--Fa-in To uiet-Dear me ; strswberrnin buehe'a'ly terrer. She'e sa powrîui oua.t Alaska i Yas, iudaed 1 wii, But wha s tshddeo the gun, sir, w'en they comae." that yoiuj are pourng ou theni? t dosn't 1"I,, giva me s gallou ai water sud as look ilke eem. boue ta 2111, and l'ai wîth yau," Irapliad. A&titan 1-ot-It's blubher, înum.' Befora I hsd bahf finished eating, wea beard the rumble aif the drums. Thea Command je anxiaty ; ahadiauca, easea- canuon was iaaded ta doalal that was lu bar. Paley. At toops tan feet sway, on ither sbda, wa 'I havse gisat hope ni a wickel man, collected s dozen loaded rifles eaeh sud tank aeadar houa aifaairean aue.-Beechar, on positions thare, sitar placing aur batsu a a a MARK IT WELL. SOIE ONE BLTJNUEREBI A Dau'eiopmcsîs 'eulisr ta te I'relent - Ganration Dangetoîu, îsn& t Oton Fatal. ADVENTURES 0F A WAR CORRES- As cach gencration cornes and gaes it le marked by changes, deveiopmeuts PONDENT IN SOUTH AFRICA. and discoveries unknown ta bts predeces- - sors. Fram a physical stand point ane of iiow au Old Guaneer iteetved Promotion the most ta be dreaded conditions and and sahfa Penuesin, Wlîicls 11<,Well peculiar for ifs rapid increase during the itasarvad presenit genaration, îs wheu the mind lahorsunder the delusion of persecution, Somne ona had blunderad,"IIt iayi with continual restlessues, pain in the back the signal carpe ai ana division or enothar. and head, twitching off the muscles of the If was lu South Afines. Wa wara out in face and hands,furred tongue, breath fouI three divisions to establish s station lu the and heavy. o.ausea and further indications of stomacl, trouble. There rnay be de- bille, where thera was no end oi trouble lirium. convulsions or sinkiug spelîs. amarig the natives. Tbey wera deseruate Medical aîthoritesapply differentuiames sud lhabla ta an outhreak at any moment, ta the conditions that are unintelligible ta Late ana afternoon aur signal corps canie the average reader. The actual fact us the demnoralized and daugerous state of in with the repart that the central was the eystem je due f0 the accumulation off throwing up s temporsry fort, fitean "Bady Poison" in the blood that should miles away, due esst, that the natives and would be 'hrawn off by the Kidueys,1 wera msssbng ta the uorth sud sharp if lu a healthy condition, lu order ta re- store healîh, strike at the roat of the dis- fighting was expected, sud that wa wera case with Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, the ta maya on for ana day more, sud thon oly mediclue knawn that will control the returu sud bolfi the new fortification. The changes going on bu the Kidneys, enabl- trajor would hava gitan me an eseant, but îng them ta furnbsh for the whole system ýt wauld hava weakened him ; sud, as the blood free from dsease-breeding poison, building up the shattered condition of goîug wss m'y owu affaîr, I dacîded ta goa nerves, andt relieving mental depression. alante. La wae oly fil teen muiles. Price 25C., sold by ail dealers. Edman- The jungle wss nat ta baavy buit that I son, Bates & C., Toronto, could essiiy keap my points by the stars, ___________________________ with au accastoual peep at my compase. ofFor the firet ight miles I uight ase well Lake Ontario & Bay o have beau gaiug tlraugh the weods ai Quint Stemboa ~o home. Than I waseeuddeuty hslted by the Quite ______ tCo sharp yeip af s baby lion. Ha had leapad S T EA MER upon an antelape sleeping uipou s mossy hollow juet beyond. A momn atthaer 1 shouhît hava bean u atithare myseli, sudi the lîtie feilows had waited hae migbt hava fauud me ight iu range. Instsntly there were twa more yelps like the firet, two moedusky sbsdaws boauded fnem the XG -n',J T ..L' ýL K N Q nndergrowth, sud twa mare antelopes were LiaRTîD BY ECTRCT'Y. HZADED Ev STFAIS deasîed. 