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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1895, p. 8

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riabl Woks OF~ _ T AJl5V M /T I i i - N T A .VeSt- 0k of F c l mnilh ilîuîeïs !il S disl, S-otclï and Auîîeîjean Granites anîd Ma b1e.s constaîîtly oi lqid imported dretfroin the cdiffereitît Qi-trries aud Mii-f'511t9 BLrers, Coal(ndsce -what yoa are brtying. Prices Io-\ and gooed w rk guLaraînteed. E. R. BOUNSALL, rpit. The, Canadiail Statesifan EN ERY WEDNESDAX MOIIRNING, ESNÀT 1111 OFIUL 26 STITSMNBLOCK, KING- STREET, B- OWMAN-'VILLE, ONT., BY 1~LAJAi4SMi or Propif to Iytin(t13 i allecf ADVËRTIS1NSG RATES Trinsieur hdvert.siirtr. Tn Cits per Lu&e, iir, iet iiiiFis Cuis rrLin.. each mb- stfiiiffi iîf.rtioii. CONTRACI F kTES. Li 1 5 16i 0u0ifîI Fr Oui Cý uloîs ........ hG ) 0" 0 Twiîy rLi ts. 4 8 0 f G '2 010G T( dis.. . . . . 2,-, j 4,,01 6!-"f Il GO .is .....r........... 2, 5301 600 10 On Tht 1--e arcer )ntr'ff' il qad î1, J!îie CI) Iîso rns 'disis, 't- inuit 1,e Fiieriii ai rfittr'it fitsano iifi ewiterist Notice of I3rth-, le;Mriages antidr 50C. Di f a ive eitsiia re ri, uîutîtl pv a irait of Soidfi oiipariclantir-fit rnda1 o rdiio. ror ild, jtiuio iiit ' 'g snuit bin iiiixrititi ot:fcrw se 'tie ' utiftf illiltL lji resfi uPu,.e 13uîes i or i, il ti oinw im ii .('-' f a the. i i i u a lff to ff le n dlaCîor aeoktî î tiken îî rts o rfor.w o ii e- 1ý 1 -fh o a rr n l ie s.olîid tints l a1,aitt" ..' 17 i - i xit tii)) ffiftfofiica .io ,,i pnb-iî'. os fie nticoisco -4neIl wl iiifliati fit .o1A~,uiliio n, rtfonti arTir e COlf riA i 0a 1 Oiîiif r ;e) the Aridti îc' ad ule ,îair teri, u M. A. JAMES, Bowuiui 1e, Oft. BOWM'-ý'ANVILLE ALG. 7. 1895. K GREAT fDiscoV a AA 'Diamond ad - ,Dyes ... Aod~ ?he OnIy 00m blete Dyea on the Market that Make Fast and Unfalng Colora. nhe Fast Diamnond 1byes for Cotton and Ilixed Gooda(12 colors> are triumphs of sciene They are IICw and inr- i/ portant discover les ,coitrolled by 'Diaiaond Dyes, ý9ý aind are found irn xio other packagei- _yes. They iii clor more goods talliter package dyea, and make colors that are absolutely fast tai light ,und waahing, Be sure that you get Fart DUa,, inond Dyes for Cotton and Mixçd Goods, e~ Ibey exccl al others. Soid every Me. -Directicn Book andl lorty %amples o loe!coth free. A oor or -ildet msi> l(,sî 10 h"ossthe foilousiuig'tiot ablout Ofolif Aimaoîit sî .o taif tîrii h tejinfornmtion s%Ii 1.siI ostd to tis sofficoe. Nlo lTîlthle fii"t Sus-ii iicrolso. If il f i l lIirný t- Il f 's srùt] i î Fiale-îsitmfl'15f POildetin- I i 'i Il i Tilor-Slop î starie/td m'Soe is fi u ff 'aidim o..Miiil I o Sio thop tI fis il Il Plîlu i 'o ilIl I Ilil fi Il J&5 0(1 Sreche fChristians ' 1 ii u, ut fiPieîsteciauim i l i f lBible eirseti'tusi 'l'le le le fi if r a5e ile YOUR FUTURE IS