9 - a. - - - - - ~a ILVMPTON METIIODIST SUDA Bounsall's flartie Works, S__L I y BOW A NsA\llE, N .Oui' repart aqsta 'tistie5 foi' lastmai' BOvviinî~i~i- ONTcloses Jan ah 1895. Weie re thank lui for caire prog-ress. The attend- "e a, J niterethlai e be 'ii well sus A lag s oetFiuishe d Monunî -isnluSvedish, Scot" and and American Gýranites and Mlarbies constanfly ou.- hand, 1 i C seooIliswci equipped toi' bible '1stud1 teill'far adjuit classe. We iniperfed direct frein flic differcuf Quarries and 3anrh 2t cep,'r:intils deý, arMî*e nagoa- tu ancet t 111 lîre is roolniami w-e ui. rs. cordiallvinaiîte any w ho desire bo en- Call nd se -wat yu ar buyngi icI Ibeir liearts 'ant iminds wth a Caîlaudsecviht yn ar buing kau ldgeOf the trnth la unite w ith uis Prices low and geod viork guarantecd. ailîlhs profitable emnployatienit, Jesas caid, "ilaich île scriptîsrm for linîeîîî E. R.BOUN .A.L , Pro rietr. Te îhinik eliaive eteriîal lite and they BOWMNVILE. . R BOTNSA L, Popretor ar thi kci e ch etiti of oe."1 BOWMANILLE.The, priaîary of oui' Sabbath School _____________________________________ as maiiitaiue i us usulai efficleacv and lias tunîislîed b oie junior departîweît OSHIAWA. ses eîal classes duriug the 'ceai'. c ~a dta ~tfc~m n Ve haie duniug the past 'ceai' devot Mi' Pred Osborne, ot Boa muil111ecd île collections to the i'eplenisiag -,ot BOWIMANvILLE, JLTLY 31, 1895. w as ia touavi last w eek. the librarv, and w-e aslc that the piarents Miss Lillian Dicksoîi of Aki'on, Ohijo, and freids ot thc selîcol nias bear Ibis is g'ulesî of Miss I. Giff ord. ainîliîîid and assi>t as fai' as 'Possible in 0 Ri0_1. .M. L. Cuarke~, Cobourg', uas been ivis-soakin o- tins collectioîî xioitlis'of ftic iting bhis sister Mrs. J. Gregory. source to wbichi it is dci oted. (C.a dc;sed'front 'Ncw.) Tuhe Misses Holidas s of Bi'oolhiiiave It is uitb sadiîess w e here report the Mr.B.J.Hal, f hicgo i viitn-beeîî guests of Miss Lick, Centre St. deatli ot one of omi' scuiolars, Hessie Mi. . . au. f hiaz. s elîingCri dermian. -whuo duriîn' uier coîîîîection liere. Miss Evselvui Parkler, Columîbus, Ouhio, witlî the schaol w on aoi oîîuy the affec- Mi' ABarber, Cobouig, i isited f rieîîîs lias been guâest of Miss Mabel vuiutîiey. tioîîs of bier class mates lit eftIhe eni- in lau n. Be i. S. iH. Eastmnan and taaal.Y are tire sclîool. Afin'aricrufeux dais 11- Mrs. J. GCIouev- is i isitiag trieads in spendig'o a feu' weeks ai Cry stal Beachi, îess sîse as cnut off iii île spria1g'cf lite. Napanlea. Tiipsi Lake Brie.J But sive console ourseli es trous the siords Mr . .Torpo i t Mrs. John Lwec nd uheofthîe poci; Mi'bC' N istiu atColumubus,liasve beeîî isiiiîîg lierIsister "'5h' n "oi dexlid c t.ild cf or affrifion, Cobon rg.t. t Baine tint1 e ue cli Misss.vnBîîrnett.manilîî 'îîlere site nIon"rr euesor ipourprotection, is La fi enîaTîllBa-miîil is Dr. Po-wler's Extract ot Wild Straîs- AcO dChýrist hiniseit dodu nule." 