heu sister, Miss Loula Welhl, Sunuday. Miss Vealle cf Passatieuta,'Cal., has blu est cflier auîuf, Mis . J. Feue1, Si. 11ev. R. Hepkdiîs, Listoech, luiacluet iii '1'iaitu- Chunu-clm Sîuiuay meuuuiug andt Mîps Estella McKces-ii as ictuu-areti trima a lleasamtit h is 1h hei sister uit Mu. W. R. Goctisuin uvas uegîsfereui at the Angle Auncican 1-lotel, Bellev ie, Satuutiay. Misses Bossue cati ida Metilcuit, Te- rente, liai- eheut visitiîîg- ai SMr. Johît Mediand's. ý Mis. J. A. Yuill anti sou et LaGirange, 111., are o-nests eft hid ints, the iýsses Mc'Iavisii. Doifi umiss flue big sale et hauuuess, fhisuare, etc., cf Quictus', Satut-tic Mu. cuti Mis. D. Burike Simpuîson cuid Mi. and iMu-s. R. S. Haclia, Oshanwa, aire etje3 iug asvacatieon oui thue NeusEB,),- lauti Coast. Thtnrsday Closing. As usuai J. B. Mait' s iep'lieiuu ah storessu 111liebceheseàTiIutstiai-altter- uueeîs tlurii- Julvcuti Aiug-nsf li eudei" te g-u U n iueutlîcri(tis cf rela-a- <ti duuiîig- thie ieatedtri u. Thepub- lic uîuusf g-eu tithucuusehu-esacecoriuughi Ho For Scngog 1 Tiiieu,,gitceuis euance frontu Bosvuuauu- ville f0 Cosciea is afforeutietihe-li Gifford -Stevens Trans pcitation anti Geuseral Pcssenigei Lýine, i'ncesday'sati F.ida.y's. R-ates s ciyrcasonall. Feeticuti îres is- toits suaIpied att Stevemns Grandt Centrual b1 ,tue ELae. Full îiarfieîuhais frein Mi. Gffoîti. 21 tt. Buy your Binder Twine from The Farmer's Binder' Twine Go., iBrantford.- Good we ight and the best twine. PETER MURDOCH, Agent, Bu uuucuus ui. W NTD GOOD GENERAL SER valu:11It. _ Apffiy ta Mii.J. Wsu c- 1 Lutcaa' 1,-ut As Teiuce. louoaiiv lii. 'if ~TEBR LOT. ~l'lie on Coli. 6 k)~~~~~~~ýfLI Lo07 uiguî,aiuJli, a -rli- itecu. ~ ~ ~ t <iiml- a la'- puieliroi uit pro- utrl ud aulu,- xi ie s. LxvÏBI uNî u 0 0 Havîîg full1 deeicled to ýCash Grocery, dean iýiup ouî-stock wc wýll are nicely sett, ed in -business.g-ivec you goods ait yom- own. prices foi- the next 30 dys, Fî-esh G-oodls. Atteiltive Serv-Itîosoti-ys îou ice, and Clo se Pî-ices w'ill be business to cer ovet- goods H-aiS mha-cul l ite ie- 1 1îu~ i , i lrt cfah-Liis' iccliteDuuuiucfsl- factors in the trade. A choice as tille -ocs 0o fashion a (la. WIu allanhi uîu odl and î iin t uî:tiu,.ci euuu eouu , y-thc Dietors lis v u ', redu iiu au Maiciscfex11u1au I'S, itîuiîu ua ot of Pine Apples, Strawrber- laie u eL h 1îa s ,î,ru hu'lie uIli 1( o Ïou iiV0Mu1îÏu ha]àos Twuo it i iu aretups lintu îuîoÊ brade lucans to be fletilup et eiouiI ule ft,,il 904it.ii, ndt'lieul riesËand Bnaasank.he itiui îcMuo hu-l u'-îtui-- tui uueuîuo Bnaasan ohe dait l h latest fash- icu Ccîîrt 1Halh i to le trcs ied ri , ,hîa u auiihutlj, rmui rs u u uhuui t fruits i n season. Pîiees will, ions, that is our reason for -.1, i ,,ti e i l eatlier. .."lcsehuteiliiluhe efbueaiiou cf their u. Covuie and rîe. a crfii-ng-- ods.Gîve-' a dattgl' terians v î'i, diiy