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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1895, p. 2

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No Dr. H .merriz. NoOther e.-diclne 60 THOROUGH AS 4 JZS parilla Btatexnent of a Well Known Doctor "No other biood niedicine that 1 have ever used, and 1 have tried them ail, is se thorough in ifs action, and imany pr anent cures as.Ayer's Sarsapaiila.- H. PF MERRILL, Augusta, Me. AVeîsonmyaparilla Admitted at the World's Fair. Ayer's Pills for lUoer and bowels. CGENTS WANTED wiso desüe ý Liýn froni$iS to $25 weekly. 'If eau bE loue sellfing our hardy, guaranteed, Canadiar groivnr Nursery Sz0ck. Saiary or enmnmipsiO) tond weekly. Exclusiv e îerritory. IIasdsomE )utit free* Write us at once for turms E 0. (lsÂItAAs, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont 14-14w. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Three good brick dwellings of 8 and" . roonE each with eood gardens situate in good part of hle town offlowmanville. O od celars, well a nd other convenieuce. Fa, mers or otherE wantiiiý to ubornes in town shouid sea thes( Iroetics. They wili be Fo1d cli3ap on eaBY froels. Appiy for further particulars te Mit E. WHITE, Wellington St. E. Bowmanville. DiR. TAirs ASTISMALENE C U R ES ASTHMA Gves a Nighb's Swee Bleep so thret you need nlt st up alt1 Mgh gasping for brcath for fear of suffocation. O receiptof naine and P'.O. addres DP will mail 'Trialt Blttie IWFREE D.TAFT BROS. MEDICINE CO., ROGHiESTER, N.Y Toronto Branch, - 186 Adelaîde St., W. Use Dr. Ta ftes White Pine Syrup for auaieIreti aSbt-tie oS Iedjo0InesoT Fe 1 1 , AM C . ýj 186W deod tree . ,,iOui. CURES SOLIS, CHOLERA, DIARRHOEAl, DY SENTEý7RYy OHOLERA.4MIORDUS, CHOLERA UNFANTUfl and al Suinmer Compiaints and Pluxes of the Bowel. It la safe and reliabie for Chfidren or Aduif . For Sale by ail Dealer$. By a new devce recentiy patemted ln U. S. n, Canada by OCHAS. 0CL.UTME CAïBE wi-rm NO INCONVNIENt'E C14EAP BY MAIL Your naisse f0us m. n5 lorfrfto0yen. ~~ CHAS. CLUTIRE case 1341<1110 S. WEST TrOFDNiO--- -CANAnA Narrow Escape. 1 owe My ie li a miracle, said oee the combatants te Murger, the authoro La Vie des Bohemes (Life in Bobemia).. bad left in my pocket a five-frane piece andi Vte bail struck dead on the spot wheri If was. In your place I sbould have been a deas man, was Murger's repiy. Poliùe lerli-Man ont there wants tI be locked up. Ofliia-What's he donc? Nothing. Hie says ho bas no home, nc snoney to pay for a ,jodging, le tired wa1kl ing the Bfreets, and if î5 damp oufdoorsi. The- fo i Comin' around her o f)DE locked up wheu lie has'f rohbed a stor, Dr kfiled a aar, or anything. Kick hiýr Dut ! bave been obliged Vo previde h imself with 200 miles long. a cedaver. If bas heon suggested that ___ .0 panb'apsb is firet aIse stop was the thef t sts-nLw e. cf s corpseeren a graveyard, sud thatSitr-n aw under evil influences ho may bave been letI 3Jinks-Wbat tender cane yeur wife takes he into an undetakiug Io sxvudle nsurence of yen. Always worrying about yoor e, companies by the substitution of deai health. n bodies. Once started in the psth oi crime, Blnks-Yes ; I have muy ie isrd l ho was unable te ex tricate biuîschf, org lever of my sister.t Children cryfo U1~11~l 111V JE erbpesf111 goaded by pecuniary noces- THE F IENIY8 AR Y LIE Ulsîfy, he- plunged deaper. The depfb to which ho bas gono, the authoritios are now -- desperately tryiDg to discover. A WEIRD STORY OF MURDERER Iu tha New Hampshire village to-day HOLMES YOUNGER DAYS. whero Mudgeft was bora his dentity wrffi the man now imprisoned nuder the namo of Ster ani Rlee Amng iseHUi ofH. H.