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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1895, p. 6

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GRATEFUL-OOMI LEPPS'S 3c BR.EAKFAST-SUý Ilia trough knowledg Ias hh governthe oPra snd nutrition, and'*by a carefu Lhepfine proeris i ed -e & delicetlY fiavorefi beverae us Many heaVY dotora' bill jdiusU8e Of sncb article contitution May be gradna1ll atrong enougb ta remiet eve diasease. Ilundred8 af subi fla&tagaround us ready tea there le a weak point. We 0 a fatal shaft by keeping oursel 'With pure blond and a pro fram"-"GvllService Gazet Made Simply witb boUti 801(1l DY ln packets. by Gre JAMES EPPS & Co., nuli flts. 10n don. Englaxîd, WEDNESDAY, JUL' DR. J. C. MITCI SEMBER 0F COLLEGE andi Surgeons, Ontario, c Office and Resîdence. Enni D BUIRKE SImFsi B ARRISTE-R ,SOLICITC BL OCK, uPtairs, King ejîlle, Sliitor for the Ontar h elvate monevs laaned a' ROBI. YOUN~G, O FFICE I1N THE WI News Block, wbere bi ,wal! bc fnund from 8a.m. ta at rezidence,directiyopposii 137 telegrapb or telephone w attention A.APo A IRCIIITEOT. Plano -Ll-ions Prepared for ever ePeciai attention given teo &nd bot water. and ta sanite Ofice: Garrie Block, Whtb R.- PE'miATr PE1 Gentlemen's lothes IN OFFICE :-Rear lligginbotham & Store, (down BOWMAM' C. IIARNDEN. Graduate aubhe Royal C Surgeons. ont OFFICE OPPOSITE EX VITALIZEI Ne)w-Tai1c The undersignefi who ha the talaorlng business in Masan's Dry Gonds Store fo bas COmmenced business resdence. King St. ,west, tw to maire gants'and boys' ei styles, andi at loweet prices Wlsh ta Order suite, ha will amrples muail ths ne West pa oeil, J. T. A Fý MONEY TC $100,0 1 A large suru ai money ha hands by a priVate persan appraved lbansan larmser VIVE or TEN yeare, FivE hA CENT rterest wili ba ask Satisfacory conditions for arranged, Diated Oct, lst, 1891. oil F RSALE OR REl lacresfo sale or Scugog Street nortb. The e gond bouse witb every c sedf, stable, etc. The gar, the cboiceet fruit nt ail va possession cen be given.B W.FîsHLaîOH Bowmar THE CANADIAN ESTABLISHI e1lpr-anum.- aSva and feod Box. Oeial ai Sewlng Machines cis PORTEIR'S 01 ORTINGL HEPARI TO HEMF OCUA -OR, LOVE'S UNER RING 01101CE PPER. ae ai the natu11ral OHAPTERV.-(CoNTTittîz.) thbogh I cabbed tiîc4 tiane. aitedigestion nil apiriocationai The dread day ai theluerai dawned I 10 inquire." . acif Coas Mn, dean sudcold ; sud, laaniug upon lhron "epo tieen u.- nkiasi andeuppet ru iKtesda e wich ruer s5vO ovr's art, lu anguieb ar toc, deep for dressed ta mysoli, cc l. It le bY the ese oi dieu thet a tests, Hlilda fobowed tihe coffin, whioh, oua tirades egainet1 .y buili ur until cavered wibh a siivon.fringed velvet pl, e insista upon irnagir ry tendency ta marny ;paon, iooiish g tle maladies are was borne upan the eboirîders af idme tn These sud other onti tack whoeri b euiu nay escape maurteth ata iod cburcb, whenealal that piainly proved that1 Ives weil friflafi was mrtel ai Mark Debaraino waa deosiî- neyer rnarried Kate 0' xoerby nourised beant aanh lihe iead ite" ed in the veuit beuoatb wbane s a tay ai penoised tIrent. ag wae ora milk. hie aucestars lepi iheir lasi bang siaep. MWlheu every recep ana., lsbelled ibus, ioouathilc Choes- Wben Rulde ne.autanad ber desolahe home, 'wheno a wiil couid Nigel Wentwarth sîepped foard nsd pbsced lied beau th, nequested han praseuco in the ibrany, sud, sudeta adruit îbsh bi t~1t~0~U ccompaniad by Montacuteansd Mrs. Pal. an ded m bee s ruer, who, wrub the Vjcan, Maria sud fan binteaif, uthely fri several ai the dead Squine's test inturuata Wlhllt ba seid r" Y 24,1895. ijenda, bad eîunned withlierhan hehavisabbo thet MisO'Cx Abhey, as proceeded Io the libnary. A sanas abe centahait mîddle-eged nian of grave aspect stoad an on two et auy rata, t OF PRYSICIÂN ib ruinfotfib bgeie wiehes te vielu the Ahi: l8oioen, . ehile ahe reteains. t akibe. 