I -~ raptai linGareng Broea, St Si 17 -r.7 tub eQ t Roing Eceema. r as aTer pislaris'P jasvieulrx'uat elIfKnow eiADFQED iJ lT 4àil, 1 9 IesuedIr DI-"Cham o i--mna Ôod-enîlt eyu sfaigi g èarat irem lie dralapp Lake Ontario & Bay Quinte Steamboat Coi STEAMER LIG;HTEP BYEECRIrcIuîY. HEADID BY ST 1a ves POrt Honpe 9.15 arn., arrives at C: lotte (Port of Roch ester> 3.00 r.mn., ex londay, when stearleaves at 2 p.m., rives at Charýotte, IN.Y, 7.30 pm, Leaves Charlotte (Port of Rochester) w dayB at 10 p.t., Arrivte at Cobourg5 Port Hope 6.30 arn., except Saturday,w Steamer leaves 4 25 p. m, arrives et1 Hlope 10 p.m. An extra triopjin ade Morday from C lotte (Port ai RÈochester) at 8. 30 a m. For furtber particulars sppiy to C. JARRELLO on Steamer. S. PATERaSONaný Loiço, Agt@, Port Ho pe. H. H. GILD: $LHEVE, General Mdanager, Kingston, Navigation Coq flolt1eaI - Toron Steamers leae Bowmarivilie g Eàt daily, axcapt Sunday, at .20 Qing Wet daily, except Tuse B.ÙD a.m. To Montreal, Single $F ,Return 8$P To Toronto, Single $ iReturn $ - Meaansd berthe are included iu djrecoci util Juna 80th, atter tw moase and berthe are extra goirig Steamer "Hamiltoni" eaves flowi vIlle goiuoe-East everY Monday ai p. .for Mntrealand gciug West e Saturclay et 6.00 p.m. for Tcrontc Hailtori. To Montreai, Single lieturn To Icronto, Singie Itettirn $ 1 To Hamilton, Single 1 Return t 1Veals and berths are included in directions. For information and tickets apply J, MeClellan, Ager -1BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ALEX. MILLOY, Traffle Managi V. P. GILDERSLEESVE, Gen. Man 228 St. Paul St.. Monf real, P.Q. A GentIe Rev'enge. Old Bachelr-Raniamber that g naarly went crazy over? Friend-Yes ; ber refuoaI of yeun ruiued you. That's the oue. Weil, she miarrie( rival, and he's committed suicide ; and lI have my revenge. E? l'il wiil her ail my money and every WÎillSay it Wae eut Of gratitude te hE net marrying me. rVRIIUTOIT I~ tended te fil the vacant portfolio of Agri- PARTTAMU culture. Farmers were very auxious aboutC Ithe matter. t -- Mr. Fostar said the ])epartment of Fifh Sssin-Te Svenis arîansnt.Agriculture was lu responsible bande, and p, EXEMPT FROM TN8lJRANCE ACT. was bing administered by a member of i the Goverumant, aud the hon. geutieman f r Mr. Foster introducad a bill to autherize1 wouîd have to repose fsith iu the t4overu- i the Treasury Board te exempt certain ment, and their intarest in the farmars, t gt& eceties frem the operatien of the lueur- TUIE CITY OF MIDLANP. i le ance Act, such as those of engineers, COU- Mr. Waliace, raplyîng te Mr. Edgar,d rs. ductors, and brakesman, who had among stated that the steamer City cf Mdland, - thamselves au association for insurin g belon ging te the North Shore Navigation Company, was saizad at Coling Wood on againet death and accident, confined entire- Juîy l9th, 1894, ou a charge of having9 ly te their own members. These wera acte laudad at that port two barrels of ohl,p of men who ware prohibited from insuriug hhhabeuneedfrseobad in enra soieie, ithr y hecempanies as ship' stoîre. The sera ef $400 wae lu eneal ocitie, ethe bytheexacted heforee release cf the vessel, themeelves or by reasen of. the excessively and the value of the cO!, with duty added, high rates exacted from men lu their hadl been deposited te the credit of theD Receiver-General. The remainder 0et th hazrdos cllig.penalty had beeu remitted te the vessels The bill was read a first time. ewners, as the evidence established thee rm WatECOF 0 THE. MEXICO. tact that thay bad ne kuewledge of and1t S Mr. MoMullen asked whether the Gev- dia net