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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1895, p. 7

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AdýNOTHER DISCOVER Y. Of Intereat to Bicycle Riders. A well known bicycle rider has made a discovery that will be good news toc ail who locomote on the wheel. H1e M n ce I first began to ride a wheel, which is sevaral yaars ago, I have bejen subject to more or less chafing and irritation. Sonietimes when heated the ltching in-ide my legs would ba 80 severe that 1 wold feel compelled to forego ridii for a time. Nothing that I tried did any material good until my attention was drawn to an advertise- ment of Dr. Chas's Ointment for al itching of the skin, I tried it and ai- most f rom the moment it touched the sin the itching stopped. J1 also find Its occasional use prevents chafing. Further evidence of the afflcacy of this preparation is given by Chas. Roe, fore- man Central Peess Agency, Toronto, who was troublad with Itching S5km of the most aggravatad kind. When the 8kin b-ace heatad during sleap front too muci clothhing, would wake up with absolute pain from digging into the fesh with his nails. Chasa's Ointment gave relief from the first application and prmantly cured. Prica 60c, Laàke Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Go. STEA ME R L BHED1Y ELECRIucITY. HEAÂnEn BY STEAN 1 ZILlITG SO'UTE-. Leaves Port Hope 9.45 a.m., arrives at Char- lotte Portof Rochester) 3.00 pm.. except Monday, when steamer leaves at 2 .m., arý rives at Charlotte, N. Y., 7.30 p m, SAI21M R OBTIL, Leaves Charlotte (Port of Rochester) week days t 10 p.m., arriv£s at Cobourg 5.15, Port Hope 6.30 arm., eXcept Saturday,when Steamer isaves 4 25 p. M,, arrives at Pcrt Hope 10 p.m. An extra trip le made Morday from Char- lotte (Port of Rochester) et 8.30 a m. For furtber particulars apply to CArv. JÀAsSSLL, on Steamer, S. P.ATERSON and T, LoNe, trts, Port Hope. H. B. GILDER- SLEEVýE, Ganaral Manager, Kingston. J. Navigation Uos Steamers leave Bowmanville going 'etdaily, excapt Sunday, at 5.20 p.m :ýoing West daily. excapt Tuesday at '.1a.m. To Montreal, Single $8,75 iReturn $15,50 To Toronto, Single $12 iReturn $,5 Meeic and berthe ara inciuded le both directions until June 30th, attar which s seals and berthe ara extra goieig East Stean.i-, ' Hamilton" leavas Bowrnan- villa goieg Eat every Moeday at 9.30 p.m. for Monraal,and going West evcry Saturday et 6.00 p.rn. for Toronto and Hamilton. To Montrea!, Single IReturil To Toronto, Single iReturn To Hamilton, Single ie turu 7 7.25 1 14.001 1.25 2.50 1.75 3.50 Meals and berthe ara inelucled ln both directions. For information and tickets appby te J. McCIlUan, Agent, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ALEX. MVILLOY, Traffie Manager. V. F. GILDERSLEEIVE, Gen. Mranagef% 228 St. Paul St, Montreel, P.Q. 27-3 3 His Diffileulty. De yeunont sometimies have âeulfuî yearniugs which you long te couvey lu word s, bus cannot? eskad the sentimental girl. Yes, inded, repliafi the Young muan, I was once dreadtullyiy auions te sond home for money, and 1 dîdn't have the pricaetfaltalagresu. te-" Jeo this tIsa firet tMme you've ever beau lu love, daling ?" Sba-(thoughýtles. iy)-"' Yeq; but it's se 010e that 1 hope if won't bhaje lest 1 CURRENT NOTES An incitentoecunre inlutIse Trench Chaunhar recausly whîeb bas net attnacted the attention its importance dacerves. M. Hanotaux, the ministnet ofereign affaire, turing a dabata on toeigu pelsey, neftd a canefuliy prepareti speech, lu whiobhai useti the word "alliance" as indîcating tbe nature of the relations hatwaan France anti Russie. The objectotes speech was te- prove thas the por-posa et the Ribot govaru- meut le te ressora the prestige and position lest by France throogh the feehianese cf bar Egyptian poiicy, anti that threegb an allance