1 limbad the neareet treeansd made mysli au home, weii up among lis O.ILINT SOUT1I. branches, lootiug dawn upon the open. Leaves Port Hope 19.45 s.m., arrivas at Char I1 was hardly there whan the very air was lotte (Port cf IRochester) 3.00 Uni.,axceapt bseelunr8.h ho h Mondày, when steamer leavas t 2 p ni, an- eplît y aca8ig ra.I h h rivas at Charotte, N.Y., 7.30 pm, foret, sud I gave s mat cordial lutoh ta B.&ILINCF -qI'PTII theabranch ahove me. Evîdautly the wbalps Leaves Charlotte (Port f Rochester) weak aid gentleman, or soainoth'irraid gentleman, days ai 10 p.m., arrives ai Cobourg 5.15. propased ta help hiseif, sud wîth a series, Port Hope 6-900 sm., exeepi Satunday,whou of squeskung cries the yaung faiks deeaunp- Steamer leas 4 25 p.i, arrivas et Pcri dt iighi h ii.Tera a Hope 10 p.m. diighmte il.Tera a An extra trip leumade Mordlav from Char- the signal for the foeast ta wake up. Lt ltte (Port off Rochester) ai 8.30 saim. was echoad frotta right sud lait, sud, For futher particulars spp3y ta CAPT. JARRLsuxîton Steamer. S. PATR'RSON sud T, thauking fortune for so favorable a retreas, LaseG, Aeis, Port Hope. R. BId GILDER- I1rmade Up îny mind ta stay there tilt the SLEEVE, General Manager, Kingston, J. heur baiareson rite. q, JTTIiV. Ticl'- ' I1was net îired enough ta sloop weilinlua tree at the start, but at tast 1I uanaged ta R'Ch I'RU & Un Il oversleep, sud was rousal, net hy the roar Iflofa lion, but hy the rattie ai a native wsr- lU n.Tnere vwss s hum of vojees, t00, sud lt>h soud ofrr.ny fet. d eopaor 'k 0 fi paca, preparinQ! for breakfast. Ihadrarm. ~11f~I1IaUfhmars were soon un sight, sud the main body' ~t"Ù,f 4 Ilowed close hehid. Soan the openl epace was tlîronged wbtithtLea. Thera was more tbau fiveiaundrefi. They were ahi warriore. i --~r~-.-- ~ uSome of them ware weii srmed. Natises are usualiy boisteraus. Ihse wara satlll that lu the trec I cauld not catch a single syllahia, tcuugh the uearest were but a ittie nmore than fit ty feet away. If 1 wited tilt they moved au 1 sbauld ha behind tham-s position which might prove deidadly dîsagreeashie. Thev ware ~>evidsntly împresed with the gra.ity ai thir mission, wich, without douht, was San at upipnuthe new Iort ; sud, if I eontd get anaad ai uheman ad warn tiie central ai their comîug, t would n01 only bch a înut4 more comfortable position, but ai"h would prove a good feather for my cap. Theur preparations for breakfast, ta, rmade it. Ascsntiousty as ever s panther crapui,1 7Zý- made my way ta s large hrancb extending Steamers leave Bowmiauvn e angbackitot the jungle sud crept ant farther East daily, axaept Suuday, vill.20o'.g and farîber bl lu habgan ta baud. If lut at 5-0 P brate 1 was gene ; but lu did flot break. Golng West daily, except Tuasday at Than I lat myseif eut baud over baud, oi 3.3) a.m. my teet ware naui much aboyeas yard from the spongy zraund. Tuie1 drepped. The branch swung ap agabu with uîîuecessary To Montreal, Single no.5 ise, but I did noaa wit te sec what ei'ect it bsd. t wss a question ai lite sud desth, iRetuirn $815.t50 sud I increased the distance witfîout delsy. To Trono, Sngl ~i,-25Faint wlth lîtnuger, slmost resdy ta drap in To Trono, ingl $19-5the pstb and dia ai thirst, tboroughiv worn lieturn $2, 5 0 out by a staady racehonse pull af two hours sud a hait aven that eaggy, moesy gnound, Meals and berthe are iuluded lu bath 1 cama in sîght ai the naw fart. directions until June 3tth, alter which Streuge how stiil that place wass There meale; and berthe are extra galug East wss not