r- ucstedtol ý,,us rpri-e, you.u>t or ruut~ O CS oui l early atîîluaneî fr chuulr fo na -î.ta 11EV. J. J. nRARE,Pt.. Higyhest pDrice for all kiudis caîl and sec gojods and pi-ices 83 t.Pricipl.of produce. anîd be eolivinced for -your- VOTE RS' LI ST Peniiember btie stand tliird door east of Bennctt Housel, DARLIN TON. King street. Ikters' L ist, 1895ý, loici clithe 13 OWvMANVILLE. of De huai. Selfi MRSO DONGASTER. B luvuANVI LLE. 60 DAYS Notice hi lucrelu -ilu, tilit 1liai c (racucutt ed ou- .lscrnta tii e uo-ouis AîADANlu iicthoîîidu-c ,uul Cx cf iituarioi ot0rs' tc b - se traulu tti ur îli-red cf utue lis imi ______ uis uuît to sid A et, cf aIiilieu-seuls atuuîriu E CU SI N teniectu hu iic saiti [LIVEPOOL, L[NNDERRI~JY IANDMON1RIAL E C R I N e Isi-eslifi su-1il A uesuurcn,u -ibrsil"o the Ltuiuuieiîilitu ai ientcîî o mseuucî t)M T lALL STATIisNS Legulalu Asicbhy aiud aiMuîulclîuai ihet-ioui; ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. A1m( tlia', the salut lit usirist up,i '1 ai loy C N D A office, at 13 isuîmamusllhc, 0o1flie 1uS!lday cf joluA A D A 18Mt, auuîýl rcîuuauu,î ihliere for lîifueftu.F reu ro Fron Elr-os arc calied l îoiî t> examuuoe ihue sifd Liverpuol. STEASSIPS. Nlifoîtreal Queiuee liii r.t I uy ii:ii r aîîy crier c, rus Dayligut ' a.m usuIC R ta liai e rue suid irrori correute,[ --rtut to NuLiDI1A N July n Jumly laus. SAIINIAN 1 ti '- H CUDTRPTIKTSü Dated ut Bow3itsvuus.lie, thihi 29h dai.y cf Jîsîs. 4 Juily LAURENTIAN d20'- 20 '1 ITT G uOOD OiRTIEulM UOI2 us 3.1- PARISIAN -27 " 2 U.> 5 ýNT 3lad E. WNA'T 8 MONG OLI AN 3 Aug% 3 Aug. 9GODT R= 3>Clrl of.Puic Daulhui1-toiu 2>-5 NUMIiDIAN i t JUL iAl. SAEDINIAN 17 , us I ~ tCt e tii BORN. RATIES 0F PASSAGE. JLY3nOCNT'i]MSP.2 At.tcEN.-Iilai qt Wiu-utiv, ot on y ith. fie O i895 us lc of iMr. -J. 1B. AhucfasuC AýIN-Siuuutuh. 50 r, ý,17u5uaud o.etui eliuun Tusx.iE-ast u-iitby,oîu1 Jcly iut,É1, i'e -_I Jacd'tu2Resten----------------- su'i. e cf irauî Thoi ns cf a îcîu. SECOND CABIN. Estevan--------------------î« ' ' ' "..'«ý."' ý$ 2 8.0 0 Sit r ut. 1 -Iii Darîlitoni,lueur 'vif. Vtilon, o Te or froin Lisverpool, Londonîderry, Bifstor Biuiscarth ...........--------. Juli', JOli, hc sife cf Mu.Sauui' o f a Ciaiueuv--------------------------... _31.oo , Moosomun-----------------... Rapc.estîru Ticketsi , 1icvcliortsi-------------...',5- Reginua------------------.......< Î or tir frein L(,îdouî---------------------... rîfooselaw-------------------. _ C1l eiîutceuiaîidl2i' as-naît.. F an. e- Yorkfn ..---------.-- ......... MARRIE D.tîuauî, fiee botil wsu . IPi-ince Albert.. .... - ý .... _- SZZnWD-iîos o- su . - .Ii K 011s-l o liî-e fiT IVARD Paruxma. 1C.algary----------..........