IN YOIJR OWN HAŽID. Paimistry assumes te tell what the lices in youa haid indicate. Il wilh amuse you, if liothing more. The abovo diagraus almost exphaius itself. The lengtla of the LINE 0F LIFE indicates probable age te, which yen wil ive. Each BRACELET gives yen rhirty years. STrl markî l INE F HEAD entes lraiu pou>er ; cear LtNF 0F FORiTUNE, f ame or riches. floua combiced moia success in life; but yen mut keep cp wiî h modernî ideas te win it. Yu whhl i Sortpeny of ihese in Demorests Family Magazine, so atractivehy pue- senled that every member cf the famihy is enter- ane.It is a doren magazines in one. A CLEAR UNIE 0F HEART bespeaks lenderues8. a straighsc LINE 0F FAXE, peaceful life; the reverse if croeked. A well - defined LîNE 0F FEALTII spares yen doctor' bis; se iill the heath hints in Deuîorest's. No other magazine publishes se macy scories te iterest chie home circie. Yen aihi be subjeet te extremse of high spirits or desuiecd- ency if yen have the GIRDILE 0F VENUS weli marked; keep up 0cur spiritse htavîin Demorese- 5 Magazine te read. ily snhscribing ce it for 1894 yen wihh receive a galery et exqisite works cf art cf great value, besîdîs îtîe sîprb prîmiun pictnre, lix22iniches, "I 'lu a Dai"y!" Nwhîcl' le ahuset a real baby, accu eqîi te tie original il painting which cost $320; and yeîa wiil have a magazine thaFrcannot bie eqnaled by acy iu the sxoi'd for ils beauf if nh illustrations and subjeci maltez, that wilui keep yen psoted ou ai the lopie cf thie day, iiîd al tPi fadad diffrent items cf inlereet about the household, besides furcishicg iteresticg readiug malter, both grave sud gay, fer the whohe famfly ; and whie leiceoret's is not a fashiouniagazinie, ils fashion pages are perfect, anfd yen get ith it, free cf ceet, ailte patterns yen wie-h te ne-e doriug the year, and in acy eze yen choose. Senf lu your subscription at ounce, only S200, acf yen wili realhy get over $2500 ic value. Affrese the pub- lisher, W. Jecclugs Demoresi, 15 East 14cP St., New Yorkc. If yen are ucacquaiclef siih thie Magazine, seudfofra epecimec copy. A large QUAIS. RAIsOLE meace hocesty; a large TRIANGLE, geuerosity: loug FIRST DIVISION 0F THUMB, stroug wii; LONG SECOND DIVISION. reasoc. ing facuity. The MOU NT 0F AJUPITER beickecs ambition; Ilat cf SATURN, prudence; the SUN, love cf spieudor : MARS, courage; MOON, imagina- lion; VENUS, love cf peasure; and MERCURY, Iulslligence. Talce cur advice as above and ycu w..l be sure le poseess the lest a"d maýtivaluabl.. 1quaity. (ColtJl srflff'niithce Nous.) Miss Le na Dos ey liasbecavsiitin.