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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1895, p. 5

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Rickard's stock is carefully bought. E A Squar DealPickard tells yen -what you are bny- S ing. ý A sioveltylin sewing machines at Pick- ard's. hin Beautiful silver plate at Piekerd's E (new.) ket lIivat e vtoevery Presh Sardines at.Heal Bres', onily 6ce 1 f,.temr-,rgwe believe aeu Ithe bet adrertisement a -al We possible is a weman well Peliable time pieces cf ail kinds at are V etvie in ever Mckr. Poneid, Chiago,Il.,ïsvisiting de __ ne -Ie Carry but just a thome. lai ibis sesd f tise year we iiere n aea seIaty cf Fisse No charge for testiîsg eyesiglit et lucrte d it555s I'n Richard'sl ïboun ,, tte no idea of Mrs. M. Porter is visiting relatives ina Please. l naelrB et7 Petesiboro. bs ee vitng for te ts7y theon. Brant, Wliitby. frit STOTT & JURY. Miss Bertha Sherin, Peterboro, is 3 home for lslidyiys. are tott & Jury tise druggists n ho carry Mr. Chas. Windatt, Stratferd, is visit- a lairger stock of spectacles tisan ail ig Mr. A. ethewr'dealersilatown combicd.Ee Miss Grahamu cf Brampton is guest of i mb - ysMiss M. E. Jesîiess. in,, 4esteîd frce by the csly eptician iii thse IdaC~lpuifhn esra eeniity wvli lias maade a special stucly v, nue et MurUlis ari Of cptics, ansd holds dipiomas frein the Mcndusy, Aug. lti i Wiiithy anrd 1 thiree Ieading Optical Colieges lu Osisaxvýa's Civic Hcliday. ns AmriaMiss Lilv Ev ans, Toronto, is visiting 1 Wensay n StrayIeMrs. S . Maçon, Kig St. Tr Wedesdys ud Satrdas, ce Mrs. N. S.Ycisg, Toronutc, bias been 1 sCre.amn Soda osly 5e at Stott & Jurys. N isitiag friends ii t' Co Take your Ice Creain -witli Soda w ater Miss Turner, St. Thomas, is visitiag 1 Seil c t Stott & Jurys, Wedniesdays MsA.CliehuhStlie] Miss Ada Petliick bas beesi Nisitiîîg -adStvas Mrs. J. H. Theaipson, Whitby. fre 10 pouuds of Potate Bug Destroyer Mrs. J. N. Pairbairis. Toronto, lias -,,e. Best in the nmarket at Stti & JryNs. bec stu tM.C seies ho ___________________________________ Mrs. WTs. ýrkr is visitiiig lier daugli- j Best Paris Greesi et Stctt & Jurvs. er, Mrs. T. Jury, Rochsester, N. Y. Tc ____________________________ An eight day dlock fnlly guaraateed 1 Try the new' perfumeA et Stett & Jurys. for very littie inioney et RiclIard's. s ______________________________ Miss H-elena Coates, Toronto, lias T, Lemonade that Cali be carried lu the been visitisîg Mss. J. N. MeDeuîgali. 'poket at Stetft & Jurys. (Very flne Mss Lily Martv n, Prince Alberit, is pr tryit. Nisitiiig at bier tnsclc's, Mr. J. B. Martyn. SL L VYDr. B. C. Brusuacenibe aun wife, Mai- Thex-et pcke xxii arr cnuîg toion, Indiania, are vissiig et Mr. J. N. fri 'ievs oktilcryeog oKix ell's. 1 ;ma:e 20 glasses cloiceLeuîonade. Stott Miss Helen Walbridge lias returned .