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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1895, p. 1

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11~5 TERMS :-$1.50 PER. ANNum. OUR TOWXN AND COUNTY FIRST; TI-I WORLD AFTERWARDS, M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEwT SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1895. VOLTJME XLI. No.31 ANNUAL SALE NOW COING ON COGH IHSIN RYERA Ail Parasols at cost price. A lot of Dress Goods at less thani cost prîce, A îîuniber of ehoice Dress Patterns at about haîf Ladies' Jackets and Capes at haif price. Light Wool Delaines for 15ec worth 30c. A lot of Prints for 5c worth 10c. Another 'lot for 8c worth 121e. These are ahl new goods, and these are genuirne re- gIutions; everything will be sold exactly as advertised. BO WM\ANVILLE. Pri = ssY Hlood's Sarsaparilla- MiZ8s CUve S. Cart The cure of Olive Carl by IIood's Garsapar. -n a.;as ew eqùals in medical history. '!L .zle .vtinoniaI was flis pubiised -wo vears ago, and a letter lately received from bher niother sayq Olive conCfnues in good health and 4,We are sàat'sfied her remarkable cure of consit-ution al acrofula by Hood'a Sarsaparîlla was permanent."~ Briefly stated the case was this: "lWhen Olive was 8 years oid s3he had thse whoop- ing cougis and messies, followed by In- tenise pains in every joint ln ber body, 1like riseumatisim. Physicians were puz- zied, but after oconsultation, pronounced thse disease soma formni SConstItutional Scrofuta. "When we begain to uise -lood's Sarsa- parils, she ccoid fnot be moved without crying out with pain, and we were coin- pelied toe ut ber hair, as she could flot bear the welght of it. At flrst tie chanige for thse better was very gradunai; thse pains geemed to be le's frequent and thse sweil- ioig in soma of the joints subslOed after using about one bottie. '&ha1n 15 prove- ment was more rspid and one Lg ut sha ssrprised ug by tellkng us 'ie Niced Not Prop M~er Up [ni B.d ao we liad dons for mo-the, and next rigbt sise surprised ius sti:. more by rol- ing over scross theabed. From tisat time cn the jmprovement was very rapid and Phe soon began to creep about thse bouse and tisen to uadc un crutelâcs. Now sisr parifla generaliy uses but one crutobh the dis- u e case ±aviog left onue leg crouked, and 1 Ieblk% fear it will remain sa. We feel that te Hood's SarBaparilla we oweourchild'sl1ife. l 1 enclose thse photograpis of my daugs- ter and 1 thiilk it l., a pitume of perfecot heaitis.L When I think hnw near aise was to death's noor I cannot feei thankful enougb for her reoovery." Mus. J. A. C SReynoldsville, Fa. !i ood' p 11, f ater-dinner pili and MMS. k. 1. IVE. Ail Straw Hats î-educed at and below cost, also sui-1 Wishes to direct the atteîî- nmer gent's furnishing goods niarked Idown. In fact all tion of the ladies of West suminer goods at a -bargain at M. Mayer's hat store. I also woîîld reuîind miy nunierous custorners and Durhamu to her stock of fancy and staple dry goods, eu- fîiends tlîat 110W is the proper tinie to have your fin-s ai- Il- spools, rope silk-s, etc. Dress tered and repoired before Iwinter sets in, bring then i liîigs, cottouls, Piints , tick- along4 Bow'mAXVILLE. M. MAYER', The Practical Hatter. SOLD SY J, HIGGINBOTHRM &îSON9 CHE:MISTS P1ND DRUGGISTS. We have a large supply of the strongost and best Insecticides in the mnarket B3LUE: STONE, FF.RIS GREEN, HELLEBOFE, IN5EECT POWIDER, WVILSON'S FLY Pj:IDS, ETC. A fulllline of Bath and Buggy Sponges. J. HGGINOTll~ &SON. ings and full uines of corsets and hosieî-at close prices Ahl parcels of five dollars andi over, ten per cent off on cash sales. Tlîanking you foî- pat- ronage in tne past 1 solicit a slîaîe for the present and future. Mrs. A. A. Ives, Opposite S. A. Bamsacls. Bo wus 1- _V sILLE. The latcst sovellues isi S-îsnîeî- Milliory a cf Sîss Sbu-s. Alh Ie leadisîg sty les lu Ladies' anîd Misses' sîi'aw anîd jet Bonnets anud Ho'-s, !l ail1 the leadisî-g eolers. Lovelv Ribbouîs, Flow-ers, Laces, Aigi-tlas, Oînarnents, etc. Veililigs, Chiffeons, etc., ever5- requisif s te thte,îilliuuery t ra de. Cail audi view, our g-cds ands -ieuiw il cetiinuîly bo suited -sith geeds aund priee. fH1SS SHAW« FMrst door east cf Post Office. BQwxAEY1LLE. SOLINA. Barley threshing bas begun in the neigbborhood. Mr. Herbert 11evsnolds of Wiarton lias been home a few davs. Mr. W. A. Tomn is doing a rushing business lu the wagon trade Mr. W. Carroll bas secured emplo5 - muent with the Pedlar Roofing Co., anîd bas -oue east to Trenton. There will bo no service ah Eldad on Sunday afternoon hext on account of qsarterly meeting at Hampton. The Sons of Temperance are prog-ros- sing nicely. On Frida.y nig-bt thev on- joyced themsolves iimiensely at a berry and] bus-i frozd, and this w eek thox bav e a spelling match thîs wokfroîn B. B. B s almanac 1895. KIDNEY FACT5. lia Jau.,182 nyson was taken witb Kidssev disease.,"TKoun"l attended by tbree' phvsieînns, and change of climato he grew worse and by '93 bad fallen frn- 195 Ilis, to 95 lbs. In 10 dax s frein -t srtinc- to use Dr. Chase's 'Kidns .c Lh ,er Pis -w e wero able te move lhim home. In 4 months he. gninod 50 lbs. and was fully restored to 1ealth by the use of this inodicine. Jno. S. Hasthsgs, 213 St. Paul St., Mont- roal. LINDSAY. M iss E. J. Foir. of Cobour-g, in visiting her sistor, Mrs. T. A. Pi-att, Wolling-ton street. Mýiss Agnes Bnmnham, danghter of Major Bnrulîami, of Port Hope, is visit- ing Miss Neelands at Stur.-eon Point. Mfr. Hlersmon Beer, son of 11ev. W. C. Beer, of Peterboro, is spending a f ew days lu town, thse -guest of bis cousin, Dr. ýJ. A. White.b Mr. and Mrs. W. T. ilasur, of thse Standard Banki, Branstford, w as the gnests of Mrs. Johin Crawford a few dav 5 last week. Theyovüwre on thieir w ay to Port Sanfield, one of Muskoka's mnost pleasant sum-mer resorts. OSILLIAS PîEîsîNEINr FuR,-SITURE DEALER GivEs i'ACTS. Orillia, Fob). lOtis, 1891. ED MANSON, BATES & CO., Gentlemieni.-Aboutt three or four weeks ao oI had an attack of Itcbing Pis. lIgtried two or three differexit reniedies recomnsended b)y (lrugglsts as "thisest and only cure, " etc., but got no relief About tise time I was be <gin- iii--to despair of finding anY relief. wthsnesliglht înisgiu ings I boug lit a box\ of vyur pile cure, wlih!I 1ain pleas ed to iav gave me alinost instant relief and permnent cu-re. I cousider 'our Mrs. Welbourne, bias gone to Edmnon- ton, N .W.T. M\iss Stevenson, Toronto, has been visithsg friencîs bere. Mb- is Lanra Hambli-, Port Perry, is 1 isitiug her sister here. Mr. aud Mrs. J. Phare, Ponts pool, vissted Mr. E. Concis. recently. A large crowd eujoy cd the plienl Mr. Ila rndeis's woods WVedniesday week. Mm'1. Jon. Bs-av bias l)nrebnsed an ele- gasit resideuce'in Brooklin and inoved there Mr. and Mrs. C. Hlodg'son have réturn.