'vsiiîs'hîîis er.berri cures D)iairhoea, DysenIerly, ve again liie the co-aperation ot Miss -Liliaii Gaaisby Ns home tramn Boss- Craiîîps, Colle, Choiera Morbuis, Chlera paienîts and frieîîds ta secure it possible mnii li Ii Scîsoal. Iîîfaiîîn, anti all iooseîîess of thc bau els. a wiJer iîîîerest iii Sabbath Sclîoal w oi'l. Mr, anud ]lrs. WMi. Lonig, are sisitiîg Mes-er Irai el wiitît il' Price 35C. STATrîSTics'. frieuds in Detroit, Miel. The tormat apening of the lectrie Mo scbolurs ou ral..............1(37 Miss Ettie Kr is i !sîi'l Toronito, Bailw ay anJ Prospect Park u 111 llthk o «o officers and leadhers .......... 15 guest ofthie Misses Wilkinson. place on oui' Ciuic Holiday, Mig'. 19. Total .......... ........... ... 182 Mi'. J. M. Vicenit ai Hamiltonî isivis- Miss Mrrisan, Brookliuî, Miss Mitchell Aic.rag-e attendance ............. 10() iting his uncle Mi'. A. Polard, Bau mauville, auJ Miss Woadcock. ot Largest sessiaon.......,........ 129 Mi' D. T. Alliîî receîîtly uisited his Wbitby, have been g-iests ot Miss B. Verses reciîed bs- the bai s....... 2592 sister Mis. B. J. BaisNcste . -'-c". .Verses 14 *4 c-ils ..... .335f Mi'. ami Mi's. Blake Crau tord, at Tor- Par Cholera Morbus, CbleraîIntantuin Total,............... ...... .... 5912 oîîto, visiiedat Mr'. I. Walter'sieceaîtly. Craaîps, Colic, Diarrhoea1 , seiIr LITERATURE. Mrs, Wiai. H-ocheridg-e auJ son, are and Suairner Couplaint, Dr. Pwlr LibrarY,. iolîîues ................ 423 'vsiin ie iaie, rs D iriad Exîract of Wiid Strai-berri is a proampt Lessou hielps, capies. ...........125 i'. aîd Ms l ierm t, . a .psn, Esan- safe and sure cure that bas'been a pop- C)nw ards, copies ............... 7 niai ta onfe or eary 5 yers. Young Peoples Weekly, copies.... 15 bia, i'la.,bhave beeiîi-isiîiin' trieîîds liere. Mlrs. AIt. Wilcox aîî dJatigliers, oft Siiiibeaîa-,............40 Airs. Jas. Ai Lar rie lias beeîî isiîiîîg Ciiog, Ill,, anîd Mrs. WVi. Stephenis, Sm-ndi Sclîool iîaes, copi.... lier tatlîir, Mi'. Wus. Paîtersosi, Wlitbu. Part Hpe. bai ebeeni isitiîîg Mi'. Jas. PelaniSets ntes,................... 2 Mi'. Franki Morgan, Sixili LUe, lias Luke. PINANi IAn STATE3îEN-T. f-euuutt R,111 - "dU -4 _-IUL UlhlI Messrs. Frani Stutü aiîd John Gilfil- ]an spent Suiîday w eek last at Maple Grox c. Mr,. and Mis. A. A. Gains3n, ami tami Qvy aie camiping at Morton Park, Lake Simcoc. Miss Mele 1-osdia, St. Thomaus, is 'visiting- lier grauditsher, Mr'. Thoias Dloncaster. Mr. 1Mai. Tlioapson'las mnoved inito his residence rcently i acated 1)iy Mr. James Wood. The Band expert3 to g ie an open air Concert ini Bow 1anville iin the course of a wee4c or two. Dr. M. M. Tucher, Messrs. William Thoitpson aîïd S. Ouille atîeaied Mlas- onie Grand Lodge, lu Toroînto. Mrs. James Kerr, aini dangliter Port Hope, Mr-s. Mcean, Toroato, former resii Its here, are iititî old frieîîds. Miss Bertlha Glinian entertaiaed a nunîtber of lier i onng fi iends Tucesday eveing ,,,ai tle residence of Mr'. N. E. Hall's. Mr'. andiMrs. 