- frieîmds at Maple Mrs. W in. Hill, Miesolci, is s itiîîg Miss E. McPbersoai. Miss Es a Brow.n,' Rlt doni, hs %isitîîîg at Mrs. Wnm. Ciappleýs. Mn. J. J. Joiies, Toronto, s> csii town last s> coi. Miss E. Bra/teîî of Ertissell~ s isitî' sith fricaris lieno. Mn. Joliti Miller. sr., s isite/t friems/ts at Lindsay recenit1y. Miss Miiîie Lilnton vs iited MissMi- ligaîm, Neswcastle. Mns. Archibal/t, of Chicago, an/t Mr. Bort Petrie of GuLeilb are gtic0ts of Mr. R. Foster. Miss Lillie Alliiasof Fenulori isvisitin,ý her sistet, Mus. Wîri. Boddhs Miss Etisel Ras> kie of Oshaw>a is vsit- ils3' at Mn. Thos. S iiîsOrCs may bc cured. We treat ail sexual disor. ders of men. Four out of five wlao sufer nere4 -- ousness, mental worry, attacks of"Ilthe blues," 14 /are but payng the pern._ aity of enriy ~ess Thse drPýad alarm oi lul"'otency, the exhaus.. é(,'~ ~ ton of Spermatorrhoea, ~'-~ in strL t confidence at moderate exense. Send for our free sae book,06 PERFECT tVANHOO)D." ERIE MEDICAL Co 0 Buffalo, N'Y. OSHAWA. Miss Miacile Tiuoiipsoiî, Tocronto, is vs iitmîî,' cil hoiîue. M iss M. J. 'Urqulau't, Exeter, is s isit- in-' lier ianother. Miss Ainimul- i't. Loii, Mo . is s isitiii Mo J A ilson. Mrs. Fred Larl.e, Beiexille, bas beeui sisiting Mns. Franks Larkee. Miss E. 'V. Bridgrnai, Otra-wa, sisited Mis M. Kinvei, last week. 'Miss Nellie Patterson, Wlitbv, s isited tise Misses Walter, Taunton. Mis. Jas. Cinnamon anîd eildren,has e been s isitingý' tiiends ini Clarke. Mr. W. J. Rjainier is s> iuin4l' a ns plfor a New York compaun.ý MÏisi Ella Burt, Toronto, visite/t ber brother, MIr. Gco. Burt, receitl 'y. Os or 1i0 of McLai,liii Workzs ciii plov cos weredo boograplierlod~ u/a Miss Joîïess anrd Miss Cl i ns , Bow- inans ic, w ere gtccs of Mc. J. Joblini last s wel. Mr. Guy Dingle is officiating as or-_ 'L iun Simeoe St., chtîreli,during' Mr. cuomIt' s abscnece. Dri. amn/ Mrs. W . E. Tille.v andi Miss Tilles . Bowrnaiiville,sî r0 g'tests at Mn. Mn. Albert Govnîe of tise bardsware Oii of Es ersomu ami iUssk s assecti- Se-i a position i Unasytoms. Mis. J. Reid, Bos>mails 11e, aad Mns. Thos. Brir1t'iîimî, Otmus , iI-ere recît gues s 'of thîeir brother, Mn. Riehard Emîls er.« Rev' J. B. McLareim of Coluimbus, acd Bey. P. Fletciher -%s iii report the Bostoîm Christian i Eidemux -or Cols ention inî the Chlristi"inichimreic on Frida~ es eaumm fieNt. Dî'mgp5t- eytlaat tlieinraies oflloo/t's SaroýaSpoîi1lia exeeti those of ail otilrs. Tisere is n substitcmte for Hood's. For Skin TorturedA SpEDyCOM E TXEînaIZT.-Warm baths 'ilb CUTCURses 80k?, gentle aPPliaatious cf UCuicuutklntmenli, aud milfi doses of CUTI- CURtA RESOaVEre (te uew bloof purifier). Sold thranshout the world. Mittali depoi, F. NEW. cei' & Soxs 1 ing Edward-si., Lon.don. PausaZ J)BG ND u Çx.COEoieSai Psps.Boton, U . i THE IILUSTRATED HOME OUEST .fluff. 