- od frosu tise Staffa w bore thevbhave beeii atteîxdisîg the funeral of lier uncle, Mý r. A. Ferguson. SU-n1 UE Cousu, Witb the flowers and s71nsîs.ino. Birds pour outtheir mueloudv aiîd the eliirp of the grasshopper w 111 i o f tempt the fisliorsun to streteis foi ti bi, b auds0 and grasp tise shadow of lus flighýt. Theaplayflfnl uesquito will do bot] nicest to soothe wearv pleasure sefflers into the realsus of slumber, and and the stissging, acbing- corsîs w iii re- sxsqv eoves-y semblance of eosnfort, suake sad tise songs cf the birds, and evoke l udiness ia the soul, tisat even thse brîghtest sunusbiue ean not dispel. C (5ins as-e thoras in the flesb, but Put- naîn i's Painless Corn Extractor romnoves tbOm iu teenti -four bons-s, Putuasu s P;,iinless Coi-n Extractoi- is tise best. HAYDON. - M'r. P. Mallory lost a fine steer last 'Lek jVrs. S. Woodlev treated the choir te ceCreaus ou Fridav last. Mýr. D). Grabain is gottiug Ibis tbresber i ý) shape for the faîl ti-ade. Mýi-s Edua Greeroaw ay of ML\ariposa, w ho lias been xistîngber uncle. , lr. W. Trewin,' bas gesse to Oshsawa te' visit lis usocle Mr. S. Trew lu.n We cosg-rtullate Mr. H. Sleîuon, and Mis Brirnaconibe on tbeiu saccess at the menes Etsancoe -Pxanis. 'fr. Jarnes Casufpbeil w as bof ore Police Haasiat inues la. t seek ých'srged w vithilating- the liquer net osu July lst. TYRONXE. Mrs. Colin Hamwlev, of Port Hope, is risiting friends hoso. Miss Edua King, Bo-wmaiaville, visit- cd Miss Jessie Binghani last weekl. Mr. J. Awde bas retuned from a pleasant trip te bis old home, Mariposa. Mr. M. J. ansd Miss Misînie Weury spent Sunday at Mr.E.Millson's, Selisa. Mr and Miss Mscilisi, Cobour-g-, and Miss Trvpl-îeusu tWostiiagtoss bave beesu visiting at Mr. S. V . Heur's. Mrs. Ben.j. F. Gardiner, Cobourg, was bosco Wednesday attendiiug the fuuseral of lier grandfather, Mr. Coraro. Miss Lizzie Plilp, Whitby, bas beesi sisiuing ber brother Mr. H. A. Philp, wliolbas 1)0051iii but is souse botter. Tyr-one IDivision animal picuie Ang- ust 16. Concert lia &seniss - .Furtber partieulars iuoxt w 0k. Miss Nugent of Lindsav, -uest of Miss Bei-ta Brent sang- a solo-mwith great ef- feet at the Sabbatlu asening- sersc. Johns H. Hosîsisuanad Wm.E.Biigim intessd lcavîug -for tise far famed wlseat fields cf tise î-eat Nsorth West shiortly. Suîîda 'y, Ang-ust litîs, the Junior Ep wertli Leagnue take tise eveuino- service. The nueetisîg will 0oeistei-estiug- assd profitahle, and ail are ia-sited te attend. Mr. Arthur- J. Manning, wlso recentl ' gîaduated fs-oî Ottaw a Normîal Sehool, will teaeb S.iS. No. 18, Mr. Reid hauiug,- besunuable throug-h ill boalte t retai the positions. MAPLE GROVE. HAMPTON. Mr. Wmn Elford is convalescent. Mr. Win. Jacks is visitiiag bis sister at Bsrandosn, Manitoba.- Mrs. J. Y. Colo is visitiug un Solina, Colnwbtss and Oshsawa. Ms-. F. T. Allinanaid sister visited frieuds in Pick-;iuigtîsis vook. Miss G ertic Crooper asnd Master Ewart are iissin g tieis -msclo iu Foi-ente. We wol colne Mr. and Mrs. Henr5 J. lloidge anîd fainilv of Version, B. C. Quarterîr suooetsug sonvices will be lîeld lu tise Metisodist Churcîs bore iaext Sunday. Tise followisî- is the report of Hasmp- tosu Sehool at tise roceut oxasiliatiosss: Publie Sebeol Leaviug-ERua Cryderman; Esîfrane Lia Clntwertiv, Wibur Thonsîson; Sr.- III te Jr. IV Mande Horn, Mabel Colwil1, lRussell Thomp)Son, Louie Elliotî, Effie 11obbimssKart Creepes-, Geerge Oliveor, Fr-ank Hannam, WillieClarke; Jr.* Ill, te Sr. III.