~A Square Deal RTo ady stcicarlldy uý Musical cdock at ickard's-a bargain. Hleal Bros.--Cash Goes mckad's toc is ar ,lityEicard understands the eye-Call on Setce rpryfte iFk~ ikadelsouwayoarby-him. Mrs. Ja s. Gale is visiting friends i in.Miss Ena Trebiicock is visitino'redsPr Pry Anoveity in sewing machines at Riek- ini the city. 1-fiedsPot Frr..sis-tig rind ar'.Mrs. Maj. Bounsail B!S vnis itisiîets frth tie i ad.Rickard's g'oods are the best the mar- in Camibray. A4nch of the agi cvrseiý.nso tetn s Wswatw iet vr \,hitby Pull Fair will bo held Sept. ket affords. Mrs. W. 'R. Climiie is visitino- friends wr hm You n illi save f ar more rînoiiev iin a year' bv j TaW toer foive to eve 17-19. Garden City to Toronto Wednesdlav in Peterboro. piesan th steafivw eieet Batfl ivrpaea îla(' etfr5c h-i iNVe -~ tse est dvetiseent Beunifu siler pateat Rchads feXtfor Oc.Mr. Hurry Goodmnan of Texas, is vis-clealing wit-h a reliable house that studies yotîrneeds, i r pleased , wto eraur-elsi (neabyros' i ue6cnfr vaction are poasibe $0 :ûsive o giçe Freh Sdi a rs, c Fe cCng ooto shm ihgifter ead15îkn nvesting incatch penymark on the best valeine eacau. Ileal Bros are paying 13 ets a dozen holidlay this -week. Ellne we earry but just at Ci s ss oftse year we West DurhisF ali Pair vil be held foir eggs thîs weelk. i bl ocken lias been visitinag liere a1~~ilYo Fine Sep. 2021. - Miss Eia Moore, Brooklu, has been friends uà Shirley. û,otdpesIounies. If you -finsh to rt~~ ticdibi hn EReliable time pieces 'of aIl kinds u iiig finshr.Miss, Lou _ Millsvard, Port Hope, i visit- to thecar hIoieccadicad.Excunrsion to Niagara I'al], Mundav isîgifriends here. Please. masseieser. IBingyot bot- No charge for testin- eyesight at Angsi 2t, fr 1.2. iiue ODeli, Guelph, is guet S -Pes. tpngtsnlquantity Rcads Mr. Normn Johanston of Hiraim,Olsio, of _Jrs. J. B. Mitclsel. 1tOl1 to try iliein, Miss Sur sieeiAlofnoisg bsisestingaprelativesfoninti & ~~~~~ Stonffviile. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~is home for bis holidays.MrWn.MiTrto a toVl f ongusesisppeaeuro lî STOTT &JR.Sofvle Garden Cssit illii &ai t u excursion last e visitât- fbuends. fact that Our trade has steadily increased. W n h Mr. Conch, Raglan hbas beesi visititog ta Toronto o;i W edaesday. _ Miss Mande Bonssaîl of Toro ntto is best goods t e m r e fo d ,f r a h n a 'h r f r Stott & Jury the drug-giSts who carry friends lin tow nM..X -Imi of Woodstock, lias o'uest ai E. U. Bounisals. ~emne xi arerstok f pecacestha al ndan, Cey Ion and China Teas, greut be 1iii~iM.J.Cx A pris utc partivweut on the Eury dice save youn noney by dealîng with lis. Lotherqdersntownofspctcesbined