ALashos may ho reinQved from the nbimuey. AIj CULTtJR. When repairhug my hanse sone years aga __________1 arrangeti it in ibis way, wriina a carres- A Sumer r Witer enhose. pondent, whbtle result thai the coller is A Su mer orWintr Hnhose. entiroly porified from the close and on- Here 55 a devina for cauverting a aummor wholesome air that aorned ta pervado i'l isenaus ioa awsnor neandvic vesabefore, ospecially during the winter season. whic issimle, hea ani afectve.Th nlu act îî accompliahes, ta soma extent, whic issimlechep an efectve.Theventilation af the wholo bouse, for by this bouse is built in tha usuai way, the walls moans the cahlar air nover asconds 10 the cansisting lsrgeiy af 1x3 vertical strips 2 recrus, but instead the air from the hanse inces pat. uedevce s or loingoris drawn dawnward int the ceilar and ncsap. Tie e-neje or1 isig r n fnally passeti ouitbrough the obimney. TEMPERED IN LIVING FLESH. Gory Tale o iite I2suoaCr o enuîlse De luascels 51,e Il has besen long beiieved that same, if flot ail, igh-prade aucient tools af steel wero iempered in human blaod, aud are cent diecavory in f am of Syria substanti. ates the beiet, says an exehange. In the remains of an armrer's smithy was fond a parch ment, writton in Sy iac charanters, iving directions for makiug the famous Damnascus biades." The recipa reads as 41 Loi the workmsn ha fornislhed ith a slave of fair f raine, and lotthce Ethiopian bc bounti, shoulders uDward, opoin tie block witb bis arma fastenod underneati with shanga.* *Hie iead andi neek projeîiug aver and beondth le etige of the block. Thon let ihe master workman coiti- hammer -he biade ta a tim, sînooti etige. Next letot h hatbrust loto a tire af cedar wood coals util tie calor of tie blade ha red like the rising sun. Then, witb a qnick motion, let hlm pass the blade six timies fram thiehbut ta, the point tb.ereof through the mosi fl'eshy partions af the slave's back and'-tbighs, or a sufficient number af tintes ta cool it untîl the clor is purpie. Thon wit boue strok-e ih wiil sever the nock ai the slave andi uot receive a nick, wbero- upon it may hc cooloti in the blood fiowing from is body." couid hîgh art be mare horribly disgraced? An Active Woman. Hlulbanid-tbreatlilessly)--I muat rush off in very short notice, for an extended b t andi 1 cao tska you along if yon can get ro'sdy. Do you tbîuk ynu can do it in two bouts andi a quarter r Wife-Easily. 1 issu pack the truck hn five minutes, and that wll leave me two htiits andt tn minutes ta dre8s. ho a ec-~ser imitation ai lie " unuste " anti workiug in langenbodies, anti witi greacer usatarial ihan now, to rot uce the cot ai manufacture, wribes Jlohn Gouhd un Coun-. try Gentleman. lie aid German who woîuteret " wiat is vile vouiti do n cie voanoan iltien milk vent la dem gneam. ay," titi nat take hta accaunt what au amauof i fe-power il book ta make 10 pounsisf builer, sud iow inigniicantith would becomre, andtebwbsl s fraction ai cash it wouiti amount to,lb matie with 2,000 pounts ai otiar butter ; andtish applies as Iweii ta our neamery aysiom anti cieese faniorios. Ah aoven lia lanti thora are no anti of 150 te :300 cow factorios anti the cast ai maksng is excessive as nompaet wti tic fatory osinus 20,000 to 40,000 pounuti of miik tiaiiy ; anti wben it becomas a matb- hon ai conpetition, lihe nîsulti h te nieap heip, anti cbesp choase anti botter muet ho matie, or ise il ha a matten of lîngering starvalion wltbhoh maker. Diton the wsy ha matie cloar tiat