GRATEFU.Lý-COMFORTING. BREAKFAST-SUPPER. 'B>"a thoegb knowladge or the naturel laws -wni ' Overat% pee fes tdizestion and nutriton ad by a.n.refui aelicaï'ion ot 'hbfin propetiesof wel-selected ocoae Mr. Eppa a roia foreur breakfast and supper a deicateiy lavorad beverege which mey save üsamtny beavy doctonî' bis, It is by tha Sndiolont use ef sncb articles et diet that a Cnstitution may be gredually buit up ountil ý eong anongli te ratiat every tendency te îseese.; Hundrafit of subtie maladies are, floatioýg eound us raady me attack wheraver tlimea s a weak pint. We mey escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves wall fortified 'wtb pure bloed enfi a propanly nourlshad fraoe2'"-Il Civil Service Gazettfe." Made simply witb boiling weter or musk. Seid oniy lu peekets. by Grouers. labnlled thus: JAMES EP'S .& Co., HonSopathle Chem- is15, London, Englatid. STORJES 0F_ You do vany weli, my friende, te treat me wùithsoe littie everence, for in houer ing me yen are honoring both France and younsalve. Du lanetu mereiy an oid, grey.- mot s acbed officer whom yen tee ea(ing hie omelette or dnsining bis glass, but it la s piece et bistory, sud et the most glonlous histony whicli our owu or sny other coun- try lias aven lied, In me you tee oeeof (ha lastu et (base wonderful men, (ha men Who> wara veteaene aben tbey were yet boys , h. 1..r..d te use a sword eariier (bau e razon, and wbo during s bundned batties lad neyer once let thbe enamy tee (ha celour of (hein. knepsacks. For tweury yaare we were taachiug ur uope new te fngsîeanu aven fwhen (bey hlaarnad (bain lassons it was fouly the tmbrmomnetor, and neyer (ha haye -Inet, whicb couid break (ha Grand Army WEDNESDAY, AUG, 21, 1895. down. Berlin, Naples, Vienne, Madrid, ______________________________Libson, Moscow--we stablad our heras DR. J. C. IIITCHILL. iu (hem al, Yee, my f riands, I Say again T _'MBR OF COLLEGE O pHY CÂN (at yen do wll te end yur cildrn te LStlndSîrg one<tenia, oron.t. me witb flowers, for (hase ears bave heard Oflcsnd esienne Ennsisllen ~ ' the trumpet celle of France, and stbate eyes DBURKEiSIhO~ ave seen banr standards in lande whare tiîy tsRR1STE-I, SOLICITOR, &o. MOPIS in ay neyer be seau again. ,LFLOCK ,uptafre, EKing Streeti, Bownian- Even now, wbeu I doze in ucy arm-cheir, Vi. olitor for the Ontani Bank. 1 cenutee thosa great werriems straam bef ore I Svat flnev lenedet haloest ai55 me- tha gnaen.jeclceted cbasseurs,(ha giant BORT. VOIJNG, V. 5, cuirassiers, Ponietowsky's lancers, (ha FFIO IN HE WST DRHAM whit.e manîlad dregoons, tha uodding JNewstBlocek, where bimselt on assistant basise h es rndes n wil ha fnundf rom 8a.m. te 9 p.m. igbt celle than thene cernes (lia thick, 10w rettie et tt edenc, direct iy opposite Dm111 Shedi. Cellsi (ha drums, and tbnough weahset duet r3ut legnsph or telaphona Will raceiva prompt and smoka I sea (ha linaet high bonnets, attention l7l-yr tha now et brown faces, the swing and tes et the lonig, ned plumas emid the sieping A. A. POST, hunes et steel. And (harts rides Ney witb SRCIHITECT, Plans and Specifica- lise red haad, and Latalivra wlum is buildog tiens preparad for aven y date et building, jaw, aud Lannes with hie Gascon ewaggar; !mcai attentiou gveu te heatiug hy steem and liban amidst the gleam et brase and *nd bot evacar. sud te sanitary arrangemnents, the flaunîing feathans I catch a glimpseaof Offie: Grrie Block, Whitby 4 jy him, ( ha mau wîth the paea amile, tha ronndad ,h.uIder, sad the fer- PEA