ye al ne iMrdc - eeyoir tickets for the Saered Mon'- v t.) ia araPlls. tesedfre b tseoulpotiia luth Ecurio ttTroeo ExarcuritsCoocrnluTrii TCorro.Mnstaote'm, r-naordtien e reCitneyneofc-De solfet y h a e aseiisuyleiW edyfor S5e. Iemember tihetdate of tise Sacred Con-s isitiii- irs. J. H. H. Jury. uifit o wtcahods Idi plomastorn ethdies .Lckartofl tus, Obio n . Miss Morison isAu-.id3. t i wil make a note of this. of ptes ad old dpvisitiagth 1. ohfater, lui nParasols seling off ut cost price at tion at lier home i lu RuStoa-. tireleading Optical Coliegies Iis iss dnu uishr, an toi s Gl eConch, Jolsuston & Cryclermauti's...J. Sssds ,1 oii:oh Telephone connection. Ameriu, vsitin. Mr. 11.Gale Coîbrne.Miss Pritchard of Harriston issiita spendiag- i s bouidal s at licoïse. BT Weedays aid utnday, k \r. . . Glety ls bencnie e bohr isW.S rshr.Goods delivered pî'onmtly to anypar of the town. î ler bothe, Re. W.S. Pite-ard.Kite Allia, Prosvidence, 11s vsii- Wedesdys ndSatrdas, cOto is home iiursing. a -broken leg. Tea ut dry goods lsrices ai Masaun's. in-- frien05ý on W ashi<nrII Isiand. C1ream Sola only 5c ut Stott & urs. Au eight day edock fîsîh' g'urateed Sassîl f pg orbsitasfr ers. Di.-Talimg-e ctiieil ass di- Saisi I Tue ou Ie ramwih od ater for very Iutile monos uat Richard's. lin' Si .ViSMiAN staff seturn taast aurin ui aissille, S. Y., sloia, Takevou IceCrem wth Sda , Mrs Philip Tyler foi' a basket of luscions I)nly 5c at Stott & Jurys, Wedniesduys Mrs. Jos. PattinsoIi andsi Mýaster Fred ba- t'; iie.Mr.' aid Mrs. J. ýB. Maris îu spent Sun-C6L 1 auJ Satnrdays. are s isitinio, relativos as Brantord. hLieýte' p 6 ý. a l t rcs3a sngo oii Attend tlise concert lu Salont chuircishsjcC ue ie en Coffeesrýolsted on thîeprerise5shs Bew MANS ILLE. 10 pounds of Potuto Bug Destroyer to-inight. Good Prog-rassi, coilv 15c. ateNactly isaif price ut Concis, Jolisstois fresh ansd Lest iii tosu s, ut urfacceiI s. 25.Best iii tIse market ut Stott& Jurys. 3Mr. S.\anto eand dangiiter, Mn .&Cs erna's Mster S Fe.asi c.Mt-sj r A.N ortiscoto liase beeon visitiîg ,relutivs Mr. W. G. Clarlko of Colisorule bas-i_- s ù Vteelro ebeen appoissted Conînsercial Master cf visstissg- Mr. bus.licean, flocki-ýv i Best Paris Greeni ut Stott & Jurys. iin Torosnto.. Pickerisng Colieg-e. Miss Galbrailî Lissd-ix-' s I-opltulsThe.. Jusi thisik, 10e prints for 5c, for ilsîs sTise eIr Try tihe nesxv ierfume ut Stott & Jurys. week oniy. Cet v our sîsare us Tise resCt usuio1eOtussIn tochei iiiî s tstisi _________________________________ Cos. excursion ta Toronto ta tItý , Wedncslis tW hits 55. _____________________________________ Msondus , echueholiday. Miss