CURBENT NOTES The meeting recccnly couvoked by the l'rince cf Walea un London for the purpose cof iocreasiuig the resources cf the British sebeol at Aibeus bas dirccied genera. attention te the importance cf the work undemtaken by snob institutijns. Theme are eow ire of tbem, aupportad respactively hy the Franc,ihe German,iha Ameicans the Eegliah, andi the Cracks thaînseives, They ail have a iwolold purposa . irai, te complete tice educatuon of Graak schelems by the study cf Halleian thought and if a amid the topographical and archi. tectural conditions je wkicb ibey were dereleped ; and second, hy wel-dîrected excavations to ue cover addjtonaremains cf Greek art and cirilization. The prosacu- tien of the former purpoee equires a pai manant inccme,whila for the attaînmnrct of the- latter are needefi supplemauta lunda varylssg le amount accordung ethe extent and difflculiy cf the researîches projccted. It seems strange, wbe we cousider thi' auperior wealth ci Eegland, ibat up to thia time the British achool has received legs gencrous support, and conaaqunuly bas accomplîshed legs than any cf the other establishmnents cf the kind maintincd by foegners eat Athees, It was point&d eut by the Prince ef Wales, that wbereas the F,,cech achool bas an assured revenue cf ever $15,000 a year, the German achool înora then $12,000, and the American acheel about $l0,OOQ, the British echool lest Vear bad a precarieus jecemaeof legs than $2,500. Out8ide of thair regular revenues, the French and Germen shbocis bave recived large speciai granita for archaeologicah exploration., Thug for.tha excavations et flalos alona the Frech Chambers bava votefi suma cllectivcly &mounticg te $145,000, wbile the Grmans. Lave spet $200,000 at Olympia with the weli.known magiicent rasuits., Even the Amarican acheol, ltougb the fraction et ils lunda available fer exploraiton is but amail, 4.a'a acdomapishcd useful work this yeer t the Hamoeem,and et Eretria, je Eu- boe,eud in previcus years t Platoe,Arges, Sikyce, Sparte, and ai Thoricos, Icarie, snd lawbare in Attica. The Britishi school, on the thar baud, had lest year no funds wbatever applicable te essaysaa discovery. At the London meeting the Archbishop1 cf Canterbury exprasaad the bumiliation fait by Engliih achoiers ibat, wbile France and Germany were doung se mucb by meeni ci subidies freun their Govrements, and whiie the United States ware raisinu tcreditabla contributions fmrom their ctizana, Englishmen should be lai i fer be- 1bjind, aund forcefi to raly on pittanea that aEorded no hope cf rivalling ther nations. The indifferenca hithartoeavinced by the t British Govaremenit and the English peple te the objecta contampleied by the Brjtish schooi et Aibans is the more regret" able bacanse, for political reasons, Englial schelems would have paculiar fecilities for making archieclogîcel researchea on the sites of notable centres of Greak civilization, as, for instance, et Aleaedria, iu Cyprus, ae &ntiocb, sud tbrougbout Agse Miner. The îmmadiete rasuit of the London meeting waea the annoncement cf a Gev- ermuent grant of $2,.%0, aneueliy, basides annuel aubscriptions emoueting collectivaly te $1,170, and donatijons of round suni aggregatiug $2,050. The stimulas thus imparted isla xpectcd le assuma cou tributiomi whicb unitedly çvil place the British school et Athena on a no egsa slid foten than thet cf the Fench sebool, as ragamd ragular revenue. Paying a Htel Bill un Japan. Canon Tristraun, je the Leisure Heur gives an amusing account cf settLjeg hi botal bihle Japan. "Tha final reckouinq witb our bost," says the Canon, "1wes tc me a mosi amusing illustration ef th national eurtasies, Mr. Kensys acted ae tougb the production cf bis bill wera the mot peinful effort, anf et lengtb reluet ently