big yhtieswlli tite tbe malien aver, anti soit, spongy cheese anti water.eoakad butter ha panketi, ta keep up courage anti show large produc- lion. But lowor pnicea anti dissatisiaction ialiow, anti the ntiuslny ah lange and cammission-men in general are biameti, wien lie hiame shoulti ho langly laid at thie door of a pooriy suppliati anti poorly. equhppeti faclory, or Ibrea factoionea wiene tiare eboulti have been but one, Farm House Ventlatlon. lie cllar must ho ventilalet irtinly ia l te base of lie cbimney. lie kitchen nhiinenyiha hstfoion1halwaya sa a trait bof h sommer anti winîom. Tlu s laosiiy art uged by making an apaniug igit inn les square near tha bahhous, whiiniwii -ss serve as a ineons by whch soot anti Children Cry for FR oponing theso 2.inch c-racks at pleasuro. Iti lk Haadanbe and reiieveail the troubles inci- jia applied teauan ed Wall, for exampia, as LEATHER IS VERY SCARCE. dent ta a bilions state ai tIse systasu, such as foliows Go isitie the hanse, et ather i'zinse, Nausea. Drairsinase, fl/stress at ter sO at/ng Pain in the ide, &cn Wia chir mnOCI Soniea Cirtous Forts Dislcleseel bY an At emarkable sonc -ibas heen abown ln urînz el esgl teFee râ 7 WtlS/l Shs. Le&,ihor iSsoeschnty andi high of price i YIsadacba, yet CsarTR's LîTTs Lrva i Pui josil now in Franco that lie Minister ai are equally valuable iu Constipati/an, nria War is greatly perplexed ovor the question aud preventiug ibis annoyiug complaint. whî1 by aisea correct ail disorders of tue stomacof ai ow ta sonore tho necassary foot-wearc voif u1they rly id rouaetobioafor the great unmber ai mon whioh iretat nation keeps continnaily iu readirsesa fori its défense. Not onîy Ibis, but a sufficeot -1 uspply of ieathar for the satdiles, harnes Ache they svauld ha almosi priclew e tathOse irbo sufer t ram ibis distressing complaint* and other furnishinge ai thé cavairy sud1 but torlunately iheir gooduesa doos noten bore, and those who once try thaîn wtl flud artlilery is iacking. thea 1tue pis vau ablea l.u auywaschtWhen tie Goveroment inviteti bide thywl st bc silliag tado iut tham n . rectlfocieqpmnaiherap 3U t. trail ddt bead etyfrteeuiln ftetop with shoas andi horse fornitore, the only concracors who dared make su. offer de. IX3 stripe of proper lengli, sot themOPmtidOhgiafur atberppsi te the liane ai so many lives that bore fz where is ncicdn ihteorsod wa mare aur great boassi. Our pilla. cura/it again sdcicdn tî h orsod ions wero rejecteti, and tiose wio bave whle aihers do nai. ing srips ai thée Wall, the ftop end of eacb CÂARER's LITTaS LvEsiLs are varY Snal bin ut ta correspond wth siope ai roof, yeontatIefl o tee rilsa and very easy tatake. One or twapilis malte adlin g aot1ic frahigtéscgeeymen osbet ra a dao?. They are stricily vegetable and do sdlcigau d irahn h eku vr en asbet ra flot gripa or purge, but by their geoile action raflter te which the irail strîps are naileti. thaem, toriog tisairein wil bo lie resuit il rileose ail who use tlilem . in vials at 25 cents ý Essieu S or 10 ai these stripa secoraiy iota îhey are compelledt t carry out their agrée- Ive fr $1. Sold evervwhere, or sent bY mail, rm r ah(e cib0aiigih OAWOE3 l~ilINZ00., ~baltan b b aiong their ends ai top andnit. S baott. Thonenail an the cleats a sai î op Hides have douhiet Iin pric alne the 41a.l éiliMhI~Iî~I~tI Ml//U ~~and boitom ta holti the sashi su piano. lie beginning ai lie present yaar. lbhis unusua tîrips ai the sash isow coinciding witb those et te of affaire in the leatiar irade was of tD R BA K a he wall, the 2-sncb cracks beîweeu îham chouh tfrtt etersl facre B -q "are aon, bt by slidiug the saâb ta the lofti u ttrit aIersi iacre o F c AN D . 