Viola Bn-idgssîaa iauJ î, u5 Lensoîsude thut eau be curried lu tise Pnints for Secivortis 10e and prints for ~Nti î~~Adauuis, ùttasa, suae recsi n553 of (Vr ie8e )orth 1l2îc t Conlis, Johssston M s et ie eiss, Napaitee, andsirs. J. Ridt. potkt atStot & Jrys.Miss Maîud M\a soil, Peterboro, are guests ut tot &Jurs.s~sry~~se rvdrmis'. orotoiexS\edns ttMr. Tisos. Sueiin s. sok f Mrs. Shssýr andcIiiJ of Peteroits icre WE LEYyTO E The vest pocket will curry eiiough t 'Gd. Tit Soc.rnt ixtýelisw ateises-ail verv isest mâaies anîd osery ýibertV Street. _ 20 glusses cioiceLemonade. Stott a sl u ieiieaJt-n~s-tl ul uriteed. Mrs. George L. Quïic:i. and Miss Ailie \Ai I" make ~~~~Enjos- ar.J G. Ioo'the orissous- cf 'se Por aantiMaster i'ed sire iiiigfrieus is i' Sîsll leacîs i b-rguinss l-icisg solO.W PTk R Ta Jrys Drug Store, the excirsioi ta, Niagara cii Mondas-,Goe usobs lcuse idlisoftortRochester, N. Y. 5 aln ftegetT e A ug. 12. Oniy1 51.23. Messrs. Hoss rd McMunîs3 yauJ Mal- ail or mearly 'su gaeds thaï;si ere S gilui c tsegratTepeauce Tise post office ut Gras eisiirst ssas 'îidyai 1 er.cliii Gallîritsi are sîsouding ,,ý'his' s oli slit)dîigd.ls ie i r Drink eau besmacle svith a Toc Lottie cf brokeni suto by b risrs it Tuesduy 5fr. Johis K3 JJ a iid famsiiy ]lave 11505 las s l insi 'alois.d y ir, e r Extî'act ut Sîott &Jury s. sight and 822D isu cas s ukei.es1i lto 11r. Il. 11. Turner's fise bouse, TieAheisLa iets uiao I l 'osîer Vi," Cenitre St. Mr. W. J. Jolies, soauae f ti c uîosv showuissg a fine of olei first WT haerci dtda THERE teasi ut a game oui Wedssosday after- Ticikcs foi l:ecursiosi to Toronito on Liy(1zav ar av. o, ui5lî~~ eiass g'oods. No soft or blistered a very elîoiee lot of large 15 ONLY is~~oouu, the score IleLi,- 28 ta 7WOVd1iOstl itîext aissale at tise Big 2J îl-ij aos have ustrecels s J a i'goa otai icke i uFeî a ns.Jnst thething foir this ! N Miss Kate Curts cf Bellas 11e, JaucT i, i ~ii ' cola ssss2.7,e. r~sîlisse tsi 1scuIîts xx i'.)is theS sare ctlîiiss 5vu'ni Nwtreather, only 5e. each.ý- ter of the latte Rev. Jam-reeCurts, Meth, ils,.ai- a' s ers la v priees, atiain rachis ini tise ity andO. ialîi ' riol5ceah O ~~~~~~~~~odisi uinister, lias gcui ta Isidia Cas(5 iuu tnasu'iiiiigsi terS\lsfoa eo~td O TCA nisoar.s iscer if xx iter s I, 1 asof ithsebleaar.dgod O TCA nsinr.Miss s M. Astoisof ILI d<oisauss'i Mn. iursday Closing. e f m iepbi sgo ad THI C UN Y.Mr. aud Mrs. I ussdeli andi sois, ansid C' fBusîys eegeî fMs cdcîcp ebyargasfau Cr-oquet Sets, INT I C U T .Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Cosile asnd sous of Zoli Br susue s)iibe oser Sîssidas-. As usul J. B. Mssr's s-Tenis deissrsiiess Wiî Rs lusade a speciai sîudv of the New York buse e Less giests of Mn. R -o eibeBossadsi hn ubeiand w ho holds diplimus from B.Assdrew-. MiUA. avGrisiarstindagistsMis ain trssdi i ls~I'lsrds fŽrgoc eibelessaJsl lu ensRcnt i.i tise e ediusg colleges of Aisserica. TeCîîrso u ta itoyovie l rnanteriexa Mis. Alîresi Giis ii t Alianulale. i gis-e Eisressormsieýs neranddCirreiax, M usoit oolýo tetVefidý ,tc 1-(555 du htie lieate -1terni, Tise sub- is a eau ta eemmslnee vounseif a el xrsofgn nd rs If,3-aUr ey estroubsle cu conusst bi'ss ut ai ,.3 i 'iack fator<- ii,. sus s\Assilrcaus audIJ es ar Licaîi gos-cruitsele eodi ýy yCrigs tOtt & Jury s. Nosvis tlise tisse ta get a nous- suit for -sissp Lisses, gai1 er mis a cuil Pu'iday.h .e t I tise fal fairs. Tise best vaincs ut tise The Pre-bi toilais liejeux' i.-aiii .Duy your Dne T m urs ri ivasgu-st SistcII I Ir1DX M usaisi. s's. Ordere i suits a spe-cialîs- elurgo lits c lusîsîss. hTtissîs- ciîîssta am rs idrstiIelm aJirî OH k ~ ~ ý1 sîtciter isfin3t clssss. ai e tishiestcI umeeisuekl iLy lisledi foiiThe Patôd îoîîiue~ v tarselw50. * . ' A LLEN , 31- aWi rs.E. . i a warde1 isuss Lidî, Culit., lisecus Twine Co.,Batod-1 nthv osendi ifont cf tais i.Bg20 Bos~îxN\îLE' c-, Mai., sand Misses Aîînie and Edîsuau neBirg n/ s-sshsi20.i sue'a G;ouid of Toronto, assd tMî's. Maitiie-w- unuslfrasessci(-geWss- Good weio-ht and the best Msisg cues oss usNvILLE. aussi sois Har'old cf )Mostreil sîse gîests itos GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ai Mr. hiei. (ionid's. Hr.i. E. Wiles anJ daugluter, To- twine. A N R ____ Mr. 1). McPiersnsaofa ColIxîsbus, Ohiaý roi s. ,ands Miss Tliley Fitzgeraild, SesuMA NA D BasvsîxsvîLr.E 5-naTIax. su lia M'holias blisvisiting luis slster ,Mns. j fPîth' av ' erli gue osf M.'Rs axmAvLE H EELR Gcuc A5. OiG Vi. i. N. Esu rie,uand atiier relativs Os lîre, ne-P TE -RD CH turniedi homîe Tue.sduy accoîsîpaniesI l]-)y Ili thse gardoneii oMr.Wmis. Pleriiîiiio'AetBwnavîe Express .5......s.riii.UIPhExsresait([ l2iiiiliN' Causpisclifard, tisere isssms apsle tre g u, osusas le Exres ..5 ii .. l - . is MPircuasu usis.beaiiuufrait o oe ' "n Mssu Loca .iCipsu.Exisels. ..2 25 p. A grand iSaered CorîcertniIIbs-ii enesO iesO us llSOi Express.. . te 2j ~~in Tuits Chaisii nTS.esdlay ex Jinon iithe tis-r. T ET Iss ls5fui LTOT'I' & ~ Aug13. 