s challenge or s gnaaîing as I clibd. "I wsvambex bau,,td t, al ebut sud rause sainie anaI was in tao muob baste ta loak for an eourancesud, climhing dinectiy otan the wsll hy the canon, cama lidiug down the other sid- - fair agaiet a bronzad aid EuElieh gunner - who was sitting tisaee ound aseep. Ha was the onîy motai in sigha. Steamer "Hamilton" leaves Bawman- IlFor ïInerey's sale, whena ara the resu of ville going Easet evary Mouday at 9.30 you?" I gaspad, stsning about in blink p. m. for Montreai,aud gaing West everYastouishaient. Saturday at 6.00 pari; for Tarouta and Ha stoad1 up, rubhad hie eyes, iookad Hamilton. down. the psîh, sud repiid;, "Ru .yon the yesr, ber widas t varia.tion for two yesrs ws nly 1 hour and 21 minutas. The otd City ai Chestar is anothar steady boat, bar average being 9 dsys, 15 bours sud 11 minutas in 1893, and 9 days, 15 haurs sud 28 minutas in 1894. Fermera are rasing mare poaetoes than usia this tesson. Cb-Ildren Cry for ma that they would just show aboya the wall, euhl farther alang au aither aida. The firet native ta show bimsîf was a flere black Kaffir, with a Ilong-barreled, square-butt gun, who cama stakhiiy ceepiug along, under caever aifuthe rocks, with hiseaya upan my bat. Twa othere wera creepiug close behiud. Crouehing an ane knae, ea deliberatly levalled at the bat. Lt le an indignity whieh ana as instinctiveiy rasante as if bis haad wera reaily where the other failow thinks it. The two bahjud the leader wara on a broad griu, watehing for the rasuit when 1 fired. The iellaw jumped full five feet, sud feu oun ie back. Tho grin disappearad irom the aiber two, sud thay started over the rocks ; but the guner satt-lad ana ai thorm, sud bafora the ather was ont at sîgbt 1had a fresb rifle aud took hýmin theback. Wa waitad ton minutes in absoluta silence. 1 should have beau wiiling ta wait mueh longer ; but, wîîh a blood-curdiug yeli, the whole lina ai undergrowth bardering tha mauud seemad wriggling wjth 111e, Leaping, yaliig, iiring, sud brandisbing ail kinde ai waapous, a perfect black mass cama bouuding toward us. Sorna few sprang iram rock ta rock,but mast ai tham erowdad mare and mare loto the narrcw path Up the smooth ravine. Lt was eaEy auough ta ses than the faly at haviug thaught that twa ai us could hold the place, sud, not baing sa raady as the old ganuer ta dia for a cnnan, 1 besrtily wishad mysaif anywiîara aise in the world. As fast as we could pick up,aim,and throw away the rifles, we made them do their duty. But what dîid the faw wa kiiled mattar ta that multitude ? Thair hawls ware somethiug friqbtful. In twe minutas mare aur lives wouid not ha wortb a braken saraw. The whola gorge was ana solbd mass of flands, [ha aid gunuer droppad hiis at rifle sud uurned ta the canuon. Ha ioldad his arme serees it sud laokad calmly dawn the path. Oua wauld hava îbought thaii ha had a fuît detachment at hie heets, sud san than that ha was a brava man. The pietura seemied ta amuse hlm. Hie brau7e face wrinkled in a emile. Lt suddanly surucit me that ha was erazy. The biak flende were withiu 1f fty feet ai us. I was patri. fiad. INow then. aid girl," ha mutterad, sud, as if ju auswered bis voicealaone, there wss a crash that soundad lika the thunder of s broadeide. Haw ha difi it I don't kuow, but bafara the emake had cleared away ha saut an- athar, sud then a third charge irom that caunen's mouth. Then ha folded bis arms again, and wîth tha sama grim smile lean- ed upon the annonnansd looked ont juta the smoke, as ttiough nauhlug whataver had happened sine ha was laaniug thare a moment befare, As thae moke liitad ha muttered, I' Hi taid ye 'twas badds ou the gun, air. She's 'aiy tarror. She' a pawar- fut ana." Powerful ! 