2t inches lie cracks are closedTheli sasb inu'the markeot, but il bas alne become 01 AN DA- c n luto is aiti back ar cioseti, dia apen. ovident tiat the romarksbie scarcily in Vspltal pald ap, TiesO.tet~QO he cracks may chus ho cioseti or auýeued, chat cammotity ha produceti by a varioty , hsBal S rpao o Let- entireiy ar pariiaiiy, t pleasoro, by sliding ai SML ADNTRA ASS This Bak k prearod todo Leg thle sasi bock or f orth. ILEAONTlLCUES mate Banking in ail its branche&. - hree ai thé principal reosos for ibis Faruter's notes discounted ; DepositS The Water SUPPIY lfor Stock. dearci ai eacher are: The- recont war received and Interest paid on accoift E we hnasdJpa;cemauy of $5 and upwards in Savings Bank The question of the usurai water-suppiy ' revolutions and iioody canflicis in the Departietat. a very serons ou,oxaepi for chose wio are Souh American republins, sud tie sosrcity n nA ~r~fortunate enaugi ta have rivera or lakos in ai fotiter anti pa storagO owing ta lie D FT S thoîr vcnmly Lare rivate antias are unfavorable weatber af hat year andthte Ianc atil]otan mrade lui Europe gp p year Lefare in the caunîrissoaitle worid ÛnIted States, andi Canada. aa af great vaine in these limes, as thay ftram which lie principal suppiy ai hidea 1V, J. JOtNIES, will of ton continue ta give au unfaiiing cames, Agen supply long allter tie publia or village pond As can readuly ho coneiv eti lie poverty yýA S bas becomeas more basin ai dirty waîar, Of pasturage ha a ptent factor in the FO R TWýfEN TY-FIVE Y AR decrease ai thse supply ai nate antiofai andi a nuisance, How h isihai Ihese bides. Tie number ai catlle Ibis year places are se ahisseti, being useti for everv whih will turnisi ekimîs for the tanneries availabie porposo until lhey benomo foui iiewrdbsfoleceiayir pools qusto unfit oven for a pig te cool hi liai ai farnmer years. Ihougi the grazing landE are renovoring fron tie effets ai tir km. in? long anti sevore droughta, wiici, wiîh the Event wbere lie water aupply hsadétiquate consoqoont fires, have kîlliet muni of the liQaoCidaigwihh an îi ie grass, i wsl e sather tireive menthe, the abo ofdealng ithit s noligt oe.aven under lie e is. favorable conditions, Waior-narling al litraugis lie aummor before they dan suppiy catlle lu suficient Vu HE O S BESTI FRIEND 'fer.' Ilha lia large tiairy anti grazing Tuis disproportion ielween tie deusand LAiRGE-sT SALE UIF CANADA. larme whih isuifer mosl iu choeelimes, anti andtnie supply ha being siet ual ouy in the nee i adminisioring ta iive.atock Framne, bac also in every éther manunian OieTARIOsBiNy turing country whihi tepentis upon the la certainiy au imperative ona. Somte af prairies anti pampas ai the western hemis- oontinueis ta do a Genera7 Bauucmug Business Dowmanviiie Agenny. thase farmse are euied for lie occasion, i. ., pliera for lia supply oi leaciar. DEP6ITSsuppiieti wh a gooti-sizeti pond or îwo ai, In the counitrios of South Amarina wiere DE OSTSno great diistance ftram hie Iomesheati, with lie catie ton iîd in gerosihrda cie Iteceeved In Sav/ngs Bank Beparmont and on a largeauntaullte tiefaimhbuiling?, aud unfavorable chsmatsc conditions have beau ns;ý ]au dinteresl aliawad a/current rates. No a ssaller one wht upisd o al essveei hi eutbtnal iioîceatithdrawainen'eiary. Ail1 deoas/ta s um iiadvfr iaiyba onere otheicr resls betei e vable ou demanl, use. 