brougbtit forth, coniting cf, -'aumbar cf Chinesa scrawls on strîpa o asue paper. Ou banded knees sud fle ueed touching the mat, did in friand puîl t forwerd, I, bowingawlismya Western back weuldasper mit ame,place the proper sum, wrapped ienthin whit paper, bera im, for notbîng is mon ilbrliian te band coin witbout ira baun ýnd pusibly thai La the reason WbÏy pewt us âgoueg cui. Baron Hliracb, the Jewisb unjlianaire, hi jusi leasedl the sbooting on the estete Cardinal Vaszayy, Princ- Prjmate cf Hi gary, whiag extanda ever 77,000 acres. IT WAS A GIIASTLY TEZT IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A HEAD TO THINK AFTER DECAPITATION ? Ritsit oft anExpcirima55t iMade iPOsi a Gusllietlid Murderer-litifore Exesi- tiesn ticWas Asliec e aWlik Twlce Once. A grawsore story comaesfremn Laval,thai littie tcwu in France wbame the guillotine bas just diapesed itslareat siroke cf jus- lice je dacapitating Abbe Bruneau. The moar interesing my.itery that bas erer oceupiefi the tbnugbts ci intelligent man,and that whicb ehona bas persistently caused speculetice ou the part cf avery thinker, bas bean the uncertirty as to wbether e dissevered baad retaiued ira ccesciouness for aveu a singlinstantialtar mt bed laIt the body. An effort le soive this problaun, as prob- sbly the first weii areugad plan te that ed, waa emade je the case of the axecution o f Bruneaa,and the derails bava juan beau giren le the public, detils thai are start- Slieg and bold the intresi as noue other ithan sncb aesubjeci cen hoid t. MANY MURTDERS. Bruneau wasans educated sud intailecttia man. Thatilha was s murderer, preved je ene instance sud auspccted in seveale othara, dos net afford any grounds for suspacting the high standard of bis intellect. lie had studiefi many cf the sciences, Lundarstood madicine se as to ha quita pro. 5icienut in its prectice, wss a studeer ai anguaes, and ganerally possassafi of moe than tbe average iuformation. Be ermîn- atcd is career wjtb the murdei- cf Abbe rFricot, throwmng bis body down s well. M. -Dominique, the adrocara cf the murderer, 1is s man cf unusual attimeets, just sncb a--inu as would naturally ha intrestaf inj 7an unecnny investigation. 9.Ona evsning the goernor cf the prison ai Laal was viiied by M. Dominique, wbopresentcd an ordar aigeed by the 1rid'aont of tise Rapublii, callin.g upon the governorte permit the adrocaet te go te t the cl cf Bruneasusud conversa wiih the 8 -u4cpmuRgd withoui witeesses. Upen re* ceîpt cf this ordar the govemeer invited the visiter te accopaey hlm. Thea cli was rreached, sud when the door clicked baok the adreesta was closed in witb the mur- daer, sud tise govemnor, wihbhis attend- ants, withdrew. STRANGE MEQUItST. "Bruneau," said M. Dominique, Il I hava coma te spaak te yen wîtb greas franknes upon a subjeci that is pinlul re spproach sud terrible tc discuse, hut yen "ara a man cf more than odingamy intellect, " sud 1 keew you pessesag unusuai courage. s "I My errand te you is te presanit a marnai dther yen mey be wiiling tc antrain and agrea ne ; an expaiment that, if succesafýl 9 wilh ha oeeof the moar siertling incidentE ýr cf lIse times. 1- IlYeu are a scientific man by adncatjon: se aomm1,sud we know thai tha probleunel 't heterornt a gleaun o feeling c 3. sensation meains le the buman braie n ýe second sItar the heed leavea the body i ag oneecf the meat iniaraatiug thai bas arci epczzlad the minlis cf sciantiic men. Thii Leproblaun bas navet beau solvcd, for lb( V reason I bliave, ihat those who beri h beratofere beau gujîlotînef wbo were )r suftlciautly intelligent te maka sncb - compact as I am about suggasrieg te yoi h ad noeoua to maka the compact with, sur: , tîosa rmunw hem physiciens atamnprad tg Lt leare were fmghureed hera the keifa fli Ie yen intelligence and courage ara cour bined." "What do yen waut me te do?2" bn STAGOGEPBRUNEAU.