wjsh Russie a fnlcnnm bail beau seourat for the recovany of both. The declanation is lu eveny wey a noteworshy oe, for wblle tîîerelatiens axistiug betweu the two powers have beau tiascîibeti by proviens munisters4 as thoce et tnientiship ent aven et close uudarstendiisg, the word "alliance" in the saeet a deohuiteaegree- ment for mutuel support lu certain contin- gancies, bas neyer beau usat. Anti it is lu th's saes he M. Hanotaux plainly tesîreti it te ha untienst'oot, fer ha neos.ony sttatid, in affect, thet tIse oblissation et France te taire part in flua caiebresion et Kiel restati on Rnssia's appearanca thane,1 but that Fransce was bount te essis the nontharu power lu the Fan East by neason et the alliance. "The essentiel condition et avary fereign policy le oentinuity su plan eut action,' bit sait, anti as "France places ber alliances su the fronst nank oetlier cou- sidaraticue," it wae tasarmînati te support Russla ilier contention with Chine. Lt le ditlienît te rnaent scb e daclaration, Publicly mate, as meaning anytbing aise thaîî a bard eut test alliance betwean the two poecr, the more lu vaiw et the acte whieb followed, ouaeto whicb was tisa lnvestmant ot the Trench presidant, shontly etter the speech, with tIsa Russian enter et St. Audraw, a distinction reev. cd for princes. More significent sîil was the fusion et tise French eut Ressian equedrene et Kiei, witb the Trench admirai in tamponary comment, andtheIs permission givan by tIse Trench govarumant te Russie te raîsa $80,000,000 in thse Trench markas te lend te Cbina,end se acure for Rusela prepont erarît influence in Faim. Tise latter i5 the more significent haca.use îs will worir a positive bantehipto the Trench novernmeut' wbicb dasines se refond e part et the piublic debt et auearly day, andi in toing se muet eppeai te investors elready draluet by tisa Russian boan. Iedeet, if is inconceivable thet the govarnmaut woult sacrifice its ewn inteness te this axtent wane if net definiseiy assurati et Rusejan support in evantualities othan than a war witls Germany ; anti althongh M. Hanotaux'e speech floas nef explicisiy sey se, the as. snnsption ail fbnengh ît le that France enu rely ou the assistance ef ber ally lu Atnica as waii as lu Europe. LIns'iaw cf the whelesale wey in wbich France bas placet hersaIt et the czar's disposali, is ifficult te ose bow hacouit refusa it, aeu t lsmay ha axpacteti, thanatese, thes whan the Parle government je ready te hning the Egyptian question te a cnisis, if wii bave Rnssia's support net oniy in nagotiasions, but lu sean if if comas, The France-Ruisian alliance thue lias a veny direct intancest for Engiant, who cen seteguant hersai! againet the possible active Iîostiity et the alliat powere only by jeining the Triple Alliance or by au increase oetlhar fleet sufficient te overceme tbese et France anti Russie United. NEW CYCLING WRINKLES. A "Cec.kSei,d Paumime t Tiand aues E1ectnIf, Searclight. WsilcIs SeFact- encdt te the Cep. A thousaut mintis ara busy iuvantDing ep. pliances te increase the speet, jîsefuiness, c'i)mfens anti ponsahility cf the bicycle, Oua muan bas patentet sebat ha celle"I the cons- soeat pneumatic tira." Hait of thea spece now oocuspîct by compoundi air le teken up wîush a semi-circulan fillin5 et cork, wbich s et once light anti yielding anti whicb the inventer daim sel prevans punoseres. Ha le wiliig te rite witbh ies conr-solet pnieuntîc tires oven miles et treoke, broean glass anti nawly epreat macadam, eut seame se think lha bas matea ebiig îiscovery. Anotban man sentis in a plan et a home. mate bicycle lamp that will not go eu. Au ondinary- thin, streiglst drinkieg glass is firet teitly naunevetef t s bettom. Thon the extanien le painteti a deat blackr, wstiî the exception et a emaîl buil's-aya. The top eutdheustosuara fillet seisbthin conk, lu wbicb holas are