111p3 fiU, Le-'f311re, liafsCVI Fr Oit E VmEARB, Att' s istîgM.W>ii. Bo/t/t. Mfr. Wuri. RHi, sittîil, vsite/t20 Complete Noevelottes flies/t hen lat sicel-.Dy POPULAR AUTHORS. Mis's Analie Brr, Bossifiamîs uic, wsis______ gtîfert of Etisci Art/ta ris. . W aa ragiriiiti thse publisher if the upiuiar - l plesra,,Vdtid amr ild tamil y montif r, The eiliae- Sîrs. John Ralictt anrd fanuils-, WNoo/t -traîà aeu ame Giest% ta fuernihthsexcefllent bridge, are sistitg'lat M.J. RHallett's.h ca0 r paer ceeu the aperially Ier ta unis ehisbs'niiiir, Frae, a large andi haudsame Mn. Ja-.,. Cuttlo, G. PlR. agent at Pot- .iîubooki, en' food, -'TiveiatT Couiplet bcrsille, Mieli., -s i ie- ifathe, rS. ;Ïovele liv byPopilaa'Aut.10ois." Situs uesubraribe-ni, ir takiuig of tîe tthe asove Johin ClttL. 1loi ililr, îIsy seurs. in addituin ta lisir favorite bosnosape, a Year'asabseoiti tien ta oesof the, Mn. Elhert Gaîtîsby oas/ Miss Bertha boet and musc popular literary an ami lmly papers pufll- Rutherford are sisitifmg' ýat Tilsonbîîni,-. eonta'ua'o tweaiycimPiete noue'ttoi twetn if Mn. Josephi Ccipbeiliandi /tua,'ter, Fracmiatlaie aomitftieinoeUiz ating Mns. Crahiais of Deundl ie, sisitî'd lielî ri ILITATf lMEsIS isene last ss ek. 1 EI..RAU HM US 1le a large and hauf-ama 16 page, 64-coiumc ins. Mur. an/t Mrs., A.ies. .Si-somu, M 1ns rs, ateri literariiand fîiin piper, publishid uoothiy, i.ustet at5fr J.P. î1lairnsoms's. and eontiing Seuailandi sbirt Stori3 bythe -omit vistedat r.J P Výii PPiuir anthers, Sketchese, Pieai i7scfiil Msiselîamy, ife'sefîiti a"f'iden's and Mlimenos Ppariineuta. 5k'. and/t 5rs. R etBest ]liasve ne mo ud mm"t))t f0, snteetindiiid be-mon'each tuniieti homie fnoîîî Camlioria. nebe fhra-iuv circlek Arnong thie'itm's HMEreOUeST aae r, lEMaeD1. EN. IouIorth, Misses Lenma, Berthma andî Edncu E a-t- Mr.-starJ.1-1olmei, Ciiatîe M. Braemne, xi-s. n ssoor livui tu, reefitlv s jiteti at Mn F Saiphn"r. MaSur ee leaine. Mta W. riercs, "lrs. tans G. Austin, Emnma Garieo Joese, MarY W. Williaiiisuiî . Kyle Dallas, Sylvanas Cobb, Jr., Emuersn Bennett, A. iCoan Doyis, suri maur others. l a a bgi-casi pnb- Tise Agricultural Society bave miinlicainfor the taîaiy ciraa bandsoioeliyprnuted, eiiployüd ~puttinglhe foin 4l'oîifin l iming aul never duu, if i5 pures iamorali tics, net ean shape tfoi the Fali Fu.,jbitioîi. The octieiaable iodeor lino beinz alicined ta enter ils coai u.r liaw i dlchted witibris cebmiang g'noui/s iî cluiii the a/tdituions otlait/t aper and eagerywel cos rumenttîy visite. i is hein- 'les-elle/t anfdthe tcnces iepairî T.-ET 7J T... E-TT e/t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ks ai/ tsniuurtminsiat.Poîîfar Ant l. e a large aantIluuusomei Afte a eag'amit t lioîe- lliers aime-.p~urini in carbobriraewll8type ou goal piper, MeCili /îe/t at bis homne hene Jtulv 2Odth ,anf haodso'o-elv boucS lu coiored paper -. eoIl age('40 vIearî. îBe nsIhlle st ql t weais/t knwn ndpepuimi aatinoM ene 1'ofiigsg'xsoin of tiselaie o PIent leCiii et fwhic iisinteutseiy Intere'fst cfiworlCesa auhle s>lro die/t I lois" mioîsti s; ae'o.DeCeet and fneat cnrestuan of compiote populaz noaete