- Hommes la doubted by somne of the Bori an RasedAmog te 1111 Ofold residents. It le said thaf bis f afler, New egamphîs5e-Married When VerY wbo is bordening on eighty years Of age, b Yoillig te a Bright 1Voassm Wonan- helieves bum, even at this time, teolbe sdden iappearailsee rrom Home- dead. e f5s Reln Naisse l% Serman R. lsîtgett The disappearauce of Mudgett from bis ri -go ita Asyliomifrr a Nunber Of N'ew Hampshire home-fifeen years agq basa Vemrs, lie Says iBis Arsest lai Boston. e sequel. Oua stormy nigbt in Novembçr The folowiug very interesfing story of last a atranger limhed tbe frozen buils near Holmes' eary carear is reprinted from the wbere the village lies sud bastencd ltc theI Philaelphe, Prss:-door of a cottage. Theonight was dark andt Phîadepem Prescold, and the efranger was givea shelfer. L Up amoug the bufis of New Hampshire, It was Mudgef f. Wifhiu tho eut fage atf where the sferilify ci the soil and the wbioh he cailed wero tbe wife of bis youfht rigors of t ne climate produce a hardy and the cbild lie bad neyer seen, hn commnif, iurodto fu ad notcd for growu Vu be a atout lad.t commnity inred a til a Fo said ho bad been iucarcerated in an the simplicity aud spirituslity of ifs asylum as a pauper lunatie for a number of everyday life, there developed into man- years. Ho liad bood twenfy ycars ago s youfh to whom LOST ALL MEMO1VYt the paths of cvii seemed Vo be uuknown. aud ail trace of the past tbrougb fbis pe-u His lufe was as simîple aud as common- cuiar misfoniîune, hol said, wbeu by nomec plae a a lai Ne Enlau la coldinexplicable circumsfanee bis reason and bist plac as plan Ne Engand ad culdmeiory returned to hlm in an instant, andc flud if bred upon a fanas. From infaucy ho was broughf back f0 himself. The roturu np to the peiod of engaging iu life's of bis faculties was like the flash of a ligbf, sfruggles is associations were pare. The be sald, and -if brougbî hlm back f0 the old1 nevercross thedays when hoeloi t bis New England home, E brcatb of cvil had noe rsedth His wife, wbo had become divorced, butî thrcsbcld of this rustie home. An aimes- who lied uot remarried, was overwhelmeda pherre of peace and a spirif ot deeply moral by the surprise, if is said, aud became reveenc perade if andwitin h ystonîcal wifh joy. TIhe strauge story of r reveencepervdedit, nd wthinthethe sudden stroke of insaity was implicitlyr shadow of tbis wholesome influence a char >beieved, noV oly by the long-deserted ' ater was formed in wbîch it secms almost wife, but by the pôaile of tis 'illage,1 i impotsible for the seeds of depravify ever T'ilton, la whicb she was living last No-a te hve ben îplaucd.vember. ta hve ben iplaned.Af ter relating this story, Mudgeft By nature Vhe child reered in snob sur- decliued Vo accept the hospifalify cf bis oroundings bore the early sfamp cf piety. wife't, bome on that cold and gloomy nigbt,t bc is boyhood was especially marked for, th wben bie returncd as suddenly as though a .mefeor bad dropped from the sky. H1ec n absence of the usual mischievous propensi said hae muet basten Vo the village cf GiI-v e ies which boybood la proue Vo. Ho was maufon, Vo sec is parents.- Ho left that a t-what the commuuify, and particularly the nigbt, and the next time he was beard cf t maternel porfton of it, would designafo a h e nBao.1ewsfeigfo -good boy. He bai no vicious traits. If arrest sud was searcbing for a hiding.placev report is te ho credited, the conduet cf bis wben hoe visited the home cf bis deserted t youth was marked by obedjence andi doler- wife and son. 11ewas subsequeutly traced1 us e ncecf0 bis parents, aud an estimable Vo Boston, where thle detecfmves fiually 1 -tg deporfment cf ftic litVlje village seheol bie I'sed lu upou hlmn, aud brought hlm tVo Ils aftcnded notfar from is home. tols cify durng the investigation of thea ýrs Pitezel insurauce conspiracy. The irouy se RIS EARLY SIÂRIIAOE. cf fate overtook hlm. jf lhe had divulged t By As the years multiplied aud f imo difted ta no eue bis inîteution of visitîug bis old