'If tiese conditions are absent, or eeyas iIeecoîisbsba i even n any way det entive, tioy siaulti be theatre ai a dovaaiing civil war wicihbas EXCIIANGE madie gooti beforeasny mans venures an a loftIlia people litîhe chance ta tiink of B ught and sold and rat i ssued uPOn Europe stock farm A waîer carl or carte cnotahu- auytisg else, anti has left theacanhy popu- Ufnted Stateseand Canadaalsa Goid,Siveralid ing about as many gallons as tiare ar lation tlîlîf urihor reduceti sud crippleti. U> Green bec'sbouehl sud sold, acre s an thée farté-ha indispensable ; ona THSE CATASTRIOPHIES COLLECTiIONS holding 3 50 galions can easily be musageti ai thé climale anti ai war in South Amenia fli nptly made ai current rates oIPOn ail pat iy a single horse. W ion the large tank sîchougi serions enoughin l themieolves, aif Great Brilla/n. the United S/ates an thle faiîs beiow acertain point,il may çeiiy anti would ual alaise have been sofif ient te o ni/don o 1Canada. rapily repleoissifions the noaresi poend. brîug abaut lie prasont shate ai affaira. It çSisouldthte draîgil prove so severo as 10 is the war behween China anti Japan,win Me.e1. Tairr drain aven ibis rosource, the ' n0h asareet is mare directly reeponsible for tie deanli .Mad/e for large or snaîl surms on ail part ai snppiy msy ho roquireti. Insteatiofa SIow whiîch 0W prevails. Wien wam was de- Caunada. Thise is especially advaucîigeams tu ing catia, etc., la foui cie resorvoirs, tiey ciaret Japan planeti large contracta in the I/rsons ivinsg lu Manilobna or the Norte West, ehoult iehafencoti rounudiasd k9pt ean sud UieiSae o ieeupei Iisi itînakes thse fonds availabie at auce i leUitdSaesfrbeeqimn o t n pianeofa payisnt. sweel ; thon if storet iîn tie tanks lieY iantry anti oavalry witi iootwear antiother Othar paricui,rs calaI the boula. wiillisat for a long lame, fires fromt aIl iurnishiîgs. To dili Lhesa prompîîV cie 1'.uta.t L.hager.EO MGI decsying maibor ant i mpurilmes ai any coisractore hougit up nearly ah lihe vsible ÂcontEt.Mnae. kinti. .orenelppiy ai leather sitahle for that purpose. R E Ou reaslly wel-appminled ormdo arme, Since lie war closeti Japan bas sont nos lamze wator troisgha are constrrnnbod in lie arders ai equal imîportance ta thie mer- 5Packs of Cards, FRE fildts for suite. Tbougi-somoawiat coeily niants for f resh supplies ai sioes anti milii aI firt,tboy wili save a lot oi labor carting. cary irappings, andthte markets have boan Oue Pack, May 1. C..U. Io'ra; One Packr lhe prîce af iran or gaivanizedt rougiha eawept haro ta dili hem. lie priceaof"green" Escori; Que Pack, Flirtatian; Onea Pank, Ibid now léas hant formerly, anti every large bides bas t1srefore rison 50o higi liaitih ta the Ligit; Oua Psck, Our Sofa j net bolds breeder or csîtle awuer may findt hesu atanraebyngs tlasie ca iwa Dune sample book full af Novel//es ail tnesaebyn s itea hycn FREE, if yau senti 5c. silvar, for postage. profirable iuvetment. Tiey shoulti ho anti a large precentageofa the tanneries A. W. KINNEY, B. C. S. matie ramavaile an liaI hhey may esîber ho ticougioni tie worid are closed. Yarmouth, LN. " set or ha pest away tiurhng winter, WilhInb France espociaily lie wioieeaie manu- care îiey may ho Worth cwotbirtis ai their facture ai stioes ha in a deplorable stale. former value atthle andi ai tan veare. 