li ft'xtUbÎftl lats TERMS :-8i.50 PER ANNUE. OtUR TOW N AND COUXTY FIRST; TRE W ORLD AFTERWrARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Pr(; rie' NEW SERlES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGIJST 14,11895. VOLUJME XLI. No. 33. ýANA SALE OOD NOW COING ON Ail Parasols at cost price. A lot of'Dress Goods at less than cost price, A number of choice Dress- Patterns at about haîf »v)ice.1 Ladies' Jackets and Capes at haîf price. Light Wool Delaines for 15e worth 30c. A lot of Prints for 5c wrýoth 10c. Another lot for 8e worth 12-1c. These are ail new goods, and these are genuie re- d!uctions; everything will be sold exactly as advertised. Pri = Ware, Mass. [lelIad Hip Disease Seven Runiingý Sores-T-Îhrc-3 Months in the Hospital Took Hood's Sarsaparlla-Cave Up His C-utches-Perfectly WeIl. "C. L. fond & Co., Lowell, Maes.:- elDear Srs :-aI ghadiy staf e n-at Ilood's Sarsapaillia has doue for oui bey. About, six years ago ha 1-ahi down fI e la sfaius. He did nef seemtf0be mue hit et the time, but fn-o or thice weeks af ter, he liegan te lave pains ln lis right knes so badiy fIat we called a doefor and ha Termed Vie. Trouble Rheurnàatlsm, but his freatmenf did nef aeem te do the boy any gond. H1e kept conuplaining more and n-e lad sanrasidoct ors freaf hlm, but they did hlm ne gand, aDd lis trouble cor.ta'uedto umow -i)Tose. 11e liecame an lie t11fha n outd nef n ahI, A promin-nt physician in Pi)stor, scas consurtd and le tss-med Ie hýa 4htion con.traction of fhe mascles. TRis! trea'ment also f ailcd. As his leg began to cramp up besides paining hlmn sevreely ilihis kuiee, wn-o oolthe boy te New- York -ibm ere n-vas e,-amined by t'ir physirians, sud tLey proneunced iii A Case of P.IP WDseace. We lad a b,.zce made fa bnep the ieg frem ciamping,,an, - upon fIe dont or's advins n-e a;gain fOol ,ýhlm teo oton, flic timo te thhe Chiden's Hrohial. l'he n-as there three months dnmia2 shicli fime fley made an operaf ion on l'a lt-g and d!C ail tley nould for lin but they O1J notaf7ect a cura. Wlemi n% e brought hlm homo lad ieer unuing soies on hic ieg. Ho couid noV put lis f ont on the giouud. At last parifla ç, aw a diced nte i e rila a triai..'711e as Wm% 0% 0 about a year ageo. The boy-i eerned te gain after the fiast boff le asud Vday le cau walk, rua and play as llveiy as any boy, thue Boies hauing ailI bealed up, and h le 1 Tho PICture, of Heaith. He goeate aclool dally withouf the nid nf urufehes. I hope Hlood's Sarsapamilla may lie of as much benefifte others1 Join C. B ozLE, 45l Waf or StL., M'are, Mass.e Hood' Pilse't harmenloîusly çnth tiood'sPlUs liod7sSasaparlla. 25.c MRS. 1R. 1k-IVES. Ail Straw Hats reduced at and below cost, also sum- Wishes to direct the atten- mer gent's f urnishiîng goods marked dowm. In fact ail tion of the ladies of West suranier goods at a -bargain at M. Mlaver's hat store. 