& Jurys Drug Store, frein visitiisg lier unece Mr. C. Simpsons, gi Brookliti. nr 5 gallons cf thxe great TeMperance ' r. Robt Watsons and Mr. Wý. Gsrd Drinkr caii be niade. wit1h as 10e bottie Of Losisnis, are x isitîsug at Mr. 'i lis. Xeai 's at VExtreet t Stott &Jur.ys. Lier3 t. & Prints fer 5e -wortlî 10e anîd prisîts fer [T 8 e n'orth 12ý,e et Concis, .olsstcn &c T E E Crderna s 'stic .1-5 ONLY M-r. L. M. Granit, the îîopular carnage frieîsds iii to-nrii. P(tis CePTICIAN Mr. P. 1). Tlîextou, laerdealer cf IN I-S C UN Y.Lindsaý,xv-as drown md Saturday w-hile er 'WVho hias imade ýa special stndy cf tise Miss Florence and Master Frank sublet sîdn le hldsdi1loms feaiJoilow, Oslsaxva, are xisitiîîg tiseir ait, M sujc ndiiohod iloa rmMis. Lexwis Jollow'. C( thisiree leaditng eclegegs of Amerlea. Afssi ee urivc ielt CoNS '".ULTATION FREE. cou, cf Maux-cers have beosi arrested for w. If oue s trouble vo ousathme aiî conistefei ssicscxn a Stoît& J&x s.Mr. Joc. Kr.i,,lit xva called bosco frosi Rochsester lest xeek osn acconsît of theO w Qi I~T V IIDV danigeoios iiiîîess cf luis sister, Miss in ~1 Uti « JUIXI Anm-eKigl.t 011 URY* Excrsions ta Toronto bvx bont are J B0\N~~ ~LLEbecosngn x ery popular. Tscew G'ardesi Citv nus faoss tîseseý ports ex ery Wed- e n4icsdax. Tickets 510c. a i GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Ossxaand Be ývi-îassxilie base bail el ____teasi playedt isere coi Seturday efter- 0 Bexvxî xxx IL-LE SvTTION sîcon and the xisitors xere defeàaýed by GniO xer (MxcWET. a score cf 121 te 13i runs. I Exî,es...5 suS a i. Express ... 2,a. n. A lot cf Dress Goodý; selliiss off belon l', res ... 10 19 al. Ms. Lotai ... 5 8i 3r est ami cisoice Dress Pattcorsis et about -ý 3oa . 0G 9~ eh. 4 al price et the clering sale goliig cii 1025~...s ' at ('oncis, Jolîsstosi & Cryderusussî's. STOTT & JUR6Y, THEw STATmsnAN isîx ites ail its readers Texte Tieket Agensi. te coatribute ail itemns cf a persouiai - nature, suscii as x isitors, xeddiisgs, etc., ?V thiat 155 coinnîsîs sisis lbe 1;ept iiterest- ~h nd~n~tt~mning. I BiuuTxvîxE Bine Pibbosî ruas BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 14, 1895. 651J flt eo the 1), Pure Masilla 56J f t, and Bcd Cal) 55) ft. A fnll lisse frocs 6 te 7' ets per lib ut Rd. W'ortli's, opposite tiese Local and therwise. Mr. Tioau. YloIe fiitda ____funerai of tise lete Jamnes Welclsan If yoîî xxaît a good vilia sec ad. Chas. Hoxx e, two youag mîen wlie n ere kiiled iii tise elexator accidenit in WV. J. Blouse sets et Piekards-quality good. Gage & Co's n are bocuse lest w oeek. Scwisîg machines et iekard's se Mr. Wesley S sansb-ciief cf the tîsesu. Boxxisserixille Braîcîs of the Bell Tele- Good goods for littie uioney et Pick-;- phone systein, is spcusdissg a couple cf a1rd tS. xeeks rusticatiug. Miss Tresîoutli is Machisses sicedies, oil, etc., et Pick- lialloiiig" for biis aut present. ard's. WNe liave lseeuî lu business fonsiteeui Miss Couie cf Kecue is x isitisig Mrs. years and n e feul te fiuid any te say thatt W. H. Dnstauî. xve usiieîresented aisythsug xvge si, xvef Wr. ohn~elîar jr, i spusdui~lusare stili going te stay witl yen, uxe aret vaaton as teaxri Lake iýfl net lure for e little xviîie. Mayssardt ý-;Latiii t StneyLak. .the Jewelier Miss Emmca Chamîbers, Lindsay, is p cîý NIGIIT.