autheriza the removal et the cil. erument had receîved any officiai informa- This was dong by the enigineer of the tienef he weckef te seame Meîcevessai wîth a viaw cf providing oul for au lio ofun wrck f he teaerMexcoexcursion steamer whicb had Dnn onc off the Straits ef Belle Isle. The vessel board. ceutained the firet cargo of dairy preduce TUTE CATTLE SOHEDULE. sent from Canada by cold sterage. Iale Mr. Sproule euquired whether, iu view î! wished te knew whethar the company ienh. oag fGeeeetinEgad tened e akeauimmediate poiinfer and the appoiniment ef a new President of ndethe imlt a d proviwsie o the Beard cf Agriculture, it is the intention aneter hipmntandwhatwasihe ev-Ioe the Goverument te renew thbe application erumenî's inteutien with regard te further for the remnovai ef the schedule against the - exneriments iu the matter. impertation ef Canladian cattie te that Mr. ostgan aidhe hd rceivd aceuntry witheiit having tham laughtered al the port ef debarkation. ofteleuram statiîg that the vessel had been Mr. t)uimt-The cerrespondenoealreadyj wreckad aud was lu danger cf beiug plun- set on foot with the Imperial autherities la dere, ad areqest or goeruentnet concluded, an auawer net having been dere, ad areqast er geer e received te the represeniatieus made iu steamer was made te aid iu protectingte the lasi report by the Minister of Agricul- wreck. Ha had, found there was ne danger ture. Ili is the intentien te continue te te 1f e iuvelved, and ail the crew bad beau press the claim of Canada lu this matter. 1 taken off, and ha did net thîuk il a case where the Coverument steamer should bie PUBLICATION OiF BETS. sent. Fnrthermere,ne Goverumant steamer Sir Cnarles Il. I'upper, lu Committeaet was vailble.the Whole, propesed te arnend the clause was available, ef the Criminal Code relating te baîîiug IATvO RAILROADS. and harring.houses by making it clear that Mr. Haggart, lu answer te Mr. Bryson, nawspapars may publisti the resultseof rA said the Goverument had net decided te races, etc., wsithout coming withiu the plAce hie bill ou the Goverumeni erders. provisions ef the code respecting bouses The bill was eue that required a goed desi kepi for that porpose. efpreparationandmust hocarefullydraftad. The ameudment was carried, sud the bar- The ebjeit et the bill, te Frovide for the committae reportad pregrees. rcept epeedy paymant et wages eight or ins ERANDINGOF~ CHEESE. ax menthe overdue te railway labeur ers, was Mr. Montagne moved the second reading worthy of consideratien. Such a bill oughi of the bill te smend the Dairy Produets te be înîroduced lu some way or anether, Act. Il had for its objeot the hranding et Pek but care muet be taken te preteet rsilways cheese witb the mentit of manufacture, the 5 1.fromt possible attampte te levy blackmsil, idea, being te preveni the lowering ef the Pvhen N. W. -2. REPRESENTATION. reputatien of Canadian produets hy selling, Pcrt On the resumptien et the debate on the the malte et eue month as that of another. 'a.motion for the third reading of the bilil Circularesliad been sent ont te these inter- ha-furthar te smeud the North-West Terri- asted in tbe trade, but the replies were AT tories Representation Act, contradictory. Altbough the weighi cf dAPT. M. ls(thwl)cmlndtatevidence seemed te be in laver et soeasuchi )ER' the provision euabling the volts whes!propos al, the opinien againi was suffician t- *jnaines were nlt on the liaite appiy te the '!y troug te warrant the Agriculture Cein. enumerator two days bera polîng day in mîttee, te wbom the bill wae refarred, -order that the omission might ha