1 tooked dowu that ravine, sud drew back with a sbnddar af harror. If 1 were ta try ta report the see, it1 would not hbabliavad. Wa did nat dare ta go beyoud the waiie f111 the central sud the laI t came marching bacit togather, having found each other lu the jungle, but not a eg io the native insurgents. They found them ati, instead, lu the ravine wait- iug for huril. Tha aid gunner receivad promotion sud a tif e pension, whlch ha well daservad; but aveu thon ha Ilwonldu't give op the OCEAN LINERS. Tiefteiîelsity or speed wi te Wh5ieh Tiiey ilake the Passage. The records show that, sau ordiusry thiug, the ocean psekete are aimost as ra- gular lu their departures sud arrivais as riliroad trains, snd, cousidaring the distance they travel, mare se. The science ai navigation bas been radued to sucb aecuracy that thay may ha axpected almosi an the hour. Taka, for exampla, the Campanîs, of the Cunard lina. Iu 1893 shermade aight tripe, sud ber average voyage was 5 days, 20 hours sud 18 minutas. Il 894 she made tan tripe, aud ber average was .5 days 20 houresud 17 minutes, ouly ana minuta lass in 1894 than iu 1893 iu a vayage ai 2,770 miles iu ait sorte ai wlnd sud weathar. IN or je this exceptional. e The Tautonie, of the White Star Lina, niade twalve trips in 1S93 onu n average tima ai 6 days, 4 heurs and 8 minutas. Lu 1894 eacmade alaven tripe, sud bar average ws jLt s trifie slower-6 daye, 4 hours îand 17 minutes. The Etruria le a tittie mare irragutar. Her average in 1893 was 6 fisys, 6 hours sud 47 minutas. Lu 1894 it was 6 daYe, 7 hours sud 28 minutes. 11AVEL' S AVESIAGE. The Havai, ai the Narth Garrnan Lloyd Company,' made tan tripe in 1893, wîth au average ai 7 dayq, 7 houre sud 38 mnutes, for a distance oi 3,080 miles, irom tue Nea- diles ta ]?îre Isiand, Lu 1894 sacmadeainje tripe, wlth su averagaeof 7 daye, 7 heurs sud 24 minutas. The Fueret Bismarckt, ai the Hamburg lina, umade ulua trips in 1893. Rer average foar the year for a voyage ai 3.080 miles was sudas12 minutes. l 1894 she md i HEALTI-. Teething andi Ifs Peris. The paniod ai dentition je ueanly atwas ana o aaxiaty taefila parant. Ltcearfaînly is nef alwaye wjthout paru to fheiejfant. The aga ai infaucy je cbaractarized by changes wbich are net ouly nuer-ous, but in msny instances, ai icasi, cao rapid fan the constitution aifta littia ane. The varions organe are in astata 0f growîh and developaicut, a cieuimtance which lu tseehinl sufficieut rnaseau fer the peeubar susepfibiliiy ai infants ho disaste. But mare than ail, the bramn, sud in f set, the whale narvene systeai, is iudanced by a miultituode ai impressions froni withaut and witii, whieî, mie the child'sunude- vaioped s tata, are aI tan ovanpawering, Mare especially us tilethe casa wbaen the ecutiti veesse is beigilteured hy the irritation csused by the proceas ai îeathiug. Unian these circomsîancas the chili be. counes peevisli and resutes opon thea sight- est provocationu. The genaral feverishuess ai the-body, ha it aven tae lugili, dacreases pnopatioataiy is sblty ta withstand externai influences. The intestinal canal, upon which nature relias chiafly at Ibis period ai active gnowtb, becemet tonpid, sud thle howeis are eau- eipatai. We cao do much towsrd reliaving thbe child froni the beeetting danger ai this pariai, howaven, by taking s hint fruai nature sud msinatiniug a saiuuiary loneeneos ai the bowets, whicb will set as a waste- gate, pratacting the nervous centres sud the varîous important organe ai the body irom harnu This, togeuihar witb traquant washiigs ai the mentir wîtb coud waten, me sufficieut ta ward aiffoisny au attacut ai