1 also w-ouid remind my nunierons ecustomers and friends that now is the proper timie to have your furs ai- tered and repaircd before wimter sets ini, bring them along. M. Bon M NVILLE. MAYER, Thc Pructical Furrier. JVake No IIstake. Buy your Spices and Vine gar From J1 IGU OTHA SON. We hav e just reeeived a niew supply of the best spioes an:-d extria strong White Wine Vinega'. IŽ o f ear of pickles or going boft if oui- Yinegar is used. J8 HGGI~QTHI &SON. BOWMAIxviLLý9 Durham to ber stock of fancy and staple dry goods, emi- brodiery silks, crochet silks, spools, rope silks, etc. Dî-ess linimgs, cottons, prints, tiek- ings and fulil limes of corsets and hosiery at close prices Ail parcels of five dollars and ox-er, ten per cent off on cash sales. Thanking you for pat- romage in the past 1 solicit a share for the p-e sent 'and future. Mrs, A. A. Ives, Opposite S. A. Barraciks. BoN-MANVILLE MILL I NERY The lafest novelties lu Sumnner Milinery.ut Miss Shais's. Allich lea ding styles ini Ladies' andti M'isses' sfî-uw and jet Boncts and Hats, in ail flic leading colors. Lovely Rilibons, Flowers, Laces, Aigrottus, Ornuauents, etc., Veilings, Chiifons, etc., every requisits f0 fli nillinery trade. Cahl and vicîv. our goods and you wilI certaiuly ho suited witiî gvods and prices. fIISS- SHAW, Ftrf door ea.sf 0f Post Offiçe. ENFIELD. Mr. W. Berry hias been sicli. Mr. W. Gibson of Hampton lias been viitiiîg Mr. Johnt Gibson. Mis. Donald MeCuliocli is visiting with friends in St. Catharines. MissJennie Asliton aînd Mrs. L. Nid- der,, and chidren have bcou visiting raive s iii Port Hope. Mrs. J. Ilurlbut and MNi. 1B. Powell atteiided the funeral of their anut at Richmnond Hill last w eek. M\r. Johin Hodgson, of Miligan, and Mr.- W. llodgson ani wife hve -beci visýit1ing af i J. Huribut's. ,H ANDS ANI)j ANKI.Es RBAw.-For vears 1 7iave been a gîcat sufferor froim îýteliv s] ik u tîuubie anti sait rheum. MYvhands aîýid ankies wero literalîx raw,. The st a»ppication of Dr. Chase's Ointmnent ai- lavetho le bnring, itcing -,sensation. One bo and a haif entirely cnred mne. It is also instanit rii f for ehihblains. Henuirx A. Parmnen c, St. Catharines, Ont. HAYDON.. i rs. Ha-wit lias gone to Torofno for is Ettie Washîington is visiting~ at Wcýoîer. LESKARD. Mrs. Thomats Smith is very ill. Mr- James Lawson,' whoafnddf tawa Normal Scbool, wnul teacli af Whitciurcli. Mr. R. McGowan of Oakviile Electrie Light Chiîpany, i isited his daugliter, Mrs . W. Hl. Tonkin, last week. Mr. 1). Bell las mo, cd info Ibis ne-W hoLise erected in place of the onîe de stroyed bv lire iast w inter. May thev bai e muci comfort in their new home. ~Wnux\ ADAIMIVAS A Boy.-This w- Years ago, for Adam lias been dead S*ea w hile, thougli f0 be surelie lias ift a progen ' fliafkeeps np pretty w cli the famiix cliaracteristies. There are wiseciifi tday w ho deli e into flic misfy past and tell us ail sorts of tbings, but thcy are siieiîf on tiiose events that would m-ake Adam interesting to ftle modern man. Whaf did Adami do wben lie ran a sliier under lis tinger ne il? Had lie to tale measies and w i-ioopii, cougli? If lie ladcoins didhle cnt