1 Ganeraily the produnt ai one seasan ha made up ta sehI tise nexi, but owing ta lie iigh Dairy Expenses. prîces prevailiug Ibis year for the necesary Ee5oi ,aî,nltOSo en'i o cei raw maleriai a gresi numier ai lie shoe V.. l teaiý f A re e While 1admire the plais ai intiependence factorisare nîasing andt hrowing'out e Sic/J aEsîci ( i oI i daav.ana bveISea-,reeOt fotamlie eoomii a nîhraof ïkmen. An immediate and*~ practicai solution ai lie question seens impossible. lie crisis bas not yel bean reanieti, andti lntianate aincona wili ho in-emes-tiîug la note. GREAT BRITAIN AND BRAZIL. Nasîvaes FIîght5ssg Muid Over Briltla 00O cupat/ese of Triniiiad-Damouistrationâ Agaîst tufe conul. lie London limes publishea a apenisi despatcci mam Rio Janeiro, saying tiat lie agitation againsi Great Brilain je tiamly iucroasinz. lise Governmeul ias-presenteti lie documente melating t e e uiject ta the Chamber ai Deputies. Depuly Balisaria matie an exciieti apeech, lu the cuse ai wiicbhliesaidti laI wheu dihplomatie meana wero exianateth te Brazihian people waulti miee sud tbar away lie pawa ai lie British lion irons terri'îory sacreti ta Brai. lie newspaper Paiz Ibroatons lie forcible ex- pulsion ai the British fram tiee lalanti. Ihere wasan an sti-Britis tomosîmation on lie aireots aon Thurstiay-,aiternoon. Violent speeches weme matie andtihomo waasame disonden. lie police have been augmenteil. A tiespatci irons Rua Janeiro sîiya:-lhe occupainaiflime Iisiant ai Inînitatiby the British continues la excite muai indigna- lion amang Brazilians, whîo tialame tiat the laking oaithi lant ishaanotier instance ea' Great Brhlain's lanti.grabhiug paliny. In Sao Paulo, capital ai lie State of that name, the nowa causeti muni excîtenuont. A cnowti gathereti in fronst ai lie British Can-_ suase anti hootedth le Consul andtihle country ho napreseutoti, butithe tihturbance wenl no forther, WhIeh One? CannaI we 'become one? ho pleaieti eannestly. That depentis, repîmedth ie uew girl. Wihneî00? Pitcher's Castorlas " HAD TO SIT WITIL FEET IN A IIOT OVEM.' 'Soma four yoars ago Mm. Little auffeneti frma sevore atîack ai la grippe wiici loft las iower lsmbs parcisily paralyzea. He ailet iun ana ai lie e siknown physiciane ni Essex counly, wha appearedti o do al hat lay lu ils power for the relief ai Mm. Little, but ho no avail. For cwo anti a iaif yoars ho sufferedth ce moac inuense pain aud ras caufinedtiet bis heti for the greaier part bf the lime, lie docion was puzzled wiîi bis case anti as ha seemeti taohtaiunan relief, ho ciangeti toctors for a pensoti. Tie second dontar titi no bolier tisu the olier, anti Mm. Littlo relurnedti o the ona ho hati tiret callet inu. Finally, lespairing ai ever ablaining relief, ho t the pbysinman that ho dii nat see any foncier use ai taking hie modicines, and believeti lie ehould is if ho diti ual obtain relief lu a short lime. Ho hati waated awsy ta httie more chan s more skeleton, aund was an abject ai pity tae hie neighbons, anti bib hisesli a bordais ta is famiy. Hia wife anti family isti gîven op hope, anti bis neigihona, ahi thougit hi was merely a question ai timo wien Mr. Lhîhie's teati woald relieve bis su/iaring. Wile uis limbe were partially paralyzoti he noulti use them safficmentco hoishbe about the baisse anti rloor yard, but if lie untiertook ta walk la the stable se woulti ha confineti hois bat for a waek aller. Hie lîmba gr-'ew uumb anti nolti.During the bal- tt summer tisys lehas obligedti laait wihie stelanti legs ln a bai aven, wrapped lu fianneis anti bot clatis unti lie ekin wauit caine off in anales, Mm, Little believedti laI hie physician was tioing ail tuat