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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1895, p. 5

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A Sqâare Deal We are Here to Please. 18 what we give te every enstomer for we believe the besi ativertisement -possible is a woman weli clisse. 5Ve strive te give the best vaine in evcry - une we carry but just at fis season ef tise year we make a speciaty of Fine imprted perfunses. Ifye - ssent irief tbiss!ne yenu eau have ne idea of their richriess and p~- manence. Brin gyonrEhet- - le antiget smai quantity te iry thens. STOTT & JURY. Stott & Jury the druggists who carry .larger@ stock of spectacles than al the(r dealers lu town combined. Eyes tes-ted free by the only optician lu the couuty who has made a special study of o ptics, and holds diplomas from the threce leading Optical Colleges ln Amnerica, WIednesdays and Saturdays, Ice 'Cream Soda only 5c ut Stott & Jurys. Take your Ice Cream with Soda water f)oily -)c at 'Stott & Jurys, Wednesdays ~ and Saturdays. 10 pounds of Potato Bug Destroyer 25e. Býest lu the market at Stott & Jurys. Best Paris Green at Stott & Jurys. Try the new perfume at Stott & Jury s. Lemonade that eau be carried lu the poc-ket at Stott -& Jurys. (Very flue try it.) The vest pocket wili carry euiough to maake 20 glasses choiceLemonade. Stott &Jurys Drug Store, Sgallous of the great Temperauce Driuk eau be made with a 10e bottie of Extract at Stott & Jurys. THERE, 15 ONLY ONE OPTICIAN IN THIS COUNTY. Who has imade a special study et the nb-L-jeet avnd wvho holds dplosuas froin the three leadin.g colieges of Auierica. CýONSULTATION FREE. If your e es trouble yen cousuit hlm at Stott & Jurys. 31011 & JURIýY. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, BýOWMANV1LLE STATION. Gerça EAST. GerÇa WEST. .xp.ess.S8SM a. ni. 1Express .23 Epe . 1 .n.Local.8.. à Pas~ngr 30" Pas'eý(r 2 ). p.os oal7 04 p.rn. Exp)ress.ý. 7 46 Expres. 10 25 STOTT & JURY, Towni Ticket Agoents. BOWMANVILLE,ý'AUG. 21, 1895. Local and Otherwise. If vou want a good viol iiisoc ad. Blouse sets at Rielkard's-quiality good. Sewing machines at Rikards-see themi. Good goods for littie money at Riek- Machines needies, ol, etc., ut Rick- a rd's. MNrs. Duff, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. WV. H. Dustan. 1Miss May Reynolds, Toronto, is visit- J ing friends lu town. Miss May Batting, Toronto,is vi siting her cousin;, MissAllie Cawker. '1 Miss Penfo-uud, Powînanvilie, visited uit Mrý.,A. C. Elliott's, Brooklu. Messrs H. J. and Frank Nosworthy, Uindsay, have been visiting old friendb hi town. W",e have some genuine bargaîns for you,' eail and examine our stock. May- J nard tise Jeweller. St. Marks ecurch, Port Hope, is to hâve $5')0 lu improvements put upon the We would advise ail who -want to buv flrist class goods at a small profit te eaul On Msvuard the Jcwcller. 