Bounsall's flarbie Workçs oSI1A E3OW M 13NVILLF-, ONT. Miss E -elx'ii Bennetît is xisiting' frinls ia Toronto. MiSSSIMiiei Miller, Napane. is g'uest A iarîge stock of Finighed Monumiients ln Swedish, Scotch cf Mix,. H. Kin'<.% ful Aie 'iean Granites and 3Marbes constanitly 011 hand, Z' 'ewsiKn,_. M fi\ i gue imriprted élirect froni the diffeî'eut Quarries auJi Manuf act- x Mi. assd Mrs. Fî'ca Avers, Det'oit, visited Mrs. W. F. Dx er.'1 tire ',,Mir. "Milton Tiisnil-hx îî lias returined cal-, aud sec what yOU are buivino' frosi a vacatiosn in th eitv. Mr. S. MLuhli lias retursiet frora Prices low and good wo'k guaranteed. an, ext cti-sii o businiess trip. Miss Mary Nott cf Wecei l xisitung- E. R. BOUNSALL, Proprietor. lier couisi, Mliss Mamie Nott. Bow ANiILE.Ms'. E. B. Morga il, Monrtreal, speîît Susîdax- week w itis bis fassîilx Tise Misses Buc1k1ev, Paris. arcei isit- âflý DISTIIICT NOTES. iusg tscîr istei', Mcs. R. J. Mackie. îleeg ffan 5taan at Mesrs. Camepbsell and Dillon aftcnrled ______________________ There are onflytwo Chinese Lauiîdries thîeQneblec rile iia telles, at Montreal. B W AVLE U .1.89. is Kinigston. Mrs. E. B. Wilcox,Oal.]aitd ,California BOWMANILLE, UG. 141189S. isiby defeufed Lindsay' at cricket is vsiîig- -ler dangliter, Mi's. G. Il1. Monday w eel; by 7 rimas. Pedias'. Thoce w i le a granid Celebrafio i in Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Greonwax', Port Toronto con Labor Day, Sept.22. Hope, w ere guests cf Mr. Edgar Luke, Mr. N. F. MýaeNachtaii, couties' cleî'k hast ixeek. us cornfined ta bis, home iil lame le-. Mrs. J-w eh and son liai e returned Miss Ada Barrie, Newcastle,isamoîîg-lhomîe to Batl, N.Yacîpîie tise gucats registered aI fiselîctel, Cisc- by Miss L. Machie. iliong Park, Mr. George McLaughlia and faiilv An exfraoidhinrily rilie 'striike' of andi Mrli. antd Mca. M. C. Ros0e are enjov- g-old is reperted ne-ar Baîîniýoekisýurî, imig' Ra" Outil]- at SCagog(. Madoc f o-,iîship. Miss J. A. Chsase, graduate cf Belle- 11ev. Jas. Kinies, Oshai'a, Érc-aclsed in iville Hospital, spenf Slinday ixeek -Wifh tise Metiiodistf cieîeli Port Perry hajst lier sisteî', Mrs. B. J. RogerS. Thni'sday eveîîing-. Miss E. J. Houiý-), IRochester, N. Y. A man iîanied Hiîîds whli-s-as vaîîted anîd Musa Mabel Marta i, Rosi maiîille, at Pickering for horse stealiîg', wa i' vî' 'easc Ma î-i acksonl, l restcd au Kingstoni Friduy. iveek. AH GANTIesrs. 11.H Smith, Master Toi-si The î'eîîîaîîs cf tlhe late Jauiios Keiiii- McCaî'd. cf Victor ai e., ahi cf Toront o, cdv, icli î iaxnii this eOIntv. were areci isiting' NMis. Janmes Tsoi, Cl-ertiy',laid 10 i'dst i Sf. Gcorg'ýe's eeuueterv cii j'wood. Saturdav i,:e'3.