Twiie Bine kibbon first qîîality manilia anîd Red Cap. iRooîo Paper still to the front. I kno-w f nlil line at price 1s froin Ge to 7e per lb. and studv eff ects. All pr etty adaa dowu in price. This sec son everyone has been more than pleased. N o trouble to show you what I hav e. iNice gilts rom 10c. Kitchens fromf 5 cents. Then there is note paper and envelopes alwýays needed. 0Good at 10c. per qaire. Envelopes at 5c per buneh. A good usiness No. 7, 5uc. per box ot 500. Dont forget the lunch andi piceflic baskets. Hèere thoy are, and ri-ht. A large stocýk of ci erything to select froin. Special drives lu Purses. anti Fane, Goods. Tow n Hall Block. BoivM iNiILLE. î5tenadian ettemauun BOWMANVILLE, JULY 31, 1895. The Liberal party dees flot de' ie f0 ebtain po7 ver on the sclîool question. It ivants the Gcî erîîîaent te setîle if, as fi should. The miîisteîs say thaftlîhey îîaîd for tlhe $900 n orîh of grief -speaking wreaflis sent f0 Sir Johîn Thonipsous Ifnieral, anîd thiat if iras îîot iiicluded ini fli s1,9)0 flower bill. ŽÇt oîîy lbas Mfr. Laurier displaycd aneir bis genins for leadership lu refus- iîîg to mareh bis forces int e the quag- mire n bieh is îîow cngulflag the Cou- seri atives, but hie sbon cd lîilh patriot- isîn as well. Sir Adolphe Canon is suuîîg the Ment- reaf Herald for $25,000. Haie the Goi - erlnnieit eoîtractors .50 soured on the party that Sir Adolphie iîiust seck te colleet caîpaigîl tunds frein Liberals? -Lnon Àdvertiseer Mr. Laurier dees îîcf propose. te ligbt the next electioii on aîîy sueli issue as tbe sebool question, fthe resuît cf n lich would be to niake racial passio.,s anîd religions prejudices the primie factors iii deteriiîc . 1 ng the neînbcrship of thie îiext Pa. iaînî. If Mr. Laurier lîcO iîsisfed ilia'theO sehool question is et aceessiiv a z bof e contention heniithe t-wc parties. anîd lad forced the figlifing eî er if if would baive beeiî casier foi thieî to carry ont their planis cfinîal.ii a salb- stituttion cf fuis inature. A correspondent wriîing te flice Pet er- boro Beieiîî, iro liiibeeîî visitiîg 3Mr. S. Reîînie's first prize farîîî cf Oîîfario,. in Scarhioro ton î,isbip, sal s : Ii York ceuîitv flic' crops are betier flian iii fli casi. Railis have beca quit-e frequnît aîîd cierv thirii looks eueonragiiig The cci erep will be au immense one, and flic tal îvbat will be fair. But liff le spriiig îîlîat is groîrn. The fruit is a failureC. Thîe Canadian Manîufacturer, orgaîî cf flic Manufacturers' Associafloît, is sad because flîcre are net more îîanfacî- urers la Parliaîîîcaf.If scys. "Wheîî, under Sir John Macdormld, tariff pro- tectiouniras adopfcd as the policy cf bis party, if was nafurally fo lie suppcsed that the rcprescîîîafives et tie people and of the province n vould iilude a re- spectably large proportioni of îîîanutae turers; but n hile ihese latter werc ap- pealed te te preduce flic sinews etfivar ini the ever recurring figbîs te esîablisb and uainrain the policy, they were ec- bon cd aside fc malkc roorn for protes- sienal politiiiaîîs. As lias beîîi repeai- cdly sboîvî, Sir Jobhn a .