'Nirs. DeLapot and son and Mr. Win. RobnsetTooutsp utMonday in towu guesst tMr. W. McfKoman's. Miss Hattie Lunn, 2221 Palmerston Ave(., Toronto, is guest of Miss Annie Sýauniders, ut the East Enîd Foundry. Mr.P. C. Grant and Master George 01dViC of Rochester, N. Y.,' and Miss Mý. G ra ý'oronto, are visitin.g relatives Siiriniug u p ftise resuits of the receut piiarv xais tio hlrou'-hont the province, it has been found M~at wi per en.failed on arithmietic alone. A beautitul sideboard, Diingi? Table, ouband set of i)înin- Chairs, includ- îng ani arifiand a rockiiîg chair, ail for ýs ;.i 0)t Williams and, Sous' Furuiture FAIaNîGn.-WE. Ransav lu bis reoeeretre shed, incomparable, --Trip Arouud the World' suaguiticeut newviC5 p'ililughunsor in sons as only Rnmsai y eau Ï1resent theia. Re- '~Theo ao Co. lias just openled ont a shlipitient of fine Boots anti Shoes .notngto about $100. The lot lu- -ludes oeoetthe newest styl"andsi betvalues i Men's, W'oen s and Chilrens warthat have ever becs ~hon l ten.You are invitedto call und soe then. Tisa iet lîscresîse te thse Meclsodist clsîrch for tue year cîîdisîg lui June w-as 6,748 menmbers. Thia insbar oelt ptisais, w-as 14,914. Prof. Elier E, Iigell and failvsiyof Wiisdsor, and Mrs. Captaiti PuIlister, Puitnevvilie, N. Y., are the guests et Mrs. W/mu. Show, Port Dcniiiigtosi. Tise Domainions Unes S S "J ub)rader" moade a reiiurls-blv fsast trn otsliser lest s 75ago leasing Liv-erpool ug 8 arriv- issi is Qssebeces Ang. 1(;,-8 days. A lot et Dress Goods sellimsg off belon- cest ansd cisoice Drass Patterns ut about hait price ut thea eiearnii- -sale -going- on et Coucli Joiîstoîs & Cr darîssesîs. Mtr. L. T. Courtice et Tise Masen Co. leases tou-si te miglit te sseud c tss e ss-ueks' s-ccaticnis ssisitise rmgdansi ixautitisi oery et- Lake Meisplirena, OîsFaim isiglis Sept. 2lst, Jas. Fax anti otiser tavorites svili contribute te thaesujos mseîst et alus-io attensd tise Reo-el Taisilars' aisiual conscert os tise choya date. Pensoîs uvho tiiik et crossiîsg tise At- lanstic tisis v-aur slsouid sec or usrita to <M. A, JAAÏWs, Steaeuslp Agent, Bowv înanviiie. Rea]7resants bast Caîsudian an issnsemiccU Lnes. Sec iow' taa adollar uvili go ut Tise Musois Co's GrecerY i)apamtmnent. Tise departusant is g-rewin-- au a great rate ueuv face suveliîîg tise daily crosu-t, andi uew iuîducanients as epportimity pre- sauts itself are iseuîd te bring tisis de- Iîartîsîeît te tise front, Mm. J. J. Masen et Tise Mason Ce. is iin Toronîto uukiug a course lu Optics ut the Toronsto Optical Institute. Tise course is takan under the inustruction et the celahruted Dr. Hrnll, aîîd after its comiplatien Mr. Masoîs suiii hacii a pos- ition te test tise es-asiglît on tise iutest anud mîost scientifle principles. Tise Oakuu-ed corresponîdent te the Linidsay Post says :-"In Knsox Collage, 1Toremîto, by Ras-. Prof. CasTin, Ras- Laug-hliu Mceaîs te Miss Annsie Dames, this sicinity, Mm. MeLeuni is second sen et our teus-stuatsMm. Laughlin MeLean. Botiî are graduates et our higis elcol. Mr. MçLe,çis recently ýgradiuated frQM Knox college and licoeiedte preacîs, antiw-as cafied te Dumtrocu . rs. M'- Leanmi ias beautocimg utisapublie seheols, Teronto." A s-erY quiet -eddiug teck pîcecin W/ednesdalv