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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1895, p. 4

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iousness of interior dissensions iu the Devonshire the weather has been verY hall arrd other important building's ___. region of the girdile, and Imoientary wet and continues so. Harvest is com- Train time warned us that we could a* **R_ one possesses; we say emphatically that oats towards Bideford being cut, Crp station and secured our places. E..4AE . L .~~ U 45 e su'~ ch gay aud festive companions deserve are somewhat below the average, bueOrpatywic-fsotlrs ut _ sut large had now d vindled down to fu ;3e o bcexposed. We must add by way of on the whole farmers have flot much to when our train pulled out of the Prairie commisseration for their wounded feel- complain of except the high taxes. The CitY for the west. We now came in t t" h î sighit of the prairie and it was certainlyBBB B B inmgs, how ever,that more than the wrier 1ous as they cal taxes bore amount O o mpeecag nteseeyw couîd discuss practically the excellent about five times as luch for each 100 had viewed along Lake Superior. Thet "1~ iadi cicuisine of the Sardinian with even great- acres as our West Durham farmer pays. wild crocuses were i full bloom and as ~xî UlIIN 'I- er zest and relish than thev who hoid es- Were it not for these highi taxes farming long as it was daylight the emigrants Og -~w MViLA PJwould junp off at every station and -M caped the upheavels that several of the here would pay well, as Canadiam rush to gather these beautiful flowers do- i n -M rest of us experienced for a few dalys.' farmers have to compote with the En- which literally covered the prairie. lae-~Ik L II . We must here and now bear unreserv- lish farmers, and it costs about $25.00 lu the morniug I arrived at my des- w ' ed testimony to the superior excellence per head to place the Caniadian fat tination îlot exactly the last of the party that left Toronto, but one of the last, 40 Moecommanding. .All pronounced______ peculiar sensation of beîng turned coin- dp i di evgo.We can as assuredly pletely around and even now have soinedm verygood VICTORIA B. C. difflcultv lu satisfying miyseîf about the lvlonday ~ llan __ leasaht otee.iThesornndîgowass66ài6à to te seadiessand oodsailng ___cardinal points *of the compass. My qalities of the good old Sardinian. No 8. first experience of a western town was Se is not'a fast boat, but we have neyer The corporation liînits of Vancouver cot ld an a one. The porrfni thea foud oe orestadyan cototabetn or tweîve vears. ago was covered hotel was astir I put in a dreary time E MAKE IT A IRULE to close ouir stores from a nantical staîîdpoint. May she wt ao Get w at ~ow a goo behvioron or reurnge pine trees of different kinds till breakfast. Theon to inake it worse evry evening at63 sharp except want at wepcigti oaei atclrarebt1hv iiepoe htsc has tken laceowing to the termiiîis of is not the case. twrs elbohfr uiesom san waveherv as unsuall olded Theds C. P.RI. road. The estimated numb-, Prairie life is not 80 much to lbe desir- cek. Pes aeant n ovu P. Trebilcock's weather wasinhabita ts is fittee to eighteened as w e are led to believe lu Ontario. cek.Pes aeant n ovu P1Teîcoks~prevailing ail the way across aud rain large Appelleavalley greatn to ei.-ouglit cer-in tppinavoalreadction ofnfnec Qu' thousand,witli large stores, tlîree lrg IA leisthopaopdsctonoitegu- before 6.30. WTe are arad ettfog inun Specal hins. r tg o hot we c atogtimr to tm- buksMonr Britisthh ClCmbal admtial tobedooke fo ater îmebloiuggood soif ofore ot penfortnhef or sapsto lea SSee Them. iliar for our cornfort. Old Sol tavored British North Arnerican ; paved streets accounts we are treated to from time to goss fyuaentoe o n forsast la -~ s wthoîîy to aysof uuhiu ~ with electric cars ruiiiiiiiîg The grow~th time lu Ontario. The crops are better out summer goods, we have something to interest you in of the eleven. Tihis was verv unf ai r of tbe city is looked