neI iiiýr Headaceadrlc e a il tl- troubles inci. dLn to a L-iu saeo the sy.stem. sucb as 1 zzlness, Nausa. DrewsiDess, Distress aftier etuPain iu 'h ide, &c. While their miost re.îiPeteso b eso sbown hucrn Hecadache, yet CuiTER's Lit-rca LiTEn PîI!,1 aire equally vai chli lu onstipatioin. curin& sundprevertiug tiis aunoyrngeconîplarur. whilî tiey aiso correct ail disorders of tEhe stomiacbi stJmu]ate the liver and regulate the bowei5 lEvan if tbey onl cred Ache they would bu almost pricels to those iho sluifer from ttUs distre sing complarrt* ont fortunaiely their goodours douas Det end heme, and those who cire' try ibem w;ll Iind disse litria pis vaiaile in so many wuys thai ,bsy will Duot ha wiiling to do without them. But allerail sick brad 19 î't liane ofs ay lîves that bcrie Ij wlîerie ie maire cor eat *boast. Our pills cure it Caers rvr LIVER, PILLs are very smal and very ,ayt taire One or two pilis maire A dose. T ,yare strictly vegetahie and do laot gripeos purge, but by their pentle action please ai who osa tbitr. In 'riais ut 2i cunts ; fva for $1. Sold everywbere, or sent by mail. OÇAETEL EEM~F1 00., lIew York. 0F CANADA. tsPIýte pald mp, g1,OPO,000.Rest, 959 1,I5> This Bank la preparoti to do Leoiti- anleIanking in ail its branches. Farmer's notes discounted ; IJeposits ufùceivsd and Interest paid on accounts cf $ý5 and upwards in Savinges Bank Department. BDaA FTis 19ssutd and Cellectious made tu Europe Uilted Btates, snd Canada. W. J. e01VES, Ag et FOR TWIENTY-FIVE YE-2ARS 1 DE THOK SESTF FRIND _LAAGEST SALE-AN CANADA. ONTARIO BAN'K tes ~V do a General Bankîng Business %,wmaivi..e Agency. DEPOSITS taeceeved. lu Savinvs Bank Department and on es]leua dintemest allowed et carrent rates, No notIog otwlthdrawal necoeary. Ail deposite payable on demaud, EXCILINGE nutrht and sold and Drefts issued upon Eumopo United States and Canada, also Gold, Sllverand United Sta' es Green becksboustbt and sold. COLLECTIO>NS, Prcmptly rmade at cnrment mates irpon ail part of Great Brittein, the United States and the Do vIihlon o fCanada. Telegraph Traisfrers Made for large or srnall soins on ail part of Canada. Thîis is epecially edvaîîtîgcouli tu~ posne living in ?dauiloba or the Norbthwsat, fi mreks Vhs funds aveilahie et once ab the place of pea ment, Other partlculars oedi et the banir. L. L. FOITT, GEO. McGILâage, Accountent da eete Be SSeer fîe xpes adPesi SicoBdes- T. A WATER SUPPLY ON SHIMEARD. Tise Newet À pparîatus lor ceavea.t5ng ses, Wîster. For insuring' a f resb water supply on board mbip attention bas been assiduously directed te the invention sud designiug of apparatus whereby ses, weter enu ha made potable. As sea water coutains large quantities of soluble eaîts, tbe principal part of the problern bas heen te affect the separation of thbes saits frein Vhs watsr that bolda thsm in solution. Thus fer thie bas ouly beeu possible by distillation, the distillate-beingm water snd the sait. rernaiti. A Direet Inquiry. Motber-I arn not wbsppîug yeu beceuse You went in swimrning, but becanse you ,old mne a story about s,. Boy-(h]nbhbering)-Well, if you didnV went to whýp me enybow, wbat diti you Lask me -%bout it for? ABOUT T1EE',HOUSE. BleachIng and Cleaning. A aDrrespoudenit wîstess-.