tim w itiî a'razor orcdidhle stretdli forth a b)au-diii flicfuturieand get a bottie of Put nam's Painless Corn Extractor? Pitiîaia's is tlhe best, is sure, safe, pain- less, anîd nets lu fwenfv four liouis. - k RMIOIÇY. MAPLE GROVE. A foot bail teani is taýlked of bere. Mr. S. Snowden lost a valuable cow last week. The date for the opening of thie Sons' Hall is Aug. 30. Parfieuiars later. The Sunday evenîno- pray er m-feeting was leti livMr. Jamnesý,tollerv of Toron- fo, aînd was a realit livieeeting-. SI ieep and lenîbs rathier fhaîî rabb its and foxes have lîeeîî the objeefs of the cliase lateli-, severailiaviîîg been kiiled. Mr. aîîd Mrs. Phlîip Tyler spent Sun- day with frienfis af Vlitbv. Mr. end Mrs. S. Colo also visited friends in that i icinitv. Visif ors: Mrs. F. H. Masoîi anîd Miss Nellie Mason, Davenpomf, 1ow a; Mr. J. Sfolery, 'Misses Lillie Evans and Maud BouiisaIi, Toronto; Mrs. E.Ih. Bouîîsail, tow n. A LICE SA) ING MEDICI NE I w as at- facked sex ereiv iast winter w ifl Diarr lîoa, Cramps anid Colie and thougli I w vas going to (lie, but forfnnately I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and now I eau tb-ank blis excellent eîaedy for saviiî' mv life. MRs. S. kLEr MdiOnt. TYRONE.- îU1îi -;Lthel Wasingfon is visiting- lier A i civ sudden deatli occuirrod at Har- Miss May Bîngli, Marslîalltow u, sisterýi at Bofiîaîî. monY oný Suntiay, Aug-. 4tl ,wlen tis la., i isifiig- frienids boere. Mi. . Cwlg, Toronto, lias becît section iost one of is most iurigb- .S o 0aîl8 cîo iosshv vifing bis sf oers liere. younig menin iithe person of Mr. Ed- leico improî eiliy a coat of paint. Miss Eva Brokeushire lias mturned w ard Shuî-tleff, son of Mr. Geo. Shif- Mrs. R. MeKeith, Luckno-, is visit- frni i isifing Newvcasfle friends. ofWlitbv. For soîne fiînc lieliîad nliraefth M.TJ'dns. been in pooi lical, anîd a shiorf time îgle gdffirM.T adîe r Miss Ethel Goodmnan lias returned ao-o w ent f0 Mr. Houri- Trul's Har Mis. Keru and Miss Wiliams, Phula- friniisîfing lier sister af Liftle York. n 'oî o laîe flook i li e ticila, Pa., are îisitiîîg at Mr. Peter .0r. and Ms .H ob and Miss furn'on Saturdaswiîon li-, fatiier calicd Werry's. Maudie Creeper i isif cd Nonwcastle frieîîds lu Dr. Rae, wlio said bieaitffailîîrewas TrieDxiinSn fTmeac ifeo recenfly . fhe trouble, andt lat deafl i iiglît resuif ivililolsi lîchir picule ini M-. Johîî Hod- Mrl. C. WV. Siemion lias been visitino. env finie, and surcîx enougl iti arrix-ed son's giove oui Tlursday Aug. 22.A Mrias Goeî-d, in fown, aîd sang a soio o.'umidav. The funeral f7ook place fo good tiîuîo expecfed. w ifi iuî et Saleni concer-t. the Tmul fàmiix- burial grounti, Dar- Mu-st no e lconfiiidtlw iti coimion Eavdoneud EnikiilIeîî unioni foot ling4ton, oin Tuesdax , anîd-wvas largeix catheitic or rî-atxepis Carter's baIl~~~~~~~ feiipa daf-cdrmthîihatfendeil. The gieafest svmpatliv is Little Lii ci 11lls ,Ve eiievulk Eîîied t iînîskillein un Safurdax-i, and feit for Mr. Siîurfieff, as le so i cix ro- tbelai iii