upon as a certaiiity; now than thev were' last y car at this algos ws it not? Overcoats w-a terproofs anîd time but we had several heavy trostsfaig ds wa 'it is backed up by 50 Jmany enterprises, and a snow storm lii Jume to cap the w-ee amot cnsaîmly u equstlumnber milîs ted bv the Fraser river business so that the grain while looking Flannelette Blankets in white and grey at 85c. and ~~lasn for occupationî. It w as w ithout n .i The.w heat ând oatslooka0 weîî eaou $1 .10 per pair. anese are somethîng -new v teyarlnc d th dec w a oftîm to we and u -arcominervdow nlufaeîîdlcss fr' welbsol i 'dth . exception the nost unpleasamt eastw-ard !1. hr. c bvrop promises to be liht ooods. voyage we have ci-er lîad. miin to ols, the head quarters for al lu this section-but the farmers are coin- _____________________ I w's athr rearahl cincd-steanilships from China,Australia,India, forted by the tact that there is plenty of htabu hieW olBakets ? Is it too alfo :nBOWMIANVILLE, AUG, 21, 189,5. encc tlat the eleuments slould be-n totgo and ale ~otsu ~~deut it. Some o hmare do- thern ? WTe have thern just in and notwithstanding the tr- eeid ilow oersgivingwthappeur- 'hsbcas helugi n h ow anvte iollc anod lepawe reachm ed adwt lwr, iigteapa-thev rely for their hay are destitute. raise in priceof wool we seli them at $2 per pirand Ileors fomManitoba point to a Mnra h am e utret. W ance of 80 mnauy large parks. 1 now We have had a gread deal of raimi this bountiful harvest, and indicate the rap- are pleased vo leariu that Ontario bas board tue train for Westminster, This csp hre bt that doent.affeThe raisiehaeafwPaaoslftada slt n id progrcss the province is miikimgi n had several genial showers ýsi e.If tw slctdo h slope of mountains g-rass is greener'this vear on accoulnt of we do flot want to carryi w- v lito next season, VOU agriculture. The vieid of whcat is ont the Fraser river. Very fine bud- tlie raimîs and a grieat mnanv of the farm- likely to bie far ou dpatue ad any infouence over ing's for the size of the town. nunîber- crs are cuttino' it for fced rather thui canoeveycÉ ahadoftatotaîypr-old Probs, the farners lu that provinceg o vions year; yet it 15scen that the farm . ing frolo four to six thousaîîd iiihabitaitûs ,0 will w -ýish -%e had lef t the coluntry sooner. hpnttirisiuaeiiti ow H It would encourage the stadents of the W L I1 oý' ,rs are not putting their trust exclusive-W on narvn.hiTecietay1 itae i hstw igh School in tlieir studv of hotany WT LAMh <f n's 1eapi Iy lu whcat, tue yield of ha en hr a n argeit Eng-land that for ahl these that disobieY the laws of the could they sec the flowêrs of the prairie. yin hetth ilof%--etbtg hr a enagetdrought boe Te ý ere iand. Thndii-% titan fthe cheapest. excceded by that of the other grains laonuttedpe.wa roTnhfoee mumates namnber from Bnetv Te rwhr naadmc mdnm combincd. Dairyin-itg 5rcceivifl mil-u ria am suulwhnl ie-to ome huidred persons. Six of t nes arehaontinually comiagand takingn creasing attemntionm and 18 fast hecomn polraja desccnded very heavily. havtesrey setfthemu.nAil rc (irfthe absence of t*sanetery areatis asodh racni !.l-oe f h, eai--inutrhav te iesthurese o thereind llae r theawsine ofrsae vri eatifare sud iblk and colored. Saxony in black eu o te euin~ tiusris f he The routine of our voh at.e On the 1 ag t their cifferemît vocations. Th,;r atter for their beautv. PrariÏPomow I ardninrusismltl ktoimrsvvaeso18alo rvtyoin buldngfosaietmoand cn amstdrw tisletertea losScaotcoohdaii Soth Frierno CROSSNG TE ÂTANTIC iîilit.w eut on b)ourdas Moaltreal Friday 1 -%ho have lost tîteir reasoning fiacuitie,. vor vlalc sae n ntlieto' 1l( ~ér o We I GTH TLITI.sabtfseri1bers camnot bho inîposed on w itî whîich î srngan o frboys wear. Have you tried iliUht ur rooiu Steward carried in The business oft he tovn is verx- quiet imn-pulitv. Yours truiy, We have ,let 5ttled do-n to letter- Our truimks, valises, etc., and atter inak- u t present. 