* Tisev-axero irouiglit Thon-as Jotii Morris w-as seîîtenced} liere- froni Brookhin.N . Y., whIsrceh tfic cyars iii Kmgafomî peiîttentsaus dind very' saddeil '.Vfros-i the rupture cf to , Zt er ft4a ilood iessel iiits îaso h s for f riîî't el rîa ooto iast. Jas. Keiiiisedv w as au old rosiderit Jnîîctioîî. - c~f Osisaw'a. bei!î asoitdwii h Bu'glars cntcred tIhe preuîîises 0cf suipîi Hall Mcrl5s ,foi xeîs s i' Meldrum ni d McAllisfer, Peterboro, HO sauiseqeottjv foî'uîîed a partnershî- i~ PRI1ILÂRY rXA1I~ATIONS. and ilew Vopeli tise Safe, but oly 7seur-xil r iî ihe n iniatr ed ai-sent1-9. cd algriefflurai inîPlenienti ntise Di'em- 'tIe flio-iîg' tuecîs o Bo-nîîî P. Gallagisor, liceisse iiispector for ses i'Lawochipuie v tho, Coîîltlîaîd- i 11eH~i focoisool avee sceof B caîd- EatNortbiinieîland, was killed 1w lie Sctf Ce. lie atrx'rd sioed f datill e clwesny Eainuln dition: sg-'tiîrowi froni a inng, near Hast- Carlcton Place anîd lastla' to Brooll . datse Btehltsu, isarhiexamBikoWsley iigi Saturda.'. The rcnîiîî oetcciase iri Bue, llie nClia-ke, lEdîî Felyg Mrs. Thos. Cullex', cf Maux ers, w ýas bis aeîîiii law Mr. Moore. AlieCa-krEdiaFildn-;lasf -wecoltrenie d'to' Portt-rv antd For so-se tisîe past-tisesuater in tise Jcsiiiie Fraser, Lýillian Gausy, Williaîn placcîl îider flic iiietictd jarisdlictioiî of fanllà cii the cornier cf Simice and Me- Inch, Irec Jewecli, Grace Laing', Lillie Dr. Archer. Gresios streets o-as îow'oring-ut so raisid McLcan, Fraiîk Moore, Normian Moyse, Mr. C. O. Tî'îîsler, cf Canilacisie, Ont., a rate tisat flhc fre dopa),rts-ne-iftlîou2-ht Cassel Tait, Gareset Tr-w iii, Mary V ir- ftue, Geor-gc Wilson, J. Rogers. orgauized a iie's lodgc cf the Maccabees if ncpceSsar'y ftascct-a b ie caýuse. lu Por't Perrv lmat w eek w'tl a îîîeîuber- Accordini -jlUc el-sinle xw,,eu,-dosq 0cdî:aSc0IOsLS. ahhip cf tit-f. ansd flic xafor piiuîpeci u01, iiWsîo 'Witoy-i. N. Aluin, WV. F. Bewell Mr,. Ccc. Wilsoni, cf tise Poit Hop du isglt. uscsax-oriuiioe Ciief II. E. Bew cli, B. King', W. Law'scnp' Guide, is carrniung absout a irokesi coilar -eic'icsocdtise covim adfoid ani Madili, C. MeTo-art, WV Meidrumo,ý boue, as.a iaemento cf ni recetf upsef t 1*11ii"ec it iOr f roof-.. i-rviu _Yin B. Nicholson, G. Priiîgle, A. Rosi', H. frons a býuggY. szft5 oli 1etic<eý fafn-rt Smitfh, MI. Spencer, M. Strain, E. Wai' Tise iffle eiglit mnifls' daun'lîfec cf ' t f tise fiuîcsf wooi. Tts rudifacîf in-'. Mi'. E. W. Elconîie, cf Caîupbcliford otflike a lune nef. boe' abol)Ut fiftocsi Ositawýa-T. Cîîrfin, H. Dver, K.Hla feul frein a higli chair andibroke ifs collar foot 1long and asia uiv iroad. If Ns liait, G. Hezzelx-sood, F. _Jobhin,IR. houle hast w colt. cl'an- ianieicîs a ut coo etbr j Lauder, F. Luke, M. May, C. _Maw, A. Messrs. John anîd Williamî- Gordon cfo 'f or, . iiisi li as t li a lar flc O'Coanor, F. Sugde-s C. Sîvunsois, A.Bicicerin2he' ailu a fruitstcufOaf o oi. This ina ader' frorio a nom-h - Tiîomnîsosî. i-soof bLiildiiug Capable cf hiolding-2 icn'ciiîp.wa i tfaîdts -Newa l-E.P Bet, W.LawPR.Ro-barreis cf apples. fî.silih olds aboutt 9050(5"allns lnE. .ThoreC. Prosser.Mr. Georg'e Dresiey. B. A., lias beeui As nLe tanle îva-,slslfemintvlithecaîýi, ,.cr _____________adnîitted a parfiler cf tise firîuîof FeIuis osqciî'b iay dciiker.