remedied lunet reperting any partîcular decis, s was a serions altaration lu the law. ïen te the Housa. There was a F1 Mr. Daly replier1 thai the ebjact was te1 good deal te ha said en beth ides of the mnale s correction t bat should hava been question. It was a matier in wbicb the carried out laeî year when the amaudmneni dairyman ware very much interasted, and cf the Act was undar censidaration. T'he as the discussion w as uet very thoreugh law f ormerly allowed votera te malte ap- w heu the bill was întroducad by Mr. Me- plîcation for puttîng their riame on the Lannan, il hbd beau tranaferrad te the liste the night betore pllirg. Govrumant ordars, which weuld enahle The dabate wss adjourned. the meassea te recaîva the consderation MANITOBA SCHOOLS. it deserved, te theasdvauiage of the dsîry intareste. The bill wae now bera the Mr. Lauirier, at the conclusion of a long 1 House, ither witb a viaw te ica heing > speech, moved the following emeudmanit pased tii session or that il mîghsr ha "This Housa regrets the failure et tht Gev ' discussed wieh a viaw ef its adoption et arjamant'te deal wth the Manitoba school anothar urne. question in a manner demanded by the Mr. Moenuan explained the amend- hast interests ef the country, sud is of mneta albe aesn« h.bl opinion that the Min8ealideclarations m at bt hadtbeI u ada snce t ebi lu regard te ibis question are calculated te mwasu llasfoeth ouas apsedta privae promote a daugerous agitation amcng tle bill ehould net apply te butter. Each Canadian peope." cheesa tsctery weuld have te registar wiî.h Aftr speeches hy Hon. Mr. Foster aud the Dairy Commissioner, and would recaive SMessrs. Oimt, McCarthy, Oliver, Gir- a consecutiva number. This weuid obviate ouard, and B'-lley, the division was raken the niecassity et having inspectera. Ont kanîd the emendment was rejectad by 114 te of 77 replies te the circnlairs sent ont oniy 70.%'enoucmn ttu iue a 64 were opposed tethe branding of cheese. recevedwit chersby the supporters et by varions bodies inierastad lu the dairy the Goverumeni. industry, iu ordar te show that there was an A PERSONAL EXPLANATION. oearwhalmiin&! feeling in faveur et the bil. Mr. McCarthy tbought the Houes would It wss unteritînate bis mes sure, wbicb was 9Oing telerate hlm inuauswering a parsonal aitack endorsed hy 90 per cent. of the tarmars ot p.m' made on him by the hon. Minister et the country, should ha blocked ai this aY at Justice. It wae a poer caseansd raquirad [stage. It was unlair that Prof. R-ohartsen's te ha eustaiued by personal vituparation opinion should prevaîl avainet ina opinion sud abuse. Ha did nt think lha bad oaia of the tarmers and cheeseman cf the coun- oua word lu a raliher long and perbaps try. 8.75 ledieus speech tba.tcould have beau ireatad Mr. Foster said ihere was considerabia by the hon. member as offensive, certaiuly opposition te the bill in the ceuatry, sud 5,.50 ha did net intend any offense. Aid for the that the hast thing te do was te ceider il hou. gentleman te gel up in the presancae fnmore carefully, sud d.ral with it next [.25 the Housessud tll him ihat hae was takiug, session probahly. At hast, the masera > a position that was unwarranted by resson could only ha operative a faw menthe et50ofhis professions1 connetien wthth.