TE T il r off aye. Thare le, an end et my y slaep, my fiende, for up I epriug --entlemen's ClOthes Made to Order' fremi my chair with a crackad voice caling and a silly baud outstretcbad, "se (bat Madame Titaux bas oua more baugb et (ha J.M .B IM A C M BE- he Id tellow wbo ]ives ameng the sbadows. J.M.RIMAQIMi~ ththough 1 was a full Chief et Brigade D ENTIS'r. wlîan the wscm eu d, aud badl every hope et scon bing made a Ganerai of Mesrs.Division, iti is stili rather te my eaaniir deys OFFICE :-IRear OfM sss (bat I turu when I wieh te telk eft(ha glonsce sud (ha trials et e sldiar's lita. For lfggnoam &, Son's D--rug you will uodersitsnd that wbeii an officar oasrseny men and lhersesunuder bim, lha Store, (down stairs), bas bis mind f ull et nacruits sud eons foddar and ferries, sud quartiers, se (bat BO~VMA VILaen wheu hae is net in (ha face of the BOWMA VILLEeuemy, lita is a veny sarious matter for fim. But wben hae is only a .X iieutenant on a captein, hae bas uothing 11~ JiN TJ T R Y eavier (heu hie epaulattas upen bis shouldena, s that hae cen clink bis apnrs atd swing bis dolmen, drain bis glass and kiss hie girl, rbinkiug et nothing save et eujoying a galienli lita. Thot ile aturne wîeu bae is likaly te have advantunes, and it les moat ofttn te (bat tima that 1 shahl (urn in (hae tonlas wbucb I may have fer ycu Se it wili ha to-nîght when I (al you of my visiui te (ha Castie et Gionm ; et the etrenga sission -et Sub-Lientaent C,.FJARYNDE N, L. D. S. Durec, sud oet(haelhorible affaretf theamari whe wes once known as Jean Carabin, Gradlusta ofthe Royal Collage of Dantal sud aftarwards as (ha Baron Strauban. Surgeens. Ontario. thel. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. Yen must kuow, tban, (bat ini (ha Fah- VITALZED AR. mary et 1807, îmmadiataly afteta(haeumking VITALZED IRof Danzig, Major Legendreaned I wae cemmissioned te bring four hundrad £'*-Tqew 1-a lor hop remnounts from Prussia toto Eastern Po- Theunudersignefi who bas beau carrying on gre a att at4r ndEyeill h ta teloring business In ceunactien witb ra atl tElau, bcd kilaed se many W.011's8 ry Gonds Store for a numbar of yaars of (ha hersas (bat there was soe danger bias nemmeucafi business for himselt et hie et onr beautîtul Tantb et lutters bacnm- 1sidence. King St.,west. wbara his pre prd u tmaire gants' euS boys' suite n al ielstest e battalion et ligiot intentny. NVa styles, sud et iewet picas, For (bote who knaw, thenctore, botb (ha Major sud 1, Vrisb te ordar suits, ha wiil carry a full lina of (bat we abould ha very welconî atethîe emnplesinal tha newast pattarus. Gîve hlm frout. We did net edvenca vary rapidiy, a ea. r--I ~however, ton (ha snow was deep, (ha noade J. T. L-Lt1 ÀN detieetable, sud wa hed but rwauty natumu- Feshionable Taller iiig invalide te assist us. Besidas, it is impossible, wben yen bave e deiiy change ]~d NE~Y TO L .,A.N. oe forage, end corntimas noue et ail, MONEY TO LO N. (o move hoees tester (ban e waik. I arn awaea hat in (lia story-books tha $1 00,000. cavairy wbirie peeli e t(ha meddast et gai- leps ; but ton my own [art, etter twelve A large sum et monay bas beau placeS lu miy ceifpaigus, 1 ahenld ha vary eetisfled to hando by a privata pensen for investmeut, on kuow theti my brigade conld alweys waik approved lbans on farrn sacurity ton e ternm et rmvx or yEN yeasr, FivE AND ONE HALF FER upon île manch sud trot in the prasence of Vifvintereet wili be asked payable -early. (ha ea-uamy. This 1 sày oethte lunsesasud Satsfactory conditions for repaymant will ba hser, or e, etatt sfrmr arranged.casusmr e, eta t sfrmr D. B. SIMPSON. tha casa witb cuirassiers or dregoons. Soliciter, Bowesmenyijae. For mysaî 1 I sucfoud et hoseas, sud te Datefi Oct, loi, 189L, 40-tf. bave four buudred et them, et evany aea _________________________ end__ sehade sud charactar, ail undar my own bauds, wes a vaîy great pleasuna te me, -VjOIR SALE OR RENT.