noulti ho doue, anti has nothing bai kindly feelings for the treat. ment ho receiveti ai bis baonds but ho is certain thai .the dactor isatino isopeofa bis rocovemy. Ho hati trieti an ativertis- eti minerai walcn, laking in aIl saven gallous ai it, but failedtiet obtain relief. Af tan aufferng for twa anti a hall yoane, Mn. Little, in lie sommer ai 1893, moati ai a caeaimilan ta uis owo, liaI hati beaun uneti by the use ai Dr. Williams' PiiskPilla. Gmasphng ai lue hlast hope, hae sent for afew ha,'eaanti bogan /aking them. Befaro lieesecondi bax wsa ai usoti. Mr. Little waa satisfiedti lai ho hiat founti a reoîedy liai wouiti cure hlm aif ils exceedingly painful anti mystoniaus ailmeuit. Mn, Little con. Iisuedtheuse oi the-Pink Pisl for seversl monlis anti was aile te gel oui anti do ligit work about bis farm, wiici he hati nat been able la do ior aven îwa years. Ho continued taking P'ink Pillsaa while longer, -wien ho was ioliy recoveroti anti was aile 10 do any ai tie bardesl wonk an hie farma, anti iu lie wiuler lime workoti almoat eîeadiiy at ssw-logging anti waod- nhopphng. During lhe past laîl, ho sys, ha was frequeotly naugil ont in ioavy ramn storms wien swsy fram home, bol ho hati se fan recaveredti lai hie oxposures have net brougit any bat results. During the vory naiti w eatier oai Isuwintem ho wae iauing wootel Windsor, a distance ai iiceen mihes. Ho looksata present as if he bati iartiiy 8000 a shnk day lu lite lime. Mn. Littlo bols_ deepiygrateflo aDr._ Willams' Pink Pilla anti daims tual is complote renvery la enthneiy'due ta tie useoaIthe pille. Ho givea bis testimony ion the hemuofit ai otiens wio may ho - ainsilaly n-ilited. -Mn4- Litle's -wiio, sahc wae prosoni ai lie interview, crrohomateti Mn. Litîle's teetimony anti hehioves lho owes hus ontiro recovery ta the use ai Pink PilLli.Te entire family look upon the bushanti anti faiher as aise eacueti irom lie grave by the timeiy use ai Pink Pil. Ou inquiry among Mn. Litile s naigihara, wo findti tihe iha amais ai untoubt-d veranhty. Ho bas liveti in Essex cohcty ahi bie liletime, anti on hie preent farm ln Colchester North, about four years. Ho is the superipteutieof aithe Etigar MilleSu~n. day achoal, anti hie case is cao welh known in tiat tus tri sI ta ho disputeti. iesneigi- bora laaked upouis cureas a moat mira- culons ana, bis deati iavîng been oxpecteti amoog them for msisy sentisheeome ie began the use ai Pink Pilla. Maulagasear's Attractive Queen. A correspondent ai a London dsiiy news papen writoa liai lie Quosu ai Madagascar ha a bandeonse womau,anti unusuaihy sa for Quaon. ,Shehas a granefal, well.±armeti head, goati teahuree, an attracive figure anti an agraesle smhle. Sioreceivedtihle carrespondent lu a pink sîlk tinesa trimmeti wili fine white siik lace,anti ai han tinoat, holding ber lace cailan, ehe wone s vahuable dia moud cluster broaci. Hon earringa wore lia work ci Malsgasy goltismith. The Wrong Party. Foreign Count-I have caiheti, air, le ask permission ta psy îny atitresses la youn daugiter. Old Man-Dh, liat'a ail nigil, I tian'/î abjech ; bul I dau'l know wiat lie hall. tozen other fellows uhe'a engaged la wll Bay about it. hat is Castoria. 'CaSions a nu excellent medlca'o foi? cli- tcen. halliers hare repcaiedly tolil ni ni is gooti effeni upon tibeir ciidren." fia. G. 0. Oscoorn, Loweii, Mass. "Castoria la the bacc rmedy for c' lidren cf ýwbicl i nn cquninteal. I hope the day il înot far disait whenimolhO,5s ileonsiîer the ml Inleresi ai ibeir chili/ren, nnd use Castorias lu- stead ai the varions quack nosirumsxehica ro desltraying their loved oues, hyfarcingapium, maorphina, ooothin.