'Tise lîrc-ais s-iîîccsist ~Mn. Jasîue5 Gaie, ecitor cf tiseWest osses'.Api inissilSl'susiss'5,s ss 1,' su- 'S'lsY's,1s - s - i . Towu'îsTîcket Agntis. aiitiieis3b3 tise chair, duets, solos, etc. Di)IsIlauiN , anti Mn. Arthur Csîxu er aîn-f ______________________________Tise Orcisesîrsu suilli ndeu-ssie cf tiseir sac ui-ss-a lholiday, takig' la tise BOAR FORSERV-ICE. ¶155 lot 2, îlydeied t clîcice sueccilouis. Tickets 15c. \Isckina, ctrio.s. ol 5 ls, s 'îr Yci ean pOuir stock we will îr1w 0 1)na.dian fittM a Word lias beous recels-ciiof, tise M.W lIeusJ, Rosimauî-ile, sas iin.515:Énie'5 .., C stoi.5sV15 -,~ __________ solOarris ai(if Esîion Jasîses aian t.>' taxu'Ihansîlus. ie tcsrie dcxxiito (-ail rtr otr Cùscs ugive YOnLIo-oods at yonî own BOWMý,ýANVILLE, ALTG. 7, 1895. 1 inExîglauui. Tise Editor pros cd tiseouIacifoudM.eiislWtu a ________________________îoonest siiia of tise puty beîiuugsicîs PntHu Glle Tits O N ID iîionss in twt ipces fol, the iiext "0 ilys. 'ns- uunîîl eusm-as sî0e. Thessus-lEcusios n s oslrntTac Gxrduiu foat re, i iîoio C Of' 5 1tolo u thîs-pesiýtvyg h riai-bcili-vr ouar ie ad" els s on ssi I 11Dpties '-,s. su 550e]it tlo- -not pay lns in oui Local and Othnerwise, deu cf tise panty sodts'voy-ig nes-City clinsfroîuî tluGe eports every Wed 1Os.5o uîs -iiuii ~~1 11il UlI tt JI )liest se od ____ x li and aneîsow eujos iîî- theunseivssnisda. Tickets 50e. I ..F LI ý lgt if o w si a oo s ous sc d. îsîaiiii-lo himEii-ssi fiensis. Yeun eau s 5 cthe ]sicc of us sear' ub- s.J sc. s îs~ i.fK vic musa aon -f(ho sviplâts tathiad.speniîy eading- TiseC0WATA . tiulsctJi- as tinie goes on faslîîon Mý'n. . iMaoJ(a '. ii Alisissue aîîd iofetue. tsi, a rud sseil's e;sisuil I hs>iî id3, u ;vno louse sets ut Runiead's-quuiity good. Stanudard Banik, Nesu astie, ind ou-Ma , ol. sîsiuti ise n Éi i O 5,ii 0 5 Ç5 5F555'ss FI icao-saî o ei u Sesvinsg nacinies ut Richard's-soeeRobent, passesi târuoigli ta-du3 ta Stun ukus-a duanssge oftise euit pruces. rCecOIcri issas' se lf ku', ,5sîi ,s" i socteans îsi th (lieus. geous Point, xx Iere îley us iii spessula ion A lot ai Dress Gocds selling- off belaus- sse ru5wtA msee 5 us ii. Lt 1,F 'Go to RICKAR ~fî ie- arod -oods for littie usoney ut Riek- Fdvs.Mr. Alln is Not ben in Lind- eostaud cloice Dness Patternis at àollt sr3,NStinatsis i> 2-yteu e aigaîï.gntrade nieans to bc fnlly np prio ioasîg gsii IANTEI) Good, neiabiieis ss o ael altelaetah MachnesneelesQil et., a Ri1-;- a1oLi whch ie spesut six uaoutbs ai Coueh, Jobuistois& C'r(r3 vv C' tiscS , .111ss sit ci iu s-ufr t5Fbaî-o-adtiins!th ltstfah ard's. neis ioeu ii-jiee is i xsesdmscssuins Tnu STi sINlis-ieS al lis neadons Gros e Nree f5 îioN.Y 2 u i vra ,,n hti 11'iesnfi ait tiseces- liRe asseoasc f tise litîle to coîtibute al itesiof a pensamual iteassts.utssisurisuss th.eiscra ~101 Mnr. Alpha Eastuvood I is onteOfronti touxn îie -hîad buluf s uses.