- sa III want yen te cemmunîcala wîth in si atar yoer axecution. h waet you,by meau yof a praarraugad signal,roeconvey te me th tas information thai yeur braie is capable go le udestauding what I aay to it, that thai ui s a contining cf thongbtin je yur uietn i5thatthe blow cf the keife bas net lestai 3h taneously parahyzeci your wll power, hi g net ended Vour capacity ne reaponfi te le question, if pet te ycc a secnd after ni blow. lt s e terribhe ordeal, an awft axperienile, I1sun forcing upon yen, hi consuder the incomparable service jr wîll b tc actence." Bruneau paced bis oel axcitadly ; ave r, bis iron uemva was aevamely uriad by th jeg terrera cf bis position and the hcrribl g proposition bis advecate made bîm. Hi l ace was asîen, but bis veica was irm Ei halieepid . "Then yen wsb my-tr ae haad tc apeak ?" as "Neit speak, but to giva some aigur eundamstseding- The repid hamorbag u.probshly weakeea the physical condlition r a the bead se quickiy as te maka speakin of quia impossible, buyt it mey non ha suffie r- enily rapid te prerent semae unusculu si, memeet je the face." iff "Wbst u o n ? " d GHASTIY WINKS. ýt Il isibhis: At the instant of yonr deae ýr ltatien h shah stand besida M. Diblcr,eu 4g bera the kîifa ta)lla ishah mtter so yo The aida cf M. Deibiar seized the prison, îas by cubher abouldar and thraw hir ovorr c f the bascula, sud quieker iban it eau te te o- bis beach msted drectly heuesth the grec, down wbicb the keifa slips on ts erand a s e as la n li lis a ris ge of ne CI- a e fe te Ye le is ', i. id mt or ai )w nt is- îg c. o0- id ln Xe ts. lr ou Sof "Papa, dosa thit umeau skye terriers ' Nibb-" Wbat e perfect poam the counit's rich wife is !" Dibh-" Yas; the ceuni is the oniy man I keow of wboeaue make poetry psy hite. tbiriy thoesand a year." She-14 Oh, my i ibere's sometbîug gona dowe my back 1" Ha-", It's cecf those tbundarîng bugs, I suppose." ' I"No; 'I guasir'a oe ofthose- igbtning bugs, George."î She-"' Do yenuknow, Hsmry, fatmer has forbidden you the loiee1IHa-Il Forbid- den me tbe bouse . h navet asked hlm for bis bouse. Bis deugbter us goed aneugb or me." Il Have yen the 'Relic% cf By-G'oina Days?' " asked the yoning lady, antaring a bookstore. *"Yes," rephiefi the polite clark wiutb a_ ow, Il we may bave semae cf lest eyer's caledars." 8 Les îsadly)-"' I don't keow wbai te do ewjtb that son cf mine. He's heen twe ýfVears eut the maducal collage, sud stil keeps euat the foot of bis chessa." Perrina (piromput. Ily)-"I Makea achiropodiar nf i bir. Police justice -"Wnat'a the charg 8agaiîsut thîs rose ?" Policema-,"Imper- asouetîng an oElicar." lWbaut did ha do V" la i e wahkcd np to a streai vanider's, stand dand teck a bandf ah cf peainta." tWon'ut soeainventer, sage or mentor, Fleli that chie! cf bous, The weer-messting, long.pemsiating, e Non-baggieg paeraleons ? e Clseles-"Wbat mekea you look, se Sginme, Herryl" Harry-Maud Sweetsar libas tbrown me e-r."ý Charles-l'Oh, h yweuldn't mmd( thmat; a woman never bits wbere elle means te wheu slle tbrows." d Patient-" How cee 1 reditcs my Iweigbut ?" Doctor- "Yeu sbouid have dsomething to do. Soinetiiung te keep yeur gmind husy, te worry you aven." Patient i-"By tbe way, yen migbt sed your lest ,rmsnth's bill je.'> The parfume cf ber violais I neyer shahi forget, For the floriaut's bill thai came with theun ha bovarieg 'round me sel. d Mr@. Fogg-"lTLen ibare wa a man who uracited a peu or somarhieg. 