- arlier, sud -nerhiug wouid ha lest hy iboth b 1 eern h Manitoba Geverumeut was, le weuld defri h aller. IHa moved that the hîcli ventura te say, unjuist,'uuparliarnantary,r dehate hae adjourned. East anud without oe title et justification. The motion was carrîad. (Hear, hear.) Rlis right in the Heuse hae CORDAGE COMBINE. ltnaw pertectly weli, sud the hon. gentle- Mr. Taylor wrebed te refuie the charge k'lman ceuld fnduDo precedleni te aay that the Ofe cowardice made againsi hlm lu the ) U.ceunectlon which ha hsd had on two 1 Fermera' Sun racentiy reepectiug hi-, ra- diterent occasions witb the M&niioba maks in the House as te the combine ha. Govrumeul-one lu definiulg the censtîtu- tweeu the Canada Cordage Company sud tienality et the Act et 1890, which wae netthe armr'BnrTweCopy.H uew in question, and suother oi appaaring was prepared te prevo his etatemanite, sud main hie prefessonal capacity te oppose the would De glaiteodo se bera a cemmittee ,man pasag oftheremdia ordr-i th 'o th Hose extsession. t .0aligtest degrea disqualîfied Dime. Mr. Corbould made an explausiion lu vry Sr Charles H. Tupper-Ara those the repiy te a charge mrade against him in a o andi enly ccasious on whcb you advieed the! statemeu filed atthe DepartmenfbfJustice1 Manîtha Gvernentlhy the bate dapîîty warden of the Iritiih1 ýd my les huoro cviaS10tafos ermit experimentl l hipmentsafe Canadian iowcause fer which i., was the psîd adrecate cattie 10 Belgian ports duriug Octeher, d ow u tside et the Hlous. (Heui, hear.) H2 Novamber, sud, December, aud would ra- mada the statemant ou the hast precedeut meve the embargo sitogethar if ne pleure- 'body sud slood by hie position. (Applauea.) pueumeuis waa diecovered. er fer MINISTER 0F AGRICULTURE-. The Houes then went into Cemmitteaet Mr. Cssey asked if the Goverument in. Ways aud Meang. Chilciren Ory for Mr. Festar meved the amendieutef thei Customa' Acthby addin the tohlewing item1 te echedule A et the i -i Salmon, iresh, O..se-hall cent per peund, prcvidad that seubh aîmon = ybh rnported free cf du y upen proclamtofe the Gevernor-in-Ceuncil, wbicb may ha issued whenever il appears te bis satisfac- tien thelt resb salmon may lha îmported loto the United States from Canada t rco f duty. Sawad boards, planke, and deais, pîsuef or dressad on oua or heth aidas, wban the adgss thereot are jeintad or teugued sud greoved, twenty-fiva par cent, ad valoremn, provided thai snob lumber rnay ha imported frae ef duty upen proclamatien oethto Gevernor-in-Coiincil, whicb may ha îasued wbenever il appears te bis satisfaction ihat aimilar lumber trom Canada mnay ha mperted 1010 the United States freseto dnty. Mr. Edwarde dsclsrad himet disintar- ested as f ar as the duty preposefi te ha impoed was cocerned, but ha thougbî thai in the -niereajt ot the people cf the North-West, hy wbern the kinds oft mm-' bar euumersted wara imported, the duty ougbt net te ha imposed. Mr. Speaker drew attention te the tact that alîhough lu the rariff et the United States drsssed lumber appeared te ha fras of duty, the Board et Appraisere et the United States had conatruad lumber dressed upon the edgaa, or tougned sud greovad, s smanutactured article, sud subjeettle s duty of 25 per cent. Ha did net sas why the manufacturera in the United States sbeuid ha put lu auy baller peeltien ihan ths manufacturera su ibis country witb regard te Ibis malter, and hae approved cf the Governmeut's action. 