4.hnwed ionmliy te10 R udeasisteentened, pnntixied ta infont hoi sun ad Mn. Wenhworth eaid . propases ho do fionlhan. JR, ko. MOPitIS "This gentleman le Mn. Wilmot, the And Roger hed i Street, Bow'uan- cniata die a anoce aasproiete tas0 ilda as i Bank cn enilaviu a oruelCloei tone ian Mark M the lowast rate3 Ragînsld Daorîne. dsugbter. 1, V. . Hilde heid out iehonad ta the strange - EST DURHAM lawyar, sud aaked îinidly:- CRAPTI imeelf or essi stant "haetny oncle bore, Mn. W iltot 9" A OHILD 0F1 te Dril Shed. Celle Deboaaies bealth is delicata, sud bis root beuding ovarpmNgtcle "o aa, erpid ooe oe r fudHla ili raciva nrotpt medîcal mon forbado iatausiug e jaunney peperesud boruing lei 171-yr in such inclenetem weaîher. I et haro ta haad witb a sad emile attend ta hie inteneiis. the once. ST, "h amnta awana that that ie uaceseany," " You bring me n e aud Specifica. seid Rager haîly, stung by s certain soims- can ses hy youn face,' -y cias0f building. thing in tha awyr's tanner, bon whinbha gie g<oeot bta basting by steant wss qoîhe unabbe ho accouni. ,Miss Delo- ly tesoluteansd campaý )y~ erre s e.raina is ban fauhene aunly child sud schnaw- "o ypo a - ledged oînes, and 1 beieva M. Weuu. the young man ; 'we T'alo ' orth haro cen assure you that it was hie auy wibl, sud ludeed, Tailo owlint'sintentijon thas bis dsugbten shauid we should do so, aseM H e oOrder. inhrît avenytbîng'" so positive that the ex "Possibly,"' aaid Mr. Wilmoh, oalmly ; one Wi, e-u "sud porbape Mn. Weutwotth, heiug, ase drawrng ber ta bis bc D'(1if1 you say, lu the aie Mn. Deloraiua'e coufi- pale lips with fond pf -COMBEIJIJdeu"ce, eau aise infant mie whetber the ha ndisespecitae th squirealeit auy wlb" ry un my giving bis, ST. 'Ilh should eay cerîaiuiy net," said Roger. We wil ha quiatlyi 'I nover beard hjm int et sncb s uhing; dean, sud go away for of Messrs. averyaue hnew ubet hie daughrnwes soie nmas dsys' wanden isf heîresa." And do yau <blul Agein the seinteupleasant stile curved Rager, thai I wl son'sDrug Mn, W ibma'a lipo as, hakînig no notice ai wnang as ho bacons th e intptous yauug tan, lie tunned tn penuibese, and with hl stairs), Nigel, asaad -t.My narre? No, bava,. " h asked yan, ir, wbeîben the ate Mn. I cen neyer bacanteý VILLE Deloraine laitts wibb an not ?" Sob chakiug bon vainE Nigel tuuned as ,pale as deatti, sud she geutby diseugag 4 rri auseul a matant are ho replied. Suneby irliug arme. )TR Y . hisgood sud evil sugebe trave ion mas- "« Wbet utten nout tîry îinbsu bief pause. Aiaseh unavail- Ribda," exlaimed1 iug, for hieaseaed lu a fimi, steady "'Wby, do you îbinh ihate back yaur promise? r> « NetthatI et awareofaisd 1 was eau assure yau. Wi anîirely iu his confidence. Ho wooid rua whether yaur ni bardby bava emplayod auy ana aise to O'Connor? You art execule bis wishes. Thera was nnoces- sente, aud nty name,' -sity for sny wib, sud bis deatb was80 as soon ase you wilb hi euddea." "Yau forgei yen. ý . týï -',Jusu se,"> repliied Colanel j.Jeiasiu's ntured Ruide, suferi bewyen. IlThen 1 bave te iuiarm you that dnaw bier close ta ,L. D. S- I nait al the astete, the bouse, lands, "Whai wibb Mrs. Pal nualge ei Dental innded prcpen'iy, piste and jewabs, an "Oh, nover mnd ri usnin.haif ai my cient, Colonel Reginald lover. " She alway, Ltalo.Deoraine, wba la the soie surviving rea- wreh. Beerdea she PRESS OFFICE. tive of the lae Mark Deoraine." Rîlda., DAIR. Il Yotimuet ho ted,' exclaimad Rcger, lut, in spite oaihbis sterting forwetd sud aying a beavy unaasy qusît as hae aljere". aud ou Mr. Wlmta shaulder', " bsi lookan sd ton-,wbeî )~ t'JL.'