le! t for ventilation, anti the lighut le tunniedatby emalswax cendies, No -Dcubt. Tiret Man (e 'bibulous party)-Tbercesa lot et body lu shis wine. Seco)nd Mae-Yas, ent L'o baginning se t1iink fbane's loti et sie ain the body. L iterary Notes. The editoriels are entitled HE LTU dates," "The Naad oftaCity Party," "The E L H For sven earsDsgeerata Stage," and "The 'Heart Lina' For saan yaaS cribner's Magazine in I{o-Wethe Baies bas had the habit ef puhlishing a mîdsu. Therara eythingewbiheterin mer Fiction Number,io which have appear. Teeaemiytig eda seavet seeet ittnoblesrt e atenis TeAge esi !S Nioholas is a whather the baby ij e 0eun' Thetbeveh Aeowr ittshyue icnauler.Midsmmer Holiday number, and th, van-asesn fcopraie ruqiîyo Th0rsu Agus su eo exception eus articles oiaking up the tableeof contante esno opraietaqiiy te thîs ramaràahly succassful record. Any are tul of the vacation spirit. Cromwell webrheeuhpiaeef hte oumeretth mgazne boidhanotable Galpin contnibutes au a xcitingsory lu everyonue erouind hlm je te ha cotopromisad, withean array of contibutors wbich includes "The Bronco's Best Race," tellinz how the In the matter et diat it should ha remem- Anthiony Hope, H. C. Buriner, Hopkinsou piucky little animal held bis owý,n witb a 1barad tuat the cblld le a mamber cf the Smith, Richard Harding Devis, Octave. big thoroughbred. Anna Robeson Bruhîna faiy;an fgrown çci r Thanat, Noah Brooks, George Meredith, lias a merry ballad ot Robin Horýd's days, hmnfml n fgonjai r George I. Putnaro and Theodore Roosevelt. in "Nottingham Fair." "Bassia's Escape," semiewhb capricieus in thain tastes, wny The oumba; centaine seven suenrt storias, hy Ezra Hulburt Stafford, is sey of should net an infant hava the sama privi- six et them il] ustrated by artiste cf the tiret advanture wîtb a cougar fWhat Gustus legsa rauk, inciuding WV. H. Hyde, Reinhusrt, C. Gerlach Was At raid et," as toid by Eliza- O ore tl vde httafutu Y, Turner, Orson Loweli and otijere. bth i'mings, was oct the dragon hi intendad te eiay wlîenlha grew up, bu t the young infant canneS admit cf iruch variety A Mideummer Magazine. - Frank dark, en hie way te bcd. "Babieca, lie 'no matter what the seesen. But 15 is aie1 Stokten, the autheofet"The Lady, or the War-Horseofe the Cid," je a ronsantie evidaut that its teed neade more careful1 Tiger T' contributas under the titie ef chapter fresu the hietory et Spain, tolti byprprtn ubtwelrthntohr "Loe Rfoe Beafas,"oneo h otJames Baldwin. Theodore Rooseveltit, lu aininhtwete ta t t daiigbttui love storias te the August Ladies'bi eesoHr TlsfmAnrca tre. Home Journal. The happy motif et Mr. Histery, telle et l'The Crui2e oft he Wasp, If the baby is baiug brought up on the Stock ton'e e tory le more than sudicatafi by a galiant sloep et war that captued hottie, the nsllk sheuid ha caret uliy select- the oharmîng illustrations wbich Mr, . ,, sevenai Engiish vessais in 1812, andi thenedat T. Ssuediay bas provided for the taCt. Dr. fluaiiy and for aver disappeareti and left e n sterilîzed, and slsould ha fresbly Parkhurst writes wisaly and wcl et "lTihe ne trace et banr fate. William T. prepareti as every teediog. Lt sheuid net Training ef the Child," giviug ativice whicb Hernaday fias another intarastiog chap- ha sweetenied se bigbly, uer shoulti it ha cannes falau se haoe value te parants avary- ter in ostural bisrory, takîug up' ' rich in proportion as turing the wherc. Tha biography o!the uumbar con. Proug-Hornad Anitelopa and thea-Caribou," wintar usonths, wban the fat le neaded. cieLs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~H eteme uaasu kthe h adesre.nhs the strange 'migrations cf the If the chilti is being hrought ep as the sist ofa mot iterstin sktch f "Thebraasste saeacara muet ha saken, only Wniter W'e Know as 'Octave 'Thanat,' " Barren Grounti Caribou, andi sys thare