-Man'as traw haste, whi te lagitomu, white chip-aIl light- coiored traws-may ha bleached inluthe foilowing manner - Dissolve oxallo sold (powder> lui bot water sud somuib hs straw with te solution, then inshs bat off lu werme water. Use a emaîl brush for te purposge,mn-,the bristle an en apusbhed ie the nieshes of hs straw bttar than e clotb can ha. Besîdes,as tits acidl is on, one drus not wisb te mon erîy risk of gttiug any of iV jute a possible break in the skun of ou'. ingera, as mighîr ha Vhs case if a clotit wsre used, Fiva cents' worth wlll ha suffiient Vo cîsanse a number of bats, Usa bot wster euougb Vo thoroughly dissolve hs powdsr. For ons or Vin bats a fourtit of fve cents e orth of powder wllis enorîgh . Titis is the rnthod of bleechiug usefi by millînere now. Colomed leaves of artificiel flowers mev ha siiectually re.stiffenîed by au application of cîge Lay the leevea ou a fiat sur- face andi breisit ver hs urîder sida with he mucilage, sud let dry thoroughly. Dont Make Your Own SOap. There i. ne article of cornmerce that sold et a iower pries for the valus ibsu soap. If bought by he box, frorn Vie te thras dollars wîll supply au ordiuary- ,izad famiiy for a yeer. Ws ersceutly bouglt e box of 160 bars of au excellent grade of sosp for $n.75. And thinir of sny huey, over-taxed lîousekeepem tying te compate wth sncb prices. 1 would advise every husy farmrs wifa Vo give al msat refuse Vo the dog, have ths as has scattared lu hs vegetable sud fruit gardens, sud relegats soap-rnsiingwith the industries of our fatiters, Ilow to Keep iggs. Siake a place of lime hs size of an egg in a gallon of watsr, sud whsu coid peur it over he oggs laid lu a atone jar or large btter pot. The sggs should ail be turne d point downosard. Cover ther n sd ksep thora in hs ciller or lu auy cool place. Be very caeful le coese parI ectiy fresb eggs. as one bad eue wili uecessitate rsmoving avil hs otheis, waahing hs jar sud pouring over freshly prspsred liuîud watar. Eggs cen ha kept l intis way from oesspriug- tirne until tite uext. They osu ha îîsed in any manner sxcept for nerigtes,for whicb h white dees noV ettaîn i.le requîred stiffesas. If laid dowu whsn sggs ara very cheap sud markstsd as iirnsd eggs wlîau other eggs are very dear, thsy eau hesaold et a goofi profit Vo hesaslesrn..-House- wife. Bare s ae ape witicb saveral of our usîghbors havae triad, sud witlh satisf actory resuits. in s barrai er box thet cen ha beadati up place fist a layer of sait sud then a layer of egg8 ou their euds, amd se ou, a layer of sait sud eggs alemately. Iu hs course of s few men1the the box sitould ha tured rom neensd to hs other severel times. -A Subscriber. Cbldren Should Rise Early. Oua of ths evîls of hs day sema to me tob hehstendeucy Vo let cidmen sta'y up laVe et nightand then lie ahed fer loto tse day, Citildman naed eigitt or oins boums' souud sieep. We hink any cild over 12 yesrs of egae au ris et 5 or 6 o'eioek. To do thia they sbouid ha in bed et 9o 'clock. Throogh hs sommner we contend it woold do temn more good te retire et 8 sud ilie at 4 titan retire et Il sud ise et 7 or S. How tai young people kuew ths heauties of hs early momu; its fresbues,its st.iliss, ýtessaetuesa. To hsearly ier hswold, lu its freshaessa, as hs bîrds are siugiug thaîr mornîog praises sud hs su s. corinug lu sight te arils on dewwet leavea and bladesof grass, la net the aie that it is heur. efterwsmd &aid hs beat,dat sud noise of hs active day. If hs youog once learned Vo bsgîo he day îitb these iovely sîgitta aud sounds thîey wouid meke thaîn thaîr morninga invocation ever efter. Recipes. Frozen Peaces.-One cen, or twsivs large peeches, two coffée cupa of sugar, oe piuV of water sud hs beaten whitas of Vbmss eggs ; break hs peaches sud stir all ingradieuts ogethar. Freeze ics e is crevai, Delicieus. 1 Oiciren Fitters.