serions ilues whicb woutd atlmrwîse comas as s resamt ai the generai irritation exciîed by thle proaese ai u.eahng. Wa should neyer endeavon ta basten mattens by incieing thie gume. This is an expediaut which should ha reeorted ta by physiciane anly. Cheese a Carrier of Disease. Net ouiy is chasse liabla to ha paisanaus hy the iaveuopment of tyrataxicon, but it may prove te bhas carrier ai disea se germe. Dr. Beebe, Asssant Chemniet aftise Board ai Healtis in New York City, recanty fond file truc bacitios ai dipitilania lu s lot et soepecîed chease, sud as the resuit ai til dîseovary s lange q'santity ai cheesa was seized sud dastrayed, Lt ije abd tilat thilre wara sevenal fatal cases ai ilpilfilaia in the isniîly of afarman who eupplîcd muchaIf the mit Ifromu wbbcil file cheese was maie, sud the germe cou- veyed hy file mut ironi tis infectai boute hîved Ibrougi île procese ai cieeae-mating, and eommunjcated the diseasa ta seversi wbo ata file cheese. It bas beau known for a long time that mutk was an excellent mediumi for the groivtb ot hacteris,snd tIerai are,ai course, ton the tating up of auy infection sud thle spresi ai the sainie. No inuit nany serions illnsses andiecasas bave beau causadinlu Iis way, Iboogil tracei suppas- eily te aller sources. SThe day is seaur eoming wilau no oea will thint aifasing mut wîthout firet pîsîcuniz- iug or 8es-nlzîng if. Dlrt andi Health. The aid saying filat dirt ius beaithfino longer holde ifs gron dinl th e ligbht oi modemn research. lot ail dint je' ctil, diseasa produciug, it je truc; but a1t pl..e where filtil acconimates on wbare thilre je deesylue malter of 50'y tind are varyliitely' ta affoni aboie and suelensuce ta any uisase germe wbicil msy ha flostbng about in the air. Rare thay multipty sud wax ltuiong sud ie ln wait tb afiset tile fret animai or humanr being that camnes sang, whaee vital tances ara not traug enomgh ta bar the entrance ai thiese mienescopi erana mies. No solei clathing silouldiiîe about sleeping apartmaente, no rubbisil ehauhi accammelate ln thea atîbe, no noten rage onden îhe sint, na deeaying vageashis in thie callan, no seiliug mathar or duel auy. whara. Diseasa microbe& do uat crawl aboutfactiveiy litae flics; ubey are invisible, living, onganie duet, aud tan aitan ha gat. tan id ai as such. The greatase snit n safety lies in asolute ciasuhlinese. bere murdared. Au zequaintance was Agonizing, Transfhxing Pain. chargad with the crime, but abselute proof Tira meet axcrucisuuug pain tnown le per. ai guiltunet fOrtf cOmiug. Oua ai the haps esused by Agina Pectonis, wbbeh je parties eugaged bu the casa wat so fan most t1 lha dreadad af any diseases ai beart. lnterstad un 'the paculian lacis ai the death It distinguishes lîseif eepecîatly by pain, as tasecet a different solution ai the ali and by pain whîels is hast dascrihed as than that acceptai by popular bali. The aganbzing. The pain liteashy tranefixas the reenît oa ishueobservation sud deduetian patient, generaliy radiauiing tram the beant wass van' curious. The raye ai the suni ta the lait ehoder sud dowu the anm. had trsaed bu at thaeindow ai the spart. The face shiows the pieture ai tenro,and is ment in whicb the mian had aucauutarad aithan deathly white, or iivid. To a persan hie end, sud had beau coneenuraîed direct euffaning from tuîls pacies ami heare troubte opon the explosive clsamber of the gun, by on ineai palpitatian or fluttering ai the wfîîch masos suffiriant hast hafi beau heant, ehortues ai the brestb, on emothen aengauderecl ta waruî the cap sud powden ingu epeils, the value off Dr. Agnewv's Cureansd cause a disecharge, £ie gun haviisg for the heant canat haie etiuated,as it wîîî beau quite inadvartently placed lu such a give relief un 30 minutas in eveny casa, sud wsy as te peint ta the untortunsta man, i f judiciously usai, affect s cura. 