are whlc is ccopanieti hy a portrait eftte prebahly largar barde et these animais tisa efforts muet h iett heg h author andi sevarai excellant views et Mies renging the great North.West than there nurse.1 She mettha very ceretul o! baer Franches' berne as Davanport, Iowa. Ethel aver were et buffaio. Mrs. Glana Erskine diet, eating ootbing wbîch, hy any chance, McezeMeKenna writee i-teresingly' Clament dascnihas I" The Voyage of a may intentera wlth the infaut's digestio. of"eeeue o 'lc i odeln ClIunese Wiidcat" that wass lha n weicome Iu bot weaahar she, tee, will require a andi Mrs. Hamilton M'dtt contribsîtes e short compenion je an Oriental ('relia. The simalaer proportion etfet-formiog foodi. sketch et Mns. Theodora Thomas. Thomas twe sariais, '« A Boy eft he Fîret Empire,", The chid will ha affectad by every change Wharton is rapresentati by a laver litia hy Eibridge S. Brooks, andi "Jack Balle,- in tise milk. tsory, "A Thippenny roken." "omtar's Fortunes," by Howard Pyla, are test Suromer is an excelsent turne in whioh te Moon's Firet Swetbeeart," wiîe lies burjad ueaning theïn ends aud grow in inteceet.feerjthyugcilau ppitfr in n uknon gapein 4renwod Cme.The tiret centaine an accouct ef Napolaon's btbing. The waer shoulfi ha as neaany luy ans u u n gas i GeanwoedCamer abdication atter bis defeat by the Allies; as possible et the sae tensperetura as that tieasletuciuîgly wteu et, lin eutdin the second Jack raecovers tise buriet cf the child, and le ha buiti hagentiy im- ta gilwie moher atgrn treasuîraetofthe pirate cptain. Prof. e d e lneiineiadlI o mother ar bsg ocbupn as aneiles . Brauter Masthaws writssoe Oliver Waud- few momeDt2. The action et sach a bathije as iercacanasan ctese "Amenican Girls as Violiniets" aaewritten of by Fred. aIl Hoimas sn bis saies et Great Amenican botis cleeusîng andi soting. anic Retidali, sketches aud portraits ot the Autbors-a Most ceugenial subjeut. Amog Tisera le nos much cause ion rubbing the moet tamous oftshaun heing given. Mie the verses ara: "The Lant cf Maire- child witb soep, cetaioiy net for ecnubbsng Elizabeth Bilanîl writas cf "Wban Livn Beliave," hy Guy Weaimera Carryl ; "Au hisu. The waten msy ha softtnet hy a lu she Ceuntry." Lu the fourth pepanetAngusWootnoad," hy Fret. Charles G. littie borax, wbîcb willl ase make it suffici- the sanies eft"lThe Womau Who Mess Iu. D. Robate; The Bailad of Tumhiadewn antly cieaneinig. The dnyiug procase sheuid flanadMe" dgrWiso Na BhTown," hy Chane L, Benjamin, aeut h arsu cdns sd the surface et the Nye" wrtes f te tw woen wo nos "When King Kijolly Finds a Thief," by hody sisould ha gansly patted witb a sots iufluanced hlm. Women who loe daînty Rudolph F. Bunner. flannal, rather sheewipad onruhbed. The ueetbewonk wili ha teligutad witb Helen parts wbich are in danger of chafiog should Mer Adams' -"Louis XV. Embnoidcry SOlVE GLITTERING JEWELS. ha kept ligbtly dusteti with five pente et Dasigne " and Miss Robents' "lSet et Six zinc oxide se swanty-fivc parts et starcis. Doilias." Miss Parles, writas froin ahroed Fseelous Stonewargh milios elong Lt le advleable te gîve the baby ail the Mathtiset renh Cokug"; haningta ala Wacsa frash air pessible turing the summer etf MtosoFrnhCoig Ee gteNtdWne.monthe. Lt ha je able toencjoy the freehen air F. Raxtorti et " Flowan Shows in Smaill Ms Wila BAtr en ifseutecntyorsaoeOmcith Citios," and Isaela A. Malice centnibutes a r.WlimB so ai h oftecuryrsahrs uhte taioiy.iilustnatad page on theIl Prebty ehoosas, liteally cever hersait witb geme. basser. e We shoult remamben, bowevar, lu con- SumamerBetices." This midsummar numniber Sha bas a tiare et diamouts, nemankable nactien witb shîs subjeet, that tshe proper wich goe out teits huntreds of tbousauds of for thein purity, valuad et $50.000. A caneetfhet-weatban babies, sud intact of neaears in a ocver pneseuting Albert