1m. Ârmstrong, aîîd Mr'. C. G. Armnstrong, accoropanied by Ibeir îaother, aie i isiting' fricnds at Bradford, Penni. Mr'. W'îa CGornul, ot Solinla, wvas in town reccntly. Mi'. Corrui i talkinig of erectiag a de lihemc, and again bccoiiîmia iesident of ouirtow îî. ¶Veakness cf Body sM UnMd. Effects of Er- - rors or Exces§es in 014 or Young. - Robust~ No-~fble lvanbood tlly r Restored. How to en. W o ak, Undevelcped y < Organs and Parts ci Bcdy.Abslutely un- 'f failingHomne Treat. ment-Benefits i n a 9 day. Men testifr frors 50 States and Foriia Countries. Write them Descriptive Bock, ex" MnPW1m" pantOn. and:proork k titI EDICAL GO.., oiîrW. u#y BIY191fyoi Go f0 RICKARD'S for there yen eau get- bai gahîis,geuiuiic bargais evcîv day and cvcry heur of the dlay. Noue but the best gerodls k-epf iu stoclk. Eyesight fesfed viitlîenf charge. T. N. RIOKARD, W amîchîcu-Srr, Jeu liii ansîlOptîrmaut, BesuitAs1NiLota eEdsBlc Miss Jecîîui Jams, Beamnsilce, andc Mi'. auJ Mrs. P. L James, cf Pontiac, Midi., baie been gaests of ilueir matîser Mrs. Jas. Bey nolds. TUE Cuan anDmnFor, DAu ,Suas,,-I îîas sufferiiier.y uclsfraui Diarrboea and canld get, ncthing ta cure nie. A fricîd talJ une et Dr. Poxi ,ler's Extract af AVild Sti'a-iicrryv, andi a feuw Jaoses couîspletely cîîrcd ie. Tutas. L. Ca A1 Meluta, Ma n O NE 0F1" THE BUN- FORTUNATMES? AreyOll SllfferÎng wliel yOll Slild be Wel PaÎlle's Celery Coffpound Wil Bestow the HeaItil Yoll Nced. Meus ai-Jd w ouncuuduuriug the healed terni of sunni'r, w lia haie Ihose lircd, languiiiaud dcs1soîdeisi feelings Ilsai indicate depletcd blood, and a- teeble condîtions of tlhe ns rous su-stei, need Paine 's Celcry Canmponds, isat reiiiirk- abie tiers-e streiigtueuucr anJ fiesîs builti ci' now 50 gcuerally prescribed by île Siel beadîtaies, ners-ons pr'ositationi, Jeprcsion re r fvlct auJcaaîîon in the ot suchiser.Litedi usamiser- ablc,aud thausauîds suifer intense agany. Paiîe 's Celery Caumpound i. îicly a nd snrely repaius the wsaed, suoru ouit, nervs ntissues,' calmis auJ reg-ulates îuerî'ous action, auJ brie-s liat swcet rest auJi refrcslung sieep fisat 1naIes re- coi ery casy auJ quiic. Mca and wis-uen ah os ci Canada are regrîlai îusiuîg Paiie's Celcry Ccmpouiud forrcîesueinsg' lIeu' sy sîcîn anJ stong thue utoi-titcentreasu-ýitis streiiugtlu anJ cusergu. Tac uîedicine Ibat int he past bas Jonc, sncb grand suaak for atlîcrs, is cen tuui s ia haru slouldruse. Paiuchý Celcus I1ICoussIporuid crures uiositiucly atud r pci'isauiiiustly. BEEIBPTS. Balance on lband Juis-v isst18941.. 1839 48 Met puoceeds frinu Ainuiscusany. 1(0 21 Collections. ......... ......... il 80 Total .......... .............. 150 94 Library,..........