Onei rset.Oîtrial ivill w ouby goas f o.ceîîfly osf bis -iife. Edu-ard Shui-tleff p-oî o thoi supciiorit. ~OArIx TIE Isat bod aîd %vas ral belos cd, anîd gav e greaf Jîii sr 1e r os 1 Toetl Tu iLea -nes-rc wevv oiadlywcconed byacsbadv iio s prîomise of a succosàsfni ca-ecriniiident- scesuteeiLrhbi-wl ii -lflvý1ciie yaleseial toeisti-, lie liavi i- gsfdied w lt1i Dr. Ait- -cssîl uecnrLiei cil liith (lutielinlicfsihaviîcgsitielogues, &c.he1c-ithe w os dtis n if av cusd uea Oamus and ol afnda efr i lirenierîi appropriite, iaidlthëo Pas- greafitrun dowiî their systcnî to ineft deat1i lie w as -arriii-iîi,, to bus- a dental' tors1v.A.C. Wloîreiiarks huief theo i-tuiicneits he scamd.nîtaout~Itf0oînfer uponic ýpractice of liiýýan i tot'le point. The leatici-Mis foucciîîpn fem.Wit tesoand profession ilu Lew castle. Eiinae ri,- de'soeries gotc dtfor oerif ls important,.n liether at luoic1 he ftathrpan3a.h- fot af fl Icoscshoe o i ii f lc oîf5 iat IN ot n Bfoo). Is the caueo a ie antkn-efot sOtd thuglf le gs-ci f dit, ntIas irei, lang-nid feeling- ýw liieliaffliets V oil Bttv YNE i.lLi7Du.Sas xb furtierassstace 0 Nftîc, god a tlis scasonIi. Tebod sipre i, 1 _*1, i cErilidtiwithî suuîuuoe-impiaint, buildng-upîîieicinebkeHoodl iar baslecne fOtin nui îoor. Thit i-s i -, -,1 iote i e w o- U i iiti icd sapu illiladit b -,ic) I the '11have o sfenlfh ii appetI ite, cIil iFw~'Et.coWhSiwloî d i, ifiîî1 po- is-cm1,, erane ndnV.sie. Puii' orboo (h ihli r oeInotice1lal 1 e for fit F 1îit eahl ios1 usecmi lto IelicmI, oo sSas 1ilabs il i illgseti c.aît mnli st1ti u a Hl,, î', w 11ichane ahthis and 'i býIc na peio oee i soali u îcir- evccs-ou 0rettîrîtota flîir hliie cuiand ili toae~u iie.Mi, .?onNI, oi-~,Dt it-- ins iia refreilie istote of îuiud lloo(Is Pisa rc cas,, to taike, eati. ani boidils- heaifli. actionî aiid sure iii efferf. 25c. AL . SOIN .COURTICE. Picparations arc, bciî-igmode foi a Uniioni Harn est Rouie bei-e Seipt. lst and Gîanina Pascoe stîstaiieclinutries Missý Maria Couirt ice visitedl Mis- Ash- 2iîd. Particular, nc-vt w cek. fromii a falilest w-ccl foni. Nen castle, lest w eek. The Gr-anud Conicert ield ini fli Mefli Mir. J. H. Tremeer lias sold lus fari Mhis G. WV. Marih is i isifîîîg ler'odist clireli hîcre Wciiesdav cvi eiiig- f0 Mr. J. We-ics-v Brooks. sister Mrs. Waitz, Toronto. i-es a fine succe-s lunci cry juarticuier. Mr. and Mis . Tbos. Pascoe ]liaive eeîî Oui Gun Club is prepariinr f0 shoot ThlIedhuit-tiuîa packeci to fthetlooi withî i isitiîîg frîcîîds near Whîithx-. w iftli Oslîuîuî a Club civiceliolidai . tuliii liiiitiic audienmce. 