evemiisglust wuhaîs Mm. T. H. McMuttnyof the W/ast End House. usas uni4ad lu biarniage us ith Miss Es- tellit McKeuîws. Tisecere-miums w us pemtormned ut 7 c'cleck is tise Methodist iclsumch liv s. C. Pamker. Tise bride usvas ves-abecoîniusgiy attirail is a bresu s travelliing suit ansdicumried a beautitul bouquset cf cmeam roses. The hsappy coupla ieft by the 7.461 exprmess ter the ew-ast ansd tubeý a trip unu the Muckisac s efore meturniiig te teuvu si-lerea anad- ,soisselsv funisimat home awuaits thaîn. sTino ý-rATE5,MAN offars heartiest ceuîgmat- nîctions andi us-shes Mm. and Mms. Me- It Murtmy a vemY happy and lîrespareut ew-edtlad lite. r Atter, the illness ef ever tisme ea ers. MNiss Anunie Knighlt, eldast daugatier of 5,Ms. Thsomas Kîiight, passed auvaY te bc ut reet oms Tlsîmsday moneiig last, at rths e etf 19 veurs and 3 montiss. She c la1 consumption cf tise boels and ai- tlsou,;h es-erthing w-as donc thut maîli- s cal sbill onid do she gmradnally becutut si-cuer. Tlha tuncrul which teck place it onSattirdus- from tise taiilv esidence, 's neeîs St. u-s uges tteutiai, fies -W/. Jolliffe effiiatin'. -Deceased usas of a cheemtul ansi brigit disposition anii bail a greut mucus- friands as w-as es- ýdencaulb, the «nîany beantiful fieral 1tokens sent. Sise us-as prepameti foi ddeathwh-iei tise end caine, hem g-reatest ýdesime suas tOut lhem loedcimes shosîli nîîseet lhem iin ieaven. Thetaiulc liavei Il tise ss-mpatlis-of ail in thair afflictionF ansd bemeavemont. Tihe neisbers of tise Y. P. S. C. P. et the Disciples',dlsurcis listesl us-withs hilcas urc tetise deliu-ered by evA. I)eBarrtt ois Souths Atiieieis msissionîs Meisu las- iut. It wass iîsîleed full et imtere-'t cidi îsormatioîî and sue wil hihm es-crys- scess il is Linumder- taltiig te procure laboerrs for thsat part ef Goîlss lises erd. Manx et enm citizens uttentles tise Sens etf Scotîcîsîl elbrutios ut W/hitby Memday anid repomrt a s-ry emjîsu-bie tisîse ai 'ong t,îe Settisis (lasîs. 1ýamipî Clvde madie ratier a fiule cîpaearaîîce is tlisecoins jtitiosi but tailed te us-luthc p ize t iîyOce t ttOc Irish alcîsîctt îe iedti te strongiv-. Oshasvalied ac siuiir ieioistra tî(1ienunder auspices et True Blues n a.s ais e -al attandsd. Mr. C. T. Paun igava a ver isterest- clg aistnstutis a addmrý,ýasut tihe Di- scpls' Chislat mdses-aîing om "lmitasis-sený;us Bdliss" Mr. Paul lues et isiemtiv giv-eu tise sui.lejt nsuch creful stud ' v'cs lise -as abla te isîs batorc lulit-amers cleurlu- the diffar- clisce hetus-cosutise w c religions, andt t show thse superiomity et Cîrsiîanits os-cm Buddihisin. AInice assemnblv et vouusg People ut- tsnded the Epweqýrth Lùague mueeting Msumssaviinit listh("is Mt1iodist dlsurelu. 