$ 59)885 Papers andJPenriodicals......43 44 Hi inals ......................85 76 S. S. Thuies.............B5) S. S. Aid ................. 0 S. S. Beports...........1 40 Prntiiug ............-...........6 50 Sunsdries ...................... 21 71 Total cxpcuses ............... .169 16 Bal.-overdraw n oui Trcasrur.. 18 22 P. J. GEOAT, Secuclai'y, LAURA SAITEE, Assit Sec. DAIILINýGTON COUNCIL. Toî-%is Hall, Hampstan, Julu 27, Begular nmeetinug' ieînbei's ail present' minutes rcad and caufirnînd. Munuber et accounts w cre prcsented auJ laid an lise table. A commsunicatian w-as prcscnted tram ID. B. Siampsaou, Eso., ne-sale af raad ai- la-wanccs betîsecu lots 84 auJ 85 in'tlbc 7th, StI auJ Ouiconceessions. Cler w as iîsstrusctcîi ta gis etiseuecessarv noutice Ibat a By-law w iil bc lira Juccd for the purîsase uauwcd aiitse mseetinsg oet tis Caruusil t ta lie place an Saîrra 2stuî day et Septcnsiber.ncext. Mi'. Alcexandier Wight limade applea- Iiauu tan couupeusatiaus for ijîry caîîsed by hanse goinig as ci an enîb)aikîneult. rctcrrcd la a cainsiittce af the Becs e auJ Messrs. Cîcîncus auJ Paster la repart aI nex i meeting. Mr'. Georg-,e Aluin applicd tar a ucu euh cri retenu cd ta Mr.'.Courtice. Messrs. Truli auJ Jacks applied la base w ater course cleared ont reterreti ta Mssr. Courtice, Pr seoandu Clcuucus tan exanulîstian auJd report ai next mieetinge Tîhe Becse prcscuted a repart trans tise caasniltec oui îe apsplicatiaou af Mr'. Law for aîcusinsg 4tlî concession hile ta the effecl tuaI ils usat adi isalîle ta g'aîut tue applications ut lresettbuit recons- îuucudiig tise seiline- of thtlniertflere- oiteus usmotiaus cf Mn. Cîcaucus secanJeti lîy Mi'. Pascac tIcelicese w as appointeti ta seli tbe sainie. Tise Becs e also rcpertcd trans thecamn- asiittne appainicd tb cxaumine thc road bei-w enu lats .16 and 17 BPF. reeoand- ing t lue apcîing'ofethlie road fraut the Base Liue othie cdge of ibe uarsl tht îaad ta l, full siidth 4 rails. COn mstion et Mn. Cleaseas secandcd bu Mi'. Pas- ccc tIse report -was adapted andîthe cicrk iîustructnîl ta ustity the parties la place tueur tfisces eus thse lise. Tise Bs- lau la les-y tiseiraIes iuud to tie furuler îîcstpaîseî as saine etflihe Ïsehoal trustees lad nat beubchardtfrom, buuî île"-enceral rates wecm fixcd at4 uilîs inil't'e dallai'. The Bee is ns iuslructed ta grauu orders au tise treasîri' tai' te follaîxiisg suts M.A. Jaunes 'riutiusgs oteus list reJu'cîil frou,î 95 4 1ta 95). ,lauîes H. eJ,119 liadi giT:iel-.45. E, C. PBeu usail, 573 loaî,sgUal,8.5ý. Alex Wight 60 lead(7 -'au niL$8 J i aîiiui, 143 laads 'qs i i' V"114 . W.E. Caurtice, il' loti ga'cinS.