- & MeCohi, 1Bm daitera, anîd wihi liai e________ MEN A' D hîîIsfitufc lias isesi offered the positioni of Engliali Master cf London Colegiate CCoodussý.!?cl Prom thmeNtvs MENInstitut e at a salarv cf $»0. ND M. Fred Ristherford la re0,,idilig ut A defrauding coual deaier 1it leeiDallas, Texas. fauglif a i ery salutari' lesson ini Mosit- Miss .Ienînie Lori-' Bow'iianviiie,visit- reul. lie bas beenl seuîding tiet falae ed ut Mr. Jauuies-Beli's. tickzets cf w ciglif, anîd 1-as beosifined Mr'. Jamles Sýcott. Brockx-illelias 1-on a50. isiiigMr. Zolîîan Clarke. Tise icesicc ce f Mr. H. C. Taylor, 'Visa iisc oc wnafihexii Kuigstonaxas recenfly entcred bycic mJoes Forge th ir Owll rls ndesi. Te fnni a-ses-eontvacf Miss Piclex' Porteus, Beflianxo, has iui.lsti ad bTe 7)0 sx'eofut f 1 -ah-iinliraut Ms Jsp F tters, ACIED LiKx MAGu('.-"lia-s alis ascf- T - ohds huc asng st ed luke ia,-ic. Ilhad scacceiy &î rîîeed TieM isdtChclBrsngiso f0 give tiese accnd dose cf Dr. Foi-rs n le rep'sirifcd. Extraet cf Wild Straaxbcccv for -nu-iinîiier Mca ,Tohns Masos-. and dallter. cf I n-muA coniplaiit s"," aarites Faifid are visitiuîg ut Mrs. Jas.S pares ee5 PU d Mus. WATER Ge oiE'sLOC(, Ethel, Ount. leed's.t Mr.Gco.Matheaxs ansdbide cf Peter- Mc.r oi' Coîxai. Peterîsoro, lias ý Ba cxtc isas ad boro w ccc pceseiîted wiliiau addi'ess bec-a visitiiî- fieîîds lure.'% anîd a iseautifîiniarbhle elock blivtic -Mr. -Rlobet CnoIuucc, Miss0 Neilio Coop- ^C a llsap cisplo> ces cf tIse Mattheuas Coumpany, co' asid M'S . Jones, wxere lu Oshiawa uap- cionfixeir roturnltf0to-snt. ovesr Snnday -seek g-uesf s of Miss Mc- Tîsere la, no cune article iii flue lineocf Leans. tive silfeérers. 1eiiie ha i e olre cesî Mr. Ces-neAidreis alid sister. Mrs. foc tise nicuiex'asa goodporouîs sfrcn--th- i ii)0. Lndr x- iisifed tiseir faf hec esiisig plaster, sucl as Carfeca Sssart Mr. F. L. Aîîdrus,,, recenthr-. Weeui and Belladoillia BacTacise Plasf- Mr.E.(ifeaddt-lt'Eii, ers. MTC. E., aiitsils an tther Mc. Jo ýen cii id îsomcîî forge their ca-s-i fef-Tritvsfo i ahrM.Jh tocs and i aeldles. Thos leies tt tîsen - .Dr. Clarenice Stuî'c salis for Gccîiaîîv Cîttle laf î eeki. scia eý ta e ho ssplofelx- hotidndiaîîîen- iii a foaxw da ys foatalce p a furtiier couirse Ms fiae athOr Chaui fli tecconmnouilils cf 1fGcas-id cf Sfudy of an adv~anced snture. Mrs. -s îii alofcae tts r id ntese ý 8ar