- eyrup and ailier hurtful agenis dowu their tbroats, lliereby sandi. %hsem ta premuture gravas." DrI, J. P. KINsum.OE, Conlway, Ar' Castorîft, Custoria lasOewei erliipeed l- chilidon ta 1 rocammeud Il aa'superiur tlanay presnriptlod la&no ta nia." Hl. A. AanusE', M. D., 111 Sa. Oxford S., Brooklyn, N. M. "Or phys;nians la the cbildron's depari. ment hzvosoasauhighly af their expert- ece nel thir outsàdo prucice wth Castoria., rdaltho~nhwcouly- have aîuong ais" o sadin.d supplias v-bal io known as regular p'-dc:ts, ye eaie frise lu caufess Ihabt tie meit of utCastorin bas won us ta loak wth favar upon il." UsîvNID 1Sibasearas. sin BsseaeaY, Boa/oas, Maus ALLNnt C. Sasaru, Fres., Thse Oenta.ur Companay, 77T' Mnrray Stlroet, New -cb'I City. FOR SALE B J. IIIGGINBOTHAXI & 80-,', BOWMAIL VILLO Positively no bicycle that has been placed before a critical wlieeling public lias met with mre favor or given better ail-round Ssatisfaction than THE COMET. It lias grown se rapidly in favor tha t it is Snow concoded te be the leader for real merit. C. B. KENT at the Post Office, Bowman- ville, is the agent for this district and lie is doing a fine business. Caîl or write te him before placing your order for ___Wheel. Before Treatment, After Treatment. Before Treatment. After Treatment. Emnissions, Varlcocele, Semninal Weakness, Self-Abuse, SYPhilis, Urine, lmrotency. Sexual and Mental Weakness. Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively CURED OR NO PAY. 16 Vears in Detroit. 200,000 Cured. Young or Middle Yeu have led a gay lite or indnlged in the vices of early Youth. Yon teel Aged Man. the symptame stealing over .iou. ~Self alose or lager excesses have broken down y aur svstem. Mentally, physically and sexually yen are nett he man you ueed ta be or sud b. nestful oractices reap riclh harvest. Thjnk of the future. WilI you heed the dan gar siv als? Arc rau nervous and weak; daspoudent andi gioomy: speeks before eyes;:, backweak and kidneys irritable; palpitation of lieart; dreains and losses at night; sodi- ment iu urine; weakeued manhaad; pimples ou face; ares sanken, and cheeks hollow; poor .memory; careworn o-xpression; Varicacele; tired in marning; jifelese; distrustf o!; lack en- erg y strength and ambitian. Our New Meihod Treatment wili positively cure yau. It wiil suake a mailaf you and lite will open anew. iVe guarantep, /0 cure you or refuend ail moaey paid. îzWNe cames used slhout written consent. $1,000 paid for any case we take and cannot ýSNATCHEO FROM THE CRAVE-A Warnlng Prom the Living, ErasNsiors "At 15 1 learned a had habit. Had lasses for seven years. Tried four doctors llured. and nerva tanincs by the score,. wothout hLenit; L hecame a narvouls wrock. A friand who bcd heem curad hy Drs. Kennedy & Kergan of P simiior disease, advised me ! te try thesu. 1 did sa., and in t-,a mouths was positively cared. Tbis vis e ight years ago. 1 arn now married aind have twa bealthy childre,." C. W. LEWIS, Saginaw, Mich. Varicocele "Varicocele, the resnit of early vico, mode lite rmiserable. 