-Nelsomi Browns, Russell Thoinpson, Beattie Col- wili, Clarence Rose, Lillie Hasmsm, Aninie Wilcox, WViuuie Pennisg-tou, Ethel Stoeus, Polu Hern; Sr, Il, to Jr. III- Roy Liddy, Frusuk Clarke, Harry Penn- isuglon. Boçosut visitors: Miss C. OkeToronto, at Mus. C. Oke's; Miss Atonie Clapp, Port Hope, at MmI. J. Ward's; Misses Sparlisso- Toronto, at Mr. T. Elliott's- M r. Wiïlaýrris, Greenw ood, at Mr. T. Bummiow ýs'; Mr. assd Mrs. Chas. Pascoe and daugister, Toronto, at Mr. A. Tresîenlh's; Miss Rhoda Robbius, Zion, ait VjrsJ. 11obiss; Miss A.Wtell,town, Mr. R. Ssîowden asid wifo spent Sn at Mr. F. J. Gronf's; Mrs. I)iekson and da5- at Kirbs-. daugistor, Akrosn, Obio, at Mm. Nathan Mmr. Jncob Stevens is nieirv settied in Giffou-d's; Msîls M. Rigg-s, Flmnisilleul, lis nev berne. aI Mr. Jas. Crvderînauls; Mis s L. Mosnt- Mr. 1H. W. Folev bas beeia te Toronto gomer-y, Solisa, at Alisi Peter's. for a couple of days. Miss Ethel Powoe- visiledl friends lu LESKARD. Oshiawa last woelk. Mm. Johnu Ssîowdoia wife ansd fauily Ia 1813 Jolin Cos-ais casîs froîn the visited ai Pickering,. Vps-lo f Lssîes-teii, N ostfisreiuter, SîsodeiiBro linse eon îs-si ýl D'aomu, te Darlingi '5. He w-ent home Ihueir clos cm miii fer a couple of wecol. t sgluu woor fe araet settle lus huusiness tîsere pneu- te takus13 Mr. S. Sliow desu. jr., lias been confiani) luhs rosidoîsco lun Casnada. Ou cossiug te tise housse w lth sore tluroat but is able bacý ie luivse Ifor a tisuie ut Tru se, ansd te lbe eut agnais. about 85 uoars age purcbase3 the farmul Sers iewilbe belinlutheuo en-sug ar Lehkard w,,licre(h lie i for se-s ral ioîSabbntisoOt account cf quarter-lVCa su-. EGb soui Williasu uheîs teok tise sorv ices nI Ehosuezer un thiismornmuino-ý. mlis t o o f the fas-n nudied how-cou Visiter-o Mr. J. lirde Rerlna; 'r. te lire mt ia5 doms where lue resîdcd un- Tisesiie,Lhsidsa-s ;Mr. Jennings, Whitby i oir5es sIs-ih gason Mm. Win. Rnudle sm., Osballwat: Mr. activew e us i ý. w itîs lis Ilifo un ier Alsion anud Miss Vinie Parker, Clark~e camse te splsudilis reiusaiiuiîî- l s-sit lTmsesu Sils Parl eGIl, Olua a;tiseir son W1iiln. I li id beoJulv Sis sie MeGregýeor, Ottasva; Mr. A 2us.Fer !mani vy ucrlue ia-,ades ou Hood"sleon li, w e-, stewar-d cf Leikard 1B. the ene true tosîle ai-d blood purifier. c. C'i-surrahfo- about 30cr-.liestsut- -2 NEGsuCrS AND TEE RE-IULT.-Negl-eet ed the B. C. Siodar Sehool tises-oamud eeld in the lseadand rois w ili-sire]l\-lia-se bis eliorgy asd zeÀl didiiiswsuli te muake eatais-h. Negleet isasal eataîris amudu oui it tise succeSs it wan. hlediiu- the pesi - uu ili s suis el- isudnic uimnarvdiseases tien et suprisutoseuut for n-ivus ors. ou- enta-slu f tise stoinaeh %vitils lis di- After the unmion le ca-t imu bis lot w lîh glussiuug ttoîudants, feuilbreatlu, lin-s- thîle niisod dînrui. lis delil-iw as in sng spistiig-, blow'sn, c. Steop it aIl tis eclass iwletimu-, andssi e lest mue oppor- livuuiîu D. bss'sCaarh Cuire, 2,5 tîusltu 'wOien --iuamui circirmstasuces cenuts as box cu-ires. persmuttof(u speakissg forttha Master lue loe so e li. Nearir hibisla-,I usords is BILACKSTOCK. elass or chlun-csw cr0 Miss Misuie Jeftes-5 of Tom-ente is en If our folle-slip oms curtis below joyii--theliositaityof fiens hre In J esusbh o se et jeyui- tseiiopinliu' o!fresîs eme Xlat lueighut of saptns-e siail-sue Lnow- MI. Jas. De-sitt cf Lisudsay ssouiu- W'i ounuud lis Irouowc iueG-. lis vacatioun ammoug-Cas-t-siig-ht frlesîts. Afaoiesl-f sws.'Tlgi- The mensies seemtehaetalcesua trip Afnso iIsut f lb- was li goiug frossu Blacksteck tW Cadns as Miss lieuse t' Oie "muoeo" lecmsaui Lsuhuu Pew cm is quille siclo wiîis tîsesul.' speke os tIse hlesseduucss ot besig- pre- Mastr Risi:so r is