-llouea and Tbey ware fnom Pomerenia for (haeuîost , _R2 li acres for sale or te rani. sîtuata on part, tbough soma ware tîcm Nenmandy' léiugeg stiiest nortb. The lremisas conisi et adsm rmAscsdi medu a good bouse witb avery eonvanieuca, divin andsm rmAscadi m du ehe, sble, etc. lite gardenceutanea loito te noetice that tbay differ ln chanacten as thbe ce cat fruit ef ail varebte. Immadiata mach as tha people ot thc-a provinces Wa Possessone",be given. Ferp articulente appli obsarvad aise, wtat 1 bava otteu pnoved W.F LEIH BWMaVile Ot 4-tf sînca thetitae nature et a herse cen ba tnld by lis clour from the coiqîettish light bey T HE CANADIAN STATESMAN f-11 of anie sd nanvas, te tha hardy ______ ci'stnnr, sud trom (ha docile resu te the pig-éaeded nusty-biack. Ail thia bas. ESTA.BLISHEID s norbing in tha world to do with my tory, 81 par snuum un adysuce, otberwise but bow is an offican et cevalny te gar on Subeciptions alweys payable ett(ha 3g wilmh bis tale wbe ha finds four buudred publication. Adverti8ing rates ( y c»a herses waitîug for hlm et the outset ? Lt rac, 10 cents3 par lina, nop,ie . trait iusar-l la my habit, yen tee, te taik ofth(at wbich on, and à cents par line a eclisobsequesite-a sastiofi. Locale, 10 cents par ina. intreets mysait, sud se 1 hope that, I may M. A. JAMES, Publisiir intencs( yen, _______________________________ We cressed (ha Vietule opposite Nanan-. -werdan, and lied got as fer as Riasaubang, v Important (o Hay Growers. wban Major Legendre came into r-y nooîii lu the peat-bonse wltb au open pager in bis a Complainte bave beau forwarded frntm haud, Lngisnd te (ha Deartmant Agicutur 1- You ara te leaeame," eeid lha, ith0 Agricuture oaspair upon bis face, (bat Injuries bave rasnited te Ený2lltli Ir wes nuo very grear grief te me to do herses sud cattla frosti eating bey which (bar, fer ha was, if 1 may eay se, bardly ,ad bean bound with wine. It le said thet worhy te bava sncb a subaitaru. I salut. - toina oet(ha wire lied beau accdeuîallv cnt ad ho we'.era, iu silence, up wi(h (ha tnddar sudthie short pianos I" leisau eider tram Canerai Lasalle,"a sweliowad, ceusîug the uaaet averai ha cetiniuad; "yen are to pnocaad te e animale. This us e mater of importance RosszI intanîly, and te report youtsait etk tie Canadien bey groware and dealers. (ha baadquartrnofet(ha egimau."d LiSe aIl venidors (bey rnnst csnetully tud i No message ceuld bava plaased me botter.o (ha a anime et heir cusmenea, sud if thora I wae elready vary well (bought of by my ' is tha least danger et prejudicing (bain supanion cificers, airhongb I mey eay (bar. chncs n hainnatbytyngbaeswtb noa t he id m jstce.Ltwe AD VENT URE, ýPoes and Jews, whe bave se lu(le ( rbrightan their duil livas, te sets sncb s picrura as (bh at eora their doons. Tht fresty moruing air maea Rataplau's great black limbe sud (ha beautitul curvas oet uiE 9back and sidas gieem and shimmer wth evary gambada. As ton me, (ha rattiae o boots upon a road, and (ha jinglaeto bridiE cheine whîclicormes witb avary tees et s eeucy head, wonld aven now