'Miss4 Et1si Fe5ii sk edtishe~ss cmidi s-ual'l'fiveamîismua ppers onstisa teisie "Pîure W/cmtlure Tlseng.,,-sts and iPimme Ue Is," u m gsasbs-Messrs W. Chierryv, T. E. ilglîohm, and Dr. brimaceibe. Mis irence Tille y reîssired a pianoeso-oinl a iîîîlshed mans- lier. Mr. T. Smnlith i luait tlîe chair. A cordialinvitation 18 cxteuded te cil. Cousecrsticn meeting and roii eau unext wueek. Oh-IIdren Cry for' Pitcher's Castorla, 1 Rickard's stock is carefully bouglit. Mr. Je. Halpauy, Clintoîs, is lu town. Richard tells yen whut you are buy- ing. Garden City te Rochester, Aug 28rd $1.00. A nevelty lu sawing machines ut Rick- ard's. Beautiful silvar plate ut Rickard's (naw.) Fresh Sardines ut Heal Bres', only 6e a eau. Reilable time places et ail kinds ut Rickard's. Ne charge for testiug eyesight ut Rickard's. Miss Ethel Joness is visitiug friands lu Newcastle. Mr. Ed. Treuouth, Toronto, svas home over Sunday. Mrs. P. C. Trebiicek is visiting relat- ives lu Brantford. Indian, Ceylon and China Teas ,graat va'ue ut Murdech's. Tube your tamîly for a day on the lake Friday, Aug. 23. Miss Mabel Guard, Toronto, is guest et Mrs. W. E. Bennett. Rev. E. B. Barsias, Lexingtons, Ky., is visiting trieîsds ln tewu. Mrs. E. J. Saunders is visitiug her tather and mother ut Gorria. Parasols selliug off ut cest price ut Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. An eight day dlock tuliy guaranteed for very lîttle money ut Riekard's. Mrs. W. Clemeus is visitiug ber daughter, Mrs. Robt. Sylvester, ef Lind- say. Master Wsllîe Hamlyu has returned frein a pleasat visit svith friands in Wlitby. Miss Eus. Houston, et Toronto, is visstîng friands ini Bowiauville ansd vicinitv. Mr. Chas. Keith, jr., forensan et The New s Printiug Office, is speîsding a sveek at Coîbomne. Missý Evu Heiiyar and Miss Lana Bart- lett, are visiting Mrs. W. Qiiackaseibush, tNewtonville. Prints for 5ecsvorth 10e asd prnts for 8c svorth 121_c ut Concis, Joeston & Crvdermau's. fHeul Bros. h7sïve Îust recels-ad a nice lisse of biscuits wbich tisey are efferino ut very low prices, Mr. Rtobert Chîristian dîed ut bis home ini Port Perry lust -weak uaged 42 years, trous coîssumption. Tomouto 's assassinent isas decreascd this yeur by $12,000,000,owing te cuttiug off výalues et sacant lands. The Y. P. S. C. E. et Triuitv church lsad a s-ery aisjoy able tisse ut their pic- sie ut Port Darisgtoîs, Frîday alter- neen. .34-1w. DIED. Bsi,ît.- Ou.itlite 2ti of JuIvs]>, slseuis-. at StnetîcisI, ues ui ,Naiuclester, Eîuglassd. iutu li5s 78t1s y car, JoeinîuBstkey , faîlsur of Ros'. R. A5. Blkey, rector, et Beus-uuauvilc. R -01Tî,t.-Iuu Bouu-îuusIxile. es11Alui-suuqt SSfii Auie Rulntilui uiurt, edurit dauciiiev of Tlîouus auîi la'thi Ruigo, 'g-si19 y-iare,2 suotlis. MARRIED. M.-M lu iti t' iîtiwz. A theuellhiolisi tîsuriliIlsu ,ia onulu- cileics-ses in st Aii i- "s;. usRex -C. Pr-n 't. T. Irt. l,is titry au,! 3si sEte'ie StiiOcouvo, ail cf Boriuavile. Jsîlv 17. lix-lis-. Chaies MeKili);, B. A., RIls. cu i ri' Hnît n ision oftlise Preelus teiani eliirclu, '5aetLeosl, Ai e-and,,].essue, ci(i --t uaugli-rot tenues Silgar, Esuj., etTeroîsi , toruuurly et Milllss-ok. BORN. -Puas- p-In Ty reîe on Aug. (;tfli tisu-ife cf Mr. Relit. t'liip, of a solis. Bs u.,s.-Iui Paiîiie,n nean Leong Szulut, Au- i7ti, th ise sttfutlMr. Joins Bycrs, of a souu. C ss'at.t.. Ii Cou,1s uiulule, CI lce, A lmg. 12t , the wife of NMr. Mm. Casus-cl, of a sou. CxmFitç.