1 SIE CHAS. TU.PPER 'S 4EUVICES. M'-, Martineuquired-Wbatber Sir Charles Hibrt Tuppar recsived paymaut for hie services in cenuection witb the Behring Ses arhitraiiou, sud, if se, how moch, sud when. Sir Charles H. Tuppr-Sir Charles Hihbert Tupper raceived ne paymeut tram the British or eny Goverumeot lu couuec- lion with his services ou the Behring Ses arbitraîlon, sud I mîghîsy that Sir John Thompsou sud mysahf wers the only offi- cars cennecîad wiîh the Bri tlbh or Cansa- dian Governmeni wbc did not recaive compensation., AIl the arbitrators axcapt Sir John Thompson received £1,000 sterl- ing s remunaratien for -heiir verviceo. The Attorney-Geueral et the British Goveru- meut received th& usual prefeqsienal tees for bis services over sud aboya bis salary s Attorney- General, sud the officers et the British Govaru.maut sud tbe efficars et the Canadian Goverumant conuected witb that werk were aise paid compensation lu addition 1e qbair erdiuary salarias, Sir John Thompson sud myseif receiviug uothing but otar axp3ees. Iucidautslly, 1 may ssy thai Sir John Thoipson lest a large porIon et hie seasional. ailowance, sud I bast the xahoeaof miue. Mr. Martin-Yen recelved ueîhihg but yeur expauses, sud that net item the Brit. ish Goverumant ? Sir Charles If. Tupper-No ; the Cana- diau Goverument paid the expeuses of Sir John Thcmpson sud inysael. -THE HUDISON BAY RAILWAY. Mr. Haggatt movad the Housiuîo committea on the iolewiug reselutien : "Thal lu le expadient, inoerder le aetable the Winnipeg Great Nurihern Railway Coînpsuy te consiruci se much of their raiiway te Hudson Bey as reaches front Winnipeg te tie Saskatchewan river, te a -jliotize the Gernor-in-Couecil le enter looa centrant witb the said cempauy fer the truansport of men, supplies, materiala, ndmalse for twanîy yeas, sud 10 psy fer sncb services during the said lerm 980,000 paur annun, as ioliewe :-One.half et the saifi auto annully, cemmenciug irom vths data of the coipietin et oua-hall et the cempauy's lins hacween Winnipeg sud the Saskcatchewan river, or of the completion ot s lina item Portage la Prairie northariy tes point et intersection wibhihe compsny'e main lins wbere the laiterie lecated through township thirtean, or trom Gladstoesasd te the Saskatchewan river, sud the ether î hait etflthe said saim snnualiy, commaencing Item the date et the compîstion et the remainiug haîf oh the cempany'a lins ne. tweau Winnipeg sud the Saskastchewan river ;sud ibsu su th e avent et the eaid conipauy net eomplying wiih the conditions te ha made in relation te the construction -ot the first hall of the conipany'e lins, the G overnor-in-Ceuncil msy tranaier the $40,- 600 par annuel applicable te euch firai hait teea compsuy suîhorized te construct s lins [rom Portage la Prairie .or Gladstoeste Lake Dauphin or thereabouts." An Act further te sînsend the Act t readjuat the representsîlen iu the Houes of Cemm eus, Au Act turther te arnend the Indien Act. Au Act furihar te amend the Dominion Lande Act, An Act te incorporate the Hamilton sud Lake Ense Power Company. An Ad tfurther te ainand the Civil Ser- vice Ac. Au Act te incerporate the Mrchants' Lite Association et Canada, An Adt te raviveansd ameud the Acte te eablshie t City et Winnipeg tc utilize the Assiniboine river waterpower. An Adt reepectinig the Votera' Lista ci 1895. An Act further te amsnd the Act respect. îng the judges et Provincial Courte. Au Act raspacting commercial treaties affacliug Canada. An Art for the settlement cf certain questions hetweau the Goverumnents et Canada sud British Columbia rslaliug le lande in the rsilway hll, Britiib Colum- bis. An Act reepeeîing La Chambre de Com- merce de District de Montreal. An Act te amend the Copyright Act. An Acite incorporats the International Radiai Railway Company. An Act rsspectiug the diacharge of a menigaga t10lber Majesty, known asethe Markland mortgage. An Act turîher t0 amend the Dominien Elactiona Act. An Act to ameud the Act respscting roadesud roaf alewances in the Province et Manitoba. Au Act for the relief cf Jula Ethel Chuta. An A et le ameuf the lsw respectiug the