-W. E. liassay lu lbis visitsîg Mss Anclia oixx ii. isîodeied, refresiscd, inicomparable, Misses Nellie aud Plossie McMartry, '-Tnp Arcussd tise Worid" suagîifcent Toronto, are xsitin- relatives bore. ssx 'e" priighue asug Mrs. Jos. Lasxb cuti ciildresî of Ton- as cir Raiiîsav eau preseuît thiios. Rie- ente, bias beeui isiting Mrs.J.J.Mitche.i. ssnecr Sept. '21. Miss Letia Bartiett, Cobourgt is xisit- Tise Vii dca, Masn., Ramrier says:- an t hiem grniclatler's Mr. Jolsi Tises. liber, Esq., Boxvssanvillc Ont, Persoss xA'ho thiink: cf crcssing tise At- 11a,1ù, Bamuptois. ieaci souie chîic Ithi li5eai ion sec or Nrite te selectiouîs fions tise Canaliaus peet anCi M. A. JAMEs, Steamnship Ageuit, Bow- a piano scie by Miss M. Tait. lus re- asauxOihle. Represents bcst Cuisadian petiag lust woek;s saoetiîg a xxeil rois au Aendais Liîîes. dered vocal soie lix Miss Noillie San- { Mr. C.T. Peuh, Princ,,ipal Toronto, dois n'vas iudrtîty ousssuitted. Seolof Laliu'gaes, -wii deiiver ai Nýext meetingxill l ie iii charge cf the iii'esl the Chsc cfChis, nct Social 1 cîsi t teue,ý suliject, "Pure db Day e ci t o 'k Su-Togts ue\ords, Puire Deeds."j f ject:ý "BuddS im and Chitaiy" Yenae nitd Fleal Bros- -Cash GrocerYs. Spectacles properly fltted at Pickard' s. Mussical elock at Rickard's-a bargain. Eickard undcrstands the eye-Cail on [m. Rickard's goods arc the best the mer- et affords. Miss Kate Murdoch is visiting fric nds iCobourg. Bomvrnanviile Hi.-i School opens Mon- yv, Sept. 2. Mr. W. Kent, Durbam, is visiting re- itives in town. Mr. Jas. Pethick. of Toronto. is visit- ,g his father. Heal Bros arc paying 18 ets a dozen )r e'ggs this week. Miss Rabecca Bray is visiting -with ends in this town. M. A. Younnie and Miss Ethel King re visiting in iMoutreai. Mrs. A. L. Vanstonle, Brantford,. is sitin - relatives in tewni. Mr. Chas Chapple left Tuesday morai g- for Biliings, Moutana. Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Hlley, Toronto, e x isitin'g friends ini ton n. Rcv. R. McCu]ioch, Newburgh, gave La friendly eall Tlursday. Rcv. A. DeBarritt -will preacli iii rinitv chiurch next Sunday. Parasols sellîng off at cost price at mchel, Johunstosi & Crvderrnani's. Miss P. Maynard, Toronto, is guest of sr brother, Mr. Geo. E. Maynard. Coffees ,roasletd, ýnthe premîses,always eshi and bes:. iî ý owni, at Murdoch's. Mrs. Waddelf'a:nd Master Rex, Col- )rne, have been visiting friends hiere. Mr. and Mlrs. IL. Goodinan and family roronto. are visiting Mrs. Tiios. Hoar. Miss McTavish,of Grand