-Chîop colti chickan, but net too fine, seaon wit sait, pepper sud a littîs lemon jules, mix ail together welsud let it stand about oua bour, maire a hattar of two sggs, oua pint cf murk, e lîttis sait, sud fleur enough to maire a geod haVier, stir he chieken luto ibis aud drop it hy epoonfuls luto boiing fat ; fry lrowu, drain wel sud serve bot ; cold veal cenn ho utili'zed lu this way, sud wili ho ond ueariy as nies as hs chicican. Ordueuce of hs United States srmy.Hem excusa was that he boy was oua of wito had beau rohhiug fruit fror hseitem. dan, sud that ha waa lu hs set of teal ing wbsn alîs shot hlm. lhe girl waim diatsly arrasted. The hoy's W.e- ve Enet Green, sud lha wae coiored. Gen - ora iagier le lu Toronto, Canada. SOME " DON'TS " FOR FIS HERMEN. Veiy important Piscatortai Hmots Which Will Save Yen a 'Wlile Lot of Trouble sad Ilelp Yeu taeF1FeVusBasket. Do't yack. Do't gat suagged. Do' troll tee lest, Dont frget tse bais. Don't tmyfancy caste. Don'V stsp ou youm rod, Don't try teocas too f ar. Dou't ait ou your mcd tips. Dot hue' "1 chmap " taukle, Deu'V forget the bacir cast. Do't let your reel overrun. Don't strike on a sleck lina. Don'i lie ; i'e beau overdone.' Don't fiait ovVitutrîad Veekis, Do't put yoor fiait in te sun. Don't gah a cattale hy te fins. Do't ireep your hait l inteesu. De't naget te dry your uines. Do't strikea efish it hbbotit banda. Do't carry your rofi tip formroat, Dont wear strange sporting clothas. Do'î Vy Vo land yoor fiai toVo seon. Do't try te cever tee nitcit gouud. Dou'V c-,st scies. your sigihors linse. î)o't pot piekemalinl treut streama. Dont let yeur fiait mu under te boat. Dont suap off your hait whien yen cast. 'Do't give siacir lins Vo a figting hait. De't starnp lunte bottera of ths boat. Don'V try Vo steal titeother feiiov's bite. Do't let your sitedow feul on hs brook. Dnt ksep toe mauy lins. going at once. Do't drop e fisit into your creel bail fira t. Do't strike s black basa etthe first rush. De't keep yonm lunch wileiu Iwoili geV oet. Dont carry heoirs in your trousma peck. et.. Do't tiiuk ltatit is &ailsfi te ocatch fis h. Den't falau o cisan hs fish wbich ara Vo ha kept. Dou'V store your rode nexitoes steani pipe. Do't let, your fisit geV erouud teancitor lins. Donut boy patent «"catch-alla;"' tity neyer Den't strike a fish whsu ths rod i. par. paudieuler. Do't leeve cars sticking over te aides of te boat. Do'î yall "I1've got oe"util yoo'vo isnded hlm. Don't Vy Vo lifV e big fish into hs boat by hs lins. Don't eve your rod ips lunte bottern of te boss. Don't f ail Vo maire ths sud of your lins fast to te resi. Do'tissae atait ook whsrs chiîciens man geV eat t, Don't deapisea efeins uibie; iV rny eyh your biggeet fiait. Don't pick Ont he hast pools ; giva yeur fieud a eh an'e.'- Bo't race aiong te banir wien s frieud ta folowîng yon. Don't Ldive au esel acirlinesesothat les cen tic it full oet mets. SDo't fish whsre te fisit don't bite; nove ou Vo anotiter spot. Don't pesp over te beuir o ses whera fisit are lunte brook. Don't-don's-do't ave,' esil a brook Do't ail te commune oitit nature; tat's bal ite fuof fisbiug. Dont thinir titthe hast fisbmug lacirla i. mae s y saloon-kespars. Don't forget to change te wstsr Ire. îioeutly ii inte mîiuow-bcket, Don't boast that yon can wlnid yonr hraud..usw rodà around a harroi. i>on'V put hait in your pociret whiere itj is hiable te geV fiato your pipa. Dou't bang dead fiait over the aide of te boat-waem will spehl titen. l)on'V let youm boatinan stop rowing il yon strike e fisit wben trolliug. Don't let a ish leep into hs air, sud ttaen bal hacir on a tantened lins. Dont osea etoo-peund shuker for brook fisiing-itaif s Pound will do. Don't forges ibsu you esst tal your comueni eus bave feelings sudera. Don't thiik thati four-ounce rod wili werk hettar lu hotb bauds st once, Dont ridicule thes