'l'lie pastor Mi. Juo. H. Treineci losf fiso mileli Messis. GeortIe, Alf. anîd Beif Tuckerocpcitecîîr u e- a.Bt com S suîîposed liy oî orfeeding of mepe. of Toronto called on fricucis lere fast!I stoiie led inipua J ci-. Miss Stait of Mi. Jamies T. Wiliamislias soid lis w cek. 1 W oodsf o k, Miss Ediia Moore of Brook- liii, and Mis. lical of (Iroîo ecdi sang stock of dry 2-oods, groccries, etc., f0 Miss Bessie Adaii. toîvîî, is g-uost of t,,,,o solos w itit clear, -%ell tîeined înusic- Mr' Leîub'of Siîncoe Couuty w b libas lier cousin Mr. R. E. Osbornie, "Lake- ali oices. Mcesurs. Jamnes Gourd, Bon-- taken possessionî. iiew.", mani-ille, andi C. W'. Slcîîoîî, Hay ioîî, 'Mm. ,Iuo. VaiiNcst, ir., lias sold bis Mr. D. H.Lcef, Albeita, andi Miss saii- a dillet i witli patios anîd distinct- iacant biouse on Bird Island ta o 1ýssis. Foster, Toronto, are i isiting-cf Mr. C. ne-ms. -Miss Rogers of Eliiskilleui-crii- Clatw ortlîx & JoIn,;. wbo are rebuild- W. Leîîf s.n dere i twovoiioliîî solos w bicli recoivcd iio-( if foi Mi. Jas. Williams îîear Tayv- Mr. and Mis. James Couîfiei isifed Ouicoires. Suie iset lioniie withi lic iliin lor's Woollen -Milîs, Hampiton.i their daîîglter. Mrs. (11ev.) T. Brown,î and addcdnudli f0 fli deliglît of thc lieceuf i isitois: Misses Jeuinie Lock- Canton, reccntîy. ci cning-. The, Misses Moore of Brook- heu-it and Racbaeil Pafteîsouî, Toronfo; MUiss Annie Aiiis, 'Hilicicst," enteî-r i - ai uetisand iiisoinîcra iMr4. ydey revil and fadîtiîed a nuiubei of voun- fiicnds i cix i("et, aun i' Lsses Bient aJWioio Mis.~~~~~~~~ S.dc-T-ialadfni yvruuîegaiea i-ci-clino classicalpin Mvs. J. Cornisht of Courfice; Mr. Jesse pleasantlxs one afferîîoon lest w-col e. Msg ooccIMsWiason A. Jani es, Master F. Masoîi, 4om-mii- Miss Minîîie Eî ersoîî entemfaiîîe- iber Icccli geve an uistrumntal solo. Miss iH ie Miss Nellie Heys, Toronto. S. cîass toami ouf iug-et Oshiaw awlaf Poil-aid of ioaog-av-e tlarec, iccituttions A emaiikablo Cure. J. W. Jeîîîîsoîî, lest w eelk. Tîci report a i ery euio-i;tî,îoc oceaJbaiyulai Gilford-Speîîf I)ef w cen $2 JOand $350 in able finie. tm uineiicil.She wi'l malte coinsnLlting- Doctors; tried Dixon's aud Mr. C. Brow-n, flic Cossif expert n-ho 1 ler niei-k at elocution.' lu ftri'nidst of eh ofiior ti-catmcnts but gof uîo benefit. liesslicou setting- up buiders for fiat tli p-g-euiî les-. J: R. Re ai -e a One box of Clase's Caf urrhs Cure diti me irm lu tliis localifu, lias efurncd ta tiiotiglhîifiandJ iuelîicssivc aodtress. The moire good than ail oflier reîîîcdies, in Chîlicq»_.ciýettoe le w o f1rp 25(i, cn box cfnusseif crd n iha MisZ Lockhait auJ Miss EtlciPatter- attenition.- ýoceeds $31. ,tbo tltft son, Tor-onto, and Mr. William Heard, Thte w-cl l iiow n srugtiig prop- fou vn, are guests of Mi. Eli Osbornîe, cf ci-fies of lmoN. ý,conihlunetiîî %ithi ofîci HAMPTON. "Liteiary Maiisioi.' fouies uad a iiiost pcî feef îucrî hue, are _____Af the fist quaifcu-ly meeting,- since foumîlinluit,-es lîroaiPilîs, îîhîcht Mi. Gcor-gc Beer of Oronio ils guest mîthfli iew- lîcîorete lcld et Ehîcuiezer i asf stî-cuig-the tieu terîîcs sand hoIlY, cud Mr, W. Beou's. is-ek the -reafest lîcrmomîv pres-aileti. iuupii-e the lîlooJ ciii compledxioun. MX~iss Salisbury of Seaforflî ils gucsf Ct The iiiistei's salais w as plaeed cf_______ Mr, Jesse E. L.' Cole's. $700.