Rapids,Mich. sguiest of ber aunts, tte l\isscs Me- avish. Rev. J.MMeh, Port Perry, -will )reachlantise Presbx teriail church ssiext sunday. Miss Iresie Jew ei lias been x isiting iends fil Peterboro, Hastings, and Ïmemee. The 34tli Batt. Band of Oshia a niii ixeai open air concert lîcre iîext Sat- arday eveniing. Ladies' Jackets and Capes selling off tii at; hall price at Couch, Joliuston Ur deri, s lion. John 1)rydesî, Minister of Agri- ctrefor- Outarso, is spcnding- a vaca- on iu Algomra. Mr. R. W. Errett bas been appoinitGd nspect or of Weilî-ts ai-d measures for Peterboro dishict. El-ca Huniter anîd Nellie Ruis ctroý-.C of thonlo have heein guests of Miss Ethel Foster. Pcv. C. and Mrs. Parker ani Miss lattie n cre gucsts of Mr. J. T. Clarke, Cobourg, last week. Rickard bas a miost elegant stock cf catches ail ver v best miakes andi evcry catch f ully guaeanteed. We show <a file rno f Parasols whicli n ehave c hnported direct frein thc iakers anîd w o guarautee thcmn to bc lie best v aine in the trade. Coucli. Jolssston & Cryderinan. îf thiere ex'er n as a specilice for anv ont coplaint, then Carter 's L ittle Lix ci are a specific for sick headache, and eve ry woenan should know this. Onul one pili a dose. Try then. Mr. Robt. Knox, License Inispectqos sad Mr. Thos. Sxvain, Hotel keeper, o 9acsarea, býefore P. M. Haines, c1 Monday, weelk for selliug4" liquor cluri1it prolbited Isours. 1Fihie, $1).0J anm $7.95 cets. It Stands Unrivalled. The Toronto Industrial Exibition, bcginrîlng osir Sept. 2 next, w 111 h e the greatest £air cx'er heldin Canada. Thel niumber cf entries cf Lix e Stock and Manufactures, and in fact in ail leading departments, is unprecedented. In-i creased facilities have been prox ided in the buildings and gronnds, and tise cx- hibits lu addition te being considerably larger in volume than those c n r -vious year wxiii bcechoicer and btter arranged.' The general features cf the show need net be recapitulated lu detail. Suficýient te say that it represents a consipiete epitome cf the prcg-ress and attinîneýnst, cf the Don-inion sun induist- rvcu inrbîiai iinvention, art aud sci- ence. A b-rillia)t prog-rammiecf speciai attractions has beesi provîded, including the great Water Pete and Aquatie Ex- hibition te be given everv afterneon aud eveuing on a spacieus artiticial lake lu front cf tise grand stand; beantifnl tableaux and a great variety cf aquatic perfousatces. The splendid silitarv, ,1ramatie aud pyro technie pageasst 'The Relief cf Lucno'," concludissg w Výith a ma gîificent firen é,orks lisplly, xiii bc put cii cacis exening. Cheap tares anid special excurssions con ail rasîn cys dur- ing the fair. ilîursday Closing. As usual J. B. d\atnsceprturnent- ai stores xiii be cloecd Tlîursda y after- niouns during Julv and Augnst lu orsier te gix ebiCwrkmien pericd cf relaxa- tioi urhîg thieated terni. TIse pub- lic iaust geveru ii esseixes eccordiiiv, Ho For Setigog! Throagh ccnx cance fronm Bon ,iin N 111e te Csarea isaffordedUv tie Gifferdl -Stevens Transportation and Generail Pass,,esiger Lisie, Tuiesdavs and Paiday's. Rates veryreasosiable. Food ansd prov is- ions supplied at Stevens Grand Central by tise Lake. Pull particularsfrm'r G Giff ord. 24-tf Buy your Binder Twine froni. The Farmer's Binder Twine Co., Brantford.