mal boy with a hesupole for a rod ; ha gsueally gaVa a mess. FLYING F1511 CAUSES A FIGHT, Cernes Abroaa a Steamer, Striking a Mlan lalis te FIghs Thes ceptain ofea tsameitip plying betweeu Jamaica sud Berbadnes errived in New York eoetly fom Bi avens. Sonis cf his seastories were se ealty tat Vbsy wilksep for a long turne. Rare is oua: Amosg bis pessangars on a reosut voyage wsrs swo old quartarmestama of hs Britisht uavy, the has o fiads o taeir way o Denîsmara, Sorn'.timess hey got luto iteated arguments, but invariably wounup oitit e sip froni escit otitr' fasr.Ou elemoo aotn up for sorne ire, eacb. rryiug Vo>get tt h other, 1111 hs captain pointed et te poor litiJe fisit lyîng iu ths leesacoppers, sud expiained te nature 0f h. firat hblow. After giemiug et sacit otitar for a moment tbey ahook banda oviitout e word sud wsud. aS thaîr oay below Secis re anluanm, and a calS bottie ssttled te reat, 'YOUNG Ff)LK$S Five Little Chiekens. Seîd the first lîttie chiiokan, Witb a qusar littie squirmi "Oh, I wieb I could find A fat litbis Worm!' Said Vhe next lihiVîschiok en, With an odd littia sbirug, "Oh, I Wisb I couid Sudd A fat lîstîs bug ?, Said tire third littîs chiokan, With a Sharp littîesaquea, "Oh, I wîsh 1 coulti find Soeanie yeilow rmeal 1 Said the fourtb littis ci ken, With s littie sigh oi grief, "Oh 1 wish 1 could find A greeu littîs isef ! Said btae fifîb uile chieken, Witb a falot littie moau, "Oh, I wish I could fiud A wee gravai atone 1" "lNow, see bers," sald the mother, Froni the green garden palich, l'If you went suy breakfast You jest coma and scratch." "Little" Wrong-DoingS. Omandma Stooe'a library wasso full o books and pictures thet mamma thougbt Evelyni could sasiîy amuse hiersaîf thema for haîf an hour wbiic asewsut np- steirs'te ses ths poor old lady wbo was sick lu bed, But s hall boum i. a long time when a liVide girl is I y harsaif ; the pictures of Madones and bore-faims snd sunsets did uet iuterest her very mucb, aud she could noV read eny bfg-gem book than thte '"Easy Steps for Little et," wbicb graudma did noV seam Vto have on ber shelves. The tbing that ples.ed Evelyn most was a pot of daphue, with its white, waxy fiowers, wbich was bioomîug ou the deep casernant o the eat wlndow. By climbing up to the sofa aud then tfp.teeing she could thruet ber littie turned-up nose into tbe sticky cluster of bloomn. My, how swsaa it was ! Sweater rjbau htheIlIes of the vsilsy, our littie flowsr-iover thougbt ; sweater than violats, sweater than bar own plik hyacinVb, bioomiug lun e white sud gold pot et borne. Ah, littie Eve ! yoss would batter kes, away from te dephîus's gansions swaa tuss. 'Il wisb I bad just oesbloomi Vo tae homie," asesaid te hersait ; "grandme's slck upetairs anyhow, aud J kuow Robert, don't ever cars Vo smeli'ern." (Robert wa Vhe colomed huiler.) Evelyn put ont ber littie isaud, sud the iwhite blossorn wes lu great'iaugsr, buta Sound lu the hall etartled ber, ehe dropped back ou Vhs sofa, aud mamma carne iu. IIow quickiy mothers do ose thîngail Thara was a look lu Evelyn's eyes tiiet toid thie mrothar te wbola story, but she dîdn'V Say anlythiug about it et first ; she put ou the lîttîs girl's ceat andi bat, and they set Qltt for home. "Once thers wes a baud of rohbers," said marnma, as they waiked along, "and Vhey cerne te a caetîs by night, aud trîed te breakr lu ; but the walis wems stmoug sud ths deeor wae tight, and Vhey could noV gat in. Prsently oes of theinbound a tîny littie window unbarred, but ,o ernali that ha coul' d ouly tiîrust bis baud lu. WheV did tbsy do ? Why,tbey fouud a HIS boy, ailqt IlIiiithrougiVVe uarrow-wiýow sud ha unioeked