- If$35.00~ 19utli - EvU-. IL Riclisu Ci,Mrt. E l i5o-ulu F -o-lcm iuîufeal STEER <CE. eDer----------40 0 cf ieruuku111, aîd uisFioeuu', ou ' - r.ud Qocluc. To Quielut. iESmonton--------------- Oaci-liter cf iM-. Ribert Camlian,, oieo. G RA N ANTD IREiLAD. hodr c JEOu d2h13cus~ DI~~~~D. ~~I,0ig-LveiýpoolLu,,doiiGhr sgo-uvBecfast Lsîcdryo ciuts. $13.00 Tickets Wivi la iii puaiU,ta 1te mud the infit , h'i Putferry u lily 'Sil, uuy 17-00Utîliiiby Steamcer Irocu Lisverpool.. r.01GrandTîeiIntrial EFur, Johy i u l[Y O 2,1,and luîaîf lîirlcfRua E îîàEfia C.,, ritoluor ,arfiffluy rail to or irouj tasci ,uTaunîtlimî 'tu ud t uJîy2< igch 2unotuhi Liverpool--------------------...17.00<>uut 'li JaiMDomugaïl, cîr î' tekJ , El en For fuithîr partheulaîs8 arhs <oT. E. HIGOINBOTHAM, ivn.m-uîi. Iitferrcî if Cobuourg olu M. A. JAm1Ls, A ent Bowmanville, Tisutay. Allia L -le gufBumî h Agent, 1,lmlN11' Much of the Ba'rgainý Advertiseiuents of the tirue i4 pure sham. You w'ill Save f ar more money i a year by (lealing' with a reliable house that studies youïr needs, thaii by investing in catch penny mark down. tlîat our systera of doing business is appreciated froni the fact tlîat oui' trade lias steadilv iiîcreased. We brby the- best goods the market affords, for cash, and eau tiiereforia save you money by dealiîîg witl us. WVe are showîng a fine uine of eanned gcoods. Campers will make a note of tlîis. Telephone connection. G-oods delivered pronîptly to any part of the towll. BowMAr NVILLE. U N E ô 3A T The.. White House JEWELLERY STORE. Stili leatis li baîgalas huaviuîg solti ail or ucarly all gotis that suere sliglufly dauuagetI by fie, sie are non- shewing a lineocf cleauî flust elass gootis. No soff er bistereti gootis. Ne tuasit pieketi «p at clîeap cuctictu uoouuus ini tliccift-anti palît- eti off outhle publie as gooti gootis solti clueap. We bas- oui gootis frein geed relialile houses anti sli fhueu 10 peu- cent above cest. Al îî-e ask is a ccli <e cons-lace yearself of ical geuahue largalis in fit-st class gotis. Onur setk ahivcys girds flic best et satisfactionu anti ie <Jo if ouiscf, îîe dou'fihav-e te send oti icf etfoisn. Issuer o e1t Mriage Liceuises. letter n îitiuII- will bie lcpfiïÏlte oc-.-v eue nho reatis if; a paper on ait neetile îvcrk; The Ontarie Ladies' Ceilege cf Wlhitby, Ont., is interestinglv tiesribeci bu- aut Ex-Giraduiate; A N!ery -piactical papei con cleauing anti rene, atiîug Laces i'eathiers anti Gleu es; an ececlentd earticle on the non est bocks - lieu'<le- sigris are illustrateti cnti tiecribe-l ln kniltinîj-, tatting, lace nakin, etc. Subscriptieu puice $1.00 per v.ear, 1-ets. pu-r iuleccpy. Acldîess, 'I te I)elinea- toi PuLsîng Cc. LtI.,33 Rie lnîoud St. West, Terott. Ont. ro iT Q WTe.have î-eceived to-day a veî-y choie e lot of lairge Fans. Jtîst the thing for this wrarn w-eather, only 5c, ecd. Otliei styles fi-oui 5e.up wards. Croquet Sets, Tennis Racquets, Rubber and Base Bails, Express Wagon ms and Carts, Baby Carniages. W.T. ALLEIN, Big 20.

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