wil rinan a ler athr'sHoi. aii iii tfi-e Presia terian ciirehi Sîsdas hec iesîîlf i- i sis crs' aul5iui5O suie- Sfarr si in ceenies af hec fafliers Hou. ci nsîg JoisenbeuDorfyisse'ne juin-iý) Jo i c>tn. veAadgala d a'nhohe.sp-siidisig a fox-s'days 'hlis of i iihealtt.hsei his' ' Oai îuîvi t sxcagaadx uf-sewitis frierîds iin Liidsay., brinig soicr0einalties; and it is xx li f0 lPth. Tise Scotchssîeuî w ilibe cuit iii full Mca sA.Touie lias i eeufa isitîîîg' friends kuscax, tlsat iiulcss effectivimanusear se force iin ahi their s-cg-entais. The in Torontfo. aacd to eniessacthsese îpen-alfie-s,'eli-onie Hi anid er band cf Torontifo ex'peete~ 'Mrs. Sid (î-oi-. ,Torosiro. Iliab; u of hemanafctuer bt asognjrive n Tncsdav evecuing. Au',. c,. fl-e 1 te tsae oiaf eaticle. tas ijein every osgan and portion barn, -usd stablle cf Mc. Tisos. Viekerss Thesoc. E. Tnekett & Sou Co., cf i atural meîliads. lm. es fi tece. rwredstovod y Hanu-iltoit lave taboeu the ieîattor is mediate mrven fi. togetiser witls fli contents, fan s Q, Sen. FimraenQ3i iinhcuinieiifs, hinder, etc-. ils cîîticoe cop hanxd auud intcnd proe,cuting tfli offend- oen alripss f isax'anid ueas. asîd bis fie stallon ers. lold. ble. 2,000 refesrences. "Bihîx' Riflemali, and al blis Po1ultr~ '-'qýokes sh h- e careful te sece e utTflq Bool, explanct±unand Tise rigiui cf tlic fire is a nqev 1 11T. & B" stamýp on eaci plug ns'te gain P Maied 4 iÇAle at rs ikr ia eiodfrfi extra p1rofit, usîscrupahous dealers fouir e.nigist. and worcsînaware ot ticdostnue- flic tu1- off other irands and sau>-if is "T îrnn f .u. v tion fl-st was takingpistce sîtil aroused & B' and ' Jusî asgood. --EIE I L 00,9 8n01,i x tsirueihbrs uelssi ia Seven Bright Men. for ta-o os .three monibs. for a personal tans Or' a selsm political issue: From -160 to -501 Ènth, accorclhig to tie volume ,Ilcls lue, reports. Adldress, for fuli information. POLITICAL BIOGRAPHER, DRAWER 29, BRANTeFORDn, C Undoer the titleo f "Female Criminalý Major Arthur Griffith,'lier Majesty'sI S Ile ict 0of Prisons, furnishes ant artic " tle August numrrber cf the Nor American Reviem, presentin- bis odia mations respecting rnalîy and ai types of feinale ofrendeis. S.ld ts-urelsutthe wo,-d. Bitish Sepai, P. Tris 33FRY & SONS. 1, Kiez Edxviri-ý, , tod.,,. POnrt Dises ANDi CssiucsW&osse8018i FXusus, BlOuai, iU. S. A. A goosi appl-etite ansd cefceslsiug sIc ire essesîtial te hie-nltl cf mind aid lues anîd fliee arc giveix by Hocd's Sasapa 'sîla. M1d Dr. Crdaii' Riedy for Moi PffOSITLEY ' !.osl Power, Netv eility, Eaiing Mauhocsd, Sce t a ea, sed bsythui errors index c eysml ceo or foliiassde .ï>ss5restored b isealth, ma iood and vigor., Securely sealed. Wuite iSroasicbook. Startliy Fada," for mea ug, tdis îUs hssw to get E uad $Lay wclL. Addrsau, QUEEII MEDICINE CO., BOX 94' P, of iNT. er- ~ î Doz. 1lEN'S HEAVY BRACES ied 1. 