'Dr. Ag. lha receivad the bullet while lie, iay plscîd. new's Cura for the Heani is the gresuest i he ly sleeping, ne doubt meeting with instant saving reuîeiy ai the age. daath. A Lovers Eyes. Poster the beantifol, sut eveny houn thone Groom-I gues that -m an wc j uet passad calta.it 'sew flowers ta îrh. -Schiller. Biie'é-Wbhy do yen thbnk ta ? Groom-He menciy glanced at yen. BLEEDI NG SICK PEOPLE In the Bali-Room. TO REMOVE DISEASE Mn. Riebfalo-Whst su exquîsîtaiy USEO TO SE COM MON iovey eestre iss ivaeasn j t OW 'TIS DIFFERENT. Pon, weak aud Mise Twoseason-Y-e.e, she iis ramant. N watery bloodtt le mmcd inich, vita- ably vvetl pnesanved. lizing and Lissua building. Thc is-w dis- cavry, "THE KIND THAT CURES," "D'or (.)ver Fifty Years" m iates the change. For ovar fi t'y years Mas, WiNsaow's S'OO'rnNG Svaup bas beanusued by mil- lions off moîbers for flair chiidren while taething. If disîurbed ai night sud broe of your rasi by a eick chihd auf- icning sud cnying wlth pain ai Cutting Teef h sanfi ai once and gai a bottle aof "ý1Mrs, Wiusiaw'o Sofhing Syrup " fan TH E BIG FOUR Chidran Taething. Lt will relieva tle poar itiie sufferer immedisfei'y. Depend RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA upon ji,mof'her,thera le no misiake about SC RO FULA, SY PH1LIS ht. If cures Diarrhoea,regulaaeB the Stom, Eome medicince cure mild casas-it fakas fhe ach sud Buawele, curas Wind Colie, saf tans laiesi discavary in e adical science - Scole the Guais, reduces Inflammation, andi Sarsaparilis ta neach sîniboro casas, Curas givesrotouand energy fa îhe wbole system. wiane other medicinas fail bacante oI ifs diffar- "Mre. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" foui enca. Centaius newblood purilying propenhies elildren teeting le pleasanit t the isete -neyer faling. and la the prescription ai anaeaifIah oldeet $1 PER BOTTLE OR 8FO ~R $5 sud besi femnala physiciaenud nurses in the United States. Priçe twenty-five cents EDMANSON, BATES & CO., - TORONTO. s, bouble. Sohd by ahu druggisis throughout i W OEAEAET the world. Be sure sud ask for "lYlas. HLS EAET Wî'INSaow'sS ooTvrNGoSyaUP. " 1 -SOT BSKIN 8OAP OI.EANSES 55AN ALS Pithe'sCastorla. A STORY FOR3,MOTIIERS Whieh May Save the Lives of Their Daughters. A Young Lady ait IlerrickvJlle Savad Wien Ceai- feirlh's »er-Sar Ilitae lti'ught About lsy Àtiments Peeuliar te lier sex-Oniy One Weey la WVici They Cen lBe Succcetituly Resst- et!. From the Ottawa Citizen. Perbape thare me, no hesîthier people on fthe continent ai America to-day than the residants ai the pîctureeque village ai Manniekvîile, sîtnated on the Rideau river, audthe reason l et ot s euocin ljs salub- noues climata as in the wise pracautione taken hy bts inhabitauts lu wardiug off diseate by a timely use off propen medicine. The grestasu favorite às Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, sud mauy ara the tasuilmoniais in regard ta thair virtuas. Youn correspon- dent run Mouday hast callad at the remîdene ai -Mn. sud Mrs. H. Esstoo,snd interviewed thain dsugbter, Miss Hattie Eston, s handeame youing lady ai 20 yars, wno us knowu ta have beau veny low sud bae beau nestoned ta healtb by the use af i nk Pille. IYee," se sid, IIL suffenad s great desi, but I amn se thankinl that 1 sm once more restored ta baalth. You have no ides what it is ta ha so ucar the portas easd feal that everything in iife's fture je about ta slip freai your grssp sud au eariy grava youn doom, I wss taiten iii faur yaars ago wjrh troubles pecoliar ta my Fex, sud which have hurried mauy a yamng womau ta hanr deom-aneanly grava. I hava tatan in ail about twauty boxes a inlu Pille, sud I am anty taa giad te let the wortd tnow iat these wondea i tie pellets have donc for me, haping that semae othar unforfunata yonng womnan nay ha banafittadl as I wae. Wben sixtean yeasoa aga 1 hegan ta grow pahe, sud weat sud many îhoogbi 1 ws ging imita dechine. 