-1 bis party could acier bai-e afîaiiic I teponwer wiîlîout flic active etofthee ianifacturers. NATTERS 1T OTTAîWÂ. Panliaîîeît lias aow eiosed -itsdocors. The pasi n eek liasbcd is cdel iiiteresf in the dehates n-hidi teck place rîpomi1 the Manitoba Sehîcol question. Tlîe w ay the inaffer stanuds iîow is tuai the Geverament is pledgcd îo flic hilt te give remedial legislaiioîi îîîless bctn i uew aad the 4tlî et Jaîiuary sonie scîfle- rnt nav UenmadeiithleManitobam Whcilicr nif bal the pîcdges will cicr be c'trried out is ne niore sure fhan ever. To tri' te pase- legislatieii upomi the uines et the rmdilorder-- icîdthaf is mwbat is plcdged wcnld -ntterly desîroy ad disrupt flic Covinîîîînt aid is Party. It is ci ciidoiibtfti vi weîbr lcgisiaticiiF cf c inînel inilder cItaiactern ould flot briîîg calaînifous conseqiienees. Se that new the story is heiug told fIatiIf wbcn uext session coines an arramnge- meut lbas nef heem madle n th Manitoba fo the reniedial bill may centalît a clause i suspeudiuîg its coming into eperaflea ce Caîl and see otîr samples and yon will find w are off ering t'ihe best value in town. Is the best remedy for Horn Eieýs. e SBOwîî XNVILLE. until soîne furtiher date ivithin n which tinie Manitoba n ili be given a further chance. Then 'bel ore thaf date arrives or irnînediately thereafter Parlianient will be dissolved and the counitri- appeal- cd to. This, cf course, is aîerely specu- lation, but cf one thing everybody is sure that thc Goî crament have meclv postpoîîed their cvii day and at five mnths lience their d oubting, vacillai- ing policy -%ili find fheni ont. The session throug-hout bas been a disastrous onîe for the Goverameat. Confidence la flic capacity, the abilif y, as well as unifv cf the Cabiniet bias been utterly destroyed. Not la the meînory of the oldcst Parliamentarian lias Par- liament witnesscd sucli a leaderless and purposeless administration. Unforfua- ately the Manitoba School Question is diverting flic minds cf mcii frein the spectacle wliich fthe Goverament pre- sents lu its abject failure te dccl wîtlî aiîv cf the otiier important matters n vith n ýhd the House lias dealt. The Op- position ou the other hand bas f ouglit a splenidid flght for good Goveramieni ail fhrougli flic n lole of tlîe hree nmonîhs n hich thev liaive spent here. The ab- sorbiag sehîcol question as if is divei tiîig attention frioni tlic oi eriiineant's n'ea- ness is aise diverting attentionî froni theI sfrengtlî aînd tîînaniiîif.v cf purpose îvhieh ebaracterizes f lie Libéral Part v. If is impossible at this maomenîte inake an adequcie review ý,ot the important subjeets witili nhidi flicOpposition, as a Party, baive deaîr, but tiiere ceai be ne doubt that au examiîiatioîi, a colapari- seîn cf ifs course n otiltisubstaniaîe abundnnflv ,vbai1 baivestafed. Durîng flic sessionîae-w facts and cvil dleîoe -was biougbîte ligbt show ing flie îiîeff and n aste n hichilbas gene on un- dcr Conscri ative rude. The flnlk boles iîito îvhicli publie înoney s have beeîî drain ieth ller foir prii afe or partisan piirposs liaive grow n 0îuierons that if lias been diffknlfte keep aCcouint cf thi iail. THEF ONIY TEST]?OF MEIIT. Tlîat the people arc quLick f0 appreci- ate a good fluin ,heu îlîey sec it; is abnda f hîoîvn by the phenienial record of flic Toroiîto Iiidi-ifrial Exhiibi- tioîî. The Fair n lieh begins cii Sept. 2îîd îext is the seventeiitli cf the ser- îcs. It lias grown sfeadilv i pepulariîy and