stt my bloed ,fdancing tibrougli my vains. Yen may think, (ban, bew I cemniefi mysait in my flve-and. atwautieth yeer-li, Etieune Canard, tht iciked bersernen and sunessi blaSe lun(liE aregiments ot huesans. Bina wae oun colons 1in rthe Tantb- e dolmnuand fpelisse witb e ecaniai frout-and it was sald et us lu (hea amy (bat we could set a 8whola population ruuuiug, the women atowerds os, and the e n away. There ware sbriusbt ayas inéthe Rieeenberg windewe thetr.nîerning, wbich seemad toeg metou trry ; but what eau a soldien do, save to rkishie lbaud and shaka bus bridle as ha ridas upou his wey ? lits wa e bisck asason te rida tbrough (ha peenesu sud ugliea country in Europe, but thare was a cieudlese sky aboya, and e bright, cold suc, wbîcb shimmarad ou (ha 1huge 3nowfields. My braatb raaked inte (ha tr'isty air, and Rataplan tant up two fessIers oe t ermrom bis nostnile, whiia (ha iciclet dncopad tnom (ha sida iront et hie bit. I let hum trot te wsnm hie limbe, wbile ton my own part I bad tee much te think af tue giva mucli heed te tha cold. To uorth sud eeuth stretcbad the greet pleins, mottlad lovar wmlub dsnk clumpe et fin and ligbtar patchas et hardi. A taw cottages paapad eut liereand rhara, but 1v wes oniy tibrea menthes euce (ha Grana Arrny had passad (bat wey, and you know what (bat meant, te acouintry. The Poes were ofr friands, i't wes umue, but out ot a huudrad thnnsaud men, ouiy thbe (uuard had a ag- oensd (ha eethed lue hive as hast (bey seiglr. lIt did not surprise me, tharatore, te tee ne signsetofcattieand uo emoeafmom thleant bouses. A weel bed hean lft aci es t(ha country wbene tuba greet best hed passad, and it wae said (bat aven (ha rate wera stanvad wbanevan (ha Emperorbad lad kiiis men. (vo BE JON'rINVED.) NEW COIFFURES. Titree Styles ef Uiterdresstng TVîtSCern Frorn London. The prasaut teeblon in bain dressing, la panticniarly gracaful, and cen artist bas eketcbed (brea pratty styles which show the correct wey et waving and dressing (ha hein. Very ligb tninges ara worui, and the hais' la ertislliceliy weyed et the sida, and heid lu place very otten with dainty littIa (ermoite sheil conbe. lit is, bowaven, ad. vîsebla te reluein the services' of a bain- dresser te obu-ain tuluse weve, if Nature basendwedyonwit naur-lstagt harfo f he reno roeryarane th hl fec ssoldadi ol hav ben ettr - t o ttepttse a lis end ea oÉhî whnuaey t naigth îlae le affect ey i seupsead, uinld Ihav eubetttroune t atemt (em etd whrc wimelhavebsaradfrom env skeh (ba mud sfea estc dia ule t haîr coulaerar etbntAte (ha me t han luiolinar thOualady wasrs (has pof -uuura ttha cui l ek dem, sud (hmaiioteptioavehne h oferie. Sen oravrie to SothAveI and Kidney Dresi nicThe Cu dreinRetimef Ca B lefbanfe betrnwihn aSix Hteure, frs Soidny dheas onaigliTheu yen durn wbicknies have lt rormaed sud dilleareut dictors wîrhonr san prmen. troubet g oth Ameican Kidn nTey Cuentarial. i rcîrdiaelti tomuA. S. Chondey, dOngt. u eig tcedu (o ~ ~ n drcingotfmeieereif u f bar ie o thnet auy dîne si, 1 ncafr (ha dstelsl.mThaoseoneas sudhin waeuas ave airrl ia(ed. Ircmmd cli ni r affird It (hade agodlngu truba e iv Suli Amnicn Kdna rhongb Mania acon recovaefd1 dieu dy to take an inrareet un1 sud trousseau, which sha prunr e very inedeqoate oua ton an ineisted ou tskiog bar tniend to shopping re suppiy as tan as p( ahor antetime, (he daficiancy ii Mn. Hestbcoea d retuned1 Pitcher's Castori aRot Y?' Uerng t CHAPTER XII h TaPTE LOVE, WICH MAKET ýe FOND) ANDi FAIR. a Rcger did net let (ha grai dhie feet in hie endeavors t( inhanitusuce t(o lda, A ie brethar's wili, together wit iajactmnt, wes sanvedl upeî onaiua's lewyer a few deyes a d 'ecorded lu my lest cbapt astanding hie surly, morose tE Ifeeling dispositien, Reginald an honorable, uprigbsu man,i seoner maeaewere tuba ieis *bad baquaathad bie preperty hali praparad to quit the Abbe eiug to restera te (ha youn Lrevenue wbich lhae xpan( abriaft(auraeoft(ha astatas. 