1 coulde't rfor the hile of me make eut wbat, but be ewaa tremeadeusly applauded." Mr. Fcgg- " IEvidentiy oeaof ont mesut taeted a locutioniats.", 9 Rides a Wheel While Asieep. Misa Mary Smiley,danglîrar of Theodore Smiley,who lires neer Fergusonville, N., Y., ola a somnambullat. Lest weck ber fether dprescnted bar witb a bicyc le c e r lifueenutb biritbday sud aie bis consent te don a bloomer costuma, The young lady spent Scensidarabla tima this waek lenthe practica, sud efier a fire-mile rue rarired eut ,nighi greautiy fatigned. Shorriy sItar midnighut Mr. Smiley wes awakeeed by beating sune one asa oui cf the front door and down the waik. Looking eut of bis window the fermer aaw bis daugb tem arrayed in bar 9bicycle suit mmunting bar wbeai for s spin 1dowu the road, lHa realized est e gisne )fimer Mary was je a somuambuliautic state, i_ aud alter weking bis wifc weeit eut te d watch devaiupmenls. She rode up sud 'dewe the reed et ea corcbieg pace, sud iually diamonnted et the door. TVien ber faiher awekenad bar. liad a Relapse. Doctor-My ! my 1 You seaun te bave cr had a relapse. Locks lîkeae sevama casa ci S narrons prostration, to. Wbet in the [d worhd bave yen bean doieg? se Patient (weaaly )-Notbing. Norhung at f aIl, exceput hookieg over yoîsr bill. Oilidren- Cry for Pitchce's Caistor!a. sseets, hou evar, la the picuîc. The severai trades, sacra and sociatîca bava pieica of their owu, te wbicb thea-public are cordial. t .y wehcomcd on the peyment of as mali 4 smo werds the expense cf the antertain- tj mient. t i is amuaing te the railway travellar te i soie, as ha passes througb anme pratuty r countrysida, uer eue or rwo, huit perbapa 1 ity, diffament pieiea je funllswing, Bach numberiug scores cm bundreda cf guesuta. It bas beau seul, witlî mucb more trnth ti tben is ustîally to ha found injeapigrems of t, this kind, that '"je New Zealand people are lika carnle. Toc nead only turna nrober cf rham jute e pastumeand heavea ther oane, sud trhay will ha pemfecthye happy."D Ou e warm endi iamptieg New Year'st Day an eterpmising burgier mighi waik tbrou2b a New Zealanfi ciry sud help hirosehf undiaturbed, te the contents cf0 moat cf tuje bouses. Dweiliugs sud streaisE areaelike deserted, and the casuel sojeurner who docesnrt undarsiaufi tha ways of thee place seeka je vain for sornîbody te spaak, te. By six or sae-en jenthe evenung thet streets are lively witb retumning cmowds. Cherry Pît Grows ln Her Nose- Gertrude Smiuth, the 2-yeer old deugbtrr of Mr. and Mms. J. C. Srnitb ef Grand RapidsMh, gout a cherry pit np bar1 noise sose time age. Sha did ne say auy- tbîug about ituntui recentiy,whnen the cbild1 'vas takeuî te Dm. Prentice. The put wea rensoved, and ir wa fonsd th uerinig rile two waaks or more jr, bad rensainled thera it baid starred to gmow. The shah lied cracked, ani a tiury shoot had made for deyliut et the end of thaeieuse. Couidn't Deelde on a Clice- She ii determninad te ha a musicien, but cent decide wbatbar ro make aispeciaity cf the noUei or th e piano. lies she no pnsitive pradiecin for ajther 2 On, yes ; but soeaof ber friads tbink sbe looks beituer standing, and othara thet sitting is m ore becoming Le ber. Womnan's Ways. Mirs. Fiuke-nbinder-Yoa. Georgiauna Comaejure the bouse ibis minute or l'Il hava your faiher whip yen witbiu an loch cf your hile ! Mms. Fînkeebînder fro Mm. F. nexut day) -I wish yen wouldn't ha se cross te the cbihdren, Lemiiel. Yen are a perfect brouta, No wonder ihey are aIl afraid cf Yen. "D'or 0-ver' Fifty Years." For ovar lii ty yeara MRs. WiNsLow's SOO'rrnNG SYsrup bas beanucsad by mil. lioisa cf mothers for tiar blîdran wbjla teerhiug. Il distutbed et nigbt aud broken cf yout test by a sick chuld scf- fering sud cryieg wîth pain cf Cutîieg Teeih send ai once sud gei a bottle cf " Mrs, Winslow's Seotbing Sytsp " for Cbildren Teeibing. It wiil reliave the poor uitile sulfater immnediately. Depend upon it,motbars,tbera la no miatake about it. It cotas Diarrhoei,.reguiatea the Stoun. ach sud Buwels, cures Wind Colic, sof