1 no;v retaru te Namîcéouver F. J.'JOLLOW,. any of it ? Our price 15 away dowTn. w riting simce leam ing home on Juuy 12, n 'terum ftesemrt a a nlu îd take the stage for Stem e towim. Thmis Wolseley, Assa., Aug. 3, 1895. D o ataoodDne rTaStW excepting sacli correspondence as is ha- 1ee) ae wt u srondusi e ae is sittiatecl near the outlet t ftile eap. W peratîve. We camie unav troi usmuîess turned ini for the and slept the Fraser river iite the Gulff e icrgia AMmfiu fPai. hvete jIe htdfyT conm1fion. We lwy and the werrv auid turmnoil et editorial sleep etflinnocence and oethte w cary,1 where se linion flshiag 18 carried on, anîd The teeth, pem'laps mere t1ian anm-ydawy lit e fer test anmd have enjoyed mmid rest, w oteteio.We woeiCtalemmo' the baiiks et the river there are other teature, emîhamîce or destrev thmat P ,,,ygetprc oi rthie uîerîMn ' w as demvîî1-1amîuis iute.F'e iilintangible, because comaplex, thin- -w e alnîost absehtel, crninchm- eei - the beat st-aom1îg cali beauti'. \\'hat more reîelle.l thai rallier actimve ini sone eflier respects. the g rirnd old St. La7;m reonce taîvards rt-par01t I learnied the business doeiefoi' allkeat. discl redthc'a u We dienovt eed equal te the tasi, eft n rit- d~lc. Mn msemesw.mecnite vear 1891. The limite.l timefer sightîmîi s emeneules nd Imexcis- m n a m e r n t r s t n a t i r 'î i 'l fl c e c k , b u t m e h a m i i g s e a t a c b e a u t i e s c t h n . . r i l e m d i t d i - u t l a e ? I r n e s d l i C t h' , w h1ti m e r a s eccout c<nrossis O te la t heiii fi e a deilt he!ora tîeAluic eas ci i rtii emmmî toes euanf Auýut.'re is fi we~amîeror min 1t4 prope'tv oet mpart-y off cossin the tlantc, beause1 ed n our1)eiýa til t1ie brekfasobetleuitewotin-tîmat tvia tha laz gi 1 îitenesnes w itten il,.) for readers of THE STATErS-rn. lcda ds la midelig h iich timex-puy a lisemîcee e dlasefficmtî destred ndem h raad_______________________________________________ as x7,mdall sea-voyages humveso incuyoehmm a letl te imceucd.T %e on ciaie requireh forer cisw cet and ft'agrant v. m-rime' is shîmpix iii commnîemm. tere i ane tmuaigthe Amtieit Capital asn ,m5'iliteti andboat. Time pi'cess for cammiiimg ges iîo ~aaîeisafutrcustwîc son we % ealhrda h hart. accounts fer its recemnuemuclatiomî andc .Our narratvi nomuecnous atîci il rend- -r nhee itethrough a inrnlwr oft ands. Firsf ho use by leading demtists. V iu.We are suare vo suy sexeral vîiîgs I)s -1rig ene aehfrtoheachling,epeiimï,srii-ingn withibrnshes________ tht wciue'adbee.ersatdrmem-rtm iyapcîgeut tmp wifli circalar lknivcs, put ilu cuns Dem' vou n uowthat Iiood's Sar-ýapa- WVe canîmot ax nomv ut this late date the big- churches, the citaclol, andi other vil are sawdered by ichiuerv, thonl rilla -n'ill oe cine tîat iec el-mand 'Au. ) îmf urvwîîîîvoag tcrssplaces. thea clrom e te the plains et Abru- put iii crutes ini boilimg o trfrgme~o eiewed vm-gr amni iitalitx -fhe 'boisterous Atlantic was particulanix- ha ut. We euioyed the a fternoon imnuten- euie heur; froin flînt imiote oven for meumorabie, except for flic excellemnt anci sely. Žext mmormiag beiiag Suuuday nvecielurtacetiudreofiu,__ gebu cmpayn lad Fom tekeptf inte shipandi about 10 o'cîock ttalen omiblcdatdn ray2. VOu .own of Bowmuanm 111e amnd viillite bode i dowvu the river for Rimouski for inretTh muercutddmig had cssr. Ths. Ptersnuîd oun- w bore w-e took on the mamils and a teîv the ,emr 1801 was 481,470; the i nmner XVIseueyuoedziCait ciller Rd. Worth; Miss Eînily A. Cour- Pasegesfom tne that caie ont employeti for the sanie is froin 6,000 te Plmotoramns of the kimut TAITr & CO. R fiee of Eheuezer; 1ev. dohîmi Harris andti ecet the Sardiniamaitlandtter a stay 8,0.Siet-i e ete îec-tara eut true to life for a short-tinie Leather Be1tinoy Clout Nails, iie ut Greenw-uod, Mis. M. J. Redman of 2) mninutes w'c matie for the openu sou ployeti are Chinese antI Intiluns. for cash in adi ance, scec semnpesLaeLa erMchn is(peless u ,of Detroitf sister of Dr. dala Thomnas) bwu fhSrisoBlesehogtMore amon, Pieurachaisnonbaudto o soti Rbbe Paaind _E4ditor dames and bis two dngteswhiclhu w e passed Montiay niglîf us tiark- Yours