w>as uveil l-isosv0in tlii- sectionI, bas i n avenr publihsed tfa asingls veinai. The tities if the lxenn'Spielenovelattea contaîned i tisl bQuk are tecis boisan/t bi'oit t Lp hare. 11e astolois : posseso/t coiisiderai'k bu-i-ess a',iiity Uari, -tise IIOiiy era-ies. BPm, Vohanie X. an/tpeers ea-cecutidig'eiiencllysU '-tiC heiPlimutone UeduhIug. DYim'Sr.Ea , a . . ce/teti ssiîh cutis-hinig li uir)oole-. STh,>farf. nMI. Mener 'Wufaa Fon tIf îlcu e-- cus lecnie oîa nîeonsihiz,:e and 1ý][aüerjes. an "Th. ne. bhuenifi-0' huuiliess bîne luttill 1Lecltîs The adsman of Antweeni. flY MluAe force/t lm ýàto iretir'e. Aitsougis an/ icfaLieanîes Mi'Ase Mmi s>a ale sof ong'ht the tl' tle of 1f o bro s ix oîî suaai0e1nruHall, Bt Miii M. i. iiiifoi. an/t ss'teri al hope blaiis ietll' fiyaaascnea chief cant' sas dii ectd o/t1tliosG e lie 5ias A flpmia In thieAil% iii jWiiiTiuiî about to h 'is e liehin iforce on ls -wsi/tt 'The calétaiu o0te Pe.sti. BY F Cmant ami/t hree snctîl huleleîc Ress as i Bolê.Sîrls Specret. BeYhir. 3Ja (. A. ïA' uîeîîher of teMetiodist Chuncir an/ Th"je flueSlanHerne %WooeLP lly.iae in-lm-ci rspci,. The Inieral services TCai lîr. ofWdso rfl n ere con/tîcto/t at tise lionise, a largo Uflsv ri. Ny KleDallas nniiiuhen of Ilie decease/tus liends ieing> î The Souptol' of lqoalsa. y SyiCieýO.P, Jç pireeeîit. 1-ti lvi. IReoian/tB-,l rit r' Te Fal@e D mS.aiý esaalL ti5,M A. tisilei affner sslicinude flimonai processiouu îpr0o- brf ala'eaaerueje cee/ted to thie ceIncter-Y.'PILEASER- M' MB 1; 1 Tro ai ti iosc iiffeuii - froni Neus ouiDebiditY an Lf el. s, ilLrs.sf'odnI)sttlreDeol Wc-vak Memoru . Fxiausý terl5ialtu. Fî'iors of or itîrr, fýif 113 î- î>usiidiff ft)iaIe ("cTixirr p pici of-illtuls i ' l i ; tirri) tii ,111 t Gîol5o ?tii ly Old Drî Gordon's ýemedy fÈor Men. Creates news'ntrx G foici aîîid îonenfulinaîîhood. A Cure is Guaranteed. To E eri ore 'usi thus ntulifly acfordiii o6 directiotust)' m-OjueS' dteîrftillu afndtc nscien I tirushy refundod. P'ie, $1,'six Packages, $5. Seliti' -t ii titti nY nintuîït hieuîU. S.or Canada. s(eeurel se:aled, fret', Iroin cduty or Pi- uîr Sm Do3 ýý. T)I Oit)) ýaIter niciivinîo ropy of this licir ais if'u if mii i 'toi ani or1G Da)lla ir Thiosear or thiti Qi'tr lis itter r musc en- close 12 ci fS iii sainfus. CuttIis oui, it woi't apiGar ,au;. Address, MUE~SEDICINE CO., 31-21V. Boxz 947, 'Soatreai. MIARRIAGE LICENSES issaed by W. Lier Ais Fiiokilleii. 2s--us- DRFSSTuIAKINGdoiebvMiss Mar tha Peste, Coi. FUit"'and Ontarto strGfft. 'ROF T ATING.-C. L. Munsoum, BowFmsn'ait'ille, Siater, Feit maid Gras r Roof- or'. lr LAAEGt, SAFE, FOR SALE-Cheap. - Afuîy to Tm ,,MASrïsCo)ic'Ksx, BOWutau1- ville. 28 if. MNFUSIC-MISS MABEL TAIT is pre- pardco t,'aicisic offOrr t, Piano or Vinan lier own or lfiJiil'sreisidtiire. 