__________________ Miss Kete G. McLeod of Winipi~eg is Mi. R. O. Short lies ietumuried fmoîîî c sisitiîîg- relativ es bice. trit to Tory Hlili nhere lus sons R. C. -~ ~ i- Mrs. T. Elliott aud ladies campeci et auJà John arc camrs-img- on a blaek-Anith-- Lake Scngog last w ccl. iug basiress. Thîis is a nien sefflement Miss Lenia Laîme of Tomoo i îlstidgcuiMi. Short spealks iii the liighest i liermothr, rs. . Lal.tormns of the prospects of eîie.rgetic set- lierniotîciMis.M. Luic.tiers ini flat reigon.- Miss Jenîîie Ward ils iisitiî- frieîîds bu Touoîto aud Hanuit on.With tlue Sffeetness of Meltin,- Feauuu. ~ -Ns Miss Moore of Newc-estle is visifiîîg- ma-te loiîcfoirflic fcetlidis-\u~ -, loi uncle, Mr. R. Katersoîî. solves in thI moutli. A deligîf-hful pice-- Mr. W. Gibsomi of Oslîai-a is spending- pcîetîoî for flic fcetlî is lx oriue, so lis vacation aet lis home Icre. fragiait and cleansing-, so pleasanit fi Roi-. R. McCullocli and Jauglîtcu of the tasto, amîid efficienît besoîd fthc desiic, A big Wasb looks discouragig. Nenh0urgli îisited lere ecentlv.1 of flic îost cxactirg. A'duccru of ek - But when you have the right weapum Misses Mlande and Loueffa 1M. t-iegeuice and 1.Chfficiecs, for if w-itons cmiii te attack thegréait stack of soied of Toronîto are visitiugl- fricmîds lîcie. puiies, cffordiug- brilliictly w hite ciothes with, te battle la hait won We congratulate Mr. W. Imnch on feliaJtrahia s etaJfrgamt --, ,~~.---~~. as fIef of the fllowsrs. £' iÀ succesu iît thc r mlv eail-ain Mfss 'Mand Ciaike lias eturîîed froni a puolougeti iisit n-lb lier buotîci et Tori ta Mi. Nethian l)iîckso1lî d auaglîer of Ali on, Ohio, and Mis. Asîle- und fuam- Il fOshawa, arcxistinig tlcim ffahier~ J'a . Cmsoeruiari, Esq. Hamp1tonî Ci,,-ic Holiday, Fi-id av Aug. 16. cifîzen's pienie et Willow *Poilui. Fet bull utateli in aftciuîoo ootand bo bout raciug in t'icecs-eniîugo. Èkvtîmy1body coic ýaud brin.- vour friends. if speals n-cIl for ail article wbenlfle longzer if is used flic bý'ter it le liked. Suh s fixe case wl-fl Ayerls Hair Vigor. Peopl nho lave been using it for years uou Id nof be induced f0 try alh- ofleu- dresstng for their liaif beefluse if gis-es FALL PAIRS, 1895. Toronito---------------....Sepf. 2-141 Pou-t Peunu-----------------'19-'21 Wluitliy---------------------. 17-19' Bownamiville--------------..2... ýPetclIoro-----------------...... Crillia--------------------.... 24-26h Lîncsav--.. -...... ........... 25 -2 7 Ca uîning-on ................. 27-28S %'iouxihle--------------.... 17-1,91 Lodon----------------..... 12-21 Montreal-----------------.... 12-21 Klu'- ton----------------" 2-7 Maàh. «..,..,.'..-.......... Oct. 2-4 'Millbi'ook................... e4 3-4 He-il Bues. lave jusf mecccix d auit-e - liue nI biscuits whicli tley are offering~ aI vaol ow'prices, -I buniign L, te the weapo os.It vriii make that big P,."nbtlo0k«liiae a pile of die o.A the sheets and blankets as weii as the delicate fabries wiii be saved by Sunlight 25oap, and there won't be~yteaingor ippngbecause Less Labor Oreatcr Çowfort Books for LavEa a .,t. Wrpe s efuaper-bouc