the big door, and eo ai the robbers Lot luto Vhs castle." "les that ail of ths story, memme 1" asked Evelyri, wiib much interest. IlThat la net quise ail; Vhe reet of 15 i. to show what it meaps. Wbsn alittîs sirl dosessoethiug tiîat seerrn a littîs wroug- enly a very lîttîs wreug, indsed-iiks pull. iug graudma's fiower wîtbout leava, that i3î like putting ths littie thief luside Vhs castîs ; Vhs lîttîs wrong makes it sasier Vo do a higger and a bitiger wroug. The ouly saf e thiug la Vo kesp ths littîs wiudow shut and noV open iV Vo auyHlIttS wroug.doing, htowever sniall. DEPLORABLE Condition of Rend remisof People Made Roiseess by Fire, Au Odessa correspondeut write.: "'Neer- îy 200Jews,maundsred homeiesansd deatitute hy Vhe terrible conflagration et Brest. Litovair, bava arrivad lunttis City. wbsrs thay have eeed evsry attention sud suceur froni bte Hsrew Banevoient As- sociation. "lIt i. now ascertaiuad that Vhs total num- ber of lives bast la 137, but Vhe seamoit for te mssiugilanoV yet complets, Titstowvu of ilrest-Litovsk conisted of sixty-four blocksa, and of titee forty.uiue, or about 1,500, bouses, ba-,a been dastroyed. 1 "r'The refugesbers relate Vhe foliowiug ragie incident, wbicb shows witit what fearful nisd swospiug repidity tIse flamas rusbed trogitVhs woodsn bull t booses : Tite Megîstrate of Vhe second district was dmiviug from oespart of Vhs town Vo suotiter, the flames roerimg hehiud him The coachrnen put bi, bors.Vou a gsilop, but, uotwitbstauding titis, Vbey wsma caught np et a streetý corner sud hurned Vo deatit - Magistrats, coactiman sud itorses. "One poor,italf.dsmented ersasure amnong Vhe relogees tohls bow liemsister, wot escapsd the darnes, wova u o eek for lber euly son sud bis titrasebhlîdren. Thuay oere found burned te deatit. Tite poor woman lest bier meason sud re Oow lu su aeylum for te insane. Botit Jeovs sud Chîitians idf titis city have sitowu te meat unstintefi geusrosity sud sympatity by sendîng large stores of provisions sud othar rcqulaîtas Vo Brasti-Litovairtie railway Company csrryiug everytiig fras,". Lonz- Lived5Norweglans. Norov ay is s smal cooiiîry, sud te say ings sud doinga of is peopis do nos geV loto' uespper typa vsry of tan, but Vhe Norovegieus neverttelsess bavesa deamupon csisbrluy dîme Vo te tact that thse varag iaugtb of if e is Lgreater thars titan in any other country lu Europe. Racaut statlsties show tiatifom maies the average isforty.sigit yaars sud titres montits, for lamaes lb i. fil ty-oua yesrs and thres menthe. It i. a vaînabie com'meu tary ou titis that bte mortaiity lu Norwey la 17 par cent. les. titan in ths contre or wesi of Europe, titis beiug due Voute facit htai sfer maller numbar of infants die btera than iu auy other country. î Had to be Warm. She (visitiusg bis office on the seventit floor for te iraI timrel-Wiy, Jack, tii wratcbed place la as bot as au ovan. Hle-ya-as; but, yoa ses, titis i. where I mair y hread, for Infants and Children. H1RTY years' observation of Castoria wilth the patr'onage of millions of persons, permit us te speak of lt without guaosglng. lt i. unguestionably the best remedy for Infants and Chilren the world has ever known, Ila ihIarmless. Childron HMb. $It aivos the= beïath, lt will Bave theirliîves. En Lt mothers have somethîng whioh is absolutely safe aud practioally perfeet au Chlls Medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Casitorla apays ]Feverisbnese. Castoria prevents vomitîng Sour Cu-rO. Castoria oures DI)arrhoea and Wintl Colle. Castoria rolieves Toetldng Troubles. Castoria cures Constip-atiýon and Flatulene? Castorîa neutralizes the cil'oots of iouoeacid Zgr