veari attracts iîîerea"siiig iinibcrs wlhh is flic best possible proof of if î superior excellence. This seasoî tfli displa 'v n iiibecnmore complete and vani- cd flîinever. Thîe-îiuaîler çufeufries le uinusually large iniail deparîneits. in live stock, entîles forie li close cii fli lOihi of August , there n 111 be a eyenf aIl showiîîg especicallv ini the chîoicer breeds of herses aînd catfle. Great inipreve- înts baive been miade la the accono- dationîs provided and ail arrangcîîeîîfs for publie coneai ence arc as necrly perfect as possible.. An attraetive aîîd diversificd prograin ofe îterraiîîaîeîts is cfercd. Ail rail-wayswniII give lew rates and special ecueîrsionis will ba mii froin maîiv points. BOWIMANVILLE MARIKEVTS., Corrected byJ.Mle-7lurtry everyly tnsday A Opposite Ontario Bank. $2.00 \Yill secure you one dozen Cabinet Photogranîs of the kind TAIT & CO. tara ont trite to life for a short-time for cash in adi ance, sec samiles. Picture frarnes on band to be sold at a slight advance on cost. Crayon Portraits mnade te order fromi any picture. Samples at our studio, Market squiare Bowmanville. FIRST and FOREMOSI CANADA'S GREAT SEPT. 2N D To0 141H -1895- The FistîmndFtillest Displav of LIVE STOCK AGIICULTURAL PRODUOýTS îmd MX-NU- FAC TURES to be seein on the Conitinient. Incî'eased Pizies, linprovedi Facilities, and Speelal Attraction s, etc. A Trip to Toronto at F'AIR TIM1E is an IDEAL HOLIDAY. There is M1ORE to SEE, MORE to LEARN andi MORE to ENJOY at tlhe' GREAT TORONTO FAfI THAN AT ALL OTHERS PUT TOGE-F- ER. EIX(LRtSIO1n-S ON ALL L12z riS Entiies Close Aîigust 10 t b, For Prize Lists, Prooreonnes, ete1c.. Âome H. J, 1111. Manager, Toronto. TOe niembers cf itue D. 0. & P. Co s Baldof Bown cille, aîiuuîîe a cii ExetîrIIsion fo lOi I Wild, on Fiee Laite on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7T111 Tlhis n'ill blue ocfflie bcsf excursions cf the satmaer as ftha beautittul grounds et Idvl Wvild n-lich is fast beccm"îig a popular sinmmeir resort has beau fhînted up adai-cri faility is affordcd for fOe eonvcîîieîîee ot pieule lparties. The fol cing chcup rates bave beau secuncd for tha tri p _îhich -ilbe- bysecL trais to Hlarweod ad thence by sfecuuu- er, City cf Peterboro, te lOyl Wiid. The 1ie nelutdes hotu rail and bout tar the rudtrip. Port Union, Pickeringo Whutby r Newt ouille Poit Hope Cobourg Ci]i Pare $1.10 1.10 1.10 1.03 1.0.5 1.00 1.03 91) 85 70 60 drcii litprice. Tiîîîe 7.1.35 7.25 7.31 7.45 7.55 8.07 8.14 8.25 8.40 8.50 9.10 jAnniviiig at Harn ood, cn icoie Lake PLO 9,'P100il .... 0 Ote $ 2 9) 'cf9.40 auni., frontî nhieli place excur- WHA, vlPbsh . O '1 (OU)siouîists will Oc ceai cyedby boat f0 o Id il Russiaiil T' 0,oùU(')O8.5 Wyld. Take yonr lunch baskot and -'0. Il Goose, . O.OU0 '0O085 Arraugeuîîs baivc beeîî rade for fiot Colorado......O00 oO83Jn-cicr turniied frc, anid liose 'ho yWhîite Pife 0 00OU '0O88 n ish can have ditiner cand, feu cfftic R led il O OU(A'093 olîcc 5c.e.ccl. This beingonofo B ýiLu, Ylîusiî, Ne.1 00.IOUT'050 the best flshin- o runds laflîls part cf, o"2x .0 O0OUIf'0O48 tOc proviuîce, oîse ivho delight lu this 'T T '2.... 