Lyneb's vaîvat throatbaud, with caverai brilliints, ail babies, tees net consiet in eonstently faSon pnelu prin, lewert tn fsr es is worth $70,000, On, in place oet he baud tussiîsg witb tbem. ifs pSc al n ient193 s, eu thne enetitesshae au wear any onaetftise three diamont - ha wîfhout 15. Psîblisheti by The Curtis e eias s sbra foig p$i,00. Caterpillars and Eye Diseases. PublishinHanopaay,îofs ceeselph0,, forand ieranpins PubiiesinerCcupa nd etPhietdariatnanti rings $25,(00, maliDg a grand total lt will bha esurprise se many peeple te teer cetarpmunadeu ol r aoe $338,000. Han daughsan-in-Iaw, Mns. kuow that catarpillare are rasponsihia for Beausiful ont-on costumes f rom Parisiean models wili hc guven in greaf variety during the uext fu eecis. It s Lo eanly to iuuicateanutsn fecbienc, axcept lu rery ganeral farms ; but hinfe of the cemiug ci-accu seul anpear lu the Augues numbere et Harpan'c Bazar, Au article on I"Eanly Aussumu Fashions fer Mon» will intaees the staroar ccx. A charmiug play ton amateurs, entiet "Piazza Lite," by Alice Ruîth Certen,seiil bepublishat i n the Bazar early lu Auguset. OuigfrAugust presentsea.delightful et sport, traval anti ateeniura. Mauy fine ill umtrations compieta thbe attractions ef an a xceilent holiday number. TLha contants are as toiloses : I lu a Fiait etf Bock- whcaf," by Jean Poter Ruit ; Il The Wbeai et Ti'sse," by, Florence Guertin; "1Deep Sea Ficbing of Sauta Barbare," by Haulay C. Booth ; "I auez's Worit Tour Asebeel »" Nan's Deenisunt," by Georgia Robents;" A Day with thii Blackr b3ase" by Fraucie J. Lyrîda ; "*Cyciing lu The W/bite' Mountains," by Percy G. Stuart ; IlThe Metamc's Bas," hy A. C. Huribuni ;"- The Cup Champiens of 1895," by R. B. Burchard ; "lPelo in isba Wet," hy J. B. MeoMahan ; "Tso Itilere in Camp," by Helen Church ; 11Armv Signal. ing," by Majer H. A. Citiding,as " Aftor Antelopa in Wyoming," by Oscar K. tuerie; "Hfappy-Go-Lucky Beach," by C. Rice, eut tise usuelatiltoriais, peame, recorde, etc. clinge te diamonts anti sapphires, anti possassas f ully $1010,0û0 worsh su varions cettings. Inolutina the jeweis ef the 'ata, Mrs. Roosevelt, et Mr8. Drayton anti Mns. Orme Wilson, Mnus. Aston's daughtars, shis femily bas possihly $1,000,000 investet lu geins. MRS. ÂLVA'S DIAMosNDs. Mrs. AIra Vanderbilt,- whe waS Mme. William K., seas eiweys the masu- bar et the tamîly mest dlighting in tIsa ostentation et waalth. Among ber treasuras ise great nope or chairs, twe aut a hait yards long, cempeseci ot tiamends et ne mean cira, partectiy niatcheti, eut berati se hat tbey may ha ctnssng, foucbing oeaanoshar, lika heats. Han jewels ana valuet et $5001,000, the chain aloeabaing appraiseti as $10,000s. Mrs. W. Seward Webb bas a chain et dia- monde, almost the countarpans et the oea j net mentioead, anti prohahly quise as cessiy, wîth corouet8, tiares, enubunos anti the other trillas. Lt woulti ha safa pnohably te eay that $2,500,000 would ha epproximaely near tIse vaine et the jaweis ef the aight Vanderbilt wemen, îuciuting Mns. Aiea as eue. MRSs. BRADLEY MAII!Tu'5 zas Amoug Naew York woea Mrs, Levi. F. Mrtnînj notEt fer han superl6diamond stars, Mne. Henry Ctawe fer a very beauti- fui coller et remarkably pitre peanîs, Mrs. George Goulti for han splendid tiamssnt cresen, araess et large white atones set lu an open circla anti fermiug a- sanies et invertati V's. This is sai to se aleet et $50,000. The jaeails et Mrs. Bradiley Mentie are eclipsed by thosaetofneo osher seeman lu The high-llgbts et the Mitisummer , Amenýica.. Thaey e£ra e wenuIl Holiday Century are tbree beausiful woti- onrthin seCaneu value, ant iniuma augnevinge by Coe a e a celebraatdfer their bisisery. Suffice iftet pictones by Ruens, isbaente baving beau that bar tiare eftshîrty.cix points, mata lu bbc prasencaet the pictunes tham- in itte magnificence, mata up e! I