8te eay that this was prompt DRoger en bebaîf etfitilda.T a xpraeeed himseit very strongt fte his dead brothar's donci sidened (bat im wss MerS's di ton bis daugbtan, but (bat wroug te leaeatha Abbey i Marham tue Oua who had ne the naine of (lia prend race wl 7pesetised (hem. Colonel Delonaine, wJho wa au ample fortuene, ra usadt baudsoenra um et monay (brougliber solicitor offarad1 hlm. Ha oeyar knew tube me (ha wiilliead beau dusceverari (lia baliet -which Roger for tredict-that ut lied. been disi îLe pagera et Nigai Wentwei SUndden dearli. Durîng tha sattiament oet ber klnd friand, Hilda ramair Grey quietly et thbe oid mai Gardétîs, sud, consaquant upî deay," Apnil wee fer advan (reas sud shrnbe in tbe park on tibein (ender livery ofj Roger wes able te ennounca aIl tube ueceseery terme ha( tbrougmi sud ber fatban'e i proved, sud (bat she wae ne' returu (oe (ha Abbey eseeon i lIn broken toesa sha thanke siva ton the kmnduellasud zesl diepiayed in baer cause. de1 amn rhiuking et geiog te a tew weeks; you Snow tIi in tends ttcresigu bier situa tion with me as my housekeepan," Roger. IlYas, sbe teid me of bier ir rajoined. l'Wall, I know y tihe old lady happy." ,Soeays ater (bis couver wee racliuiug rtbleriistiaesly i baer bauds tolded inolbar îep an ita misty lye fixed on (ha soft s tey fiitted over the tende Apnil sky, whan e fi rm,i eounded ou theastone staîne, ai epening (ha door, annouuced cutF,."1 Tha levers bad net mat fte and-oow (bey cieepad banch bath haar(s beinig tee, fullf At lest Roger sald, sorrowf dovuabeth(e tain face oet(ha davoaedhy loved: 6It is e ruiued uman wbt to yen to-day, Rulde, I recE piy from my -ant wheu 1I lier efth(le discovcry oety, wili, se I wnote again a faw rda liera ! drewiug a latter fron l'hara lberr enswan. Rulde teeS (ha large, squb with iits elebonata monegram. Mre. Palmaer's- wall'known v Reger's hand. It containad lest latter te biseant witht broken. Acmss the envainpe words : ' "lChoose batween Hilda C' nmyselt. I stîli deelsue te Detoraine's illegirimata dsug wita of my tiair," "Hew cruel!1' exciaimed Hi ataly, liow uniont I but bha cenîumot hsrm us uow, Rager. I for beth," ioeking up lu lier1 face wih fondly confiding asf1 "'My daling, ' napliari illi siornowtlily, "do yen not sesa fixed betweau us; how eau gancrous promise,now t(lier i peuilase ma, protesz et eaning ahmving ? W bat s tar aveny eue wonld consîden Il P, le you aho are cruel no ed Hilde, bnrstlug ijutet wlsbedt(osacrifice evenytbiug 1 wet penîuile s, as well as si now yen refusa te eccapt e fortune whîcb il nutrly valutl you. Oh Roger," lifting bar, han lev er's face, "I wouldr here a haggen te-day (heu les tmat le ail the wonid te me; don lou't leeve me, dariing !"'ae Ilude bld ber face inlehanadE Rager draw lhan cloacely te herai tuti1 Foun generations et eue fesnily wae Ililda's drass baptized togathan et Litchfleld, Conn,, on haies,, eud e arecant Sunday. There wes -a'littla boy, iî beis rond etLeonard Marnili, bie fat hem and mothar, foil, ion ofgrendftîlanand