respecttnhly, t ilt atix-ameson hac osf. As Rubetos ig lrîn) au muaSoha nss came over us. We passed the La- TAobestosu Packiug, 01(as Miss Mary Mosettu Bn maSpi HMSHAz i aKus dJames. lt is a trifle humiliuting te the brader lu the river and were lueur en-~ Missioni City, B. C., duiy 29, 1895. Crayon Portraits made f0 order Babbet Metal1 7BadK ie Editor to acknowledge it, but the truth ongh vo sainte the passemîgers. _______from auypicture. Copperine, Threshers Mi ts. ho f c old, the company ail provcd Oar voyage a unevemttal tîîron~ghî A TRIP TO ASSINIBOIA. Bowmlsat uvi tdolîee qae opr ies botter sailors than ieh did lu spite of his Ont- A slig-ht sensation n'as caus- ______ile ,miuuy voyages. Messrs. Patersomn and cd mie mornimug ly a ruiner t,înt a EDuTOR STATE5MIAN,-We lot t Toronvo___ebgtoanuc tht ursck fTrser Worth were as lively us two boys anldImari had disappeared during the night lon tlhe regular toarists' day anmd a Webgt mmxc ht u tc o hehr njymntthcdhi t erwoueolesour tefrain couvoetiTrustee's Auction Sale Supplies is complete. 11If e uffords and succeetied vo their un- hourd. Later lte n'as tonnd iting uder w'as late in sturtiug and matters %-'cre - OF- boundeti satisfaction, we believe. lu- bis berth lest hoew'enld ho robbed. His 1 nef imiproveti by làliding in Northt Bav i ab e G o s t L w Prc . deed, it nerved us te kocep up a holder mid n'as unhinged. Our passenger atut midîtiglit insteati et at the adver- Valuable i-r upparnceetemjoyuî or srrun lit îmcndd vcy in clssof~iO~iOrate of truvel affordet ius an excellent IN DARLINGTON. hngs te sec thein doiîîg se w cil anmd keep- Inany of whonî w'cre buisiness mon like opportunlitv toeoxamnine tlic scenerx' asR dWot. iug cheertal ini spite 'b thve drizzliug the w riter seeking restv and reereatiomi. w'e w eut alomîgandîti te boQrne ne- 17 Anon- ohersw'cre Mr. W. Alexunderý quuinted with Our fellow' passengers Under antli by mirvue or tiue Trîis of lime ivi1 rains, togs and chilling' wnids. Mn. Ann'ohrWn'fo'or'rtoh .ormaîon m i mfl~l tvei eesti hr il i fee I.. of y Pblic Aucil-- our reveuge ton flicn'uy-they evijoed î Iene weuri-a t 9:3;,) tile, saine excu- Manitobua_________________________ ___________M.__ f'or îxhich ho roceiveti the plt n rECp-o aîga eiju ell themselves ixhen we -eie as miserablo iîg'ulattr n'restliug' -wifh the Custont "Dont hkitivoarseit." oi eas'r, DE-rnkinma l iossî. tHo For Seugog i1rDAgoimail ords ,as litee au ho matieluvhis ixorîi. l'copie offiiais w'e despatcedtioun îg'acte rioil iîipo x~ee D,5 crin at Sîîougmcnvoane romBo'ma e ANOc EDrelursent ire mattini] urserie Arve i Wnnpe w wreofBoleirug cnvvacefrm owa ( FOue 0 ce.Thelage i h ixho eau eut, drimîk at tk îrxteGetWsenIal'yaim antcuseaminsteteor lrtvin'e Fes'Rht Bu's Ycet.aIfaOn e vIetCoaraiffcoibhGforDimtot.osie erate.Saa-eco n'eafter r ndsu'outte poitîrthGes at Wesdg n ox le nitht wionlndourse ciy.ani our o aepcain, 'nct Sua..........wePtniorlnati e rîgbxtïaei Lukewarm Watr .....Two Gallons. -tees Transportation amîdiGemi lman(Isfrsruti o sit ih it usinmsîgi- giving, up al they hoiti deux uaîtisuceetirieîîds ut Oxtoî w ho hut inmet as ut the larie the cilin'ePôut bdorwavze extraDisadveothe putn astwarthplae fr, i ey egrUeTedvsaRdEia'.-ilýliO, internally, te the mency eofflic demizemîs inditganti eseorteti as tetheir ivl 'e x okorfrtle o ileum four heurs uni0 it ferments. ihea place on ice wbene nt rls.- hethi yor îmîîicaioîmatt. -ewilî sllow- IOV-'-Vwhe w toko4rfistlok cow Miniilopen sparkimg and deiciots. ions su" med atStevens Grandi enrl ijev. oearn gocrd mmoie,x,. So,,1101tecies i ot the rmig'htv deep,andci aurefuin ofli- 11omo eviere n'c felt 1t good teorest ag-ain'S tr e et. boîxci-, n'e took imn as toucît The root beer cait bcobtained ina aldrugand geo. bythe Lake. Full purticulurs fromu Mr for i- prtiei t -laîîii Suu&ivn!,. Ing but a palatal reoohtionarv ceuse- on ferra firuta. Since our arrivai in et the city as n'o coulti, seing flic ity e, Ioada etbtls uiaetoadCfod ariîoe& ,l

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