.J}Jyoumrueesauc unsaentby jesîs ati enh awhose aweetnessa lime as ibis. How eau any ana ha mono Palmer's apinion eca ta beau carryiug aunaarby reated ta Mn. Deaoraine ulîsu bis base of fortune sud t n connection ,with awunbîbid, Hjtds Deboaine V" escut-cheou. ®ns anu mberoi yeai'5 l'Hiea wu ohibd, possibly,' rapief Wuî. Wbai ueed ta i f®r himbeli ai lits hra ha ispepasrti mont, "but uat Hilda Deloraine. Rulde fond, iaebiah wor( cite in ail the latoat OCaono is uhe equin'e iliegitintata olîld, speedy tanniage u ,S. Fart <bsai Who and as sncb caunot inherit ana penny ai bts ta asy that, despite carry a f ull lina ai 'iue. she yiebded ta bisi ýattBas. Gve h " '10, my God 1" brahe iron thue white sud pnomîsed it i IT.1"TIY4 lips ai the uubsppy gir,and Rager nusbing bouse ai wbicb aset up te Wilmot, wouid havaefelled itehodened the beires aahiouable Tailor the gronnd bIad nat Weuîworib pbacad bushaud'a neaf sud i -_ blnseif befere bjm. And hhoy st togeft ) LO.AN. "For Heave' sahe, commiut noA Volence the shont Winian de, Mn. Montacute." be excaimed; "yau wjl Hilda wlth honr gald' î00. do Miss Pabarsine non gond, sud younseli a Roge's tweed shoot 00,great deal af hanm.' future hagethor, hE Ëas een lace in "Lot it retracu that lie, an I will farce stont cloude a seain as beupa blim ie words down bis throat," sald the vorghas in rinvestment, o§n , tugigt rabmei -u ed.T ev crt oatrn mn tunlin e re ime rmtWent. bouse ai maurning i Nu ONE-HAIF FIER worth's gnesp. iug, sud were entrn ed payable yesnly. lu jea no ie," ymn il erejoiued Wilmeh caltby, su fromt <hovii rearet ll a"Da yeu ubînk, sir, that I sboubd ha snob a sud ullmited go D. B. SIMPSON. feol as teaessonu a lbiug h cauld net prove. o'cloch beione fil( liet. Bowvuio. Ejuluen produce the reRisuer ai Miss Dol- ber mistrese'a tes 40-tf. anain's tanniage witb Cathiarine O'Connor, spolagy for the b anor ha seires wilh; il yen cen do neithon, Like ail the reet ENT.-Hause andti iis yaung lady roustetapnepered ta vansue ladys taid knewi ta rani, sîtuton the Abbey as soon as possible." tram lber bigir asti ,pronîlses cansisu o Itlais poýeibie ta deecnjbe the affectttak'se edvauiege nuvenience, drivng wbich Mn. wiutot's speech producod upan situation. Wbeu don centaine aa t oi the assamblad campeuy. Pon Rîlda inried the beavy velveti 'arieti s9. Immediate hoe pesh, but lu vain, sud wlîh a low soh lange windnwe au' F®r partlaulars app y nvilla Ont 49tr' ai onîtierable suguiab she sauh upon the a cheerful blaze, lil gnonnd in e stata cf insensjbjlity. wax ligbie upan in varss es "Aunt," sid Roger eproachfully ta bis table, Roger rase I STSM~~vAr reative, wba bad ati n stany silence dur. bande in hie, bade h iug the whole scana, ase ho nisal Rude un weib, sud, promiainý aD is5i bjs arma, "camae sud help ta nastane my bier on the monnow, pon daling."' the spartmont. Ai ce, otberWuse uîiî. "Boton ring for ber mtaid, Rager," eaud lber luxerions chair sue~~~~~~ ~ ~ attr Si f ueldy s1uy; u ae, .ohn 1 5 ou-taiMtheý t iran Fig hough ithan wb a triîe cnifct.havae