i- rplon~e Castorla cdoes not contaiu morphine, opium, or other narotie property. Castorîa assfimilates thse food, regniates thse stomacli aüd bowels. gîing healthy and natural -e.1-P Castoria is put ujp lu one-size hottles oxnly. lt le not sold inu bulk. Don9t allow any one to son you anytbhfig elseon the plea or promise tisatilt l "just as good" ani "wfflanswer every p-Urposo."1 Seo that you met C-A-S-T-O-R-I"A. Thse fao-sim'ie l u,-~ Child,rn Crylo l h r"sC stra FOR SALE B-J J. HIGGINBOTHAM SON, BOWMÀNVILLE S Positively no bicycle that lias been placed before a critical wheeling publie bas met with more favor or given better ail-round 0 satisfaction than THE COMET. It bas grown se rapidly in favor that it is now conceded to be the leader for real merit. C. B. KENT at the Post Office, Bowman- Sville, is the agent for this district and lie is doing a fine business. Cail or write te him before placing yonr order for heel. STARTLING FACT8 FOR DISEASE.D VIOTIMS. I-CURES GUA RA NTEED OR NO PAYI1 fi Nrvnsan dspndss;weak or, debilltatsd; i,>e,,-ornillýn1t0:e111 bt -lter s mmo porsasil ,tgud'ecitable .n Irrt ARE Y - ye4s arik 17realrrd; PL-mspiMJc; dr,,ame and gL loase.r ratiese; hgbord Bor vaiueedeposit in urine an drains at stool; distrusiful; want of cofide ck a enegjncstength - WECA N CURE VOU I ES-roREL) TO MANIHOOD JBY DRS. K. & PK. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A, MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWEffl. BES'ORET[REATMENI.A-T. 'RAIENT. 1NLIORE I alINT. AY1, I. JUA'IàILNT. NO NAMES OR TESflMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manlin says: "I was une of the conrt 1es vie. VA RI C ELE, inis ofarIy ignorance cmnienced at 15 yearsof age. 1 E MISSIONS AN C, I gave up in despair The drai , on insy't', ,saenig m inellct s wllas my .seYu1l aud physial 'I VIPOTEN Çy 'lifs. My broltier advissd rue as a lest resort to con$ult Dis. Kiennedy &Kergani. commeneed their New Method C URED Treatmonrt and in a few wceeis was .1.uew mnan, witb uýewv lite and ambition. Tbis was four years ago, and 00w 1 arn ruarried and hlapDY. i recommeild these reliable specialiBts to al my afficted fellowmnen." CURES CUARANTEEIJ OR NO PAV.-CONFIDENTAL. "The vices of early boyhood laid the foundation of mn mini. Later on a "gay life" and exposure to blood di- saaeee completed the wreck. I bad ail the syrnptoinsNe uofbl Sukeeeemeos rani yphili s, Emissions Nerou urine, I fneys, .l..iosdrininnr nevusness, weak back, etc. Syhiscui n arto varicocele Ijured. faîl out, bone pains, olcers in niontb and on tongue, blotches on body, etc. I thank Qed ItriedDTr;. Kenv'edy &Rergan. They restored nue Vo health, vigor and hiappiness,ýe CHAS. POWE1IS. M- We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Net vous Debi/ity, .Sepina/ Weakness, G/cet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Se/f Abuse, Kidney and B'iadder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED, NO RISK. '~~ E mRnag? a victimi? Have yen lost hope? Are yen contemplatinq Mer- i EA ER rige aHs ourBflood bren dieeased? Have gon any wýsEarees. Cur New Method Trearment will cure you. What it has done for others ht will do for Yon. CONSULTATION FREE. No mnattar ubo bas treated you, Write for an honest opinion Froc iof Charge. Charges reasouahie. BOOKS5 FREE -"The Golden iMontor" (iilustratad), on Diseases of len. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. lIWNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI- -VATE. No mecieine sý nt C. O. D. No riames on boxes or ssnvcIl. ovDes. Everythlngonfidiential. Question ist and cost of Treat- ment, FREL.. ____ ORSI KENNDY4& KERGN, Y sr.