- XVe are showing a fine lune of canned goodls. wiIl niake a note of this. Campers Telephone colnnection. Goods deiiveredl promptly to any part of the town. BGWMAKV1LLE The.. White House JEWELLERY STORE. St-Ihi ieads lu liergaluslia ving sold cli or ueanly ail goods tbat xx cie slightly daiiaged by fire, xve arc U-ooct weighit and[ the best 1njoxv -owing -a lino of cai first twine. class goods. Ne soft or blitored PETER MURDOGH, gootis. No treoli -pitked up et clieap Agesi, Boxxiusix aneion roonîs in tIse city and r.sî c d cff on tise public as goocl goods1 BDýC{i.3 Drl111, York' s~~s ~ sold clieap.XVe buiy our goids ri sbire WNNiitcleas'. Fins ee si ser. Ti ciii >1.00î; une sensr, co.F. Ai.,usxei i, i 5ep'good eiabbo lieuses anti sel thessi iter, Ceurtice Cornets. 51 'C'OW ASTRAY.-Straved about JuIv 10 o eteoecot i xeai U tis,s ii s~s isc uii' di"scîeis Caciite cosîvinco yourself et reai cile tfoise eu, tes. ifecuirisinleuul i er i reee 'ryouux'1-;le, txosusig É c5 , gocr genu:îie bargains ini frst class goods. Strnscls Ee sii ux511, urx9mk aixx ys gives tlhe besi cf ~ sus'us eu easfacitiolî anti N-e do it ourseîf, NVO GrvNursetiies o os. N Y-510 . v , cîiiton't have to scnd it eut of toxvu, riusess te bs.ginssers. (lu i iýI si. i; icix I'suer cf iMarriage Liccîsses. jîcli c l e it ceiuitcd. Est!iuIjlIsi'[lONts s 1 Alicsti-st elass. ,WciuiN.cls titcss Adsires, J. Wt. M5C ( t"e~I- it, Thiomass, OCii. M Y A D Ontario Ladies' WTHITBY, 0O Il. aalitusly suisSe tisý e se eu We direct x oui attentioni toe fact 01 xx111 si1ý e,îis 1ute.suii tias. I)ustes & Hoar are selhîgpuire censutry, iDrs. ecS s ae MillatBuiier Txx uit thiselxvtîico stuu e f!nctessies auss u of 6,1c. Thserefone hec-ce ycn ordons etat ie. 'rsyc ssesv liits' s aire once te sciure thuis puico aund sax-e mî çerecti, 1.05>0 ft -, ail CI,),,x4 lecut 25 to S10c a isudred. s ieanu isctin", eleiei lSisthi' Satîuiday uuorninsgA g. 3, ti wthe, uucs s.-n0) uu 55 te1is e sces s steasiier Lsmisy, osue os. tse best hknomx a ,j sJ)Yîe c ss~'ri s i 'vý1Jef r ci ts.isi aitlsuea steairs ntisaiplis.seus the Cîtousumbce iso, istui'.tiitccu ritver ausd iice Laike, xxas burntet the 'agîiesaie crsuc'stle c wcuncm s ce, efixe is s oioxv listinuga s (cis'asîiss.efer tcit on tise Tiens rixver. Lco i's $u. 1EY J. J. iH Ut.> Heliday x isitors et Mr. Isasac Joxx chi's: 830 tt. Mr. Jos. Cohslediek Exeter ;, Miss M.