pared ta tht bnd See thern. Among ouher papere ai the squire's thoy "especially as ebs ond s diany bearing the date of the yeaseRu[de," sud shei anad sud repairad. un wbecb Katie O'Ceuuen bad lelat hie Mrs. Psluie's cunt, hanta. Antong the anres wene tha fol- ha ses yau ai ai ILD STAND. lawing brief inas t adurita ob no deas "lAuguet 16. -No clew ta the wheno. Abhev io-marnow t BOW MAN VILLE!I aboutsaiofpaon Ketie sud ber chie, il 'cîack, sud trti IT1 ce ah Scotlaud Yard Found a brief note in vers evidautly ad. îuntainiug more jeal. Lady Grace, wbont uing h amu about ta nries ai the aieakiud Mark De.araiue bad 'Connat, sud Rogen's u n hie breasi as ha ptacle hn the Abbey possily hava beau .oraugbly examined, awn hinteif boston ts heboved flulda ws houîebess. aud,save iendiess. are, Mn, Mautacuta," and it le, h think, ad- 'nnat shoubd lbave as ýcouveuieut, ina weeh as Colonel Deboralue )ey sud wjl nat do sa Mit. Weuîwortb bas er ai wbat my client no resource but ta and hall bon ai the fate Deloraine's idolized ER VI. MISFtORTUNIE 1" *eated in the dreesung. wriuing tabla8 saniing hIters. ahe naieed ber eas ban laver entered geod news, Rager, I "she sald, risiug sud de îndeed, but perfect,- osad. .îng girl," exclainted r can flud no trace ai 1,I bsndiy expected tr. Wentworib seemied 3uire bad neyer ruade t bear 1h, darlifg," ûsom ntud huseung ber assion. 1'Thene will e dean squino's mein- cbiid a home at once. ntarried next weeh, ,a short tinte, tilI ibis forgotten." r, my dean, genanous do yau 80 greet a ae your wifa uaw- hie cruel etain upon I will ni ba sa efish: your wife," a bitter es se bespohe, whila ed baeau lffront bis anse yau are tebkuug, Roger,- impotuoualy, I will aver giva yar ý?Nover ! 0f that 1 bat doas jr matter t( usmoe usDelaraine ai re my Huldsahaitht , baning, shali ha youri ia îc" ar sont, Rager," mur rig bit, iowaver, to obis fsitbful breasi xmer sy 2" iiy suut,"najoinod ha 's does evoryîhing eabways loved you abald words, ha feait ai rememberod bis sont' m she spokhaofailde and boa cty in Mrs ubd nat atone ion ho [ha ban sinister ou ha repeat aet the laver' de, as ho unged ipon Hilda? Enoug a r b5tter: judguîent impaseioned pleadini bhat when s8haeiu ftiih îad always bacn cons iit sbould ho for t. busbaud's protectiax ber an the soaswhil ay daepaued into duel an bead pibbowed uo ting jacket, Planning isedîdess aithe heav i te break upon the unts had îunnedtl untoa a ouse af feas mainiug soins droppot egag wjth -strong tE esip, sud itwee da's ntaid brougbt i., witb s murmurE satenoeu of the lion ai the housebold, tl ibal Rilda bad fit(l ste, sud was not eba eai the change in h Pethine bad dram ourtains aven the iv id stirned the fine in ghting the cbusiers tantelpiace aud writix i, snd, iaking Hîldi tan an aflectionate fat ig ta ride oven sud s 1,iobbowed Parkins ire sa Rjbds saut down rbytha firene saipp -oxqoieite Sacrres ou Ireant af the change ,next rweniy-ioun bar i.Hon beari was vo thera lu boneluess a -gbt eyes were dita wi it ni the tender fat ;h had lait bar so dot ai ta go inta the ricbly fitted dnessing-bs1 oswhich, adorned with han manognam ij ili b, er fater'e weddig presenh. A bitti ,d trial lu was ta Rilda ta separata ban owi vej luabbe jewabry frot that whioh hac beau the gif te ai ber lover, as well as diaangaged. Blieve me, truly youre. E, PALMau." The note drappad front Hjlda'e ad u the toars she hsd itherto rapteseefs treans. od from lber ayas. II How cruel 1" ele exclsîmoed betweeu ber eobs, IIbow