-Iîi Clarke, on Augusith.t'ie us-f,- of Jamues Camerous, cf a daugliter. 'Gises.-Ii Clanke,,oi Âug. iffhi, iii us-le su- WVius. Gîbsous, f a sou. . PETET.-In Bo'mnv!lic ,i the uv5lc-of M. Tiarry Petley, of a se,,, Ileal Bros.--Cash Grocers. Spectacles properly fitted at Rickard's.1 Musical dlock at Richards-a bargain.f Rich-ard understauds the eye-Cali on hrn., Rickard's goods are the best the mur- ket uffords.f Mr. W. Kerr, ef Torouto, was home over Sunday. Miss Lily Butt, Toronto, is visiting friends lu town. Miss E. Braden, Busselîs, is visiting friends lu towu. Miss Estella Philp, Port Hope,is visit- in- friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Boyd and son Ross, of Toronto, are visitîng uat Mis. W. R . Climia's. Ladies' Jackets and Capes selling off ut exactly hait price ut Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. WANTE,-A Young Man to learui the Dru g business. Iliquire ut THEs STATESMAN Office. Riekard has a most elegauts stock of ,watches ail very best suakes and every watch ftully guaranteed. ,Messrs. H. Archer, A. Hunter, aud W. Taylor, ot Toronto spent Suisday visitiiso. friands lu town. Mr. Josiali Butt, Clinton, father et Rev. W. Il. Butt ut Cestrulia, died suddanly on Aug-. lith. of apoplexy. Onlv $1.00 te Rochester on Aug. 23. Tuke vyous lunch and eîjev a sailion tise lake. 'Leas es Bowasanv ie ut 8 ar. Mr. Fred Parker anti friessd Mr. Nai- siith, efthtie Ontario Agriculturai Col- lege, Guelph, are truests ut Rev. C. Parkar 's. The "'Royal Ouks" of this town defeat ed the "Cupjitals" ef Toronto is a gaine et base bail on Moîîday last by a score of 31 muns to 13. Rov. Wm. Jolliffe ansdMr. Jamnes Gil- fillan preached two o-ood serinossis thse Matlsodist charch §iuuhay, the paster beinug ut Gisby. Mrs. Nomîheote will resouiïe teachirîg musie on Sept 3rd. Anyvo1se wishiugte tube lassons will pieuse maike applica- tien betore tîsat diate. Mr. Jesse A. Janses has been speîsd- ing a w-%eek with a very p!easaut campiîsg party at Boyce's Lasissgii- on the Otets- abee River, nesîr Rice Laite. THEo STATESIM x invites ail its readers te ceuitribute ail iteuss et a persoîsal nature, suds as výisitors,,wecdîngs, etc., that its celuiinsîs iuiay be kept sniterest- ilito. Mrm. Franîk Cernisis, forciais ettise eparing departinoîst et Ri ies immensse jewvellery estublishînent lu Toronte lias been giiest etfiis brother Cessîcillor L. Cerisih. Commsrandant 1H. Both assisted bv Heatdquu<rters staff band wiiccnuê spcia, salvatiesi sers ices ut Corbett's Pent Casip ci Satuîdaýy assd 8Sssssday, Au- 21 ansd 25. New Di-pis Goods for Fall arsýisiL dailv ut The M),ason Ces 'sîsisiiith De- purtîneutul Store. rlsree sioticeuble feattires are these, sossest b-oods, iiew styles, less prices. Tise Garden Ctv wsl smiais cxýcii- sien te Roelsestu'- eis Friday ,Assg23. Rounsd trip tic1sýets 81.0J. Boatr louves Bowninsî sle at 8 a. ini. sisarp. Tickets fer sale ut w harf. Tise Cartwrighît Agricsitairal ei etv's Fali Fuir w iii be held et Blaeck steoniMeisdav ansd Tuesdus ýi., Sept. 1C) aiih17, and w iiihaeopensste tise