1 beesma stabjacita toaini. ing epeits sud astuimes wauld hecoma unconscions. My stnengtb gnadnslly, de. creasad sud I became so emsaciated tilat 1 wae simply s living steleton. My blaod saemad ta tom ta wster sud my face was the colon ai s corpe. 1 hsd tried diffanent tinde ai medicines, but they did aie no geai. 1 ws t ist e ,ufiued ta my roam for sevenal moutbssand hocieeai my recovary waý givemi op. At test a friand strongly urged tisa use ai Dr. Williamse' Pinkt Pille and sitar using a faw boxes 1 bagan ta grow slibgitly straugar. I couîinued thabr use util 1 bai used shoot fwelve boxes, wben I foni myseif nastoncd ta healtil, I naw quit osinsg îhe pillesuad for six nionîhs b neyer faît bettar in my lufe. Then I be'gan ta teed that 1 wsnot as nagulan s 1shoutd ha and ta ladl the aid tured feeling once more comiug on. Once more 1 ne'Ented ta Plut Pille, sud by thle lima 1 had uss-d six boxes 1 fond m'y hcalth uly restared. b keep aboxhy me sud oe oîhiay wben I tedl auy sympuome ai a r ai ofthe aid trouble, I1ttaae a feaso . in al nigbt agaiu. I canuot find wordsof aienfilaient we ght te expreis rai?'appreciation et the wonideriol curative qusiiee ai Dr. Williams' Pink Pis sud siuceraiy hope that ail who are efflîcta s I wswill give theni s trial sud I am certain they will find reuawed baalth." Thc facts aboya nalated are important fa .parents as thara arceniany young girls juet budlding inoawomaoihooi whosa condition is, ta say thbe least, more critical thîan thein parente imagina. Thaîr complexian is pale sndi waxy bu appearanca, tnoubied with heant palpitation, heaiscses, shornuese ai hrau, on the slsgbtest exercise, faîntuese sud oîher disîreseing symptome wbich un- varibhhy lesd ta a premature grave uniass prompt stepe ana taken to brune about a naturel condition ai bealtb. lu Ibis amer- i geucy ne ramady yaî dîscaverai eau supply 7the place ai Dr. Williams' Pink Pils, whlchhbuiid enew the binai, streuigtban tIse narvas sud nastana the glow ai heaith te paie sud sailow chlecks. hy ana cer- tain cure fon sil treoubles pecutiar te îhe female systeai, youîug on aid. Fatal Gunshot Caused by the Sun, The story runes that a man wae found uying daad upon a cînucilfhie lita having beau deeîroyad by a hulai discbargad frinm s gun Iyiug nean. The circumsatancas ai thbe malter positively provai that the case coamhd net have beau ana of suicida, and, therefore, -thae oly alternative whmch cauld bc reasoaely suggested was toat ha bad aggravated. Lt will cure epeediy-sure relief in six houre. lu le rich in healing pawers, and wbilst it quickly gives eassa, where pain existed belore, it aiea gives streugth ta the weak and deranged organe, makiug the cure compiete and lsstiug. Thousande who know what South Amariea jj-iduey Cure bas doue for them will tell [yoti 0 xvas a living skeleton; the doe- tor said he was dying of Mitras- mius and Indigestion. At 13 months he weighed only seven po-unds. Nothing strengthened or fattei-ed him. I began using, Scott's Emnlsion of Cod4iver Oil with Hypophosphites, feed- ing it to himn and rubbing it into his body. HIe began to fatten and is now a beautiful dimpled boy. The Binulsion seened to supply the one thing needful, Mrs. KENYON WILLIAMS, May 21,1894. Cave Springs, Ga. Similar