Asby at a lazy pace,tbe 11f fie New Hamîpshire borne lu New Hamlphire, lie might bave village fook delightinl the nuptiale wbich been secure mîere, bdiug frem the uniced this proinisiug boy, uow close to world, wbere hae was offly known as Holmes. man's estate, te a Vright yoîng womnau cf But hoe mlii bis assocmates lu the West i et hatlocalify. The wedded pair were veny wberc hoe was goinie, and ho was trackedf htyenng. The groom was little more han 18, thene by the officers cf the iaw. anau the bride was yonnger. A uew career -opened fa the youug man, wbo bad beau Y. the model youth of the place,btt ifs vry TEtLLS A STRANGE sTORY. threshold he fond a heavy obstacle in bis GmcoO~eeie Gener Orrae MetTtv4 Gentai Sis-amgers pafb.'11e was poor.'0h ine lti Oto$f. His 11e had hecu speut withiu ftheo sadow SliSwlelhisOtcf$1. -of the old homestead, and bis days bad been A despateli from Toronto sys -.-Genoro *given to toil ou a f amts. Life preseuted ne Orrese le an Ifaliau laborer, residing at ropportunities wtbiu the narrow horizon of11 Yokarew, crdn tahs a aNew England vllagthat promised eithorr117 Yrk gestr, wh, acodn o bis advancement or riches, aud the soul of this ewu tag frb esac o O.young benediet sighed for other fields. An frustiul nature and innocence of the way ý *ambition filledh limto become aphysici an, and cf the world, te-day mourus the loss cf $625 xitb cmmaudmble git sud determination the accumulation of monthis of toil. Xhist 1 hae pushled ont le the world tuowiu the raward taking an aiing, Orrase sys hoe mot af of bis bopes. Ho securcd an epporfunity couple ofccutrymen. The latter wereE to sfudy medicine iu the uiversify et Anis mest winniag lu manuar, sud if was acf Arbor, Micigan, by toliîîg fer bis fuition, long bel ore the trio were exchangiug cou.- and thitheo benit. fidences. Orrase, ont of the innocence cf1 Wheu he wenteaway full ofdeterminafioa hie beart, lot sîip the isef thaf hae was ni te carve a path for hîmîclf in the wonld he possesrsion cf a sume cf ready inonoy. One bore tho sfamp of a bomely clad rustic, cf the sitraugers then infmmafed that lie1 Ho kuew nofhing cf the world, axcepf that was tho owuon cf a valuable mine lu Colo- bie hoped to couquer if. Ha carried wifh rade, whieb wonld yield untold westh, hlm onily the parfing affection, and the anti gracously ollered Vo taire Orrase mufoi blessing ci those dear old parents, wbo, partnership, but first cf ail shcy muet take nlzhly,in the observance of family prayers, a trip togethen ta their native ]and. The iuvoked flic protection of Providenceofoer suggestion was then made tîat ail parties hmm when hie had gone. Ho loI t behind flihebould place their money together unfil sweet pîety cifthe home of bis birtb aud the tilue for startiug came. Naturaily boybood. enougli, Orrese was uuwilliug te part so BIS RITUElS HOME. readîly with bis carnmnigs, util the offeri Aiter tise lapasecf an iDtervai, wblch wes forthcoming te put ln bis possession a seemed like au age ta a louging wlfc, the valise contaiuing a lump of gold sud other good young man cf the New Hampshire valuables, Then the two mou disappcared village returued to it. fie was no longer with Orras's cash. abhome-clad tustie. Ho had beesi transform. Affer witiug long for their return, if cd. A marked feafure of hie attire was occurred ta Orrase Vo look into the valse. a silk bat cf fashionable shape, sud bis 1V contaiued only a fcw wofhloss articles, apparel bore e stamp cf qualify tîaf the aud thon'tho poor fellow realuzed that hoe N ew Hampshire buIs wero netf familiar with. bad been swiodled. Siraigbtway hesougbf Fortune seemed f0 have cest an oye of ouf Michael Basse, Vo whom lic told hie faveur on the upigbt youth, sud the sforyï sud the two tirai made kuewn the village was proud to owu hlm. isets fi the police. So feir no ,trace of the H1e weat