28 tti. M Next Wck's Bargail List Farm Produce taken. Ou.rprice-for Eggs13e'. Tsso horses and svaggons are ready to deliver th'e bargains w o have selectcd for sncrifice sale this wveCk. Special Prices. .Best Goods. Prompt Delivery. 14 lb packages best Teas as samples for 5û. package to boom our Teas. Grocery Department. Best Granulated Sugar 231 lbs for $1. Bright Yellow Sugar 271- lbs for $1. Good Yelioss Sugar 301- lbs for $1. Best Lasnp Chiunîcs aity ki/t 5c., wortlm 10e. Best Matches for 7e. regular pricoec. Good Pickjes 3bottles for 25e. Globe Washiboards 15e. White Shirts, laundried, 69e., regular price $1. H ARWfOR. Ladies ss ,Isl'glmm dînl e se alliat Mus. i(îii Men's Furnishings. CART TO EXCUANGiE.-Wtaitu/ to rniat'iCa et t CCIio'ýs nt, t for i hirt Fouxmaux ie. 28S cf. F ARMý FOR SALE OR RENT-Good Xi 00 acre farnu foîrsalotfrru. utoisd the tous'uof BFiuuinif tI , afdt2,O cree- inichie Tout îsliîlî of Cartrc'ig'ht. Aiply io Tito'tAs 13ta.Oi tac, box 72, 30 uu-usaîîu i. 36 cf. W ANTED-Y oumm, W>omnîanMien ou'r 0hnI' Oif'5-if stht J oimtniii espi'it, of auîdouteuit'itecOrrod tall.ers. amiiitiotie aud tii uei'oiS.r.)miSu Qiîîuuo u.ent ini a 'ood cause. IviP $60.00 per mflifli iand iu)Wurdi, ifodîntfi aiility. Fi s. T. S. Leiroir.TT BrnîtfordCxii. 27 6uv. F ARM TO RENT For a tons> of sears, -K 't0uenu(liîu'-' )a flirts 2 nihresfroîtuWh! Ptly, goo iings )tîrfandilu i; admirable for stckdîror dains . Clifanîe for e'ouîî e xt'isix ehs iîîuo To- ronito niik , uîiliess or rui).rasito'for Ainen* cai umrket. _Munt iicapital oil' uîecd apsîîly. J. H. Dowv, 5it AE ENTS WANTED-Farinones usant- ~.ingoliauix . nativ estodî.,t to 1 iit titis doit; iîîg bal mav itar for it imuu n v .c. v fi s n iio uvi 0u'titor tit is.oitiriin cnfmit te 1"1-t tliisi' hSaeau i andexiefîsis or ufiiiui si. 'W\rite lu ofnce bon firtlurifrtfti stiot,. Fîrout Fns. Cfî.%itANx, Couinetaluh saseics. Toroîtto. Ont- I_ OOTS AND SIIOFS REPAIRED.- Old Stanîd, tiîsuks tPe ri'iz'emîs for thîeir litt)fli oltotag ii liilîstitlii'pr omtiu ttilemntiotn to Gfiisiiuiss anul aof wori'enflsiplt. es ro stili înrrin a siiare of lirirwiorîr. Allh )inde ofbot cui ho. s ceatly anud iaonpth iutîîded. Gtu i lir a trisalaand lieuiii (onutuce svouniait nlia, 1Pt.( sixs is tnue. Kin," St . Fous f îauîviihe. 201tf. Guardian's îNotice. IN TFFil SE PFOF TIIE CftAPRIAIx'5FIIP OP TIHL7INFANVT CIiînîui'ttŽ OF GEORGE, EDWsARD M'eO .itDLULASED. AîuîIîIjj'atiOmî s> tl h ' utfxti' b the Suai'iogati Court ofiithUitd C otiitie ffNorthuniberiaiud andh Durhfali befnne the Jndot iii Chamîbers ah thie Coutot iii titi tousî of Cobuourng afteî the exiration of ts(i1x i rous tue iret-ttil iicaiiou lîGoofon m~heliýfauffl'!TustitsCorluor- atiîîîof tttai'foi' ami oî ffi' pfoinîiig thie said Trusts Coeî,oratioî of Outfarlo 'ifandit ii of AI!