letters from otber mothers. Dor't bprsuaded goa eceapi a substitu tel Scott & Bawne, Belleville, oc aua $1. SOMEWHAT CURIQUS. The average lii e Of a locomotive iesSad te be about flfteen year8 and the earning capaity $300,000.' The London miik eupply in 1894 waa 4,1,500,000 imperial gallons, or 3,625,000 gallons per month and 119,070 gallons per day. ln Norway' a law provides that no person shall be permitted taeut down a tree unless he plante three saplings ilu us place. A cigarette smoker sends iuta the air 4,000,000,000 particles ai dus 't at avery pull, accordiug ta Dr. Atkin's investiga- -tions. Lu 1709 a race meeting was hald at York, Eugland, and i rom that day ta ibis thare has neyer ceased ta be au Aegust meeting at Yark. The iuk used iu printing the banit ai England uotes wae formerly made f rom grape Stone charcoal, but n0W it je manu- factured from naphtha Emoke, In Mexico, and Siam as well, judge, jury aud lawyers al emoka lu court if thay wisb te, while a case is beiug heard. Evan the prisaner je not deprivad. ai his cîgar or cigarette. Ring James I. bought af a Mr. Mark.- ham the firet Arabian horse ever owned ln Eugland. The price wae £500. IHe was dîegraced ay bcbng beaten by evary horse that rau agaînet hlm. The manufacture af carpets in Syria je carried ou exelueively by womneu and chiu. dran. The trade, although important in fts way, ie not large, and power loome de net exiet in the country. Wben a persan in Soudan is bîtten by a dog euppoeed ta be euftering from the rabies, the animal le înetantly caught, kiiled aud eut opeu - the liver le taken ont aud slightly browned by being beld ta the fire, ai ter which the whole ai the organ is aaten by the patient. Accerding ta the triaseoa carrier pigeons recently made in the Armerican uavy, the",e bi rde are likely ta prove very usefni et ses lu carrying dispatches. Only ten per cent. ai the pigeons sent off failed ta rature "home," and some ai the "1homers cavtred 200 miles ai ocean at a spaed ai 30 miles an hour. DWARFING DOGS IN ALCOHOL. Tasen i rram Tisdr Maibers tsi Infane Tisese New Cateine Peths Are tred tea Lililpetian Site. Specialiets sud doctors who take an ntarest in the progrese ai atcoholism, is injurions action au ganeration, and the part it piays lu degenaracy vvil be glad ta add anather branch ta their study in the shape af the falsification ai doge. For faleificators ai doge axist iu Paris, and tbrive, juet as well as the imitatars ai Japan ware, aid furniture and pictures oi Carat, Teniers and-Rubans. Ask for a battle ai Cbartmeuee, and as tri trulies, diamonds, champagne and coffea, imitatars ai thesa have obtsiued ta lofty a station for them ta care for critism ai thair producte. t was genaraiiy supposed that the animal raigu had Dot ye t beau tampered with, se that maet persans will be surprisad that the Freneh have recently discovered a method f iproducinig tiny doge, whiah, when offarad for sale on the boulevards or lu the Bois de Boulogne, f etch goad prices ou account of their rarity. Like alather callings,compatitiau je about ta eut dowu tl'e profits ai theariginatoreaf the idea,and next summer visitars are pramised any number ai lilîputian doge atan insignificant price. This le how the diminutive animal is prauuced: Snatched tram ite mother's breast when it is but a few hours oid, it le put ou an sîcobolie diet instead ai a lacteal diet. W heu it reaches a certain age aleahai under diiferent forme constitutas almost the sole diet ai the animal. The young doge do net die; but what le f ar more important, tbey do nat develap, sud appear ta ha, wasuting sway contînually. Tbey soan casse ta growu entireiy. By eoupling these 1