1 was weak and ner- Cured. voue, eyes sunken, bashfi n o oety, hair thin dreains and iteses at night no ambition. The "Golden Monitor", apenrd my ayes. The l'ew Method I'rraiment af P-- ,Kennedy& Kergan cnredme inatew weeks." I. L. PErEISON, lonia, Mih. uSïphiis"'This terrible blood disease was iu my systern for eight years. flad taken me, Cured, cury for two rears, but the disease returnod. Eyes red, pimples and biotches on ý'ýthe skin, ulcers in the mouth and an tangue, bone pains, fallUne aut oft hair, wepknoss, otc, My brother, who ho i been cureo ai Cirai d.1riclurc hy D'-s. Kennedy & Kergan, recao- mended themn. They nored me in a few, weeks, and 1 thank God 1 consultad toum. No retnrn of tis disease in six yeors." W.P . ako, ich. A Minister The 11ev. W. E, Sparks, of Detroit, seys: "I know of no disease so injurions ta jSpeaks. the mid, body aud soal of young men as that of Soif Abuse. I have sen t many ývictime ai this lustfil habit ta Drs. Kennedy & Kargao for treaiment. 1 can heoriily an- dorse their New Methsd 2'reaiment which cured them when a il else failed." A Denier "I know nothing in medical science so efficient for the cure ut Syphilib and Recermmends &Seuai Diseases as the ew Metlsd '1reteaieaio Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. Many il. cses hich had haffled scores off physicians were cured in a tew weeks. 1 have seen this with my own eyes and know toehe a tact." T. E. ALLISON, M. D. SHave yon heen guilty? lias yeur B/ood h en diseasad? Are you weok? Do you. ft dl desire ta he a mani Are you nontemplating marriage ? Our New AihdPes Noumaut: who bas treated yoa, write for an honest opinion tfree of charge. CharÊes reasonahie. Boeks Frae.-"The Golden Monitor" (illustsated), on Biseases of Mion, n- close postage, tira cents. Sealed. M No Names used without Written Consenit. Private. No Medicine ý Sent C. 0. D. No Names on Boxes or Envelopes. Everything Confideutial. questlion iÀst for Houle Treatinent and Cost of Treatmnent, Free. D 7smKnney Kî,)an, 148 sbelby Street Detroit Mcb [S PARALYSIS CURABLE? MR. GEORGE LITTLE, 0F ESSEX COUNTY, SAxS IT IS. Ife SlAves fis owa 'Terr/ible Exisonlence te Piieothe Tsratli or 11/s AsSertiem-Ssef- fereoer Slver Two Yoars-Sie/h 55/m soir' and Fuimlly Thomeglt Thoat Ouly coutl Ead Hie Sîiffeongs-Agein ltnjyimg flue Blesselix or Sounsd Rosi/h Fram the Essex Free Press. Life ha tmoiy s burton ta thase nat bleaseti witha bull moaanre ai beaiti aisterengti, but wion a streug mass is brought to the verge af- almoat uther beiphessues, wien tiactors f ail, andti bere le apparently nath- ang leit ta do bat wail tie droat sommons liat comas but once tealal, tie casa assumes an spent aiextrema sadness. Iu soch s condition as tua tiidMr. George Little, af the township ai Colnhester North i, d himeeli, anti monuly lie Free Prose, hear- ing hncidentaliy liat eho at racovereti hositi anti atrengti, a reporter wss sont le invoscigate. Whau seen, Mr. Litle er- preset a wiliingness ta stie the nature oi is case, ant i bs tory ha as fliows : t et re le it sh ah a- r ,e ýr -n e ri, es I. y oe of M. Castorin, is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescrlption for Infants and Obldren. It contains neithor Opium, Morphine nor ether -Narcotlo substance. It le a harmiose substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Sootlslng Syrups, and Castor 011. 1rt~ le Pleasaut. Its guarantee le thirty years' use by MIillions ofjYtothers. Castoria destroys Wormùs and alinys feverlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Winul Colic. Castorîa rellevea teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulcncy. Castoria assimilates tise food, regcîlates the stoiuach aud '»owels, giving- healtsy and natriral sleep. Casu torla is the Childrenu'i Panacea--the M'Iother's Fricnd.