superennuation et judges cf Provincial Courts. An Act furihar le amend the Customs Act. An Acite incorporais the James' Bay Railwsy Company, Au Act te incorporaesthe Lindsay, Haliburten, sud Mattswa Rsiiwsy Com- pany, An Ac t uriher te smend the Acte raapsctiug the North-West Territonias. An Ac te incorporae the Domunion Atlantic Raiiway Company. An Act toemend the iaw reapecinug the lobaier fsbhery. An Act raspecting the Windser sud Anuapehie Raiiwsy Company. An Act furiher to smend the Civil Ser- vice Act. Aîî Act ho 1legalize psymente haretefota made le the general revenue tund et the North-West Territories ot certain funse, penalties, sud torfeiturea., An Act reapecting the Kingston sud Pemnbroke R,"aihwsy Company. An Acf te arnsnd the Companies Act. An Act reapectiog the Shore Lins Rail- wsy Company. Au Act raapecting the South Shore Rail. way Company. Au Act te raviva and amend the Adt teepýcliug thie Lake Manitoba Raiiway sud Canal Company. Au Acf te incerporate tbe Traus-Can- adieu Railway Company. An Act te incerporata the Ottawa Lanîd and tlecurity Cernpany. An Act te incorporais the Dominion cf Canada Trus ts Company. An Acit urtber le smend thseXiidiogu- Up Act. An Act te authoriza the Treaaery Board te exempt certain sociatiese rom the opera tien et the lusurance Act. Au Acit urtuierto amendiba Act respect- iug the Senata and the Rous o Cemmous. An Act te encourage silvar-lead smehiug. An Act inriber te amauf the North- W/est Terriiories Representatien Act. Au Act te amend the North-West Irriga tien Act. An Act turther te smeud the Inland Revenues Acf. An Act te ameud the Cusiome Tariff, 1894. An Acf repecting the Quehec, Mont- morency, sud Charlevoix Railway Com- pany. An Act respeciing the hoeniy on beef- root sugar. An Adct urtber te smend the Criminal Coda, 1892. An Act te ameud the Acta respactiog pan ltentiaries. Au Act respecting the Winnipeg Great Nortberu Raiway Comnpany. An Act fer granting te bier Msjasiy certain sumns et meney required for detray. ing certain expeuses ofthie public service for the financial yesr snding 3Oth Jue, 1896, sud for other perpeses reasing te the public service. SPEECH PROM THE vHRONE. LONG SERVIC E HaDAL. 111e Exoelleucy then daivered the iollow- Mn. Prier called attention te the long ing speech item the tOron :- service modal grnueS in ths United King- Hou. Gentleman et the Senate dem sitar 22 years' servuce, and aakad Gentlemen cf the Hou8esef Commena whethar anythug had beau doue hy the lu bringing thie session ef Paniarnut to Geverumeut te have thîe medal extended a ceucesieîi, I have te congratulaea yen ou te Canadien volunleens. the induetry sud zeal wbicb bave marteS 1Mn. Dickey saiS that the Impanlal an- your labonrs. thonities bed beau cermeunicsîed with, The nacesgasy legilaticu haviug beau but thera vas a dîflculty in the vey, as passd, he treaty of commerceawîîb France, there vers Ivo servirea in Great Bitalu, from which tavounable cemmercial resuirs the voluoteer sud the milita, sud the long may ba expect ed, wiiI, as sooti as tatified, service medîîl vas given only to the former, ha pet m te rce hy proclamation. The Canadien force vas really e velunrear The negOtiiene wiih Newfoudland, one, aitbnugh it vas calleil militia, aud te vbiub refeuce vas miade et the, the Imperial authorities vers sirasd if i opsuîug oethIe session, bave net, I regrett vas neceguized as s volunteer fonce the te say, tesstilted in auy agreement fteuh militis lu Australie, wbere they had aloo praseni, twe sanvices, velunteers anS militîs, mîghu The neply of the Provincial Leg isîstune dlaim thie sauie priviiege. oi