tans the Guwms, reduces Inflammation, sud gîves toue sud enargy te the wbele systeun. -Mrs. Wieslew's Soothing Syrup"' for chihdren teething is pleaseet te the teste sudnd e the prescription cf oeaof the oldeat Eand besi famale physiciens sud nurses in the United States. Price twanty-liva cents a bottle. Sold by ail druggists throughout b te world. Be0 acte and ask for 'lMus. WslNSaOW's SooTHaNQoSYUUP." David Grabaunt Adea will contribute in tha Septamber Harpam's the hiatory of IMahbrouk s'en va-t-en guerre,' the aong bhat Trîhby sangget bar Paris debuut, aud' race it dowe fmom a memote pear rbrough importaut historic movemants te a rune now familier le every civilized country. nu the sauna number the third paper je IlPouîltuey Bigelow', Gemman Struggle for Liberty" series wîhl descrjbaibe demorahiza. ion cf Prussia tbrongb the ccwardîca and treaeon of the nobles, the ravivai of patriotisun aueeng the people throngh the erts cf Natteiback, Sebili, Gneaisenau, and Scharnhborst, and the lamons confer- ence ait Erfurit, at wbiclî Napeleen sitar- seteiy dazzhad sud insnltad the Czar sud tha Garman princes. Duming Augnat the publication cf a series of articles of exceptiona1 intaresitotethe people of the West will bogie in Hlarpar's Wý'eekly. There ull ha an exposure of an extendad ceuspirecy under tne Civil Ser- vice Law ; an acconut of the efforts te rab the civilizad led-ans cf their leaninthe hedian Territory; a clear account of the pracrîcal resuits ni co-edecation in Western colleges ; a Pemies cf papers3 on exparjmeurs in municipal govermnmt in rime West ; a paper on Western streaits ; a paper on Ciub liUe in the West, a paper on Western lmnremies, etc. These articles are tIse fruit of a tour tbrougb the Western States under- taken by Julien Relhb et thea instance ef liarpem's Weekly. i is too early te irobicate anitumu fashions, except in vary generel terros; huit hiers for tlîe coming season wiil appear je the Anguat numbar of Harperas Bazar, A cîarmiug pl ay for amateurs, entîtied "Piazza Lufe," by Alice Ruth Carter, will ha publishefi in the Bazr r ariy mn Augusut MYSTEMlOUS MISS DECKER. I'cemlr .ticl, of e Yoiug Wornas causmeî5 by a FaiS. Mies Belle Dccker,dang liter ofWickham Decker, of Brunswik, N. Y., dieci a fEw days ego. Sha was a mystry te physitians, and many proroinenr axFamts froro New York City examnined bier, but were unable te dîsenose the casa. Josut abouta year ega Belle fell down a, steimway in hiem feuLera lbouse. Wlîen she waa belped np the girl liomplained efllbar back uctirig lier. She ctinued te attend seboi, owever, for two weaks, wben she lest the posler cf speech enmtrehy, andi thoîsgb suflering frountne apparent physa- cal troubla, hagan te wssîea exvy. Wbat puzzied the physiciens the mosi, howeer, was ber suddan losa nifthe powvar 1of speech. Ber sense of beemieg waa un- ,nsuaily acure, aud ypt she conld net ut- tar a werd, eltbougb before tbjs illuass Balla hafi beau e gond conversa tien alisi. Sîse leamnAd the dumb alphabet, and frein that rime on wes eble ito carry on couver. sation wiib the mnembers cf lhem family andi others. Durinig the year's ilinasa sha gainad a 1foot tn e aglî, but jusi belote lber deatb weigbad but îbimity peunds. Lest Monday eut mideigbt Beile's eider aister, wbo wea watcbing sutlber bedaide, was startled tc heatthe former suddanly axciaiuni Ilh can't stand tbis any longer, l'ei dylng ?, Tbay warc the oniy werds the scffarmng girl utarad. She senk bsck upon bier pilcw sud waa unabla to taik eftarward, alrbcugb many expediants ware triafi te induce bier te tahe, Wîutbn iwcnly-focr bouts ibercafitrsha diad, justice. The advocate stofi baside theWA UTJÇJf9 i ~~~N t s basket and opposite te M. 