insultiug ! And anly a week ega she cailad berseli my warntest, traeer friand. Oh, papai papa ! said the uubappy girl, finging berseif upon ber hneee by the sois sud bidiug lhar face jn the brocade -cushiana, 1"take youn pon Hilda sway irom ail thie cnuelty! How can I live, depised sudalone V The nexi marniug,Dunotually ab the heur elhe bad uanted, the door ai Hiids's boudoir was opeuad by Perkins, whoa auouanced Mro. Palmer. Hjlds rase f rontlbar seat sud advanced ho groot the old lady, wbom 'elle had not seau eruce the ssd day ai Mark Delorajuo's uerai. *'You wshed ta sec me, Mrs. Palmter ?" she altered, as ebe wheed ail easy cihait close ta the alazing fine tor hon visitor. "Yes, Hilda," replied Mrs. Palmer, 'I am very suxiaus, ase an old iriend ai the pon Squire's, ta know wliather I eau aid yen in your plans ion the future, sud it je time yenr made seine arrangementsase Mn, Wilntot informe me that Colonel Deloraine wisbes ta camle tae'the Abbey the week sitar next, sud ai course yeu cannait e- majn haro mucb longer." Pon ruda e at lber heani siuh lihe lead in-han breasaI at thie uufeeliug speech, sud iwas witb the utmosi difficuliy that she could command ber vaice sufficiently ta reply: I b ava made no plans, Mrs. Palmer. Rager ws e boe yeeterday, sud lha wisbed me ta"- At the mention ai Roger's Dameo, Mre. Palmter ai once abandoued the sntoatb "saciety" toue lu wbich ehe bad hitherto spoken, sud exclaimed: "h ji e btter ta speah plaiuiy ta yau Hilda, snd ta assure yenu hast I cannai un- der the circumetancas, caunîeneuce euy engagement wbstever behween yaursel sud my nepbew. Surely yaur awu gond seuse woild have told you ibis witbaui my iniarru- ing yau oait1h?,, Hilda's spirit rose as sha answered: III did offer ta robasse Rager fnom the engagement, Mrs. Palumer, but hae reiused." 111 dare eay ha did, ioolish, baadstrong boy V' rejained the aid lady. "But 1 îold i this moruiug, wben hoe mentjaued the subjeet te me, tbat unlesse ha ceneted tae ho guided by my wislîes I would alter my' will sud lbave ail mny monay ta the County Has pital" "And what did heasay ?" aseed pon Hilda, eag4erby. -Say ? Oh, hae talhod s gresi deal ai 3sentiment on the aubject, eaid ho conider- ed hjmself baund ta fuifil hie engagement, tabhed graudly oi working for hie wie,aud wben 1 ashod hlm whst ha praposed ta da - ho bauuced aut ai the roont in s nage." "lDear Rager !" murmured Rulde, heu. aderlv. 8 "Fonlusb Roger, I eay V' interrapted the mrate lady. "Wby, wha se hafit ior? Ha hae no prof ession, no means ai est uing s living. Ho tobd -me ha would take a gantehaepan'e place, or enlist, eonen then gîve yeu up ; but I tbiuk I hnow yau btter ibsu ta suppose you would drag the rman ou profes ta love dowu ta pvery. eSurely Rulde, you wibl nover bold hlm ta bis promise ? If you do, I will diacard bjnt froxir ny boart,snd under un cincunttances sha!l haehave e p,anny ai my nîaney." But why ?_ Wbat bave I doue V' ashed teuuhappy girl. "'Nothîng, Hîilda," aswered Mrs. Pal- rmer, gravely. Il Yua e athe innocent vîcuînt of the aine cf your parents. 