~5,Edmnud Maore, l168 loaais zucusel 8À5. Thonsu o't 145 $7isîrn i.25.90H.Ar-gîte, 5 loàts s ci c .5 is. Ksasîs,îsc daima-ss ru. Llîjah Bite, sbeep'dinsages S5.83. BclarSt'sn, shecp Jaussages $2, InsdigenssB. « iusat-,Janet iWilson aussi MîIs.Cîirti1 5e.r;Mrs. Malletti 94; Mrs. Latun, Mnc. Ssh',Tita. W an *8 cuel;- Mrs. Siaî T. Wiiccx, Msh prar ilit oi1-eiin, J.Coauch S2 ir.tsussua:' 'dite iciis 2lu Thilnl i s usruceita usa ntifi Zehasal Ob tbatulesali e Lis h: Jogs auounce for ix ri iIubsieep, pro lediuuss nulit tikcitaautîisthi. Oni s-tion tise eoruuuil aîijarnîcîi( Satrurda , Au-g. Sîst ai li) a. nu. R. W'INDATT, T. C. Tlo ail titase sulicrin" tfram iýer' co Debulits anti " 'rkrs Lest )Maiiid tirematnre De cay _IîîbIr~Ht jaLc17kf nin Cetîiuce. iUrîiî,l D1,resiluon ii'ikINiinrý , Exlianîte id /iality, Errcrs cf X ca, Viariuocile, etc., a cr111 "iieolicgoiuar One Dollar Faikige cf clîlDr. Gordcn's Bemiedi' for ln, iif actu erite tis wa'îiiIX a lss ft r vc a1vi ccpy cf titis pajier, îîîtilÈ5 re'. 'f r joliisealto rit exîti Old Dr, Gordon's Remedy for Men.ý Creates olea' ferre farce and ponecrfol manhacti. A Cure ks Guaranteed. Tc E'f ry elneasig titis r'euacccrdiog (c directicns, ci' iotîivchecrttillx. yiîd ctiscien- tjously i'einded. Price, :f-1, Six Packages. $53. Senit 1'y mail to an« vpoitr!il Oie.J. S.co Canada.sectiri ly sealed, free,, froîn lutrti- For ix Pays citîxafter reais bp cio f this riper- adi ir". xamaaticn aitdi.cite,(ic Da)ila r pai -ir'aLîse.nifr 'e. Tlîcse acrcptiýog titis citer 1)- letter trast rît nce 12 cetnts la sfîmnps. Ciititlis ont, if a olif appear agalît. Adtctrcss, QUEEN M1EDICNFlý CO., 31-2a. Box 947, Montrent. ~ARB1AGE LICENSES issned by Wtt5. Bsurt Eniiiskiilcn. 28-Cia D ESSMAKIMG Jane bv Miss Martha Fraie, Coi'. King"and iifî'rio strict. Cep OO SLATING.-C. L. Munison, -n Bowan tville Slair, Frît and Chaud IRoof' cr 3 iii'. rABGE SAPE PCB SALE-Cheap. tJ-ýAppîly to Tua MAsoN Cc'fa'Asi, Boa'iao11 ille,. 25 if. 1M/USIC MISS MABEL TAIT is pre- ai îared tte arli Mtsircin Organ iano or 5/ilin Ilîatlier ow'îîor jîtpilIs resider. 28tfi. MA -ACR.Ladieýsu-shughar Ltdoc ie . aI f os i-iis, Ilin* Strret, Si ., 1Boa trais 11e. ï28 tt. C ART TO ENCHANGE Wtauted la rxclai"eCart -iieCltig's nuirait for ligit i on 11 ai"ol. Apply ho Tut M iscaCnaI'ANY, Boa'niiî il le. 28 if. F ARM POIRSALE COR BENT-GoaJ 100 acre farm fcr saleor te recf, joifoofîlide rte tca'n cf1Bwa'noille, ait 6 )OOacres in flic Townshiip cf Cartw'righit. Appîhy to Tîîc'îAs BiNseAxî, bcx 72, Boa'oîanuhlle. 36 f f. W AMTED-YauugiiýWomien aad Mea yyor obicr cites if sf111 yîtîiii spirit. cf niîdcuilt'd liarîrfer. "-ccd fulcîrsiambiticots auOîiSt-nt. cati tiind emîîlcsnient in a g-ccd caose,,îsith SOO.OO user inonti and nînvards, arerdoti' te ibiiry. ljii. T. S. LîxîrOci', Brintford, Cao. 27-6w. FABM TO BENT Par a lcrm of vears, '-GlIclîtt'ire f)oacres 'filile' freiniity gocd lbuilding"s ad sdil; admîirable fer sifecrc dairy. Chinre fer, peu" extirîli noeTo- mutebrniik boineor i stock raisiîtp'fer Auiieri- can markef. McIte h aittcapital eîiiy ieed ijiply. J. il. Dcow, Wltfy. PlAINTING