hack tai Michigan, aud agaiso Vwo genial strangers bas lissa bond. returned Vo New Hampshire, te settle dowu ta the quiet sud respectable occupa- The Bank of Seotland. tien of a rural physicien. A few years hae Thebauk of Scotlaud, now 200 yoars old, lîvod with bis wiîc wifbin the shadow oi bis parents' home. Ha bad becomne changed nafurally soughf Vo encourage Scottish lu- somewbat. Froin a quiet, reserved, sud dustries, aud Ibis iashsowu lu the manufac- somewhat proudish boy, hae becama a man turo of ils peaper for notes. The firat large oi surprising activity, as the later develop. oa-eemd n116 wnysmln mente of bis careergive the fullcst assurance ntswr aei 66 wnysiln of ainsd in mauy ways bocaîne a îoîally notes, as fhey wore termed, beiug culy Sdifferent character. iesued on Aprul 7, 1704. la 1729 the bank's One day wbilc bis wie was about ta paper was manufactured et Giffordball, tecome a mother, he dlsappeared irom the rear Haddingfon. Attcndants liad Vo ho New Hampshire village as suddeuly aud prosent lu the bank's inferesit. sud their completely as a falot star vaulshassla the accouaf was paud by fhe bank, Oua item sky. The child was hemn, but the father was "aie and bread furnished to the work nover came back, sud lbe was men, 108." ; anrd another for "1drink money SIOURNED AS DEAD. 80 servants, £4 17s. 6d." The items are To-dy tbt ftherlie peu ina dimalsuggestive, although if is possible they only ceil in Moyamensiug prison. Hi. namne trta l 135et badik mouoy lu wnshi n Ilr.EMudgeatî. This is a true record lu73tehakgtistwtyslig lu the bowL. Serve at once. We refonm othens unconseiouîsly when wo wahk uprigbtlr.-Mmne. SusecêhinE. Pitcherls Castoria. ABOUT 111IE BOUS E.J RENOVATING. laltlng ever Mtiatresses, lleaclsfamtFlan- nets and Eresenîng Carpets. Many a mattrese lu which the bain bas tecome matfcd and heavy may be.Fnuvat- ed at homo witb no oxponse sud nof very uucb labor. Take tha ain ontsud spnaad on boards ln the open air, thon tbonoughiy beat it wmth whips ont il tho dusut is ail out; pick the soanîs spart, and wbcu iigbt ne- turn te the case sud tuf t. If the day is onezy sud sunny let the baîr remalu cnt for soveral bonne. Neyer wet thc bain as the con is artuficiel aud will noV stand damupos. Whcu the bain le prepared 18 Le vwiBtad jute nopes ; wet ; thon kilo- dried sud finally combod eut by macbiueny cahled cnrled bain. W'hite flaunehe that bave become yellow uay offan ho bleoched to loch as white as n0w. When half dry bang lu a close box oir barrel, aven a snhphur emoke for hali or fbnee qoartere cf an bour. A teaspoonfol oif enîphur makes a strcng enough emolte, lu s banrel or box oi about the saine sîzo. As soon as teken ont prose with moderate- [y warm irn. Vhen pressing flan- noe, if a smoofb surface is dcsired. have a clothb btwe6n the flannel sud ircnansd pressutil porfec'tly dry, but il a raised u ap le desinod, remove the dlot b wbile the steain is sf111 rislng. If flanuels were washed ien onia water unstead of scap suds, the wcnk would be more easihy donc ; ue about two table- spocnuole o teescbgallon cf water ; bave eacb water used of the samne femporatoro (90 0 or 1100 0 ) aud nover 'twist the goods wban wnmnging, but fold fiat sud press fhrougb the wringen. After the floor and carpef bave both beu claned aud isbc carpef tacked down again, wipe the carpet all over with a clot h or spooge dipped mu gasoline. Heavy curtains rcay ho cleaued lu the samo wey, aud lock lresb cnugli te ahondsnthy psy for the work. A carpef wbucb is kuowu to the trade as au "oul" carpet is au abomiisat ion, bot if the cil that comas tec the surface sud- luolds ail the duef that settlos is wiped off a Eew limes witb the gesohine, if wll ooanly ail disappe an. Don't cianmiauything witb gasolino lu or nier a roon whare there ie a fine. Raised Biscuits- Wheu mouldiog bread for