graudmother, and great- posibl, i sogran dftber and gret-grnndmetbar, tha n ber touet, gea-grandfether being 80 years oid. The te Macemgnoup auterad the a weat the terne timea las ary leeving Maria with hier friand, but 1 had promised to coma hack te town te perforai the marialge ceremony between bis youug friands. Gneatly to Maria's dîsgust, the wedding was gChoice. to be a very quiet effair, -and the new- ly married pair would go straigbt froin ehurcis te Ryde, where they intended IV. spendig e week hefore proceeding to the Abbey. Tue wedding day dawned hright nH ALL THINGS and cleer, and, attended by the few friands who were presaut to witness the careinony, iild a stood bafora the alter and piighted as grow under bier troth to the man so fondiy ioved, so to restora her steuochiy true, And sureiy the April copy of his sunshiua neyer sbonae uponi a prouder th e notice of bridegroom or a bappien bride then Roger and Rulde as they ieft the gloomy London ,n Colonel Del- ch.urch to tread life's pethway togather fter the avents «I tili death shouid them part." )tn. Notwith- * * * * emper and un A briliient day in May was drawing toea 1 Deloraine a8el îtse; the birds were wingiug thaîr way hws home to thair nests, whila the nightiu. and ewsn gaies were filng the avauing air brother Mark with their exquisita, plaintive iuaiody. y to Hilde than The groves and gardent of Marham ay, aven offer. Abbey ware abiaze with rhododend-. Srons and ezalees, wbiie fnom the surroiind. in hairess the ing titkets the subtia parfume of lilacs .ded duriug bis and syringas floated on the breaze. Every- Lt ia neediets thing about the old maeion and groueds >tiy refused by w s in perfect ordar, for on this day the exied ileires ,nd ber huabaud wera ax- The old soldiar pected to arrive. The great gilded iron giy with regard gates ware surmounted with au axquisite luct. Hie con- arch, composed of avengreenis and sweat luty to provide Spring flowars, and similer arches were t- ha found spanniug the whoie iength of bha was very tha village streets, while avany cottage aud estates of showed soins token nf walcome te the right te bear bride and bridegroom. The carniage bail ho bad rio long been sent te the station te meet Mr. and Mns. Montacute, and the axcited villagers ras possessed et wene eageriy watching for its coming. to accapt the Hilda raturued te the home from wbinb wbich Hilda, she had led %ith the bitterness of death to settla upon inhbe heert thriugh the gloom and derk- aaus by which nees cf tha Wiutar midnighit ! As she , inciinig te bowed ber acknowledgmeuts cf the rap- rbore te cou- tunoue greatiug wbich aweitad lber on irovered among 'every sida, bar eyes ware se f ull of tbank. rth, after bis fui, happy eaers that sha could hardiy recogniza the familier faces, and Roger, ber affaire hy who was auxiously watching lier.* wes ned wth Mr. hbnkful wben the carniage stoppad et the ision in Park great hall door of the Abbey. The vicar on "the law'e of Merham and Maria stood upeni the staps nced, and the to raceiva bier, and bier old friend's kind ware putting graeting quite upset the excitad girl, and green, before Roger burriad lber through the waiting te Hlda halgroup of servants in the hall and into the d bean gone librery, auxions if possible to avGid " a wil had beau cee," of whicb he had ail a man's horror, s' t ibatyteVain hope ! A surprise was in store for as a he plaasad. botbhnsuband and wife et wbich they ed the detec- littia dreaed. 