Pro- svince oet Çnttrie. W/e shew a fiie ranîge et Parasels su iehs w e hav5e iîîpo'tcdd sirecty faisthse m-ak]ers anl w e guaraisteo tliesss ite be tise best valin tie traclo. Concis, Joluisteis &.Crvdterîian. W/e are pied te sec Mr. E. B. Buriies' smiiiiiîg face osnce muere aînesg ns afttr ais al)sesîce et tw e vears, aud his naaîss trinds w ere dlOeIw itii bis adlîsirý aide addross Ssd sOsis- Ilev.T.W. Jelitto Lhas geson o).a uhert vacatien ttip, duriîsg wlich uniie lie will de a littie busin1ess'at H aisiten, andt visit bis a-ed parents' et Avois, nour W/e have beous lu business tourteer years ansd -sve fail te flud any te sav thui sve uisreF-resýeisted anythiisg we sehi, ivi are still golung te stay witis yen, we art net here for a littie whiie. Maylisar the Jeweller The Mason Ce. are now sho-,ing ti.e flîsest und largest range et Worsteds, 1patternsasrse choice, -the styles nesv prices the lowsiet ai-d made teO suit vos by a first class cutter. Sec, tlisea. Mapla Groe S. et T. are saising big preparatiesîs for tise opening et tbie new bail? ou Fridav Au 0' ~A iîasvest > soîne sup}ser wili be sers-ad in tise aven- geg-cnsistiîsg et chieken pie and (sîba] '0oedtliîîgs atter sihicis afirst ciass con- cert wi haheid ini ssisih soe aoetthe ieading talent oes district wlill take part. The Bates' Estata wus sold te Mr. E. Belîmnan fer $4,505. Heal Bres are payiig 13 ets a dozen for egg-s Ibissveek-. Mr. Lorua O'Dcii et Guelph is guest ut Mr. J. B. Mtchel's. Mr. Lewis Pasea et Toronto visitad triends hera lust w eeh. The Bowusiauvilie lHigh Sehool wiil ra- open Tuesday, Sept 8. Mr. Geo. Allun lef t yestarday moru- ing for the NomîhWest. Messrs. Frank and Norman Northeote et Toronsto sycre home Suuday. Tube the Garden City te Rochester, Friday, Aug. 23, Returu ticket $1. Coffees,reasted on the premises, alss ys fresh and best in tesvî, ut Murdochs's. Mrs. J. B. and Mr. W. F. Trayes, Port Hope, are visiting friands lu town, Mm. ai-sd Mrs. H. Harrison, et Buffalo, N.* Y., are visiting their aunit Mrs. C. L. Munsosi. MJARRIAGE LICENSES issued by W. Bi-maxi, Eiiiîiskiiicn. 28-6oi DRESSMAKING donc by Miss' Martha 5'eate, Cor. King aisci Ontario street. IRO0F SLATING.-C. L. Munsois, Bosnr SvleSater, Feit and Gravel Roof- er. 3-lyr. TTAIR /OK.Ladies w ishing hair .Ldoeos, catiai Mss. DjcKjus soi, KIIsg street,.W ., Bousilsalisuie. 25-f. T'-jO YOU WANT A HOME-If yen do ..Lfappiy tb T. BunGaMîrfor a suce soiîd Sriek cottage ciîesp andon easy teris. 35 if. MUSIC-MLSS MABEL TAIT is pre- LýLiîred te teaci, Msseeos Orgp ii, Pianso or Violin ai ler owni or papii's resideisce. 28 tf. F ORSAL, A estdesirubie buiid- ing ot ttîaîcî ouDivsion st., iliiefiwilis Irnt ncessu grî,esins.For pariclars ap- ply le Mlise. Toi), Div'isions sti-cef. 83-21 F ARM FOR SALE OR RENT-Good -V100 acre faris for sale or toreist, jnstoeitside tise town of Bownsans ilie, ausi 200 acres ini the 'Township of Cartwrightr. Aîîîîy tb TeesiAs tlssessIAu, box 72, Boi nuavil ie. 36 if. 0 0 The, White House JEWELLERY STORE. Stîli leads in bargains ha ving sold ail or nearly