Manitoba te the remediel orS an isaued A hhtls dessltory conversation ananaS by my Geverument et the 21 st M ancbvas while waiiing ion the Black Rod. At foent 'cloot a message vas received - _________ item hiea E'cellaney, seemmeuing the Coin- mous te the Senata chamber, whists assaut c t ' vas giver te the ioleowiug bill:- BILLS ASSENTED 'lO. Au Acf- reepecting the St. Catharines sud Niagara Central Railvay Company, sud te change the nama of the company te the Niagara, Hamîiltonî, sud Pacifie Rail- way Company. An Act te incorpore Glimout sud I IWAS SUJBJECT te traquent attacks et Hughsee (limited).r nervou8ness thai seemed te sap aiR MY1 An Act te Încerperate the Grand Falls vilality aud lait me in a stae ofvealrnesse Water Power sud Boom Company. sud risery. I ceuld net retla fodd ancha Au Adt te arnend chapter 10 et thea stt- thingassa good nigbt's rest vas unukuow. In- use et 1892, nspectingthie HerbenoB IDS U Cominissionaet 1hf Tras Rivera. U L S P An Ac t uther te amnd the Insunsuca Act. e apable cf any exerticu sud wth an ever 1An Act funiher te ameud the Act le presenf tired and despondent feeling lifesemed encourage the devehopînut of the seas fsb- hardly wortb the living. Madicinas that 1 ariesud the building et fashiug vassale. took did net do auy gond; ivas e casa An Act te amsnd the Adct espsdting eto graduaîîy becorng weaker sud veaker. c-ertain lamaIs offendere ie the Province oet bating cf gcott's Sarsapas nidsud esucces Nova Scotis. An Act te incorponate the Ontario Acol. WEAK WOM EN dent Insurnce Conrpany. Au Act nespecting the Oshawa RailwaywibsuircaetemnIseisdfen Company. ihsriacaetemn,1ud tanfon Au Ac t urtber tc ameud the Fisbenies the finalt ev dosas began te gel btter, appetils Act. elurued, gel naturel and refreshing eeep. 1 Au Ac tonîrher te smend the Public grew stronger-, iu tact life seerned te ha fanuad Wrts Act. mbadtl vity. An Act furîher te emend the Act respect- LOTTIE GREAHAM, ing the incorporation et the Boards et 174 Crawicrd Street', Trade. TRN An Act nespating the Clii ton 8uspension Bridge Company. SCO-s-rS SKIN SOAP BEr-CLT- 0CLERC ChI Pitcher's Castorla. prescribe Scott's Ernisntn of Cod-liver Oil and I1ypophos- phites becanse they find their patients can tolerate it for a long timne, as it does n&Dg upset the stomacli noir derange thie digestion like the plain oil Scott's Ernulsion is as much, easier to digest than the plain cil as milk is easier to digest thau butter. Besides, the fish- fat taste is taken ont of the ou,) and it is alrnost palatable. The way sickly children, emaciated, anoemic and consumptive aduits, gain flesh on Scott's Emulsion is very remarkable. DVort't epereuacddtoacrcept a substitutel S9cott & Bowne, Belevlie, 50c. and $L~ considered cf sanche characteabse lejetily postponement of furtber action uil naît sesiom ' I amn pleased 10 ebserve the grant of Parliamenu in aid of the fend coutrihutadl by the Canadien people fer the benefit et the tamiiy cf the Rigbt Hou. SirJohn Thompeeu. The amaudmneute which have beau made to the 1ev rslatiug te the Civil Service will, it le beliaved, reeult lu incressed afficiency and.eceuomy. The legislalien of the session wilh, 1 trust, coutribute te an împreved admînis- traticu et criminial law, tbe advencesmeut ot commerce, sud the extension et rslway sud telegrsphic communication. Gentlemen ci the bouse et Commons I tbenk yen tor the libaral provision which yen hava macle for the ýservices et the outrent year. Hon. Gentleman of the Senate Gentleman ci the flouse of Commona: In reliaviog yen irotu yeur dutis ventueate express the hope that ycn