4 which ha bad As Roger tenderly lad is wita into tha Cool, flower.scented epartment, striving ýo Brighton for te caim ber agitation by is soothing et Mrs. Grey words, an olci lady, wbo was seaead lu an bsad lude easy chair by the wlndow advanced te sai Hldatemeet tbem, and, te hie utter surprise, otanion, haRoger parceivad that it was Mrs. Palmer. intet "lieDrawîng the trembling form te b is wila ou will iTak. cioser te his sida, tha youug man was about te spaak, but bis aunt interrupted hlmn. arsation Rulde Holding eut ber thin, white bauds te ber lu a îow chair, uepbew, she eskad, reproachfulty 1 id ber exquis. 'lDid you find it se easy a thing te for- It white clouds get the lova of a lifetime, Roger? Kiss ar blue of the me, my boy, and wù will let the past bury manly tread its deed. 1 cenot querrai with yen if 1 ,d Mrs. Grey, would. Forgive me, Rulde, for mypridc "Mn. Monta- and harshness. I have iiaard how nobly you )r sois da bave eudured your cruel sorrows. For the r , Bon e, future we wiil befriauds, yon and 1, if only is in silence for thé sake of our mutuel love for Roger." for utterance, And, with tue mutin of the joy-bells wf"omng a se ngîthroughithe roomn, the young woma liese mn iasîiad bis earliast friand te bis beart. 0 ls speaking [THE END.] -eved ne ne- wrete te tell SPANIARDS TREATED CORDIALLY. your fatlîer's sys ago ; look Visit ortshSe Warshlp% Evakas au interest- ,in lus pocket, I tse esas'k mc tishe 4uaen,ý are auvaope The visit of the Iteiiau leat te Ports- eddressed in mou th, Engiend,last weekl was foilowed by vtiting, from the stay of the Spentsh squadron et Ply- haneriover's mnouth, wbara the Spaniards were treated f the seal un- t h raetcrdaiy nacrac se were thasa wîhtagettcrdatylucodnc wîth the Qnaan's own iustructions sent te 'Conner and the authorities of Plymouth. Au intenest- Saccapt Mr. îng renerk in this eonnuection was made by ghter as the the Queen duning the course ef a dinner et W indsnr Castia, grevions te ber Maeasty's 14,passion. depertura for Osborne. ir unkînduets A guast suggastad that the visit et the8 hava enoneh wersoî nps of Spain wculd have beau moe lever' s grave Ù3 es estiuig if the Spaniab end Italien sellons acttion. had 'ratarnized et Portsmouth, whera, e youî3g man besides, the Spaniards would hava beau abie wlat e guit îs te senmnre naval works than they could et I demii your Plymiouth. Thareupon, the Queei observed m abomelass, quietly that Plymout~h lce would interestc zion or means them more. This rafereuce te the histnric fortune htue. scane thaee t the time of the Armeaashe me !" anmpbasized by cou iesting tuahebstoricel ow"exclaim- dispeteli sent frono Plymouth te Queeu ;eark,. - yen El; zebeth et Windsor 3U0 yeans cgc withi ,for me when ber own kindly maessage sent that day, namalets, and înstructiug the authonities ef Plymouthi te share lu the show the Speuish sellons the warmest lest wltbout bosgpitelity. wet eyes te h wes off Piymauth lin a (hligb rock), it rether stand will be remembaned, that the British Lord se yeur love High Admirai, Lord Howardl et Effiuphaîn, )n'tleave me ; bevîug sînder hlm such reuowued mariners nd bers poor as Drake,1-Iewkinsj, and lino bisher, a-sein bledl ts and sobbed the eiglîty comparetivcly smail and lieli ly ernîad vessais, whîch, on Jniy 21, 1588, i is bee ting July 31, old style), waut ont te fight the ý1 CURES DYSPEPSIAp KIDNEYTRULS BILL" UýSNESS. B.B. B. unlocirs ail the secret;ons and removes aLil impurities fromn the