(-,-,Ethel Maning, iiigAtîiG Tcovuiiisiii" Loi, TtatiiG, eorgu' Middhetou Mauuiiing tand Robertu St imhi Stiiiinfîanît ûcisidrn sof te suid Geoirgei Edu arn)Maninig, ite of tue tousn of Fous ctiu ilin ii'lic County of Durhiam, fardswaie Mereltait, dei!e.îscd. DatetO at Boiosu-tui ih, July th A. D., 18M. TIuIE Tm.u iii CORPnORATINyxOacrs.nio ibu D). F. SI)IPSON, tiîcir Solicitor. 28-3ws. ~NY. ESTABUSHED 1855 4 ply Linen Collans 3 for 25c. Caslîmcrs Sox 3-pair 50C. W"hite Shirts, uniaundrid, 50. regular 75e, Christe ilats, black and colored, good 75C., worth $1.50. Top Shirts, were 50e., for 25c. Immiense stock new underwear just in1, inclucling natural wool ail sizes. Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Button, patent tip, N. Y. style, $1.35, -iorth $1.65. Boot and Shoe Departrnent. Carpet Slippemas 30e., extra value. Cloth Slippers 19e. Dongola Buttoned, tip, $1.95 w orth $.,65, Kid, Oxford 9,5c., worth $1.25. Yankee Slîoe Dressing 5c. -bottie. Prunella S1ipp crs 40c. worth 50c, Ladies' 2 strap slippers were $1.50 and $1.35, for $1. Juliet Congress, tip, wortm $3.25, for $2.75.. Odd sizes W"hite Canvas Tics, w cre $1.50 for 75c. Men's Liglit Weighit Overcoats for $5, worth $8., Ready Made Clothing Department. M ens Suits, Canadian Tweed $3.75. Meîî's Suits, extra heavy $5. Boys' 3 p"ce Suits, nie e $3.75. Bo'k 2 pieee Suits $2.50 were $3.25. Limed Pants al w'ýool $1.50 Cottonî Pants 50c. up. Cotton Smnocks 50C. Up. We show os er ' 4,000 w ortis of Eeady Made Clothing and ean u t 'UL 25 Remnants Carpets-Yonr ehoice 15c4 Dry Goods Department. 2,2 pleces IPriit were 10e. now 5c. Stripe Muslins whîite anîd figured, were [0c. nýosv 5c. Croînpton Corset regular 75e. now 50e. Black rib-bed Cotton Hlose, fast colors, 3 pair foir 25c. Shaker Fiannlel Blankets 90e. a pair. Stair Carpet only 5e. yd. Ail Wool Carpet special value 85c. Straw Ilats, mcn's, worth 25e. for 10e. Ladies' Sailor ilats wortlî 13c. for 10e. Cotton Sbeeting 72 in. widc 121e., Next Satu rd4y niglit betweenJ.7& 9 MixedÇandies5,7e If.- lbPea e ts 10e. Ciocolates 10c. Crearnuî ~5t~ish~2i~nakigBowman IIiea)ayingýtowin7to trade'imsis beîng i realized. ou"eaîîdo)etterrgtheretbin aiiyiviere.1 BowiMANVILLE,. w ANTED'RELF-iînen or n oînem ini eveî'y loclity (loc'al or craveilliing) to lutroduce a niesv iscovcrm, amid leep oun shon cai'ds taceilcd on 011r) us, fences mandlbridees ilu fowuî and country. Sieady icuiioymemt. Coin- tiassioci or sîary bu65 pir nouil l mSexpenlses, atudiiaioni> depu sitotlitf ai~"lak ulieiu startGd. For îîartIaiars usrite T Mlu Iu'uCAI. Fîgoi, îîhe ('o., 11..tuox 221, Londonu, Oît., Caîî. 37-tf.' w OOLI WOOI,! Tue- isuî/ersigîse/t Vis îos" frlarc,tu,ay cie HiPi-Cslif Prud'e for- good Itr'ero W OOL dehis niliar is .1111ht 7abtui i)tou. Brinig sour ixool iii S0011 ms site, red ,an(lsas e x'onînsf lu-usroîtihriniou To Ilierse who urisît to exdiange ion goode pe il ternits uvil hi g'huer. Tiiaicufg titipultiite for "heilillealiiateeifag li chuepîit s oi.lIt- iuîn a eonucîiuîce of clié sanie,,, It eeutaliiyonr oiedeitseu'îî.D. 