ui scî~pareil fou- allue Oeets of Jiie- Ho îust rRso Prust is ntheo Cklestsosa -%ilefoui- dnuglssors anudo ls.Mm.Ilens Pruust bas retumue d from 'ou, lis usidow aui tasuýiilx'h-i-e tise Toremîto -su bre lie lias been w riliiu o lis usiiaiu e wd iceo bis exasuis.friemuds uii(l meigluhers. diw-as ev- Li-sel imes cf dl-sisionu1sue-s, a six leîîced bu the large uuumber thaI at- w-ceks ceatest utasted lasI Fricia i ugis. toudcd luis funierci usuci tise w ords of me- Bros. H. Dinlow and T. A. Beaceek speet whilî llual usmil -dimo Iessifviug cf arc tise captaimîs. su ec Ilie -cas huuied cf Betis- Ou quiet litltiliNgec is ciils emîcd esda cmi Wosliocs1-,, , Jis124,1flue I-lass. ssmis --r a uproî u îerWni. Jolliffe, J. Rl.RouI and Jas. Bat- sa auto or fiosulfsic-selaLe 5iiOie quille a ileiie ofitiatii rst t'îe funses-ni. Short ,rg usuîîe-as-r oî-r~~ e to-vile service, co îeîuu uthîle liuse and aise aa si-e luot, sunnv Ouivsnmund cool, sîsaduv aI etela chîureis. eveniiîgs iii fisbinug-, boaàting- asuad social EF-urt Ias.. Churles, J. Both, Olive. iilercom îrse. uWoo d1, Ca., ssýs: ' 1 uhave tused A 5 cr's Mrs . Ida Mortoniof Chicago lias retui-sPilus i l scufnsiily f-s aseral 5-cnrs, antI le Toronitoeaceospauied by luer sisteî- las-e alu ai, fouis itisei niost, effectuai Miss Flossie Fisi, after speîudiuîg- a w eek in tfle re o nmiof ma sisiusg- fromt a ai îg ber inan fuieiads Ilure. SI-iie dises-des- i stoissaclu, terpid lis or, anîd iee suespko a foem eeuîs-giag iords ceiuitipated -l tw li. te thue Div ision as-d addressed tise Metls- odist Sîuuday Sehool imo lier tusii auile _______________________ Alsvays a-soid liarsilspuirgative -pilus. TIsey first make s ou sick auîd tisonIonea s oui ceîstspatod.' Carter 's Litle Lii or Pilus reg-ulale tise ,leseand niake s oui usehl. Dose, ene pili. COWANVILLE, CLARK{E. Oui M%,omday e-s ouiiuu, Juir 151h, tise Trustee Board o! Cienlue ciieh s'iseëii bled at '"M\osunt 1Pi'- asuut, ' tue residencc etf Srs. Jamues -W alsis foi- the puuup-se ofe oxpressisîg- their appretietien oeth1e secu es ita thtIe oro-emist of the chunrcls Mrs. E. Ti« rpisuen. A short tine ie s sisesîs!Ilisocial piaasasitsiesad timon Mrs. M.- Cm cii ru a Ja -eu-sappru -i-samte am- dress, anid soie ' ciy aluamle J-ie3ofe ss ierere cmese it-el -Xii. Tyrnt muanu -s-ss takl ii quise birrise ue t muade a suitaibereply- expu-cssisg- tise pleasus-reiseliuad iI-%vnu s demis esifronm hieu- sîualuer-site-,suncelisectionu iii tue ciuuî 'd and tise hope thas the i uuliglut isu ticir se-s os phOCiOe.tsuiyt h -i- fs-l, Shise'seeusches ,issus nado ýjs Rex. Win-. Wal-h, W. J. riuiussosî W. G. lH sancocL, G.' C'o'shedick, T. Couicl anud J. CThodc -'ie îroceedisivi closod ly s'iligig "Su cet BIfs u]ivdBs-, anîd p-)aveor )DY1-le-s -Mr. Walsh. I Gsi tise fellosuillg ceising- Mmi Tvue- inauî w-as unised in thse liuey bondi of nuuatuimoîy -ith Mri. Josephu Cobbie lick of Exeter. The hasppy couple lef thue sainie eveaing- for a few dass' risit ut Niagama Ralfs befose goinýg te Iheir future home at Exeter. A SUNLIGHT EFFECT, The clear morning sunlight brings with it gladuesand. renlewed en- ergy, and 6 Cents oa Twtn Bar drives in the backrmonnd like a dark sbadow, that nid bngbear 1 was ýây,l sud does is *womk quickly, easitý, perfeetly. lYse Sunlight Soap, and you wit méalige ibat "ýSunlight" lias corne into yuur 1f e. * It IVakes HOme Brighter. ~Fr every 12 wrappers Book »for j P, $ 3St t., Toronto, Wrappers f u1aPer-oen

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