ail goods that were slightly damaged by lire, wa are nouv showing a linaetf dean first elasis goeds. No soft or biistared goods. No trash picked Lip at clîeap auction roorns in the city and palm-4 cd off on the publie as good goods sold ceap. WVe buv our goeds frein good reliable isouses and salli tîeni 10 par cent abovu-, eost. Ail us-e ask is a cati to couvisîce yourselft et real ganisse burgains in first elass goods. Our svork alus ys gives the best et satisfaction andîl ue do il ourseit, uve don't have to sand it ont of touvu. Issuer oet Marriage Liceuses. MAYNARIJ, Be WMAN VILLE. THE JEWELLEII. Go to RICKARD'S for there you can get bargains,genuine bargains every day and l o date in ail the latest f ash- every hour of the day. None but the best goods kept in stock. Eyesight tested -without charge. T. N. RICRARD, Watchniaker, Jewcller sud Optilan, eatis Biock,. LIVERPOOL, LONDiONDERRY ANlD MONIBEAL- u WidL nauN ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. Frons Frons Froni Liverpool. STEAMS!HIPS. -Montreai Qucbe Daq liglit 1)a. ni. 'MQNGOLTA7t14 3 Aiig. 3 Aug, NUMIDJAN 11) ri SARDINIAN 17 58 1,LURENTIAN 24 lt , PARISIIAN 3 1 Sept. ]RATES 0F PASSAGE. C ABIN ,inle lon 5, uw st]Reins n- front .10,upwards. 1 SECOND CABIN. To or Irons Liverpool, Lonîdondierry, Beifast or Giaseow ......................., ,_ - Ileturii Tickets, ai os cports-.ý........... . To or freniLon mio.........-..........5.> Chikiren hi etsveen 51andi h years...lait Farc. Infants, frec outti was3s. Stecrage at liewest rates. For further ;aLrtieoiars apply to 1q. A. lAmrls, - Allan LUne Agenit, Bwsîvic Bîxi sou RTWINE-Bilue Ililbon -uiss c'5 i ft to the lb, Pure Maiilla 560o ft, and lied Caf 550 ft. A full lina fron3te to7 ets perlbaRd Worth's, opposite tise Ontario Bank. ions, tlîat is our reasou for sacrificing goods. Give us at catll and sec goods and prices and be convinced foi- vour- self. MRS. DONCAnSTER. BOss-SANvILLE. CANADIAN PACIPIC RY. LA BORERS' Te ail Points West of Winnipseg to upon pi-oper Certification pa ss- eng-ers w-hil be retturued to start- ing Point on paynent cf '$18. T. E. HIGGINBOTHAM, Agent, Bowmanville Its Aill Talk... Mluch of the Bargain Advertisements of the time is pure sham. You wiIl save far jnore money in a year by dealing with a reliable house that studies your needs, than by investing in catch penny mraik down. Wqe Bel"ieve that our system of doing business is appreciated frorn the fact that our trade lias steadily increased. We buy the best goods the market affords, for cash, and can therefore save you money by dealing with us. We are showing a fine lune of canned goods. Campers will make a note of this. Telephone connection. Goods delivered promptly to any part of the town. BOWMÀ TAITE Rifles, $2. Revolvers, $s. Lowest I, ices 1or reliable gosis; send ter catalogue. W. BOYD &SON, Mou mmxi., F ARM TO RENT For a tarin etfv cars, i... Glisdîn'300acres 2nsuCes freoin Wliitby, ceet buildinsgs ami soi!; admnirable for stoeck or dairs-. Chanîce for goiîig exteisivei 'v ie To- ronîto nilk busines or stock raieissg