salves ; a tuliy iiestratad description by anId huntrets et diamants, of ail s Phlo N. MeGiffin, ef ttc beissie etfisbaYole shapas et etones, metchati byy River betsen stheJepauaesc anti Chunesa searchîug anti exquisiteîy set, je vi fleats, le wblch the wrisar commandi- $250,000. That cama motistfigus( the Chinasa ironciati (lien Yun ; e cern- te eue et Mrs. Hicke-Lordso fivae meut on tshis marnorable engagement hy the neekiaes. This monetreus mess tistinguiseet naval critic Caps. A. T. said tso ha more valeahie trosu i 'Vlahan, antiti " Lassons troin the Yalu faeese usta n te nf Tught ;" a paper by Nondau, authon et The contants et thus weman'e jaewe Deeaatuonj," on the criticuem eftataisaare lugg". et more than $500,000. hookg; a biognaphicai sketch ln the Notable Tanny Davauport's collection iciv Womau carias et Sonya Kovala vsky, the $250,000, antissia bas an aniaralti1 Ru e-i aun mathernetcuan, wshb[se recel. which once balouget teRugenie, ai lacisiongs ant i hography have jusubeau o! pure wehite peanîs. puhiisee ; an aogagingiiiustnateti incsai, aiRS. LANGTRY"l OJOLLECTIO2 meut ot Sioane'eLifaof Napoleon,îuclutung M re. Langtry's jewseae valet tube second ceuspaigu 10 Ltaiy andtihie battis million. The meet noeist piaca je et Marengo, wlth maps, basisia scance, anti o! dtemontsantipaarlsconteiningtn portraits mata aspecialiy for tisis seeni ; e ant i timeuts. Han nobles arei continuation of "Caca Braccie," Marion valua te bar diamonts. A siacilace Crewfoiti's ismagie novai, with an illustra. metchabla ruhips je valueat 25, tien by Castaign ; "The Pnincese Sonia" peessseseiic ingla nuby rabuat $ hy Juulia Magruer, wish an illustration by andi a peari pin le wonish $25,000. A Gibson ; a cbermiusg stery et a litis Chinesa diamont anti amenait neokiuice le boy entitieti "The Cet andtihue Cheaub" treasure. 0.1 rings she possesses se, by Chasser Baiiey Tannait, anther et "The favorite beislg an immense turquolk Gentleman in the Barrai ;" alec, tour vry diemontis, Then tisera' are cfil sort atonies by Geerge Wharton Etiwantis neekieces, oeeoe sapphiras anti ti ansitieti "The Rivainies ci Long andi Short velueat t125,000, anti oneet rare Cotile." Lu addition te sthea unique yahiow peanis. Bracelets, pins, gel featurectubera are caverai articles nelatiug eveny cerner eft he seenît, curies: n'ore or lss initimateiy te the holiday fausastically caf, ef ail kinde eut si2 1seasen,. Dr. -Elenry van Dyke coetributes sebele fero e collection isba eigbto an artia eou "Old-hlasstloneti Tin'g. ' lu la baeildaning. The cabîuet in sel "A Bis. ot Italien Marryrnaking,' Mn., Golcouda is kept le a marnaiet c e 8,cott-Utia dascnibes the Lulias ot Nala, an Orientai cabioasseouk anti ia a tri Italien city, the "lisies" ,baîng turres meolsanical iugenuity seitIs its leg eigiîty ornuinety feet Isigb, napnesanting the springs. Lt le esualiy kept lu a suie. duffenant traties, anti carniet about en mo'r-eveuit. ablapiatoruns. "Fox-Huntingiu Kentucky" _________ hy John Fex, is a diescription o! thie sport in isba Bina-Grecs ragiors, doue with a novai Weariscme Dodging. toucis. The greas summenraesons couutyocf'Rural Houeekeapr-You are li Massachusetts le the scanaeto a deiighsful eon article hy Henry Dwight Setigwick ansufletieaon "Reriniceuas ! Lterry enkisia~" Familier Tremp-Yas, munm ; I which consains beautitui portraitsofCathn- coma bye offrunibentwey, se a y irgeýSedgwick anti Lanuy Kamblea eut mnytoesetofeimeeorlasyc osher tnawiugc eut portraits o o!n Meitnti.--- fiat wîtb stbe regîou, Among isba pesis et the numbar is "The Green Grass av Pnbýlic instruction choulti ha thej ùwlbtIbrelan 1." by Tamnas Whitc'uab cois cf goverrnent.