1h is uat yaur bs aiof ortune-ihat I ooubd overiroh ; but I wibl neyer consent ho my n epbaiw marnyiug a wornan nameles 18uad diagnaced as you ana. Rad the aquir's deatb tahen place one day later you would bave beau Rageras wiie, sud 1 1r muet bava submitted ta the inevitable, thaugh 1 uhjnk it waubd bave brahen my heant ; ase it le, 1 am quite deterntlined ibsi 1 wîll nover causent ta the tanniage. a 'Stop"-for Itilda wae about ta spes- hl "utreaties are ai noaevaul. hIyour ýhfather bed provided for' yan-as 1h wee hie , duîy ta do-af course my nephew cauld be ave doue as hoe pleased, but il lngd i.yen tbink yeu wold ha happ y tagethar, aif yeu 55w hlm a baggar, deprived by you nofail the cantiartesud luxuntes ta which ha be as ail bis lufe been accuetonted Coma kHilda, do net lot your selfiebuese tutu the )n man you love. Ronounce Rager-ai your a wn firee wiil, and I wlll pravide for your afuture. I wiil give yen sucb a sunm ai 7y money as wili tender yau iadapendant, in icsu-- i." Stop, Mre. Palmar !" exclsimed theî 's- girl, II yen bave said enough. I wli take as no bribe ta givo up tbe man I lave bottai 6 than lufe itseaf; but 1 wlll net lha the caue n ai bis ruju the victery is yaurs, yau havex d conquarod. Explain it ho Rager inl tht r. heet wsy yeu ara able, sud givo hlm this,' lie drswing f ran ieha fingethbe diantond rng en whicb bhadbeau placed thero hy lhan happy >w laver on therbtnthslday. And wiihout ,e anothen word Hîlda turned and leit tbx vu rcu, leaviug the obd lady ta find han wey vo devin tairesud tholber carnitîge as beet ehle Lt could. ai Wben Rilda roached honr own rooa, the îg teane whicb eue had wîth difficulty repros î'e ed don jng hanr interview with Mrs, Palmer r- buret forth, sud ubrowing baeauel face ce downward upan the embroidered sastin Dm caveriet af ieho bed, the unbappy girl gae tu rea veut ta bier grief. And, iudeed, the edpo paý d _-gaod ceuse ion teass n O8h. ah, paliteiy smiled the cletk; yc-. of want ta commit suicida, I perceive, Si' He didn't wait for the poison aftar that vun d the clark lest a sale, but muade i up in d satisfaction. wedding presants frein friands and an- quainteuces. She piled the cas îly tinn. kets open a shelîfinulber wardrobe, and placed upon the top of the pileaa brief note ta Mr. Wentwortb reqaeeting him ta bo sa kind as ta returu theglits ta the dîfferent ilnde who had oüfered them taethe heirass ai Marham Abbey. Her own jewelry, wic re presented a --malt fortune, she packed ilulber dressing-bag. She lai t uutouched the large boxes and cases whîch contained bier costly wedding trousseau, placing lu readiness a sealekin coat and cap, wbich, with a large fur-lined cloak, she intended ta waar uipou ber jou"- ney. By the urne lber preparatiane were completed it wae paet three o'claek, and, glanciug eailber watb,HîIida fond that se wauld have amrple leisure te pay a bnief visit ta the park and loak once more sîpon ib-e scenes wbere the drama, a iher lues had been piayed out.. h wes a bitterly cold aiternoan, and muffied inulier costly fure, Hilda descended the grand staincase, No obsequions ioman was waitingîui the hall ta attend as ai yore ta hier slightesr wish, and Hilda loi t the bouse sud proceeded juta the gardens wit.hout having beau seau by any ai the servants. She made the tour ai the couservataries and hothouses, in whicb she hied taken snob pride, plucking a iew fragile biassoms and delicate terne ta eccompsny baer juta exile. Who wauld aven lave those exquieito fiawers as she bad doue, she thaugbt, ase she took lier louely way ta the Queen's spring, wbere, iu the golden Summer weather, sha hed beau clasped te Rogers heart sud listened ta bis wcrds ai love. As she stood laaning against the marbie balustrade, sud watch- ing the irozen waters ai bier feet, the frag- ments ai a sang which bier lover used ta aing l ie isrngiug barntoue voicacame sadly ta ber memary. Hlow changed lier te had beau since