19c. per pair were 25C. ~ lt -1BOOTS AND SIiOES. Chldren's Strap Siippcrs 35e. SWonan's dong bals $-1.15 worth$1.50 Misses Tweed Slippers 12C. Tan Oxfords bais 90e. worth. $1.15. Carpet Slippcrs 30e.1 Boys' Oxford bals 90e were $1.25. Ladies Fancy Slippers were 4-1.2 Men's Kid Oxford $1.60 were $2. now 90c. Men's Kid Oxford $1.40 were $1.75. Men's IFaney Siippers were $1,5 Men's Buif Oxford $1.25 were $1.50. for $1. Boot laces fiat extra strong 4 pair Boys' Grain bais 8, 9, 10, 90e. for 5e. were $1.25. YANKEE BOOT POLISII Sc. large bottie ~~ ~was 25 Cns JEWELLRY. A good Sil. Watchi for $5 warrante.- 1 SSince the change in-our business we m.Wti ,ý h lave re-miarked our stock of Jew- A Genuine Waitham achnw elry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware ' for $6 -warranted. etc. Our prices i this depart- Eighit day Ciocks walnut or oak m nent correspond with the l'est of css$.0wratd our store. We keep nothing but css$.0wratd best goods, yet oui' prices are Jewelry, etc. equaily low la prices.ý lo-wer thaii what vou are asked Kindiî comnpa re. S for in ferler goods. Cl) ~ BEST NICKLE CLW~KS (alarni) ix' .worth $1.25 for 75 Cents. Corne with the cî'owcls and see oui' bargains. Yes, a cash -biz suits us and oui' cnstomer s. gCô BoW3IA NVILLE, i~irRRI-"'~S issned b)y I'VL W Biusa5wEnniskilesi. f8 si 1100 SLTING.-C. L. M-unsurs, BawmnaueSiîtc r, F çlt aiid Gr av e1 Ro of- or. 3-lyr. rARGE SAFE FOR, SALE-Chcap. -A--àApsiy to Tus MxSO oa CnxsA.x, Bownkan- vsie. 28 tf. D~O YOU WANT A I1qME.--I \ou do Ifsîply to T. BiNcHAM for à, aiee solfdl brick cottage cheap and on easy ternis. 3i tf. M USIC MiITSS MABEL TAIT is pre- pîqred to teaels Mueon OrLaaiPiano or Violisi atiber owln or li pil's residcîicc. 28 tf. C IART TO) EXCH-ANGE.-MWanted te %1excliano e (art 1fCna itentf for iight strour _w agons. Apî.IY to Tnia MAsON COMPsANY, Bowmassaille. 28-tf. F OR SALE,-A most desirable baud.- ",igtsied on Division st., IiIled with fruit trees snd grtne vines. For lartienlars ap- rb' 10 Mis. Toi), Dix isioi street. '33-2w* F ARM FOR SALE OR liENT Geod 100 acre farn for sale orto rent, .isstoutside the toiwn of Bnwmnville, aud 200 acres iiu the 'los wsilof Cartivrioilt. Applv 10 TioIAs BINxoHAM, box 72, Ioiownanviile. 36 if. ébU l blebarrelir.lujdrs e ARM TO lIENT For a terîn of i cars, F "Gl.Ilidu" i(300acres 2miles fin _i b rosstoU11. hance for going extesisivelv into To- rn.o lkbusiness or stock raiaing for Ameni ealakt inw itis cajîltal oiy uecd apply. J., H. Dow' Wlsitby. AGENTS WANTED-Farmers want- ina- sardy,, na tis c stockitotansst this con- iiir fali maxv puis for ht iii work. W e wanit men wits or w ithosit exlsenience on fuit or part ime. S'uIary snd expenses or' conmmission. W rite at once for fssrtlser inforsu- ation. BROWN' BRos. COMPiANY, Continental Nurseries, Toronito, Ont- atmo.23us ]OOTS AND SIIOES REPAIRED.