-Napoleou. Children Cry for PitCher's CaStoria. ly artistie iny cases )mention hundreds siras anti ears et vabat et a eapplies diamont ot fine is ifs laige Ie worit. re et et necklace utd nopes DN. e t a cool a cerouaet ,e thous. next iu etofun- 100. She $300,000, A 860,000 Sanother erars, ber, ,se set in il -other amonts, eChinase eme trem uisly eut izes-tha of wbich ,huch this exquisîte rnpb ton cire aut .dapesit etce this bat tan avoiti th' nr. fines ehb au etlactboofet iaeyas wfllck mey entail prolongad snffaning aund aveu rasuit in serions damage te vision. That suob le the casa bas been abudautly provafi by e nuroher of instances on record, iu whi'eh more or lese intractabla inflammation of the ayes has beau fouod te be associated witb the preseuce cf haire, which af tan removal, hava beau ideutiflad as helouging te the ganus ceterpiilar. A case is ralated le which a lad was struck in the aya hy a caterpiliar tbrown et him by a pleyful schoolfellow, Ha pioked up the insecrte examina it, aud the baud evbich saizt d it bacame rad and avaopad papules and, othar indications of local irritation. A day or two latar the eye hecame tise seat ef what provad te ha a very troublasoma inflammation associated with tha prasauca of roundad alevations due te au accumu- lation of celle aronnd the ambaddad haire, which wara subsequaotly discovered and ramovad, Lu spitae oftraatment, the dis- oasis axhibitad the characaeristic taodency te periodical exacerbations, and it was meny menthe hefora tisa unfortouata boy had aven approximateiy racovared trou- tha affects, Lt dues net appear te ha knowu with aoy certainty whet particular spacies of catarpillar le rasponsible fer thsea troublas ; but it le beyoud question that saverai variatias are capable ef detarmining local irritation wban brought ioto contact with thae kin. It will ha wall, therafore, fer caution te ha exarcisad in the hendling et caterpillara, and prectitienere may flnd ia wortb whila se bear ln mind the tacts statad when called upon te treat obstinate1 casas of racurring inflammation of the eye, i occurring, during whet may ha described as1 the catarpiliar 8eason. Don't Negleet the Teeth. A dentiet whose prectica bas bean for many years largely ameng persona who would commonly ha calied Il of a raflned and culturefi clase," fiude the nagleet cf cleanlines of tIse, mouth ameug chiidren of snob persons muet astouishing. II Thasa childran are baîng traiued in all tIse arts and sciences," he says, *1yet in oee cheol where there were 700 pupils, 500 of themt from 10 te 18 yeare of ega, only 50 cleanad C ATA1RH 0F TH-fE HEAD 0F THE EARS O. F TH-fE KIDNEYS OP 0FTHE STOMACIl *,BRONCHIAL CURED B .~ SCOTVS SARSAPARILLA Vou may rel-ieve b caldin1 thelaa tiensý, but ail tho snuffs, powders, sprays, salvag and balms on earth wo'i, cura catarrh, Scott's Sarsapanilla wMl, because it acte cou,-, stitutienatiy with pure blood, reaching averY part cf the systeni, seercbing out the fount of mucous accumulations, removing the causa of thair baing. The neason it curas catanrh is on eccount of the newiy discovared prepertias it coutains. SCOTTS SKIN SOAP Prevens Rougli 2"<tn. their teeth twice a day, 27,1)used a brush sometimes, and 175 did nlot own a tooth- brush. In the primary department, where there wara 200 ohiidren froîn 6 te 10 yeers oi aga, it was found thatnot more than ten were provided with toothbrushes." Fur. tharinquiry and investigation showedd hbIe thie echool was lot an exception in the mattar. Dr. Rittar, of Barljo, found that of 637 par8cus, 400 cf whom were underlà yaars ef age, only forty-ana, or a trille more than 5 per cent., had perfectly sound teeth. How a child wiil suifer from morti- fication in aftar yaars il che parents have neglectad this most important matter 1 PEARLS OF TRUTH. No violent extrema endures. -Carlyle. Ah 1 the sofit etarlight of virgin eys.- Balza. Faith is nlot reaaon's labor, but repose. - ciung. Education la the appranticeahïp of Jife. - Wilimott. Nothing is se atrocloue as fancy witbcut taste. -Goethe. The flewer she touched on dipped and rose.