those words ai uudying lave had souuded iu bier ears. (ta BE CONTINUFD.) THE COURT OF MADAGASCAR. Qneen Ransavalona and tihe Premie,-flus- bandi Wheo Itleg. Dr. Meyer d'EBtray describes in the Journu- ai des Ecouamisies ai lateet date the court ai the savereigu ai Madagascar. Ransvalona III., the neiguing Qcaen.sys Dr. d'Estray, is iar freim bsviug delicate beatures, sud lber complexion i8 coneidenably danher than mosi ai bier subjecte. Han figure te abave medium heigbt. She dresses in Enropean germants, aud upon state occasions weere a roba oi red velvet sud sa Sn ofaigold. Rer usuel nesidence le netthebeanarmaus tbnee.story palace Moja Karniadaus, buili ion Ranavalona I. by a French anchiteot, but a atone mansionubard by called tbe Palace of ilaaandro, arrauged in gond haste aud witb propen regard ta camiont. The Quean's suprame power je oniy apparent, the real savareigu beiug ber husband aud Prime Minieter, Raiuilsinîvoni, a man ai 65~, who bas sean three Queens ou the ibrane and bas ior thirty yeere brougbt tenipest an fair weather ta the State, ase 1 eemed ta bim bhast. Ha je emalsud lban aud icb, Hie wavy hait bespeahe his humble enigin, Under su air ai god- fellowship hae canceale extrema energy, an iran will, sud mucb keaues aifintellect. Wjthsl haie AN ABLE FOLITICIAN. Hoe lives in the Palace ai Zanovala, callefi the Silver Hanse, because, wbeu it was buint for Prince Rahoto, sau ai a former Q ueen, the Prince caused h ta be etudded [with silver najîs sud iurnished with silver 1loke, The Premier-King dressas plaily 1sava au great occasions, when hae wears s [dolmen ai white satin, embroidered with >gld ; short tnusera ending -in white -stockinge, witb ibboned gantons ; great rhuskins, with very high beals, sud suspend. ed frei bis shoulder s crass e ba, heavy 1wltlî gold, whioh supports e sabre, whose )scabbard ai black leather isenecrusted with 1 g ld. Round bis ek lie wers the collr i a commander ai the French Legion ci 1lianor. E) Paîbape the roasi improsaive annuel 5ceremony ai the court je that whjcb occurs rNov. 121, the tentb day ai the Mabagassy rnew year. Business jes uspended and the, fsavereigu commanda that enemies bacante ,fionde ion at least that day. Sa literaI y je the command oheyed that wive eturn ta thair divorced huebande, Gluis are 0exchanged the country aven. At S o'clock a n the evening ai Nov. 121 thora je a salve aio atillery, and the native dîgnitanies, ealoiig with distiuguished Enropeaus, haeten tetePalace ai Silver. Thora the Queneu ,eiound euîbroued open a dais itovered withi ted velvet. The servants ai the Quosu file 9pasu offeing prescrits. Thoni the Primo yMînieter makes a long speech, neviewiug 1the avents ai tl'e year joit loeed, praisio ethe virtues oi the Queen. and holding up to y the peoaple the wisdam ai ber Goverumeut, ,e wbich je his own. As hae reviowse ach ac ai Goverumeut lhe a8he whetber lu wae jus, ýe and igbt, sud 3. THS sUciRaaEPLv ýr efrin the assenmbled campauy <e "Matuior ýizar " "Itiletrue."~ The Quaen, wboha. ,e aeshocking habit ai tobacca e.hewinig, keep ie it up vigonouely tiiroughout bier husbendb S.speech, sud uses a silvor vase as a cuspidor. dA Wheu the speech is doue the relatives of Restores natural cor to the hair, and aiea prevente î¶~ .. faliîng out.Nrs. IL " HW. Eenwick a01 ~?Digby N. B.,says. ~~-A lîttie more tan two yeas ago myhr bean S g r a y .. Y and fall ~. out, Af- one bottie of Ayer's flair Vigor my hair wvas restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application bas since kept the hair in good conidition."