will fnd amoog the people you represent, e centinuanca ci thai prespenily whilch marked the cpaning yesr. The Speaker et the Senete, lu the nim of hie Excelleucy, then fcrmariy proreghe4 Parlisment until Sainrday, Biet ef Augeet. WOR TH READING. "Familiarty breede coniempt," is a proverh found in oua torai or aenother iý every Enropean or Asiatie iaugusage liev'm s literaturs. Its etîliesi forcu i aheiieved te, ha the Sanskrit. The white thinoceros bas beotu nearly, if netquile,extincàt. There sté twsi- uffêd specimans in Englend sud oe in the Cale Tovn muaeum. Ih le the largeet epeces efthe geue. Spectacles vers iuvenued lu îieiy about 128à. Thsy were et firet vary expeasve, se ware woru by oniy wealthy persons cr nohiemen, and se came te ha ragarded as a mark et tank. Thes recently elected police force et Sontit Baud, Wash , is prchshly the emnallest snd higgest lu the country. It consistsetoftvvs men, oeeoe whom veigbe 295 ponde andi the.other 285 pocuda. During the twalve years the Brooklyn bridge bas beau opef 10t the publie la hae beau crossed hy about 360,000,000 people, or an average et 30,000,000 e yesr. The total sarningg from, traffic hava beau more than $11,000,000. A hie duck ranch at Damariecotta, Me., is making cerîsiderable prof itfot Ifs pro. prîstor. With twelve large hucubatore hae bas raised about 25,000 duoka Ibis ÎesBon, and msrketed tbem in Boston sud New York city at prices rangiug item 30 te 40 cen ts a poun d. The bores canniing facîory ou the Golem. bis river is nov inifull operatien. It le saîd that experts dclars thair iusbiiity la distinguiah hatwaen canned horbefle5h sud canuaf hast; but it le fiel explahued, as migbt ha infant d, that Ibis tact will ha reihed on 10scure sales ior the product. The Queeu of England dosanot aigu deatb warrants. The judgs wbo passes the sentence vnites in the margin of the iudictmeut: "Leit for executien," sud the eheriffe fix the day, wbicb muat bhafater the lapsetoftourteau dlean days f rom the data efthe conviction., Oua cunicue tact brongbf ont hy the report et public prosedu tiens lu England hà that the number et proecutiens for rmerder lu 1894 vas iudentically the semae as ln 1893, aixty-twe men aud fiity-tvo vemen baving beau proceadef againet in eech yeat, "D'or Over Fîfty Years." For over fift y yesrs MEtS, WINSLOW'S SooTEING oSYRIJ has beau used by mil. liens et mothers for their chhldreri ehile lsstbiug. if disturbed et night sud broken et your test hy a sick child Buf- tering sud crylug wîlh pain of Catting Teetb aaud et once sud gel a belile cf -Mrs, Winalew's Soothiirg Syrup " for Cbîldreu Teethiug. It wîil relieve the poor litlîs ufferer immediately. Dapend upon it,mofbera,there ie ne mistake about it. If curas Diarthoei,regulas the Stom- acb sud Bowais, cures Win Celc, sotteas the fxuma, rednces Inflammation, sud givea tons and energy to the wbole systern. " Mra. Winslew's Sootblng Sytup " for chldren teething is pheasant te the teste sud is the prescription of eue of the cideat sud hast tarnais physiciens sud nurses in the United States. Prietweuty-five cents a bottîs. SolS by aildruggisasthroughout Iha worid. Be sure sud ask for "MES. WINSLOW'S SoovhîNo ýGSYRtis," Praetieal. Fermer Jone.-Wbst bey yer lanuad et collage, sanu? Son -Why,dad, 1 tan tbnow the hammer turthun Iban auy eue there., Farmer Jouas-Tbat's geod. I goss yer'll bey ne trouble le gittîn' an job lu et hlactsmith's ebop, then., Boys' Pecullarities. Rural bcsteeis-Y eut boys' are slwasaon the mun. Thara tbay go mill aecross C eity"Gu Ilt-Near --Iplo- eowe
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