'Daîbler, and as WA SIP SHOT TgU . P L.fII J L.Lîte ary N t s tbe knife was ioosened hae leaned oer andi whispared tbe prearrenged words te Bren- Net sinca "The Aeglcmaniaca" bas thare eau. TT , boad4iad net toucbed the saW- DIVERS IJISCLOSE THE DIRE WORK boe, se levar a soccety satire as Henry reacbedifth biskbaud, ndheazugthe 0F JAPANESE CRUISERS. Fullem's 1"Pilgrim Sons," wbicb is pnbliusbd beair d ofth hebbe a nd , te eafing te.-ijethe August Cosmeplitan. The problems hioftad appsarad ted tiser sea ptie eSneaTa~e~Kw~ie n~ invo!,ýel in woman's use of tbe bicycle are his face adapae ewiprsmtigTeSne rmpr o hn uAse startiing and se numerous, under tbe in its car. The eetire audience stoed pa1îîsî,' Sigia-Awril wrk of Terusele 'rapifi evolutuon nf this art, that eue wel. tbunderstruck and speecbless the troops Siiot and Shahl-,Ilfla tooe 'Tween4tfl arfu iscussuon of ibesubjeet by hesîteat piy, a rme,îtb dîsappomnwlY, »caI ed wt "n]e fse trained a mind and se claver a writer as hesiatiglyandwithdi2ppoitmet Deil.Mrs. Regiuald de Kovan., Tina Cosmopoli- rnarkpd in every feature, the advocate geetiy retumeied the head te the basket andi Advices from Chef ce say divers bave tan iliestratas Mra. de Kovenes article turnad away. t work on the Chinese transport witb aser îes cf poses by professional modela. REFLED OCE.suuk theA new sport, more tbrilling than any kuown REPLED OCE.Kow.Sbing, Bc byth Japanesa crulserg te Nimrod,mcre daugeroustbaniwas everex- M. Dominique explains je hise wn lau- off the Y alu. Ibey report that the vessai perieuced by aveu a Buffalo Bill,is exploited guege the tan seconds folowing the dacapi- is an appalling sigh t, as sbe is literaily in the semae issue ie an article on «"Photo- tatîrou, durieg wbicb held the dîssevarad beali: tomn te piaces with sbot and shaîl. grapb'ng Big Gama je the Rooky Mounir- "Whe 1 iftd te hed fomte bske Thee i nodout ofbarhavng eenabus,"' belote snocring. Tbe idea that tee "Wbe I iftd th bed iem he bske Thre i nedout c barhaveg eaucents for The Cosmopoliten meaus ieferiorty doing lt se quickly that avee the sawdust sunk by a torpede, as thema is a large, f rom a literary point cf view is dispelled by bad ne eppetnity te attacb itself te the rg e peeiug ijer ot ig nt nha perac nti ube fsc rt bicedy neck, the ayes were wide epen andrge ot ig ead tesappSr eancarrtisnumberEfdsuchArol- looking et me witb evary appearaece of tbroogb oneaof the bunears. She is riddledarasSrewsMrijrEdeArld ailtabutigencetealinauwtbebî shot aiesEdgar Fawcetit, 'abb, W. Clark Rusell, intelligence aedrlicennderbistanding.sqLang, Sarcay, Zangwill, Agnas Repplier, "Witbout loosing-a second 1 axclaimad; andi front the top cf lber foramast dowe te etc. 'Ner ee wae entertaie the idea ef 'As I utared thsa! wrdstha ye!cfthe watrrlina there ara marks of the inferiority je illustration witb sncb namas «asAsamiltoe Gibsen, DeemantVan Scbaicof the lait eye droopad spasmodicaily and machine-fira gue. asHix, onaudbs , e, igurin scihe eia raîsed again. I hesitated a second and About baîf way up the mat, wbere the aritscf a singemtc,, isinse cia rapeated my words, 'but thre was ne0 rigging joins, la badly tem by amail proeac- atseo igemnhsise motion, aed I exclaimed axcitadly : 'For tiles. Probably many poor wretchaa The Nortb Amerîcan Review fer August God's sake reply again ?' climbeefiap thame te be slaugbtarad. The opens witb a paper on Il The Menace cf "There was a quivering in the eyelid and mainimast la gone, possibly ijured by ee h ans the lashas seamed te wavar as theougb stirrefifru.lerdcsaerreu u pit e r deetcftbeby W. J. H. Traynor, Presi- by the wied, but there was ne motion; the troughouut, and marks of meebine-gue and tien. MjrArtern rotetiv, er asa features became set, thealines cf the face shahl lire cever the sbiip from ed te ed, MajoIspctrArtburPrin