bckiag it us a good plan to mahe ouougb jute biszuit for eitber dinuer or tes, as if prcpenly made tbey anc very is,sud much more bealthy than bot soda biscuit. They shouid ho eut out when thýe bread le mouided, pulled into oblong shape aud a sînaîl piaci of botter put on the aud cf oach oua, doubiing the other and ovor îif place thon en a tin rcady for baking and set eway for a couple of heurs-unenomîmer lu the coolest place possible ; lu the winter brlug thon near the fine haîf or Vbre quaitters cf au houir hefono if is ine to bake then, The secret cf making relis as ligbt sud tender as a poil hall lics imaiuiy in long slow risîng tihe lest timo ; if they set aIll Say lu a cold panfry lu the wiuter, they wili lia moch nicar than lb bahed withjn an heur affer noulding up. No soda need ho nsed about then,s if made oi milk ulmat bas beau, thorougbly eicalded aud compressed yeafât, there je ne Jauger of sourng unless kept in a very warmplaae. Bake in a bot aven, wafchuug narefully te prevaut their buruiog or getting fon bard a crust. 1Mauy people censure the use cf % arm bread, some oven rcfusing Veocuit if flic day it is bakcd; but these sae people penhaps ose deughinufs for breakfast neerly every morning,,uahoaltuy pnepenatîoos cf sugar, botter aud spice lu the orin cf puddings sud cakes for dioner aud tupper and fhink thora is ne barm bu thon ; whule ane bread -evea tbeugb it be wann-eateu .,witb butter, berrues, or stawed fruif immoderate- ly sweefened is much hess burtful, sud makres a dessert gcod enough ion enycue. If breati is nisen ovarninght aud ready ion bîking early in the day, the relie should lie haked at dinuen tbne taking Vhe plane of pudding or pic as a dessert, Reeipes- Layer Cak "e. -Two nopesSuger, one cop butter, one bal cup sweot mîlh, wbites of six eggs, f wo cnps foeur, one feaspeonful baking powdar. Chocciato Filliug.-One baîf cake sweef chocolato, one-half cup swoef milk, oue.bahf cop powdered sugar, yolk of eue egg, co fablespoonful vanilie. Stir chocolats lu, add egg, sugar sud vanille. Set lu vessel cf boiling wafar sud et irn otil stiff jolly. When cold spread bofween tho layons sud on top. Cheesa Sandwiches. -Delmicu2 abees sandwiches may ho made by ceoking bu double boilen hall a pound of grated chasse wiVh half a eup of erean or milk, a tiuy piech cf muefard, aud a littie Salt; thinken wiVh a feaspocnuo f foeur; wlîen thcrougb- ly cooked, and juef belore nemoviug frn the fine, add a wcll-beaten ogg. Have neady somos thiniy Voasted bnead, on some c :EIJ-É-p E1OER c~s~ Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREE NED COAL always in stock. We invite inspection and-guarantee satisfaction. MoOLELLAN &'O WiI be pleamed ounce la Quantity, twice in <uai-l-ty, and three times in Price who inspect the unequalled assortment ot Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Store, s@rBEAVER BLOCK,-Q Bownuaville BJGGEST STORE, BIOGESI VARIETY, BJG&EST VALUE. Everybody invited to cail and see osw new Ébotwear THE 5110E MAN In order to clear off the very large stock of Parkb Bed and Dining iRoom Suites, and other furniture, specily liberal bargains will be given for 60'DAYS This is a genuine clearance sale and large reductions will positively be made. This is a very superior lot of furniture, new, stylish, substautial, haudsome. Sorne special Bed-room Suites-very attractive and very good, to be sold cheaper than ever oftèred here before, white this clearance sale lasts. Persons wautiug one article or a suite will be liberally deait with. Cail aud inspect. U ND E RTAKI NG Wil be conducted with.. special care and attention to the wauts of ail persons requiring our service. M.D. aWILLI1A 8SO0N, Successor to the late Mr. Prower, Bowmnanville FAMILY LIFE IN BABYLON. Cli5mpses or Anient customs Givutn by thse Tîbletslthtie Britisis lSneum. Glîmpseof famly 111e