AMD PAPEBHAMGING SxuuiN& LtrîusTein is aing entercd late îusrfîîcrîhiîî te carry onfisc Wall Faîte' aîd Painting business, arcesie nw s, oiiip lririfl aiid ecap pîcpers ant its f ail shaîles if uery les, prires. Store in rein's BlocS, opîpesire the Balmuorai, Boi ni11e. 21-9sm, AGENTS 1MAMTED-Parîuers w auit Aiig. hardy, catiie steciýtgfeplaît titis t cm- iitl a'~i e if iii a cri<. W aant nlets wiflior a ithot experienre on ftoll or partf unir. Saliry al d cxpeo'ses oci îiissiec. iirite if nce fer forfiier inorinitieii. BîcwN Bacs. Co-iii' six, Coîstinetîîal Nuirscries, Torotfe.Olt- arie. 23 3m. I3 COTS AND SIIOES BEPAIBLD.- (ln St cd. iî"ii te cifizens fer t1i i r U' 1 itit rom.' ! iil tie t if, l-. Dy lireirtfattendfinît te boilu id md -lof rlîsansiîip, hlies testil0 menit a slîîr' If'fthcir ixork. AIl Siods etfico and short ni'-Iv-and prinîpfiy sndudI. 1î1îs1 a trial anItl ieitllciii lice yeîî ii if iù lic îiys is froc. fKic" St., Boa-muail11e. 2 f Guardian's Notice. IN TE ME uRumOFaTEIE GuAuINauSuîr au THE INFANT CBiLDREN 0F GEORGE EDWRusa MANNING, DECEASED. Apriicatieîî xilil'be madle Ife lu rrepi c Certricfflie Unteîd Centies cf Norfltuîiliei-1iiiîi aIndDorbin efere tue Jîid>,e in Chîamsbers if tise Couîrtf letîse ii inte feîî'îof Celiettro' ater thnexp'ilratieonof ia'etits tus sfroîtithe dirili licaîlcît lîereei ncii lîrisaf etThe Traits Cerper- a ttb eti tOnttario fer tai erîer appoiti"-'gtise saliS TrussferpiaieitoetOttario triarduatîs eto Alice Ethel Ml\tuiiiîi iigmtîîe Toîvos Mantiiolo Leia MiinsDip, Geore iddlett i Maoniuitiand Rodbert Statîley Maipiiii- infatf cisildiru cf flue suid George Edîs arcitaîîîiplate etftfelteis n et Bowis taitilte, ni iseCenty etDrhaîn, *Hardisare Merchiiol. dereasedi. S Daurd if Bois îaîîî 111, Jnly 8Stb A. D., 1895. t Tnt Toi sis COitPOcATIesNcOFOsNTAROO Dly D. B. SIMPSON, riseir Seliciter. ci PORlSALE OF dB AT ES F AIRM. The Suscriheil' vl tetce tenîdiers iciTIHE '0 t -is ci- t- j Sueeess ? Yes thaf is the word that properly express- es the resuit of our new business dnterprise. WTe searcely expeeted the publie to respond so quieckly but people are getting viser and are not slow in f aking hold of a gooct thing when if is off ered. We are doing fhings on a big: seale both buying and selling and that means low pricesù. Those who wish to pay others $1.25 for exaetly the sanet goods that vie seli for ý1 rnay do so that is their own bus- iness, all vie want is to let the faets -be known and the vise econoinieal bnyers viill iook into the niatter, we havs-,,- 110 feai of the i esult. Dry Oioods Departmient. This is first and always the leading& departnient- of' ouir store and the niatter of advanfage in buying in large quantifies shovisvery prorninently 'here. Quality our first consideration. Nev stylish goods at very low prices. Grocery Department. We have been very