s, ltsierMees. more naarked, and wirbin six secon da frem perticulerly about the funnel casiug, wbicb ysIsece tPions,"writds nreat the f ail of the keife the bead was unmis abtl îdld h sendcsaeiegly cf I"Femala CriminelS,"ndA re Ltakably daad. full cf dead, many of the recmtLnosewliknw Egls wjtr cn "My effort te Solve the mysiary cf the akd aeilyo the starboard baideg- tributes a piquant article on Il Tendencies f apacedesecillyoni-un Fiction." Il The Solution of War," is duration cf lufe after decaritatice faiad.' wbare bundreds cf poor wetchas bad togtul osdrdb h mnn ---t----rm f prte ctpif osl.he tieeJewisb Rabbi,, Rav. Dr. H. PareiralMandas, Stormof pojecile.and je "lThe Yacht as a Naval Auxil- SUMMER SMILES. The North China News commenta ce ibis) iary," The Hon. W. McAdoo, the assistant as foliows ; Any uuceceasary sacrifice cf Sacretaryet the Navy writes enthusuastical. The Wife-" h muat be bedtime." Huns. life or property ia not legitîmate werf ara. îy cf tha future of the naval militie. A most bad-" Hardly , the baby basu't waked It je barberous, and there was noet the seasonebla papar is that on 'lWbat te1 up yat." f3ligbtast excusa for sinking thîs ship. Sha Avoîd in Cyclieg," by Sir Benjamin Ward "Hi, Jimmy, weot'a the mattai 2" was a good, safa prize, and couid net Richardson, M. D., andfinjel"The Tureing "Back's blitered," "Swimmin' or ]jckjn'?" possibly escape. At tuaesvrat, bier rudder cf the Tude," Wortbîngtoe C. Ford, Chuef "Both." might have heen Eliot away ; but te ime cf the Bureau cf Statstica at Washington, "They sey Ilamsey is generous te a torpedoas, te peuud au ay witb abot and essarta that the commerce cf the country auli." Il Tas, hais l, if it heppens te ha shah -from two, eigbt enl six-inch grils, to bas turued from depressien tewards pros- ne cf bis own enîts. baul dowe a sbower cf nitrais fromn machine perity. "The New Administration je If a bicycl's knowe as a Ilbike," guna on a amali steamer crowded with England la ably traated by the Rigbt Hon. A ticyle uatha "tîke" uroan baîngs, was an act wbicb we nead Sir Charles W. Dika, M. P., wbo gives a Andwicycen wuet er asIl round nctnow characterize, foracat cf wbat may ha expectad je Brit- Ait wll doubter aha foud i sh politica Item the Unioniat administra- That an icycle goas as an 1"ire." A HOLIDAY LOVING FOLK. tien. A pper on IlLac XIII. and the Bell-" r. olye issno a nce an.Social Question," by the Rev. J. A. Zabun, Ile aaid thait 1 bad a veice like a bird."IHew the peeple of New ZeieldEnjoy Professor cf Physica jenthe University cf t Nîl- Y~; h tod m VkanTisemselves. Notre Dame, Indiana, la cf marked Big- S elI t etl eyen sang lie annificeuce contaieing as jt dues a direct L owl. ',The coîcuista c f New Zaaland are a massage from bis Holiness, the Pope, te uhe Isn't ha rather f apt ?" asked the aux icus boliday-making people. There is aimes people cf the United Stateas tbongh the mothar. Il es, mamma, je cee isense cIf an average of eue recogezaed holiday te a North Amarican Raview. Albert D. Van. the word. 1 do't think hae cen gai away." moetb, and jr is a common practica for ail dam'seigbtb instalment cf "Parsonal Hua- Thîswcrd wold audje gcryvertory cf the Second Empire," deela witb the E And make a îivaîy stir, wokn epet aa tco oedy Preaperity and Secial Splandor" cf that If je tinsse days wa coulfi forget at Christmnas, the New Yaar aud Baster, se epoeb. A tboughtful and scholarly cen- 0 Tihe mad thermometer ! as te meke an uehmoken playtime cof ibrea tribution on "Guassas ai the Riddle cf IlThat man causes me noencd of aneoy- or four days îecluding Suudaya. Than the Existence," by Professer Goldwin Smith is ance ovar a bill." "Wby do't you sua hirn greer niasa cf the people giva themacîves deserviug cf wida attention. Other topica and