-Mrs. IL F. FEXwicK, Digby, N. S. "I have used Ayer's flair Vigon for three years, and it has-restored hair, whief was faust hecomin ray, back to its natural color."-.iE W HASELHOFF, Paterson, N. J. AYEW'S HAIR VIGOR PItEPAIRED BT OR, J. 0. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Aser'8ls-ilacurreSick Heaacle. CURES DYSPEPSSAy BAD BLOODO CONSTIPATION4 KIDNMEY TROUBLES,. HEADACHE, BULIOUSNESS. EB..B. unlocks ail the secretions and removes aIl impurities framn the syt= from a commea pixupla ta the worstecrofuousare. BURDOCK PILLS art gently yat Lhornughiy ou the. Stomach, Liver sud Bowe"s Was Wondering. Little Jack-Where- are yen goin' ibis summer, Mr. Softchapp? Mr. Socapp-Um-why do you ask ? Little Jacke-Sis said when sha found ont where you was gain', she'd know whera ta go, and I was wonderiu' whane Sis w~asn't gain, M r. Soîcbapp-Is yor sister stili in the city ? Little Jaclt-Yae, but she is gain' away for the summen as soon as she finds out where you're gain'. indeed !Sa she wishes ta go where I go? No. 'She wants ta go somewhere aise. Unneeessary Trouble. Hogan-Oi have a jolte on Houghlighan. They wa8 a fally kam toto his place an' took three drinks in rapid secossion av hie whiskey, an' thin puiled a gun an' shat himself. 0rogan-Oi think the joke jseon the a n. Fwat for did ha go ta the trouble av cein' a igun afthor ibrea drinks av Houghlighan's whiskey ? _________ When Baby was sick, we gave ber Castoria, When she was a Cuild, she cried for Cestoria. Wban sbe bacame Miss, she clung ta Castoris.. Wben she -ad Children, she gave them Castori& Plot Against the Czar. A deepatrh firom Paris mays :-The jouà nal's correspondent at Sb. Petersbur&t aunounces the discovery near Moscow af an ext( usive conepiracy axyainst the lie o f the Czar. Tue chief af the secret police,aiter tracxug the canspiracy for aver a mouih, bias succaedod in arreeting eigbt of the -onspir'ýtors, wbo include six îaceutly par. doncid Nihiliste. The Czar bas rewarded 7e chiet oi police with a preseni af tar housand roubles. FR TOUR OUTINO go Tg PICTURE8SUI. ONoE THOUSANO MILES 0F L.AKE RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit this Historical Island, which is the g randesi summer rasori. on the Great Lakes. 1h ouly costs about $13 frait Detroit ; G15 from Toledo; $18 f rai Clcveland, for tbe round trip, inciudiug meule aud berthe. Avoîd the heat and dust by traveling on the D. & C. floatiu1 palaces. The attractions af a trip to th( Mackîuac region ara unsurpassed. Th; island Itseif is a grand romantic spot, it climate most invigorating. Two nais steel passenger u.jeamers bave just heen built for the upper lake route, costing $300,000 eacli, They ere equipped with every modern conveulonce, ansîunciators, bath rooms, etc., illuminated thraughout by eiectricity, and are guaranteed ta be the grandest, largest ana saiest steamers on iresh water. Thasa steamers iavorably compare wîth the greai ocean liners in con- struction and speed. Four tripe per week between Toledo, Detroit, Aipena, Macki-ý nac, Si. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, IlSoo,»>, Marquatte and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and Detroit, and Ceveland and Put-in-Bay. The palatial equlprnenrt makes travelling on these steamers thon- oughlyenjoyeble. Send for illustrated dsrpie pamphlet. Address A A SOsAîT, G. P. A., D. & C., DetritjMC4,

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