__________ Walsh,Bnrk's Fl'als ; Mviss Alcali andt BRN Hoxxr aniWalsh Starkx-ilc ;Miss lxi os. isBuO RN.aiW ît Billiugs ansd Miss Kate \,Vadst1el, Cleike; tsewlfe of.A. -ios~, Es1,e Mr. Psied Kehly, Permytoxsc ,Mr. Isaac FAsi. lu s siaua, es1 'sus. Cobbledick, Ci cit. Jasîiew Fait, of a sosn. A cosushlete recordi et the Rosebosix' lliiiiteli, Aiiî. 7t adinuistruations is giveu inith Au , C.s1cak, os. a soli. Acgst Mes a'sxîî ý,x NcscHaysles Býeie t cf leeic.s. Tfiss uubem f o f s.T1iissiisMitjey 551a tise lseiceVw'ili proxe inivauînbOe foi nre ______________ ferenexvbenexer questionîs anise per- DIED. tîiuugtoee uts of tIse pest yecutiwitliii 5AX55 s esu esetie. s tise Bitish Emptiire. P,. liarfet, tarulîvace nîeclas, TIse folloxxi-ig genîtlceuxen eheeet- CAsuI kSCAssN.-TIllKesIlatli cd onui sdaluv eveiiin- lest tore eiss(su uoeuaei ica seunt thse ceuigîc-,ition Jcitlîe Meticthist Ssi usisB., At Haru icl Chancis amitissu Qs.îarteiiy Board :Dr. J. -7iily,g(,;!Lm2t tas. M. Biiiaceiiusbe,, J . C. Vanustone, Loti. Morris,' C. M. Caxxklier, Isaae Jen cil, BOWMiýAN VILLE M, Wuus. sIrewxiuîandJIl. Baskeît il. Tise hcst issue of the iMilismir.y Cce tcConmeetedbyJ.MetcMuurtryie contsuiaed the folloxxiss:-" 4t!i Cut- usio ' 3utt. ,,e. 6 ooispany, toe c0st J2tiid ' 10 lus ....... liesuteunanst, Pieu lion îrit es. ,o. Wus'II, ll, 01(1 p' basI 7.coipaniyPiot isiouuai accouîtlýieutois- " 505t uin eut, JuîssctJois Glendiini s p'rmiutîste toXWhite Pife .. retire. T'le esecond idtenuant, Jouis i Red Ils lieuny St'ikuunts. BARLEx', P bush, No. i Ansin-thsoso xx lielefS bore Tuesluîv ,2 on5 C. P. t-. excsursions for tise grecs. il'sTxvo moxyt i\osthi \'csstor,'r. \N". Il. 'I huison A wieii.... anti daugister, Messrs. \V. IL Osborise, O's Rt MXark (- isc1e, Es.igenSissale uandcibrotuon usR uîIl c I'osîiBrowis, Ueo. 1riavG Elsd. Parrell, BUC KNVEAT .... F. Gariner, E. W. Bimý,igisssu, Jsas. Peu- PLAS, Blaekeve, P bn-h. giliy anti J. Brissucousbe. s~-O ,Ïex. Professer r eg,Il. *D. et Kniox is Susahl, Colee'I'uronsto, couîdcîc.d 5tue seri ce ifBlue, sus ut. Vaul's Chancis i sst Snsday. Mauiy BUTTER, blet table, ta' b. cf the ol'leîupeople ospeciahly xx oie de- ECoS, P doz......_.... lighste.l se socDr. Ge",stililihearty PorPA'OES, bushI....... and vig-orossand bis ferveuse.y dimizeelI uîtahasîsd. A sîsecial fceture cf tioc x-uigservice xxas the iiii of tx',o solos "lie ticix'Ci , cid'-(,,iltissu Cross" Uv Miss uifeLagulii uîand i. tI. B. flandois, respoctio.y.i o r i The Coh)ouig ýWonld speeklis cff lue sacied conci.ertiigixoslu tuelre-sIvtertaui ctiurcli shoelest 'uesdatyecxeingJsays Mr. Il. J. îcsiight,1 Boxvsuamvillt', gav e 4'Ouitise Cross" Uv Mrs. Biack'stcck. A notablee lanactonistiecof Suis soioilst is Bîîy & lus eieansss cf eunmiaticmî tiat aepîloals - 89 poteuiiy tt popsilar teste anla tisa;,t novoslsisîn4sie as tmn'lthi tat useils one and Bcwh disgisîug.110 hims a isse haritouto x'oîc assi becasue u iusfavomit.' xith Caledonia Milîs. lus heerers w'lio htited te huii xerýv uit- teuýitixelv iii hiE foh1,)ioxxluhnumsihei,-- we îce n.