clleet it " Colleat it ? Ba's tryieg UP to amusement. Herse races, athîctie dealut witb are "Revolver or Sabre ?" by ,r te do tbat' sports, boat races and excursions are car. Major W. P. Hall, U. S. A.; "lWhait men d I Papa l What la it, Jobuny ?" ' riad u je evary s.vaiable spot, andi are tbiuk of Wemee's Dresa," by C. H. Cran- 1,ra oem je *Shel eae wi. tteusded by large and wli-bebavad crowds. dall, and "H1istoricai Micknamea," by F. _ - 1- 1 l.. xx ig,, 1 he ,,,tmne.s cf 'ail holiday amuse- W. Oswald. ~Ioltra1Toronto Steamers heave Bowmanville getng Eat utily, axcept Sundey, et 9.20 p.m Golng West deily, except Tuesday at r3.3D asn- To Montreal, Single IReturil To Toronto, Sinîgle Return $8.75 $15.50 $1.25 $2.50 Meals and berths are included ln both diirections until Juna COth, after which nuaîs aud barihs are extra going East Steamer - Hamiîtcn", leavas Bcwman- ville going East evary Mcuda-Y at 9.30 p.m.. l'or Montreai,and gcing West evarY Saturday at 6.00 for Toronto and Ham ilton. To Montreal, Single iReturn To Terrintè, Single iReturn To Hlamilton, Single iReturn $7.25 14.00 1.-25 2.50 1.75 3.50 Meals and berths are included in bctt directions. F'or information and tickets apply to J. McC1e11an, Agent, BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ALEX. MILLOY, Traffie Manager. 0. P'. GILDERSLEEVB, Gan. Manager 228 St. Paul St, Montreal, P.Q. 27-3m MUST WEAR 11IGH HATS. Thec New Itile [er London Omaibus Drivers BrilýIXS Olil omfe queer Ol! Ti1es. The headgear. may be white, shiny oz dulI, as the wearer's ceste may dictate, but the hat must be of the variety known on the other aide as 11chimeuey pot." The styles of nets which this regislation ha8 brougbt te light and placed upon the heads of the jehus' are most variad. Some date back ten and a few even twenty years, and cause much amusement te the obsarving passangers on the outside, who, like true Britens, take pleasuire ie gnying the driver s. Anotber amusing develepment of thia inflexible mile eccurred on the top of an omnibus near London Bridge the other aftrnoon, One of the drivers had laid aside bis til hait for an ordinary tile, which in the metropolis is called a Ilbow- 1er." An inspecter noticed the change and, a'topping the 'bus, climbad the stepe and berated the driver roundly for diecard. ing his regulation hat, The driver's de- lense wap that he hed put aside his best hat-a white ene, wbich he had wome aIl day-etter tea tîme, because the weathcr leoked threateniug, and ha did net wish te spoil it by a wetting. The inspecter reaerded tbis excuse as frivolous, and saifi su. Then the driver lest bis temper. "I1can't carry ail umbreller," be said, and if me hat's spiled with main yen won't, give me %nother. I'd bave te buy it iny- self, and jr lonked like raie, and wbat more do you went ? The passangers on top of the 'bus, te wbem. ba appaaled for rupporit, wera mostly- on bis sida, and agreed that if the ccmpany wanted.its employeas te waar tall bats, it should pro- vide tbem. Two Dollars a Day Up. Mr. Siimpurse-I sec yen advertise you ratas at $2 a day up. Hotel Clerk-Yes,-air ; yeu can 'get accommodations at $2 Up, but you'Il have rte go up pretty bigh., Front, show the gentleman te the roof. 5t'.b -fi tic ~ ~ k The ehiîld that cannot digest milk can digest Cod-liver Oil as it is pre- pared in Scott's Emul- sion.- Careful scientific tests have proven it to be more easily digested than milk, butter, or any other fat. That is the reason why pny, ickiy chil- dren, and tin, emaciated and anacmic persons grow fleshy so rapidly on Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphitcs when their ordinary food does not nourish them. .Don't be ,crseded Ioe ccejf asubttefl Sctt & Bewne, Bellevalie, 50c. and $1. Richieu& Ontarto NaIvigatioli Co*