0 OU0T'0 45 sport eau baieca day's fishtiig. Special T' T' Tii-c on cd OOUo() 50 art-cuiueus liaivc beenî iade L'er boaf s OATs, wit if l ............O 00'T0O87 and tfishiuig,,fuekie. The Band wille omn iluînxed il......0 OU " 85paîîy the excursion, During the cIter- Ryu il.............O OU0'0O0OU uooîî flicsteamer Citi' cf Peterboro iih BteKWýFAT...............0 00; 0' O030niake trips crcuîîd the lake faking lu PABlucki-e, P bus.. 0 Ut)T (35OSJubilee Peint a cf.e.aeh. Il nIminey il O OU fi O60 E. S. MEATH, Sccy. fSiîîall, f" O OU "lO060 Blne, 00UI0o65 Tickets for sale cf Sfotf & Jnry's. BUTTER, Pc'st table, P lb.. O0OU0T'0 14 ]D~O YOU WTANT AHOME. If vou do EcGs, P doz.............O0 0 O 12 jj pply to T. BlîaINCHý,iifora nîue îolfd rick POTATOFSç, bush .........O 0 ' O 41) cottage elieali and ont easy terme. 3h if. R]ECIPE-For Making a Deliclous HealtSl More cases cf sick headache, bilions- Drink at Small Cost.J ness, constipation, ccii be enred lu less Adams' Root Beer Fxtract .. . one Bottle fimue irlili less uîîedicine, and.-fer less Fleischnsann's Yeast..Haf a Cake nlebusgCatr Lte ir Sugar.................. Two Pounds inbysigCrr'LtfeLie Lukewarm Water.....Two Gallons. Pis, than by a ny ofher means. Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water. add the If there ever isas a specifle for aîî o'ne extract, and boule; putin a warm place for twenty- for heurs until i t ferim'.ts, then pace n icuwhen Iomplciut, thea Carter's Littfle Liver it wi11 open sparkling and deliciorts. are a speciffe for sick beuduche, and The root beer cabe obtained in ail dr adgerywmnsolko ti.Oy uery stores in su ad z,5cent botCtle iae ro. vnd vea ec gallons. onOau ee ill a dose ku w tis. îîl E. Fans are a îîecessity. They are ini stock from 5c., Fine Feather froîn 50c.,Gucge 35 cents. Kecp your house cool, with roller winidow shades. Tbey are iii stock~ at 50 cents cornplete. 1, a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- - a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- -~ a.- -~ -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. a.- -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. -a. a.- - a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. a.- -a. Our best, Shirtinos for 10e worth 121. Good Oxford Shirting for 7e worth,10. Fast Color Shirting for 4c worth 8. Flannelette, wic[e 8e worth 10. Flannelette 4e worth 6. Unbleached CantounIFlannel 6e worth 8. Faetory Cotton 5c worth 7. Linen Towels 4 for 25e worth 10e eaeh. Linen Towels 3 foi' 25e worth 14~c eaeh. Table Liîîen 20e per yard worth 30. 44 44 25e per yard worth 35. ý4 44 35e per yard worth 50. Prints best Canadian 5e worth 10. Priîîts best English 10e worth 12,1,. Parasols elîoice of our stoek for $1 worth $1.25 to, $2.50. Corne early and get good ehoice, Spot Muslin 15e per yard worth 20. Spot Muslin 10e per yard worth 1 5. Strîped Mlusln 6e per yard worth S. Ladies' Blaekz, pure silk Gloves 30e per pair wortlî 50. Frilling your ehoiee 5e per frill wortlî 7 and 8. Table Oileloth 20e per yard worth 25. Ladies Vests Sht. Sleeves 5e eaCh worth Î. Mfens' White Sweaters 80e wortlî $1. White Bed Covers 90e worth $1.25. 75e worth $1. $1,25 worth $1.80. White Jlankets, new goods, large foir $1. 