~ ecisUlho e y i y iyAdams,ý u1'her o etl sour anti scopeofcibihJIU M ,sPiiddvoice sb oug tu. College, )NT. sli'qil i l il (ues suei.e lei sut r'i- '.Es, i.D.,1 f, Son .cs u 5. 5tl 'fi ie 0' 01i Gi 1ii , tu iAnttit7,ls. Jolui ,t, lseul72v est' s. Oa Aliuu. 4-ls, KO c f (Sc., 5 ut I 1, IARKETS. au eury 'u2sJay .0 s. 0 0 .0 .0 o .0 dO .0 O .0 .0 .0 o o O .0 O .0 Pe w ICI Bow-sîrNVILLÊf, THIEJEWELLLR. ~ZPrepare foir it by z getig youi'up go- Plies at __ "BIG 201 w-A full assoî tiient --w ~Zof ail reqtuisites. w--4 UW- Wà-PAl[N 0 0 Havinog f ully tiecîdeti to cdean uLp our Stock we çill 'olVe VOIO 00OCIS a. y01117OWI &1~I U U~S ices for the next 30 (lays. SIt does not, pay us iin our business to cari y oveîr goods sw og II s time coes on Go to RICKARD'S for theîe cagsadt ei u you eau get bargains,g-enuin(e trade îueaus to be f ully up bargains ev'ery day and Ito date iail the latest f'ash- every hour of the day. ions, that is our reason for sa crificin o oods. Give us a Noue but the best goods kept instock. au and see goods auid prices keptlu sock.and be couviiiced foi your- Eye sight tested withoutlf. c'harge. Te Ne RIOKARD9 MRS. DO GRSTER. BOWev v rE O te 2 9J W Nstlaker, Jexecler sud 1t'ss,____________ 1,) 0 75 i Bss',uL.Ns tc Oi 0 51 482 'si401PACIFIC KV. O0 's A L I 00 0 - ý 1 AUG, 13 anda2, ()(J 1 () O LI[poolLONOND[ERRYAND B IIlA OW s0 C5- ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. ILR C), ' O 65 sssFrem Froîs oo 14 L;v ius.SEA ASiI l ousic'al Quebec 5iaylig't Sa . li 'MDN GOi 5SkRDINIAÂ 17M LADUESOTIAN 4 l'ARISIAN 1 1 p ~ RATES 0F PASSAGE. SEBIN Sisugle fions"5, pwa,'* IscRtî'îs- 1To ail Points Wuest of Winnipeg tb se- l 0, ulwsuv sO SECOND CnN jlf~f~ To or fronss Liv-erpool, lilîudesderry, ISlaB s IlJïUJ ft-is.u v ........................ c etsis 'lI'seitts, alîe'portsa..... ..'.n r 'r 1 r 1resuLonsdon .............. .....:' jf Cliis.liietwess i assd 12y ars. Has.~e L ~I -il PR v C, In Sî s iî, i both ways. " rfoL Foer fut'iei particulais appîy te uwu. Mi. A. JAhNES, Iligi est Allais L5sie Agenut, B wavirssllC - jUpon u rpr Carfcat-l a1s ener wilbe retarne o stýp ,art- Mont' cases cf sick he.,ache, -buicu(,_s- in- point on p171rnen tof$. ~AY. time vith ies nedss .,aundolessT. E.HIGN TAM ilss, liy i v ns iCternws tte irAgent, Bownianvi3.k Children Cry for Pitoher's Gastoria. ItsÏ Mlucl of the Bargain Advertiseuîeïît>s Of 'tle tillie ils pure shani. You will sax5e far more îuoiîjY iii a Year J y dealing wit.h a reliable house that stuLdies yo-u .eed'Lh ian by iuVestiug in catch penny mark down. thîat our systeni of (boing businîess is appreciated froni the fact that our trade lias steadily increased. WTe buy the best goods the market affords, for cash, and eau theî efore save yoni money by dealiug with nus.

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