sy.tem 'from a common, pimpie to the worst scrofulous acre. BURDOCK PILLS act gently yet thoroughly on' theS ~c Liver and Boweis. HOW ANTS KILL A SNAKE. The linSeCt Battallens Torture St to »aath ad 'heu Strip Ste sils roultise Body. Thet ents can actusily kilt snakes is a hard thing to balieve. There i8 irresist- ible evideDce, however, that they do, and scientiste have discovered that the enake bas herdiy a more dangarous enemy. The arge red.bro wn fores t ant of the sort thet a the rnost fatal te the amphibians, and a curions tbîng about the attack of these tiny creatures on this comperatively enormous reptile' is thet they kili it for food and flot on account of any naturel entipathy. When sorne of the ants catch sight of a snaka they arouse the whole community at once. In piatoons and battalions the littie feiiows set upofl the reptile, striking their flippert loto its body and eyes at thoosands of points at once. So fapidly and concert- adly je thisone that the smake has no chance et ail of escaping. lIt is li'k6 a thiusand eiectric needles in hlm et once, The siuake soon becomes exl'austad eand liesigmii ously, Then the ants set liarder et work, this ney seemn a Etrauge 9tory, but it la true. Tbay begin to tear off the flesh in smill pieces, gradoally stripping off the skin and wotking inside of it. Not until they have cerried aieay everything except the boues aud the skin iteif de they leave it. Wlien Baby was sic'r, we gave lier Castoia. -When she was a Child, shc cried for Castorla. When she becamne iiss, she clung to Castorla. Wheni she --ad Child-en, she gave thern castoria, Useful Member. Outsider-I hear Jones is a mighty useful man in your club? Clubman-Yes, he often heipe meke Up quorum. FO& YOUH OUhî-.N d T 0PICTURESQUE ONE THOU53AND MILES OF LAKES RIDE AT SMALL EXPENSM. Visit this Historical Island, which le the ,grandest summer resort on the Great Lakes. Lt only costs about $13 from Detroit-; $15 from Toledo; $18 f romt Cleveland, for the round trip, int'ldiug ineais and berths, Avoid- the beat and dust by traveliug on lthe D. & C. floating palaces. The attracetions of a trip to the Mackinc region are uneurpassed. The island iteif lh a grand romaritic sput, its climate inost iuvigorating. Two uew steel passenger steamers have just been bult for the upper lake route, costîiug $300,000 oach. They.are equippea ivith eveny modemn convenience, annunciators, bath moms, etc., iliuminated throughouï by eetiiy and are guarauteed to bc Ihfe g=nd 1t largest and safest steamers on fresh water. These steamers favorabiy compare with the great ocean inuers lu con- struction. and apeed. Four trips per week betweeu Toledo,--Detroit, Alpena, Mecki- esc, st. Ignace, Petoskay, eIblcagoý , Soo," Marquette aud Duluth, Dily betwaen pivlidsdDtroit, sud àveand and Put-lu-Bey. the paltisi equpment Makes ;trovelio~ ntheWesteamers thor.- ough1y e3y).Snd fo;rIllusttated lescriptive iipkt. eeÀA. £ DISEASED LUNGS CURED BY TAKING AY~ ,SPectoral. 1I couitnacteri a savane coîri, ahieb sattla4 Ou iil Itimga. smd n iriaa s titan doua filoM a ýnel css, ueerr n bi onsmîltefi a, 110te wlo fend. on exateiîing me Ilth tOC- par ttoetthe laIt iung ,, asIIadlt aleteTîme mditus i ýma ae andî seern to rieata od Iud i datîinad ( tew doses mytroîthi Wil re Ilaeini - fore t limmîri nisbcd the btl hclssryt orbl e I was cureed ." -A. LEFLAR, watclialer, Ornmgavilla, Oui. y er's Cherry -Pectoral Highest Awards et World'a Fair. 4Aerls Pillg Cîre Lsdalgestion,