agreeably surprised at the sales, in this department and the inference vie draw is thaftlthe enstorners are satisfied. We are only foo pleased f0 divide- the profit viith yen and wiul continue to do so. We antici-- pate 3 our viants and have all flic delaeaeiçs of the seasoni ready for you. We have already established our naine a s having fthe best Teas at the least rnoney in towný, corne( and get a samiple. Gdllt's Fllrllishillgs alld Ordored ClothÎRg Departfidlt. Those special hunes offcered last vieek we nt quickly\, sonie more oftfhose extra value wihite shirts -and a f ew, dozenties Put out to mun off tiis vieekz. Clothing WTe are aviare that if is betveen seasons for getting- nevi clothing, so to btimiulate the trade vie are quofing, priees at ihl it wiul pay gout to -buy even if you do not require the articles just at present caîl and have a look anyia y. BOOTS & SHOES Fortuuafely for us ve had a big stock on hand whent the prices vient Uip, vie are giving, the public the benefit of if. Atter a vihile vie'll have f0 charge more for the sarne goods. You eau save money by buying now. Jewelry Department. Although this is but one departmient of our store ieý viant the public to kuow that vie show as large a stock to select fromn as any ordinary jevielry store. Our goods. are nevi and up to date in every' partieular, the big dif- ference hoviever is that vi\e do not charge any-u9-y ilcai' ordinary jewelers preces. cîUj PowMŽAsxNVrLU'. XVTANTED I-IELP-men or uramen iYnu n tri lot aliiy (oral or tras'ciiiii"') te intrednre a neur dlseeucry, anti SecpOr sltea nards tarketi up ca trees, traces ant i> Dit'ce in teins antiCountray. Steady emjtheymeuît. 'Coin- ission or sahary ',66 per meontisand rxîîeînss muid mney drpeatfrd l-it> luitiit ixlira stmrted. For psrfiriars vritr Tnt -r'tPcAt.ELocînie Ce., P.(l. bex 21, Lendon, (tut., tan. 37 if wiOOL!XVOOIg! Teruidersfgme Frire ferirce iVO(lL iivdrrd af liii ntihh ai IHamtpft. Briutp ourcor sin asecîs as sltrirred and taie s enichies troîtu sirioiku 'e. Te tisese is iîo st-io eeciuuefer, "ondiipe lai tenus svhihibc'li tvn. Tisaniu' iigte ttdir for tiîir Ifisrai utoi~,a -e luitheci0 nhcii us"- a coîitiuuuaîîe cf iur saisie, I risaiit.y cr oesdieît sirisant, P. Tus o. 21-3ot. ABM FOR SALE-A firsi dlastarin T F12 etears or i-i5 actes sifomird la rite Toîshsip cf Lait Wblitlhy, Ist (oceti. eu53 uutt 16 oui the Bie Lit. alîcot nmilcs tro i shawa- station, 2 tuiies ireni i huihîxantdi601 edi ircîi barnt9aaxkttt, p ity i riruit, soil ay leuti, il- toetitrr cteeoft hic bs" praio tarots oui thîrLake Shure; noc billisanditi rots. Ahbout 10 erci et ss cd, 75 ameciniiiasturr sud fresît seeded. Tertnts eas y; irsi deiit"doe.Fer farriser parficalars appis' te A Asssitolta a t. WÏîT EOA good i uinyann dis- ' itt d i "erClit 'tbetToise lirseeifse Domiionitu osirioni icrinamuetît. s uars orcuti- mrissiont te rihrtiant. Sithth iri e iucrsiîîp- de- ittuuit for trait a piionlcit ili rs as sahîsotuu r ili pa yeuu iefrer titati etîpaphît"-iiuiarai aork. Seutti nsycuir applicationi autd ie wil sisoîr yen lioto terip-ccd mniut. -Setisoci tecîters, its jusi tlîetihî'-for en drtîianîstm'er. i-rite fer purtici-iars te Sieur, & WELtLINTNto, Teono (efaulo. 