'TAYLOU. 21 mii. TI,'ARiM FOR SA.LE-A first class farn foi ->aacrers oni- an -ru nîeii ithi Tos lifof Lat lîuly, (,0oI. lots-11")uand 16 ou thfuBFs ULne, abolu(u ' îuuefroni Oe-)aw~a e atiotu, a2îmiles' ' unu i)iitii3 uu!d f ýi) os feou tleueehnI ifouîse.Lanci oný iillifgs fum p "h eoie of tht'eii !, rsin ,taensi o Lrake Stýuirieio Iti1IS anu 8t îu'5. Aboic ut ) P, insof s5'r 1t. 7a 0frs lit ioind îtifrouit -se- op' Teelil f,"53 3h's' u1f.wsugdoci . ÊFor Iinniin ir!Ir .,tnuaee--'005 fioAA s, nO iaa. 37-cf, H~E M ~ 1EDov~ETS mANLDA p o4n ii vo0mIr d is tufCat~i i" Oiet ret'fiti. TIi'lm-arrf, in the NO9 FONI0 IN 1,Doiiiu;nu1it&roiiiof i iA',am'L .Salary or ctom- OT IER M K mision -, r, ta il l u. 5 ,Iî iteosie de- rufaufictfom 'frnîu niafi 5i't ii us a fiualc i Il-AT Wl LL WELL REPAY A N usupa uiotfi.ut taiirPfl uui. Scuîd us y0ur ai i. ifiitiuuO 5ilu show Olit huw oss 10 Cifi )nltio1-7 . ciûltea-iere-, i.e INVESTIGATIO N ist th irngfor nîî ~nw~r'trWrhe DESPRE.TOSEU ,rfo THE BEST--)-iSAFE WANTED, ~J & J, TAYLQR. TaRQNTO SAFE WQRKS, Seven Bright Men. 7' QR'iV TO~ for f mo orelire iif ur a eroan avae MONVTReAL' 'VA NCOCER oa sS1i104tta Pn. Froni e-0Ct> 10 50 pei WINNIPZ.'G V/C TÔRIA .moi-tit. aieiunta te 5-OfInmiii ) 1(lvainc _____________________ reporte. Adldress, foi' fuUinfiiormatuion.- O) 'IOU WANT A H'M lvon do PLTCL LGAHR 11apply co T. F !-o r ioa -besohi'/t umnek PLT AJFOGsPIi' couiocL p cd;il tena. 2-tf. 'DASniaBA"fiP Žr. 1' SOFALA POLISH. LADIES, us80 Iooki Sofala Slsoe Pol- ioîî Ion La/tues and/tChil/tn's tine ot an/t Shîos;tho finest to piesers e tueý leatiser ansd Ieep it reliablo. Itw/i loavo opoiishlike satinm. For sale bY Boot an/t Shoe deaiers. FARM FOR SALE. lilî" the Southi paît of ther SouthllPîf ot- 24. (oiucesioc i. Darntîteot. muid hin off30 Semis, more on hîssi. Oîftheo fsrî aro a couum siodiorus Dieliucaînia'elie-.aa stulls anîd sheds, aund a s'rrv large tinunlicu frfit tes li fuil tuelrhtg, faild auulu' tcis s> sIc r nus er gobitdry. Purchanser eau ohloni ea i f a fu copsarihitPrnxstud. sàud fullnesin u. i If iltusoi/t iy St> t. 2huliicuxt. w11n-ihisoSb- pubieîcaut'tioif oui clat date. T1RaISt-1>) mpee"nt. dcoxuif te "Io'le au flair e ou Oct. isu u li 'THOMAS COANT,ý lixücentor Lita te Lh i.ialu Se u, 0s-io ua, Junîe itiu, 1895. 42. ACGENT nOn THF FO1LLO5Ti'\G pU1RST CA c00Fr HlEs. Nfei' on1 ire Iiie-uraèIdGCU o. Seheo '2,000,000, Thisi aecuni i e- ronPieS dtf1it mtone goarannee ihusus i'ti' iSutQ i a ofliecousspanmy, ulle ai tue,, ~et~ni amilte abs3ence cf iditon TP n ir IssrueCo.. of London îtde101prhyFn CoQ., ia thte wonhd. 'Me hiAgicui,al Jnslturaucpe Co, 0fýj tetu' N. Y Offie, VAFIETY H-ALI, i4-tf. - Fosvmma-lleÈ,, 1

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