-Tennyson. Happy are they who enu create, a rose- r ce or eret a iîoreymukle. -Gray. Evary prodncltion cf ganies muet be tIse production cf enthusiasm, -Disraeli. The child'sm md eau grasp with aasa the delicate suggestions of flowers.-Chapin. To overcame evil with good je goodý to reast evil hy avil je evil. -Mohammed. The pyramide themseavas, deting with ae, have forgottan the naines of thair foundere. -Fulier. Would tilay couid sell ne axperiene though at diamond pricas, but then ne eue would use the-article seoondhand.-Bal- Zao. No flattary, boy ! Au hones man can not live hy it-,is a littlesneaking art,which kuaves use to cajole'and stolten fools withal. -Otway. Hie tougua dropped mannsa, and could maka the worse appear the batter reaen to perplex and dash matureet cenels- Milton. Bules for Bieyclists. A surgeon gives, in an Engliih mage- zinle, soma excellent robe for bicycle rid- ing: i. Neyer ride withln haîf an hour of iL meal, which meaus neither hefora nor alter. 2. Wheel the machine up any hill the monnting of which ou the wheel causes any real effort.. 3. See that the clothing round the sem- euh, neck and chest l8 boose. 4. Have the heudie bar sufficiently rais- ad to preveut stooping. 5. -Be as sparing as possible eftatking fluide duriug a long ride. Rinsing the, mouth thoroghiy, as well as gargling with cold water, wiii quanch the thiret as wall as, if flot hattar than, taking fluide into the stomach lu large quantities. 6. Excapt the wlnd, roeid, etc., ba favor- able, ocrer ride more than tan miles an heur, except for very short distances. 7. Neyer smoka whila riding. Attention ,to these pointe wiil tend te reliéva the pressure on the right sida of the heent, braathlessneee wiil largely he praveuted, and aven pareons with certain formes of heert diseaisa mey ride with saety. ____ An Important Point. Old Miliîon-Do you wish to marry my denghter T Mr. Slimnpurse-Y-e-s, sir. Old millhou-Ur-do yen intand te live sith your parente, or hareT? "FIAor Over Fifty Years." For over fifty'Years Mffl. WINSLOW'S SOOTRING SvauP ha. been used by mil- lions of mothere for their childreu while teethilug. If distnrbad et night and broken cof your rest hy "a sick child suf- fering and crying with pain of! Cutting Teeth eend et once aud get a bottle of "lMrs, Winalow'e Soothiug Syrup'" for ,Children Taething. It will relîave the poor littie sufforer iînmediately. Depend apon it,mothers,there is no iestake about it. it cures Dïarrhoes,regulates the Stom. ech and BOWels, cures Wind colle, softene the <4n,-ms, raducas Inflammation, and givas rone and energy te the whole eysta.m. IlMrs. Winslow's aSoothing Syrup" for eilîdren teething le pisesant to the teste and ie the prescription of one of the oldest and hast femele physiciens and nurses in the UuitadStates. Pricetwenty-flve cente e bottie. Soldiby al druggiste shroughout the world. Be sure eud aek for 'MRs. WINSLow'S SOOTHNG oSYht'P" Hungry., Naw Customer-ls that yeur dog Barbr-Yas, sir. New Customar-Ha seame vary fond cf wesching yen eut hair. Barber-lt iselt that, sir. Somatimas I make e mistakeaned teke aleetie place off a gentleman's car ! is Cod-liver Oil eî-ulsified, or iriadeeasy of digestion assý as- similation.'To tlisis adsecl th H-ypophosphites of Lime and Soda, which nid in the digestion of thse Oul and increase materially thse potency of botis. It is p' te- markable flesi-producer. Lma- ciated, anSmric and consuinpti-ve persons gain flesis upon it very rapidly. The combination is a most happy one. Physicians recognize its su- perior menit in all conditions of wvasting. It has had thse en- dorsement of the medical pro-. fession for 2o years. Vson't bepesuead e te kas stitutel Scott & Ilîwee, Bellesille. 50C. asd $1.

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