-Liuicssy inature, sul iasvisitons, ssotdiiugs, etc., leisiieil li.S5Fs l isit i i. ils S c, every hotu' ot thevedas. T ontc. post. iluat is coluis i uas Le kept iutenest YA1 saodsasrss'u- 5 sexioa-fo î'7lseiiin od. ieu Mnr. Huald.Mason cof Toronto -is guost Avr-lneassse u nts xin-ug. îslsîs. v'.- ACKAi u><ss. SîSu, Nolne butandlic besdsaodood F ai Cedar Cliff. cssî'siolisisor Gantuen City to Tor-onto on Dr. S. P. Mav o f Toronito, Isspector T-osia, si. peU niise stocaik.'ee Tukýete, ie Gu;Jn City ta Tornuto on Tiusau. Tiissuio-h ibo W otRer Iusaof Pubîlic Reudisso'Roons.is-uNvs iin-n Ontario Ladies' Colle-e, kp n tc.and be cin iteulfor' your- lVedsisduy scît.cilIlý ausittise -loiuus l dth le bsast w as lasi su el aundie-xpnessed lhiseIf ix li iss Alice Wasrrens cf Tcrousto is s isit- eroux'ued auJ hen usany passusg-ens sîet 1 satisfic- ie uxlar Meclissnies' Institute IVHITBY, ONT. E yesight tested wîtlîoît self.- S : Cr i s R iv e rs-W ilsau i s h th e useux' 55 o i lu the Q u seeui C its-. T ise bo a t left B ED E RI T xvI E -B isse R i b oss n u ssth e ulciu s- uie1 u u i c e. rcS J a .e lîaia'g e . e c p ýo w e h e r i ed a n L b a v nnF" p ofeuth le Grand iTnuiik zRailsuas -1 tise est)- anusl rs-nedul ls ocd thie taký- 65J fita otise lsPurto Manillu Su6Jii, ami cf îsiv Lssieî oSe ss.Di',!!O5 5 5 MRSoDO GAS ER Weliasve somegnumibargalis forsui- f'Ilsi tise sususe por'ts a lasngec ciai lRed Cap 55J fi. A fulfilse fson Oic 6r to 7 sula. > l111s.1Sus-us csl -uT lusIrsy M 11%usr u Pensos isludiuk cf cnossisug fie At- isteanduJ (iauy Sm WIisîiileoi u usas s-e aMtsabc.ci - i 'aus, re , u1aus.U lati iui ca soud e o wit snycfPnldcipii, a, hIstIie suits 'nu5 cfpseus b e ss i aii î 1'r S-ixo. 80lsu re a e 1 rts.I0 M.Chrr A.Jos tuusi~Aeî c ~-ais~ f A Pia.,Thifîl srt1'uuc0 s'u-sat 50 inllsgFs utsspat r uusxt mu is' e. R ou Cii Casaiiaiectiluud fiso. auesarcsiug, ta suies of i osxi aNsrae uae a bbougscn sc ou osua s teerag s~U auJAncneu Yiuîs.Mn Aîbun ansiis îlsusos ic Mss5 eîss lsuseu-n 'x ye'itctl us e u a vile a a'ar.s afas.eslls te ifsitlAlisuLue s-ut - ssî 11e tapis' for ueest wacna i "Our ACauiad a nue lui utco is hpal isii î.în î is yea s Ioc i- O iMtr. i. Raesvor-r a-o uiie aihsssIppianon sssolosat on e-a e cirei is af iî p inteMs.nuA.st et 18 ss- uuise}-osete autiuug îse siliw Dest anîd w 1hisu'esiseiaos' uîteneîtuug S ll , ussfu aiu eps 0is x oie nite se In Atxeu nus (clsa is vts ls uL'neiAe, a wis i1 1.-i teJ sliý er. cousubusie.s(louteenHuidd ouu, i..? Ns-wfr Ytwe i O r aaia suei itat c rko."Pht îxhig Paseor'Tii'. u, ýi v -1 i !vý-efai to ind ny t saytGa ffes",i.de2thtfharePuiste<than Bby 7muuyin tieuRcn sus nus. e j' s ill eHIGO iINBOTHAM ,irt Chidrn ryforPichr' Catoia Aent swmliiU