- LA . KrNNEI , Iffot audilshoeniaker, B onner's 015 Stand, thasiks thse cirizens for tbeir liberal patronage in the past, and, bY lnoilint attention to bsisics anid e-oo workniansilp, hopes to stitl mernt a share of their work. Ait kinds of boots assd shoes neattv anîd prnmptly mended. Give bi a trial and lie wjtt couvince yon tisat whvlat lie sas ais truc. Klug St., liwnnsile 0-tf. WANTF.D HELP-mon or w-nation w l every iocaity (local or trav elling) to introduce .4 new diaco2eroiy, and keep our, show carda tacloeS up on erces, fences ani bridges liu towin and country. Sieady cmsiffoymcnt. Coin mission or salara' 65 peren montis and expenses, and nioncy deposîted in aiiy baiik w-bn atarted. For ,sarticnl-srs iwrite Tua ,'MiuJOCAL c i ile C'o., P.0. box 2n1, Londons, Ci.,ais. 37-tif. XVOOL! WOOL!! The nandersigitied la noiv prepasu to psy the lligtsest Cash Frice for good fleece WOOL detivered at lis miii at Hamîstos. Brissg vou w ooliilis sonas sheared snd sas e yourselxiesfroîiialîrinkage. To risose w ho wiat o exeiaassge for gos spec- !al ternis xviii be gix es. Tiankissg tbe public for tiseir lilsertl patr-oisage ts tihe Tisa d solicir- mo- s coîstiuassce of tesanie, I nemaisi. yonr obediesîr servant, D.TAsYLOn. 21 Ina. FARM~ FOR SALE-A flrst class farmn of 125 acres or 145acares situatesiluinbte Tovnsiiisof East itby, 1sf coss. lots i15 snd 16 on thse Base Lise, absoust i miles froin Osiaiva staiosni.2 miles trousi -Vltielîy and 60 sods fsom tiseseisool bouse. Laroge ro6my buidinses, niaia tarlxti pieîsiy of fruit, sou dcay loàasu ai- t1,ivr one of the lest grain f'aris n flictise Lke -Poe; nso bills and stoiies. About i i scres of xx 0(, 75 acres iiin s-c iand fieCli seesled. Te*ns easvx-f Str îowisg d e.For furtiser parti cul asapply to A AN'eIS, oaia 37-if. WANTED BllsÎess I No Juil season, w'hy ? Bc- cause w'e inake the pr-ices- bî'iug the trade. Oui' suceess 18 110 secre It pays the people to bu,,y froinus. XVe take farnii pî'oduce. O. K. Eggs 13c. Our O. K. Eggs bring the hig'hest prices ln the cîties. Bring us niceo new laid, large eggs, and clean, and corne as often as possible arijd we can keep the price up for you. GROCERIE.S. Peas orîly 7c per tin. Riee, three pourids for 121c. Corn ý Tapioca, 4, '; 2Tomnatoesl' Sage, czFrcsli HIerring 9c. Raisins, Kippered llerring 15c. Carrantsc Herring ln Tornatoe Saucý. 15e. Best Ceylon Tea ini country 40c lb. French Sardines 4 tins for 25.. 3 Botties Good Pickles 25C. 7 lbs good Raisins foi' 25c. Good Coffee -90e lb. ý,11 No. i liard Red Salmon 2 for 25c. Good .Saimon ,3 for 25c. DRY GOODS. 