22-31oi WANTED Seven Bright Men. 5, F. ALLEN. fe tieirOi'aoothis, ferai uer. cii atil i Excetor fer Bites Kîa, . ut c.iîc"hh c "au5 i c c roîtui ,Iar cordiiîîpt)te Vo ilumeî and vueof o Bos tais 11e Ju> , 81. 2 ii. reports. Acddrrst, fior fuliiiiîauiii. Ilcal Puas, csh graccry, has ni- cheese thîs uck TPOLITIE AL BIOGi? AFfiE. flAMERwra29.BRANTFORa, ONT. EST4BLISHED !855 rIE&BURCLA HAVE M peNRoVE, E lS NTTOUwatIOTHER MAKES THAWILWELL REPAYAN INVESTIGATION EeY THOSE W HDë-rO'SCF- DEsIRETSEUE THE BESI SAFE u/ & J TrA YL OR. TORON TO SAPE WV/pANS, TORON TO.' IrJNTReAL VAN¶COU VER' _ZWNI. $VlC TQRl, SOFALA POLISH. LADIES, use Hook's Safalu SIac Pal- iah fai' Ladies and Chldreu's flue Pools and Sboes; lIc fincît to prcscrs-c îuîe lealiucn and kccp il reliable. Il w-ut heave a pahish like satin. Par sale by Baat and Sbo al eirs. FARM FOR SALE. BcinptisrSeti ptrn f the Soft is aiflot 54, Cetsset, iihpe, anti beilnp ue isteofntdet îis uiElijaiîStsevuns, roîîsiîfin et .0 Acres, utore or iris. Ou tise taras are eiueos Pr eiiiîp, carriapie nse ira, stablsetantisiseds, and a s ry iargr nomber'o cf fruit trees lutfulli berne", und a liing sîrneau e ateronsver poing dry. Fortisusîrr au hlougpis fise liîusas fas i asfic ereuis arreiîarîesteti, antifull possessioti ct., i nent. If oet seld Dy Sert. 2ad nsi, a-lu te scîti Dy publiic aurtic u t t iat date. Troums. îa per renit. dcii e ut tise finie cfsae and balarce ou(cf.Isut acat. THOMAS CONANT. Execor Es:a'c Eiijali Stes eut Oslhaawa, Jur 4tis, 18Dm. J 24-2111 S. S. ELDSALL. AGENT FRuTHEiu i'attIsNG, FiaST CLA5.Sý CautuAis"Es. NY' orS Litle Iîuaîuec Ce. Surplns oet .0".OOOTissaccunulation Fehiry coîtiahas mor goarîsîefitutauy pîîeiy issîscd Dy mis e1ter eeai Io tiltise saiîte finie tisere is a cenîdtr i'si of condifiioi. Tise Son Fire tsoateCe, et London, ther cideit pnrehy Fini Co., btseacr6 T'lîe Aprraunral Itîsarature Ce, cf W aiertesx-n N.Y. A sisare et yor latorarce ueicifd. Officer, 'AIIETY IIALL, 114 t, BesiinanuliýLe. faýrgiD Newx'P.sitlal SidnM t ite ExcunrsIlon Stenuier. "CITY 0FPET ERBRO Flýis g-oitu t a aters betaeý t 'eere o tui ittiile' F iv' alu d Ii 16 uaita.rse Ms-trsvood ,Ke-"nc ittuti Rtî" pî o îti sri'r. T'he Cun aouts conl i rrniue sr ii tdurnttiTitutuSk-itpiC'tauoFati Tîa ?ias>, ut as ylv5ot Senduay Selîouls, C;ýirhi decut.s-o putriseirholingp- fi r l r1xurirttoi thte 0anieter ae cqesite cii;iuiiaeaii theeorauIau tteuuati,.uuer;I-ý;io iyt1 tr deiphîtîuhîsil; n îryîlîiug int ea'.3 tdi E. S. PDASIDS(NT 2eS(crc'tîry, Ftrurups 1