iu ancient Baby- Ioula are given by the Scriptures fmcm Senuacberib'e palace, uow lu the Britishi Museumi. Fnom the tablefs ut appears that the iamily anJ the laws coucoroiug if were the foundatuon of the social systern of Babylonia. Take, as au example, the relation cf fathen Vo son. -A son could ropudiate bus fathen by the paymeof cf a cerftain son cof money, but nef bis mothen. In the tabiats on famiy lsw it le witten that a-son who wised te deny bis mothar elieuld bave bis bain eut off sud ha banieli- ed frein the cenmunity. The law relsticg to busbend and wifc was cnîos. If a wife sbculd say Vo ber husband, "Tison art net my 2busbend," wbîeh wes the Babylonien way cf sayiug that she did not waut te live wifb hulm eny more; thon the offeudiug womsu wae te ho Vrown into the river. Bof if the busband wanted a divorce, t was a cemprafîveiy easy mat- teo inu to obtain It. ,AIl ho bcd to do was Vo returu te bis wile ber dowry, if any, aud pay hon e certain soin ci money ; ho was thon a free man, sud could narry agelu if bc feIt disposad fo do 80. The peebfleu occnpied by womaa lu Behylonia was very didfereut imon thein position in the Estli t the prasent day. The harem did isot axiet at aIl, aud the wife was loched upon as the heed of the liousehold. A wemau could boy or sali properfy indepeudent c1 ber huband, could enter unto agreements ci contracts, sud couid possese slav;es. lu Ascynie, wbicb was a oclcuy fron Pbeylonia, the modemn harem syât5n5ewasi s u womeu, on the wholo, occupi, d e very infenior position. Thai slavery existed in Babylonia from flic earhuest times there is ample proof, but the power sud aofhority cf the owner or master were limited. A slave bad a defiolfe position and could oct om1]Y enter loto contracte sud agreements Vo bus owu advantage, but coîîld even boy sud soîl as weil as possess property, and aetfer a certain timne coold boy hig freedon. The slaveas, from home ceuse or other, secam 1te have cone uporo evil dlays durnug the reignocf Nebuchaduezzar, for about thie fim a nn cf Ihein privileges were withdrawn, auJ the custom cf brandingcach slave with the narne of hie maefer carne into ose. This custom led tec cli serfs cf disputas, which hadt te bc settlad et law, aud s large nunher cf tablets relafing te such soifs have beau f ound. Educeticu was commoc tbrou&Ziuot Babyleuis, aud schoole cf fheology sud cstronomny were fouudcd sud attached te every temple oi importancc. Not Curious. I saw s vary curios thinq on the t' going fo Monînmal the othar day, scaid Ïtiý in with the whiskere as ha relighfad bis cigar. A manried couple bcd the seat opposite te me, and fhey rode ail day long and nevar peeeed a wonh. 1 wce fuily sae lsfied thet they wara matos, as were aiso several othen paseengers, sud greatwesounr astoniehmeîît Voelîar thon speek Vo eaccb ethar as they iaft the train. I do't caîl tîet sa bit curious, said the mni with the pea-green necktîe and eu growling veice. You dent? How do yen eccouat for if? Why, tboy were mannîed, yen sid ? Yas.r Welh,thafacecoonts for if, 1 rode hallf wcy to Winnipeg witlî ny wie once, aod ther a ws enhy one word spoken aud tibat by ber. Sha tcad me c fool !IYTourv-r curions things don% fam,îoiitte u ;à,%ç'a" 1 EbastEnd r inDe pt The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durharû for the liberal patronage extendord to us durinq-, the past season, aise to remind them that we are stili in the market and HIC prepared to pay the HIGHET MARKET PRICE ALL KINDS OF CA E~I&SD deiivered at our storehouse cor. King, and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have aiso" on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sa1t in Bacs. Rock Sait for cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey ýPlaster in Barrel3 which we are prepareci to seli

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