for Ainei- ci arks . Mess uitliIis . ti euiiice a sY. J . H1. Dcwv, Wllitisy. -AGENTS WANTED-Faresers suant- inn lîad\ .iive steo-k se îiit ibis coni5 in- li uvp ferh ti s-srk. W e Nus-citntieil, 'ilrs-sdex -sor coîsuai sisei. W rite at essece for nr ir 'fernIati'sn. BusuOI uNeRs. i. s75PxlY, i>iiiiii. Nuis-ries, Tiscosto, iOit a r i.io3.s W ANTED-Good, sellai la ren ian I dîesnsiest eau, ios nient for (5 s >le G'rms-eNs, i < Waterioo, N .Go Sl î,c-icsice scstrs-j ir'. tislre O ey io5) e.- Ail 's odes irsi cisis.:5'Vriteat i îe fer tes-na'. Tiiensas, Ciii. ]3?OOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED.- L.A.KLi.,-i , isoc sud sloeiia.r, Biniiner's Olti Stanid, tlianks theeitiizc'ýssfor ilicir liberil patronuage fiiiihe paît, ,.id, Iby jreinîst attentioni to bo-lissa iii odOu hiuiluilones to tHI iccrit a shasr et tiscir us- rk. Ail khis's ut> 'ie anssiei 7t ~aindi res'ptly ireiidcd. Gu e lus a trisaîi die su il coiisssice yeîî iisîi uslai lie slys je trîse. KingSt., By nushl.20 if. w ANTED 1HELP-inen or n eseen In e-ri ciltv l -4or tiavi.liis-)te istroie -s ieus-dis'-euers-. ansîkeesi osirslios cad sceissisIre e:-, es saîîslbri, e sin mi-iiso siir .i1er smnnth andî >siises e For partisisisrs wsu- Ti-i ,î.MEDIî Ec- Tic ICe., P.C. box 221, Luissîei, Ont., Casi. 37 if. W ÛOL ! W/OOL! Tie undersigncd .s Dowi iiîiieto îsîy teIl i helsi cashe Prie for '-oeil ee ns WOOL deu i-cii tt ls inilI at tàiauie. Brig oîr uvooliniiisocîs as slijaresi and sas ý yonrseiu-es froîns lrinilage. To riiese ulîe us-slite exeisige for goode spei- !li terniss w111lic e s i. Thilziig tubîihlie for tiîeir liberal iatrissise ini the <ast aud sol jeit- in-g a eîîinîuasse eof thîe saine, I remnjîs.u olieiieîit sers aii. D. TAYL OR. 2i Ste. FAMFOR SALE-A frst cluss tcrm of 15acres or 14.5 acres sitnatcdin iithei Tous-îîliîî of Eisst Witby, ist coii. lois l75 and 16 ou tlîe Base LUne, ahuii t 54miles Iron s Oslsus- statiehi , 2 suites frein Wtitiy andîl60 1rodas froin thie sctidoeliuse. Large roosiv bsillissgs, nîin I)aro î53)tt mleuty Of fruit, sou deay Icaîsi, ai- ýtugeijer meeof tue lest grain tamis ou the- Lakze Shcre; iso Mils snd îtoiîi-s. Abîout, 10 acres of usoeil. 75Sacres in pîastcuu-e and ei sesedeil. rTii-nis easy; ir8t îiicwiiug dloue. For for) lier -i îîatiiuars'appily te A A,-is, Osisaua. 37-If. 1 See'yý Treas. Tite Psiiuic Sehocls et riue iouuuî su lhl e-opus ou« MON DAY, Septem ber 2. nute Tu sIltuc.9 cudu ssi ie e' ii c i n s attr la e ons tlwseriset dsîcuOnii Tuîsîhax ail thie phssîls ire ( exps ricl 0 in lstuseiiliiv(sucs hai riue suerk oethîe lt-rniuay lucgiu i utluoîuf &JcIVs. S. Bu is),,x, Having fuly clecided to cleaîî up oui- stock we will give you lgooàs at vou owni prices for the next 30 days. It does flot pay uis in our business to carry ovet- goods as tinîe goes ou fasiîion chanoyes aud to be in the trade nîcans to be f ully up 7Prepare f or it by M Sgetng your sup- w-plies at "BIG 201, w-A f ull assoî'tnent - iiof ail reqviisites. Z 1 1 irirn  n - - -i an

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