6-4 iBlack Worsted Venetian, vr 10e Engiish Prints for 5e. handsorne satin finish was 35 56 in. Bieaehied Table Linen 35e for $1.75. -wýorth 50e. iRenînants of Carpets your choice 15, One week more of those good Plinti Heavy FactoP'y Cotton yd wide for at 5e yd. 5e, not over 20 y ds to one person. DPESS GeoDs SPECIAL THis WEEK. Ladies' Sailor ilats 25 & 30e now 10c. Extra finle ail wool Henriett,% ik Men's aiid Boy s' Stra-w Hls 10c. ai-d enlors for 50e yd. The quality- Mnslins regular 10c for 5e. -w'ill surprise y ou. Trimniings to 3 doz pair of Gloves and Hose 5c pr. nlateli. GOOD ENULISI- PRINTS were î2'/2c and îoc, NOW, 5 CENTS. READY MADE CL.OTING. Boys' Sailer Suifs $1. Boys' Sailor Suifs $1.25, extra $1.50. Boys' Tiieed Suits 5 to 10 yrs $1.50 ixere $,2,50. Beys' 'à piece Suifs, iueax's $2.50 w'ere $4. Beoys' Short Paînts 50e w'ere 75e. Mcn'sHlifaxPants$1.50w cere $2.25 Men's ahi w'ool Serge Pants, Iiined $1.50 worfh $2. I I-lit" 41k I.'isi. Mea's Serge Pants $1 w ere $1.50. Mcîï's Black Worstedl Pants $.0 ixere $3.50. Mesî's Worsted Suifs $6 w-ere $8.50, Men's Liglit Wcight Overcoat,$ -were $8. Cottonade Pantsliiaed 90e »'eree $1,2. Blue Drill Panus 40e wers-'î 60c. A few snioke dauaaged -garînentsý ieft wiii -be eieared ouf at any11 price. Men's Tweed Suits $3-75 worth $5. Wonderful Value. Ordered Clothiiig and Furnishing.s. Heavy Ribbcd Sox 10e per pair. Black -1VorstedI Suits with striped Colored and Black Stiff Ilats 75c pants to order 515.00. w orth $1.50. Men's Rubberinc CulhîrslOe vs Cl. 5e Eiack Fedloras were $1-.40 to elear $1. Boys' Neckties 2 foir 25e w ere 20c Boys' Hats an d Caps 25e -were 35e. Men's Cashmere Sox, bik 3 pr 75e. to 75e. Ain. Merino Shirts and Draw crs 95e Meni's Water Proof Coats $1. were 35e. Men's Mý,aekintoshs $2.50. Men's Shaker Fiannel Shirts 25o Heavy Tweed for boys wear 25eý were 40e. was 40c. Men's Tics 25e.-special ehoice, ilalifax Tw eed extra heavy 38e. White Laundried Shirts 69e worth $1 Lan- Lail, Ïng Wei 47e S. S. EDSALL. AGENT FOR THEEFOLLOW lING nuS-r (Lasa Cossn'a'x'uuas. liem' York Li' e Itisuurance C'o. Surpuis of e2.06,000, Tisaaccumulastion s licy esuuseis mnore gnar-sncee tisasnui-y fe issucd lsy ssuy otiser coinpuîssy, siuile ai tiýs ctino tîcre is a complotne absensce of condtitioni. rGlie Suis Fine lîs1surausce ('o., of Londoni, tue nideFi psirey Pire C'o., In the w oriS. The Agrîcuulturi 15mwaurhie (Co, of W'stetoi- A shane of youn issraie e soL!icd. 14t. Office, VAiIIITY HALcL, 14--tfBowiuiailyitie. SOFALA POLISH'. LADIES, use Hooký'skSefulaSieBl i for Ladiesaîud Ciihdreîs's fine Boot aind Shces; the filues-t to preserve flixe leather ansd keep if celhable. i ýil loavea polisli ike satinu. Forsae y Boof and Shoc dealers. N 5- - 't -~ t C- -O a - '.1 - . 1 - 55.5~.- ýýK ý léý ý Je 1 - TH E