44 44 4ýfor 75e. Grey Flannel 121 e worth 16. Feather Tieking 16e worth 20. Corsets, 2 lines to cecar'ont, 4,5c and 59c worth 60 and $1. Boys' Varsity Caps 5c each. Toeln Linen 5e per yar'd worth S. Baldwins Black Beehive Yarn 3 skni for 25e worth 10 eaeh. Seoteh fingering Yarn 4e per skn. 7 Men's Strong Plow Boots 90e werth $1.25. Sewed and Rivetcd Boots $1.75 werth $2.50. Oxford Shoes $1.20 iverft$1.75. H-eavy Carlîci Slippers 15e w ortb 40. Hleavy Carpet Slippers 35e werth 60. Grain Boots J.D.Kings make $1.75 wortIh $2.50. Cordovan Boots $2.25 worth $3. Ladie's Deong._Bnttoned Boots $1.20 ivorth $1.60. O O very fu 15 worfh $2. extra fine $1.75 uvortb $2.50. Uxfords 81.00 worfh $1.30. Oxfords extra flue $1.15 wortli $150. Tan Oxfords lu odd sizes speciai value. Strong Lace Boots 90e wortli 81.25. Medium -w ciglîts $1.20 wortli $1.60. Ex. Fie Kids ButtoucdJ.D.K. $2.00 wortli $3. Ex. Fine Kids Bnttoned 91.13 worth $1.50. .............. ......... ...........ul .um u ... ------------------------ ---- Ladies' Prun Slippcrs goed 50e wor h '75. Brun Ccuîgress good 60e worth 85. Tweed Slippers flot Cottouade 15e wevrtb 20. Boys' Strong Lace Boots 75e worth $1. ceFine Lace Boots $1.25 wertb $1.60. CITanî. Ox. and Black broken sizes cheap. C riI kdirtlas~ worth 84.7-5. Youtlîs' Strong Laccd 75e wcrfl $ 1.00. CIStroug Laced Ex. $1.00 ivonfl $1.35. 41Fiuie Buttened $1.20 worth 81.50. Misses' Buttoued Cordovan $1, 10 wortb 1.5 Laccd Cordovan $1 werflî 81.35. Kid Bnttoiued $1.15 ivortii $1.50. CI Kid Oxfords frein 65e np. Ciiildren's ini great varicty. We ivili offer the cheapest Dressing la BlackL- and Tan ci er offerec inl the town of Bowmanville. The above hunes cannot be bougbt wholo sale to day for n hat wo are offering thein. -Don't Forget The Day and Date--Thursday, AugustiiSt. yy Corn 7c par Tit. Tonatoas 7e par tin. Raisins geod 6 lb for 25e., Bot. Piokie large size, ueîv goods 9e par bof fie. Salmn, rcd filh 9ce pr fin. Cern Stareh 7c par pk. Coin Starcli 5 lb for 25c. Jas D lecd 2 -boxes 25c. Tea fie uncol'd Japan 7 lb f or $1. Globe W~. Boards worfhi 25e for 15e. Brooms 4 string werth 25e for 20. Eleefrie Soap large bar 3e par bar regular 5e. 97 ps. Dinner set lu Brow n and peneil $5 par set. 44 ps China Tea Set clegani new goods, fiue decora- fions $5 par set. Lemniade Set deeorated, plaîed fray $1 par set. China Egg Cnps 25e, par doz. Also a tabla full of odds and ends of glass-ware and croceory that will ha marked at lass than -wholcsale prîces. This wiii be the iast Bargain Day unmbu September. Do not miss buis chance. Store open at 7:30 a.nm. Closes at 6:30 p.nî. Do your shopping eariy. n c Bargain Day has becorne a feature in our business. Our- efforts in that direction have mnet wîth great suceess and we are going to keep up the interest if the variety and" quality of the Bargains have anything to do with it, At this tinie of -, i'iting we caillot give a comiplete list, but the following lis-t of goods will positively be on sale at the prices quoted, on Don't Forget The Day and Date--lhursday, August i*st'. .M ... .....PR-.....-.....................................................-.. ............................................... ...................................................................... --- --------- --------------- -------- -------------- ------- ------ ----------- ------------------------- --------------------------- - ----------------------- ------- ---------------------------------- ................... ARý